CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Oct 1906, p. 5

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iiMn. Trotter. of LEvanston. la vletiag ______F.-1. ORUCif EiSci - =phossi central lira A. K.Bain and son, John Trotter.i Thin~ an ~ Pertinln - G ak d Mie. Faute fort for the enet Wednee. Thne8enan e,.ardP__ rngt Gýaa e e ,a1 day for an extended viit. » n-----Vlinity :.z - li" rand lir. A. W. Sffard leut lait Two ysn ago a farmner knou on omeof our -*vsEiu s ~ ~ ,~Widaeedy for a two weeks4 vieit ut _____________________onedollarbill__andthon_@peut_____for MmreRobert Jamie9on sud tle @on, anatsSn 1bnhmlidwr tr@ ome HOW cÔKL OU O N f Detroit, Illch.,snrived lait Tuenday au me a ole n bi hom hadwae tl'ei. T KIL VUR OWNfors vuit wth -lir., and lir. James weeks later lie auld a buncl of bogs ta &suellgbbor Kicki. Tell your merchant.tXat you csu Jamigeon. and to bis sunlivisehb recived the mine marked bill ee k> ng buy gouda a great dea! cheaper l ireMm. etwoth ion Lie n ick lit but inprt payaient. Hie psid it ot that day for soute And don't qut klcklug. the cti and charge hlm wlLh extar- ber condition in lmproving. inhe oe an.LPrA.reeve LOne 1pulll oueway and one tother. lon.. . LPautali lfortluti Tueeday fora gracerieu nbghm on ,se i eevdi 'Go tu other towns and buy gouda. Keep eveni --t ou gît sud don't vieil wltb ber dauphbten, idre. Adamts and agalu froinis farier ta teoho n ord a boifer, the. Dinounce your mercbsuts because do auythinq of a public nature Unaeas other relatives in, Chkago returning grocen bad been there lîuying potatuee. Six tim-44 tbeY make a profit on thefn gooda, io n 5fl ab. nethlng ont of It dl- Saturday nzgbt. KiCufe everi man that dîsagnies etli..lin ad lire John Bonnen and lin. titat year Lb.esune dollar bill turned Up. About a wth yon on the mîthod of IncreasIfiz Whoun ionsay anytbiflg of your aud lire John Trotter attended Mmn. yesar agu lhe sent ILta Montgomey, Ward & Co. fiar business. town sayitIn lu sch a way thitat ILwlllJ.A. Reives fuerai of Russell lait Maie your own towu ont s very badl haveti mprioanathat you havie Wedne»dâ. s cap and hp liai neyer »e"nIt blute. Deil With place, aud tab it ivery chance you no faillaInluIt JtH. Honnir and dsughter, Vivien, your homue ntîrcbanti sud eee what yan by u>nd, gît. PatronIa. outsude uewspapers tu the wentut Chicago Sat.rda. lis Vivien get ullvalu fo you moey.Refuse tauniteInl any ochenji for exclusion of Yiiur onuaud thon die . h"an operation ou bier hroat and le getmI vlu in îurmotaeLiibîttîrmeut of the materaI Inter- nunc theM foîr flot beîng as large gettiug aiong. ;ulîi. Thfe Dodge school the cti paIwrs. iebd vacation Mondai. Mise Sonner uts ! Lii piple.waa unabie ta teaufi that day. Coui sudSce s i.1. V. Farrell, of Lake Fornt, preselied Miss Annabel Whittmore and Miss C. M- & St. P. Tissa Table-i the Sunday hîornnug sertpon sud N. D. Itoberta Harvy were gnegte of Mies Lffla (Jiea*o Arrive Gr(inrsik Pratt led the eveniug services. i lgey & C.arfeic d Dept. Store .tnitt LorrilI at Fux LAke 7:45 a,:. Ex