CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Sep 1906, p. 2

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tMr. aud Mmr H. E. Malman am mov- ,f ng their hou»ebold poode Into their reuldeuce un North Main 8t, where they wrill beoat home to their mas>' frienda ralier OctSl. w Mr. and lirs. Cap. oriswold bave re- >turned fram a week'a viait with Wauke. 1gai relatives. 8 Messrs. Otie Potter and Elmer Duere attended the bail gaine at McBenry San« iday. Mfr. and Mmre L. B. Weber, of Chicaga, Were gueste at the home of the latter'@ @inter, Mmr. P. L. Harrison the fi rst of the week. Mm. 0. M. Fitcb. of Grayelake. visited XMroe Cook, wboi auiiered a relapse Mms. V. D. Kimbali, anti daugbter, ~laa* week ia reported gstning agaiu. B..atrire, are eîsrnding the tv-.Yk with TUe ises. Sasina Reymolde and Rose Chicaga relatives. Jeute, Of McHeiry, were the gueste ofIDrJo.lwo acage he Xm . Ions Golding Monday, .ffi-e quartersta the rouaie above thoe formeil>- oecupied b>' llîti. and wililibe R ev. 8. F. Woulfe> wae the guest af Pleaseld ta welcome hie patients in hie Se,. Fr. Burns, ab 'Chicago Hïeighto DCw locatin. Uioaday snd Tueeda>'. Mies Nettie Murray, af Chicago, epet Mb. Lucy Sowi e@ asreturneti frain Saturda>' and Sunda>' ut lier haine bers. Sw hem ebe bas heen empl :d;t1 Pttrtrauekbted bsnesat pasitbree monthe. ibertyville Monda>'. *.C. T-. U. MEtTS by Rev. aud Mrs. Walton, wbo are ATr GRAYSLAKIE Mr. Bui-ge and lierloyal carpe af - warkersinluGrayelake hadl Planned Office,.. Elated for Ensuin Yer- well fjor the enterlaininent of their Session is lrterestimg one-Mrs. guesîs and a gond dinuer and supper C. J. Just Heads Organization. were eerved lu the cburch paroro. Another Pieaeii>g littie Incident was The annual convention of the Lake anl Invitation ta the delegates to visit Vounty W. C. T. U. wass eld at the dry goode store of tMr. (iodfrey. -Grays l#ke Manday and T edyo a bustling yaung business man. Eacb usy0!lady who acce tebeInvitation Wa" thie week. Monday afternkoon was au:l presented wtb a pretty souvenir afi «lecative session and lu the even-1 the day. The convention was decid- ing Rev. Walton, pastor of the Grays-, edly a enecesesand the outlook for Lake Congregatlonal church, gave 8. the year le god 11» addreee. Tdesday- mornii' wre Mme Viola Barge, the president, Power of the Cartoon. cailed the- convention to order therel The cartoon leoaine ofthte mot pu. WUs a gond representation of dele-! tent educative agenclee lu the wanld Unités ad vistors from the live- unu ta-day.-Mllhurne ltoview of Re. ,kme of th county. The monlng ses- views. sia. acide efoin tbedevotionai eer- vbW wasspent lu llstenlug to reports The Lake County Field D)&y. et 01111er.sud suporintendents, ail of Lake Count>' Feld wlth the patron- '*bi* i owdProgres lutbe work age of soclet>'Pepe ofaChicago, Lake ot the rariand a gain ln member- Forest and the entire north shore, t IP 1. wlll h. beld et the ILihertyville raceo At thie opeulng of the aflernoon ses- track nert Saturday aiternoon. The sat a commemioratlve service wat Prograin offered le the muet uniquea heu lu memory ot the White Ribbon-i ever arranged aud the tact that theD «Se Of Che count>' who have died dur- proceede wlll go to tound a perma- -ing the Yser. Those who wsre re- nent summer home for elckly cildren »mfb6red were Mis. Cordelia Jilson. assures an enormaus crowd. 