't- -'~' Special AssessmentI IBonids ýorSale Lake Forest,, Libe rty ville Hlighland Park, Maywood and Oak Park Special A ssessment Bonds for Sale aeorg e A nderson LAKE FORESTp ILLINOIS NE~ * ffARNESS * n -_SHO~ i1uan-i owalcit luinthe osa-Moe.in J. 111. Tntggs building oan Spiagnitrict. This @hop turne out as gooti aontsas aceh doue in the dtate. (lite us a trial. I SOUIT YOVI TRAN ANS AÀSK TUÂT YOIJIVE 1JE À TRIAL 0. -1. LUCE s j 4 j 4 j 4 j '4 ati J j 4 j 4 i q aj - I Libertqiville .1~ r- - -~ v ~OW ABOUT v i v EMONS-ME L E EDWIN II'Poe4767 Illinois I )A. I L1,M" IRTYVRE, IL I havi &L firsl cînstasssortmînl of blankilp which I can ofFer at bargein prcis. Ail avool blantîts----------------------------.................. 226 Storm Dutat blenket lunît------------------------I............ 35 Stable blankîts nd.............................. 0 Good aIl wooî fawn 7 lb OSagO inch ................. 4 25 Harnes. and Morse Goods of ail Descriptions CHAS. H. KAISER Libertyville. -Illinois BAUMS STOCK MOI) ALWAYS ON UIND) (IOOP PRINTINO ... Is a neceosary element of business suceess. Orders for Job Prning placed withuLs will b. promptly and correctly executed. Rush jobs our dellght -------p--------.-4 YR!D lïjOCtili SPECIAL ATTENTI ,To out of Town Oré And Shipping Tesg Lihat7ji.iieh«tage ION 13AKCR e nd CONITCTIONER frs Lietvle - lffs de MOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED. WE DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWNS H CaptatIn : .. GE Itbc Rànho Ceeteîgi' IDO hl A. & Beema es- C... PahI 6r » 5 lBAv"..., Ns. Toti e! lu enougit tO 111,a1,ê iant aant t1atc "I il ltaccelat your tusuratîce ttecl.' projet Idefeteitr "l've partlit ilt flat."i "No, cetalinly net. tiltmeli terer, 'Wall, as 1 ccrtaluly tave n> dispes ie bbans ar-edoat-. hîîttres, lu.lte lioe lehabard upon yoc, l'Il a(cepl buBI litoui- rond. tif t-ourse tata lu- jour Stock lu lite Atlantic nuit Misabia taeatsha lu Caine are aomparatlvcty sippi Steaanchlp compeuy, or eti jour.amati nDow titat lhe t4 it et thc bank, Ilslacilppi Valley Transportationt coin- but. as jeu tnea-, ehei at beee bdtnig pacy stock, titottgh ùnîter cati i ret- prepertj t-iry hcnvlt- iioîag 0cr pre- oued a frst cac e cccrltj'." poseitline. 0f course . tlieu the rend a"I've soidt o ott hcointîtituica,' le finlab he t ii avs atltaaat< le lice aili coer-ed Tacdy. grea-,anui property la-re ai-ti go np. By tisti lea Duncan hcgac te awuit lu vica-orethf1251 hali-tbei-n beytng der whiat hait hnppeed te Taedy, tn Iota, bouses an uii .--atbuildings ai a filaeaul a ay, just as Hallam boat al Uic places avitra lprinci-ptal Stations doue, are Iikely te bi local&] . "Wonitem a-b ie haitehein puttlug t was ta-o or luetisys iter a-hec bis mouey," tl ietoughrt. 