Whe fieFrost iE on t 1he Pumpki'n The appetfte getb frisky and the ques- tion of patAng in oue wÜiich demiand@ attention. If your foodtufa are bought-at the TRIGS MAIT the inner want la appeased wth the mo@t who1esotre and nouriî§hlng of foode. J. tLITR4I1OS PROPRI ETR LIBERTY VILLE. MARKET and CROCERI A Sewing Maching hsa Iîousehold necessity. We seil the NEW ROYAL ball bearing four and six drawer machines. Wtt also handie the QUEEN manufacturedàby the New Royal Company. Our prices on al machines are RIGIITand'range from $1475 UP. Let 1us show you what inducementa we ean offer. SMITH &DAVI TEA AND COFFER LEADERS - Lib.rtY-VIOI, 111- & I - j - I -on e L I. <Dath Clam Threof the Ponerafî r.s~wu wm bortilville adLake C-ouaty é.àiB*déé444*ui4U ~ S8pace of but Fais Dalo-Wilam Suydam. àr.. solomon Keiscy, and William bavlson Pas* to Boyond. jeme.ci Swani and tanfily are sp.ndlng Much work bam been pot luto tbe a couple o e set aheti.(.orgeWrigb n.t uuimth undw-er ofuspicofHigb Two of Lbertyville's aldeat and niost home 1 ploc, eti. chr, itere uitien@ Soomo b teîîan D, r. and Dru. L. G. lelti.. of Arlngtoflpassesybd epetdciin, solmlied ati RelgbIs, wes evluîtlng witb th i- Lalug- Henry Bogart bas luen notifiedt lai William .Davi&an, gr-,paut away Ii ln fanny on suaday. thseaint on bie .11k aerator bau,@bien we.k at their homes wtbin a fsw bouru Mr.. David jY. î*wler. of uroeu Valley, alloweifby th leutataile.li feach other. lloth were pieser III. lurlshln wlh br sn a lbInvention wastud to b. entirely'new letiers ort Lake county andt beir long* filta ioi4u rsitgerson t. heand fot ta -Inftinge o a tent1 siec lut egbooa wer nethodât p on hiuet ecoverakeu, out bertofgt*. Mr. 8egert -i OkOc ntenihoho br Rusuel Fleur co thà p oîti lver manuf&eclue bis prmduet thiic wanter andi tbey @peut their declining deju inade end lis e nwcnalder ofed o erbave a quaelllt.Ofettihe- eratOts 1 0 i heir tacs. familieir ta ail Who bave been adlDo osl out Of danger for the. aprng iraie. uisociateti withb hem. Obicgom. snt s uda Wit ODr fed Everj'body wants o tiiîî~etithe iCoin- The deat b ot b hwau due tu, IIlliu- Mr». Rira.n Luek andi with theru vîited Uih lctiom lu st i i»ia daty ot ailta luenced by their adivanced ilee andi Zlonlty.cai ibeir ballot for the man they tissu Zb ou ulonadu*e liilefr b hile tli.y bai both been leeble for Dr%. F. J. AJIsinali nturii.d Fridey office. If jourmnme je mt on thie regit- soies lime. their amdon departur troii Ira. Iowa whsrs alie hm. been vioting loir votlmg Il" a"u that yau are reg-t ibi lite weu unlooketi for. Soloni9n, tlcdueand relatives for a couple Of lateri. Thoe living (,u the west aid of Keluey paeed awaY et 9 O'clOck Tuuu- wopke. Dilweakee avene regimter et thé town Dr. and Dru. Fred Chureilîl, af St. bell; tiiose ou the eta Ide et plaggs' dey nigbt. Tic otber, William Daviewt, Clire, visited ftram Frlday ta 8under barber aboli on bott Tuenday. That la wbo accotpaiiled im guao ely ta the witb Ibeïr parente, Dr. and Dr». O. E. tbl atea... Register and Vote. world beyond diedthelb followlng nor-i- Churchill. Our New #fIlister Cone to.tb. lug at 10 o'clock. is.e Stela Wibox ie quite Ii witb Sbwart te aWukfgan on Suaday i iamnin uydamaotierai typhi.ever butli reiiorod tati. Ouit Wber 2%. About every type of andm aog c unhnc aIlb.t y h an.ie aisyfriSutiS lu Ibis ebarset i en«mbe tound iluqa vill"andge log fuiiaceo h w village hope for ber upeeyrecovery. lai ntouesn. la the action. fitluaflot a pamud away but lent Mndai preceedilul Ticre wu. no meeting of tb. council one mem play, msarly .