~. JtIS? L.B. CoIi ». fl eidaI 11theaofiCtSILAYerty#mC.II. citv dtr .ecn asalr Ex C~~IWg JKJ> KWN LT. ÂIUVRTIIO5Ari u FEDAY, OCTOBER18 t(. DIRECT PRIMARY REPUBLICAN TICKET. For CounI>' CIrk- James L. Swayer. REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Unitsd States Senato- Shbeli>'Id. tielloiu. For StaIs Tnasurer- Joie P. Steuleki. For Sept. Public Iptruction- Fisuels G Blair. For Rapreseutative lu Congres- Georgle dmund Fuse. For Rep. la Gen. Assmbly- Frank R. Cors>'. Edv. D. Shurtlef. Fan Counl>'Judg- IleWibbL-. Joues For CeunI>' Clerk- Albert L Rendee. Fan Cou#ty Treasurr- Fré-d E. A nies. For Coual>' Supt. of Sehoof- T. Arthur imapeon. For hherfli- Eiiî J. Griffin. DRINK AN ABUND ANCE OF WATER. The. drlaling of an abuindance of; ficient supply of liquida. ThatS vha water wiîi prevent appeudiities. be- an exchauge says., an> vay. If any cause appondicitis lo the resuit OC body wants any furîlier reasons tliey' --.. .*~bave to go lsewliere. for were n ~nsipniu an îîs.i.. '-*i% thera bu un-'î- e . o. t "ra.u-1or u geûult of inauffcieut bile and Insu! naesa. THE KICKERS. Th'e luckera on tha terni are nul 0, suthticold mrosabach who wants ail th bari.tot get jýiang wtti cs thse kickers rnunicîpalilmprovaîsents withôuit PB ia toven. on thie fat-m tiare la îiÈe lng for tliem. Thea cow may Ir soi iicklng cov, and our long-eared fo îlete mule tradeti for a $hi trlond, the mule, villa lu tuvri blerc guin, but notblilgugbt a tueraI a' gai rid nt thc love ktcker. il- lit ~1 'lot 18 IT NOT NAUSEATINGI Tii. rode r ut racitrt daliy pnnted -a sort of gross pcndering tu riches e b. p.ty papeus about the yul-,-a servile worship ut snobacracy; a Wâr rcb,. their sayîngs, ced doinga;*1 puttlng o! the forehead ta lie grousut thein comiegoaeut oings; wvbst hey vbon the mouay MuIochipases dovr "t ced haityeb ' tit; vihal tho>'the atreet, dos mura o ta bunp -tisa 4ita and baie muoh of l; wvinthle>' devil lu a mae tien ail aIse combined. 'er and hov. vien sud vioro lie> 'Tis sort o! ma vuuabp man pues Ode? 1; minute wnite-ups, vitu pie- 'cil rtghi vhore une man le acklunu r loitail Ustrstioea of ever>' duit voue edged ta b. 'boter than another, buty la>' trtalen vomen, tMl description il viii neveu go lu ibis tend of lie of evfery sarmentl tcludlug the eni- fuee andthlb home uf the brae; andi snaerd andt heustltched clties, the sauner tue big papona let up un poplasit eforeband for thie unhbore lits tali>'Sautiez of mono>' te the ibt" hoir tuisamo acuseus sabuiýf. fcesof decet people, the quicluor keelai ,ont jla intheiitg papers- aili oÉA of devlilehneose 'viiiceese ta b>' the calumu set b>' tue viole pige ho a mincee ta, aur country'. FRIDAV POLUX. Nothiag la moue certain lice IbM von t ilaisfuite>' vhichltathie day o! belt la caming uumpplueaa goes fa ersItutndo! gond fortune.vile Wod- tavrd rletng41.Tiirotre he a- eede>'Ioaregardeit as unforhuuate. toirrd rinngýt Threfre te r- PiehésuperattiouurIs mn teuO!uo tiouaiman lequluos wvt&treesan liions equlusit ta mlne'aie