. , lý 1 1 ,ino 1 t1lte-ra ohasmade a record m..,M ý"8ol1,119111î1,u"4 ,ý .qïllbllllml" .Thief Steab -Ooiection From Under dications are that the_ coming- expo- Law Abiding Cititens'of That Sectioni _ , ý the Very Eyes of Dean William IE. oition, whichnopeons ln the city Sep- of City ObJect to Vice and Revoiry, i ,Il . 1 Il , 1 1:1 . TóoIIfWaukegan, WhenCornered tember 28, will surpass alt" previous: ý ~~~Shows Rare Wit. > mark@ In the way of attendancie, the Vice fianints lits banners undlisturbt. . 11L -1.ý1ýquality and size of the ex hibits and la edolportonsoäe srei 15. 1 1. - 1 àPretending that hie hadt the nlose the novelty of its fNatures-sai ons _hoesapd r-i te ea1wn L K it RESC NThe onfe. captured were taken be. bissed, a daring esak thief Sunday disrlay ofan a v e cheap whiskey, wor-ebeer, lOoÇ- OY BA LY d of the cottage afre Justice shoup and ined 110 and robbedndthe collectionoplateshof Christ wompen and the slot machin.e are 0sai1 S1 SITTEN BYV DOG . -°rhe other is that the keepeè of the O1F MURDER MYSTERY conte on a charge of gamrbling. church Episcopal of an unknown W i be greaithmon th e ex tY » o sreihi-nfrou upoe. h ouse can not be foundi. The presencen of the house was dis mon before the very eyes of Dean lar fair ln the word.SomayPpi. dismayed and even thre keepers ot Eh d er Village la Dlvided. Body of Unidentified Woman, .rcvrd1yCifYufei n a WlimEaol. cations for spac av en eeved dives admit that the Ild 1s Off to) staý ' e Mangled and Ear Cewed Ne y Teetr ilaei i I nto a Head Bruised and Clothing Torn Promptfy squelched by hint When tatevnl'lhieterfalltesthn ntl omsoe ows O, byBut-ic_ Tknt protecting and an exposing faction, Found Where it Was Cast up by th rpsdriso h ot for hrhwsi rgesadSna ever before thre problem 'of taking People who have made the rolund WakeanHopialr- Teamet.oe clas@; seeking to disclose the Waves. Evanston police Seeking Leagutereweremade puintmcheidned choTwsivrTe pats it"are Of the exhibits will. bie a serious of the tough Joint$ say thatliarket. SInames of the young men, thuas dis- Clus ha theewransltmcnsorhe anmount contribulted by the Il' one. is the only "open" street In the citY .-1 Mllidle schoanka, a little lad living 1gracing-them, and the other to' pre' games of any kind in the village,.an reOn, teslnatednews -Shrhrs irfrsAede~adae.ha h'odto fa t 41ioetaeneba aura ettis step by vigorouisly denying d1he when hie discovred this one h en n tosIiatnacws--otonieeud,,bren Do bdl itenbyalagedo ha a t heyun enwreiplcte. Murdr herisadane hfind- promptly stopßÏed it. unecounted and on the plates. Anlgus , GallowayRdPlld o-faire IS extremlely -baed. 1i 1,w,ned by August HeissInger, of tetSaitahe olaiveo oeo teyon vanston police, following t-resed he law and corder (],el et of fthe 1Dean Toi éme out: ofthre main steini-Frieslan, Jersey, Ayrshlio., Late ,at inighitdane .