~yî- Ouuty. Clerk "does. basCW :~~j2 ~ 'ed the quarterly birtli report fr hb 5ituma.~sJ yystate board ut beali t rom whlcii the .I*aOouî47 ¶ltl £ Tust o tllowlug tacts are gleaued: Tiiore wau a total of 166 blrtbs. of ElgWankegan, DIwic 9 wero male and 86 temale. b~TIhLOIIaJGosE Scy Wihout Mande le Caunly Clark. Tiiere were 164 wite brisi;and1 ~f.W OeSLumadwta eOe tti.motineeslg mon coloreli birth whie une pair out tains Hâil t~~~~ ZeoAtoctwqC. onty cdorks and supervisera bere tathers vere bordalunlIllnois, 43 lu Ibe Southi 4 » ke>aOuamd buu toCura was Isaac Le4ls. couty clerk 01U ijted States and Si le, toeigu cou- 190,.c lÀwt It 2 Mnd West ! Schuyér county. ut Rushylle. tries, wbile 49 moîbers were Illinuis- the tolic ho IobpS 4 md 6 5blk 4 Haine@- '1 Mr. Lewis. wbo b» as been conntY as svr ou I h United 41 ce, ......................ck thore for ne veral years la ai- as.1 eebr nte riMlee TruntC te m uaI vudert. Wit b th arme ut tate and 79 were mlu t orlgn nli arms dit0 ) tgts ld ano-bru ai t 1" hk2" ff and suppl4nted by woodeu arme. coîlesn e tpret ttdest Tl ila.doed .810 0he 19 dependent for but tev hings and nu atioualty. Aîle e uum ro J 4tuad r _-_ athese tew are supplied by bis vite. / lber ut births. 42 blk 44 Nirt Ho met is miturtune early ln lite. Chca w 1ooooWhle a boy ho was runlng a horse Frouat Subadribes te Armory. Breeki P rout sud wi te Borner sickle. The borse became uninanage-I i.i Coule tractaif land lu north - abl. sud bolted. He vas thrown and 1Mr. A. C.. Frost. premident ot the grinit bâtit se 29 Wautegau twP falling lu front ot the siekie. buit both Chicago & Milwaukee Electrlc Rail- I2o sIùiý deed ............................ 1 O ractof ra oPu.bs uarbd f OS rov taC Romer1hMr. Lewis la a jolly man, ratber ji ,fflo woilh of stock tuî lhe BattecY C blnes! 8Wfflilugton Park Wauke- illin ite. vith a brigbt stile ai- Stock CoipanY for the erection of la-nebi ganvS -. ... 00OUways ou bis face. Ho bas long ago an armury and publie convention hail potatod Fred AbrSet and artet Carl become accuatomed lu bis misfotune in eakean Keltb & CheaWare 80 acres anud thinks no more about it. i ýakgn 4 in 'Ss7 Lihertyville twp -70 U M. Lewis gets mucb 'use fruttiis Mcf. Fruste s sbscrlptlou la based E, vA. ........ .....................-à20(0arma. They are vocked by a cord Ou the condition that enough funds lie R. W Brun oGlearad wteoWC F and 11 ecau bend tluem. - The thumb on raised 1te erect a brick building. As W.siietm at 23 blk 1 Kirk the han$ is jointedl and eau bold a peu thîs vas te Intention of the promet- The & Puwell'e add Wankegan or other things. ers orte company front the very be- hie fata md. ............... .......... 19W00 OU t ls wvoaden faud and acm be ginuling.lit la thougit that there yl Out rat WPj>lige ansd v tu F E can write a btter baud Iban aiment be îîe difficulty lu complying vlth the meute. Moiter It 28 blk! 2 Prlis I any other ut the delegates wbo vereco pre-itlig Pt Sheridan sn euti........... 15 00 here sud la nt a slow writer etber. coditioti. milé d ESbabeth 1Worawick teAnnma He puts on is owu bat sud duos Mr. Frusts liberalty practically lu- Jgbmanno45 acres iniope rmany other tbuugs which unSé would sures the erectlon utf.a fiue building Il West Autioch twp wd -000 00 think impossible for him te du. lu Waukdegatm It le felt that It vill Oliver Lipplucotsud vi et IWth hie çheertnl vays and Inter- give cucb an Impetus te the sale of ai tte w&iddedort it o estlng talk. he was une ut the munt stock tbat tbe remfaînder will scon be Fux Lake utnuiotbs Pt sec --10 Grst twp deeds ........... 