ntl>' vici, mma posaîbl>' ta for expectlng Fulda>' taies une day lnthetusee fotaho tu a ocde>' ofmifortune sed t is puniahmn ofutChristian& and ou liai daiestta etaiseofi DI luk. seifsase day novants Muos' Doo ~ ttshoul e wnqiro muci ta offsetot Ilat saund aut a 1111e foolisi vhee titis supeushîblon f'Ihere ia cny ile puttut il a va> tellect ta appeal ta. If Frits>' la tho 51111l, sverylbilg beieg vbal vo unfortunae dsr in. Cbusteedorn bho.1thlnkl t la su tarau se vaurselvesae ceuse tual day al l te iea o! mn1 icoecerneti, If vo nike upounr minds yen expîcteit ou Calver>', Sueda> 'tlube ûnfortueale un Fntday'. ville lhe te mot fouue as the day ut usai folovere o! Moammet makre up ther aud tho day o! eaurecliun. But ln tints lbey are guleg lu le fortunate. thie vat cnd populuuus Mubsusmedan the Moaîlem la going bu bave the bob- DENATURED ALCOIIOL. k Tus.nmre 'acobl' la composed oat le future uter ithe nev regirne. Ilbil '1.Arable vonds, ol khl. nieaning; je coteude thlaI Ils use as s substi- e "lie foevil." vîlcwil pues totheiuvst 0 Arais mev a thlng or tvo. citent; taint îî yl supplant kerosaee R "tioetureit etohul." as tho tortiior fer ligillng purpo»Se; tli il vibi ho noue. somevbt vaguel>' Indicates, ousedtfan ieadizoun bouses-, liai il "reesa abobol vilci iabeau pub viliirevlutiaulse tie makîug ofIl th uga eprocmus b>' vilci Itlalren- s moklesa poieter. etc. dentA poiouffancd hocco ucfii for.,! This ln but a casual ialut Ofthti vise mza sbusite o n ltaxtutson foPi 4.my thlegs vilcIl la oxpoeW m5e Id patent llidictiio5. 1 vIl hoeceompliîaheitb>'the. goeralt The'fi removmaltinterna] revenue une o! douahuneit saubahl. A redue. 't« osuthie mehing of Il rsduces tbe lion o! tram $2.50 ta 26 contsa agallon Ypile.o! sica iet uret sicoSbol tram la quit a slumîp aitdIttaàosa>'lta e $24&0to 29 contsa cgalon, cnt la doue seu i ha t l vireadil> Coen m w»t a view ta turnilngecheaper ver>' generai use for lie purposes ta Tlh. cdvoeates ofthiemesure havo Tho ne le Ioos mb efeci vti -prelinîbtesu>' ymarvelous tinga lau the Luireto! tue nov yosr. WItL ME BE ASBLE TO HOLD ON? '. WiIi he ho abIe tu ioid on? assertet lai be pelihel>' supports lie8 'fiat la the question uppormast effU. aLtion. 'ou oe Iilkaai ilur liue Whal shaîl Voiva do tu boithle -Volveait n the precent situation lu! , Hoemuet t once bigla viiero MDoiee I lIt>'- J eft off, ksep lie people under tue I'bere ame jarrinir elameels linZMou religions vhip. foot helnimeutli tt t hreon dientiption complotepabu luni thst lie>' sre aceug0lhd1 anfnal-.,WIMIe Il voulti ho vrong 1tuancd tîko, above all salkeofaftue te my>' lat tue peuple of the cItl' abil of noie uselees knakilng au hol 1 hht Raie Inufitare unsabie o! amouît bave doue long slo. Doielotel' nait A"jva0lumi& 1ye sncb ap uav. tan use a slang phrase, "ioun peaisto bhathi. ua, aedthlb.evîdence aed oni," sud Ilt ineulonger'aioan>' ta hie miahil>' amdeil>' cravds fiai avi]ta abuse hlm. VoliVa didt lia! -- ,s Parbst, "gi-Jechan."ItI laid lu a Irifle tua, long