CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Oct 1906, p. 10

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Mod la FuIl by m et ibm TM-E NORTM As TOGETHER. ýOWWam-c#fi"Ilegal Liquor ITr&f. eàUWn nd Vice 10 AmOflO thé Avewsd Pur- r e iral lime la suy neyapaper t't SUN presots the full con- lm o the Lako CountY Low aud - Le, the fanions organis*- bat ptopOlOs ta clamip the 114 ou = nNorth ChlcVagosd Fax mibas already done 80 aI rsod: S Articie 1. ao1. *The nm t !Iis 5550-' la ýshah e hoe. Lay sud Order m et Labe county-'. m 1. The goermi purposes o! do«gùe oball ho 11050 met forth lu ,iaM>le tt ils constitution, ent- M sw% bnsuta execute thase 005 au Iis association May front th tinté adopt. Article Il. ou le Tue omeers a! this pssldnt, secretary sud Ire&Bur- toM toi-taf once abolihofort peffi o! oeeyar. reapectiveiY, Ume tlofo! Cicr lection or ap> 00st, or unnW thlr succoss 15atei or appouleti. om 2. Tu. proaldeul $hbll Pre- Wt h neular neetings o! Che 5e, i shlsl perfornt al Cie I oi-lu&Miy IninelotatgCite mO s. 'The vice prosidet sal,1 ïé aplsof e the presideul, pro- SU l rugulor meoingan sd par- ýý1 thc dutios. iluiheabsence c! w~eet, vhliehvoli othonise ààBmplbt upon Che latter. -4Tue & ueciotrshal have IofV the, lboki.paptsansd of the Leagno, andi ahal »di correctrecordi o! Its a S. The treasurcr shah i-- s- fuudu of!tCe Leagno. and ntatinte dishurse aud psy *«Wqupon approvod vonl- ,Wh* noi sd correct ae- ce01 am ucmh uoys ncle hSff4 by hlm Article 111. m 1. Amy porseli desing tb a momber o!Chils League t order ta becomo sncb nton- a citiiuu, legal voter, or tax- ,' Lake oounly, ni. p &. The bard o! drectars lmak nel mimansd regulailous 11 mcote ntershlp ilu Cis e. tbcy may deant best; bu o! rsd, religIons or potildm or natsalbolihoim-1 seat b"turosnb,,altortuo tic* thereof sabolhogivon.- la vnit- Iug, 014 ledwt thCe iecnetamyasd te- cordod by -hlm, vhlch notice shall st forth the preooiMi.oratioii or amndmeut. 1. The board cf dirootera ali meet at sncb tlmes aud placssmastCe preffideut may cUL 2. Meetings or the LAeeshah hoe o! tbree binds: j1 (a> The aunuol memting for the olection o! mentrons !the board o! diroctors. (b) Regular nmeotings,uti sncb tintes as theoboard o! directors shah deslg- nate, for the transaction o! any huai- nus pertalnlng totheUic Lagne. (c) Selal meetings vhioli ab h cahled by the presideut sud .Ocretary for, the consideration Qf au subject apecflet Inluthe oeil. The president sud uecretary shalh alto call sncb meetings at tho requcat o! any three membors o! the League. 3. The, board o! directoru ahall ap- point: (a) A finance commnittsee! Cie V,~ague, vhose duty it lbtho t oi- lect tondusud pay Cie saune ovor ta the treasurer o! Cie Loague. (b) An andlting cammltteeofo! Io, vbose duty It lbe o taudit bille, vbwlch vbou signed by Cie president or vice preadent o! the Leane. shahl .ho pald by Cie trsaurer out a! fundu lu inbislbandalogluig ta Cie Loagno. '--4Â. No Iudebteduess shall h iu- cuTi-ad by the Loagus, except thinugli the order oir dir9cion o! the board of 1directars. 