4 00 pupular visting delegates bere sud sold. Mw ~me many trleuds lu Waukegaud. Atbuugh the promoters ufthIe A M.y--Kelly -tu Wlnieiord He la accompantied evej)-were byn oiga Kée. é Esele t hat It 4 blk 14 his vite, wbu le devoted toebl sd1omay bave ouly been vorllng a *p 00mon ad Rgbanlhei neyer a trouble te auyuue, as the week sud a hait, $3.000 wo=tb ut Idh Park d..............81 OUthings 1e needs ta help hlm are sup- stock bas aready been subscribed tor. 'j Diaiel Femme aud wftet Anni. plled by ber. Fourteen ot the leading business men - Anomuo ~ut ptIt 4 :î-î1 ~ ut the cty eacb subscrlbed for $100 ort of the tock ad tfIre, et Barom aock sud wetteW F WiliIYeu steal Cbicker.a Nov' ý worhu h tc u freuie Girard lite9, 10,' il Bocks@ Wich is wrse? firme for,$60 each. The remaluder euh, Autioci vd .............. 425 OU To-ro l a c& cke i 0 atol bas heen eubscrihed tor 'iu smallgèr Dem J .p iRtraysud vi t a RH poclotbook? amounts. The managers ut ail the ovu d JgisIt 16 aud 171-1ma L'--adta--a omn. The couuty doerIs sud supervisera large corporations here have recomr ins y --b ande eu d . 1ffl00OUof the Biate tbougbt that the offenses nended tbat tbelr cumpanlos aid tite EisIh B É Smit tu C EThayen eaet vore oqually bad aud W. B. Mller. enterprîse lbrlysd we Bijss, ae 50 is t 8 hl 12 nantit West out Uertyvîlle, proiinent member ni ai-e beard froint large blockseoutheO isx a<id Waukegaan vS.......... 2MM00O te Lake county lbgard, will be one l tocewl udobedy etae -W J Lukem »d vi te Cra aoit the tate legilature te make cure Of. ou Sa £ Lob»es vet Pt It ai. lk chiclen etealiug a penal offense, pari- It hag been possible tu e"e oJty ~arurdi 41 B ~ blmPak iq c......... 1 OU ishable iy ual more thon five yéars lu few of the business men sud firme ut the on Cbiubp r a& rust14Coîlt16the peultentiary, a fine ot $200 or su Waukogau i lu the prosent lime, times Chicago Rigbladdeed . 310 0OU many menthe lu jali. abur ht vn al veben accu it sem ato W W KMiaou10 N Jensu - .Now w.uldn't that jar you, sons ofasrSta akga iib n-tla Wt 10 ii 1mitexo ns enl IeplieS vith a flue public building De ti 10 bik PSxonsab uhA. eosAwtir.lci can beunsed tur al public pur- womai Wabksmn wd ................ 1500OU As thougb Ibis voro nt enuugb, the poses as velI as a permanent home Inspin 'Jouu UMS m m ad wltu J A canvention actualiy considorod a for the Battery. it ase meaus the Woa, Rt ~ ~ 1ab .d I 1 tl& OU Proposition frose Pile county te cut keeplug of a $64.000 eqipmeut, vOUn vile toa add Hghlan Par tir A 5 0 t0 ofcs ttaucllcoradby the Battery. lu WaukCgan. Dow UmlieIOObî88iltl aessmor. EsmIltOU uadd RiilUmd Thero vas balse lu Giload vien Cube Gai Judgmn.rs ie a, Poe it &.. ........;........ . 