ý. coaiidiý Egine street His ear was chewed to men this morning "I know that leMicg.vifageisegrtbfedove thfa tionofchurch Into thre room inil;wheiththtBonwi l.G eneyad1uth -frmacorvs ndr 1 &tag and his left eye.hadl the lower was inthre gamte SaturdaY wmnofmdleaei the chiet of police and J.s praising im"plate's had been left andle was. sur- beteatle will he displayed. li osvoln n edn It.h ,l;b , torn loose. It was the narr,owest d, i esea 1ed througýh the window. lie gan, atthe foot Of Greenleaf avenue, ighly-. ý prised to see a mnan standing there. the, swino, exhibits there will e sncl eul lugtiare fiaidto b a characeri -op tai bvan isiy Evanlston ,have been investigated by 1breeds as, Poland (Chinas, IDured.ermseyilt Ii. adtah-acirairsi 1 Ud df an escaefo aghsee is related to ime, but let im take Coonr offmlanl, of Chicago. Anl The equipment 'of th,* ga g house. 1 Said lie Had 1%ose Bleed. rd hse htBekhr, ap fthe ,selh, whIich the dece4nt p-1 ., geds pout. it1vnthdeevsIwlmkmat .inquest was heldinlithe undertakingalfrs0ndnwseien ut u. Thre unkniown quickly put is hond- Shire asud Tamworth. Tho, sheeip dis.1jl loizaI>sreýt.ýp.oa. ,ý 1,The little fellow asplyig. we temlpt fto shield himo." rosa 1 anstet vtsochased was this morning aolbe seers ikerchief to is face. 1lIe>was a nmari play is ent1eialy interestIng, and the 1owivenral,-- e i-,altilit..n - ý hè-boy who otned the dg hn Chief Yourjevic States that lhe iSroai hs am ,%! timet evChiago . o xibtofa h ilge hall. One oe0 n eghsot hve.adhr f hosie xfr- t ecnli savre.awt gudelyth bg rtejupe o ,hnignorant;iof the identÏity of .fthe two ewr se oadi naeigport consistedl in a roulette wheel. wr bakept owlamsie.C1itlahri 1 o an . ownm o and seized his head in its mouth. An men whoscapedl while cothiers say the myvstery in which the womfan's - ---- , !"Wh']at are you dolhm here?,*" askhed liet, Delainle merinlo, Aiican m1e tlI t .h,(iives fromt Chicago ;filt. the,1,. idaofte ie fth ogmy ht hy ee oh dntfedadidenty is shrouded. Inquiry was made County Clerk's Officials. 'Dean Toit. 1r0,inoi,oset lhon. CoIswold and( Iv l titilugefinl(thtipo. were -diven haI gained wheýn it Is seen that half. of the 1 va be arrested on warrants- to be theoe flcasembnci- . - . bay's head was taken ln his mouith. na1tteoeso lclsemotcm Followiug are the otmcers of thre1 "I have the noste bleed," salid the Lceleeter Wilt be representud. after ai stay of two hoom ý iiport:. Hie left ear was chewed to ribbons swornP aeo unt sClbHos. panties to determine If the womfan was state assdelation of iouinty clerks man), and(] he waà left uindeiturbed 1.0 Fine Horsts to be Shown- tidons fin the secreicy of the nlight i-ý, I and left barely hanging. One tooth The cottage was run as a club thrown from a steamier while retau- and supervisors which will holdt its nurse his limaginary allmient, the The( exhibIit ofl horses will finehIdt1 ;fl lel. freqmjou lland well payIi,'1 of the dog caught under the left eye house, ec ebrtknghstr n oChcg rmasmer resor.annual convention Iin \\¯aukeilgan Oe. 1dean entering thre church, lafter direct- the Perchoni, or- Freýnch d raft. Clydes Deftc ent)eole of the >1'9t r.. an 1 and tore the l'ourer lid badly, barely atriealing thecads. The original Her skin wvas tannied as if shel'a tober 9, 10 and 1l1 this year: Ing the mafn out through the congre- date, Engilsh shInre oud jelgian. Inte fo11,ll%.,II1>- ai o,'L shvn h y.Dr. Brown, who at-romter flte chehplc been much ln the Suno. On the ring President---E. P. Rob],,,n. Galestimrg,. gation, a way he refuse-d to gol. - the heavy class. Ini the lighlt class ._r *- finger of hrlf ad eewieK olit .Aftor thre uIInown hlait gone It was .are listf-.dthe thloronIgth#teds,, Jnvil