1 F M.JasasteSkeus, lre. Wm. Yager The pan of toundlug a permanent,0 Mdi Mms Julia Clarke of the Wauke- summer home for poor, city tots h 2"a Union; MM. Rose, of Guruee. wbo do not know wbat II, le to breathe t PMi-evto10the election Of olicers Pure air and enjoy the dellghts of XM Jane Ormsby, of Gurnee, read outdoor ]lite, orlginated wlth Mns. Ar- 0, histor> of couuty W. C. T. U. work thur Meeker. lire. Ogden Armour sud trosa ts beginning lu wbich she pald lirs. MedIli McCormlck. Land along trIbtes 1 th oflicers who have led the Desplaines river wlill 1 purcbased ~'Organisation durlng ,pust .ears. and a building eîected. WEresuhiof the election was as 'fol*. The urnie. M or gatrdav laIn seva: Prealdot-lirs. Jene JosI. Wau- VIes Presdent-lira. Jane Orineby, eowrdlng sud Cortesponding Sec- vr'ty-lira. Jennis A. Millet-, Wau- Treasurer - lre. Mary Druses Drews.LARe. Audtor-lira. Ada Whltmore, (lut- ne&e Superlntendents. Evsnglltlc-lire. Celestia Tbomp- sou, Wanksgan. L. F.vT-Mlre. Jeunue A. Miler, Wiokegsn. r:Mothere' meeiugs - lirs e.t ,~We.Waukegau. Sanda>' Scbool NWork-Mr. Ni. 0O Porions, Waukegsu; Mm. Wallon, -aumocats. rayelake. PYi'sbee-lrs. Josîs Rogers, Wsu- keffn; Mise Aima Rose, Gurues. Enfoncement' ai Lav-Mne. Adamns, Grayslake. Emlroad Work-pdrs. Mason. Liber. tyvMle. Anti'Narcoit-ms.tîeeîie Hgr- vs>, Orayelake. Flmowet- Mission - lMra, h.uciuda Brown, Oayelake. IL T. L-Mrs. Emma Mineke>', Waukegan. Non-AlcohahIt- ledIcaîon-lirs. Et- t> BUta. Libertyrîie. *Temperance ilerature-Mise LoIs ObePard, (lames. fair Wotk-Mt-a. ',lil Burge, ,GmYalake. * ASncats-Me.Charti>'Raugbt, Mary Payne. Medmi Conteste - Mm. Louisoe 9 Uepard; assochaîs, lire. Mary Lake. The. COL-entlau chsed vltb the re- POrte Of cmititees vbich outiued the Pli e! vwork far the yesr. The caun- t>' preeldent viii attend the elate con- >*astlon ahtliatton October 6.9 and -bsObm ck a report vhicb viii be SIVM eo 0 sth union of the count>' lu aà eODntion echo meeting. IR thq ereung a gold inedal cou- testu lucharge oflire, taulses Sbep- ai drew m fiue audience. Tht3 con- 45lttn ers: Miss MMryBrave, Ms Jane Orutsby, lirs. Jenuls jusi, Mies Mattie James sud lins. Celez- tia Thompsou. Mise Brave vas ivirdted t@ medal UPou a Germas dialuet elecilonI bicit she ten- desmi la a mont Creditabls manner. T'h* S*eut as PrnOI3uucsd iy tos. »IUSiteou of the ver>' bout.Al0 the Ïggfttnureceived mach prases. A »WsiDg VaM*titu 10te evealng rOpM U. th e fi"ue sjaenderol4 bauds of Cbicagoe beet kuovu go- ciel>'min. Alltbe crack amateur s3portsmen of Chîcago sud uearhy suburban clubs ' in partîcipate. Tiiers villIlbe a steeplechaseover a mils aud a bal! course for geuntle- inu iders. Saine of the beet lin- ber-toppers lu this Part of the' coun- irY, bhicb viii b. exhbbted lu the Chicago Horse Show at the Calîseuin building, Cbicago, Octabe- 29 to Na- veuiber 3, wvil be entened. Tvo races for Polo poules. one ai hait a mile sud the other at tht-es furlonga, ans ou tbe card. These races whli be t-un unàer the direction of Prederic McLaugblln, the