2400 oU Ibis reeolutlon vas rejeeted with Lest Friday lliee rt roubid of a COUd> 9 9 ube àvift. [maillascoru aud cotumely.' ea otta et nu h ueOl M 4t14 lism<l17 bik87 Do ase seti two flood jobs? AtlouI t thalu to Wlu a nsei ue 0517 I 10d.......... 2M00 U Weil, *0 IlWeviknov it aaid thebeond «lst the Lake Counitu'Agri- O*e AIbltie lub ! Walegn drv l r .S4jh sisa md v 10convetion-t a itef.cutural Association vith a& defaut mdiWRUIO5ISti* Ai IO flad I.Net Vol. ludigment of $72 trom luStioVan ROsI w . ... ..-............. .. 4()(0 > ndIoeWq. UDanoiier. Douillet uasu u*», ytg .j c A rOSsIUtiswu off«er atheoe. ~The fir assciation talle lt lvextu Marsv fon ~tct liathé rual oveoraof. trust repr«mton is It , 4h e Pm roone 61110100*"eviL........150Ü (* bis me là&ia"I iteroaitiag re . w hile tho Cube apparol infamber.. an o0f thb.membeof Me iabande bal Çou ilhwkbardt t.Louis lietancont, nie. tasse&Bd Otiier Prunot smborsW Tw . S 111155 Il stoesrust dliean ttdig hoUed îY Attorney Clai corri 'o....350,0(l bossd a sort of shoter bobtinl ich C. Mivarfatio 0 . "lte gra.oplug lax dodgors bave beau zudgsset vas iy defanît. e t Ont uamMWd .. ..........140 0 hbglelnUntion..pont. Atorney Charles Whitney rep.e- îyth wtto »ora . lovever, the convention quietly sente lie fair asociation sd 1 le rt Ll" e it oras ai eM&lstti y oti;luthIis r«sIs-- droJhat su PPoal vil b * lgOit e *L....... 150 OU0Susanger mabig eli iWvasont. Bet Once. lu tle À~.*UW ml vita Jo le cuvuetfhlicoin L The «M eadliOuoncf a gaineor!or &T ~ ai i ibase ll betveu GibbVCols 0f og ha »d wf »dsud vith the inaillty te part front i. Higbviood sud thlb. us e tafir, nov jý*e #ntp Wv.......... 150 OU Anu àuire at the cens.resdered one Introd C> isir ai i a tooCanada Wach.a Ziontes. doiaton. ms b is allegc error, sued - ~ 10 8 id 2TO5V0dtitSo damta atndSreversel te docision in ravor orthle 1111 cabejes eh NytiCuba. Tbie Cltsed rlotsu r ......v . .............. 480 O00 tuioo ntnk am gmi1avr oe tareplay 1the menthe, ago lu Canada, the Ca&di"n gain for sattlomeut vies the CueSo Jus, Ona Dov".te JohnC govonniment hms dravn the inos on ait doclrod thaï;tisseyvould tal ite thetre' Dov«aisouM ai sects suspoclod or accused aof tanstic: mater tae* h coiss 30~190 dqsd ........ ..i.- lm sud people frnise Zon City bave public opinion la vitb the Cuba, as ae Aiea orang e 0Juo C Ratecoin, vithîn tliebau. la11e mmpire. ddyo ly tudevor kil p1ropesld - Bornie veeks ao tarty cosed lie s b>' Doison U MO 30120hCanadien troutiers t etie on BrilishNushkas Emterairt. a bed... ........................... Colmbeln soi. They vero mt hy Ms VnpPieenetaud h @Mt Ievt. W E K eus addan emlssary ot the gavernument sud a membors oft Ie former Nluhl5 Club terec W-u»w&............ 700 OU plode, vasexacteS troin liem that t ber bome un Grand avenue FridaY tei * ci) B nôveli&ad vi te juu Iboey vouI net seel te extend the nigbt. .-Tiere vore about tvontY-dlve Jehmais e 46 anS 47 bl Elljah cuit, the Divine healing Soc. gueta sud ail baSl a vandonftfly 2 Hajis -ouh Rlgharood trluo or the nu-ponk, lobacco and uys- gond time. 110à. .................. 170 OU tem bellots. Tbey agreed sud nov Carda asd variotns gasee passeS lie dtiffleTitis MdcITrust Go ta bave a prosperpns cusemunlty on Can- evenîng and refrealmenUtis er. toluv Ile s L Pye Ik 28 blk 6adesof oei.so Hiblmmnda ...... 