'for suneiy i Barbara, retnitied 10 ltaeatbjact by s hall plentj etIla itt111e a-bIle agit. sernewatlindirect route. Hecc tasn bayiug propterty aiong lte l"ell me about Pattai, (;ulterd." new reIrent, but titat htnt fcRcent ahi saiS te i. *Wdenlv. te tie up e man et Taeity'saietUi. He lsughigljamwerM: somethlns muet b. lte malter, t muet "Peitucait la a thrivtng bave lu nerlt- b. cautIons." western tecky. Il lies en Uic Ohio .l'Il put up s huodredt tbusand le river about Ofltyceiles abeve titi moulu Memphias ait hoble kver stock- hi- gau Tan«y. S",Yeu tnea- 1 can't couaider ltaI" sait Duncan. -Neosucihanter ceulit. But, Irf je ioose, thc batk ili sne- cept stock la jour ceai mine. reckeneit et 50 cents ou titi dollar, as sec-urttj." 'The 'a eut etflthe question. 'rn ne- .iating a cale of my Itercaile theri, qnit Il veul,! etearrassamtue 0bme-te stock hypethecalait justIea. '-V'erj avili, Ibeat. lbat do yen pro- ' pose te de? 01r course yen bave a arge hlock oet stock In tiIs battk. Vhy nel put that up a - crily andt gve yqurselt aIl thititne jiat necit? Or, If yoe dontl aant telitypothc-ate titie:- stock nith IbiIs haut. joea au arrange- a loan ou il aitîtStaffend or HlslIam'. Taeity besittei for a tinte etere Slv ancwleriug. At hit h aiti: "l'a-c ouly try-three siares lett. Wity lould't ttth act bny il ont- ~"YeO%'ve se&le rita' ttll!' rIght. puattitgthelIta talit asea îriutpcl etibal Stram. Il basna .'1albutan- part etftthelcrebasa e otît-y" btious pepulatioài nd tîi, ai cucsidara- "Ata-at prI<-e wili -eu seiI'i" bIc marktlfer lte -sati'oftiobacce. -'At ti)3. Il',, wirttt that tîai mott." That'a about aIU Ieîaat-taber et a-bat --l'i couciter te otter. ('otue back titi gazetteePr cays atuit the- interetlug lit. ai heur fer 30cr ceca-ar." brg" Duîncan seul aitoe@afor Halandit -'And yen koowa- lsiit mut att1 itattoril.as tht- prilp-jal atoctitoldera avaut yen le tel! me. Ara tîere an>- lu that- ittîli.! ý , t . 1ralîroadis therei- lternt ailtt aai tI ;a t- 1a1- al "Onee muitone, raaaauaaag frotaUic visadtlIa-- î i--at.lit - 1(,2--tt-t 112 entitscuta iie, 1IK-liea-i-.anuitthe ne the itriee. anitait abit-îrlaier Naietia 'iucab peple are try-iug te Iude ijaay r-aaeta.i»-s'i stocettlier ta the company a-hl-.lj iîîbuildingg thc thei X Natiotiatl laaaîak Memphtis ani Oblo Rave-r railread tot A tayr .mtav., ttir Stafford learueit tmaite ls cortbamîi terminus thare In- tat by titi saeIt'of tis haut stock tteaitof et aCalma, TItibe- are trylig. 'andy bail trat-i-aily rte aIl it Uite , te gel a itridige ubatîtacroce thc bnlt-avetrniat lie liait lu auj l'aIre (t-ioe t that polîitTbey arc untikcly entarprimat. leto tecei lit î-tlar iroier-l. for thte Ilicgrestly woiaaer.'d tai ta, anui as rcasou ltaItte wi-v ita.nto ralroad con- hie mt-i -tlînitcta suit Hallate lu nection certitor t-a-t. Italronits froua Haustos parlor that nigit thUictirtrihieeU thritttita.z tto f'tdu,-sa onit ladulgedin tai îsîr onjectures coucern- finitnolie etal 1, iy the river." Iug Tsudy sud fils plans. Thte ouly Bambiamu .. a l soutettiIme; conclusion ltcy arria-e.li asa c- Uien tba aa.a IL.i aidyinter. preNsaitby f aptinlu VIII : etedtliti au it-- -- - ti iattl **Ii'g uOItolunila-cbiiet c oeasort..1 - 'lat- --a kia., ttato. 