CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Oct 1906, p. 3

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- -- (Fromt wednudaYs DaIlY But.) B ~~Iby~li 011 @~ hO'NS7 ~lYM Iii Thi e v ntion of the lavoote r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A tU ê C U JBtIpill 5lOl on is »v la flsv" r r UNUM e. .obatllea a" encounteei tii. vce wiii b. iiked by tenace- _____________ ____________ iiit. Tliee M la nms more. »VJU»I business ad tbe election o! )m Wcducaday's a IY Sua.) MASS 0F EVIDENCE PIRE- ea. Tb1%&aicotion iealways lbeid monda# a51 1)0 clock j. L. SENTED AGAINST LAKE REGION.tii lait tilng. r ed viii County <ierk Hen. ________ Yeuterday vas taken up vlth the * ~ ~ eqie hWS~0 0IL I rcrport et the. committe on appeals 4W WU*01Up *0 edISM ldiOWImAgalut iTitythre LI.and grievance .It i1 b.comte as candidate for countr cdon. quor Derners WISI be Ailoed Se tut pays out theè insumaude of tb. i tlmrted tuat tblYrt- rc fore the Grand Jury by the order. Thuv yctrday taok up IM ave bu.»» SIeît an Lague WitIWS5.S.grievancer n sd ailowcd hem 10lthe ffUeu, beed on W arpetant amonnt of$.000. Anl are for acci- vol Mot t the.bait seali -deuta or sienneis or the membes.. n, but thr areApended in (rrom Wedgedays Dally Sun.) - Their report aoed"tiraI durirng a,%v petIon 231 sl5iiSWie ThIl. la Quayle'rn day vlth thie grand the pat tva yearrn $10.00 bai been Ybe elrfll5$e e tiffl tu jury, and virile the doughty\ mÎr&. pald out to inlured or miel membmt; s ctinsiof 0< tii OOS7 tui-a.d ty of the. Lav snd Order braga. $5,675 bave heen pali 1tu thefamilles lu tb$ fiât, et lihe veel 60d iii not vouchssfe a particle of lu- of dea members andAn the. tvelve vere in 4Ui1612 10MN (X Sformation arn la vhat ia tranrprlng years lthe union bas bean orgsalac 31- ver. Obd, a lem percent- la the jury room. itlai said thut evl- 1310000 bas been pAid to famillies. mr b lieie alunumber. dence tending ta indiet saloon men The report vas accepted mter "r oSnti,.aat rd..inati. iIn Higiivood, Noirth Chicago. Wauke- ranch discussion. vbo eclaiàsithe. popée nre. a.n snd the.lalce reglon has been Tomori'ow viii be thie eciting day h« la evmy paut 0 the. ouuty gathered by p&W representatlvef oft ohe convention. The move t- tbey finuad tiat Swayer pi- ti. League, demetives If you pieuse. change the beadquairesfro .oie Med. Tiere la et this Umne sud the. conclusion la it lu being pre- t) Cleveland ,Ohio. viii (heu be -a-u1 .,iM.-lY1 made. It; la maintained by most af o 7îille. tue agItationfor Mr. Ivayer à tiaest Lbe »Mme peulad boieron.the -e1aied he vas go buay prima-y day <ý ,dii ont vote seulvaated t ta e V. swayuls peutites. lne mu: "i do not -knov but ILlàl about auveil,. arn ay vote vould not bave avanl"d lau auj eveit, ais Bayer had a rnajrly List Mdinfet et fl edelegl. duwa"Uo. Hovuetla 14e « quW5Iff te ives a e bsacete 09- Prs My prefereulOe iwbeeit viii do sud@& aieidéataly la fM& têter nMVdltmpVAlof thc»v pi- muy law. kIsafa bos.. lieg»k y le go to the peimarle Mdslect jour eéadldU& À. A»dJytY vote for lMr. INW8v3c and then a cMOnvullil la con- woaed a" " sMonde la.