5.Teboard o! directarisalI ai> point the folloving standing commit- tecs: An AOtI.rIme Commiteso o! Oive, for tec prooecutlou o! illegai iquor traffc sud for the suppressiont o! sambllug sud vice. A Poiticag Action Commttee o! live, for tho collecting sud repart-e lug o!f ucts vlth regard ta candidate. for political onfce. For prcsenung Ciose ltpetlally,t sud vIienôt any poitIcal bita vbatoo-1 ever, sud ai accurately ai possible o t Uic votensa 01Lske couuty.1 This prebontatiou of record nduta h made by circulai or othervise. 9 Machi o! Uic foreoong committeu 1 saâI have paver toamat~cae vltb il'. sel sncb other tombera o! the Les. ledt mater aaslgued 10 sncb commit- tec, sud may appoint sub-conmlittecs front thir ova number or fron thUi goeal memibonahlpo!fUicheagno aubect theUicaMpovalof Uielboerd 0f directors. - 0. The board o!fdiréolosdsain have paver te "011 any vadoes vblcb Em b apPecla aie. standing oi apecillcommttme. *ud 51511 also have paOer ta fiIIonY vUanauio vhicbamay happou lu thir owa committee. 7.' The order of business at ail meetings of tbe League salil be: (a) Reading the minutes et the precedng meotin7. (b) Repart of the board of directora. (c) AdJourned -)r uuflulahd busi (d) Nov busiuass. S. The meetings of the League aiell ho couducted lu accordauce vlth theo ruosgovemnug parllamentary bodies. 0 Pl Article IV. S WAM7 1. The board o! dîroctr t ilit o! llfteun persona, five o! b "Ii coultitute a quorumi.Thie ers othei board firet chosen et thor. frat meeting, divide 0jvez lto three classes, of!là tho firet claneshah bholt thir i for ono year. the second Cas l -o Jeans, the third cam for t eus, sudutil Ciir succesori bUvoy are electeti. Rion 2. At eo&achanual meeting iloague, vblcb shall ho hld on s M s.oî aturday o! Jsuuary Of!1 flan, tieo"hIl boe lecteti frontr Wmbmocf th. Lague, five per- lincuebera of the board of di- t to taro Uic pleeofo!those cou' S tbs *leu vhlch retires ou that tisane noelectod shall hoid their fur Uic teint*of Ibres 7.115 the date of Uhir election. Oies 8. The board of direstors , 6mmtUier ovu numbor, elect a $ut%, vice preidut, 5a scretiY 1, 1 rcr f uch board of dl- Ira vbieh oficers aiail ao ho É o! thc Lmaguo. 4Itobalbe theduty of et drecors t a ubmtt of the Leagmo et Il$ su- k* . rt lsehevlualtheo c! fth Leu ed. F 0f 11. ea loame aoliteras- rs4hUah for Ui-cdutya ail aocne essarysd e Mat o0005 0f tb etgue. ÀM& muMe a placem fo t*Wan prowteae m zuni Mes rgua' ethom vaue. m;:ýe porpodbes forvlc 010 Ha @RAT mis WIFRI Much oxcitoment vas cansmd on tho north aide Bates-dy night by the appoarauce of a voman ou the etmtoel who atated Ciat e abebeeimn driren tront ber home by ber hmad vho wui dnmk. A conslderable crowd vent back vltb thec voman ta her home, svearlug vengeance. Police are uid ta have aaved the Ibusbamd front a -sovore boatlug front the en- raged crovd. He vas quieted sud the wontan roturnod ta the bouse. G At Abe: MOU Lao largt 2.11 l Ma tounty 1er I'urpetee I FOR IMMENSEI WUNTER'S WORK THERE. sany Whieh Now Controlo Evmry ehoua.In Kenceha Couaty Sut One Wi lShUp 5S0M0Mon TurnesThis Wlntmr. a aturday aflernoon the Kulobor-1 ke le Comtpany, throngb Itas dent John S. F1014, 010504 a dcii the purchase o! the property a! ert Gilibeansd J. B. Vosburg ou eElicabeth, sud the contpany vili mce begin erectionofam - i te-bdla o h 0r ce i la snsti ta heoan. a! the real every erected lu Wiscoi'àlu, l yul ho completed aud roady for- filiung - by the tiret o! Decomuber: lu arien tca ie ebuilding o! the biaocsepossibletCe Contpany