-very character scm by but a short two days. Hi. lut Donday nlgt owlag to te lfalure being thi of a star pertarmer, @Dow Of detiati was resultant trom, ismiller celues. toi »Cure a% quorum of tbe Ci ty dadu for tbein loquat ln Ibuir ex. plicty. You the. occasion. mutmeu "Our New Minster" it touches George Falconer ait family, of jour bout and your îiud nu no otber Cbiego, and DMm. CliamberlLfin, 01 Wau- p ley wll, and ihitwa bourg of ANNOUNRMMITS, ks0an aei Snday sitflbe home of ub ling, dia" ng fuu andti hts on Tii. CriatianSlentatwl holdt eir Jobmmellienter, nortb oft Iis vilflg. juil wb.re oOkhle. regîr wsekly mesl tth ile MDyulic Two littie pickenuines lulledt iueep Workers hail over Smith &Devis store bLjbeir black Damniy*will lie ons Our WANT ADS. are paylug others. Sunday evenlng et 730. Subieci: ELlit tic sketch et the Higb School Arc they payfiigt OU' 'Probation atr Deth. Ete rteiniueftlt oegTuay eveuinug. Dofit torget the Cemelery Asséiation Mfr. and i re. Fred Wlso. of Chicago, WbUia iIusrrel Suyd.am. hauer et the tawn Bal Tburday nlght MileFlore Norton of Leke View, and Anoie f b aiv- fNewYo1 J . MIin Jobanna Jofinson. of Nunda, a wbo iellevsd itle- future of Lake Tic Lekeside (emtery association liser t Du. ugut Nls nt Satur- counîy bau depatlti lite. William wiîî ineet et the borne of Mr. Ernt dav and Sunda& ai the Ne »ou home MurgIll Stydainv,110 wae buon t Brownuna Friday ellernoon Oct. ID. beie. Victory, New York Iel. 22, 1M~28, and Tierp ie eveÏy iudcation Ibat lhe died on bis terin near Lib.rtvville Oct. Services eit the Presbyterianl c rch bouse waili be îîacked ou tic occasion ot 14, 1906, being lu îîî.sexety-nb yee, nexi bandai eit 10:30 un tie rnorulitg th i 1gb ltcool eftertaitimtuCfhexh 01 bis age. On meri 17, 187,4lie wauaud 7:30 lu tbe evening. Rer. Dr. Tuesday igat. Be Wise andi secure marriedtu ho 9rriet Cooîper eit West Van de Erve will preachliet bath moru- reserve seat tieketn to be laed et Lovel*o Grandville. New York anîd for a weddiug iug and evening seulions. Ail are drag store ou Saturday. Morîdty anti journey lb y Calme West ta the state af welcomie. Tueday. Illinois and usttieul t liiemant Lake The Presbyterien Ladie Aid will ineet Fred Allemthu was iboaiux nomte ailiiuiidit.lY &filer- lu 181 iltlîeY unovetWedueoday Oct. 24 et the. home oftirs. i elose trip.inds hfie "uew automnobile" ta liche0iOfif5 Of Llertyville tOwnsbip s. L. Tripp. Ail are invitai. lie tiret ofthîe week. He piomimedti&Il an( have lîvei uear tle- village ever __________ sorte ot ride but did't mtke good ti a Inilce. Five ciltireu werelboiru il) Ibis Letter from C. W. Taylor. ws shippedt t a ctctory et one.Tfie ternily, fournsons aud a ijauglîter."Tii. machine dieti on e Chicago autoist anti daugbter din laiti-yv but tbe sous Frisi, Cola., Oct. 13. 