- miirlnrhid Wbat la the mena.01 a primay7, au- vax, If t ddte 41M soIcced la Dot tbe one t ecoi.e lbhe nomination. Mri.lienda. baibaild i..ooSqe for tweatty yers ad tire people declded ÂO . Uvye aoud candidate.1 vby iold a convention na re- k, virse tbat deelimon? Pnienafto Mr. onds bave advauced I. e am eet tie lsv la bound te ho ei s" t thei maxi»MODOanof the bqoiatkse su" (t «if 857e vii Vau four jean be caubecorue a ~candidate under favorable condition* wM mdh hmio e ould ho certain ta vin. Rovever. he la nov nov nor vas be lu th Biruet pluce actuafmi by purelyr seiM motive&, Hoevas prinarily OC eandidatisaIt the intigaltiflof o!& large number of ie ha rty muembera vIra mde god in tbir dcmande bY beiping hlm roil up th. majority en- tling hlm inthei nomination. No*V liaI the votera liave exprecaed ticir prefercuce and decinated hlm ai tieir chiole be icels oblgated la i- main tbeïr candidate. 'MWen IL bcceâne kiiovu Iis morn- tui tuat Mr.. avayer bai Sied bis p.- tition sud tins formally deccared bis intention of staiyng lu thc race, he va.soangrtulatcd on ail aides. lne came dovu rom the court bouse aud vas kept busy ashaking hands vite enlIuglatice IfublicarWho vere ~'appriud-,0f Dia actioin. IL vould mp pear Iis svayer la.u la about the omoet popular Injccted Int a campaigur for, many ycrs. (PIwcm.Wederdayi flauy Sun.) spocia dvicca b the SUN toaYo ane te thcefet tbnt Mi. Samnuel Ibamr. ovu. lu $Ple>' Ais, lu the tà* 0oflte 'gréâalt el! asaI alonu tiraIla na t e ve, la ate -sud aja Mrignieal a leter tu Georged Quit. vircu if. la Ms' Saum's daugi-a ter. "Ai the terfflil.stornâ in over uni 1 tear S Oi vliors'y, 1 vIlI hatenà a fev lnea to jet yau knov tht vea à»c ail «te sud souni. but terribiyj vet sud Ilovu q99 ou foundatians. nTe bouse la about. ift et trou .wpireeil vas vi e ieatorrit heganj *@li <li. The timber about boe-lai1 tU lavru dovu sud building@ vreckedi se eam. veli off alto, kalk la tu adw asâe harve fahen. 1 vas avay t voi-k enu b#rcueuch mter 1 left vas biovu iu a ltter received ila us ornlugbe Oto WMg smot»Che estîmateî àd oSWitfpeoie t", diarne' It In stili 'rairng as u r.raln.d aIl Plumle ~alasst 'ailici ' -ÎýI"»& »Db --h foram let et Want Thirty4hie. lndictmenta. -rin on source cornes Informa- iàon tht indmets w-againat liirty- Z*-ù l- -iq --fiers viii b. nrught.1 our l ighvund, Ivo lu North Chii- cago, sev.n1.nWaukegau and the balance lu thelaite region lu the ap- portianuent for vaouls districts ac- oi-ding ta on. man. ston at Worlc for Weekrn. Thle evidence ta b. preseuted 1a de- ared to be tue resuit o! veeks o! rsIstent vorok on part of ietectivek nnployed by the [cague. Juat vhat lrges vIJI bc urougit la of course à tis lime but Çonlectune. lu lie àk. regian, praeecutIOnu. if Indict- Menta are returnai. vOl be for oper- tlng blid pigi, vhîle aI otier planes uentioneil violations o! lie Sunday oaing - isvare supposai tu, b. tue mruni fan action. Quzyle@Day baya Mann&. WIrmn aaiked Ibis noan If cases ln 'Irich Secretaiy Quayle vas inter-i stci vere b b.e countidered by lie1 rani jury iis aiternoon. tue state's ttorney muid: -yen. (bis la Quayle's1 aty." SThc eeltaiy vas a iiusy man tuat rorun. Hia office lu lie Mohrîman flilng va. Iirongcd sud Indications ms-er aIllie evideme.tu b. peeeuted ai onat glraued by detectives, as thoge about tue office ver. Lake county "dsients. Tii. presence o! an atorney aud consultations lu pilite rti thome gatheredI uicated prePa- rations ver. lu progreai for lbe ai- er-noon'a appearsuce betore the grand jury. Judge Donneliy viii proiiably finish csrlng arguments on the. different aies tanigit