111- n iial We miust wat-ta biln. sorts of ta -.1a Ltat-Bul w-b> -14,ti uti tatan CHATLk Ett XXVtI. lu1 tilt1 i a-of - îgsite skatd ait- 1Naccerdaaîace a-li hbiscustome, nui-t- Uem iuesiiut C-ta l otStBarbatra ti-ea-bote tery "'le tnttmi-a i thetitc nopauy jeu otfth ante datitîngs a-lit Tantj epotee ot lti -t buildinat nenafrot and !xplniiad 10 ber bis reaseus Memphis te the- f)lit river?" for .inspeictiîag, ast Captain Hallate hait "Yes; bhas bt-attily lu Ibat. tItaeed. sait, that Tanity aas unittelaictief" ha la prasîdatat tai i. I ballet-e, or mone- et soute I.ut and eeitcd close waall- tilg lite tbit, t. -las lh a 1ofetour Ing. ecompany-tvi-l., iti-heparallel dosut "Perbaps bhabbaslotitronay hcaviij, boIt, for oursj,, aaalyaptojectlng coin- sttggcatad Barbara, "andt la 8rggling paujane jetta l ih.tat la a tul fictged le keep his beait above avatar. cilý ompuany acta,-lly etgagedin a "Thot lm axirerncly uulikely." au- building. I1uaa- thut la oc oftheb saara,! Dunacan, -parttt-olarly as bI igs t tat til Tanady cp at the lIme standiug titlraîdstrtetc launuimpaînet. efthlie hautle rtuill. Hahait put a 1 ake,! Bratstreets recteritay for a pet ef meney îîto t î, ant iehicoulituci- spiciai report on hlm, anui they gave titîn salIt-he stoc-k nomris. money ou htm tour 'a. That menus ltaI hi hbuIt l theUicrondîttîî aldfieheitanui ample capital aud abunitant reseerces somea-hera athitheUickuowleitge of a.=or atte trfIavb oje"s Braitstraet's ageuts. 1Imitagiue thet For ana-er tai- croccidthUc e out li ta ging quel t u nome i ag en- ~ nanu îratetampe terprîseanad bas so tar investihs ad eunnsr.dotatato capital lu t tblibe a-as soely cm- "ab sitable. br ine barrasse,! for reaity moey a-heu suit- Lo h-sttptigbrlne denly caltait upen tb rise IL 1i aoulit ounlteémalt. "At a peint onlj aà11113e give a ttdy lUttla sumto teinit eut a-bat esit oet tiat couty i>-ohe oncerning i la np te." aitici Tanniy iolt the strange stipula- But neituter Duuç-aeu or lIallam a-as lion midi oer Itruite e ahu -II hi destincdtotemalte that iiscovenj au jet. maicannuer le Padtîcah titan thc (Us- Beon nfter the banit matta wan s st- lance froml that mullt te Calme. bMay b led Taudy siemeit quill etcIens. again Il net i possaibl- 0 inndallj. LHc resumat bis purcitases "By Joy, Bairbara,' Duncan ex- of proertj along the linaeofth pro- clairneitas haelient ovir lte rap. poielait m ay, but onlj aIoug theit- 1 ">oe've solveilthet riditie! What n cru haItet IL. Hi- beuglaI noue in splendd cembluation itlul! Andi hoa- Cairo or avthIn fft'miles oet Ualt it>', ae muet huall to efatnt tr' Ta-o menthe lam, atter Dunca's "Ton mut hi colinto, ianditlit us campaigu a-as over anuitthe ilectione a-en t Ilail eut antd hiue mf eirq- hait beau helitlha anit Barbara caine titg betore yen tell Caitain Wl!! hcck te thc cebject. Duncan tot Bar- abouit IL. t1e-cnt yee 10 havi ful bara efthtie tueer provisionn Ual Taudy creitlfor. the tlniety dlseverj." hait periadecith1e nuthorities oetw-ta-eMe? Wby, Il i-t ail jours. Barbara, euntiea to ptntluloteln bonit appro- anduitjuare 1 taaeail tUic cnit»' priatton ani expreaccit bis curiosîtj te "Ob, ne. Vou tutti me the tiiea t kuoa Ucthe tive. inatIe,! me te gu-na Il out, anuit 'vc "Headitdu't de that thitg jucItfon tee, otlj bain trjlng te itlp