for bilsesaonmlue aji bu b. trtiatg, tugelierwvîhtue lb. ailv>. lIbàléWtaI 00»r cal trauger clla lu building up s cil>. Volîva n)ust bé 0 18& ot hi'ce>nyme torgst tuat the -~?Pànkc la peopleli e luathr are irelilou ~4~WA q~- Voatehtbe lb.seoI and uitmuet ho' kept ilu es $mot, Wbà b1 e mo aitotaoa!religions exctoeut ntanor be*sh id «'~meoo.wtfl'wis.is. as lla soits. That le the. titI. unden whIch the auettc i -t nilit trled te prove Mr. Mande, le the. logicei candidate o etlmpaiy for count>' cleru. itlasconteadod the. SUN .Yuemfflee.td asttcriby publi. tuon lIn oeont Issue oftheiafollowili garticle, token troun- aud credited te the. Chicag. Diely News, "The, nameotf William E. Durns wïIi appear on the. ticket et the coming sioction as the Damoonstie candidate for *t@t. anator la thé. uiattsetii ssfftoil i"srct The. section boardqnoed that decialon yesterday "n eaiy deolded ta ramovs f rtti. ticket th* name of Jamies R. Ouoe>, iho w»s nominatdhy the. conventioni. Burns carrled the orimarîs, but losI out ebtii.e convention." The SUN'S comment on ltsé pàràgr&ph Ws: "-Simpiy a demonstnablon. ot how thi.> do Itlnl other couaities whoie the, new priman>' taedefeuted lte wili of lthe voter& Noie- ever. lni Lake couaty wv atve noe laction board te night astuesasd -the, rcmedy la withthe vot.m.", Now the Gazette conlende w. wilfully mlsrapreentad, that wile B urns wonutilthea imarlas h. vasdefsstcluln onvention b>' tniud sud Isnci vison appeui ta the sisublon board his opponent'5 ame vas taken 0*t aud hie repisccd. The. SUN.slimply conMtitheUioItim ne It ipp.Sted, theii. at> Noes stating expîlcIlhl>ansd vîthout qualification Burns carried the priuiarîes. but lent out lu the conventloa." and wlioii lae, à.la that pervertîng the. point te maki Il *vident a Illu conldition exiated lu Laske county, ai bstwssa J. L.. Swayer and Mn. Mondas? The. Noes made ne mention ot traud a shorwlesthi.e ssate qat*Its authority for lse version ofthIi ncident ld net ossential. tram Ils edilo'. vlotu point, 50 long a.I.t furlîIiheàmateal îwiicIiwil bliler up hl& canddtous'@wning atrnmti. IDELEGATES NOT VOTES COUNT. Mn. Mondes la dolared te tohe i.logîcal" candidate tà.uýh.i 'Idelgales count." to the eeonulboy wows iitiith*votes, aud *the pib>' ot il la th. new $65»W00prntmarTiw cltnoiies-tiie argument. la lb loqîcal ta gîve to s man defeated ut thie prlmsriu b>' 190 votes the nomination? The prlmary law la altogether to blamo aud uat Mr. Houdoe, YOù are toid. 1It'ld *dMittedIy bad. iît will ho rectlfied b>' tho uext Iogieature. Howveor.il the meaubi me you muaI abido b>' resulte sud conditions for whlcii Ihis "bad laie" lu reaponsîible else yuur Republicanlam la la question. Mort logic. A law ie eh a saving clause concoived expreàa>' for politicai rings and machine colitlcias sand.w'hich makea Mn. Monde. the "logicai' candidate o! hie' part>' lu spite ofbiio fact Mr. Swa yer received 190 marc Ropublican votes than h. at tiie primantes. car- ries with it lite obli'atiou for votera of thie