-a; SpeialAssessmenlt -Bonds, forSale Lake Forest, Libe rty ville Hilghland Park, Maywood and' Onk Park Special A ssessmen t Bonds for Sale George Anderson LAKE FORES T, ILLINOIS NEWT -RÀRNESS --sRlOp I nulu now buc i ii ii - se - ewstore in J. Ehi. Triggs lbuild'ig :,uIti prigime street. Thums eiop turvî ot s oî i r],asîkc -an lue(jone in thie cti'. (Giiv i a trial. i SOLICIT YOIJI TRÂI>E MAN SIC TUÂT YoO4IVE 1mE A TRIAI 0. 1. LUCE Libertgvile 1Illinoi! HOW ABOUT o EMMONS-MERCER LUMBER CO. EDWIN A. BISHOP, M'g'r 1io Pn47 67 I lI I ----------- REFmTS I have e first clas assortmenl of blankets wiich 1 cao offer at bergain priCes. Al -teooul tîcuieta-----------------------------................ 2 26 Storm Oucit bleoket lied------------------------I........... 135 Stable blankela lined .......................-....-............ I150 <oud ail wool fawn 7 lb 86x90 ioch---------------.........425 I-amnes. and t-orse GOoos of al- Descriptions *CHAS.-IH. KAISER Libertyville. .IliBnois ~MS STOCK FOOD AL1VAYS 014 MIAND - -uu -- - - - - -- --- sas o a~ ou;:o:: :1 a,: s: i o a. LUETYILLE TO ýKENOSliA Cars Every Forty Mlinutes Fare-SO0c. Round Tnp 85c. At Kenosha connection is made with the T. M. E. R. & L. Co.'s cars for Racine and Milwaukee Pare 'Kenosha to Racine 15c, Round trip 25c. lare Kenoba to Milwaukee S0c., Round trip 8 c. aa mutIha<e gàIýétlY more nions>' tu-- rested sonewubere thmn tbese tblngs F sepresentsti. île bal a great curlosil>' îloknov what tbe ntter lnvestvnents vrere. but bie dld onot fiit ut, for at , C a v a iGU GElest, wlihiîva lrief a tile of the cvi.)Of jH U'AUbicsliojîr of Enre, the trouhied manviP r.GGLESTON* "There la nothlîîîvtfor It but 1telîy- W 1 11 1 e R a h eothr'cte aJat crilarlk lI hie X at !'01i, yes; thîla sg.îal. ittîîffortwilll cse~~c.~Otb5LBsr *C..?ilé~. ~VII Ass.N.ws'~ anet that ns cîalîrît If the lîîîvk le ln a iposition 10 Dxlend ît tcmi. M'lie-u lie to ut ia fol uîi tit lii('situa- e «I don't kviow. 1 came bere hOPIng cating ever>' syliabie a., prcuisëty a I lion wîîc hit stIII- liai aker. wiio hll anti expectlng ltaI lut vlw of ail the hie had heen reciting c a -----in v a for- beenilillîy i tiîîaîvil îitiIluff wlth clrcumeltances jeu mlgtit be wiilng tuelgu tongucae t er-iad Fuo aI' îu-i all jet tIs malter Of my 1loess froin the someîîaîsg. Soins tint-e i,300offered 1 jea.1051 uitse' ww-elî il aieuîhake ci bank rethst ewen ourseives for a he pay me a bigb pri- te1 0 iifilt a Ions Wiiv îelot r,-e fîîiw ti hsti lime." crimte. yen remembeîi the Uic'crcun- aot 011r-,ualie iii,t .l, oor IIbtvet Duncan a-as oulwardlY cul110Dw,.sttice, 1 bave nu doubt 1Yoîî renient - aboit l ie l.- 111,tu.tfr if hunaveF but Iviwardiy te -as lI a toweriiîg ber tîbcî1 efusd and Ifit yoiu gîcre-1 r-ltluîu rtvtDu rage, for Tandy's prescnce remlnded r b ell never lt i,-îîOn îîlita îtî-îiaîîilla trie hlm btterly of te wac>luiwhich thc evcîge b>' lytuS 1tIi i-lu". -liwere cs.Amnwi)alk i ex-enkr laitirlti Ini lucolcut Ueit *nipoylng me.)