will ho toi-ced ta mulii a raillay more than hal! a mile lu leugtb 10 gel the mus- toi-lai for tho blg building ta the site. The Knickerbocker Contpany nov; pi-octicaiy coutrois al Cie tce privi- logea on Cie laboes o! Konosba côunty. The only bouse' ovuod by an Inde- çpndeçt Company laolite 014 Ackerman hanse at, Tvin ILbos, audfil la altated ta th CieKnickerliocker Contpany lu uogatiattng vlC tho Lavlen le. Com- pany for the punchas ofa! Ciaprop- erty. If the purebaso la tadtiIhe su- prentaey o! the trust lu the couuty vii ho complote. At the preseut Utie the le trust avus bouses -ou every Jlike lu Cie couuty vîi the exception of Paddocb's Lobe, sud Il la thoughl tuaIthe. amcned.precîncta o! tho old s elliers wvi iilnvaded. next year sud a lange bouse built vithin a stone's 1 bui!o! Uic Pavillon. it vould le almoet impassible lb es- toute Uie value of!tCe propertiy ai ei Knlcboaeer compamy lut K«O ah emnt, but Il la placeti ou tht à bock$o! Cie aissssors o! the dîffer aont tovua aI nesnly bal! a millii 4dollars, sud Ibis la mot full value fi tony Case.. The Company for thi post Ivo Jeansbas boom at vork lu sl'Cure feu couliol lnuthe couuly, ang 1one by one thc ludepeudont con îpoules bavetibomfori-eo agive ni 0their bousse 10the trust. Thc pries y poisl n monte lusalpees hav eeo more Cisu double Uie value o! lb property secureti. O! course Ciore li a mcthod lu Uie madnuaOf the trus offiias n upaylug 11gb prie«foi land lunilis couuty, as the freigh rates front Konoaha county ta Chi cago are 60 cents a tou, sud shouti the trust- get a mouopoly o! i business ft la possible that even1 lover rate vould ho providod. Il clalmed tltat the tovua o! Rendel and Salent slp, more lee than au other tovnsips lu Wisconsin. Neenly ail o! the Iteharvestoti lai year basbeonntovod fron thI bouses ovuod by Uic trust sud the anc'bolug cleancd out aud made nos, for the nov harvoot tCiaYser.- Tb company le planning to brlug 5,0( kmen ta Kancelaeounty la teke cai e! thc barvoat Ibis year, sud msuyi tbese mou bave alroady been ei rployod. A !ew days %go the compar so14 by contract ail the Ie lu t Tvlin Labo. houde oaSwift & Co., ai it te hoiug removeti by the purchasei MEMIERS OF THE BAR VISIT mAes MBLEUAI 'E Milwaukee. Ot. 2.-Tho Womeu!s le ioll rder ofForesters today, mointeitho follaving offleera for 1gbChief Ranger, Mrs. eiabeth Rdea Ut isaToutis aiurphÉ 11gb Vice Chie! Ranger. Mis. Rose! Rittmnan. Mnneapolis; Mrs.. 'Mary Titmony, Detroit. 11gb Tnreer, Musn Katlierne P. Blrmingham, Chcago; Mrs. Xargaret phorildau, Fort Sheridan, 11. 11bSccretary, UMis&nuna M. Daiy sd Mns. Julia DcDonneit Chi-' Hiagb Pysician. Dr. Auna Dvyer sud Dr. Elizabeth Ford Morau. Cihi- 1 Hgb Attarney, Francda McDopneil, IerontabCarmody sud Adolpb baa- W., Chleago. l41gb Auditar, Mm, Minui« Dufy, M". Mary Eaybura, Mnm.JoUai lobuicu. iseley, Miss P<-skon d Mma Katherine PhIlUpoail of Chii- MWg; Kat$ MeCarton, Dubuqte. lIova; BrV HanSlorea.Dtroit. »Mm" ayvio JDinWM1 0b. vas dosamsthé dom wse. 1aimeigpis. WiLisSTTE -f un IN BLUE.1 Nsrth shor'e Tewmn seSarchoti for Whoaosbat s ybctdVan Schmaok Who wa. Learning (fl-ontWednoedaya Dally Sun.) Six tialuarrnyus trcopsa ot si-o ta go.le Culs vi loIaveFart aIgrI- éMU today. TMis moiingtva trains viii carr'y thc Fouteuith battery tu Tsmps, sand'duriug