0.1 P etBuey ai cc Af4olarne until Latterp visse Regular Session Cont openeit again 3M sucet bouse te again tol tiviy and lavyoi, fi Wrange, are busying th the oeoaty seat. .Thi court opoued Mond Mohlelie vers boomu a mnil taI lb ln the t 'dam t1h51court vl b. tbei sdiouu until tue I tii. mmotb- * Th grand jury vent Miondey atermoon and- CUlil miltuo. trsscrjpti board sud tue truc billse eitod upon,. Judge Domui bencb.. Ma-triagi License i ~,*. urrtffl liceu a Ê-; tno 1 a Racine couple vornanhbadbeen tivotc voreid people statos titi poron es ot b. marri peer a-lter tue dvOrce The divorce ofthte w cosa. bat bien grantedl vMs disoovered vien il tii.lav demanda ee tb. licemée. varefuse&. TMM application batI fa tue book hote the -à» »4eta ov 'tue Page wutialarge lettons s lug SWlmd Loo»se u 8 UN bich hb. daims ho veeil have long dunce paid, for lu 1011hbîd bis, vite &.aIO dnber sbire itu~ o f drinking avsy bis molloy,5ashbdmaléez. ýoity Suat- ho bis ba -mmcitrouble vlt hber, part of Monti'ho dais.10iMYs that viien .be n Convoee. came homo Dom von aet igt lu- steat of fidlng s supper mvaltlng [onday. The hlm ho Vould flnd bis- vite lying ming vîtît se- druink sud bis 4y«ir-old boy, Jo- 'amniar ands-ph, uacred for. Ho bas seversi iemseîv e t times been arrested and fined et bis 1 jvifes complaint. He sayp sIte bat îay afternoon. hlm arreiteil bicanse be remonstrat- and tbst in ed vltb ber. Lireo or four She hait tisippearel frorn bis home bod.it. iyl ad ho clolrns ahe bas left vltb 5an 1,ter artofother man. attor ~i Ho therefore asks divorce aut ino session eustody of the boy. viii continue se hoj been 1 IAD A GREATý TIME "REE. bavebeen te- The baie'bail teani of the. Racine ielly la on the Buiness Me's Club, vblcb vent to Waukegau Tburatay, ot oly got the bu bothé t argument as far as the lofumed. game vis concerned but %%re treated i,.SturdAy xe- no rigbt royally by the Illinois mou ýe beause h at tbep Son talk of scarcely any- ,, th,, yiO , thimg élue. Jobpn Wagner urnpiredIthe et is yar. - onet wviîeîresultedI n 'a victory At diorcdfor .aciee 4y the score of 12 te 110, rldtil divoeand after t vwu oyer the local dole. ba edn ne- vOgation vis taken lu band byte ba en~-Wankefan kentiemon sud mate 10 roma ln hlefeel tbat there Wau reaily no. place 'omln Jinetusquite i 1k Buliock's tovu.. Varions thlu onai modes of etertaiument vere furnish, asoe quuinsdoit andretresbmenti served' vhlcb aetsdare apoken of by tiiome vho vere boom_ entered titere vitb unstinteil prase.-Racine Timeos. e li decormled mIsuet." apping. The moVere norffleat gale that *uhmhue aturlsy lgt dit mucb deaffl etaIthe barber. The severe 'V iM tat Mbaiben bloving ail veek bbaotesl o a ittroug gale and. at t4un.. Nov' villextremely iig9h ve- AU the boalt tu e barbon ve poeSleê ar om.uieMlIy hi tii. lm ohtw ve .The vavse Dom te- mob aegi virte nortii piet ai- -mm*S la a boti aud causet s bgso la tie barbe. Tb@ vint--sud tho svell together OMA mwi mavraio!tue boa"e et the b"eqbor te brook mlac eu -mm tb a ithe 'Ma-an" tue flut sleop lb*yvi..ed4hiyJohn Santersansd lma liaisoecutli Atiheex-i b mormeuh eof t aharbar, but &s vW é est svll obeof thefl Me "aê heM ber saiseie faae --doatie hrbrl. 'WiieNick Lir mm mm*mo l o e bsboat liverila *tbe ng ho fouidthlebhat on tue b"& betsiPe -Il s 11pler asuthle meUh puer. ov ibe mate the trip Issus lb babet *litueeont on tue bp* la atrtck of tk. vînt. A.s ame làala Fsncb siition that I vu s ot posIebl te ramoveber Y.slWlay eo u eva isrlggoanad lft olmte batela utiti hétuentwIlgo *mva- v he M i iib. hauld out for the iater. 