Republican or au>' Cther part>'. it lu a farce andi a cheat. Mr. Headeels trientis coudemu it eveu thougi i ta "îaviug clause" SAVED HlM. They tiare not do atherieInluvicew of public indignation and th te great anti growiug rcucntmeub lu aill parts of Lak -e ccunty becauac of its Illogical provision iehicii makes "logical" candlidates of umen defeat'd etlthe pnimîriesand iehich veesta tram the, voter@ bte very thing ite malera promlsed, ý"direct primary chaice of candidates." FIRST CTMP6- N " 41 Thé lcal eanipaigà opened Wdeesdc, bitnhancd Coagrean awFou. tbe nigbt et l.ilwrtyvills a th>a ropubleeau speakers of the evouing delivered niost raiiyv ail the eonnty candidates aud luterestingspecchee. Itwaeaanoticeàble Congreesînau Fber present to aid tact that nethêr of tbbce ailuded ta lu setting off the initial «un. Frais local issues in any beay ignorlnu ontiroly now on thora vill boe oxetblug doing the Swayer-Hondee mtter wblcb te an prettjy regulariy until the vote@ are vital to Lake cuunty rétmbliicas. coueted lenifovember. Tb,- rail>' vas ciosod by a banquet Sh.rt speeches weremnasie b>' ench of toudered Mr. Fose, Mr. Whtney and t4e the candidates tbankîng the people for candidates et the Croker restaurant and the honor coeferred upon theni. The whieh N~a vel nttended. After a chainman o' lb. cot>' central coum- boucttifiil spred prepercd b>' local mittee, Dave Jackson. of Laie Porisa, resoubilcansadwwlte, à d osine ao spoke. Tbeu inleturuHou. a. coi eu nd admdornen cacudod the eeies. peasure. 0MBE WAY TO RIONT A WRONG. Tiuuuday's Chicago Deilly Neya frein 1h, ticket tho naine o! James R. aoinet he !oivîg paraguapi le Bucllo'. vo vas nomlnated b>'thi. tls cotuunu o! polttica4 comment: convention. Burns carriedthte pri' Burns DîspîasiS uckley. maries;' but iast oui, Bt lie convention. The cama o! William S. Burns viilSimpi>' a demoesluatIou o! hou appear on tih, tickel t tu te comlug tboy do lb in ather counties viere tic eleclion Pe tue Democualle candidate nov prinicu> laie detestedthelieyl l 0 ton state senata lute i eeenuhthe votera. Huvever, lu Laie conu senaboutal district. The eleelion vo bave nu alectioti buardtotarîgit board aunounced hhet decîsion yester- mettons snd lie remedy le' ta vtlt day. vion tbey decîdodteta umove votera. SUPERVISOR S PLEASED. Tiay vent aies>'ploasoit. tuases. 5-,sembleitteiegaces, and lia>' 11111 pervisona aud caunt>' deuil. "Wau-irealize lie discussiolueiu Idecascr0 kogen Irsatot n us it a litho botterlatet and favorable comment tiereu than bas su>' auber db>' wieu, ouriTheir aubJecta voue o! vital Icbores conventions have beeu, beli," asaidtlu that gstbertug and lie cummut one. "Hcd 3ust the. ime. oft ni>' ut, usnse vievsaedvanced, devait Oofliii unit cm Caleg hume toaslop." iteciare!oit au'.wvn their hoareus tetahou vs: abothr, anditIhet vas the conconeus of thliIug. o! opinion. il vi a c ucceanuulconvention. Th ealdes. the meetings vere lulerest-,ontertlasment feaberos vere plentifu lez auit belptui. Mis Bealeir aud 1>'lntorsperaed cul* tie visItais vec supernenedent Gaggle lu their ava>' deltghted vîi Wauiegcu, he "taîka" appenloit atrongl>' ta the ce- people cnd htu iroueerous hospitalti Juat boy loudi>'tho country viii If It dit appl>' anti von.e efanced the gamp le surprise aven vint Iltbsbeau ho vaulit ho nulned ait force o tal estez hecthepue taitlai re>'ont o! busiess. Thut. .