Ils aflernoon thc liraI and second battalinitso! thc Tvemktyseventh lnfantny,,vlears ou four trains for New4urt News. C -n re'l its arr¶véý1'1 tbe4bost, sud the vont- cf ioadlug the battorycommoe l su ece. The Ivo lattnry trains vIii liemade up e! tai borne cars, six be.ggage cars, fout taurist aleepera, ten tit cars ami threo boit cars. The train acbedule lu !arty-tvo bours ta Tampa. The four infantry trains wlll cari-y faurteen tannIst leepeM' two stan- dard leepers, one Ara palace car, tvo haggage cars, six stock cars, sevea box cars sud eligt fiat cars. The beadquarters vili move lu thé tri section. The train achegule la thlrty honni ta Nevport News. Iu the burry a!fpielaration there vas nojnspection yesterday, but a!. tci- Cie baggagc sud frigîl o! the infantry art ahoard the cars tii toruing the colonel yuil make the finlaIinspection of Cie Tventy-seveutb. Did He Go te Cuba? Byford Van Schaack. lie 15-year-ald son o! C. P. Von 9Schaack. vice presi' dont o! the-Peler Van Schasck & Sans Wholosaic Dru Comtpany, dis- appear.4 yoterday front Wilmette, vbero Che fsnuly resides. The police o! Chal village sud Evauston spout the fnlght lu a haunt for lb. boy. Tie labe s*ohm sud the vooda ho- Ivoos Knilverlasd Wiintttc ere searchefi lu valu. Tue parents feared ho mlglit bave been struck by an au- a omobile, but no accIdent o! the kmd voswu epoi-Ied. 0 Yung Van Schaockb b boon ea- Stending theWltte zcO9l, and tel ta go ta Cie ieme e!fbisuncle, Robert 1V»SuBcbaaeb, lu Kemilvorth. lHe did not appe- tht-e. The boy hafi beau receiving mili- leai-y Instruction aI achool fronta laFort Sherdan oflicer vIa contes d40v It fron thUicntltary pont oacIday tI àt givo a lecture. Il la thonght that lbE Il-atrautions o! golti braid sud thE Idgiamnoni-o! Cie soldier's Ilfe may havf ,cansodt he boy ta plan ta accompani e elroops ta Cuba. in Lot he ey iy 'ho tre "y the Lud Ta. .ludge D. U. Joues. Attorney Orvis suxd brothor sud Justice Weiss, o! Wsukegau, yagterdsy taok arua out tu the spirit Fruit fort ai wooster Lake aud IteMveved Jacobli Blhaft. Several couverts are reponted, but the tombens o! Cie *party are shifI lng Uichespoualhlhty aitbougb Uioy admît biug Impreasoti. Pather Jacob vas ltervieveil and gave thc Party a cordial and interest- lng talk vbwh itetec mbons heard tblvomghi4#theo oloui. drlvlug.nahlu that la blng finisbed. Aller nmerons postpaumeuts or bis prjmiaetrip te Maxico for the vintj7 tte ulld up bis licalth ami pro- pare for ralurning ta capture Mion City, John Alexander Dovle yester. day announucc thai business mottons lad agalu cauméd a postpnetellt o! the tripsud Iho May ot go et ait, lu non *vent hofore thé fnit o! Cie novr year. Spcaking for Dovie, Doacon Levis, on. o! is boad mon, Sad: --Ail arngemoti voes de t icnae or Mx«Ieo today, but et the lust Minute vo vers bold by the don, tor Ciat ho lad chaugot bis plans aud woold 1110h nemainblie. mathaflOn the &rut ettbe oymr t at. it lauot due, t Mr nnta ~clisthat lio à"suwe le~u b.. i mvd MOTUS ?EIN RENOSM CO. LOVER 38COM90 COACMMIANI4; W*IIAN STICKS TO HM. Arrost ef Principal Acter ln DonetaI* Mix-hap Tale.Placs n Kenochao; Tort ln Prison May P olow. The fluai sut o! a dontletraod In vhlch peope prominoutliltscll spqd church cirubea aI Woadsok, Ili.. euseted lu Justice McOC&irmn's court lu