Sinily 8:48 a. m M. and lins. Cook, of aesod li. ndMs, Ray lionrili, of I.ake' 8:05 s. ut. 8undai ouly 19:30 a. mu i vieltes Mn. sud lir. (leu. Genity Tues- GRAYSLAIiIOS .Genèe, vlgieibore te fu ite a :0 . .Dailý 3:P.m day. week. 4:00 p. m. Ex Sîîîiday :'5:01 p. n Tj egbn u fineo n u Mistiugi apl eet uîus 6s :0p. m. Ex nlay 7:12 p. uti lMr. John Hughes gave theini a faewell Voa1:05 p. m ut. Dal y 2:3. m .nu surprise parti Tnesday 0Ditoluer 9. A __________________________________________ Arthur CoGk, of Wsukegau. aud lr.125pMmatil~ny2 .u dule time reported. Bertha Brand ai thie place were married lins. H. Bl. Tawer wlîa liasnienl visit- ât Lihirtyville lSatundai t the Ni. E.Mr., sud lins. %%'m. Auanu, îof Fremnont ing lu Chicago for uevenal ilays. retunned eS pansonage. ienter were g of' r, lins. Su ndai. T af a l eopns. AI. Thomson sud H. Wbeelock Paul Ïlob Wed ie.lay. Mmr. Ilothmlunan sd lns. Grice, of sty mim~en u'niday lu Chicago. 1,Johîn Letreen aiîîl n uc audMrs. Bertha North Chicago sud their luusbauaei, have ýMr.andMrs ThmanWalh eter Waner@pet Fi-ly lmt t Cicao. bien vliting thein utotiien. lin. John inLadies,, Miises 1lm& À, U etnlg %ad ail report a fiai ent, oe îid et ook . iiiat markt fr t cbiaid Parkicn ut r.L a t i o s. Eey 1' - Childrens atirds;:utýi dudu.ay art t1heEdward» iîthe1îieea h am'.,Tbeobald, of ao!tde 'k (s ~~~~~~~~~~~Oe Roenand Misse leAllait drove bletlWYdlir uîl.asOabtfobuucner. to Bristol. Wis., Sundai. ue bet gentli.iiiuu dancen Sut a prite A:bqre beonging ta L. C. Dawns, or COATS AND SUITS is ihmwobuhi iiigwaîtz at tii, itera bouse Frida Evanetan, sud driven toDawns tes, n liber danghter the ast wîvek returned ta j nng cffee wagon by Fred Doolittie. of Wau- Newan U-t-Dteber bomutL Wau egan Saturday. David White ri-ieîved tb.. uews Satur- kegp wai takin suddenly iliIwbile near New an Up.t-Datelire Springer intentainel Lin.VWells day nlglit aitithe death oaf hie cousin Lbhe John Elehauger ?lace laitt unsday. sud MIss Layeack, of Lihirtyville Suit. SîsIne Whte 22 yeans of agi, cause of The animal wasIlet at triotilEchangen daI death belng tansilituis. farni and aftenwanîl chat as lockiaw set lins Peter .lungensen, oi Waukegsn, ie ladý , uich eaget ins . Ellbeth Tawîr liai.reLurned vu.M -A .P oi e a@itid ber aunt. lins. Walter Shute Sun- at the Allen h0uîe. irau Chicago wbens shee bai bien vioit- 4ý dMisa U lanUche <nier. oi Manavilii, laii ig for sune tinte. She wai amont.- M rs.1. A .P rot n : we::; and~ wiii, of li<îaville the gitiet of lir -randmthier, lins. panied by bier grandean, Ro>y Jamees LIBERTY VILLE, ILL, 1wai Lii gitett o! M. snd lire. Kirutingir ouranii lîn i. o !pprI III~ iI humPii.Sý-ar netandl er o! a ti . nd ilI. Fnauorkte eP Owel , uL akwal COUPON.P At llooks Studio, commencing wth Oct. il, and closing Nov. 1. Cut out ttus coupon and bring it wth you. t e:titie: yotJto One Dozen jfimt-CI ss Photosad one Lue Sie Bromide CHlA S. e fr. $300 l , LOON LAM '4ck umn.r lhan hi@ barnaabout com-a plted. ileNeil & Dalziel are doiug the Mir.sud liMm. Warren Hook visited1 