tended, said that It, was the narrow- Say they do fnot know- bl h (01011 PxS n sacodundtrs rec il y.., , est escape from the loss of the eye M are arrests are likely to follow an'd ak s, o winTh at rings hf ad ent Vice Preside.nt- C ares At1011s, discoverelbed t h atie ilcoll e i pties iG .standard roadsters, French war- lie badever setaken hoff.g Thet sleeveaceof aedcostly -Pratt couinty. • - ýhadt been rbei lae ot mpid'erian coachEnglihsh hackne ' *ohe ad ev ee .trally shaVed the oehain st tk lceWde white shirtwaist was tofb off as If In 1Secrettary -A. L. I&.înd W 1\%ank<:t,- 'IDoinTol] haad supposed that the Moreau,. road(steris suiaIIlrd land nom ;,Storm Was Fierce 1One. ,eye," he said. .The ehar was sewed aastugead h.iht eye bwas gane,, Lake ccounity.1 , phJ vits had"be enledb o ihItndr _criahrm 1 'lhmhno fho ,t up, but Is in an awful condition. Dr. 1bruised and swollen as - yablw.orepnigSerr A J ihtt.oi.hr i nd cmie ans ar ohstw tr fFba Bregrn was immediateiv summroned Bese 3DgeeMsn lwSruksfr et. Smith; Morris, Grundy o y.The obbel wa r-rl t th Zo- il.,t wile hfior _ Anl extrajord surlpIa>,d_)wre 1,ýfor a IIaý;d ".1 -andsoeing--that the -oy-as bailly tite-_ J. L. Brewster. of Wauikegani, is Lawrence Hlope. 414 Fletcher trt' Tese-i B.lbar Rckleearly yesterdlay afternoonie. bUtitar own llh it j(le Ioýals )in ashr lth jurd h tok hn1in is utooble ow thrt-third degree Masonr and Evanston, told the coroner 'how he IlnRokIlnd ot.was too)ite to trace t. he tief rand lh'juIlss, joeunelts ila n i muls owemb o land spend to the hospital. There he is entitled to place "the symbol 33' hadl discovel'rthe body. Dr. R. B. 1rangements - Alexanider1 Robr-t'soni ,( scaped. The dairy display will.br e tlle ! as and the w%,ind ocan 0. d b n bIl sewed up the ear and eye. 1 afterhis namte. followinig on a visit Race declared the wound over thre Chairman. chairman (*.ounty Bloard: '. -------,- ------ ;arno.rml the hem In ilt h'. gle'aiîp!lnnen - -ý1,ý,ý . When he left him, thre little fellow to Bost(on. where the degree waýs right eye was causedl before death. . A. Hlendee, Secretary3. DePutIY Arrested fo'r Wife Bëating. of h(I.IIe turIIi, Ipouar. r* am 1'ý,!-1ý.in rITeen Ml -liå , : -.ý.I vua resting easily anld whIle his conferred. Assistant Chief.Schaffer, of the Ev C(ounty ýClerk; W. E. 31il,-n W\. F- .Bcausis, e1, nimtl 1he miiin!ie - Isen p IoIuhur andfni a nk tc apia:llni nt ud hem -;N, ; ,: I .wounds are serious no dangercous e- Mr. Brewster is esp;iecially honiored anston Police, after several hours ina-,Clow, Johnl A. Sultherhlt]. lileýs iT. fully bat his wifei Sun ., y Noiiâe arts w11ibe fonl e xht nteresn fereýî jý oli Two s . .! h hunI1:, fects are ainticipated by the doctor. as the conferring of thre degree is nlotvestigation. dclaml hbis hele tatlilmey Vlack, of Krisetianl avenDUuanid Eight hvmise ,1o (f their %:ariety, s ze anmd 1of ithe HII lIl ta( .l ,1 ado' It asas arow n scae s te oy mtter (of application, but of elec- the woman was murderéed- andthlit Peole wth-rom't ooefo te nth stree-t. North Chica-gonow lies qualýlit AlMn>ost every availabb inh ) nt, below læ eld have and lhe will probably be tiisIn: olineotofeey u.seiysno nEvitn oa. gulests shouild communIicate lfWith]in fthe North Chicairo jail waiting trial oIsal hsben esrvd ad hee io.11 ,akdrlfea eut ftee drr tit+ oii degree .31asons ýIi '"It is possible thalt she was nrobb e ssrs. Reardon, Sutlland illlor lor-lie claimis )hei did nob tho i s wif. 