Saudiwse. m.- (t dBa 99 aud UmiiAn&, Mia L. Stu ne k i5 libe,,e ,Knge d A - W ahne mura iwwgasglte ansd tbe Cty Saturdai evenng sMd W"a lhm ova. guet of ber sMuter, Enirnathon or Bec»"s e -W*.4cIu IWA ~<>W3tJ2&O1GED E. Fleke and vfew !Laezrih o h. W Wvhm * TOSO ENEESE peut Mondai wtbireýtivibtO TetSfr y.berhR 4u Wlla TO sotzoN IRLE. aA. WiInlngtoD @pont Mondai evnlng IrIP W , Mmd SbeY wdb fr bn. -at Waukegafl. m W bdJ@D ga'i aypotrnaee-l and M n.sdlr. Mlle T. LarneY, o01 f»84=Ddu.8 coldet beom1 W . Broksbasibu- credBarrngu tOl toped &a h oeo @pildS h nsj. WiluimROUas. k~rebaseautoobil F. Ka and failY BSu d" -onthulr Thea 'you cen afroid te£met Mma <om ieq *~ti 01 ge.Lat atur- MmraB. Broadhet esge itol I SI fÀOVU of u day oflilv lWaom hbe mvthe bîg bun relative iu the cty Friday. Âleur o m wlkr aouud the Libertplule 8. Keller and family viited relative W oM NMr.sud ie.1 .* but lu ogt bai6, su d thei bers Sondai. lmvsti indan rMtruid to hie native lir Harold Krarner le aiîtiflg WinII lMr. snd Mma. Wl sdsdcitnd Kulgg's sito re. Iowek to,"hie pockiet plcked. At ~MblRdlB leelflt5 Mr Mra. may@th5d meks et ber bomne luRiver 1ev. .n 1r0jde&.ha met Chai. Blkiiy, _________ liSul aftïvllls Who requstelà hlm to BRNTN i.anou aoMdaount for lfnsud Ma Dela vdeRIntgtOinedafi "i *in rwut bau te bs onfrorn Chicogo over Sudai.___________ s. A. couple o f emootb "«dip R'isoive d ade Mi. mmd Mi i .eimti i.v i.trnasciion for HighandOark.GROVE Mr. 8d" un hsuunadlb.carthamiee ~ MW iiFieda Reetike, a Jhofler * oaivsi IauMa lié awud te - he mme vlel téd vltb ber aliter, Mn-ra. r JH.Kele e psudiMe aeâwOt IM YO Ths mca dropped off WOU â be hefit of tse week. atIomborno accont.o cfhu. -sien on our stre %W taretlandwit tbm wnt he Dr. and lira. A. G.,Shako vere gueti lMr. Fred Lenipker sud ion, 01f0Gi11or, Mmr. <Jt Sr., O d. o lir. dnd lMms Noeuberg lu Highlanid vleuied at ber h bonesat Tbured&i. City. Théi Mayor le nof10 .. Park latS n1d&Y. Mii Ilertie Kiteol, -of BarringtOfl, lWiham qwîî -oaham begait The Wauconda Mr. and lire. James McKSR viilted vlefted vitit frieuds hero bais iuî to loi ii.oitnsiit-Uiice i aI~Wb~ wlh ti. orror' tet tAlgonquin ie. 1. Miler and bon', George and p*âd ti a orti In a lcais Sflfldai* nm e 0-a =mtgteT luth iOpemt bes4ù beOlu Ibe#m utter fent. Mit"Gaa Buihof Obleag, ipntlat Sswy eth ne;atvea at Baritutofl lulocef' utditfidhlmjuanvok at'-the borne ofa. Laichbs. e The Grmai hool onieOim--oidaY i. rer sad ornlnglid htb tscrad.John Buas, O of 1'ttlLake, W!., vltb pator Humml ai teseher. viltedi wtb N os » ogbb D ed ti h ecr lm eca ourelative bitm Monda. A ang f min are at work building a lait we. bosua gtetnratle essrch for the 2ev. and lira. Ben Heirlch, of Seattle, uew ridge near the