yen. - I'ut glati GuilforiL" lte girl sait utter abc hadIt f 1 have helpati, but poiltvilj my tbought Uic malter over for ta-eutj- namne eustc't lihintloued. Ptm olj four heure. ','Hebas SceneInlîrealte o a-orant' serve." "Onlj sa womna' Duncan ecitoit. "Of course, lm very sure eft Ual. "OlyILt e anu! Barbare, Gd's a-la. "Wi muet finit eut a-bat Il l," slitdom a-as nia-ar 80 alac se a-hweu h. lte girl, a-noce appeeualeu waascrealeit only na-antan' te hi a 'hilp- slrongly arouscit. mccltfon manu.' "But itea, Bai-tara?" 1 Yoîîîw-nut lu try -otar att columniiia FOR SALE-lEniveratal range pipe antd boardl. miit g.aas îew. Uaed one .ilnta-r. I 'qi1l Ph. MARÀTIN. 1-2 Dettes the aeatba" Savea tii-ne Protec'a thei-home HOUSE FOR RENT-otewâtavrt tAti- l'.a~~~~ îîfaî -u.îtî ew cents tf FOR RENT-A., t4 ta-me farm utar .e lvaîi. -, ' dat, i -tltliai ttati t' -4l. 'Ant ëxvellentd i-t tait. i lsa a. 5'.A IWF L aet\u ILF1 . litaki-1, -lr.îî 111I..ake C nt FOR SA Ela-att .tat i it-ela-, FOR SALE--tii a,.. lýait iii :l ilts .s of Oîirne- . Lkt. Co-. 111 .-l4U tiprvedtt 1 1, imoti la Ba.. law .-. Iiugltly ti.- r«esi ndie et Paituesit, arici lg'mucb titi camne ting as eudtlng notebere. "But, If he a-u msiceeti lu dlvcrtlu eeg lIce te Plalnc:ib liasteadl of taire, thugscucrlug antt itrely cîtlcfaetory C-oicttev-tloîtîtrth aud-ea-t, bic NIMinl atdii bo rond tl ii t.cotnc part of one of tiée gretet truittîtlin..,,Ili thîtapart of the emontry. ait ittt te dantî. tali i. stock itid bond Ilulatýiiti ili ttaitlie bini tini- of tbe riitl-t Ilatai tht' westC-t 'That la wbaal I watt tiîtfalg, huit- tord, but 1 lttiàim- dItt'It nigges',at i. I f.o go IcetitIý. 1t tiitftkitlo%%, that i t %votîl,! (e Iîssili- lt it ' ni-t tr lita.. 1 thaigitt liait iiayd>t,! la it -arter ,îote- pclIed it te rîttate It, *"Xo. unfor-tiitalt-t>i tîte T'atii d' "auret] the charter ii int-e irst plat-t' ,-efore *allt a .iaattattttd %aett-ut ît te itroëlet. 1ivaouti.l-lite attiSe,,wit a î,uzzled look. - vntier If thc oIt sebetuer wns lookiug ti,,fair chiat. At auy rate. tIeti- atrtar. ai Taudy hall Il druawi. ratîtares octy lIénti:tielUne elsîha subcoto-atm) and icoustructeit as te cotitect tbe railroait ruunatig et (rornto tccafteru termntttîtaa wthe U icMs- sissippi river. It doasiaîl puy St ebat peint. Tltat ratînireant aould ha tully met ef coutrsa. If thti'rondl shoul<t tii dltaerted teflaitucnh. (counectleg ltere avlihthUicne te Matuphis." "But why did Taudy avant tbat count- ty lin provision ptt tto the bond subacripîtont" *Look et Uic mRp agntu. Tbocc tavo countîcu lie w-et of Uie peint nt whieb thte rend mulot be turnet 10db If tIlel to e adivetted te Paducttb. If ave fat! te, buld taeresolotitat coîîîy line h» nooe ef lte 15112of cext itareti the auhscrlptlous eof boihthIose rcomtîels will hi forteltid. ,Tien Tanity avlIl step In andt effir lte emibatty t.at te 6litding tbe lion a tecb larger %lt)- moerlltiola ot senti soit froteI'aditt-ilh andit ret fils Memîphis ronit as ait ln- tincement to shorteu Uicle uey toking lb taPadcesh icstend et Cairti -- "'tititwoulit rutu Ca. ire" '-the