19041. weas lettat thedepot. rei atias a e<mtort t,, their motber. l0uurON LAK~E COttV N uFRiEi'T: Mr. Suydem hbunflot te.ui in gooti lealtb Thiiuing perliapm a tew notes by lhe t' W. Taylor retume rn nt am orado for ieau. earupa>1 and ial,eremnaitietiway migbt ie ofinîterfat- ta tbe reederu Titemday iglt wlîere lie bait le-ciithe quite elos e bs oîte. hîk end Calme of yaar veluable paper I will give you a pas' ten day.. tr. Taylor went weet ater eabuf ilse». on Siîntay înorning brief sketch ai aur trip. .We lett Chicago witlî view to logtinigbut retturneti witli- et il o'clock. evit liviti for more over tic Chicago, Roack lsland Pcific out tuakiu9 a puriiese ofthle place lie tion baltea ceutery in the. viciuihy oi railwey et 5:45 p. mt. andi errivet inl bad inview. lm,*ou. Rose, whîî heu Libertyvilleble knewanul wee knonb1O1aaant Dgfllw n Mri»lge been lu ieheet for fle pott eX weeks m,onOfthe lb. I-iti7,ën, wbo laed 7 'clack, continuing Our jOurneY la ruturueui with him. setlcd anti impru I lthii beautitul Denver where Te arriv'ed et 9 :45 J. H. Sbittuan, oIftlauntruise, witl Country. Sundev nigit. his wile @pet e tew day. ibis week et The fanerai wu.u le-d Tueday alter- Ater lealviug Omaha w. pausi thle iaome aifDMm. Sclottrnan's fatîter. naon tet istQe r..uudeniu-e West of the tirongh saine very flue ferming country Radolpi Scireck. Dr. Sciiottma il§s a ivllage, the service. icing canductei by outil we .struck wotern Kenau anti stocboler u th. llluis Cntrl Mril-l. e. . F.lawler. The. burial wai eestern Colorado. fHers we entereti - stey ad nttieIllup os Cienatal alnd .nthe Lýakaid«eeuueleryet Liiertyville. upon a plin uesning devoid aI vegele- F memm" waeng ai uti C hicagopn attedarni.tien; notbiig but a barren utrY s61981D a n£4ain ofth Copan. Cadcf Thanks tic trogil wiic- are yeny rare b.1fl Mr. antidrum. C.. H. Averillbave W. wisb ta ex tend our beartteltlbhauks dwarfsti. Froin ppearam e nc wo returneti for the winltërain mOklahomna ta aur fipndeanti uighbors andt thte tbxnk tiers hat ben e rein for yas wb.re tic, bave livetifor the pastai wg.ras who ee.@o kintitous during Once in a W11110 yaU wllMune soiouse oeerlnthe. Dr. Averilî l mi la ou retient lime of bereavement. but tbey arce fw eti1r .wa engaged te lb.esebusiness i the sonth Dus. WiîuaSctfa à aiîv. Denver lesaaivelypret it y. Tic uanufecturing tic praduct statesata ____________ buiflsarc ai of brick antiaton. anti bbaibl a very sunclstul mueon. liecf17is e ,seelevaltion of one mile. Liherlyville frou a tantipoint o sbip- W isWt l..51 sMl m itbol mente of gondsa lion.efthtie but on this sifleteO r Wr lr>im division af the Chicago Mlwaukee & lhit Swre don - t et. P"nirallroai. Lait moulin ietwsen GRANut ol wff al fo c e #16,000 and $17000 worlh ofbueinm ont ml. ucote ubalchat irtsor &aplt@& seas don. uhranzb lb. local station Fwentvue seconPib a of tieCaitalt oflcb la urpraug osdcii le.