work ln a borry. wltb relative linGrayslalieMondai. liMr. »ad lir. Keifer have eloesd therr Chai. Brys sud Sean Armstrnfg havel buti for theesogow. Tlîey will winter retorned f rom North Dakota. in Màg4f/ ldis. Blanche Deison attended the Ounrechool »MeUSto be progreming weddlng o a frlend t Edgrton. Wig. neely undr tb. manlagemnt of Mise rem liibiehoue.Msuhncke*o garni dinnén wai h.ldt Thiu~r snd Lbe bet klnd of a âime Mr. sud lir. Chrle. V&nPtten sud w lini.Otopt*sounaafine1 Saa ASheehan, o 0f lîte go tastet.heannual gond ime b. holdo. day wit. Mr. and rm....Thn aiaadduwedl u ige Geo. Id iller aud Verspont Tueda i n MM Sept. go, whleh h"anathLb.esr- Chicago. mark. of a rouawal match. Tbe partics- A number of! uugbbora sud frienda ipente wre Chicago partie. The gave lir. >Md lra. l5gbee a pl&osat ame given were: Hary Vaulioren, surprise '1ueday evealng, belon their 23 sud Clara Voes, 27. Ale. Tweed departure for Uhortyville tUuy jus"iceo b. pae, aa b. sacri wiil moa bo hir futurs home. worda whieh made tb.ntmua sud wile Sud insiste ait bst ied b. linot aisaile Florence Wateon,»nd Olive Nelo of sud mure a could an pareon lu tbe VLake Ville viited Sundsy wlth im. ý Chai. Richards. INLUSIE. lMr. P. DIbble sud son Rsrry visited lionday nght ocurred wbat might 111Rcn ato!tn ek bave been a disatrunsi conflagratiolst li. Webernbhin tarted a new printing Fox ake hen b. lsypoe&LSidni office lu Lb. Halmnebunfg on Main St. oit1 boîte. igntited, had IL flot bisa for Lb. Orlando Keirle, of Chicago, spent timieiv arrivai o tLb. "bucliet brimade." Sanday wiih is oncle, J. M. Rockier. As ire a. thenlrborlng bu dige lils Made Herenhmba " sdber new wee bailly scorced.And epeaklng 9! bouo5e psinted snd it is now readi for lliresý-whi flot get soute protection i ta uauy <inn village. 1it certalnly would flot coet Cha@. Lu, aud famly are sonon ariove a lot tu purchase enouglà hoge ta reach ..t the Dr. Emmonasbousi. t ail over thia village aud the a Id. &. St.tol P. people would undoubtedli 5110w uR* Dlck Wilton bai eturnedfrom hl@ visit ta attach iLt th ein tank in casef l ine, ito Cheteli sud nothrna Wisconsin. Workbas egu on b. ew aeel VauPatten Broe, liad the misf.,rtune brgesAt Lon ao. theis w sel b ntu Iomthnee cowe lait week frntm bimpgoet Lngak e. is newilbau pa-turing theai on alfalfa. -.,. otan 5h51>... s*1. ldon ws i bd o ct one front thesanme cause. B. B. Bowe, unr liveryman seema lin, and lie. James Swan are tsking .manOa two weeks vacation. Mrv. Heideurac sou le over b. keepe moot of is honetenLbsordrlgterben. ut work teamlng.1 Henry Devia who ha been la 111 The YELLOW LABEL ta pastefi ou heslth for nome ime le around agala. t he FRONT PAGE of this paper. * .effers aad Lake s&bd -r 0 v t S ,employedet We have a blgger and btter line of stoves ..where th.v than ever, this year. Corne in early and get firat e m cholce. tWtWw. F. hei Graplake hardware Co. btlbsa W. F. RaNSSEIN, Prop. lire.Lau m à a Druce, disd poor belth *One Thfrd of Your Timee.. * l pnl bed. Wh7 not bave a comfort * able sloop in when you c purcbase* * one at suoh i remsnable low prloe at-4 + Straflgs .Furniture Store * * 1iaffl "e -Illinois 4 i. I mi... W -et- ?r.