-a ti t u In-ase. A cii wlet li i a-îîieîlnc ie bi ex-bauer lid trie fita te coruf'tfainous lie Ibat. If lt ilad la-en iblleveul "htsflea eI fxl, u blm anldie e lîat i reputatto ol aebate YvdDm or- s-T iîa llîi, îtai3"etl iumét" a- with c lie, und T-rndys mauner cicar wîvldl ebaît i taî sit o-seeîfîîavî.sîîaîiiîe. e 1>' etungb riaedta ebt ouie 1 1 No; o t1 ladied t kle lnlvitsIeye' eetl uUit3ii îed tethîbtikl la etat te ortad iti-tili-iltomention lii- mîaiie. eaîpe- of a lutil e n'it-ilittîîîliai l i aus,. lnghlmto ic -il Isanobernîiter t-la Mi1r. Leftt al'-.îrle-lc andiliîe'ea-uîaifltiaru l, ay forI-.L'Vilc hI inm teîîbill d ut>'ano hi. hosor bowhig tua-ard the lct .tirwlîcee bu>'thé stock atill:r--îîlîvail(:clit flore.I Inoiin ltsduy ndbi bttr. U?"jaw bail relazed lavi1iî-a.naîiient. "I '110w do you messte't1 t z ,' , 1t h f 5tt ItE5' Is e-orll 1E03?' lie esked, cArefullY cotrolling bis baid înt lntended te iiihalatîtmat- '-p..aili of Ilat. aîîîîi l ililt thl- orfli toii-i-7' ndersîsualter, buît >'u lhive frito toreminîsd astr(-premenily n tîilir IuiaIanu 'or-h « oryu yut usof It b>' trylo iow aaali iperuade agerient. hl il el-tow bt Iuaitt.ny- n if yoîî kuew enythisg about iianklng." dmet ommt a cnsîî a e f-'s h..'mgn aiytiis* yti -f1e-ii trouble yon te omit nl dis-, uemn we inîni)* fort suc-h ini î.-Tl1l viîie,,ih> il- 101,oiîof My 'kno-ldger or my fg-May ' lei- tnPiiSl t- aa-rlfryu nc Inorilici-. Your aeouit aitb Ibis bank co5veulpu-ce. Unil n" 1u a ve tni- Ir.sA.slbh-e.- Ivîs no st-r hank I'lu aImo là ai present lu c chaPe forbldden > rlai-i1 osdr aiîa,îv-iifc nd fot>oîy iee aio i-outl ilîkia lw. ilt iust be adjusted et once. @0 far as 1 could doa- (iaiitESlo an stuc-ilas Ttny ni 11istae otfi '1hat le cil that concerne inelvbewitihnà>'dt>' 10 leiil. aIiîîîo nln ieeasstî t'cilielliMito case.. îlieut confine jour8eîf te thiatY dlelDitoeot»i5dtlit;t. Ybumnu4tmai, lle .' .,ale on Ilallîim's owsîîli-r 1 Tandy 'beca me piacative andlaplobrlig î:ts ere Wlttîîîii) i t,îîr antid ch-îula'silec-k lihavi hé- gettc.redeent thet pieco of tati-r îor i shel burvied fo the X National. arriving1 "Yumuâ enahlînpa.rilos nie,31fr. procecil itgainst y700 -i iaia5itly.Afier there Jplatiimtînt.-10mel tlunii Dunc-an. This ttsng bas kuorked me, you @hall baedonstha t.a.u îîîustinie uncen. *fvicand. ont, c goo;d deal. It came uî,oîî e0 s Iluubotiter cepsits o ash i.bor accept- tit-nesrei(-Ptvpd the i-liek lni fli suddldny andl nîexpectedly. I1incie, chIe cecuritlieasu mi a- el-cti(esan>' te benk artor. gnectlîsisivî4eaît Lemf- r y> apologies if i bave caldatnything set 3-our general a iaal) lrer. a-m-h sbon141 fie prosevt ithe la'Inter-. Lu t offend. But la there nottlvîg Iciau Tbat le ail 1 have to -ia. I give >on ve'-. do to fix the tbing ut> co Ibat the batiki ose hour lI whlch teo le it)- Ibiths Pu- "l'Il te tat papen, if you îuase..' tcan carry It for me tilf1cas turs pe-r, andl 1 give 'OvIll iarf--t Of tbe Teîîîl satl. thoinhvg out bis bandl for it. arousd en su ee. thmtb lings are soe dayr li