crack Polo Player of the Cnventela Club., Haruese race. lu vhich John spian sud olbe- famous drivers vilI bold the relus are belng at-rauged b>'Pt-s- Mdent F. E. Mat-eh, ot the Ulbertyville D)rivlng Association. A number of test traitera sud pacers nov stabisti ai the trsck vilI be eutered. Tht-es automobile races wiul also bes Aecideil. These are under the dIrec- tion O! W. W. Kelth. Tbey vili be for cars llsted at $S,500 aud unden; for cars leleil at $2,500 and aven sud for naciug cars. Saine of the hest kuovu sinateur drivera as wel as pt-a- feselouale vIlI bc seau on the tmatk. William E. Skinuer, vbo fon years bas mansaged the aunuai futeruatlon. aI Lire Stock Exhibition, la general director of thie field day sports. fHe bas arrauged lu bare the liraI etent On the progrant declded at 1 otclock. At 12 O'clock lunceon vîli bes erved lu lte diulug rmain unden the grand stand b>' a weil kuovu Chicago citer- et-. Man ' PmrOnIlnent socil>' woin are arranglng ta give luncheon par- ties ai lte track hefore--lte sports begIn. Speot-l trains yul be t-un ou Chi- cago, Milwvaukee & St. Paul nalIroada sud ounlte Chicago & MUvwaukee fluetmt iaiPlva>' 10 Lîbertyville, Our WantAis" are, .Brioging Resuits to Others llow .About'-You? ONu Ki8g, et KsooohuW ent Bandar' wlth hin pamete hb. Mrs. W. Ricb va. arit>' viier Monda>'. Mis FlouIs Rudolpb tram tbe city enjoyed a fewdays at te home of ber at, Mis. A. J. King. Principal A. Wiimingtou vas a gOItee ar bfis oncle. F. Wilingtou at Grayelake FSonda>'. 9 Mr@. L. Roder Tlsited withblber motber, Mire. Nîcholi at Leigliton Sunda>' who le ver>' ill. Mis@ Lottie McBride. of Palatine, visited ai ber haine hem Saturda>' and 3Sunda>'. Mise Auna Croiikbite bas mturned haine atter the past seasan'. vigit at the haineoailber sieter, Mrs. F. Sbaddle in Denver, Cala. Mr. Sharmen wae veleomed haine here Thursda>' alter an absence of twa 1years lu Texas but lutende ta returu there aalu joan. Mr@. Pattsand daaghter Georgiana i ii takre op tlîeir abode lu the cii>' for the wiuter alter s4pending the sommer 1hem ai the Sharuten home. John Halcoînl igl atteiiding sciîo(Al t Highland Park. Mr@. J. H. Cranklîilte entertained ber Sister, M-. Brown, of Waukegau, one day af ]ast week. Mm. Dr. lCareon leit latit wesk for the ct-l> where shie will stay util winter. The liàdies Aid wili meet wtb Mr. W. Rieh Wednesdav, Oct. 3 at 2 o'elock. Mis Florence Sharman wvil lieave son for St. Louis where she will attend the Art ,kudlu. Mm d~erge Rase hi buebaud. lu hi@ travelo nortbern etates until Chriâ Mfr. aud 11m. tee Wai taiuing a ni" f ramn Chics4 Ladieà 01the Aid enjoyf Frank Kuigge*e grave ut Thureday or a! lt wepk. Mie Aitinette il.." se aud gundav here wirh lber G. I)iedecand eau Wa P'ark and brother tram th a! thé Central Saturday. Gleorge Ritîke wlîa lias with appendicitis injel bptter.rtI Fred Beaeh tvas aunIV litet Saturovaînd tunday. Mm Hubbard, af Li vieiig with frieude hem fI MieIda Bidoru. af CL goe3t Ôf HenrY (irabbe's week. Adamn Bebi i.building i the barri on thetarin whici of Mn.. E. A. Dean. Mir. aud NMm. Foekett Daniels ut Palatinue Tuo wveek. Rev. Ziegler won callec Frida>' of last veek b>' the oui>' sInter, MimsCarie Ziegler Wa@ ewl known