Kenosha yestordAy morulng vien Edwvard Conklil vas heu te the cir- cuit court tua soer a serious statu- osmps .'W. um, 7on -Ir. voslthiest if Bmothei' vesihhiesl emm. lu Woodslock, 1He1eaccused Cauklin of teailg Cie affections o! lia vite sud focng ber ta beave ber home la eider ta ho near hlm, Cauklu vas arrestei aI Tvin Lakos M onda' nighl hy Deputy Sheriff John Mutz, sud this moruinz ho made a full confession o!f the crime ta the district attorney, gnd stated that hd vouid probably plead gultl SChurch Choir Nemmlce. The case la a motususual one. sud la tie developmeut o! a cinrc choir romance.Mrs. Murphy vas rardod as eue a! Cie motbeautiful wvoman o! Woodstock, and ber place lu Cie sodety a! the Illinois City ivas tle highoat. Bbc vas o tomber a! lie choir a! the Baptist church thon., sud vhill singing lu the choir aIe met Conklu, vIa sang suother part lu Che sanie church. Tue relations ho- tve"u the tva voTe nevor commnteld au ai. Woadstock, sud on uat fflday the socety o! 1ha1 village vas shoeked viien Murphy gaI a divorce fronties vUte. .Before tCat ti itu asaloged tht sho b"ati ed ta Tvin Lake. amn. vas shopping aI a botel thon. lu ordor tu ho noar Conkllu. vbo vas vorblng as a f>achmau for Harry Boor. a Weil kuavu Chicago pàeber, vbo bas a big sommer hoanteOcTviu Lobes. 1CenUrin Admits Ail. Conkliu vas brougbt 10 Kenosha late Monday ulght and lasided la jail, and yesterday iucrning ho vas taken ta the district attoruey'u office sud madie a full confession. He admittedl that Mrs. Murphy' had practically elopeti front ber home ln order ta be wth hlm at Twin Lake&. W, hg m it Il ti The anuel sessions of the Wiscon- siu couference o! the Methodiet Epte- »opal churcli came ta a close at 3anes- ville Monday afternoan vlth the reand-r Ing of the appointments by Blsbopt Cl. C. McCabe. Many o! the Kenoshat couuty tinliters are returned. Tvoa of the bot kuavu minloters, the Rev.t W. W. Steveus o! Park Avenued church, Kenosha, aud the Rev. J. L. i Misr of the Bristol church, are sentt back for another yoar, wblle the other church lu the count yaro ta be oup- plled wltb minîsters by the presidlng1 eIder.à Tt seoms 'that there la ashortage ai mou lu the conference vho'are vililng ta tae.up* Uic bard vark a! tbe cif. cuit rider sud for thîs roasan ntsuy appolutmnts ver. not madc. The smiller churches fail ta prove attract- IV* o theUicmnlaters aud It vill ho bord vork ta secure mou ouough ta MI1 ail cf thèse mînor appolutmaeuts. 101 this account the churchos at Sa- lt --Wlmt >sud,-lier- *e - Mof to lie Bupplit vblhle tUichurch at Somo i vll ho suxlplled by -A. F. GoUsllng ntil a regular pastor may ho appoluted.' The Rev. P. Kaun vili ho Uic paston of Uic Berryville churcb, dlldlng hl U tme vli Uthé'Union Ob"rbluaRacine. I. S. Instala »M"moas Uic pastor of th. Pleasaut Prairie andi Wesley chapol churchea. UnUI4TO T9B J>éZLT SUN. (PlomWeinoady'sDm117 Sun.) Washington, D. C., oe,. -Prosl- dont Roosevelt Ioday rMoonsidered Uice soisotion o! Jndgo me&"= as the proolalous Uovur ofn0f"Cu ansd iii appoint Beoknan Wl,âtbrop, nov govoahor of Pofto aRico. Magoon viii gdýt t U Phlippines as viesgovernor si aMis' et * hutpplini Cam. mission tomte 4 '"M"w Ire, vas weli Icuovula yer at Woodotock,' but e had becom lfatuated vlth Mrs. lurphy sud <f6lded ta get out of