810 OU ansal. o iy the. ingiug a!of lS fasloneti Johan lafoot sied vi te Wm onNo Sohoole Open as Vêt. sud Weil loveS sangs. c« bWoim art lts6»d 7 MnCity la reporteS te b achool-_______ Dos ouiWx*offl d.15W00 UlmasetIprenoeul. County Superintend- -. W Cnéh.ore Ir a»d vi t0 eut Gagan la lu communcton vlth Cn.ntomCs p Job.s DouW Il 6 lu ne 9 Overseer Hsrvey Dengler Brasefid The iieriug o the taondemination i &Wd Il 5 lua M le Wum uamiexpecs roslts lu lie near future, casetofthe Chicas o te Lin. eAU #wp d o... ........ .. .. IOU Thinanfl ss teasdl abols ame saId vay Comepany vs. John Irving sud A. T) tebbuinurotten shape sud ,veu mis- uF.ai i lu ti.aflorno on uOtOe Troo IATeC tO À-S*I1'Y prprato sud diverftiug uttands The boaring of the nl cao. o!Ar- ___________________ar e ing chargnd, ilte reporteS. Ibur Meeer againt Barry Brbai L08T-Oedtvy gold bracelet ith 6 psrlmnsm cre sSuccèse. for the allegzd iroslug of-a. C=tt0. PB&ria.FImis plae rtura ta C. 9. Evanglist Pauham, nov the shep- as reiat.d ezcllWvly lu the. SUN &Wst sidrseovo evw rd hord o iy far tie largst and mont soin. lme ago talesplace Oetober 25 FA"U Poi U RIL-108%ecrs tiles etnsatl ollfOs <City, wvasu inta10 a.s. cae reuasite mrosto0f Uhertyvllie. t oude. Wauîegan recentiy iransactlng s T e ccodnme u lict a4os.CiAs. Scatasa, Llbertyrile, nets lu regard te a sertes of meetings court doé1dLet AU. 21f 10~teb.e rs bere.________ He la reporteS te bu about te bmilS FOR _ÇMT-0ix oominit atiquire 09 a labmeracl tluhe1city of the vhite W. E. Matonm Faces Ooialenpt. S dme,priiseal fer vici sel;1e la Former United Staline senator Will. F~U AlAOR ENTTheBou ant -.Ita <hîve recelved ftonm Overseer talME. MMos0mdWaaksgsaMadÇhi. tjo dati mS iseisolcR. . iately. cage, nov prsdtieig iv luChicago, ticu Dli nS Budan ~<>___________te saiS ta bc ftelug oontept proceed. i Iy RIES AND POUND AN. luigafor the aleoged ntsl u blie or fiatuday u lie SANL information conceat« tgh1* oumtios- atda lnte couty court ~Woo iiual bsbbl unis OBnin. f Serlan oa>. a i We tam oli e sullnb"bia ring d Wta quit iartalng we will à h olomon Kelffer larn i tres sortît 01 Libortvvilii ad'-hre of Onrnson Tbausday, Oct. 25> comwenccing ,t 10 o'lock sharp llowblug'dse.ribed property to-vit.: >4wO, cal beavy springers 8and r, twa year o14 huit, r ngeldiaga $ yrgsold wt 8i . aut bon*e 0 yvais old wt 1100, sOw, a @ shoat, lumber * n dou'ble bpx, 2 sulky cult Mt0, jagpoDeere wàlkio lu7oý-w, =ILw orI» pl.nter wii.b 80 roda mllk wagon, Rieine potatto dWOgr, etqne net double work hornei. rset double work harmpes. light, ippîitg fe8u*, :0Lolr a a ter , 0 aes corn in eshecieut with S,500 Iiabsîs white oat*, 15 tous , ay, 10 tons wild bey. 50 bushels tes. Prslunch nt noon. çuer tenus. TsOasl à& M<.snilotswr, ProPs. RnuE VotuzL, Auetioneer. eunderolgued buving disipoeedof in( vii nonInt publir OUitit wltl. ieprre ail bis stock, terni impie- *, and liousehoid future on the ..eq kuown as. the.Calvin tarik goutb ai Rockefeller on the tonn V.