Lutheran chnart t r.L bol11nvan, il puieandWh., attendsd the wodding uf the Long Grave._ rettirue<l lram 0, utjinvan. lapurs ndformer e aliter to Hermon Gleake bite -wIitiSutt and farily vire entertaitird0h. ,71Pet*OIii. lait woo.tathIe hbornfi. Henry Pepper et Lake r.sdln ' bis lever Iteated braw lho re. Roy. Young, of Park Ridge, addnosedZrSud fmsy. e rirekega, iîuid i iôWauoud a addr al wssrthe membere of the Y. M. C. A. lu their Will Stiele aud friyvr rii aîySna sud s ianmbar o! te r ad wsrnbail lait Sundey aiternoo-. Vtew vietars Sunday. ai Sda i »obd. Th ner fthtie h" ai ii SaBkrturedfrrnNae- Fred Goeiwiller, o! Rockefeller, called Mi"i Florei ville this wvek l ter an absnce of eeverah on bis brother, Charle, Suuday. Srlgse mthve v1ileha cilivaur a pad- months. S. Kellr sud family were Roackefelle it y ci "p'o Te nlbt te lbe bld their visitonres uuday. lMr. and lin. intallation of offiere lu their bail lent Mr. and Mma. . isuer lett Tueidai for daY lu Zion Cil Toi Great AmicniMonis. Monda.y night. The members wen ree- Oklohoîna. The Ladies r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sn hatiecrl f iehu uitb their clvisud a rnt enlOY- Eetlîer Bens of PlurnGrove, la staylng M1gis. S- P. HI rabtelabe fte e! he even ing cai epent by ail. ciibrga~aotbr u ia .noon. or oodly cause ber pridi bai___a_____ iter sud a tedng cooot. lr Mmd B. »,#t uxerbe.thM le lkd mnBUSfINMESS CIlANCE-1 am deoirous of Fred Stahl aud farnlly entertalied kglvet ho idap ervii g l pnio. etrlng f rom busiuese sol offer uty tock relatives fr0. ArihgtauHBeightaSunday. Meer aud lu Makiea brwil o oprso. 1general utercbauiee for cale. Mie Laurs Stalil iaé the guet of C. Bý Clark, go"a tem.-The ioclety o! Counity 3-tf D. SUr.Ai, lAko Villa. 111. relative lu the City acouple o a d s ater. Mr@ oaviwora, lorkeanad commission- t_______ ait week. Mr. ahd Mr la "foute t Wakiait, OOR SALE-Calle pup, 4 monthe aid F. J. Bergborni and lamily, of Houey~ .nî utSmnda oflaroutioncalisonthe Ml.L OuaaDamond Lake. -Lake, cire visitors bite recetl. lamlly. lu màuntoiaka chickes _______Mr. and lire. JakeHeketoeellel', of -Mr. andM wta peütultnti offeuie.) Highland Park. vite the us of Chicago,0 94 » itla tat rees th bid - Pow.r 0ftibo Gani Wardon, Augut Meyer aud family Su day. a M .1.M .tpt laeslthe JUici oiui- Garni vardeus have recentiy reWllli Biare bai returnd borne aster Little lou Mt erlug neaae vibercls htsrrm toayCi erai g à6couple of veika eith ie prout vritl »r *M My go tb jollet! tead, tbe qotonta 0f vbieh viii hioBannule EU that lut"ite pausaI bon I»tereinti mm net0fthe louai&jporte- ira. C. C.t - ~ us utdint.eot r&dmon. Stad a»Ithâibath d "W a 21Jom abs Ibimimathatt Ibivina n sud a doM lua astubbua Suld tl-Mtvudr __~ a