'leilkti in "eX" "wý Ii i i T et,,fIlo;ý,, ,, ,ý .ý' perience. cosn.on a lake steameiir and trw ,it ison. btse er e _t njhsha a nnn n oNo o eo __ --- - 'jTle thirty.third degree is thre high-1the lake, or thiat shte visited Calvary ié h----_ im i arre-sted. siton huMn.ilg ;and1 o n 1- bii o !.. w scIati . d f r:" 1i 1 jn 1est possible and isa adistinguished cemetery and was walking along the PwerHusPrAnterEetrc Th onuws etanyhetn n.i uen w o MEAL FOR A GIANT. bhtoor that few indeed attain. There beach whien attacked and robbed' Pwrlas o rote teti. T ht oand %zso sereily 1 i-tha Dr. i Pacl(-tl*ing igs t o~Idace,, lh it.on a -h \! ý Fie udrd hckns remaythry-second'degree !tasons said the polece officia. la the Chicago& Milwaukee Elec Connii was calld to her homelai On, unrd-n ffyCasawetimWuegnbtr. Bthrewseré er-an Police Seek Missing Women.e . tricgnt t RailIi ilnzt sIheM.f([ il o alI .I1 -1-,It?1ý ! 1--1-n,; l' n udrdadffyeasseti auea ur Bese apr-n reRiroad power plant worth stydwthlralniha hewsdnwb a t Mn ig of :niI cr.haps the only tit-tiddgremn Police of the Maxwell street station enough. to tec.yofWuegntoi asrous condition. ( 1. %vl". ,"IlTuesdIay. Octobe,,r "t o! :,iIim-t- ,w ini anhouIIl-,i- Eight bushela of sea clams. ln thée history of the city. went to Evanston to ascertain wçtheth give up Clayton street to the Chicago. Sh'a ercam hthrhsalhsatwl naris i w ecr f1 faybarni Six barrels of setptte. M.'rwtri atmstro rtebd as that of a woman who! Waukegan & North" Shore Railroad differentitimes batener and tiilhate;i ly succesriis hs orI n haomrk wf ul,. f iht han 1- by by1! the 14j! i 1.obs,1ters, lue..obintsand other seas akga ag, athgh priest of disappeared from the west sidet. frtrcsfrom Sand street to te asbendongs feenl. na i ela fntatthe .wm rteceived lfo)r imakt- 1bri (f ' l- -o' e j wh ilw h lil% and~~~~~ .adf s akgnchpesno adnof the descriptions idt aitally. The iharbor? ihse sys h dd o gn nds. iny. lg the race will be incrasdtnngsr eridi whn 1 ~~~~~the commiandery and head of one of polie are seeking sever-al missing That Is the question that lnow con- i gshe a h ire dsted. $5ad F. S00.1The state fair tradok is in fthn am l wi;eh 1%,4) fol The above list, taken at random th.e couincils lin Chicago. Womren. . fronts the aldermen- eýxcellenIt condition and hiiosemen say , ne andte wiftP! fron Jacob Oakes, sea food cookist,. The 'woman is described as appar- It was put tofthema aiInformai hreae1xelet"hncso awn. To1 .:. ndn w 'shows what the Eagles will have to ently of Irish nationality.,t*.imt 40 meeting oIf thre counell held A.*fondIay Skidoo Auto is Lucky.deflxhbtoofse.Thfl.Ii uofbiw thMhnn Ba tteclmbk e:tSna a akAcomdto frGet. years old, with dark, aimost black. ýnighttin thre 1mayor's offHee onirre-i Wh'lat inay be.termed a "luicky" ac- lowing d fay The Branche) will fen. ýienI l-,4 o ti e repaired. ThAt imeoý ElccPr. The chce te h upervisors' committee for the hair, dark brown eyes and weighing quest of A C(. Frost, of the C*hicagoeldent befell Alderman Bidiniger and devrte, e ecr ntewenti cniee uk yt alone is enough to give the entirel coming convention of county clerks about 165 pounads.1 & Mi lw auik- E lectMe, to confer with1 hie No. 23 auto car with whilehlhe has Illinois tack.. The(,Bronc14ho. wiith a 'telphone Company.. 