~ ~,--i.-.e- -....... The SmartSet will mStLat the home of Geore ewiu . udyeeig (*tober2. Ma. Olivpr and daughter visited over Sunday with relatives ln Waukegan. Mr. and Mire.. Faulknter ws're Chicago visitons Iset week. John Taylor, of Chiîýago. esont Sunday with Mmrs C. Dizon. J1. D. Mîrry attpuied the aupervisors convention in Waiîkegau last wPek. Gertrude Nor throp wa s t horne ovee Suday. Jennie Welch spent Sunnday ini Chicago. lir8. Wiiliaxnson entertained a party of young people of Waukegan aud Wsdswarth Sunday eveniîîg, Julia Tuthill luis tuepu sp.nding n few da;ys at home. Charles Brewer. of Milwaukee. visited hi@ parënts over Sundav. ROUND LAKM Chicaga lintrsaee .n.i Chcg l. nn Mn,,. oneRilrlonad M.andil Mmvieed reivesii ol,, ait Suami.vs'- eaiv@i ool Saut Tarnunt client Sunday at the Roiing hbuse. lir. (G. B. Itasing visiti-l relatives iii Freitut aud 1ivanhae Sunday. Miss Beuman and Ruthi bave recurued hume alter spending a few wee witb relativem lu Chiéaga. lin. John itaeingsud child-enu, Frances. Clans, Nazie andl Joeivisitëd relatives in Round Lake recetly. .. At s remuet auction sale George iteuebsu PPrcehaeed a hîglu chsin Payung therefor 10cente. Nu! sed. FOX LAKE. Coun Marbîe lei baving a âine new residenie hîilt ana higlu emineuce ovin- lookiug the tawn. LMns. E. E. Summens, o! Long Lake, le building a big hotel Bt Fox Lakbe near tIie Meubretie resant. lisypole & Laudie are building au lue bouse sud cold oterage plant Lu, be eomtpletid Iu the ner future. George Rosen, oi Waosei Lake, le building au ice houai and obéenvation rou u the shoare of the laite. Practically ail o! the building being doue lu thia viiity ie being done by William Erniegt sud b. e neing the Shaw cemnut block in every case. I[ bhicago the pait week. -7; AtiFrn wel Rud"gasa te bigh prie of egge living (Mo Frsnk and fanjily vioituh frienîls 1Valo Mcnday. l le not qute ai leasaut aâin uLibintyville Stinday. Miss Mary ltsughi, of Elgin,.wase t l n P. A. Roh.nsoon. T. A. Reynolds hi goue on a montheo home aven Sundai in Vola. Cook, of Motion City, le tbe vIiL lai Kansand Missouri. George M'attn, of Chicagu, visitesi la irothr L. Y. Sikes aud his Ca.Knsigrudmi.o!va Mn and lim. Barry Ni-halls Saturday tan wl movre here andoenpy thti Surgie i a nay i en0 r.Dn eWho meai coLLage. Mise Whnnle Russell. of Chicago, sptent Friday died lionday lin, sud Mn'. i(;@o. Petens, o! St. Louis, WdedyadTuMdyihMr n e gievil arete aveLb.were Lb. gueste o!- Mr. sud lin. Wm. Mns. Geoierusn rail. 1 Jahn» Widnesday anil Thuradsy of lait Mli nd lira. Jamea Marai, of Wan. w es andl famill returneil froin week. couda, wîra in Voico recently. Ssturday. lira. Bowera Dr. Sha8sr andd tue ententslied W. .j. Miss Aina 111)er intertaueil ber iver 'poon beah. Mr. Grahiam and wile, o! Clevelandl, o., a cousln, Miss Katie Coupera. of Big 0' ubigbly o! Oklahoma. cousin o!flins. Sbafter. Rohhow, seversiday hant teeli. Wa ud eeai of is fnende Miss Clevelandl, o!