3Is -atot; teugbl t e la idam ied, sllboughasmie»la a lA- RosI »oU t it a avoutor' The.othet fshng bots thaI vere it Stt $ho end ef Ib. o uiey coml dock viresimDo bitukon cio eMd bewcbid in front of UWehs. The ltte plîr Domvbh he vente bis hoalairas pubiot ha-if ont t ftueuaidby tue -tugglng of a- heavy att tuaI vastied 10 1h. Nev GWedih hPastr. 4 Salrtai eving aItie Svotiîh Methodit church mombirs of tue ohurcob r.ceivedthtuir nov paston, a". ammi Anderson, formeily o! Àkwora There vas a arge attend- ma-c sud a cordial elcome vas ex. tou to10tue Ma-n Who vîlI bero tir direct tue testinlos of tue churci, TheoScplia.open"d vith i iugn aflirvhWb lie local speaker. jabs- lquist, ave lie wveming at- drues, a fine ort lin vbcii ho prophi.1 cw thebissucoess kftue chorci union -t lIzev leader. At tue eut or the -t« sseb h prestei 3Rev. Anderson »wtbh a purs. cotmiuig a large surn, tbt ditIbelcn utbe nmre o! tue 1 ev, Andermon respontel felln gly. Metr refresbrnents te receptian va-s Say$ Wifm a Dbrunkard. As hie semat of s long lit et trou- bl, N., W&yaiSimom Kachnabe, o Nou Oeleag. Bled suit against bis WU$e, Anbl. Kachusihe. Hia neamon A& etfst Ia hiebill his ltbat for mm - as Ivo Yestspat bisi vite Us behes as bibituffl trunkard. Tii mmgj,, uis n nuouns, aI beail for Wb vwu mariedt 10 ils vfe aber M8 10. ont Ilv itvlb ita-te h.vire uM"d le Arst br the mmiRoSas, m a hiM 13ta orthCcsi 's u putIaIlypaît for Mat8 To Fix GumsRnoudee. Supervisor Cord bas luit finlebe a la tuat teservei tue tianka of every Waukegan résident by getting tuingu line, up for tue repair o!fii. Guru., rosit nesr the Chicago & Blae.ULie culvett. Tii. roaI bas bien in bat shape, ai'- meut -tmpasmble, for --n montus. Todiy tue saperior vet 10,R. H. Alatoa uedt of tue NotivpWMie sud laid the mmisbetor.bhlm. M. Aieiteu t onuepromtid lthat tue road vouid b. repsred for &raile Wli mov f'amily West. John Autin.,Ifrmerly evuor cf the Gurnéeecrosmêr. vhlub ho sold 10 P. T. iwer, ls egaoIn taWaukfan afttr sameglendo weternttip, offar- tmg about iv veeka. Me Intends In rmanbrs about a mosut vý iii tben retors ta KaistulMont. vhere ho bus a. option on a boomandmu lot lie latenbt 10purcimie for bis homne. inues loavig here M. Auin am covemet muob territory.H.ehbu benu tusgtue Dakotu ,Montantauma visitai ernie, In Osua-ta-, mndW., natchie, la the fa-mous fruit coantry lia Washington. Heao nvlsted the Fiatboad r.gtr- vatienthat in, soon te, hopmeeto1 bomemeekr.s ad Ilatho région noir tuer. âmvone Sietofhurler tuat 0ev- orod 11,000 acres. Itvwu ovued by s brevery. Mfr. Austin le intereset aa ui nsessventure thon. amd It ls.an:co- mellon vlhh it tiat ho la aw brne H. intenda 10 intereit Waukegam P.: pie la tue business bitore ho retunm. Injunction Agamust Iuhamil. Nanle M. mines va- Monaty grantet au Injonction hi Juta. Don- nelly of tue circuit court testralning cor hushant, Mithiel Mines, trams dis. posmg e! bie property. Te lajae- tion la Iesueni n cannectien wvttua divorce suit liaI Mmus.Mies bas filet againel ber hushaut. The Mines liv la Lake borout sut are voîl knova- peope. Mms Mines charges her hushanit vith habituai trunkenueesa"a tcruel- ty. Ste mentioet sevenal instnes o! is crulty tovard ber lu ber bil. On Istance mii apeaks et he trove ber tram home, th. charges, luaa truaikon tresy sut obaet hou 10 a nflgbbr's, viero ho bammeteil In tue frent dcor vite s stik et veoiL PLEABEO WITH SERVICE. West and nori aida reeldenta are giving mentaibouquotýte, 0Aidetapi Bitingeo! the fourtit yard for tue imremeýate i aet -caMr service tuat von. brongbt about thueugit bis o«forts ant state tuat tue service bal neyer beu onehail no gond. Georg HIcka, o! Juilan treet, la alto s peaci graver, He iiasan Ai- brt poaeii trie la is yard et 607 Jultin-tree%%nd nocetly peket a busilo tfluie large pueis from tvo of île