and viilaujauru court ultil probaiily tie 291h o! the. mouti rien tue regulur trials viii noue Up. Beverai divorce cases ver. heard by hlm ibtis mornlng. After bearlng the te stlmony i. stat.d thnt ail vio wouli auhuit their evIdence lu vnit- ing ta hlm tuis moruing h. vouli file hii deci-e Ibis siternoon. Prohabiy imue vîlI talre mivaulage as tieY wi ah heur decreeS. Tuas. viioe' cases ver. heard tuis narniug are: Fred C. Stuckel vs. Emma Margaret atuclel. Alla. Miltimore vs. R. D. Milti- muore. Josephine Anderson vs. Alfred An- t.derson. Dennis Klbaue vs. Nora Kilbane. Afler hearing lie motion of asso- clie counsel A. K. Stearus yesterduy to disolve the Injîxuction brouahl hy judge D. L. Joues and Ni-s. G. B. Watrous against tue city, Judge Don- diii? lefWicila odissolve Il;sud the iavyera vili, nov get their pleuiingu r.sdy. Tue came viii probably cou. ta trial ven tie, court meets tie lait ut tie monte. William Harris (bis morning pleai guilly ta a charge o! petty larceny sud vas senteucci to on. day lu "si. H. baitcharges of iarceny sud uebbciy agminst hlm. but thos. ver. dismissed uni ouly petty larceuy i- aminci. ia case vas heldover fi-ou tie Mai-ch leru aud b. has aerved a long sentence ln tii. couuty jail vhule vailg for hlm triai. -At the beurlng ou the Mines Injunc- tion ta prevent disposai o! property, Jige Dhlqinelly rulei that Ni-s. Noie Mines sheuld neceive 15 a veek aair uouy and $50 for attorney tees. tA#mey A. K. Steai-us repri"ented MitIrnel Miines uni Cook, Pope & Pope, lb&,Mines. Tics-c va a spinit .4e dlousion amona the attorneys suad It *a OlalY decided test tbe kahnaMemenî 'eheuli hold util tlb cioéfor divore 'vas heard lu le icumber.1 1 lu 'tihe malter of the Couutyutreel drain Injunction agulust tue Clty b 1Ni-s. Watrous uni Judge Joncs tig decision va. teat ai the petitloi 1»mietavt froa ne uvvater aIre vIa betng drainadifntb tbe Watroui jravine lie injunetion should hou n à ii evidence va. heari lu DÇ"oir 0Tis i a ii liaIcam be donc vIlJ itue cmcuaItich.Preneut time tiie memiots tuat this viii bc su lu- pooablty ai lu tbe charter of thee union it statea liaIt the beadquaiters si-e t Joeý .The'i ,etf ~g~ i lnhl union vould have 10 b. dlsaiuded sud reorgunized unier a different charter. Thia vould cause endiese' trouble alu over the country and the ipajorfty of tii. delegates ai-e Set Igaiust il so il la not likely ta go through. IROC (Froua Wedneaiays Daiiy Sun.)f Folloingaraie tee Lake county ap> poinîrnenla maie by th. Rock, River conference' lu Chicago sud annouuced yeterisy at ucon. l+ke county be- ling ta tee Chicago northeru district. lame o! tee appointmeuli given be- loy are sot lu tic couuty but couaîyt people are Interestei ltu hem. t Antioci,F.P. LMcNamer. Barrlngton, P. N. Laphain. Benlair, ta be suppilei. Nanda, H. J. Coclenil. Palalun, G. a. Young. Rarecranu. Wauconia sud Vain, ta b. suppliai. Waukeguu. C. W. Thorutan. Wlmelie, W. C. Clevortli. YorI' Hanse, ta b. supplied. Diamoni Lake, ta bc auppied. Gage'sandu Graylake, to b. sup- plied. Hickory uni Highvood, to b. aup- pied. Lake Bluff, T. K. Green. Lakeside, to be supplai. Lake Villa, John Hitchcacl. Uhbertyville, h. F. Lavier. North Chicago, la b suppliai. GRAD LOI>GE i114NSESSON Chailes Whyte, J. L. Bhester und Willam S. Wtrons yeteriay attend- ed the annuel session o! the Grand Loige of Musons o! th. State of