-Round Lake, le MiseesMande Waltaasu Hleenay !aukaaadupod ing Lb. week with ber ne" iena monil tere retent Necienry cahier@. ntean areing called for mone Chus. Tucker lu Chicago. - liaChsRugtsddalte o!c eLLter price, bittersatisfa Thc- tai.unMm.cfLisChany.hol aueg n g ist and Raugt r ofeT skélic rtbram planinga othe Cngregational chuch iiive recety. l Wh" a crt omt e offnu msuentertaiuatoBt Friday ivening, Oct. lin. Fayette Humon la lvitlag reia- ahuicb d ivitatmi os am tL26.1lunLb.ecburch parlora. Admission tives lu Chicago aii pree.nt. îbudrd nviaton ar1t 0 Ocent@. lira.Robent Paddock autertaluedhbe Mrn.ud lim. Albert Flary bave sMater, lira Penkins, of Montpellier, Ver., sainger sud wlfe, o! EvAu- .oved front Kolia ta thte home of .luat wee. Sunday wiLh Lb. formter'@ John Flany. b5 is ae., Dell Rick and wIi. have moved their GRAMIE HAML ut sud tifsl idt far tbelr new houasholil goods front ,lesvxle lu outh Bondla d., Tbureday titit tbein dsughter, lira..John Morse, Thle Orange Hall uchool wlll have ek Root -eetày Pu-chssd a sud ahI mo thaîr home their for Lb. Lemperance raiy Ftiday altornoon Oct. Dr usa: riends wish thune heig. 19. Ef'tibody tolconue. Ladies hnlng nm .The Ladies' Aid wll give a Halowi'en cake.. C Eligey sud wife aiment Bundai' social Tuéedai evenlng, Lb. 30Lb. More Frieude af lira Charles Tueken wil)ho rmr a ent.EJ. le.IY pieasd ta learua mt e efi.'recovernug netsp5tel ,- . ig articulara next we.k. rapldly at the MlicAlitor hoepltel mter r Jogenen, i Wakean li. Armstrong, o! BaistL, Neb., la au operation. I P o ler naL. lir a W> the b.gitt of ber nephew, Ceiro Alîsti, o!f lir. Gilbert sud ebldren vislted lu fi tobe ut r.e te this place. Waukegsu Mioaday. n nsa. Mat Sullivan trsueated Ceiro Allait. Who i'ceitly retunaed Monival Corton@pont a few dayaistLbisd front Texas "tte that lie is mach week wlth bis parent@ bars. Chicago pleaied.with tbe foat lanil there. lHey suad rae ion wa. given by Elise Lnsded hie home boestoasd 500 Mise Valonis Esty ntertaueil ber IStar Tesl eveing la acree ofland in tba pac.Cousins, the liàsisiHoward, of Wsuke- suad lin. Clande oot Who .Paegsn ovin Sunday. raew home at South Bond, Mis Edythe Wilson returned home uvening. L EW R Wedneeday from MII Creek. lin. Ah. Thomson speu lu i Chicago lait week. Mir. and Lira. John Totupis aitd8 m beire attendeil Lb. pait children, of Waukieff, aire gueets at G U tron banquet aL Waulkegsu Lb. D"et Shea home Sundax m aze netandle agtr eening. lir. FP. Delscey Watta Zion City visitar lr. DattisnaroCinagobsnauhr, ey, of Silver Lake,. ta Ou. delshast wtel. ln.Ntlgso hcgStra m. Jaohn@ Tneed&y. lir. John Sb.a Jr., inleiIt ith infiaut- sud Sunday. . Krn. Bullard @put the latter tAtry rheuituatisftn t preaint writing. lien Lizie Hutchinson, ai Warrentan, ot weik visitung frisails in Road rautmîs5inen John W.ells in spent Saturday witb lier siater, lins. oertainly dliing bis dutk tatard lut- Apployard. MonilIs u seera da's u .pOvaur bighaays. seep the gond Mn. andl litre. Ticplsîtoit, of artley,i epast Weer