limbe. Wlpplq.SuccesorenNamoil. Mrs. J. A. J. Witpple Iis alternoon recilvot a tieopiione messag frorm her inabsutstatag tuai ltev. Chiarle bomtailoftWet Chicago, bat heen appoltetalethé.patorale haro t0 specot fr. Wbl9pO. loy. Wipple bas eptt à nomi- nol charge as ssatat t108ev. A.L1N; white et (rac* ehcia Clege. la Struck With Sricks and Stomes- C Oun Faiisd te Work or HO Might n Have boom Murdered-Was Endos- Y' voriflg 10 Protact Property. IL Wbat rnight bave been a murde r vas avertel oniy by the failuro -to vork of the trigger on s shot, gun lu the bants of au Italien Tmursday piè,t viien Max Lurte, & poddleri wvis mobbed andl beaten, by italien labor- ors for resisting allegol attornpts In steal s bunch of bansuis from a 10al hbat he vis dravlug home. Luris vis drlvimg nortit on Markiet street near Water hast eveing near3 6 o'eloek viion one of the Italien tam- il>' that lves at the junetion of the tvO streets came beblmd bis va-gon sud pulledtwo or tbree banane% fro il s buneb..E Lunie saye-be paid no attention tâts.1 Hovever, lte min 0of tventy or no % bogan 10 mnake attsnuPts ta pull aval au Iutire bunch and Lure ýa ys ho got off the wagon- 10 stop hun. C The.Itltn asys that Luie smorso borrlbly et hum sud tbreitened btm.É At any rate, ho taisei d, 1 a r that ho carrnet snd vitb It smotse Lunie sncb a terrifie crack On the1 beail tiit tho ýpsu ltufilleteil a .vount about an lnch long. Nearly Mobbsd b>'Uiallans, Tiien anotber of the family, vblch sbonnds in mou. ie allegeil te have1 plciied Up a brick andl vith it biti Lurne on the left aide. airnost smash- ing a couple of ruse. The attack vas on. An oiderly Mau I. laalleged 10 have rueb»d fromn the bonne vitb a rifle or siiot gun. H. leveleil It at Lurie, Lunie sayp.1 Ho jotked et the trtggrff. The gun vould not vork. Otiervlse murder vouit bave been committeil, Lurie Baye. S ticks and Stenes For Him. Lurie foueht'off bie as»ilmtti as bout be could sud ca-lied on U. Covon, on another. bat of hanamas 10 thie toar, to aid him Cayeu rau for tho neireit telephone 10 get the. police on tue vire sud meentime tue baplesu Lurie vsWUMr- roundet by man ItahlamoI. h. sa",. 9and peltea Ith tia tcksî atone. mdi brick@ ntil on lte tan be sought tel-I ue in aslmalom It thecorner of Waerand Mankot streeU , ver# ho v aitednti tue"pocemme Mmd tun ipointet ont bis alleget assailants. e #e, Je aut Dimit ri ISmillus, vho tveearrietetd "tua rnorpng tace >JueliosWeisson u u iast ebge. T11he three alliget aailma vrsé liter tu"ed$10 sud coule ln s stite case. 8tasda lige Our. Irving Hayeds, son of!Caine. HiYos, or Center streot, lait Batmntay 10 loin tue 011 Ai-kausav Compsany a-t Pont du LAc. Wis., viere lhe yUl bc- gin a stage caffr M a Joe. tue tough ha the PFlRetaymond production Ibat sjtov.d bie oMme Urne 'ago.1 nIe la the fourlb membin ofthe fam- lly 10 loin tue Company sud la glftéi as an impersonatet and tancer, bav- ing- miken the tuit for tue butter>' boys mmuy maItino. Other mombers of the. famillita tue Company are Vicior Lambert, mana- ger and tlrector; Mrsu 'Oraco Hayee Igambint. lesding roman; Mr. Mahoil Htayes Colo, playlin Mary. Aciity in La-ko Forest. ftys Joan Contour lu the Marnlng Examiner:, 1Tiareugiout tue vmntor and far mo tus sprlin, lAke.Poest bhays yul b.e given up tpto alR pogoants of lum- ber, aiensd brick vans, and a 5Mail armi of woorkmon vin arm la upom Ibal haughty suburb ta'. take tue place of le. eunmr neaetutuhviaare dola- laig 101tovu nmtuls monti. Many Dev engamer homes are 10lb. conmtncW. vbicb mqjithoc .ady for ocupauci hi the aisof nexuanu. i Tfh*'XMarkWimr Wifling bave purchas t om Grainer FurveR a baR. sote tract eorfise acres near Mioven aventue, the sMet 181009 s acre ing pidt harfer, and thêr. Mirs.