girl aacked aitxiously. -11 would lie ta terrible tîiow lu the clly'c proaperity. asflt." leoklug at hi4 wal-b, -I tuant bty tits illiîer baeore lisîlan suit Statfford teulght, late as It 10." Thaeu.gointagte l ittIa tclcgrttph lu- ,ilrnnent aviicîtfor lais oavtt (otven- lecea bc hd tttclallcd lit Barbara's bouse, bit caltait (aplaie tlilat eut ef bcd sud ecîkeit etf Uic Meseage: Theiti mltnth i e ccantal taacceumnteit for, 1ut itr se yeu ndiSItferd tontigtt wbthe.tt talt. Summenhi,tltilgo eP le anar hbecs. at ont-e. ftitddcoltrequtre Mhtit trn or mauy avorta for Duncantt teexpîste UicItua- tion as labc ow utlaratooi tl, uor a-as titere thte clîghîtest greucal for itoubt titat Uic solution reaciteit asaltogeth- or thc correct one. '*tc naideep garnte lac'sbeeauplaytug'" stîid Hallasn. "hIt l;oeeof the Itint cumblnmations 1 ever beard et,' rccpoudecd Stafferd:. TYou've a tuigbty long head. Duean, te a-ork out sucb a puzzle." -Don-t be too complirnttry 10teM atd. I dldn't avnt lc t ',"respendait the youugcr nn. "Yoee idn't- Mho itid, tthet?" "Barbara Verue! Bée torbade me te mcentiona bauitne, but I avil net safl cuder faine colorom." litafford, .t-liât ý>t a t- a tai a l on .tg bad, aaaytow. teto laii ke mi î-tîtaeimet sur-h s ýirj as Barbiar a tn-tae. t'sthe very - e st tiigt- ra atttr did ic ybur IlIteand lteaviwsa-It ttc ever avili do tli yoc tne lber jatua- wtfe. 0f rcnurse Ibat wll corne lu due titueT' *1bepc e.obut t1aatat'uot sure I1ceau acenrnplisb Uiat."1 "Wlty. 1 hait supîtoacdI itas, aIllar- r-augcd. Wity baveu't you- - (To Bt- Cuttiamut-tî HOUSE FOR SALE--Oit Park placc aitet 4 choice lut@. lunqttre Firmt Nat'l Btankt,Littertyville' 44-tf FARM FOR SALE-tIr will rent. one. liait aile nortît o! Ivanbue, T4acesf. ad- dtrst,9O. HEicoit, 1171 S. Spauldhlg Ave. Chicrago. ;,2-3 FOR SALE-125 acre farte char Gages coners. AIse farttî of 147 acres 2 Ummle s;outhof Long (Irove. PAuL McgurFFiN Libortyville. 24-tf. FOR SALE-lit; acre tarte. 2 miles aet of humne.. flacit soil, pleut7 w-ater. tiood orchaîrd oct!lots o! fruit. WVill ,,ll 711 acres- Wftb building4 or 40) a-rte %witbotît. A. ltX EN, Guruet. 51-4 FOR RENT- 140 ace farte 2% tileg @ottwi-ct of lt-e,-eller knowc as the Euft, farte. Atîdresm F. H. friAt .Michigan City, Ind. 52-q FOR SALE-400 bu of old car corn sud ,-Brt o Ilno. Clit o ui k.0 . Libertyville, 111. I t! à LInthte Cilrcuit Coureri-t Lakte County. FR O ET3iaisfouLbr Diacteber terra, A. D. tata. FRRN 3mle rntLbr Jîîflîîe ýIter va Gearge Peffer. George treille. M42 ares. Inaînire Ibis office, e Pilier. George Esonf, 'Unknewn ewner oett ateni-les des-bei In a Moeagureaerdeil1t hInBock si att Mort ages. ael s.. a0 a Walterr cuti argaret' Vlter, 4bIsatjwferBEAUTIFUL FARMS-l havec 20 fente j.Napôléon Pianiolat. N&lIeteon I'erlolat orSecradMlid.Iw.Ty Napolean ParPint. tiePalanParotlt, ar encrni iîod n-.T B lleus iapAtîon Perlelal. alas nepnilan acthe trente oftheli te 8. Nolhng a Parotet. *Uitknown hueunordeviscea Coff luer tdoor; flot a aate fonof =au Ciharles DflAD. ,allas Chartes DigeRa n h oleuo mbS. uso 'ieaaee." "Unkees lihae.Or d'ises oru bsilatctbthaî u ha Ni-i-dean PanaletI, d"neeasea." "Unknea-a You lthe inealterope, Prit-es 50, 55 uit reeorofd t ee etdo13a artage, 6 f0 tdollara par acre Ton cannt heaa îtnelles -eipD PaBoak 1(N1ofuiM them on the piic. No agfente, coule andi Paulus Wott. 