Woodotock. He vent ta ChicNagnsd Bought work aud fnaly accepted a position as a coacilusu vire Boor. It la sllegeti that Mn. Murhy souht hlm o'ut sud finally fount ihm vork- ug lu a position as a moutl. Mrs. Murphy vas not ln. Keooa as u a not summoned ta, give oevidonce lu the case. 8h. In at thé home of ber rother lu Woodotock anditIl lu lalmed bhat she la completeiy prostralci by tho publicity that bas boom given ber romantlc love for Coukiu. Murphy vas la Koumoa yostirdiay and avare out the vanrant for the an- rest, of Conuln but ho dldot appoor to prosecuto1th.ernS. It la 0101usd that h hana sateti that ho vili mot soi the arneat of bis fermer vifs, as he believes that asevas eutlreiy un- derthe Influence of Couhiu andi that as vas uot rosponsiblo for ber sc- tions.1 The people conoctedti the1kmdo- muetlc tragedy are veU knovu about Twlu Labo, as the7 have speut thoir summors thore for a number o! yoars. Thil afernon. t 2-o'jlock at Uic Bunnyhill Stock Farm at Milîibbru, Misa Gueule Thaiu la ta ho Unted lu marriage 10<Guy Hughes, aise of Mill- bure. Rov. Stafford la ta porfoam the oeremony. Tlhe veddlng viili e a big eveut for the villag as l>oth bride apti groom are vil kuovu lu Uio uoclety of Uic couuty sud the bride's fatier lu ýtho ovuen a! the Bunnyili Stock Fart. que of thie best buovu ln Labo oooty. Âttettdtug Uic marigfrlontWau- Irogma e Éisa LWinThein, sont ta the bride; Misseis Hardy, Mnm Hardy sud UL. .7 hte. DOT THE MALARIA. Because ho vas ont a&l ngbt Tues- day nIgthi, Barl Clarke. jut 0a=0 ta Uic nontli from Uic southerua satos, var affected by lte limat. of La"e couty sud vas this aftermcop at the clty jaili 'eimcd o Q paiaIm. vhanifo Ibo vasi@ a k e lut wl*e.rad. Mm lm lait r About1 tm0A0 basbosasÏ et a the Nationial stock yards Infu the Iturtmu ~lg ridcàes4est, uitod . ~ I~Md fIe Sonkt !doluqr bc , . lgo'o. Ieo amnaisu M ýwa il41ScWIpt eS1fl for 1b borvice la Cuba, sud oafltocn-ay lim- lt-as plon toheccontracte. 1 A t4omi val ner d, setoer mont *bdgurtensat OUam I*t Ing that thetCilrd iquadron, ifN" eaValry. ho ett medistoiy ta Pant UhcnidpnDM, for station.The tvesly. aVMbot Infant-y nov at that point la codoedors for- Culisu service. GUgs Tfl Tony Chiaucli, an Itaieanwva r- rested Mouday aItitonomhs on a aura, plaint made by S. H. Ballcy. a v*il kuavu fartero! ithé ;n .o! Bots,, uortb a! Antioch. vIa charges ChIW 1 neli h itiîlura 4hot gup aili and lbreaîoulng hi.' lits na Sumday. ClLianolli ivas luuting lu Uic qelglliei. ' h004 o! tle Belley fart andtia nmc vay nianagoti tu billa chieken ho- louglug ta thc ferter. When Cie latter dsnianded pay Chianeili lI- lcged ta have poInted the @hel sun aI hlm sud Cireateme o. i tkl hlm The borina o! Cie case vasadajuruedmun. tli noaerl day anti the accusetiman gave bondse!of$60. AN KV-W DELICIS 1hé Standard Opo Cspany MaksbwM IFine TAKACS 4055V THAT ME BROUGMT COMPANY MRL 8aso ntrat Statue Thoatar Company Mmd Nothing te do With 111 9 Simpilr Rffnil ugOt the MoHue. (Prom WednedaYs Dally Sun.)