~,1ln,~ a.Mrea n lu ndtWvo rcfueutubtae lapon 1e * ioung. sbould the eburt«o f dlreettng the rnmsgokent of the WIII- lt m in laRus sIree, Cicago, ttis vinlor, vin arrange bier heuseboit gots erby next pua. Mue Ramat Bukbarta, Who have UiV"tno m-ny7«srsilatheir becati. fbi place on Aabbaut boulevard, bave puuaad Kaki erbal property Mdn yull b*ullithoroon, tuat Ieir ha- ter. Dorothy NoRbi, vtho vus gato utet frount Va- UUebsYeur, s"have 1every social a-lYsatige ivon boer. 1The Eiward. Ramiers. vhsha"e ieon planite h aiait ake i:r oit Éane heu marrtgom *out Ivo ei.aru mgo, are nov reaforoiyt Ihe Pnmnths cois, vie have 'laouiot 1 rpirlymat tue. tere, aa"lie.tiro ««mul o hbho ettoul'by tise mprlng oet l ar ,W. 1'P.iX& Lmoiu bas pçrchasoi a tract 01 land Mont Green Bay roid for rtei- oance PUrPO00oi, mýe R~b IW. Pattersnî.bo par- chaseil SeVeati7even *actes s Mile aortbvest of 41)nvemtali Club lat year, latent building a s8 merpalac boere viih May bo a5firirival 10 b.e OgtenArmour Pl-ceDOv la course of constructioni. Lake siioreproperty laeAt s Prem- um sud tuer. lu ver>' littie 10 b. hat, Mfr. sud Mrs. Herbert Stone bave iiom compelledto go vefft Ofthte vil- ge for the. la-nd on vbicii 10 bnlld itetm'sumaner' tomidence. mmdâmng others vho are conternPlatInff nov entmmet homostuer. are the Stanley ields, lt.e Honore pal-ersansd Mrs. John F. Winterbolnam. Des Jardins$ ROiglns. Tiiore vas a report current Bat- urday thgt (loueraI Manager 1P- B. Stearul, oftulte Chicago & Milvaukee mlectrlcie allroad. md rosigued his Po- ,îtien, toUher vith Superlntenden. Eltpaund Des Jardins. ,The SUN mit once coipjianicated Dver tue vire v-*tb Presbddint*fcIt1lt Obicago, vbo vas rosit$ make a teflulto stitemnt of the..caai - .*?I ' sI etearus bai mot resignet sud thero 1is mbsOlutely 99? trutu 10 the tumor clrculaied about hlm tbis, uoratng and atmfton Supérijte»dent Des Jardins, boy- ever, resigned a nantIt ago, the resig- nation 10 take effect Novomber 1. Mir. Des jardime, vbo imboom enin tue service of tue road since its Infancy, yul -thon teke s monti's vacaton sud mfter tuat viii engage vith ies broth- er ln Indiana ln business. 1 selle %p Frost. W. C. Upton Satnrdmy recordedthlie sale of qipto a, large tract of Iland On Belvitere utreit, Wsukogau, 10 A. C. Froit, preuitent of the Chicago & Milvaukee Ulictrie. Tme land starti at th. riglt et vay of tue rmmd and exteuda veut a coneldorablo distance. m Te consideraton vas .87.489. Feïr New City Hall. l Wbube tiiorevau mo qurndut thereforesu omeeting of liehOard Of I local lmptpvimete Ftdmy nlgbte a et previcni us meethunboe vho veto >resemt teikit over plans forthte arection of a mkev city hall, no strong- iy aitvociteit la nov, articles anda aditorale in the SUS. i Aldermen gemifeil favor the eroc- I tin ot tue bal lMdi vourkviili bgla un &satrncture 10 ecoaimodate ail de- puimeule 0f municipai sud offiia fili vithin mînety tais aller ail lagal stepa bave bienutakea. fthestrUI0o. hure viii hofo!brick hhree atones t bush ou lie preseçt site o! lie Midi-g son street englue bouse, if plans ail t carr as expectet. It la suticlpitodtIbat there vîlI ho no trouble lu getting the building slarte. t. îeM tla not Rnovn. Thei. uoed tu univorsall>' cnet, d.the baill bas long been dernandet b>' the citi- gens. The Wasblbgton itreet council cobr asnd ofices voult thon ceas. in, exist a-mi the rotteai, cnunbiing building on Madison street votait ho a nigbtnare of the past ah vbich no one couit laugb. SOLDIERIS AT FORT. A dehacbmeut .a!ftvnty-Sive sol. diers, membors of tuo Tventysvemtu lartemri, ntor commrand ot Cap. Dsrraugh. neachol Chicago Fnidil vitu tue wagon*uand liv. stock at- tachidt 10 that regirnent, oun-bthvsw boit 10 Fort Sheridi. They w a into, camp ou tbe lake front, ettuel font of Cbicago avenue, and rernainet, tuer. over mlgbt The otuer offi.r eut men o! the rogiment mancee from, Intlsuapola, vhere tuey bave beon parttcipating lu tue mneuvera, to Cravn Point, vbOre they took a train for Fort BSheridans. WHAT THE FIN1S4ERBILL DO. Ta. FMinhera' -Unimofo!the World viii have leisnnibau turing tue doun- ty clarks, convention ,ber. mfter tho r.aeptieu Tueitaiy r nng .eZtbth Palahii ou". 