~.APPIEY I8!3RMYILLL W IL.. Dovisa Propheles Mes. Ldoness Sarah E. Hill, Dowie's especial propbétess and the vu- Who in '1902 proclaimed hlm, ih the Restorer, tihe Nessenger ut Covenant, etc., la dead of Panaly- and Dowie ]oses by ber demlie îost laithtul adherent. econesm 1Hillhad hem third itroke aturda>' evouing at 9, lte Ist se site uttered coherently beingj ons liaI aie had spoken sa:m!l e lu moOd beault sr baS te to the," the discredited saIn- tn ofthle Duvieites. Was.Remarcsble Woman. scateusHI w as a ronuarkabie tn. 8h. belteveS herself Sivlnely ced and vas the muat prayerful kmnnlu*lie -clty ut the white dovO ýDovie relgued. ]vIe aliotted a apeciai page lu Isue of Les of Hesllug ta vouderfsl .vdfan and epch veel spoke vith lte fire a!prophecY Drnîng bIs pilsaltan sd voZk; the propioea vo re Dot sivays lid. e vas aimea eootthe litera v ork sud liaoughbabr L1a-eso! mag a"i olior Die vorks laad- in botals an" public places ta lie .1t of 2.00.000 piecqlun aSecsde. TWO !ADS KILLRO OFF. wo fada vore eliminatefottha le -culuse gr the Woodatocî public )Ila by the. bardof education ne of is inetl roenly. nae- the spiral aystenh of teaeine butic sud vertical Ponntaushp. Le place, of lisse lie Smith selles milimnetios 1td lie sMent systese àabS vriting vilibe Iaughit front on. The boMariao adecided ta Sduce lte study of dravlng. Mît Actros Wth Pipe. ome pay dey drnnk t8unday nlght s' a pipe from the gallery or IE balcony ofthtie Schwartî Tihe-Il rduring the performance of "av- a body Works But Fatiier" sud bit 1 ,ctress in the. corsage durlng the <d rI of a sang. .6 il e manager of the company .f Id an bundred dollars roward for Il mlscovery of the. tirower e Geal W.at T~Itl e. Lma. latieet and alent plaWy of New A @tory ci thoe aderable À new snd eleborBte scenit produe, [on eelipelng aiU previona promet "as with the. ORI(CIMAL AULI-STAR *It's lybuines W t* b8auPlclp>s. "Cas S 007.AMSO $5 lins ro"d on WedusMay Oet 24 coin. luiàig ut 12-.30 o*rclock tit. ollôln PIopety Abvt 1sam ores W .242pd9 Years olS v 280, 10 choies Ove mulkem(e»d s prlyinger, ilalotot ibout I2feibe, 2bro6d dovs Fland Chine,: Mlepsunnt: sulky plov Janea- ville mmcv, 2 vesîkiug plowo, Deers id. mîg cultiva tan, Deene wvain cultkvatan. di.k cultiveraar, Deere corn panter wIlt check vive, Set lrouharroars, 0te1llevel drags.ý 1 4-baise power msweep, Me- Ctîrim.Ie comn h&rqeeumtý, muvlng1 -machine, bora..rale, baud cumuhnatoni plantèr sud cuiîaton for gardPnlng, cypher Inubalor 200 egg, 2 broodens, Bau. wagou. hayrack, ighî .wvagn, buggy, sumry, met double bannm ea ve, 89 Plov harnee, sut buggy haruses,@et vurney hanneas, gà1vaulsad stesl vater tank, 14 minlî eau.., Doilev cium, creamj boider-, Imporal Jewel beate, extra largs Jearel beaten, Uion & Devisa steel rmaa, 2 enameled beds, springs sud mattrtWies. cuniode with muirrr hant- molk chair, brasa parlor lamp, eauitamy steel ccn-,h, îlueb uphllmltred conch, ueSlcilie mma. atitt 1000 eh".ka extra gouS or, ,about '25 tons Untty sud n erhy. about 7 tous prairie hay. <iadIiîu mnll piano. combinatlun Oak book-.e and wriling <ek, 2 ding mno talbles. oak extens#ion table, Iithen table, asuit naiogany jiarlunellarnltune, 2 roukiîig e-ains nahogauy, whte enamneléd dresse.., rhiffoîiier *ith iirror, 12 uak dining rupin