wtank gin Joh. v iitLd witb the lutter@s paronte, lin, sud ado Hok sud Mie Bertha gra Jh ibaS., visitsd relaLives at Mrs.,Dlhly s fîw days thia ae.k. Lollins, wiere Lb. gueste o! Hickory one day let rait b. C. E. topite Oct. 21 "*Fathfuteee" Irayelke Wedneeday. A nomber romt this viciuity attended Luke 16: 10; 1 Cor. 4: 1.5; 11ev. 2: 10. Don e tPionsa, Ifi., o a hall game ini Kenoaha Suadai.. (Honorary membens meeting.) Leader, The sale ai Philp Bensiage* uu@as m._Wakefield.___ uMm. Richardeon sud fantuly, largely attendeil. sakie" Mr, sud Mts John J. Theobahl ded dat Lb. Graves home WADSVOMT. ddaughter Nsbel, of Osgeeil Wadsworth Oct. 18 of dropsy. Farmins are husy busklng corn. iLe lioddendortf ormerly Fuiteral w-sheldet the home on Tuie- et David White'» barber shop 1day altî the informent lanLb.. MihîhunMr. nd lin. Shermtan Spdunenbung, of Ssturday far Oluee, OkIa., cmeteny. Woodstock, @pont Sundai .wlLh tbè y wi make ibein home for th le former'e parents ber. Ïhis move legreatli regrettai' JAcoe THROBOLD 18 DEAD. W. T. Waddeli heitliond>i for lany fniende but they have the 1 Montana where buo experte ta buy es o! Lhîir tinde for succeae.[ Jacob Theobold dled Saturday uîgbt sovrrat bundred Rhu.ip. ______________ et Wadswortli of dropSY of ahich hi Mike Shîelby la on Lb. gain. Obituani. bail bien ahling for cmne nonths. Hi Lio Lux spent Sîuilsi at the Waddeîl aus Douce. wudow of Jasa 15reatmilto tihe Schlosser andud$ashome. d âL ber home near Dnncee unmarrled. The funiral Look placel, .adMs.W ii are rejoicing lai Oct. 5 aLti8 o'clock lunLb.e'ruisay. ovn heariv iofalttIledaugbter. k.Altbougb eite b.d bea uIn lilsAite Hagy a bauinspending a luh for soute Limes ber desth ta. fea boute. Id Lb. meoult of paralysie c telS L e ethe o! J.ti hooi curi NOAAL PAirU~ laTheSatraia btir su luSu bou Avery wa. boira Nov. 21, 1842 N X PA N S &t a mo aTherhantiaI of paceout etowu, Leida Co., Ontanio, _________L.Millbunu emeteny under the auspices and cme leLa ke onul' o M. W. A. u P. R unt untîl Dec. 2. 1888, A paint with a.s strong a Mie Emma Vome.g retîttued to ber a u are aJae IS -u ate w f s hume la Wieconeia lait wsek. a. nted Jnta r1901.urate ac o I a Lny1 Mise Demie Geulge fi;spending a fer.~ e nmoura ber desth two A paint that 'coote Ion x leua isYs la Oun village. Ave cAerofOtaiQulte a numhen fronitlbensatteuded - Rv ,oclieFÀ ord, DL, a ony.the fisoue nt Kerosha Sunday. "itr, lim StoI>hec Dr--adA paint »lat doms the work at M ini. Sebuen sud Alite Coltan, o! ý @oll4 "d Adi Drcé,Waukeg * pont Sandayber. 01 t rou Sitlu ovi ragtk hfn TW'~dance givea hi the Dausaeithall IIb.alI 11e tek aLieteam hast -Frhdaiiînin Gragmiae -1*.IMa"ls ttended andl a flu in. tInl u1yed by ail. Mmn. J. B. Killer iaiteul Oak Park ns- tiveu op tWeulueeday 0f thie week. Ueo Penny bai rent..d lim. Wrn's oru. lin. Cuehînan bai nented chu. J. M Bsn- un fan. Gec. Van Zandt vigltud hIw eau and amily boe Satunilsi. 