«ch one a gels ntahu urde iol e trli saneta I!ha ver. dama saihthil Sot t wrkng ad hewhletrthcotrrytethe'Iav Il vas beccuse là eomos inove. romains ta be seeu.'c- ç er e4thegud upn The heseinga ai vsrious isanufaotuu' tthat va>' ait voulda't lic satItais eus befaro Dr. Wley andt hi% cote- vlth aytbiug oies. Whuio ail of tl mission have showse Ili envlattons nomions migit voîl cause a sisil Lmay' cotathI>' h. oxpooboit. Initoit erd lu stili saniehilg a! brnti the 'menufsclarer of food protucts bbc lesthiIs va eIl l nov, fou I a oun't oein t a cefor lie enov laie stance. liaI pretiéll>' al mustai at aSl. 'l'h.plao! oaci oue betota 1leadeftenated vlbh fenils or sou aDr. Wily te the effectthbit ha hau< lindrid substance, lua plbe ofthie te a tla luhe peut cotp4iced bie business; thet t Il l uevàet a tapur..I j aloni linos vic i viiviolaist.he avpublic voulit eut est purseniustsi g law except lu sao-far as canurrs ue th. Laver vanlit Proveoalie " bave deitoii thongh&Ieh is leg. Ukevlao. 'Wasington, ftaii competîtars twobabhy bave. imecis eai amut o 0ks viiissplelae ou aillhi 19 te plot of theue sccl boy via "bad- trlai lneual vit la inave as r j n¶ dom euclblandcut sehouv TaureY'la 45010F. vile alai ibrtlea itemai Joue ma4~iin"Accordiez ha Dr. alliai testa au the em*4W excellent ;Wle>' ait manufleu 'vio aeBut wvile cagBot ndemn>peaple are s appeerout tnere mbave bI'd tires ta be abociot vbita h. 'bave genorl argumenta tead alvce egacat chance tea 50m eut vat, il la lh ut the applcetion of lie lav Intalir hmhmve een ong pr ditrnklng, lb a Se. «& t u lisait an clMUSMisalonbint probable -blet an?.ps'aitcer. v lte hier hvto wve.mam or less4W 4st " tsov,! bc 'olp hoput c vorlilosa. it, couflug taeedli jai bunaisb>' tt aielaie. T o. ote. hi. ev w dl ot eppir teb4h P-$oe l u » t oct .9 *M Opbwq Uicular proitu0 ; secod, Uimybaiepuepare hie 1.04 euai. w te it le la ni. ut mr ras le e, l on àqit rhi lui gove. as dos aevorbody lit wu: hlm mire. te resêh ivtbth isinfralr cr111' 1throult Ieai lxliait. endlemh tom, viat bis omttoa priccipe are bers vould ho varking ba rd vltb Md tii,>'alto lungv that tht. inquir>' ras net. mae.!or argument but t<, thaïsr banda b knep themeelvos ait. lnfodli. epl o ueroiIsu. .At the Onventele club recentir it would bc neeie« to enavert' situe. a "fgorer'dauce.", The )t .