1 eolored population palpitation of the anid superviscors ln October reports - Suicide la One Theory. ! himself and Mir. John Dougles, Of hadl so much trouble. It was "lucky" nimark oc:r -sepetdt bt Te iddd oieabedm beart and sleep walking and special ta tcnntlct comdtos The spot whe:e ,the body was founde the Chicago. Wauikegan & North 'inasmuch as lit hapr i 1 it ; ·:st tho- , teitspromnebt rud h iy inybace e ,, aniers will Ibe maintained att the -out fralo h ctsget.Is a lonely one. in a secluded cavie of- 1Shore. ' r1Ight tin-o ahapIK .9 tld] ste failto do so*she will bi tornl off and brokeni. The Storm w;- of doot»àaere at ïthe park all Sunday, In view of this fact people who ar' tween Greenleaf avenue and the 'Main1 Allthe aldermen were prese,, with1 The ail: -man !ýd been oi(, * riduin en anoether trial during the fair. thre second yesterdayi and while theý night when Oakes ls compounding his able to supply on,, room if poirsible lstreet pier. Theories of suicide have teecpnciMemnCao aim nd oaing back bhad sto.,j, "uwl J oe Jokor, king of the gudeless lhar. first Wall a bad on,ýthre second easily - târmidae. - ~~with twd beds are requested to cal] been advanced. The woman may1 although the miayor was away in his1 Hotel Schwartz. ln the to caesr w e r ýe ns horses, will race with Mary Adle- surpassedt and carried off the porizý Tw ltfrEc. the matter to the attention Of the have leaped Into the water from the buzz wagon when the meeting start- thfree friends rf thre alir-rm,,an-.ie :4.o ctbr1 n .. committee members. Messrs. Suther- Maisretpe.ed, he came linwhfile lit was In prog Juta:he tpe-oec h Acrialo h*dontw O MARRY TONIGHT. Athuhteaoelsweentland, Reardon and Morrison- In the 'busheî, several feet distant ress and was plesent at th- whcle r 1ear wheFels of th.e ren, drop, dil', streets hias comle toa.be recognized as enough (or Gargantua and allhis, The city shouldt throw open its from the ier, was found a smpaltl conference. the fooad.-id tliecar ýýasth.Irrevnf a, part of the attractions of state fair (From Tuesday'*s Sunt. neighibors, Chef Oakes last night Il, ats ndbehopitable on thislits peeo-lt hc a hv en Teeihwver, one big dificul-lover ;teoro: .-. c. -A 'e le ad week and it neýver fails to be a Source Tngta 'rewi u Soias xclosive interviewest a declaretnd ofhiman greatest chance thus far- to exercise part of a .handkerchief. tY here and it threatens to wreck the1 twisted clear off à i 1 t:,o wheel o neet"otetosnso ta-home ceremony. .IsL."TItta Ferry ai aelf aBfOllowsthe gift.1 whole scheme. Thot Is thre Chicago. I7D-, -r t m the air ,sopped. eswhmte\tt.%xoi'n rw alter G. Smith Will be uinited i! Tdeat ele in t goinegts teo SHOT A WEASEL. 1Wýaukegan o eeNorth Shore Itailfroad 'hfad the acciuush.