3fuy Dowv Fimséri ire ta b. crealet vIit 531 dogreosanmd rGustive Kahn, tuo (4icagomu vbO 1 wltes thingi 10 adug for Ceeu L1Ean, Flore Hoîbrook anduthte deinty tpSot -«t tle-Ilgt-taaloalic.1W Loaffle, viii for tite fieI Urne slng bis ovn soug, vrille.ipoctalli forthtie ]Mn"aers' Union of tb. Wcrbd. Maahraoms are gourtlting at van- toua pointa about Wagkegsn tkee layesutnd many tuere 'frevbO SAlI1 toitu vlth basket amg be* ut dawn 10 çalber thon. 'The vise ones gel as tea-mis.a bal! buabel a test dupli- ta-te by tuat of John laux ou Ivo cS- One of th i City117lice mukrn ale Mropontin h ave lot Wukigaa >vitu bis tamly mand ta bave accepte&. 0 poition vitIta a m tdtOlln uat- 9 B ew ovrok st"-e o I;lalerumored Ibal lino on fmont 0 ie ssloen S o u km f ~ trotare le .i1 5for *91 .la I et 1Isiaosu Me"s 664~ 'WW-oeWUt U eWour* par u eOcr6iesr snd to Mén WhO1 bgenPomd'Couers Jury. ýWitb t. he imt of the romaiU8s of -tbo lite IL, R. Poster frorn Ko. nouba te waukegan thie. tty pecomi. identlifid vitit 'one of the. muet 1o- markabie suicides on record; one. lu vhicii the suicide villid bis effectst0 lte coroner ad bis jury vho eat Up- ou bis oe u d tu vbicb the iteat mun distedthe ii verdict tiiat the jury should bring: "Suicide because. of dempondoncy."l A vtctlm of eartuquake losues ln Ban Francisco snd PractlaIly vitb- out klth or kin, oun September 26, Ponter blev ont bis brama luu s hotel room tu Kenooba. Leamws Pecuilar WilI. Bebind bim b. ldt' tvo communies, tiens, on. of vbich wvisa viii tn effect. The. deuil man gave directions that bis vatch should go bti e Kenosba county coroner for his laber oIp the case, aud that bis poreonal 'effects abould b. divided srnong the inryrnen. Later it val foundIimposible ifor ethir in accept the strange bequeit. The. other communication, for vbich the. liad man left tva cents te buy a poila-go0stantp, vas teT. B. teffea, et Poster bail commitol suicide .c cause of despondency ovçr losses lbh the gpeit quake. Tbé dead man aisoeukeil tiat mOvr- dtte1 this effect be returnet. This requeit vas accedeil te. au there vers grounds for no otber verdict. Frionds ln Charitable Act. Nov Chicago fiends. among vhoniý la B. F. Moffet. have corne forvard andl claimel the romains, of the touid mnan,- aaklng hheir shiprnent te the White & Tbseker morgue ln Wau- kegan, viiere tbey arriveit todaY. Moffett vlth Dr. Fuller. of North Oakycood and the.bod i>'yll there ho Itetret. The.Manonic fraternIt>' ls back otý the charitable sct. Poster's staibr vas a Macon. Worked ail Nîght in Downpour. in a dlownpour of rala that con- inueit aill igit long a gmng of one ,umLred and sixty mnmfrida>' uigbl sbqrod eai cutting lu" tue C -cage & ftlvaukeg Eloctrie Ra-lirositCon- pamy tracku at Hlghvood and Higt- send Park, llinois. Juil et ta-v a Bturitay, mornlmg. Irenciied te tue 5kinand tharoaghlî exbaustid, the gang Ifiinhed île lank and vent borne matetally sitting te the couvenlence of the eioctrllc trunk Une by vel atgb bornte endurance 01 ,imd and veatiter. 