'Unkacava h-ire or Sdavisaisneme ltent aithont itîla>-for Ibej a-iil a-atChObstD eterir. decaeae'." Saînuel bricg $100> ptemacre iluone jean ftot Frimait. Mart Plteeah. lAnlea Mille, Id& oda - -KA PuE, pner a S'nîkPr. a. dane itch.andit(hieoda.Fîa52-.4AaE puer a 'Unkenavu onao-f oriiermoDolute-ed 5 lu aths naIettitte tii-scrbed la lhBill of ____________________ Coesatlnt.' lInrahnncor-i-St-t,0ent t- atiefaclone aidalvît that UPQn dpi FOR, SALE-242 acre stock anit dair' lenI-yr. iRait e! the defetidants(Geotrge f mile seuthenfft o! Waconida Pte.George Piffer. Osas ilKnopt,. .:;r'ywth "Utcv wner ot the notes deperibea l ±.seconfII.imrvitaIitna e aumortaes" renoriicd tanBhtk a ofbonne, ibarn andl a-Il aud miii]sait morhw55ia.ïnais 1"." Canner Wsit-er 5-ni-cesser>' out buildings, orchard timber W cire ater, hielm P. n4polio n ie re at odiCoet týPutfiat, Nagoison rtolea. Neaeolea u iefra vbrpn. iee Parletat. St-poisse ParoI' Il, allas tiatiienitlacitfaate. Muet ha soit at once to >.peniol&t,allaa Ni-pesa paoloet. '*Un natta close an estate. Maire offîr. bire nr tieviea et Cof ales Dagn.1&48 cr tckilsar fra3 ie Vchartes De a u d oeaaei." ' Uanatavn h ima 2 A r tc u aijtre S ie ordplviaaai t Itpolean Paiolct, <leceas,.d" a-caltif Ilanvica-, Cookt0coutil- ., un "Unkanowa owuer -n! ititeR Pteerheit lea alith aidieso! Milaacte Ave.leuproveit Moiteaiu rporded tIn Book 'R' et Meriasloip n ar el ru Plý alt asWoht. partiae&Wolf. all avith g.id loie ui aunal 'auinoiL "uknavbhiire or -doviaeop taleteit andt iew rnit fon liarn. ileo of (aba'stan, Biterr. doiaatd," Samauel orchard sacria-c for $1-0 r ce Frisch, ait the 'Tukena-t n ns etoforr B3gr are veractea ntpreetPat bu the mial .istate,120 Acre Farm-N ar zlue Iland it2 dopo-ibei tla the 8111 o!r(lomolalat junoet milea front M iflotitian station improveit bit toundS, ce a t %rocaca ber-m entrntet ha gý) om, n an n u i, rv-aiupnnIhiaor elîbervf bteon. 0 etl oî ae.,ai at u Noe atibeîiore e eroiihyaven t the I lildiîîgm. (lotaloit-bard andt 27 acres sqidGeôre Pf <liteprie Piffer. George. tiîuber eat. pastître excellent torn itîiy ýtKecti', Uuknta a nur forthe,, ltes tarta (ltîfltie n». dti-at bed tua amontgaît rîtorded laliBook Hv ePrlgclfrewihme 32 of Morlgeiti. .Iiage t541" Capr Walter Hv eealgo!trn abctnt dafit Margaret Whtr. hle aite. Napolo eiathaclaidit-sp for eseit. Add-uemetate Purletat. Navoleon Penrlolat. UNailcta tf JOHaN B. 01 ERNIEVE5, 11M Ashiaaitd Panielat. Notese nParo-tIt, altas Neuilni B. e 54 yParlelat. alla(% Neveliac Parotat. '«Uiakncavn[l. bct.5-f hi-ireor devis-es oft Charti". Degen. allas Chartes Digmuian eaiuatd, 'Unitne<wu tein 1.io t.ieonîût fNîptuean Part-tt. usiafl,î'FARM FOR SALE-Place kaoavu as 1 Unknown ea-rer et no-tes demcrîbet Ie a John Rafler farta, 81 acres, goîtt hîtilit. 