whieh 10 adjust thleî itier mat- "'Not until yon shall have aijucteil customer>' in banits thet It nevoeroce- 1er. Thot endis our cuîîfereuae. andi 1 the otlter mnath-r. The lîvivke bonite curreti te me iltt you a-outil inast muet excuse m>self. Xu u Ow jour show taIa-hile joli were st111 presi- S upon the strict hi-lier of the-lau." waa put." dent of te Initution you maile a "ibave takenanuoath," anriereti jean of0f 3.10) e yourself on your un- w" Duncan, ,te obe>' andl euforce the strict r (HÂT XNVI~. secureti note, a-tlout es-en an Indorse- o! thls bastes affairs-Juet as you dill srourdstes f îîîd.Ilie vllted the laa- yon were sa-orn 10 a-hen you. were prettevit here.,,il et a aas a captalist of large means, obey -nen estne. M'ith that 1 do net least, Intendte 1 respect mY Oath. I but sten a fln-at capittalit-anti noa- concervi myself. whct I ask in E 'Wbat do >os reiiuire Of mel?' lie couiti flt b. reckoiii-,l lusiuitethat- tat joit ecure the hast for tatIncan, "-For oye liing, ibat you sitell put ina>'sometintes 5.nd it tucou'enentte10 ahich aeuh stands. NWlven État ladoue jour aceount lnto at shape pernilietib>'1-raile mone>' ln consideriîate sumà,upon Mr Lefta-iclt aill returvi IbIs paper 1e law andi aarranied b>' prudence. Inlte Instant. Soilt heatielteu titî 1551 you. In thte meana-hîle 1 place It ln dolng that jos shail have li the help ai ibis time Tandys>" ians wcre ail bis bande."' p lte tank cas properl>' leuti juiL" emplojeti andi bis <reuilt streteheti ai- j 5"Recli>'. Mr. Dunccn"-for aIscs the "'Tell me jour exact ter-," sali, most lu th. Pint of lrekinrt>' rea- eamiy part of tlat morning's Interview Tandy>, 'and f will endeavor tu comPi>' -non Of! bis excessive aui largel>' con- Tanti>' bailnet venlursil again uplon «Itj.Ily tte." celet nvemtetnoiteIn a number of en- the famllarity ot addressing Diana "T--ou muet compl>' with tem, as tecpriees. wltbout Oste .Mr"-'*rely, Mr. Dun- tjey lIswill ho ouI>' sucb as il le m>' dut>' ia, I temoral sida il woulti bave lioue avi, jou anepressing ne ton bard. Tou 1tnsult upon." difficui evevi for Tend>' bîtseîf luesa>' muet gvs me e fea- da"- h "Wbat are the>'?" jut wbat inasume o! sufferlnfibe Cen- ,"B'o au can Il Te iaw wonid bold "Tiret of au ou muet Ioda>' deçiosit duroil. Hie conscience was ccsebai!tiOtt.me ut feul Y 1itoulti allow lthhaut; $ 15000 In cash or soeurtlle te1VieialseOS, but bis finaclal repvtallov w»asDntltl close Ioda>' with that 'Dan unsecured. goodt hat bit er paper." saiS Duncan, oui>' a valuabie, but Ran ab@elutlo' e-1 bave no riglil lu gise jou lin.-" "olin vp te Ire. cere retMg- oseler>, part o! bis equipint for the. *'You are perscutlng ms!" -ment of a ler sheel. ou wblcb Ihoe business«oslaiiwhlc-h hbca-asugageil. "Nto, 1 amn not.If f1a-sre mindeti te a-us awlten lai Tanti>"s banS:1 That ropultaoit a- as now iligrontdan- do lteta, ltoild calthe lbsn i et' 00"d for' 85om5-ount tbis as cash. ger. nes wontiered If Dvtncan a-OUId Once. As It Il, I ouI>'agit jo-as I N. T.. Presit. telIlbh stor>' et thcl scrsp of pailer. muIt-to slecure l as dis 1ev rellutres. -1 roundtillbatcliour cash asecs Suyni>'Hoondereti stili more a-bether Dun- I1a-ill accept an>' talrl>'gooti colaleal Ibis monig. 