chaire, Mjsi vapher, ritager. Usiuel faim. W. MAi.ai tàMAlsut. Pmupf. W H. Ag'PLFV, AUC. Ou Wwhw*ed&r Octaber 27 W. A. Thom, ot Milbnm vii soeil t public suc- lioa aU lus cattie. hormes. hoge, chiekeus and fanse iunplernunt. anal tomas of ale ta cuminrenes ai 10 'clueýk sprp. Schemne for 'So.inge jin Autos. Waulcegan sud Lake cauuty will bo the acene of the g(ctilties of the See- lug Lake coutty automobile neît sea- son, It A reported. The owmfr ut. a local garage le. said to ho at the but- tom ofthte plan. Il le stated that he wlll purchase soveral large carry, ail automobiles. sncb ns are iused Iluthe Seetug Chi- 'cago and Seeiîîg New York trips aud run them btween Waukegau aud the. lakes. as Ibere la nu street car lne and altbougb tbe lakes bave been popular for a score of years no &do- quate rallroad connections or cou- venionces. The Invetmeut In tbe big autocars 'wauld meau thansands of dollars, but the sean wbo tbaugbt aut the sciieme la confideut that he wonld got a re- turn for bis money In view ofthtei tact that thausauds nov witb miser- able convoulonces make the ttip. People wba are objectlng to the pohxeme aaaot thatI t would not tale Try wll witi thte youug.man and hie girl, wbo vuuld mnch ratiier Jog along wfli a slo* hora. and tare titeir tise. ooming and goine. Howeyer, the. projoctor thMia a ho would get onangh patronage beeldes Ibis clasa ta mal. the. oheme a go. . Ho bau sot yet delnitely announced hovever that ho Mill attempt the. Pl-a'. Departmonl store Plans Mmcii. An ides of lie amnaiuntof businesa maet la doue lu Wauflau thle large departmnt stores of Chicago la. aineS by the fac1 liat lie ituanesa of oeexpreussompaay bore 1*li James. la aimost enlirel>' In dollveig te packages ofthe Citicago stores to thein cutamers lu Wauîegan sud North Cicoago. Vie ful exteut of the business la gaineS viien It lu learned liat lu the near future one ufthe bi g Chicago stres vil bave its ovu ddlivery wagon lu Wsaukggau. vith apocial driver, vho vîlI So nothiug but de-g ver lie packages ofthei star. The store titat vilI maire Ibis Mov" ae lie Pam, one of the langeaI depsrt- meut atores lu Chicago. il vill place a wagon In every norli shore tovIt botvoen Chicago sud Wauîegsu. The last one yul bu alatianed In Wauke- The Pair bas an Immense busînédis &long lie norli shore sudihasnp»t beau sble tu îesp up vili IL By tis airacoent tilte electrlc hueO asd the James express, suci as ail lié olier Cbicsgo-stores have., teyl#ai able In doliver tie gonds, but aNWa» aiutIle b" tS isse. W t hei ovn wagon, lieyisue that lta>' can Ieep up viti lie. Io*i and delver lie pacitages lmmedWael upoutni liuielg parcbasod.lb 'VlI' tago. It 'vil be a grest helo tinti mlany patrons of the Chicago stofl but le not; HIeS by lie local mer- miaunt,.se It maltes sitoppnàina luCiii magotoo easy. Fool and Revolver Mals Trouble. ITfflà street buas s uil growu, six' foot crazy nuisance vio insiste on saaoting a revolver aimleasly àgaS lat, for ton st -Say time omdlie nMot 1 ilier ilst nigit or saturday aiglt a abot crsbod lirou* tlio uter 'sul et the Motier of0f ldcburch.b, Prno tlal t, vent tliroug, lie Pimàà and kuocked off a obakotfplsir dlu lie opposite ýwal. tling o* the four-wili Ii. viiere Il; vas foulm. ,offl rTyrreil tg lnvealigating ai lla I" ravaad la offerelfor the colty maïs *li lie revolver. IAIIIO -WANTAps.pbrie$ Pest lui- -Stockx -of'Wi»ter-à-utàtand' Overcoatu basarrlved. We've overlcoats from $5 to * 16. 