having rlslted hem sereral te last two yeame. Tie exteuda itseymparhy ta ci tiI bi@ great borrow. llertel's Park1 IIALF DAY. G.ld Metd lgivec -lady end gentlema d Music bu llerttes C Everg Accomnm LONG GROVF MisEmma eller, of1 w&A at home an a vaction 1 Mr. aîd lMr@. Fred Meyer rélatives tram Palatine ïSund Z and Mrs. Heur>' Pep Zeh, were ihe gussis of VIW fainl>'Souda>'. Mm. M. 8char aud sou Buffalo Grave were Long Orc lasi Frida>'. AugètMeyer sud tamihi day wirelatives at Highlai Miss Auna Oie, of Libertys a vacation witb ber parentei A-large number of eole Grave atieuded the =msoni at Plume Grave gaturda>'. lain Fehiman and fainil>', i Lelliffl e a th noekofidr an M.Chas. Sienupel rowenhi>. Misses Carne sund Emma Wolf, of Lake Zurich vitre visitons hem Sanda>'. Miss Erma Rilmuties. rsunned tu Napervîlle at Tuesda7 ta moumme ber etudiseai tbe colioge. lin. Hensai maid a lady melatire,.of Chicago, vere tbe guelte ai the formera@ iter, Mm. M. Umbdsnstock over Son- da>'. There wilI ho no service at the Evan. gllem cburc net Suda>' -sthe rton ve. J. Bossais, vii take prtnth: meetings at Prairie Vlsv. Mr. a u4 MmE. Rolimoyersirtlo .*rlatve frlaGilmer Smd@W, HafDay, Illnois Telephone Central Mi" Emma Nlthlàlespendlng a f6w weeks vletlug retives ant]other rienda in Palaine ai promspt. MisesGrace Vaiom'gs lasemates esur- prieed ber on ber birthday aud a@ a mark of their esteeni premented ber a beantifùl tipoon. Mr». Chas Sture in on the slck ilet at present. Thîe engagement of iesi Emma Koubler and Adoiph Godkencit ba8 heen announced.. Tbe party given i tie It.-yers hall at Plomb Grave was a esi e" eerou bail a good tien@ good iuffeand danc- log. Mm. Paddock return.-,l troiii lier out- ing With relative@ ln Motiienee Maiiday bavîug bail a ver>' nie@ tnîne. Mise LuceilePaddock -îiiîneîîi-elier echool dutis Sept. 24uinte St-hjiîuiiberg renier public e"oui. Mir. and Mm. gweeîwpv andtiMaster Marehal, of Chicago aiea Sir. Spaulding, frieude af Mr. Rouse were guemte at .1. B. Shierdinge arer Sanda>'. teMr. andi Mmr. Baumgarîen ..itertain..l guestiq frainChicago aver Sulîitay. As you know fully oechalf the carbonavaîhlce foi heat ln soft cool in gis, -tih entire g»s àuPPIy mled for fuel aud illumination iu many citie s ad tovs bcfing madIe froin common soft oeil. The ordinary atove iu bnrnlng soft cool ailows Ibis gas hal f othe fuel ta pas. up the chimney Unbtirnd, thon wasting it as a tint producer. 'ois OrigialMot Blat Steve. by meanis of the patent&l Hot Blast draft and other Pstcntcd fcaturcs,,djstlls tii.gus froin the upper surface 6f the =1a. tihilzlng ilas. a heat producer alOng with the fixed carbon or coke lu thc coal, thus burniuig ail thq coal. Thu là wtiy ' - oe'ls 1O:riginal saved tun Deollrs aud inakes a ton of common $.00 soit ceai or - lignite do thse werk of $9.00 wortb of bard eai. X'our oid siove and imitation'Hot Blsa are not air tiglit, do flot save the escapung gases sud do not give you a warm bouse at nighit. Vou cannot afford ta soy ta yourself -" My old slave wili have 10 do thij wiiitcr.1't The aid atove is eating up thc pricc cf a new stove every ycar. Not oniy that, but on top cf ttie cool is the unsatisfsclor result it i gves. Il la alwaya ul