1fr. Tanti>. Ulil t cvin lghi flotreport lte natter 10 lte jou me>'bave le offer. 'Ibere le surel>' b turned'vtp 1 ed cherlne e l.belle! COnPmoler Of the cursstcy at Waab- no hardshlp ulataI-no persecution in Ihat jour rreglarilies a-sm ounI>' sucbh IMt"n i Iltus hring about a criminel demcntIu itgitIYeua&hallIeuporarl> use>jouse>' are cualumar>'wlth bank prosecutiovi.ev-n afler die cumi r- Jouve wa-llbhlbuhvitenougb of dis j officers. I belleve lit iaviot custOMAr>'. reguitri>' borrowel bcd teen roitait. bonds or stok certificat". duel jou bua-ever. for the preitient of e a ;Thocibevbrememberi-il, alIt cooehbafibolS in plant>' tu ompi>' widbe lia- tue betrae l $15000o! lhebtnk@cash ie aspasai crotn is hieurt, diat lb.e<oucetnitg 1ans b>' national bonite. I anv subsitute for lil a moe peudi bootkeeper,.- Letta c-, badi bsard lb. bave smmpi>' no choîce but te Inclut scrlbling on a sirap o! paper, signeti wbole convestlon, cut ieh remonter- uilon t" a-it initiais." eotie dat b. liait boom, as h. put IL. "But 1 tell jou." ansa-ereti Tend>'. Tend>' mt gazing vecevty iti aWuneiauI* ratbeet bard on LettwicWb" uPOn sv- "ial at presevil I bave nu tonds or w-it livi lips anti contorledt entures. -1e)O--siens5lvlte paut. If LfIWi<tbstocks coveienll>avallable for sncb, bis maliceDowna-bdit s upportunit>'. <ToBe Continuedb oundisea-hoie, Napper Tend>' coulti________ viol recailiannleur day tui& aIliret ouna-hlc bcho bil.uuffered su much in Stace O iotis, Ceunt' ut Lake. a.a, in tha Sireuit Court ut LaLke Coutr. spirit as ho titi nuw,.but tdieswas nu Decem bher tarin.A. D. 19M. cour ime fur broodiig or lcmntig. He Julîvîsi@Bimers vu Genrce Petfer. Genres f011Iba ho -astii uiiord unc&'s Piffer. George Kno=1. 'Uuknuwn Owner of toittba be as u Gulfod Dueata ite notes degeutulilue morca@reaorded i-mIchea.s, iaile hoie 111110 utof in Bock s2 et Morges. W."-h conelotlos erupest>'vîrue ! a>' Water anS Margcaret citer,.bisw te consienlou scupls bý vrtu ofany NapolAon Purlolat5 Nepolen 'erniîat soul oxperiesces ofit laIt ivii0o1 bis Napinienu Partislt. i'eioltsan Paroietti bn arle hui so far leat'ved tu un- alias feevioeon Parnilt. chias Napoliav part, - Parolat. »'Uvlknown bains or eflesesCI - I sndDuncan as l teviowat bcl h Charte& Deaen. clas.Cbarles Dense. I ouiti, as a muittu-n uiconscience atons e. od."oUknoicn har e d-vieeDoI enfumee the strict i-fIer o! is demavit. owner ofntes deceribeIdilac Mortallre. H le hastenol te fnd Capteivi Wilî record Sin 1 Book K of Mrfgsg.pg iîP aîlas _ Wohti. Feulasa-uI. ll HcIlan,adt i0llu lho matie almst a .Puls u. UnknrwDn beire or devies pîteous appeal fur a tuas o! $15.000 of Christavi Btterer. deceasu.' Samel Frisch. Mary Flitclonise NMillr. Ida tbrougb lb. Haliini bcnii. isryker. 