A joV latIne pilon arE. No e cier tlitelime afui foci vho raseucrembe vhIle rau vai lelae *Àutmm m ii lth an ovl bol mwav bt fi a intel fate. le veadér thai ber soulalu tirne4 #b t>smfulm iai ibi good luch, id tlthmie lars e 'm uceli ebittil. al imi maitiiheboon ibeld stoick. lit. Mudyinla adandy bItE., a hi pull bave una ndcrtandt lai tieft eber 'ivoald hi abuotE 10claie as tt defl-lt's grand! - ChicagO JoBcd-. eue, in4diai diii WOU& hi able tlu prbsecti hlm oser ibm etatutefor- idding bunttug or ahootiai lieu. The attoney generai !urtbersailE liai aMy personcangt la tthe ici of catri ing a gon. eta aeaaonable isanmce trou borne, chu tallaIlu bave ihe te- quitid bunilu iceupi, -oId aia hi couviciel on circumstantal evidenco. ThisIoleof macbhlineit »lnu dii vicinti, for nul long ago a yoUug seral ilmeafrom homo at an îsnhY b our lu the mornlug, anI hsuled hto the ualice court, bt coulE nult bi ...n.,,,ued hcauai of the !aict lIat Ilertel's Park Pavilon~ I1ALUDAY, tu. Music bg Ilertel's Ochestra Fat» nCarp for Marktl. iotthie pin. The lette? f!Mm M. Eveg ègMwmii>tioe S8- Time muet aniquir ndustr lnl Ke- mta isseeSays that if a persan le hob mahgsunaîty bai bien itarlie lu thi found diha gun lu s vicint chers 'eal eof Wllilot bY Oiortge Wiucbhl gante abtounahi can hi prosecuted, If P -M&aedffl.Fanîkuar. WveiLinm Oca hobai no iceume.11 "UisolP the- vliagé. ci bebilit naMr.__________wrsie a Sts pou for tbe fahening of Gi - r i. adlre. ai wbhr ieia -ma vrpun he ta ns panta Anothan Braýie Twiter. soude icth their brother, Dau loarp andii he a onoi flantie "aaI a n? a ai l a.HRecbbemr t aiAptakulee.PC palaiha nuhavlue a MS Il as fhue "Ui ha rolimt ba?"te hoie 11114 nt dy Dr. Treci bai rnovod hie houoehold nc Maretnet iner> ibbe-etuinTcari mdbl 0f Europe flgie sol bra- goodainto th e eoitboueat Hal eraly helleved ta h emi -liflO troeigýn aro-Day. l vas a uîleii diii ai a food Prollcic the diimdnght ail for a yaar. Nov Mr. sud mm i ecton Freyan i sRher ev bout for the paît tva aeaaons te mma Ibeis li a nec oui. Tiare la nodhilu Fray, oi notd NorIbSli, vlehd iedth lIt Wlmt bave benunaitug comud- lu figureaxcepi ta couder at the cou- Mr. sud Mia. S. EK udiar Bandar. , O itle néuai out ofthie $1eauOf timeratai irain o! dhe mm cho basfig-.lAthaugi rdaatdeed tH. G»I eoits i git: This ear diey have gone llim uE ofItau-ut b. la hbe own grand- li uiai u vvilgndv1 lte buinis lu a novel maner. A mer. The tact doua not »Mllvbcb OaBt formheerlhiaia %luaIpeu abanbe uil on d thep- allie. t fa, hocsver, a5d tu a ~j.A. Maou drov tu, )OclieiGrave lh uny q*od by isulituer hi dam-log certain Laie coaiy man, cho baiu s on oedai 10o vieil bis daugitti, lMre op a&@il Sateam chicb la s trbuiritoM anl aboult t lu a