Illi- nais t Medinah Temple lu Chicago. Ticre viii b. a thi-e-day session ut vbich Wuukegau loges yull b, rep- resented by Mr.. drevster. Yesterday Il vus iecided ta erect a nev liiUdg te cent $60.000 aI the Sullivan county, ]ILI, Masonic Honme. THREE INDUSTRIES SE EK BATTERY C ARMORY Con 1tractai- John Sutherand las ai- ready bai tiree ofers for lihe use o! lie Bnttei-y C ai-moi-y building on Spriug street uni viii uccept oeeoa tee otier ai i. announces thut Bal- tei-y C yull not have tue 'use of tic place etter Novernier 1. Tvo fatorisof Importance desîra et-anc. tutu.Waukegan ani C. E. Aldrich, of Chcage, desirea to instî- lute an amusement hall for vînter sportsansd cutertatlument. Tii. i-et lu ecmi. ceue la sai toamaouut tu about $1.200 par snuum. BAVED THEMORS!. A runsvay htorse 'wad stopped near tire Norhbvesteru trelgil dept Ibisa uaornung just as itwvsa about to iaih lu front of an englue tiiat vus cou- ina !rom lb. north on one o! tic avilcu tranla. Hlé vas vîthin tveuly teto! lb. englue vien be vas stop- pei andi vas gunning had. -CALLED EAST. 1 Early tis afternoonU L A. Dayton, 1o! th i muof liain & Dayton, r.- o elvei a teiearam relullng tic seri-oua -luces of!ismother, NMra. Margrel ,DsyWtof aimsbridge, 0hio.lMc loft. for Cambdie c ei 3 o'clok t.iaSa, eMss.De.'tela «Metmceelte 11e. HIE 1 Um? kir Elibi npalm S ofreu e M on TRACIÇS AR" BLOCKED BAUD HE WAS TRYINQ 1FOR OVIR AN H-OUR.I1 TO RETURN Dense Pou-Tahot evcaed the Ditrict Crnuted iro,.tghtedflA».aiEngi- neci me Mail Train Engin&' (From WednesdaY'b Ds.iy Sur.) one permon va. probub]Y f taliy injured sud sevemaloller suffered severe Inurie. todiytu a ralirorni vrcck t Hiilan Park.LiM., viiere t e fait mail "twalnthe Chicago Nortiveatennru animud.compîosed of lix beavy cornobe, craaiw'iloto a frcight train stauding 011 th.e main lUe. The vreck occurred mortiy before 6 &.m., almoit directly lu front of the~ Highland Park railiod station. The. main train vaa bound ta aukegan. Fîreman. MRY Die. Tii. kuovu lnjurei.- are: Peter Tobey,. Chicago, firemun ou the mail train; crumici un+ -lnjured lneinaLTrf;lfeiitiNPltali atHigh- lsud Park. vherc Il la reported he viii Georgc MelClney, cugineer of lbe mail train, badiY bnuimcd: taken ta hospital lu Highland Park; uray dle. When th% mail train dashed Int the reur of the treiht lu the dense fog ich bad mettiel &bout Highland ,Park, peagene v-e bur-d f rom theu- seati. Mail Slaclccned Speed. Tic miitrain va. runnîneni-tii- yard sud lIa speed bAil Just heen sankened pireparatory ta nruking the. stop et Hiatlani Park. Only a short distance trou thc depot vas the. long freiglut train, compoiel o! a score o! cars, loaddvlth equipment for tie Cuban bouni troopa tram Fort Sheri- dan. Fog Causes the Engineci McKluly vas unable to »e. morc tu4sr 10 temstuafi-ont o! bis train. is engluevsalimost upan the caboote of tue frogbt before he sav tue tail ligIrIs 0oflthefreight. lie maie desperale offorta ta brlng hie traia toa atop, lbgt the.brakes bai sarcely bcgnu tcheck tie liain'a speed vben t» ilocomotive struck lie rear car of lie trelgit train. He Jumped. Tbe crash va. ieri- for blocks sud the report va. apreuLi thraugh High- land Park liaI many perions hai been kilIc. Piysilaus in Highland Park vere rurricdin the scene of lie vrcck sud 1*1er s wrecking crev vas sent by Autoitant Superntendeut Tcrpenlng ai