0. iScotuat Fritpec. and tb, ",So Duncan cîrrute on cvI>' Unknown owoars of orPertunsinter"atS ln therosi Astate ecreimitSuitiheS Bliltd for jou, eh?'waai-tihe flippant remanit ootvheaini.* tau(Ihancerv No. tW7t. Tady sac l-liziu vcmtV tfll IDvAtiOGvii. -l wblch CaptaîtîlHalluin receiveil Satisfatort' alndavitclitIuruon du. vinqvvrt'. each of0fte iafi'vdants Gorge mnilter the lan'. affaire as sulleilb.th e al. Pilier. George Piler. George Knout. -n now owner oet he notes uleacriteti lu bis personal conveniene Ibatliho bcd "WlIl joeu let mec have tb. mone>'l" a otane recordeS in Book 82 o qulte forgotten Iis litltransaCtl-on. aimet frsallty llead th le suOW Motases. ar 154,, Cae~r Wlte:an Iecovertsg himsee!, ho saiti prosevitl>': Iburougll> frigliiîeîed man. *TonYeulc., BNsoan Pertolat. Ncviuhea * "That wacean Oversight on mly pcrt, tino la preclous. lvi-leng thon an boum Parimltt. cics NaVOIAOle Mfr. Duncan. II a eeyamte awi erietesm o utPInIulLallci' NpoisilParoiet. *Unknowi E ila-asmeme>' amatsm li a-ich mcii- l- sn. Ta n et laie or uevimeas ut Cbarl,.c Degan. aale- o! temporar>' convesience. yTuuses. heip m ut ntHalIsai!" -Charlesr i van Chenues" "Unknown heino oeevesuvvg after honni I bavpeeoti 1"IroUit>'dont kîlua- ter1 au or devises oft NeaSn Ïarouhatl. 1cae, une lu eet lii aoun hicur arang h r vnt.IJ.ceoStafur asi Unknown on-cr nnotes ulAoorhed fha a suddtesi>' e ha mutI ur rag tornt ' e Êafr n Liortgga raorded uuok -1l"utfMortaula 4 rency. 1 came bore lu the liank anti fini ont boa- fan our ans are extenti- ~s v'Pausl Won. Pavls' Wolf. alias guI IL, pttisg the 'meut.' bInote cash sti. Wa0f <f bnnyu ieTo r hitan lettcer. dýececsd." Saines box-in-itIsa.aea(tas.tbeMwafie alune o o! ta. Steftord le ver>' oxating as t ns.sdte 1Uulu te rsotate th. bani's -oicers or cents bore le le.ic ïla'fer -o! 1h11 soeurlty un a-hdi iuaresfe) lvithiif ai s lais my cbeck. Beaides, t hadn'I my hhemi ltoraik tud."t dues t ttin¶cd er ficli nut checki boukthhis, t tuli>' Inteatioti "Tes, 1 mua-, nil that ia ver>' a-t- sNcieu5uplothan r cu er obylent h lu crrcnge lhe mater before the tanbitsard met nua-. lio a good eail ied seli(erte Peffer. George PIffer. George upenti b. dI ornsgbutsombua up ju ina-.Fvi lien uyig ~ Knovt "'Unknnwn owner of tihe notes forgol IL. Ila-as Os)>' cs uierslgbt. erl>'alng the lhue ut Our proposeti at otMariassses. tliRas154.'"('asisr Wisue I assure jua."y aloti. 'eboulland Margaret iWalter. lis cite. tllcteeon 1 asureyou11 afired.I'v boghtrathor hevl>', Puriolek Naoueon Penflait. sfWeu and s I adn' expctedte le caqd Prlo Sco Npeen t'sruîtt, aias Navuleou "lt as a e feoi>'." esaered Dun- anti as I baanlterluecîti te ho i-iBd«PaUlolci t upun te rcine mouniy just aoa- Ibave haire or d'tisoes etofClrîec Senauelte cas, in a Ion s fre ec troin trees as if goe hluprelî> dccli un credil. Tou Charies Degan eeeed ' "Uknown bau lie cd mrel> sal. "l ismainnfi. mua osivîccasenINhlvolean fParclett. dueecee Thonehatitieti: b "llar'nn."k o a- lrn imosibleIl; a tereaze on "Uviknua-n ucten of notes deccnrlbei1.i1 Thenlie