> Waukegan hsd 4t@ fBrut ate of opera at the Shvsrtz aset nlght whon9 the Standard Opera C«auey prenent- ed "The Bohemian Gil" and Wauko-9 gaz lîkedthie taite.'1 The performance vas excellent as1 ta slnging, actlng, costumes audj scemery aud the only possible crîti- clama would le ln the factffihat lait night marked only the aecoudý peu- formauo by thîs compauy, that thé orcheXtra munie falled te arrive and the musîclaus played trom, memory or not at al, aud ibat the costumesi were inaccurate as ta coutry. Who the Mtars Worm. Beautiful Pauline Perry made a Bc0- hemian girl that aimont sny sne man vould have turueti gypsy for. Her singing vwu captivatIngansd arouseti the greateat enthusiasa. George A. Natauom made a mauly aud dlgulfied Arubla, vhile Edwa*u ,Howard as Thaddoua the Pale. dîi. posseoor of a poverful ter. Devilaboof as preseuteti by Johan Bethelien vas the-liest acting figure lu Uic production. Mr. Bertbelsen la vonderfuily pantomlmic sud lu the' lait &et dld sonte clover comedy vork. He la thc possessor of a good voles. Clans Huut lu the Impaissoneti role of Uic gwpsy que«n 44 einsm euiol stunts, but faiedti tamaIre a docided bit vith the bouse for saune reliso perbapo best kuovu ta the bouse lt- self. , . The slnglug: chorus o! the produc. tion vas gooti as porbapa Uic orobes- ira vould have licou bad It had is munisotapuay from.* The vhole pieco liad a ginger and lité, soldom seen lu su opcratlc scierc tienuandft lsafme to.ay Ut tiM Standard Opera, Company vould bt velcomed lack te Waukogan lua pîte o! "o f 41.-mon atm s- "I vinhta ostate tth i e Otre Otites Theater ompany lai nothiag te do wvl thCe briaglng et Uic cors pany herelm id Manager 'tabcs tI4l morning. "Vie heagi front IUÊMWig lIaI, Il vas g&Md mse l'el" e sont. people thât It voo bo eWdf vbIcà am sorry nov.0 OI) F£LLM 8ARE 3INSTALLER '19 OFFICI Lust flgt IL.IH Stipe, deput g~ndmenter et the ludopeudout Oz dor Odd Feoa, Inductod Into Waiu > kogin oMeiera o! Uic lcdgo into thel 0poots vilh«gmt oeontony. 1,The ozeeors Itau" ia: e . M. Grve, noble grand. eCarl Anderson, viogrand. a A. $hit#,so e rctr. 1 et A 1 *M tidon let aedsvorth sud 8ils nl Ofs o lilerm, ons Mowdsy Octaliet I&. lm oiaelntAu *0n'dlock. *IN. fe Iiw s~, 3-vt:USb i . $Um >mi ladstaif, 1I ysr- lug abr, i yeaningpull, 1 buglcal inolCis cnid, 41bom..oiidtg01 broSo mareMé, 3lyFur$ oie, vois 135 pouuda, I bey #mse , Il ysrs d. v.igbu 11100 POUnds;1 ba" mac. 1yeasa c14, vighi 1,200 paUndb; f )Mn Mar,1 pmsrmncid, vclgls ,03 XAUdo U #Mgod abocta,'Mooormick Inde?; Deoine niOven, nesny aeV, àrS» rabs nmory mev; Vaut Brunt leace, mw-. ka"niseer; pulvonlmar 1-mol and eaulioplov; 12-lad .end Iloy, nov; voo boom lever drmg; laukor; sprlg4otoullitvalor fa-- ming MMi; SIoMygcuitivator; grlnd inle; valkint cultlvqar, sud borse kmlvats tank; st double barnofl iagi hama; narrov-tine wagon. 4- Ich truck, uarr-o tinIue; 2 boy racbs; vood rack; hay rock. mnd at; bol loe ~-, demi) berds; top bugg; milI yaon; 1800- cound selle; 10-Mg xoeilmon incu- cicor; 100 buases9g04 sued cals: U toms lamce boy; B qtous viii bar; SI acres dam lu ' hock; 2 stocks stnav; 6-foot one-man n5v; vire huilier; 4-100tIvo-nieMW; 6 slip- plug emfa;Ibo sasu"Od ak pouse s3 roda voven vine fonce; fpot, o! batellerie« pales; claines. sbvols. iu, forts, slle. Borne bossslield fur- itore and other article. tonumer- iua ta mention. A lunch ai nDonc. l'rentao! saMe: Ail sets o! $10 and ander. eush; ai noms over Iliat amaunt a cre411 of one year viii ho glveon nod liakalmnote.slicanin six (4) par ocut luterst, AIl propmrty mut lié. settlmi for before reoal. 