-ll)ned while to Springfield. Free attractions have Inarriage. Only the relatives and ire- depathesit 1her. E a one gttwo i i7rom WýNednesday's Sun.) That Waukegan coffieers can shoot 1hlas a colidemniation suit acronssthe 1tI pmachine was speedhinit ,'-mI'l been secured by the Sprimrelid Husi- timiate frien-tdsi of thre .younig couple platesifonIad hae myw ay.Frttei Thre Butters is in port with salta and actually it something wasKIrk property fild in' thre ( c'IcIt :uave nmost Pprobably resujlte,.fatal, l s Men's Association, and assur- w11 he Iin attendance. ý ysefcr and ththegs likenthahe A. W. Fleischier is in Wauikegan to- proven tast night by Offleer Clarenee3 court which will cerme up durin' ,mýe1 for some of the party- e ria adtattfanvl GJ.. C. Stulart, of Evanist,,n. ouself and thes nthepchicen, te day.1 Hicks, who wears the No. 1 star. ýOctober termi. This effectua!iIµ/ blocks will outstiplits predlecessors lin point will perýif, rm the ceremonyIý, ý..;t,! Sne ,wlobseund lson a plate igt wapassed E. N. Wexberg Is tin Waukegan to- Offleer Hicks ]ast night heard a.trec. the power It:o -(,,eecon. Gowdy-Lawrence Nupitals. off popular linterest. ',ri !S an old college fri.nd of Mir S Thie reporter thought of the chick- iday . mendous squawking in his hen coop,1 As this stril will run directly Thrdyenngatehoe f Sousa's Band Ito Play. zIh Theeereovea5ndass tgbrtiedan gin ou, uninlan, oondi- hrughth popsedsie.or the bSousaaandhhisubandahave been en- elng a ared.Theis o enenthis termi of the circuit court. covered that the cause of the noise power house it would stop,)aillplans teb. ea h umiaint e ae frawe' eisof rconcert, 1land,Or,., where thre groom is en: sp oiling a ood t k.Mrs. Stratton, of Durlington, Wis., was a weasel. He shot at the afimal of building lit. .Mr. Frost has en-ealliteLaretngesocial evets Mss beginning Monday night, Octobeir 1. 1ployed, after a short visit here. Bo.th- Ho Oke1WllCok. a visiting relatives. ln Waukegan. once and had the good luck to bring .deavored to have the condemantion NleLarndugtroM.ad Thursdfay hoas been set apart as ",G,)%_- are, Weil known In Waunkeganl societyý. Later the SUN wIll present a fult- The Howe cleared Cleveland with It down. isuit removed, but the North Shore Mrs. J.._R. Lawrence, of Sheridan ernor's Night," and the governor and1 Mr. Smith is a graduate ofr Nort.hwats- .length picture ef the royal chef of billets for WauJ, gan night before It ls now on exhibition at the police people have refused without somne re- Place, was unIted lin marriage tohesaeofcrswlepsnt. eý orn (i'niverisit.1 the Eagles. However, this time It ilast.tto n i aigasauaye.turn. It is their Intentiorn to get to Mr. Ernest Gowdy, of Lake Bluff, and alrosadslentfiering Springfield are, enabled to give only'a bird's eye view Mine Ida Miller, of Lake Bluff, vis- feet on the disordrly element. * the harbor, they say; they have work- W'aukegan. maigetnsv rprtions aren1Saturday Mfrs. A. Wagner, or St. of Electric Park as It will be Sunday. 8tdwihWakgnarensyetr edfor It a long time and they Intend Rev. John G. Briggs, of thre First hanletecdduing thewekeohnsreteileda iat sratin lxv The chkefnds, llbclams an orda.Sheridan Road Agitation. to get there now. Bpbsohucpefrmdte cer- of the exposition. The trafice ng -that lhaditnvadeod the collar of hl, cokbefoswl ecoe nto The Young Men's Bible Club of the Thr amchaiai . n h Mr. Frost then proposed thalt if hie emaony, which was a quiet hm f agers say the attendance Will be far homte throughi an open window. 1 .