ddedsaucbehpropemt>', ee et e locea-bWoua clorigege eabedcld lnBock "K" ouf Mort- "«Wii>jeu mate a dePusît vDOW- t man muet bave moui->'t once" saus.?,a lit." Palas Wolvi. Feulas Wolf a-& ubt oit. "hnktuowu itens0r elean dit malter up? Afier jou du su, "Thon a-bt eas sou Offrr davisepes if flbritîcn Batierer. .leSaed. a-e<ta g unant ajua It oherma- "ell îve prtt' ~e hî t pael Fr5Gsh civilthe Ukn wners FOR S)kLE-:niverial rangse pipe and I.. X)ard. VI1 good as l'ew. Uged osne 'inter. Inqîîire of DUi. >JARTI'i. 1-2 PAUL MA4'IqINI -tf WANTEO TG RENT-F'arniof ablînit 50 Ôr 1001 aî .- ILI.liii- ofiC. M. & St. P.rail way . Ativ fa ta i II -tvioeîr so-Id. 0- Bxi.l.r FORhî,E. Iiiiiu 1aaVl',at iuîau uîi e,ietit daim-î liîa. M a- l-E.tIDi FOR %ALE-Httui -taî,- ma lr-ta <nuler. IVili huim w au il .aril.an i>îit. Dl:,.. bii 4 ueita iflu, FOR SALE-MoE acre fitiii :t lii if (tari-c. Lakte Co.,- Il .lt elimi a-a hi i-uim-.iuus,. Barris. Ttuuuuilfyt ira-ci riudp. Ra4e usp a-it'-. I ien-si. inqiuiii- ita-lier tluiA. STRAYED NOTICE-'. lu rk bu ' viorci- -vl-iitily yaitl Oct. 1.1id,leablitt tIf ici- anîd ilhal l IaîndsIlîigh and lia-. blai-k îîeiuav"ail. E w lier ý-ail i ai mui Iclv fîrîviiig îrîîlrty ad ai1Ilylig (-larges. A .l C IET S -------- WANTED-(hnl for gî-uî-ral bus-e aîîrk Tiil fnuijly. Ajîply to M ILS. H. Ei STRAYEO-lIay horme witw buhater, la hiaîd bigli, 900 Ewigit. t6 el ars obi. tliî ini tie i a di iitirters iin front- $--î rewar.I. Stravcd Siunday t-vcîing froîm îiasetl ieui-r Lakes Cîîrîe. 1-2 Wu. lhcu)()i. FOR RENT-Ri,usc and lot on Fair streePt. Lîerti'. l.. JE, HOLuîî.ie. .FOR RN-,iî, adbarnu n il- waukee Av-i-ne. *1lt) i nqmntii. J. s. GtLF, Libentyvîlle. 52-ti TVPEWRITING-i wtll tak- typcwrit- ing w-îrk tg)di l,t blei. E A O I'PiLEýv Libiertyille. 5-244t FOR SALE-(ioîd boumue anîd lot. Est mide oif Libeitvville. (io.îd loration. P. B. (i.risErtî. 51tf FOR SALE-1Lot and iottage, îearly new, in Lake Zuriî-h. Price $700. Mot& lend il deired. 1E. FRANK. Lake Zurich, III. 51-tf TO EXdMANGE-My boule; a -imolli bolide,. wit b oth, bot and cold water. Ronde lin good cou dition. Lot 371%z125- feet. Want frown 35 to 40 acre tarinv Lake count>' weli improveil. Wiil pay differenre. A. J. PàtiE 2824 Austin Ave., Clyde Station, Ill. 52-4 FOR SALE-2 full hlod Berkshire board. Price reasolnable. Rafter farin 1aaxitr LÂwRENc.x11gr. 52-tf FARhI FOR RENT-Haïf way between Millburn and Wadswortb, 105 acres. Inquire Ibis office. 49-1:1 FARM FOR RENT-Near Ivenboo, 50 acres, EDw. Boy»., Liberty'iIll. 49ti FARM FOR RENT-2 miles fron Ub- erl>'vllle. 145 acres. Inquire tbis offlce. 47-ti. FOR SALE-Building sille at $15 per 1000 feet. J. C. HifUTEL,, Prairie Vlew, Ili. -52-8 V T SMALL FARM-For male near Liberty-. ville 60 acres, fine iapiovements. abund- anc. ofwater windidtll. good oil. Prie reasonable W. SUtTE, Lihertyville- la 52-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-On Park place, aio 4 choies lots. Inqulre Firsçt Nat'l nana, .aoes I>il.4-f FARM FOR 8ALE--4)r a-i revit, one liait mile north of Ivanlioc, 74 acree. adl- If dres, 0. HEvioaN, 1171 S. Spaulding il Ave. Chicago. 