èevll:Y thaï; Mr. svajrr Asa ronté vere' absurdIy' decorOted fwtth ýteublgýe ad agob ee, 30 W farmors' articles aud bue guetté Sot rHAI' THE »IwPtLICAN VO'rERW themeelvea up ta burlesque furmera W' LAKE C0UNT~... NOI1NATICD clothlng. _There vas a ' "famer'. IM laY AA RGà MAJOITY A@ troat" sapper. et .lhb thetable vas MIEIR CANMqDII)T for Canl> Clerlu overed vtth papier machin vegoetables »m 0t o th Ikbubie»Pary ad ad fruits, vth chiclen.. qpese, pigé ur o u 't U c R p bu c n p r > n s ud c o v a am o ng th e .. Vin r m on . O e danat hetit but feel'had the vote Fer beou lerger bie maJorlty . ould bave mado up ln the style of the fermer';Fm sonu lîlteise. The ridicuiùna churgeas ho ln inove 10 the tnademe -I «' Leat bls friends aupportodl Deneon for Pack and ludge, sang songs dealgno U 1ovruor and. that they are respmmSI1 taosut ridicule upon the fermer and U ble for the "roîten piîmary îav" 'la thé farmer'. vite, aud 'thon vwers unvortliy of notico sudit met bc e<ther foattires îuppoedte> ho fn>'e bat ovon the, lledee supporters urid- vhlch are, said te bave beeu areatlr y ~uétermarku, anatiior Instance 0f appreclated. . nybblng te bllidfold the. public. Ho Ailliis May haba eeouver>' ans- 14 ugts vii>'Mr. swayer cries for bis laeb Ing te Uie perwsan. onceruneit.but thé Vi mablos. They vertt lent but vere Journa&l Iblins that lb vas ta bidil takenont hlm ced vere tho>' net tsate, tu say nothina of the. qualiby of N. ken b>' a party largor thtan hlm "Our ins mployedilal. .F »tete Legisiature" ho caulit net bave The farmer la the biais upon vwhlcb Ce lent them. Such baine1g the casa e or thc prasperit>' or tus country resta ced bas alvilya rosteit. Toda>' he in course, 11ke the vnlter, If hobcd ai w.hrsa tepplto somebhleg taken frout hlm vblcb ho ed e s mo t otiof he ntoslationuTI unaw belungod ta hlm vwouldt4o ut and o istt oft at e geatt m d procure the lame agate If posai-'eb 'frlbda io h rs bW hatin llfhis Jaes IýSw men le cgr btstai'>, saitdvien the e.rha la al tlhi hat yJamL a r.country' needeidolofns. ho rueed.taj Il en e la r, c i tau hat rIou x>' M. le battefield a ud gave am ple pro f * IY slg e ho d wi e h*t lng eu ofutfils bravery.--Chicago Journal. M tu his party acuit hich tbey gave'him. Ni and ho ?las o mudir groator riglata DoNi 'SENO TO CHICARO. B nov ask the votera of Lake Cuunty for an Edison Phouograph. W. aller Gi for thefr flirther support for Cunty "m reeo trial aedan re nnsor A Cierk on thie Direct Prirna?y Repub paymet.et offir on ldlsoe but Vie. s lican ticket tlian- Albert I1. Hendee tors a&. vol. Puice theane. evory'- has on the Stralgit Repuhlcan ticket.' vrU I He lias cao unquestloned quaifica- .Ve have 1,000 Edison records, 36 p . lolis ïbu .lfii Ille duties of ibis of., cents eacb ced 1.000 dii reords atiM tlire ln as a fittlng a manner as - te; 50 aed 60 cents each.y lnesenb Incunubrant. .The entlre comrn ALDEN, BIDINOER'& Co.. 2 n1unlty knows tliat lie at une.lIma hlir2006 Norlith susesse St.. Waukcgnn. a position lu ibis otSe, îuntl remîîrsd - * bY Mr. Heî,dee for polîtical reasonsla: You rend the INDEPENDENT vant8 that lie la more déserving ilew o, <if . g do 15,000 others. That la tl n:1-g of utMr. lHentise, Is ciao vii>'the clunela nu popular. ku1eitoe-ilis lire lias beau an o¶)eî book lu oui <mlini' for neariy 'ail <>8perial Priera. hic