ltter, ai folloca: Dr. Siaflr. lit. Meson retorn.edB lu, te Foxriver. The pou in a hum,- 1 M . yo5 rainadoc vtb a grovu «M tWcam.lm msgboa mfiniv.atuv ts If lied ti luegib ammd vevi fiaila op tep daugiter mid I married liat catira trp. o W ube noItb and buadrede0 ai aem-hc I«rHegadil - logy béaincapluted llaie rIver ad 'Tlen my fahe met Our atOP tubipt wet, . d-ieRte -p1iosdlu tic peu. PThecMrpar, leobe daghtici amI niaMvel bar. Thai maIe 05W putscesit. e a~ pk wM 0 M01arllire.Of ar eo Onti fgh and Park. ftMe flk oa~ntlimhe Middle 01 VIn- My istcmoiri-se<!btapet Wednsdyu a mIluea terVbl chiler cl ho akatonoit al tauitr-Imiav anI mile mi eP- clii barder giitr u M iiPY. ail I lu51051 taia htcitlag&U.i y tepuoier, and'M lins Joai. lbchensWhvm b al bpnosiouts-b-hiers"_ M.O acePtatiter "hU» MYie mi atepeon.Bo? h po hfo eearveap AUete lat cm himaieub aisin- . thU i nincar heeP~ Wthmoi peu.dana~rof My vite, boal a ion. Tuai litr.Tlley wo hubom qcite " in 'Ibu en mui b. iken trobe vin, ai cuise. MY broderT, bOcuffl ttiOo Afl r"tt e auaent M aid nthblt , vim yfodwt man.,but io -iMtld li r. maG . H MW.ut ad al bum o ftiche Ume cardon madho isean e a of07 lft u Pd& v adacr tM.. u .En wttS 1belatbihuy ai cim thag0dis11111iter, ud lereorq br gratna »li. udMa.HeM7S"yleand fal ,WbS e lt sp sa epîscelaluth eumiEs"me grmdfater 09 M sp- visted w ~tth* Pieiilt$, Mr. and lir. IewUIP frle ico tlu direaou"abrodeor, ltesvIe»starso. RofooksuBu5a sits oal fr armt t u a. iimooàme4ii-la, tde Mlpshelr 0fX«. A. J. hies fuMermlnc mjea litai ta cliforp liekeau t I s.laalo Iinotmer, b- Mbtnov o*O HmlSl cit &4 .tas te tUitrpounde. Pie? cause home lubS MueOnOS Uecili j»wwoub M boat tu lu rtaltrqm 6 ta -0ocentsa a fadaIoluhe brot)i4nI4aw et mi n, l lsendwo verlsemub plead ta f Ond. moaiuid taiho ie dimmnd. hcanie ils M»$ e Wtepi l'mlvfsIMut hlm 1agala.1 lrget»Cop s0"tt aieSfor table aum e hiolief r 9MY 0ovn% s0, duolu Lovedaf"à mof locholler. buaie la4l ctaiaelaimed liai ts s ai e eUdhIo aiMy 9panduolierh. 1 mgt Op «tar oiduii '&', Wsfoiuoan' ý lu ea ALÉM for tdem la iotu- arn mi, iUli o ulc cotima d aded, tu vite la ber ovn U&à go'taut, MYion Quittle a ittmbritItou ièc pae Mt ilognyte" «carp are sud lan- te Myhi les nuev wand I arnm Y abteai di0 s ladea »cvota a M" nm gciumel Salmon. ocu grandtalier." .duhttia! wrlle Mur e W leme fas osboni ymar un dhe ______ on ts» *ostg 00111ouata Can ion 100 hticTMLLOW LARLUL Ma.AMas MMassiet Tcu.da a ai Im - be e ffl a l nA té t s . l i e D D E U N4?o a ~a * a~ 9 * A W 1 1. p4 * . u &D q p a pe m e i e tetl I A O es la # M iS I l L'r. 11, Wintoas- . -- a later ay mme f tatt4.lirmetot rmUlh.Itate eor b eEo tec nir Mira. Min» VaPlev f Wbeato*,viE W- Cma yu b ouerauhtfrfacha iltal iO