the. Wisconsin division. The pasager train vus due 10 ar- rÈve lu Higisani Park ut 5:27 o'clock. Tue frcigiit train bui stoppei near the station for vater. Charles Wade va. englucer sud A. S. Neyer, lire- man of tic ijteigit train. Tbey ver. unlujurei. Tire. cario! tiie freight train vere derailci sud lie englue o! tue mail train vas iamsged. Il requireil meverul hours of vork betore the vreckage iiad been cleared avsy sud the mail train could pro- ceai.' LEAVES A89 FALLING; WNAT IS THE REASON Au old timer lu Waukegau waz falluag befor., the corng a!tue front1 ani ssii tust Il neyer usedite- b. no. *Nov more tbau huIlt he leuv,5 are goue before tuere la a touch of front,1 sud lie Irece neyer look me pnetty1 vien tie front does g(-l here us tbey used tauviien every leaf clung ta ils branci until front colored IV'~ One tifug la certain, liaI a large percent of, thc leaves have alicady tallenZ sud tien.ha not been a aigu of troit jet Tuis la particulurly nol- teable vili regard to tire cattonvood tre"s. Bouc tirat bave been noticeci are aimait lealleas, uni tee bure branches are ouiiinei againat lie sky a. dlatinctly aith.y viii b. vien Waukegan la celebr-utlng Chnstua. DIAMONI lRAS ONLY NOIE THA't UNHIT.CIES SELF Wiile Ab. Diamond va. irivina serons tue Chicago & NouIbvcstern trankoaiat Madion street, euat aide, thus ,uernlng, ils bone became frigitened aI a paslng enginesuad tonnai eourpletcly aroundinluhrausa, uniiitchIng uluseif vith the. exception o! One tng. Tue juak dealer nov cilatue posesioanof tb. champion tridk borne of Lakts connty. Wheco vefty la Unknewn. only One' lunatic e aijîuil lite goii Coast; lolony. and tuere are. t e poanlioumes or rctarrnatorlci. Tuho Èem51ruc bstiselsao <cal pu. latwe stbi*t ho' *M- ïog« kBOM HOME.1 Mmd Meed Lesrt Cor, WnsFcd Captali Meim who Found Hmý ennd Cenf.aaed H4e ras a Runaway trom 1Mr.. (Prom Wednesduy's Dally Sun.) Ingvold Sorenson, of Madison sîreet, an 11-ycar-old boy, va. yeterday r.- turned la bis parents through thc ef- forts of Captain John Holu, 9f the. -Grace W" nov ut tii. barber. Tii. bout vas iii Kenosha night h.. fore last and the ci-ev vent uptovo. il vas lut. .t night. Going to the electrlc station tiicy found young Sorenson. Tii. actions of the boy maie Captain Holm suspicious that b, vas a runavay and b. questloned hum. Tii. boy told hh lm b name, liaI he lived lu Waukegan sud that he bali mlssed the lait par veut from K.- nosha and go could not geltitre last car to Waukegan.. - , bol blm vith them sund gave hlm, -a gond suppcr. Further questoning caused the boy t0 tell them that h. bai ilinavay f-rn huas home ber. a cou!ple of daya bdtarc ta attend a picnic lu Kenoaha, b. said. Cuplain Holm 100k the boy la the police station sud there b. confsscd ta rtealilg $4 trou bits motier before h. lcfl. lHe stil had part o! thc money. Ris parents ver. communicatmi vitii'by the Kenomba police vltii Uic resuit thst yesterday tbcy vent te Kenosha and got hlm. POUTI'T EROTTMDIN C"LDSTOAGE Haavy Slzurs of Putrid FowIlu Chicage Wars Houses Réet .Chicago, Oct 3.-Mblrty (boumai peunds of poullry ver. condesumed and seli at the estoause arehogiaee of the Narte American Cou 5105585l Comnpany, 109 Nor-th Canal alreet a" A. Booth & o. hY the city Iriali <d- partment Cie! Insapectai- Murray rliedr the vuarehauâes und conieumumi tweuly-ninc bar-elo o! pauitry- lu tue Norti Amrueimabouse and ftnl-018ht iivreiàa at teBoomiu carpany' vWas'. bouse. niernIcal analyis o! tue Chickens bytue City iubaralary showci, Lt Ma seid, (bat (bey ver. vhoily nut for foad. aian Oltiect esn inapectoX Murnay's vialted tic Booth varchouse aI 280 Michigan etreet sud lb. North Arnerican vii.