1 The mev cnt off mens tilt the deý laying curves slong tue Fort Short. dan reservation viii probab>' ho ton up and titat all cars viii hereafte take'- ho stralght lino through Fort Sheridan and Highvood on double tracks. The noeuf trscks. viiich vorkmeil bave bien laying for veoks are a Mll aud a baif long and directly loin the sttalgbt double truck at the curvo Ir the oit roat mast botoro the gavern ment teservation ls reacbeil. The managemnent ofthle electri( moai ldaims tuat nov lescars viilb able te ma-ko utralght acheitulo timi je b. hotteret ouly iy the stragbten Ing 'of tueeenres and double trachini of Lake Fot«e. Slavonic Convention. For th.elItn fev tays Washburi Springs bts heen tue huaient place li waukegsm ai tue aunual conventiai utf the Slavonie Ca-tboiic Union, tIi largieel society among the Blavont, peopli bWeltuer Ibis or lie aid cour try bac bien progresi. The convention oponeit Bande) aithougb à banquet vas tendered t the dolegati Bumday evenimg andith vork of the convention started ti morning. The ovent la lie mont Importez tuat bas bappenot In local foreigu s faire and it ls of Importance to th City at large. Delegales are proaoa ftom ailI over the country, from No, Yotk snd tram as fat vest as Moi tant, te tbe mmbir afsevonty. Tne convention lu boit aunuslly'r difforent cities 10 coaduet the wvr of the society. The big thlugs ti are Io, come belore the convontie boe are a plan te change the. hes quartera of tbe Society fron jolie viierethiy nov are 10 Cleveland, am The convention ia. au intereeti meeting. '>Iln conuectlon> vilb t] vcrk of tue Society, religions cer meules ame beld. Tt Is a binefit. ait and teatu erder and turing the. la tvo y.ars bas pait out 10 vidovsais orouts ovet $300,000. it le vi greal prite Ibat is olfficers tell o! i vork and Iîlensccea. DieIn 0hio. W. W. Ribey. vho formerly resitq vlhis faMllYon VWltmOedbOv amdt'110r- on Wasington, tlMr-i Lbefere yeet*rday et Couroy, Ohi viieteb. viiib. interred today. Hle cvosa s if. sud tvo chiltre Mr. Rtiiy vas vehl kuovu bei 1 Vi tre b. va-a a m om ber orf i 1 y«t. Wom¶eruof. tue World, t [Cs4iiters and the Redmea. T IforaIobletT"Xbak frbce le Thot £19W miIur Lav I.'18 Washngton streeta »son a.Court Broken gigIfy-fiiW o and >dmsbly t1- the City lmtu. Busy and Hopein, .EnNitReemé. Thore.vl b. tvo tomions for thue, volt& Aid. 1. Ta Rimd pli tbiough cars thjouah Waukffn vith morie s. d one «< the firat labor troule te and las cogestittan at Penntgrow Out Of Prosideat Rognovelt's te' viion ther tenm unîimithd amount of Cent docision regardios the. cciii o backing Up and aide tracking Kt Gene- the elgbt bour lav l if S pplkatio& noie andl Washington streets ovory ta publie work$ probably vili tek. time tvo carstc. place at Fort Bheridanvitbiii a loir 2. To botter the<loal service. ilmys. officiais Of the unions WIrck Noed-th. Double Trsck. bave, sent men 1ta th fort ta mako At Prenant tiiore la Only a single extensive alterations and liprove- track ta Edison court and beyond ta mente dociare the contractors vho the City limite. have charge of the work are vioiating White this val sufficient for the the law daily. mneedt of the. Fox Lake lime yesrs n'go, White the soldiers, are âway on boy IUUMufCIet it lsarMay b. conaid. thoir long "hiko" contractors are pputL ered vhen it in recallod that with-the tino up severi uev "structures, e exception of billmstimg and mînor îm- pairing oid buildings, sud makilig Proveneulê,. the. single track bas r. rany changes which require the. erv ceived no attention et ailt t care for Ices of carpontors, brlckmniom. s,%on* the increaeed north and sonth trallie. cutters andl tunnel men. It lea arong Wbere bofore It bandied onîT local those workers that the trouble, vhick traffic nov ettloast hit of the ha. boom brewing for vonie time. ia through RVanston-Waukegan passon. exp.cted. gers and tradte go over IL. When Eresident Roosevelt deciareil 'Wti the lkying Of double traclis that lhe eight hour lav ahouti! apply ten minute afrvice and botter vould to ail vork on Public vorks. doue .bo possible. eltiier b> contreat or otherwoise, the, Rond Not Aggroseive. Fort Sheridan vorkers, chieffy meni- The SUN iin formel that the rond bers of the building traites unions, be- vilI Dot sdopt an aggresslve polcy.Ilieved it isorder inciuited theni. 