the codest morning. Even Ileat Day and Nlght-Flre Neyfer Out Coles Hot Bisst ia so pWrect, lu construction thal Bire ing wîîî aurn rwa antnree naurs wih te fuel put un the as jaiued ber ________________nigbt before. No ottier slave dae Ibis. Fic, tierefore,, thragb he VEMrLT - never ge out, and the maoins are kept aI. au avec tcrr- virli fnietidestderelatIvesperatiaro a&lthse tinw. ren are ente-r. is Mary ieos vislteov er Spuda>'0.1 IA A TH- deici. h - Ra. . e Mau, af Chicago,. elent Suna>'Wuaî.yeîgnir.tidcyte. o in ithhie Arbr tau.Msi.«e. ieuh soft o.cior lack. ear l',aucandaJhn oueiii, iri-d -W. 5.iaMUÉ" Cole'sRi letIn lus, 10 lea ehb iar t1 fhr tg à*trie-o spee to teir ome n te Ciy. -. a(au &y lise mer..made wth in c... hatlng eoc6o-s lir sd m.toh laîîhîe -eiro-d3 W. gscmc..îee bsi the rissu. os b. hi-ed frno..n t- haï-be-. ah .t ol trhan u lact og it ib ilte gfi tanl or bard cmol p-utin thb.e ms their oeug h.!o. 1ît-î Saurda The - - I Hetlad14mno rl -eftZatne the b. tase cll ld Ir('ci to ýti Cnet3tho,,,, ater. The Me Dv Lnssehed niel .nMtstîîpaint ih! ,eI tii aisn.1 tIlt-, a! ogersDay lnishd an audîy îaitiug ht- -vs giiriti..* nifôrm e tsidaya cd îught,weuh .,fi cil. bard re. le e-ity stopped store buildings owned t>' jas. L.>'Onelignite .1n.t.vra.zue og.u and ac-upi@d b>' GriffitîhiACa. 'The 6-W. .bs h te =tol e liiiv aid r i . place nov preeeuts n hhe.ltlearauce. 7 -.eos ,c. Ir sd lh b .emadit hi .em / be op.rcted sccordlstg Inodlr«Ioà ootu ih eg etta t ln. ade te p undec nd hlats. - III] The heavy torm'on fritin>'laet Od quite a lot af damage iii ibe iieighbor.; boord ta the standinîg corn %Vitale fields ForHlard Coal-Saves Hlal bten lier iii sud sPowbadi>'C Ut ngliteid ae.Tht perfect controI tier the drafts. thetslaw econoutical hieOtiiers eau li eutoi y runiug the, comibustion sud the large positive raatitng surface inake vahevstrmachiue as ay, ufflesitatiîig the hase Bbc'. s i Cle'. Original Iliai flast lte mos! ecoiomilcalanti lthets 'auhoe viilraimtbvlubs1 ie î. -iFoi~liard Coal stove made. detays bis Comlng just a littie a-hile P OLCole& MetBEsut le lte modern beater aud will s, eils bertys-ille. is langer oi gaad. farmere vili bave'«casi in fuel every sinter. Brny un. for yours- un. for a fev days. ererytbing lu shape for bis receptiail. s iamois the is ig n Fi ,-stuk a tree lu a, Would You <oSe $50.00 In Fuel to Save $ 1.00 on the Cont of Your Stove P crner of Wm. Ges yard sphiuteriutg it! That is vbml you do wheu you bu>' s cheapi>' coin-uted. patty jointe-ti showyjuade imitation slave. Like al iula bite. Aei thetrec watt vMer>'ntr he successful inventions, CoIe's Original Hot Biass ba& many inferior iinitatiaus,'ave11111111. an addition la bouse vs tbink It providential tlint; Tbe>' l lck lte patented étsan sd cardail construction, vbich inake the Origima Mot AI&Ma a great sut-cees. h he Purebaeed nathiug ecarse bappebed. Tht>' do not sttight sud soc open eeams sud cracks which reuder itora otlens as tire keepers. Sec tht nome atteuded the lire. C. M. PartlBh iv., in Chîlago' bINe WM TO Cicge outhe fed door. Noue genuinec ithout il. Mies Zelda Manda>' buying for the uttore a-bit-h le eda aif ibi managed b>' Mn. Parri-thfor Gri!thb& tuChcag tWbhou t-muestouashow docu a-e db blarhegilsbave a corer Tht Ha Be EAGE R Li bertyvili Ziegler.IlM@ies leail. 