caln uIabifr4edaouiday lait l Dh ue iim0emngmnt:kieenvda iecuin =-» lib sthe compaur cblcb ptopaeeiD palu in bs Win lu al d et- li Re Hem VJuP O le ient»ttaiub'g bulîl trou Uvastc i diba mmd &0 4 tht»tm iiviiutmM ?i ,TR bm a n s d ebld e n t m t ULMam ,of i to gbtpu, tr o Keu a Ja l atS (enev e, . Th t nd = W D 0l u mil u e. No par el, M r. ad M mrI PWk r, f o M drsE propo w d le tlu ain li 5a i&fut pto ci i u i bat M ad* lu aucnIhi Ur. andlUr.,ca§ are oVanlioro C&gat IIMdilafuuerutInOe""W * od oan d d dangbler vlaltmd clth u at e WU moibor, M aU netr u Uvnto i oUalane u la fhe mch a iatat l ioiite m Wi *i-th -arUOmi MnsdM.DbYImuday.claiuid thai t iWin opes uOilsibsubtI ai*i htvi b bell~ ~ ~ ~~ m vlle a h ci rn pam n eiaprtid ot n@0i Pwell oeztltoty for norlbth 11ont9ca pus0 ile ,rIepOitl aWvtda h itYa uba ippmu laumy. The comu eurlanov making fthf ie nmc Ilieineux*iaitdolter- Z.lra uRneo Hailie rangements lu get rights o!yfor misdaitoilt t bave te tiafrasblie lb young mon arondd vlaled viIt Ivmabom frluda lait the propoaed rad sud te UIn orluoi aciM d upn ii f ecouc ing WlSrnBloantea. Sunday. jpaloi tets that tb. Comupay plana ..01f them Ic o liii tu tb. miantime Musa Voulton and ion 1Ur. sMd Mit. MruDeekerof Northb lu beglu con ondthelUinthe earlythe comuiîtteila ual takleSsuancRe aet the latter'@ home, Chicago, Md 1WillIam, Docker, àof Li h, hasg ipnins.n rrnIn te alce rilla Rouse a fev daji ville, vote pitona nt u l ot# e m bi te la it u <blao K u.i su in#ulT atr u day. M lca kie e bai n;lî a ro d Ou pa lerfo ME gaoa Barrie, vlelted et Lost, iomecbene betveen the lit of seviral Urne' $Ince Alextander Clarkei TierCcago 11411Y t'brOllit'l f en. Mltehell'a Sunday. Sspiirnber sud tb. lit of !4overnber a begenlaie org, bbl il Jfor Itheoiiyl $2 ifl ak ilonte lINDEPEN- ilcol le sick citbhie repltion *o digaweilat thme parsofl*55. compimi uhat mini thooiuls of DENT for one year lu advanci. W. ail hope for ber Fluderw cli ouer a lavor by retoumiug ilto the propsr autborities sud racelvi- )0l et 1:30 P. m. cburcb thauki. Lcorne and bear Mir. Are va lntrudlng lu menthonîi Ig , but ~ a v s o e C r i a là. wi~~~l i t»rae l vsboe uchool alurnl l " e om a i a M. Iîileon are vlsitlng banquet ibis year? Don't ail e a lerme Brocmanc. anaOu. and Zoo Sntteueld vote bian Ada Kaebker in apendiug a lic n rtei BSa. wcas sai Mre. Dr. Carters la Wsnkoffl.B als r k *» ba. eturued irontthe We beir'it lire. Dean basrented ber hs farci ta aparty frontChicago.' B B Gaine .t 1:80 . (reased Pig Cip Snie -bai reiurued frontlMr. sud.Mmre.E. M.Averil ralarnei ta rsaad Nbraikp- f0 vssi atvs ae now building a neuldene atii i la , u t 2 M04qLIJJL P. Bsckclth le cornpleting a flue addtion tahiela [re ad.comuiodloni8elhsfi1,it 1- AfterlooD çi m i on, 01 Ck i re idence. v n l n ia a M. ad lira ..