- ENTERTAINMENT andtihte.western rang 01 menai *Ins a!.br.wîictnusmei ula few milsiawsy bt t Tic remaintier o! tic winter ail lie which lu reallly were lItem 0, tu 60 Libertyville tores wil close cvry nigbl mies.Our pnarly wbmehcnbtnsilet at the weik except Salnrtiay lhit et uandertlie auspimoaitic Meurs. Wire, '1bonia, Jonfu, Will anti 8 o'clock sharp. Onumnrtiy nigbt mU yel ireti ae auto andt tok a ton 1 thon setalus wiicb louai lormerly ait milesride about tic City. W. &Ibo 6 o*clock will continus tan do @e. Tic UBERTYVILLE MflOu SCIIOOL visitetheti Globe Smelter under ths new ortier oif tbiugs fanow lu efect bây-r- guidance of Dr. Wîre. log couinenced ti auMomdey. Tuesdaegwe ls ever for Leetiville gaturtiay cvcning Ilalpb A. Cooke, aif th~i le twe.uile clty. The trip tbrougb Warren, Penn., anti Berthe M. Brandi, iues<ay, VO DCI er 3 tic inouuteims w. pîclursaque anti Wanconda, were marrieed,by 1ev. H. F. interecliug. W. seT oael ualbletue Laseler at lic personalge. Tic yaiing bean cul Anti a mile turther there Waaé couple were attentiai by G. B. Atims, of euaw ant iecl of it. This w.. et an rasacandi Annie Deuicoîni, e Tof UIIî IIJCI levtion of 7,000tfcl. Weucouda. Mfr. Cooke la a niechinlt go sleep la thc railroati grade liaI lhe andt tiir 115w home will be in Wauke- sect ion men attach tbeir baud Cars ta gai . teregeler train@, e o the bigbesi AI ticHeekly bou Taesiay e tic l >iock P. M. point andi work dowu. The Contln.ntael A H kflbweithon e aunieuaieI Dr. iide was reacbai et a hegit ot amtýifhi Du . L. . Rake unieresoulDta11,000 ted.This la very severe on lbale b.ev hmwcu . . eobl oue 1oebat ail o1 car parly stooti anti two souslevant anti Bartlet;E. .i el eetrt b egse bd C. Hackey; anti Dr. antidrum Llyd anti werebotiiere Il ~tic ainoke anti Racbley, ail et Chiage, beaisu W. L.suprgaIa. e nin wbb a Hackle.v andthie imuediste temily Who "* uary nfui tps. Fié,en h maile hore. j e we Orne metap whoSas re illeonti nal' Tii. sommer speclel on the. C. M. &&. .anderien oui t he ae Dse hl'u en P. rallways vi eau eUnion depot ae Ibitt R ma tiant ceinaiv l$ap t l. cmp t& hei 1.25 on Sa tardais anti arrlving lu Lib. Butcauhave a il orisapoinhet. rtr ertyville et 2:27 hboin dmontionad avefn. oeitil ka boue0Cotfe &asbu tic train leaévlug Ubert7viL ---- sdnige teyampa coaeple ffÔw sundo eyngt.ent 7:M for the Cty. Waîk Lots A'Tlme. oftheb plant l ins wilà Bupi. Hutur Thon trains will flot.b.e peratouati hl Sm ftebaee aun noadbsetmbewl nCag. et spring when tb.î will proiabuy b lftiiraeis uamz no anthiseStimable l obta eW pautmo gain u a ibe cxeisou. li.frtl'ville hbe.disoovered îwafBru way baud tho Su08I are D a rpr et i A i sty;at@ Inspetar et factoris, ofamusluq Ibemusives.Whsuever any- orl us l aien botteu peuutt A suftlyoce ws uton twon.e«Iipa' a fright le in lucky if wben h us at e ave ber.suk ah n eoeadffcsq&' wnatwho mussuntier thespoul et th. watcr Toaat ebe ub eiit in mluserch of violations of the ankthewater linot marnai on antihc Ore Ton cmendtiors on the surtace ! l h r law. Al boys untier lb.e P oonn the unwelcome recaient of e anti eluoet any stan.e ou pick up fin. 016 muet bave a certificate front theceld bath. munînrluit.Jidy pingounsta lb. umine princial1obis achool befors b.e cm À few ty iey gra a rk eyai ant inlbeson tb. facts anti conforma w itli ork at any ginful Occupation." Th.e 'taU' eauof Italy wuswalblug down aIl thai I h1 avievrc heurd antieven tnpeir W.. mot here ho diécover te tue. inore. Tie-oflicers are ail men WbO vnation» oft1h. law shoalti thers bie. . Wh, giiGuspe~ miit bave bh" ta work lafur rMouleanti amobrs blu tinctheau cf Lîbertyville Gbrs&cy.