-large Pite each 10 by 20 fieet and 5 Baptist church pienics tomorrow at There ing esuhorag4ttin i te secure for thpem a franchise for fair, In excesse of any previouis year. Spe- She attacked the rat on sight with feet-deep. Roaring fires will be built Diamond Lake,on aogth hrebtee aetracks on Clayton street to the har- . After the words uniting thremr werecaltanwllbruonllhealahme. ndhtngiinheac and aoer these the ropasting and toast- TeRmp mdFottoa ihorest and Waukegan for the openigbradaogSadsreesrfihadteyugopepoedd at raswil the reularrainsle wil-of1hnerhead etwen ttthe ars, d ng and basting and bolling will take 1COal for the NWolsterp and 1,000 bar- of Sheridan road between tee""tak oterrgto ate net hi e oea 1 e-have nmany additional cars.apasW tc hebdtnce therat.hsibe, S place, generous feeds being servedt rels Of sait for the ÍLudington docks. points. The naval dation authorities shoutid drole thre condemnation suit and ter street, where they Witt . $tart ln other cellars also. at 1 and 3 ln the afternooin. The Hans and Nix Company made do not want the road across their to this they agreed. The meeting last housekeepig. Stteo i1nos Cutyo laej On1 edt ahmn akea hsmrigatra per roperty, so the. only feasibly route night was calledl with that Intention. The two social events alluded toa In ate Cliounty Cort of LakTukFatr frWukgn 11 Twailve Hundred Guest. formance ln Kenosha that tookt Well. wopuld bie along the west line of the The North Shore people want' dou. were a kitchen shower at the James I County Cu ae1Tarough the efforts of A. V. Frost The Eagles' first order was 800 .The ladies of the First Baptist aresere, then easthto o Hennendble tck or ih on Cator eet hsomnehat 223 ShemanPlae d h ae. Patrick IH. Shie1, adi.ljstrator eof.of the Chicago & Milwaukee Lectric. plates. Then , 1L000. Now they are church will hold their annual trumn- anurheten or t acos ing te dcant. It fo eitheste a reespo on hwer nat theStrdehome. the estate of Mary A. Shie], d- Waukegn may bie able to locate here S treading on the chef's toes until he mageàsale the first of November. tNerthw9een trcks a but ofther-ticlcas.It oulSad mre nthbo.Bothle re iny onor off trhe andceased, vs. Patrick H. Shiel, Mat- a large trunk manufacturing firmi of Iwishes assistance, with their -order The Chicago Custom Tailoring Comn- Etent s et, thryoptig at of te t cId losn fSndsre o tse rehced m anytoens f e es'athew T. Shiel, Terrance P. Shiel, Chicago, the Becker Trunk Mfg. Co., for 1,200 plates.1 pany, M. Schwartz, has opened .rcomlenvlpeCmwnitlattocnec lyton and the giving over of Clay.emi hc hei eaddb James W. Shriet, John J. Shiel, Ed- that wants to locate un the north. i at 303 North Genesee street and isJ it the road in Waukegan. We be ston to double tracks would almost fil] numerous circle of friends. Miss Law- ward Ailhiel, William Siet, Catherine shore and that President Frost' is: ready.forbusinss. lieve $Ihis would be an excellent thing it. rence has recently resigned her pu- Shiel, Arthur Shiel, Joseph Shiel,-1 redfrbuies to have put through and would do -1 sition' as elerk ln the 'Lyon depart- Patrick H. Shiel, Jr., Richard Kenne- workIng to bring here. . - PoUceRaid at North Chicago. Mr. Henry Krant, of Wheeling' much to develop thee town toward the metsoe»h spoieti yan onGift.Ptto osl The factory desires as site where1 Thelaestdeelpmetsin theviitd ystrdy wthhi brthrlake front.