- boume several days ugo, and boni 10.- 000 paud Of lie poullry lu the Ivo places. The. fouiwax taggei and mam- pies of the coli-atoruge cimkena ver. talon te e City labonnasory fer a cieni Ical suaais. Wiien te ead-etcs'aus ondinasa. rame beos-e i ty ces- imck.ns va. placed upon Alderman Devoes 1.0k tu b.c ued lu bis fiait for the. pasasge of lie iaw. Had TabDe Urenoixea viti r vaalla. "*TheneWukcns bave heen oui of tue vareiouse on an average o!f4Wu thun four dla"e, ing hich tàna (bey have been ulewed ta haw ent lu tne iahoi-story. Wben taken eut for s chërmicul snd bactrtlaleui examin- allen the. tench'eni Conditions ver.em nauseating tint Il vseeam.0e05517 drencb tieu vitu formln befoe,-eq Suodb h ndl.d tor exumînution,» lai repart trous tihe alte iepaeintig Galla Seaor Incna B. L. McAdam% la greutly agitaM$l oves- 1h. pouding coid-starage oudi usure. H. meut a teiegrarn tram Bu resu, Ili., ho Mayor Dunne, vuiethé requesîci b. renai aI lte councl, Con- eernIug tic Qndilnsce. lu the leleg-arn bc aaou: "Underatani cold-utorpgnondi- nance ta, b. actei on taigut. V.ry eao- ny cannaI b. tuera.Dont' lnow vh.tu et graft or Ignorance Inspires tuaé or- dinance, but am charitable enoug ID Lassume tee latter. illbe lt troux me, auj one via votes otoi es neta4ious ucasureige is pcllticai gi-ave." ABOUT LECTURE COURBE. 1. J. stea. 91 tic_ Internationl Lecture Association, la lu lave, conu platina arrangcments for tue course of lectures and entertslnmonts tb 'c aeen by teeu under tee auspices ol lb. Waukegan Lecture Association Dr. J. F. Racuer lais cratary-trea urer. -As suuounced pi-eviously ti course vîlI be given ut Christ Churet ,Parish Moua., on. nember bchvcil Noveruber 1 sud 15 sud one nuube every suceodlng tva vealca uâtil ti couruclae ornpietei. k; I. 1. i ArohiMt1ot Appars Refore th@o Two Studonts fi4m Zion City MlY Counoil Ibis Aternoon Weil Known Hoers are Among for Work the Numboer wflIOUGH SITE larTHE PRESIDENT HARLAN ONE, THAT 18 FAVORED.1 REMAINS INFLEXIBLE. Aidcrmnen Are Al iIn Pavor ef *uiid-1 ing .arnd PUnehas e asDecribed f. Yeetrdays $UN. (Prom Wedueday's Daily Sun.) This aternoan tiie. cty council meeta tu Ils third Informodafi en on Uic clty hall matter and probmbly the vbole thing viii be cleanci Up before tb. week la over and legal proceed- ings start.d lovai-O the uctual erec-1 Oerdloclt Bewe.n th. Reuslictrante annd the Preaident la SIiIiln Force With No Péospect of a Break. Twenty-four men studenýs. a! Lake Foi-est College were aunxousiy avait- lng lest night whatever action tiie tacuity muy tuke lu the deadlock he- tveen the stuilents and the adminis- tration concerning the ultimatum la- i sued by the professors last Satur- (pron Tbièe iaa d-ou tam 1. *cbms , - lbh 'met TUXT 0F TWELAW UNNR WtiUCH TAT ACIII)IN CUIRA The funl (ext of! viat la called tu ecupancy thhreof are ratiflii aud Plaît amendueut, -the. lav und., valiiated, uni ail lavful nlgbtsa s- vbich Secieary Tait la acting a i uraithereunier shah h. mal taluci Cuba, la ai tollova: sud protecîed. 