@id heappeer ta id aàvery. ronservalive met 0f b. noue Os Maoî"w ease. mmn. Tbey soeu 1 baesarthei The senior Caonaiofthe Liirtivil "i' " aid lb. treinman and ~cpatrgt a ab nssn i bgbh -1et earocent meeting cehonItàaen hedai 01*0 ilscar for a itcb sOOkOlderSm afa attonrth tolowluig olilcrs for dwtthe maarn fcar. is os u fdoelu b s 0b"wî UDe"DalaCrocker .... , Pes. . w uete me tilaundr l bsena Atter leaving Frièlco we Visitai Dise Gace Cter. Vie Pre thlb.water wu tii ce fuforce aadntiLaiville anti by tanarvi MimeAices Moore ........ Sec...... b.'h was nsarly drowusti. Hé droppetiLltmaGîl atit .iti Ihs UluloChumbl .....TTr. fenlb a attood euhokinu euh1 placer mine lu tic world idîore hein~ Ti. olnciosnfor tccauae nslguthe lb.oseai. W e ll ont werked. We uaw lb. Yack mDe w pepeel.The enesohs n ore lIee lb..heu a tunnel 4% miss ander tb. ceu lent a b. TegorlTeelbl A vtiv irte mWttha au. be,anmenlain andthle LtIle Johnnie mine one boy, la lb. clam ant inlutic ulnor- ami the.ganme 1Itallan meltipiterith.e au, etMn c'ovation 0f 12'000 fsel- cela 11 9lit11511. clycunsancea as belons. tti nHeal ,mines lunColorado. In lb. vr1 esk at the home aofDrm. C. F. "RtIb Guiwpe'pital"Ud the bruken . ofMw, gaImpades hh3agolb W il he b.W. C. T. 1U. hld t lsanu"l, 'IM, Iotea'tint," siiwcred theinfluencecfD.Wrani ,ndai m cieandt al ovluoffimetever. o*bse. OOtest ta tb. poimt:wb.re Iberu la se qlioe.ifor b. !ar f J E. eil, culqolhofEvns.Indiidul eectrle 1 ibtiu¶plant wb.xu We have tbe fullest- linè of Warm Wi4ter Underwear ini town The prices range from 1 &c per garment for infants to $ 1.50 per gaenît fotadulte -We earry ai wool, fleece lined and wool fleeced Libertyville Phone 29 55> Illinols Buy Yours Of..... ANDREW 1IUSS LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Il Flp$T OF LWN 1! Dora abauwb1eg*e lbrbnIlg voek01 Dek Book, iaitw t»OlugWtlo Il ue oryla ils04 -order to mWujo l Mman dose a- Sway todotM h M"W - À P. Dsuaun, Pros. C. F.vEG , o. A. W ZIOuR, Vies Pre. F. S. Kum, Aut. LAKE CO. NATIONAL BANKC Why î BanikMy Monoey Becaufe, wluhout a&hittle 9Y nd crdit et tibe bnk. 1 nay bu coniplh edecline the -one gmet" opportuahty of ny 1M1eor Investiasêt. W. cloeed ont 830 par 01 ail W061 Dan s pant, 01 tbe well known,,Tiger" Brand, made byRbnoNorton & Co., a1 Louisvlle, KY.' Te:m buav ail wool K.ruesot v long M m d U a i nla t he nusi g ru nt s Dot ta rip. Tbus gonds wM weJar 11k. ro aid wlli m û. e a extra w i ntrganii WaIat, is s 4 to 42, longtue 81 th0 88 Thon puits reta i ally et $2.75, whuls ibis lot laute [a&W ilsY Oarc usflg vsly tas aitliougb tbey wre meh ton hsavY for p" Mti w,] you ciii gei theiu for TaRTVLL~ Ni