1. M. sud B. H. Hante, of Chicago, ens busineescillera ber. IsAt wtub. Bilai Wrlght bas aold bis farn o! forty Mrm t to ciford people. lit, sud lin. JeNlreand daugbten ilbel belL for Oaklaluama on Taesday. Gagea lakee Aid socsty o! Lb. M. B. iurch alifmet altb liMm.James WrlghL hurada.y foronoon Oct. 25. 'Quiltiug ta s doue, every member come. Visitors ivlitei.t. &Niehol., be;. NET Reminefr r1 uaI at o! Lb. clty. aeisugL Our flot. 026 SPECIAL HIOME8EEKERS ex- mit.ot ie fat uovthaest. Front chiceosud&Wratura25. Fine cimt., tieli hba"kloant lade, lu aboit mtftr wteL. Wî hava land ltud front 818 petr acre up la bath vat.d àd ýunirgat9i terrltany. Oue VACANT LOTS-luaIl Lb.hesuh- divisions. Buy a lot sud we wll huild au a home according laur a hassdlet you par for Lla yuronh *:srd r ntente.l BUSIN-8S LOTS-ýFor sala 'on bMiI- nankse &ae t nlgbt pnes. FARMS FOR SALE-W. have thent ail*l sie npncs et us bnow abat 'ou want. Wehv L FOR SALE 3.000.000 ACRES- Canada Pacifie Railway landlu t etnny outhenAibirta. Let us show au nInvestmnent tah illmati yau 00per cent la six mouthe. We cau oeil rau aire open prairie landl At $9.00 au acre. 83.0dowu sud balance lu ilve aonitipaymeat., interest aI 6 ëreut. This landuillel .hh fl $to $15 an acre by Jan. 1, 1907. We make spoclal Hanteeekens rates -ta Alberta anud reaua. Arrange ta go witb us on tb. next excursiont. The Tixai Pau Handie la the gardon spot of the scutbwest for nortbera fermera. We bave for sali 150,000 acrea la lange onrsmail qusuthas et 85.00 Le $10.00 an acre. Caei on or write us. Dymond and Austin Libertyvflle, 111. OeaIons in Redl EstatcLou4sl ~su aSc Ný t plae i ai on e""~* man %N i wiLlu at. heu on hb4 licirlîliîta n sd IL a No.1 Niliuu- .thter orlu«, int I r îuicitl troubleS U iii: f uliegre ntitet fl.h. I~ ~ ~ t .îîuutathenmedIca&i *or' . LONG' LAKE lucre. Downe. Mowi suad 0Oqe @pent i3undai st the lakte. I Gifford Wliie waâ s Chicago vint% Satarday. Dont fongit the social st GilbertLe thie Fr nuight.- The Fox Lake Cimetery olti ieL witb lins.Oliver BHok at d Saturday, Oct. 20. Visitons weca Wut. Gelding sud family speut 15a ait Win. Wallis_ Mise Mande Eliot epeut aiveral *ý lu Chicago this week. li. and lins John Ga, of Chia$ epnt Suuday at J. B. Converns's. Jimmie Gsligsr wss cailing ce frlende anound the labo SundaY. 1 deiîe oaxpre"i mi gratltufi sitcere appreeiathon o! Lb. biais af Mty nie sd n.lgbhons la tej ion,Lb the mo!futy boed alW the condolince aitd! ympathy 091 that ai sncb imes belpe o.toit burden. Cari iof Thsa"s i wish to tbsuk my hireade neghbors Who agie so ind lm My bushani. bM... Josm DI, EILA& <LAMI DENTIOT Muras 9 & m., 12. m., 1:30 to à iSoninohy apolnt.ete Office in Banke huidlie 9!lisp OrAolke^ Dama. lita Ci and Oral Surégm uliesplain BuIlng. UlIIIIIIE -St.x5 II uce& aWMi,1 oi pU, Oei W Lemmo' Um et om, CIGARTIand C&N LUD Oinbm IhnN.19 eWmise tNS, TIILÇHEI Fay Id'eal Stockiii SOMUH1ING GOOD-The Ida ing summer or winter for cornfout5 di economy and -helth, never wrtnkl4 - r d ow n . M ad e o f b es t yarn h., Q i poisonousl dye used. For sale by REOINAUL-D' ~.,.*ossO,ê,SSSO,1,S*#6*S, I I GAGES LAKE 1. 1 ==

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