1PIULIP BENSINUR Prop. GE0 VOGKI4 Anctoneer. Auclion. Seing about ta romove ta Wlacou- el. Heeny J. Raison vwiii seil]at pub- lne a»en, vttout roaerve, aI bis roaldouce om Ile Ruganplie, lie- tweu 2(tb Clise iMd LaeBo Dit sud osr Cie sora a!fLbe Micbigan, on Tudm'y October 9,190«. comtienne- lng ai 1 o'clock sharp, tbe foiloving chattala, ta-vit: Cattie: 29 good dairy covs. can.isting o! Shorthorne. Holitins sud Jerseys; 3 being fral ntlbcn, 8 eomng tresu lu Octaber. 4 oomlng f rehaliinNoveaubor, 6 comlug treab la Docombor. snd ithe r«tare mn i l mllkig; 8 céivos. Morose: ondivoit bovu; boy coltelns 4 .Yems oid. nalrokeand asio uegcd- lng vlhh gondi disposition; black colt omIng 8 yoara old, unliroken. slred liy "King 1Maber.' la good i use, fiue lmbmd sud gond islposition; double bornea», singlc bannes.- Hoga: 4 tirontd soya, coming lu&non; 29 fOne eboala; brood nov; sag. Toute, etc.; 6-inch irn.wagon. lumbor wagon, nov single bugg, nov trou lover drag, nov Deere riding cultivator. dise ptiverlaer, stecl B. plov. drmg, cuill vator. abovel, plov, tover, borne rake, boy rack, buggy polo. core markou, gaivsuisod trou vater tank. vood vater tank, 3 hog trouglis, esldron 01etle. eebox, 6 milIr cens. à fraue buildings and sheds, 100 roda or more o! Cyclone vire folie- ifig, 76 or more chialiena, boy andi cure, 4 tous o! hay lu stock, i2 acres o! flue coin lu %bock. A quanUty o! potatoes sud other articles ' mot enumeratod. Torts: Butso!o $10 sud leua, euh. On larger sumas cr11 of one year vil ho giron on approvon baubabie otes beariog 1par cent iteront Ail goonds muetliho settled for hofore removal. Remeti- yber Uic lime sud place. Take C. & M. Blectrlc cars to 'itogan's Stop.", W. H. WILMOT. AuctIoneor. Wauko- gan, Ill., Phono 3582. e HENRY J. REISUN, Prop. n Motioen Sala. e Havlng sali mv foat aud decided te ýgiloup farmlng 1 illiii itaIpublic ie uctlou ou theolad Brouson fart, 2% lles veut cf Gunee and % tUles "oth o! Warren cenltlry. ou Thura- day. Ocinbcr i8. Sale oomm.ncing ae nt10 ain. sharp, lhe followlng p~ a onty': 10 chie. dairy couvs, cunting d lu soo; boy drivlng tste, 9 yoars iu nid, voiglit 3,100 Ibo.; Clyde colt, com- log 4 Jeans 014. 1.400 lbo.; brood tsi-e, 12 yearu aId. 1,200 Ibn.; Clyde colt 1 yenpoil; 30 lurkeys, 160 bu. cals; 150 Plymouth Rock dhlekeus; testrav; 300bu. patatoos; 10 acres coi-d la mliockucv truck, wagon, 1-bncI id hUm, double box; truck wagon. 4-4oi K- tine; unilI vagon. l«nly mev; double, ka cannisse lunaced order; single car- li ilola gond crier; nov bsavy don- tebic verk baim; liglil voit bar- a e. suols »met; liglit double sted, drag; 140Cormick grain limier; IlMOOpunlel S-fobt moyen; Decrlng Il. ,- w nov, ny aMy; 2 1gfod valklug ~ ploy; ~c~uu1l 0; ulby 'ulîlvaflor; Ueo afor; lprasbus; gom lai> reb~ lpanýiWe ; U mtUb brpocg-bay fortaà» M îlVt e IPO; 20 e"an pe1 bone 4aplot trend p»ver;' ppe ton 19-luch fomi cutter, Appleton thrumoha;. A»pWm, »m iluro ner, aul 'E Phen broador; ncaiy nv '»% t tY nov bd ren Mt; gond seviug li. r- dine; hoisebole outted, funnitune, s- abovels.foibs sud othior a&tiles tee ir mumerous tua mntinA lfr00 hi et noonm. Torts o!aie: AUill#14o! $14 qie iglcsld3Uota oredIt oW approvod baukblle noto beag O lin cent !!telrlwL vill lie ri p k

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