1tin. d=n The boys ivere glad of their riettre ---- e9 commanit>' test Suda>' af courses crin if thiere were or pastor ilut~re bti allieand a "patc-bed'«muie. LIE C wooland full a yard vide." Dent forge! thetirre waihz dim tiitUS.vO U C. M. Parr"isnt nov hauidling the Bickuaepaviiou' =isamesbath "dand ud oda>' hnving, HBtni- lilluien '-I elI '1,iiitvtc - nover thte reouttsof! - esfl o! -.;tt!, taiu- .t -i n Coi-coran Wimbu a-as promotet frointheDon. Sulky a d G n l w îTIlposition o! n ht operator bere to that i o toir iofagent eai gewater on Evanstari Tillie Itoctme.vendmil--sV -aee division. Se Msr. l'arriab for ailtte vere Bariit i>rrt it-t'. tieedas. es.1Reumv fBriu ine -et-,- t.Ifrotte lufgà i, i-'ns .m c ilewe '~Mot Thiirsîheî ' mtiîîj- _194 iii n 5d55ng 51La Pavillon I-.. .z .........J Tho ehow Isiople h1 b- aai A. C ih ml utn onfnýn aegn oIiaEnsfi ge uttewrs RiFr hkardte l ui ug t-an forsud bae gan- t. lru~,, ise silage ILL Fenk ie-ie ibi w.-k. fpapular lady aindI biuîit ,!taë!sr '%in.- ILL Mis.hi. A. Wagner and ihiltîmu o(if! tmg second prize, a watt-Ihinît. (irayalak o peuit mseral i "y@ mit i .-i Crs cKkmvr! gaiýn>o C orn H r e t r aiter lire. A. IU. iatber. fChris Hme ye is gi.tuitlî.. B'6 1 . (0 . F ritc b . . d o u R g -r, u t H ig h . F e hlic k p daîttnff l A land Park sere Prairie Vies- allers lamt Atgu8t et F A k N D T E M I Na vaAoN 22 a Wedueéday. ew~iîne ta Chicago Monda>'. A M ND T M I G WO S Egthel Kiiedler le spending the week in -Mr. and Mn.. Heury' Selle ttk a ride Chicago visitiugt relatives sud friende. 'ta Wauconda Sunda>'. i focar >esti ai laniber have srrived A grand prisesdance wilhl be given ai A com pletie lne of tlarin m ach ine 'at aîo b to tec u ad oau Monda>'th Bickusse pavilian Saturda'. Setp. 291. y dacr, carpeniersbegin wvork. The wahl beiug A gahd medal a-ill lie aa-arded to theîlsesic s IOC compistsd wiith te ayîog af Corner Couplem'hîo are îironaunced the bte S tone an uliuda'y. 1 . al daneers. Stabling raom at B. 3MMtra Olive' Ritzsuthaler, Ethel Knedler, H. efn'a fomvnt-ie rs.a >rchstr A.Knopb and S. E. Knedier attnded Otao Frank and Mis Minnie Hat-ke- tibe chusch deation ai Cbic-ago lueyer were nuited l in arniage bv Ber. eig te lest Suntia>. lier. A. J. Byas John Henieli Weduesday aiternloon et S H AC O E wbo ivas formerl>- pasiororhem'les lu the Lake ZuriehSt Ptric-k cburehLy'dua CA, K BO. Cda.tion aitl E Bîraer re n- u u nbrîdesutaîde; Fred Buoeoh [Ig-f~ Ilmt Chas. tah an E ghodetar un Ig adJh Luesbeek, af Chicago werembf lt.Ilni hoadiug a car-iof stoue, for tlie ut-w bet îîîu. Auina Frank the grooni s bridge ut Long t;rtve. ulers, sud Franees Hockemeyer tfio hirs. A. Ci. Muether entertainiiedlier brlde's litile minier were iiower girls. Z ] braîluer Wni. Hans for a w daye ast Alter theîs reuionies ai the t-hurt-h a vsek. He heft the later part ai the week reception wans beld at thjeblithie KING6 or THE! SNOW PATII for Califat-nia a-hem h. sipects to enter bride'@ parns!.ta ahiei the relatives And wlInner of dimmond modal for trottera. Lihetyville, Lolland Stautfarti1 Luiverei>'. and elosesi frit-nde vere