-. T â Mn. Laugoîl, of E at _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ ___-&ma_ __ __ Ivaibai vieltor over Sundsy - Fnie Mud Mise Katie, have hueir vieil ho Canada sud PAI.AT M. H ot JJJm4 d itb Ed ihlelmel ad Manager Selp engaged th e Chcaga àA O < j- Bloomer Girl the champion lady base ML.SI SISMFELVSU ,one Cooke, ai Western bail teint, of the vanld tu play agaluet coh* mom in.<a elu.. c W. aul nSudai wlth the Clark tIti home baya Sunday, Oct. 18. Tbe It »àU a pxitivegDatant». It heras mit cul. âçmesIatbletlc exhibition ever o ,* ii theco ci. bard cool. coolor my hWs public A lemion la phychelalculturne uits schange libmthes»eo. Tonou maid m. lncolu Pettis @pettSun- etrictir moral sud refluai- The home ose igme tlie euh reyear, S i ty. boys boat tbarn ail the aume. B0oende deei of uIMs«. - tibeor cSd = . W.uai aDoreai Society mot euh the bail @caiou. gohi a tirrr i f yoiS ave a e t ims0880. lutchimnfl Thurdsy ater- S. Lhpofiky bai a linof nec vinter Ff Nu 0i -clothing lait purcbaied. Pique give I Fl Im lyal veibi m Ou to e. P.L Jargenson, Of Wsu- fhi, a5ca11 -ti sune ta suit. - It6bclyni m-ud a ibm imulthaedr ad ovsr uday cilb F. H. Ralpb Sutherland, .ai1,Wslletteot,vuane &MSaste=Ua m tim 1l . Colorado, le v s tlg relative@ ite at b meela m t oc- im thoa m ng itho «tht dlle prenanta w fi s. Guarsied ta bold ru im n in living ia Serein, euh yaprt10bmut. mniu g.W.lluten. Mia. Clans Golfbeek le vsry ilI at ber home l in Ivig«Park ber mother wcmi OU i. Del Weaver. ai Evanatont cilladin haste ta ber bedelde. &y cltb a. Wesver ana lr. -su d d M isePrsllberg ente tainsd S i & e le li< im ate .friande frorn Orcbsrd Plaie ove oirgdai. tj dreault. fi Win .0«@ ire. Frank Bergmnan, Of Boan, ta Ur. sudlir@.- Mn, almaicapiâto i Sulsi cltb Mn. and Mariba Nelta, of Arliugon Helgîte, a ceoldo -,re von&M lboil fire foyer. ion, Fridmy nlgbt Octaber 12. thm mlalo i iB EBaton, le verv ili ai Mn. sud lUre. B. <hune an id hueaata c ng. Norman, alto aite? Auna, visîted soe tder la vluitiug vith ber relativuehareoaven Sondai. sw m0 i-t ta, Ur. sMd lire. J. C. Eier. Marnled, lu Palatine Oct. 1l, at ilhmecid»4m Fibr, lmatron entertaiuig Doon Mise Auna Ha"Denavta Barmn 9sdMW Mt rle ing the vsp Liamuiun, bath oi Palatine, I2ev. dotI à 0ýd dOg lehbing ta sabecrlbe for the Droouel ir alficiating. congratula- Anlaý01fcibes- et ty ItuuEPENDbENT On psy for tionsesxtended Te1101M riptIaue eau at S8T. i1iC. tiePrlbetsu haldu cile Mary Bleuf are engagod with li. afdoclssM4O IL Ha@ . taill fufaa terni in dreeamaakiiig. eg Tb se"~ib>» byd th"Wlehulur - - - Ib li.Peefect ruluis l u c h e o . 