ÂNNUAL N EVENT TIAT WILL APPIEALI TO EV!RYBODY. AN OPPORTUNITY TO BLJY TuE XtCESSITIES o L WINTER, AT A 816 SAVING. PRICES ON ALUOST AILIL KINDS Orl GOObS ARIE ADVANC11NG. RAPIDIV_-' AP4-YOtJ*ULL hIAVE TO PAY If: 1I~MW OU WAI FPlnnelettes. and Oùtlng lanniels A larg lot of fancy Parsian paterne to pick f rom Juet the thlng for Dreesng Sacques aud wrappero. Fancy Outing Flannela for gowne at ansd 1k j~ Notions W. visit the mnarket every every week and get ,the latet novelties and styleé as soon a@ they are ont. Ladies Roman belts 30c I Peter Pan'purees 25C Fine Taffes ,bot.s O5C Fancy back -combe . with fancy stone settinge 50c and 25c. Fine Pet oi side combe 25c Mens aid Boys 1Work Clôthes We are çxclusive agents for theJfies. vile.Oothing Co. One of dependable wokclothes [or men and boyse. We bave a specieilg go"d blue bib overeli [or ae" e t 50c; alSo e paît overali that can= not becaten for the price. We tua& a fortunate purehase of a large lot 0ot taNfta riihoe abcb e f~~~ ame seilns at a fraction of ther r-ai value, met al ie and colore. W.. qulOte prseces on oly a ew sizres for cumparisofl. Ng.4~a~grae afet rjbovdA OC No. 16 Rond grade tafleta rilbnon yd.07c No. 9l good grade tafleta ribbxon yd... .06c Grocery apd Meat Ikpartm ent We t e so«i1 prdeon our -grocerg a deîïtý- ,aid the coumspd1 iard~ *S pI u.l ~is give wmsogood wholsome foodse t ,Meprkce. Orerscaled for anddéI2erede Phone290' Gents f Lâdîeg and Fürinisblng The only place for the nian who want. the lateet styles. r Menjsân luelimlkfourin-andties 50e add..Zge Mele fancy bow tie...........................zic, )den'& whitie Vesta ............................. 140 Fancy hail boue............................. ZSc Derby bat..-................................ $2.00 Fedor and Coilege bats $2.50 and......1.50 Wite and fancy shirt. Z5Oe sud........... 1.00 Ail otyles 01 coliarO two for ................ 2Uc Corsetfs Chlldrens siry Thnpom'e gove itting ta t os ry front eoroete (oue week oily) ... 89c Americn Lady coreets inhbatigte ... 1.00 C. B. cormsâet ........................ 1.00 TAns OGrdW .......................... 0 Mtin Qirdle............................ go School Supplies Extra large peui tablet ...........Uc Sniootb paper tabiet ..........1c and Sc Compoition book...................c Lead pensis......................S and Ic Speling tablet...........................c Blankets and Ladies fast blao(k home, flli fashioued seaunlestoeu ............ 10-15-25e L«aie. biacitfleeeed borne...l anti 25c ..........e.......... 5 0 and "25c Ciidrens fiue ribbed hase faut blakk 25C ChbUdreu back cathosse......15 aUd 25C Boyndoube kuce White Bouse home 25c Comforters-. 9-4 Or"r cotton blankets .........SUc 10-4 Gray ctton bianket ..... Sc fl-4-êray n'lIe.otoa.Iaet, .....t.................s.....10 Ail wool white blankets ...........d00 Couforters $2.5 ......t............. 1.00 Ladies, Underwear Ladies flne fleeced wear, white or gray, per garment 50C and Z25t Ladies fleeeed union suite in white or gray 75c and 50c 1white cotton fleeced Ladies wooi union suite $1.00 1.50 SIOES Ladieevici kangaroo bal kangaroo top, patent leather tip $, Ladies viol kld blucher patent leather Up U0 Childrens âine viol kid, patent leather tip 1.25 and 2.00 Mens W. LU Douglas velour ealf or vici kid blucher 83.00 Mens W. L. Douglas box eut binucher or bal 2.50 and 83 China Depgrtnient SWe carry a large well selected stock of step!e and fancg Chbinea ad semi.p'or. celian were. Our stock of Japanese ware is second to none in Lake Co. If gou are lookiong for a nice set of dishes give us a chiace to figure on it. Ladiea plain ihuîstitched bandkerchiefm ...................................... à and lOC plain linen handkcercliefs................................ 10-1-20-23C Ladigh lanc ife.................;.......-................................... Sc and $Oc Gente plain white ... ........... ...... OC* Gent. linen ............................. Ct Red and blue...... ..........:........... .................................... . U s upeu LirtýyviIIeé u w --~ u SA