1. That the. aovenrnent of Cuba 5. Tiat the. goverument of Cuba siali not enter inta' suny treaty or viii execute,,sud, au far a. naeceairy, otbr compact vitir auj fceign paver extend lie Plans already deviSei, on or povers vhici vMIiimpair or tend other plans to be mutuaily aree to Impair thelndependencq of Cuba, upan. foi- the sanilalion of thec 01h05 non lu auj manni- suthorlae or par- o! the Isand, tu tie end ht a re- Mit auj tonign pover or pave-a ta currence ot epîdemie undiInfcctlaua obtaîn by colonization or~ by military diseuses Mnay. b. prevenlei,,ticreby or navll Purpoges or othervise lodg- issuuing protetion tu tee people and ment over uny portion o! sadl sl3uî. commerce o! Cuba, as veil as la the 2. Tint sali goveruent shah flot commerce of lie soutueru porte of assume on contact auj public iebt, lie United States uni tue people ne- to puy the Interest upan vbich, sud aliing therein. to male reasansale sînking fond pi-. 6. Tuat 1heIle of Plnes abuilb. vision for tic ultimate discharge of omilld from the propaseil canstitu- UWOb t" ordhiau' revenues o! lie lii)uul bouniaries of Cuba, tee titi. 1uid. s.f82W defvsylngthe curreul ex- thereto belng le! to a future aijuit- Pý et lieaveramet, uhuil bu lu- meut by trealy. 5e5Ut& - 7. Thut, ta enable the Unted th- lrIli e lbenl of Cuba Statea to maintain thee ldepeudence oe th tIraI ignjuisi States ut y o! Cuba aunitb prot.ct thse .peoap " me I Mt 181 i ntervene for lie liereof, us veil as for ita ovu de. WbIWvimo0 « CWs idependeuce, tense, lie goverumeut of Cuba vii th* Mat=ane et a go'rrment aie- oeil or leuBe ho the United stateï iMi h «i icÏiitlf fe, ,piop- lande necesaary for coaIng or navsj ifS' miii <cohdal lbefty, ani forisîmîlons, ut certain speciied pointa,. di5bDiUag tic cllgatioUvils ih ne- tubhe ugreei upau viti the promidmt apeoT&tfiuba ti»pi" by the lreatyof thie Unted iStates. of PaslO U ltheUnited States, nov ta 1S. Tial, by vay o! turtier asaur , e'assmei sudundertaken by lie suce, th. goverunent of Cuba vIi governuent af Cuba. emiiody lie foieging Provisions luaa 4. Tnt &U acta of lie hinlc emaett reaty viti lhe îUited Statesalat Cuba duriug Is mulitry ou. States. Tuebs plendid seles o! lectures aud'puia. leclurer. Season ticketi are entei'I5inmcnts ta b. alven unier the. 5150. Singlo Limisalon 50 cents. auspics of the ,Waukegao Lecture ITii. surplus viii b. expended ftan ai . -local publie purposes. AsoitoDr. J. y. Roemer SoCre- Mi-. Bates vho oi-gaisei tue course ge tarY-trOerurer, vill begn early lu No- here ha. beau absent several yceks, e vember sud continu, on. number ev- arrauging courses lu Blue Island. WII- or ei-y succcodig tva veeks untilitue melîce, elgiiund Park. West Pull- n. entire serf ca. of six nurniers lI ou-m man Soute Chicago, Anrora ami Le- pltd u lrlosaaJh Z. dtrestor sud just netui-nei yetcs'sj je -White. of Ciicagp. lecturer; WJIlim teafinish Up lh. detala. Sh:terling Battis, Dickens interproter, Mauy o! tue sublecte baailqd mn»U Bale IHl, or Nov Tbrk. lectures'; thle lecture-a bear uponm md ote> nr [Le Frauacla Lybarger, oai Wletut'1 nouie questions. - Ot1' rc MPw4' ho Ad-, *W. Yint-.&.