1bore. bovevêr, preferring ta convince Wili Appuil te Roosevelt. te.,bpe' tbat dlte Comnplait have beon rmade-'ta Fred .solution before aelcl*'IÊs' liohe1 business agent for the shoot 1 Mn taiRy theul. iot alvrkerr- M0e BSrne of the aldermien nov concede the mon were compeiled ta w ork more tbat the double tracka are the omîy tamth - 01 liuurofhor methoit possible for the relief of the oaci day. John Corcoran. an.offiial . econgestion of trmc, often highîy Of the brlckiayers' union. aiso la mak. dangeroua. at the junction et (lemesee ing an Investigation of the compîsints. andt Washington stroota. and are ln neariy evory case. it ln said. tile 1readY to onterlain the proposition. Sturdsy hall holiday stipulation bas 1 There are nov tvo kinds of cars, beln vioiCted. The onhe eception to 1on the voit side line: the dinke>' tus la among the carpenters. The evhich stops at Washington street unbion officiais vilo bolieve thoy have .andt the Wtukogan-Evanston car. grievances against the contractora Bth run ta Eiectric Psrk and trams- andt the govermment viii mite an ia. ifer passengers at Edison court viiero vestigation and thten. ihey gay, wili. ia transfer station and depot ta goîng çarry tho malter directi>' ta the preil- aUp. dent. beiievtng ho vilii imist 0on th@ 3 This structure yl bo equai ta tint enforcemient of the reguietion. sat Zion City, Sid for North Extension. ln Honor of Their Pastor. HOvever, vith theo isytus or the The congregatlon of the lientos vest $ide tracits the congestion bo- M. E. church Thursday ight boit a ltveen orth side and other cara iktreception ln homor o hi etr thejontio o tie to aov-named 1ev. Orlen E. Boyce and vite. and t tmeots vonld stili b. lbe mime, and It Mdr. and MMs W. C. Hudson, vho have LIm thought that the Chicago & Mlii- luit relurned f rom their marriage j@ 10ka îlee triexrtoigjIlstki up i» the ret- invshedi h Nortt Geneeeitreot. 'on d.mant ofN the people.1 .Tat tOmandteisan extremoly tonht- I fui malter as tbo affatr nov standsa. «s met r.eentiy a- seee ofthle kindt vas vreekot by a taibure tu securea frontage consent. Wero the trmeks doublet on Wsh- Ingon sîreet. double track nlghls vouit b.asakeit up Sauthb Oesme atreet In Washingtoa, necessitating aC ev BaatiiGeu.m.e street bridge. vhici possibly tb. dlly cSn get aus!a concession from Mr. Froat. Lithuns u ot lm Force. UAthuania-s ver. ont ln farce SUn- ta-y. 'Tho day vas oneofo!the bis- gest they have evor bat ln Wauke. gan. The occasion wvaatho isying of1 the corner Mtone ofthle nov Lithuan- ian cbarcb, St. Birtuokorno's, et the corner of lincoin sud Elghtii itreets. muni vilUtig clergymen ver. prou- ont at tue ceremonbes vhich vere1 coataclet by Blshop Muidoon o! Chi-1 cagoi. Anang thoni vere Father Ga--1 vin, 'Wsnkegan. Palier Venhaion, Wankegan; Father Jondreaelak, North Chicago; Fther Flun, Palier Plev- ik Fathon Bvrtlka . and Father Btamicovica. The vlsiting clergymen vere met et lte station by the societies ln Utne sud escortelIthetbochunch, lm tho lite vae.the Bt. Barthoiomev. et. joseph» St. Peter'g4 Poilei, Slavon- ian andt Lihusulsu iccleties. Tbe marabais ot the day ver. Ciarlea Wofmber, of theOLB .Bantholo. mev Socloty,.and W. Bellmaki. of et. Joseph Society. Tbein aies vere -Tony Trinkis sut Chales Sciiobor. e