carear aud If rend It viiili e Ifond Tlji uonur aeivorstary îoîuth in the i that\ýMr. livayer la a man vlio vithb ptital lîuisiuus nd to cebrute ve vii1 ailbisgoo qullfcaUns s a or nuke siei'aipriein ethat liefor the 1 fice lider lias neyer as yet askedth îe, îili give isustîjird off ot onurrgliar votera o!fIthe county for anylling. but ie lis manuers ludîcate. lias clways, beeu qutly waiting for the opportun- lty which lia lopes lias corne. Dir. H. Liedenlieuger. dentiat. Offie ursu rpoalaffiee. lîbert.yvilie. Plions il 0-f pricem lu ail spectaclesand oe~s If ou uffr fom padelwor ypwork. 'Eyuu xatuined troc. e ir t if tr o e n o u i q f o m hs < ac is o r g la is e. e ver >' d ay e x ce p t W o d u eu d n y s to u ble no va n dl a vthl h n o ta h ae os d S e . esw ck , g ra d u te nttede t su sve on>'.Bewick ptiin. At the Beevici tudio. Rive* sperlail puces for the udt. ie _______ :vaeks. Oee.bhird off tbc regular prie ta in at ynueacae ,beglnlag oct. 15. Coiicfator's Notice. )Evcry dey sud sveing *xcept Wedne.To Au. Pasus uw» i OUIr MAT CoNVtRsa: daya and Seteidays. Noticon la hereby given thet thé undor- __ ulgeed, Deelson Heetlegtoe,î Canter. Oh cornesviiere tlie notes of oveet munie vatar of Sop"i A. Woplf, afebe .viiirrte, mlnded paeunt, vii mak. application ta, 1Liue bhe-mmof aIthe Lerkinte l ite bhs Count>' Court of Labo Couet>, lu temhéie. bcStats aofIlinois, et a regua en jWhére eta ras>' Luger. fair pletures viii tbsereoi, tu b ai et tbe Court Hotm g von,,. ln thé City'of Waukegen, la ".Ld Conty tOh cornma ti bpchurcl oun mitt Tuestia> af Laies, un Monde>'lb. third day et Eve. Deceiner. A. Di. 1900, helug thé fret day of nid Tern i ofCourt, for an order NOTICE .andt dsere. of &id Courtitlrstle lim sé Tb.rs are egrat many nid uewopta porssueh Couserystor ta oelil 9afI&b.nght, for~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~tl saee b sssnw SIvibtitis aed letaist of sald HoplieA. Woolf L auforusa t frvpn theIUSEBTce -einand ta the followving deserihed ren eta.ult,.uat lathe County of Laki ILB~1RIC R: R. SpdlexpmieIrise rvice to ad, [rom rELhKNDORf LCtUüReS -AT- Raina Park TIuter ou the followins daIms' Salurde>'. Oct. 0. 1906S....... 4OLLAND esturda> oct. go ............... THE RHINE Salurda>' Oct. 20. .SwITIJ No 8au'yOct. 2.O7I ~L etrs> ov. 8 U.ROUTHUI souTm SOUNO TO RAviNiA PARK ifeknko , Washingtau St. VI n-pt ................ 745 pU Ls Oiler»otii Ave.......7:51 pu LAk oi.t......>...7:55 pm-7:57 pm Morskine $tetioe ................. 804 pn HghIae dPerk Cntrai ave.. .8:08 Pm 8--8:06 Pm Revtla &Pari.........8:07 pis-8:1O Pm NoRTIl BOUND T*O RAVINIA PARKt Eveniton, CbUre'litust .... 7:50 Pu EvanibsCentral streot......7:54 pic Wllmtt.e pt..:............ .. ......................... 8:01 Pm Wiunt,Station .............:04 Imm wiotkha 11w strestl......... :8:05 pu ",disa P ...................8:0pu LECTURIES BLOIN AT 8:15 P. M. Eeturniug foiz ErUtina Pari expies i i i s Per Lb. boic sent . .................. knxeuâiJavo...................... etn,1iochétand Java,...........c5 illeny OomblnaIor, per pound-..3Oc o..8. 