lnvited. Bibh leist wesk. 1fr. and lire M. W. Kueier anîd sou parties are vell kuaiubohe. The groom enteraine Toi visted i Zio CIV13unis. aons ai aur prasiperoas young business duete eyMrd Mmts luZiii ii> andalis ew-nin, having bot;gbt out bis brother's,S O la'. Mn sdMi. . r ad ir Eta--Eîl Frank'@ business about titreesO O N G RA TTA N pn, ai Lake tan Fmy, of .t-'tbZd,' vere Prairie monthila o. The bîride, tht- dauglîter SIE0 15SO5C3flcNCO -N oiîsIITpt. iiI Sutsud Viv r-hors Tueeday. aiflMr. aud Mm. Christ Mockeiuyer vas $R rmn 101022,RC icn-rtomsFRTrâs horu luibtIs rout>'and bas lived bhe -- - ._-TroIlngRace Record 2:0 9-4 There a-Ilb. Quarter Confereue Fri. aitlithi. A bgcrl itineve àRalph, of day Sept. 28 at 8 p. m. at the hall. Aibeiou g cple aohappy ndti st tOatu i.dmZlale<e lOt hii rts«ei~.h-Zls -ove visitons membere are mequesteid ta o ursent ut prosppraum llte. Gideoet; cecond dam Doloi-es. by Gen. Knox l4e. De-amlen but twlce lu ivo dise business ii meeting lu consciiau vitib 1e0,ssons -singunthe Obiego snow path. dupesb Individuel, hi g haction trou! u pet SUn- the new churcb aud concerniug the pewe. sud ait. asaitebesticate triottera lihe rhd. sud almaik ythe sire i s pe ______________________________ rand lot0f colts. Atidroe ma Park. Sonda>' Sept. 810 at 2 p.mut iere vihi - -_______ ille, ejoyed ho cammunian setilcsmid 'ai 38P. lu. D E F E DI $5THOMPSON STOCK FARM eil' the layiag oaithe corner aoea h-~SA O 9e, JOI-IN R. THOMPSON.. Prop.. L113ERTYVILLE froin Long Wm. Shtte ai Chiego 11ev. Ruente ai MissleN irginia Parlons, of DesPlaines, Addres J. W. MURR Ay, Surt. at-y fétival Noudelld. Rer. E. H. BEWt-t of Highland vas the gueoi oi Mise Saie (lallov-a>'_______________________________ Park and the pastar. Rer. Seeguîàillei- lest a-eek. of Aliugouwill lisprormsut. Ever>'one cardialli Miss SBuste Pettis visite-I iriends il , * ut2 eicoIls. i Lake Countg budependent end Waukegam Weekly Sua, wlth d'e m weel flner-Oen Chicago nunua>'. Mn. am' Ir@. (Oea. Zabn, of Chiiago, visited witb the former'@ parents several days lasi wsek. itemember tht '-Ral>li ay"'t-ert-li- beld li the Presbytei-au t-bnrch next Suda>' maruiîg. Mies Clark, of Chiflao, spent sereral days lest veek vitb MIre. Leon Matthews. Suuday maruiug slurmed lbh-death ai Mb. Croit aI b.- home lu Deerllekd. fihe bad bosu sîck for s yeai- vitb cou- sunîption. Fanerai set-vires. wsm bel Taseday siternoon ai tbe- home. R.J.I.Engel offlicltlng. Tht romaine vere plaeedlun the Nosthiflld cenietery. XI J fDII DlPHHIA4 eleponeNo. 46 .~w Liet-yvîie Exebage J SPECIAL ATTENTIqN A * and C01N1IECTIONF-R jTo oui of Tw Orders Libertgvile - illinol And hiping rad DELIVER TO ADJACENT TO WNS 1lmq lusp maties alona wby eloesn't r twtedsiPart>' eret a statue ai Ibl" on the 011 Fiais. dioeoveed ail near our b.tbon omeneloinspicked ap a9: *M uuete hi themsme vicinît>'. Wb w. n et OI] go thein ane botter, met" m ve have sen roaldiamoude WMbm ai.on oui areese »OM gSehaD.r, aificfleur>', ralled au Mlffeand blonds emSaBnda>'. Mi'" mndmII. .Barker, af Chicago, sdoes. ucbinsau, ai Baringtan. mm me ofa relatives and frieude in w vTiage and ricinit>' the tirtsi1aithe 1 .Il

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