-Uterary - lm tooflmif imaiie'~u5 -e theapica ta D ho~ ~ tion of the. bail. day. President Richard D. Harlan Tii, purpose of the meeting thus af- mid lhe men who iefrised 10 sign ternoon vas 10 gel a sketch prepared vere lechnlcaily out. Tiie men vbo by. a local archîteet and 10 forn su stIli make It a matter of principle not estimaI. of the. cost o! building tee ta sign are: proposed structure. >Olen Keithley. Paul Sommera, Ar- What Building Witt 51. thur Casveli. Leon Rovland, J. B. Kesaier, S. P. Robinson, Lcvla Bell. It la 'cous.rvatlvely estimatmi 1h51 Richard Hoopes, Arthur Jones, James tee proposed building vIii metl _ Coyle, G. G. Hanrlu. George Michael. tveen 430,000 and $40.000 la mntetlb George. Dawson, Karkly Frazer, H. gro*.lug- ueids of lthe t-v jt T. Keslr, John Ilubad'Iti fl.- $1.00ailditional for a'&Ja ilii HowsrdeJensen. Carl Ferguson. - he large euough ln lhe yeari ta corne. John Beard. from Sioux Cty, lova, Mayor, Buiiock uni is aida Pro' ~left lent Fr1 day aiternoon. mter the pose te, ereet building tIrat ail de- fi-st mention %f lhe mattef hy Dr. partmntnl and olilcers cau bd pioi Harl>n ut liie noon chape] exerCIsca of, or to put on.tii. picture Po Carl C. Gbbs, captain of tee foot hall carda and send tb fndu, and o! the, rccailtrantu. enter- plans viii sare nothlng lu regard In cd Prusideut alirlan'. affine atone Ye.- rnoiernity aud convenlence. teday noon and upon. bclng given Tue structure viiib. of brick, pi-oh- liteeu minutes tu decide viiether b. ably tva or tire. storles hiih, vili ubould aigu tue pleige or pack bi@ Mi, aivantages aud offIces for- the trunk h. chose t ta tn. police m»dlire dopaitacot and for Coach Vaughan Geta susy. City7 ommers. Lake Foi-est viii play tiie fl-at foot Ma.omuglSM e aveiOd. hall gaine o! lia aramon wii West Di- At luait nigila meeting ltg tie coun- vision high scbool at Farvell 1.14, cil charier the aldemen prrnelIclY next Saturday. Captain Gibabaib agreesi on tue UMoDnoues ite et tiie bâda uquai of lvent- ln, thili.ld for corner o! Madison aixeotSud gbcri- tue lait tva veeks. lIx'0f lait ycsr'a dan rond, tue constderaticur toautanitan are bank In uchooi sud viiitfrni even (rade. 57 fest o! City lani for 67 s nucleus for a slrong aggregatifou test or MoDlonoughs lot,go tilt a (biq fait. Mimer la th. only member respectable City hall may ho Duilt. of tue bsnk field 10 shov up, but Mr. Mcl)onaugh app.ara le no 11W- among lh. promlsing neveomers are i-y for tii. deat sud eernadlapoaed tu, gou of Wataka (111.) blgb scbooi and treat tue City talrly sud iquarely. P. Stolla, vho captainei tue Otturnva WiliI uy &il of Land. (lova) bush echool tcam lait yenr. lu viev o! the tact tbat a large site Coach Vaughian has charge of the la eefl or- ltue oo1tlgenIe.1teu for suotiier yen sund la very la ecdd fr.futre oatugncls, ii satiseffl vîtithc material liat tue cil')' vil)proirblybhoalo!Ui han ln baud. TIre sciedule: McDonugh jlani. vlcb viii thee tale su immeilate rime lu value, due1 Octoher 6, W. D. H. S. at Lake Por- ta th. building of tue bail. u Adrmen AIl Favor. Octaber 13. Carrall College ut Lake The aldermen are unieralood 10: Oclaher 20, Marquette Clalege at favor tue building of a uev city hall Lake Forest. sud itsa"aong aooordlug tato c1iNavemiier 3, Lavrence University Bullock mctbod tea sman sud It sa at ILke Forest. aima rntted tha,é thcy viii ail be lui November, 10, Beloit Collage at BeW favor o! the. kcDonough purchase. lotit. vbich la regardeda i a good tling fan November 17, Monmouti College at tue City. 11*1. Forest. ti fi fi Il le iý dý ). 1

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