0. japgn, wenth 50e ...es a . G. .apan. 60e grade ... . .yês IdU. a PFla et .... S srsakfae............-1111 pen n m rOuopowdev .... s mrfmosOmSto mtot reqmty. eftO OY. PULL.OREAU OfRSIES.to %ff CalIforil Prune., par lb .. .l 4lion CB Tabesirop ........ ..... at emba Oetu ...arge ........... 2e ra................. ... Ift lai t perpkg. ho h . ts oulit r pti...14e MKer LC0OIAT cake.. Ille SAKKBr!8 0OO0 1.2 lb. ean .. OC 'cecylu Mses 8lbj......... elld a ConPer I lb............ . t 't a o tite 7 i l....... ...... 8e ,raaelted 1Yellow Corn Mead per lb ... 3c Arm & Hammer Boda, 10e pkg -.- O -rrc eau.. ........... I a rd0d........Oc 1Ib ean Samon............. ......12C int Bottie (Jtauti......... . O tonarvh Coudte= btilk u "r.,an toc YcbtmCIub Amsorted Soupi per i-ant.OC 2 lb eau E ry Jun@ Peau .....1...... O 2 lb man 8vreet Com.rn ...... . .... O 8lbecm Baked Bonus............... e a ib eu Puwnpie...................... sec a ih eau pIlturnim.....; .............. SOC 3 lb can Extra Toemtoeo. ........1..ka Paekage Fine Table Mait ..............Sc 10 liars lenox soap........... .. . 1l) Orcaîn Lawudry $o)ap-...40c 10 "Maple City soap............... 40c 6 bars Woui Soap .....,............ e 10 bers Amoricati Famiilv Soap ... f iteet Lîmniup ilt&rch i ik>. wr b A l'ound parkage Clos'. Stareli,.........b Perfetion Lys per cau ................. 9c FE tra tro nhf lA nm o n ia. v er ho t U s . 1O C Perfection Blulnitlier bt i..... O 'Iibo lKaobing Soda.................... & r<coarine, lie ake ................l...A Sapliavercak .................7u A. cosMt. nb ............. 3c Sduzen Ciothes Pins ..........S E. E. ELLSWORTHI THE PROHIBITION TICKET. For State Treasurer- For Rep. ln Congicas- lalolm 0. Harpr. For R'a . iu Gan. AsaembIy- For Caaaly Judse- tko. B. Truedefl. 9Fer Counîtr Cierk- kCh"s. >.. une. rFor O= 1~Tneaourer- ,For County ,S"Pt. of Sehools- fChas. W. Grandey. For Shenff- adv and State of llinouisn to-vil: - livriN.Ece..- Pari o!futie South aitof thie Eat Hall of tbiSoButh ait Quarter ut Homokoa'a Ecursion.. Setion Titv-oue (31) te Tovnship Fouty-four (44) Nrtirof lInço Tee IE ver>' Tuesda>' un the C. Id. & St. P' (loi U l tbuei indPrincipal rilies> buosekers tIcets vin beho ead Moidian. bounded and dewinted m tu western pointe for ans tare pies tvol tuliove: Cofirncing et &aoiut elgit dollar.. Inqutreo Itour locaaent ion (8) roda Southout hie Nonithast corner tic etiuas of &aid Lot; ruuuieg tiseuce SouthbanesA uîoU . (9) rode; theuice Woobta the West tineof do!iaun saïd ' lut; theue Nornti ne.(9) 'ode; Pablie Nttos lîbe.bi alven tua s thonce Eust ta, the.place ai. '""'.e: n Vas1ilian iîAtten cotiigfour and une half acres te ,God tLad onu'aaen con forle î thesupo t ilen, A. "VL SophiaSofidSpia A..WuWfolf.4 Vanaeambw eobe, Ms.! FQtUt~in Sringes BWlb Syringes Hiot Water' Botties Atoemizers Amil styles au4 Alowest PrlS-0,for P04d goQdsat 7~p~m. re. viii at'tlvê'U tho bcborea~u. à- .Ï.