52-8 eFOR SALE-125 acre tari nniar (hasesWI 't corners. Alo farna tt 47 acres 2tulles Dyonte'nt Long Gnose. PAU-L MAc-Oc-EiN- Libe tyville. Il4-f. - FOR SALE-116i acre farta, 2 miles a-est of (urne. Blacit soil, p lent>' aen, Gond oncbard andl lots of fruit. hWiIsoeII 76 acres with liuildings or 40 acres a-itbont. A. BaîXEN, G<mme. id 51-4 as FOR SALE-242 acre stock and dam>' gl tari, 5%mile enuibeett tlWauconsa,M inLat eîonty 111. inproscd a-itiî 50w tr lionse, bars andl a-iil anulmil] and ti ni-cesser>' oui buildlings4, uînhard timber t n fn fréh waar pondl. Chose to a isiand aie. M utet ti-e sld t iînce to C e x an close au estale. Mati- oSer. rg82 Acre Stock avia ulairy fta 3 tuiles a-i-st uf itGenlea-. Cookt coutil>' IM., on bt @idîeles otfullIu-uiitee Ave. touprovet C.i witlî good botuse tandl ban ewlY nui ainted anid new roiof on buarn. thood 11omehard saeniflue Itor $150 pet, acre.. or120 Acre Farm-N-an Bine Iland 2 li ith Eoiid bousi-. and tbarni and out h.buildings. C.ood oî-î-iarîlsud *27 acres us tituber andl uastfîre excellent ton dam,>' es teai $ltOpi-r are. Di Rave scierai goud ltarmswhîic omegt 1) hbc culaI heaD for naclu. Addre'sa esmate Mc au oi JoaN B. Dis.egIExEil, 1i:Asuîuîvd un Bd. Chic-cga. Et SFARM FOR SALE-Place knîîwn as sJolis Baner tarin, m-l acres. goid Lulu- -j- iuigs. - couth'.vst crner ioi Fr-iîont. )If Mue4t lie sohd, aIonce. .iddi-tliv GEu. Il ict.t, 15cauconda. 44-tf .!FOR RENT-M roolu flat. Inîluire ot1 üd J. A. îta'ATEE. Mift -d of MI MONEY TO) LOAN-Os approvel real ofestale cecunil>'. BE. H. MILLEti, Liber- in lyville. Ibis. 8-f & ORW A Eleator andl coal business a4 cheap un ai-i-anIof old ale. ilaisy Sas', Lake Zurich, Ill. 29-tI Po MODEL FIENCIE. The OnI> Foce With Ever>' Wr. of HîgEl Carpon Spring Steel. The White Mode Coctivig Prevenîs Rusi and Doubos Life of Fencp. Prices, Test sook and Relable Information on Fonce for the Asking. It Address. ROBERT KE RRY. Agerrt. W- sak. Wedge Pace, east of Gray- -l, Factory at Lîbertyville, 111. tiled. ,W ____ LU MB F R -ALL KINOS- Good Grades at Fair Prices. -DýOORS ' WINDOWS, MOULO- -INGS, BRICK, LIME, ALP4AN PORTLAND CEMENT, SEWER PIPE, DRAIN TILE. ETC. G.il. SCIIANCK Are You Worried' About, It ?1 See us for H1oUstecleaning Supplie$ Stove Pipe Enam'el Radiator Broinzes Floor Paintst 'Paint Enamelsi Varnishes, Japalac- Campbell 's Stains Caleimoe Bring on Yonr Sign Work D. A. YQJ NG MACHINekN of ail Kinds REtAIhI rhorough.ness AN>' DIspatch LIAIW LAYCOCK, CO. L liville. UN. )pposits St. Pul Frslght Dept. :BMRSTOW, arbIe id, -Granite Moueuiçs netery Work of Every, Description rrespondence 5olIkitd Wankegaa cKINLEV Rm DomW ,%ND SPAVUIN CURE Soins help ring bone@ and Spavins but w. cure thein. Tbe treatutent we gise la thorough and lasting cure. You dont have to la>' bl the. hors. À trial wlIl oatvlic.701 that ws have gati wb&t Yeu- have e kiss ng tSU. J q I q -I Çi q y. 'Il . dr 1