0 f e »m d .1c h a , c k e l r. s d l r . s teh ix , f a ! M ilv a uo nka il m i . T rted by- ail. r.d sativ) a luce. l,9icber v.qare ad i .ybe peut Sat urd y ad t. ay iiigb . «mW s e diiprathea randing cite t .anastT- uvusk br.,m u iih meNerC. lenonthe icidlia. a ehizvslidl Z Ch eag pIftheSatrvyic !tehilluai alit ssiio m s epieu at- irnd n mieSonday. boirEts o! hethoal th hurdîd bu the vas O r at h o d- e- hjeovktpigeeatcuirsa nd closezs ! heC U IO tîler so esick anel ou yuauet mo tpataiwo uies ir r îvluiolivuîhi tcnee acfontq Nueguuuaclbol l chonyand sTau Mdai vtb e mouth md o isinfue o ilarMmbitm$I -c1 in six icbolane.. a Sebaer ai ee d brdi of ceth but lefec te n-gae ady zzeKesed lowkepn eastng apparatuand iihiehîacu ofte 7 . [31 3 îb ry il WM.r. . Fan veled tethe nat oy ofgbly prohabo tat-C UT O atl. teto labmelrenouayteirscongion e as E iliieh- âchol martd blnda wih artel aponlu inls, bt inthe roiet w. tvqNoegmi itn I unisa Sehippid a rod li!rcorithof dii butd lu praticai diain- antseda imcb oay u adition ofptce oar i abou eh beteilisalI I reaosb e dcaliochanelluio isbtthoae rSE ELilma obppe a arlad tbwrkofug bo rd In ou in. isn tk weut ta Chicago ou buiess For mauy yeara tIielIllinois board iteadfaeily bai dechluod lu ricarmind ,kbmn, Ernil Elchman auddiohenie of formaidebydi for fumigai- tn are nov corkittg cilli liiiing paîyosgcontonding tadisibs týký n G ,g l) as Blakyhm cretumd ta lhoroagbli efficient as ud a on vat- m LoUts Ip. vth.ertable la lie action ai not ta imeit, dii ad calico, bop ai lckname'econfidence o! modical men. Regard-asolin, e ingin-es, on the mâtore aILaite Zurich leiu of 1h detructive affecte upone rev.nlug Oct 10. AUl ladies métais u antb. icte board auntin- wWe tau 6idréasE lu chla. ad taecmmond sapneaitde onul cot. D@cmcse au.u cavmlibi ~ iagie Cutters ______________ . A circuler basjatben pnhhiaild____ 1 a Ioe bing enu p asutWmmmi juoths of palntlg ain ez- o h W "o gë er riadingial tti oebhum dis- immutive eeimenlation mmd investi- rhte coay oitSeouai of the gaton vlimh a nec mmd siple medhi kt . e ci cc . »M 'tlie wtO nU ofgsuen$ig form ldsliidc gai-a ai flettbie ulsa ofth*meodciM luimas givU Caaru FARM AND TEAMINO W AGONS am mu aso aiIl l ll il Usai h exoimt rebe le r limte mont i lm bi j u 9ies ci de OUbD4.trying hircuiisacei liaitheiboiut_____ à *- novt he-« cimunsimbemUltbcersand d ia m 'c r Quitchasing p uiiia ta adopt i , ad l«abandon c abbmanms»& bt c h e a ~oier laiufectln5 mehoda. A complete lne otlarm machlnfey at saredUfor tic mithetdi 1blimh Io P04 S foIr toiuet A met-caanlu ndendls tocu cWho a- o e rC S ldpceientli reluasdtaalvertis ires o oad et lat. c bb; ý l aie, ocalpape, os' bIs lie In a Ot~I05d CAbiiinuamnuer theiti uer day. A 0015. r l 'à l tu iith ll. ' The t c irc u aon i haat