lIant Parade le Chuncis. The procession vith over 1,000 mn rln limo rnsrcbed fronithe station to -the cbnrch, vbore mie services o! biesslng the corner atone vere Iseit- nBlahop Multoon of Chicago blesset Itue corner atone.' ,t Ia bis sldress ho tbaukedthlie peo- lm pie for their reception and exiortit &tbom mot In fonget lte land a! their t, foroftturs, but et tue aamo tlme In A try and be gondotcii o f the land iTie speech made s great Impression. teThe enremonlos tirto at 1 o'clock and sdcontinuel nUUtIl4. Tiey ver. lm- 'k pressive andl solemm. si id ETS NEW EQUIPMENT. 1 Satutday -marnugtirWiaÎEim ta Business Univereltyr recîlvedtwtentY- four noe eku, aut lanov a-hie In se- commodate ati-fve studoule. Thone are aI pr'Vomt forty-tvo day anutB d teon ulght itntepts amdtntnmore vIII eenter Manda>'. vikng the s-h-1 one ,of aise autdispor4-ne.. -COINCIDENCE IN SABlEO. s. Mn. sud Mra, Frank Wade, of 4 a, Bouhb Jacksonatreet, are-rejolini in ýe1 the aMrvaI o! a bey sud Mn. and Mis. eC. E. Harford. ef 247 North Jackson, are rojolclng ln, tue arrivaI of s girl. n. le le n ýn ls. to he li af- e in ln iLa im Ici ti li i ,e iE 'th W. Ferry home. About 100 guosti yen. presemi. A Snemonsi" pro- gram vas enjoyed and datnly refresb- mente ver. servit. The home vis boa-uifuiiy deeora'.ed for the occa- sion. CMANCRRY NOTICE. Stateofot lliinata, County of Lake, es. Circuit Court of Lake County, Do- cemben Terrn, A. D. 1906. Otunen Kaehuahe vs. Amie ilack- usbi, ln chunconi No. 3074. Smttac10rWr a0davit that the. de- tondant AunI. Kachuibe ca nmot bc found sud that niion due antddiligent inqniry ber place of resitence cas ot b. sscontalned, an tuat 'proees can mit b. servet upon ber, ha-vlng boomufilaeiltuintle office of tue Clerk of sai! Court. Notice te thorefore mer.- by given to thoe a-id Anal. Kachusba, [detendant As aforosml, Ihat the aboye nanit Complîanut beretofone filet hie BUiho! Compisittla&sait Court. on thé Cbancery side thereof. and thal a nmmnona thoreupon Issued ast of sald Court gainst the. abeve namel detnatnt,, returnuble on the. lot day of tho terni oi tue Circuit Court of Lake Couint>', 10 b. boit at the. Court House. luWaukegan ln sait Lake Counhi, on the Firat Montay of De- ceamber, A. D. 1906, as la by lav ne. quiret, and vhlcb suit la stIuipend- Ing. 1 LEWIS O. BROCKWAY, Clerk. Waukegau, Illinois, Sept. 27th, A. D. 1906. JAS. P. VAN DEIJSEN, Conplainaut' sSolltltor. State of Illinmois, (onnty of Lake, cs; In lb. Counly Court of Lake Caunty. Patrick H. Bliiol, adinistrator of the estite of Mary A. Sblel, de- coasot, va. Patrick H. Siiel, Mat. liev T. BhIei, Ter1mnce P. Shiel, James W. ShIel, John J. Shiel, Et- yard Shiel, William Obi*], Caherine Shioi, Arthur Bbiel, Joseph Bblel, Pt*lk H. iel, Jç., Richard Kenne- ty Abd JQin Grth. Peltiou - 10tel neai astate 10 psy dîbta. Public notice tu heteby given tuai lnip pursuance of! Caorder a-fit _leo creeo! aWonero Intfe above en- titIed cause. et the Augual beran of sadcourtfor teyasrA.D. 1906.11 = 0 alnTaisty, le Stb day of 9e- tebrA. P.190, t lte beun o!one oclock la the aftteno«of o!saitday At tue feut main entrance t0 tue Court Houes, of SamitLake. Couti, la -tue City ot Waukoga-. n. tue couty o! arke. sud SBle.of ibluteis. sto1 theb btghet bidder forcsia pbi 8 voulue tue foliovihgt emrihed.land t* and nai] enate, atuated th ue Ciy i of Lake NFornsln latue CoanLty -0< Laite aSte.of Ililois, to.vit; Lot sevon(7) tn'tue ~etrnaddi tion tOe o rest. BubS.ct lté'tue doyen aud iiometegdt rig t tieWea o! tue defondant, Fattok IH. Blqt yand subjecl 10 tue maorl«gAgo Ibreot of the dfendat, Ràr « « ABaé& pt emb or 3tit, 1g o& PATMOICE H.-MMU Admlmlsator 0f thse fat-.e Msr A. abledeee.a.4li tt 01 p