0Morteaugirecordeul lan1.ok -'"ofutMort. inum, southa-sl corner o! Freniont. a .w gae, itt.*' Patts«Wot-. PenuesWolf. dIePentue Wolft. *"Uchiteava la or uett)e soit aI oue-. Adaliates GE. dsvlassi tf f tau n Bttaren, ateeea@ed." iIAr-Ela, Wauconita. 44-tI gamnel Fnlah and the -- Untenn'ncre __________________ oret tIt&raIestate dictrlioilealte -Bill oi Ootaint " thal i-he steve asmeit tom. FOR RENT-dix raclai fiat. Inquinaeto alanta luet sBlill et Couplalet lensaldiJ.« A.' McA-ngx. Slft onqatet Iha Cheny side thereof, anal ahfila snaOn@thîenUton IssueS ont of sait Geai-t saslaotthe abeve natntitMONýEY TO LA -napo a deenhne Triscflte Clnu$n theCont cfda uestatooseurit-. BIN. E. MiLLEU, Liber- Conntytole bl. Al t titi Court Boum lu tyvile,fiis. -f Mondi e fliimier.A. D. lm.is . i y ew- nLlit aSShftit a i t idindb. FOR SALE-Elivator sud ceaIbusdies ,s.,aaMe >,,oaa ch~, eniapon amaont o! oit e. HXuza P. L Jesuss.. Omiî.&< ta 6"ot«. Sxîp, Lake Zurich, 111. 89b tAio four frrenas the phone4 itge Lake Countyj Telephos C.. Oilice: Kdht 81"c LibertyvilIe - IUi0o LU MBEF -ALL IINS- Good Grades at Fair Prie.. DOORS. WINDOWS, MOULO- MUS5, BRICK, LIME. ALPHA PORTLAND CEMENT. SEWER SPIPE, DRAIN TuIE. ETC. G. Ml. SCIIA%CKél/ SPEClAýL FOR TEN DAYS. !Stove Pipe 1 18C STRAYED-llay lorAe w,îb halt-r, 15 b aud higb, 1(0) vight, 1(; v-arm old. thin in flemb ant iitprtereslu front $;- rcwatA. Strayed Suttdaiy 'v.ning front patireta-ar I.ak,. Co-er,. 1.2 w.m. IttttKti FOR RENT-House and lot ton Pair wît'eît. Libertyçtîle. J. E. Unoui.ii Itotcketelfrr. 1-2 TYPEWRITING-l avili tak.. tyîiewrit. iug wiork to do at home. fi AEA ti'i.Ey LiWtrt.yville. 2.l FOR SALE-Lot ilid cottic. tearly Btew, iii Lake. Zuncel. "Priett$7M. more III. 31-tf TO EXCHANGE-Mr borné, a 7 roote boitaw, e.tb hoth, hot andl cold, fzter. i eee. Ven rt fiu 35 to 40 arIa farte in La.îttvwell iuiprovcd. Wll pay differ-,-. J. PA.Fý 2H24.1itndin Ave.,, flyi- rat, u. II.52-4 F9SAL E-2 fuliltl .ood l 1criahire huar.. Prie-reafotîable. Rater fartin HE,,R% AWtN.Mgr. -52-1f FARM FOR RENT-Hadf wav bettaen Millb,îrc anti Wadcavortb. 105 acres. Itiuire thisolic. 149-tf FARM FOR RENT-Near Iaahop. 50 aerce, Eew. BoyEit, Libcrt4vile., 41tf FARM FOR RENT-2 mile@ frote Lib- ertyvll-. 145 aire,. Itiqutre this ofice. 47-tf. FOR SALE-IBuildting pills at $15 per 1000> fiet. J. C'. EIEaTFL, Pratrie iîw SALFAàM-l"or cale near Liberty. ville 60it)ae-ies, fine irnpt-overnti, abettid- toitý-eof watit iemili gýoodedit. Pice teamonalîle W. S-Ht TE. Littertyville. D.A. YOUNG Liber tvàilwu FARM MACIIINERY of ai Kinds RIEPAI RED wlth Thoroughness AND Dispatch WILUAM LAYCOCK M'O. Opposite St. Paual Freigit Deet F. BMIRSTOW Marble and GrauIte Monumenis Cemetcry NWof 1Ev«y Description, C .rrcspondence 5oIICIt l26 GenemeeSt ' Waukegan McKINL!YRIG SK AND SPAVIN CI! some heip ring boni. andt $Pavins but we cure hem The treatmeet aegve * thorongt and lastlng carq You do't bave to or y the hbose. A tri will convlflSlou titat w e have got whatj Y have bien loeklng 10! Ps is llw 't il. 6 Carriage Paints-Black 33c Wine 40c Carmine 45c Glass at cut price@ ,%lu qFq" L l*