-Nbrth Chicago Times. • To Have fine New Organ.* church work and a thoroughly good real estate to pay debt. te aeacs oteeetric linre, _ korth Chicago gambling house sent- Conrad Kranz of 111 South County Christ Church Eplacopal, DeanWl-woa oe frhrmoet1n Public notice js hereby given that the Northwestern and the El. J. & E.. sation are as f6llows: street, who fa Iil. tim E. Toit,, is to have a - new pipe , d rkln pursuance of an order and, de- but as this ls impossible. Mr..- Frost1 Rose Ferry, a promfinently connect- Mille' Concer't Band will play at the North Chicago Police Raid•. rgn o os $o0 80wo s•. cree of sale entered ln the above en-1 thinkak they could roaby) 1er el ycoung man of the village, rented corner of Genesee' and, Washington Without waiting for the Intention of A committee ls now at work so- m ann detrluskyung said cousetfrthe yarAug t.er906, I uddtolct nth etsd the cottage of Agent Tomlinson for streets Sunday at 11:30 before the the North Shore Law and Order, llelting cotriuinsadratsn hllo1usdy h'0t a f c ie ;the alleged use 6f an "athletic" club. Eagle's clam bake. League, as expressed, of cleaning up fundls and It Is expected that the entbrA .10,a h oro n h atrwihi i n n - ,ssi ohv enipiae n John C. Plagge and Company, of North Chicago by raids, the Police Of tire amount, .$3,000, will' be raised In. Transfter Area Extended. ,clock In the afternopon of said day; a progessive one, now employs over1 he 1b ganing house as a matter of fact. Barrington, today fled suit against the village led by Chief Yourjevic, a very short time. Transfers are now given along thre, ttees anetrnetvh 0 e adsvrlby n Is hen e retie ,theagus hesaidthe lymle CubloithtFplce1frtddethCjobtheselv&, biradingaeTh chrchrtll avethe ines oralin ofaheehicao & ilwukeeCour Hose, f sad Lke Cvnty inIt5ocupssqoerr1500 quae fet o S thtthe and éther youing fellows1 lumber they say they have not patid gambling joint ln a lonely cottage on gan ln the city 'with the installation Electri, Railroad- Company from the the City of Waukegan, ln the County! floor space and will require a three- P,'would install punching bags and1 for. Seventeenth street Saturday night. off this instrument iWest sýIde line down town and from of Lake and State 'of Illinois, sell to acre site, 1 other apparatus for athleties. 1 It is a fact thraitino Lake Forest The gamubling gamens staedn the Waukegan tinfes south forum North 'the highest bidder for cash-se publie r Pot swlln t ont ,1drug store has a stock of the old. what was supposed to bie an empy tomach Trouble. Ciaout n ontsuh n realthestat, sit atedeslnrthed site ýnthe we.st side linre and with ýý,North Chicago ts ln a greatly ex- fashioned leeches, and man ae os.Wh wsth os o h 1i d dh The public appreciates the cont-of Lake Forest, ln the County of Lake work the ity' part the factory e tedM condition. ais the result of the1 Forest people comte to Waukegan to runs the game is, not yet known toa e cedr1 f oa venience and hopes that thre need q n tt of Ilios owt can proably be 'Iocated. Suich was nihtrad n-heloel et the blood suckers for medical the polidCe. They made the raid at i11 was sick with stoimach trouble fot' transfers at North Chicago willsoon Lot seven (7) in the western ,addI-!Mr. Frost's belief when hie toldthie