60 Suite front $'.,po to $16. Sweaters, 'Car4lgii Jackets Wcol liued coatî Làmthe)r and Corduroy Roverclble Goat., Mackinawo MeMillan afl-wool Pants. Cownteti' 'King 110780' Gloves Hutchins & Potter Dres Glovee and a eue Ilie of Men'g and Boys' Witer Caps Ail for mah., E. W. Parkhurst Schanck SiocI i DIVORCE FOR CRIJELTY. Ruby . of u lburtyvlllo. Tues- Tbis vas doue Iutmediately ater the Itamapo acldett.iad th ueel le nov sale la ripping. State o? Illinois, ('uunty ut Lake, as; lu the Cbounty Court ut Lake County. -Patrick H. ghiel, admîniatralor of the estate ut Mary A. ghuel, de- ceased. va. Patrick H. Shiel. Mat. tbev T. Shiel, Terrance P. able, James W. Shil John J. ahibI. di- yard ShieL Willam Shiel. Catherine 5111.1. Arthur Shiel, Joseph Shiel, Patrick H. 8111.1, Jr;. Richard Kenne- dy and John Griffith. Petition tu oeil rosi sate ta psy Sebta. Public notice la berehy glven that In pursuance of au order sud de- cm.. oftsale entered lu the above ou- titleS canse, aithle August temm of sld court, for the year A. D. 190Ç, i @hall anTuesda>', the 301h day ut Oc- tober A. D. 1906, at lie hour ut one 0oclock lu tihe afternon ot saIS day .t the east main entrance ta the Court. House, ot aaid Lake Couuty, lu the City of Wankegén. In the Counîy of Lake sud filai of Illinois, oeil ta te hlghest -bidior for cash ai public vendue the toloving descnibed land sud rosi esutate, aituated lu the Cty of 1.10 Floreirt, lu the Caunty of Lake and State o! Minutes. ta-vl:* Lot seven (7) lu thoeveetern addi- tion ta Lake Forent. SubJeot to the. dover and hoseeteai rigilatherels et lie defoudaut.Patrick H. Shiel, sud subimot bo- the mortgage Ibereos of tiihefadant, Richard Keunedy. DaUaiSoptemer SOi$t. 115. PATICK IL SIMI. Adilitrator of lie Baaie ot Mary 1 A. biel, d52-4ed.41 pbaosy otce W. W. DUERICHO Optom.Iristil~Opticien EYE SPECIALIST l'ariore lu Heath Bloek Fridays and Baturdays Har9teo1:30 k M.. 12:80 tu p. M. No, charge made for exaftinatie,u Libertyvilie. li 'MLVEDMRCK H. MARMI Olkie over Siitht & lavls OffiM phone 55 Resideune phono 7#11 BOUs: 1tu 12 .mn. 1 to;3land 7 tu SP. M. Llbertyville. Illioa DER. jL.TAYLOR, OFFICE OVES T*5Jg5 & TAVLO55s. mau:?to 10 a. m. 2 to 4 and 6 tou 8P. M,. Beaidence on Broadway, opposite Park. lbertyville. Illinois. DR. C. IL GALLOVAY. Of.ICEOVES LOYCLLI DEUG @TOUR. *aUsa-firum1 to 3 and 6 to 8 p. m. Uibertyvtlle.Ilîlinois. M A.HATCHL M. Physicien and Surgeon Fox Lake Stock Farra Ingleside. l14. Phone 832 NM OLIVE D&LA CHAPELLE ligovairrus BàjNo, GrOrit S AD MAIIDOLINq WW orgamw sClubs 214 Clayton St. ?AMULMAC OUPPIN ATTORNE AT LAW. Ubesyvill, IiMots. DL ELH.LSMinH. DENTIS?. OFFICE OVEE LAME OtISYT DAME. soyas-8 ta 12 a .miand 1 ta 5 p. ûà. DAIL!. LhhertyiIIs, linobs DILI GOLDING DENTIST Hours 8to12 &M-1 to 5p.m. Kaiser Block Ubertyüile. Ilnl M 0. F. DU'rrnRFIàID. VETERIÇAET 5U14*ON. LYNOt DROTHMR Phons 887 LbrVylUl. VGRAAM 14ILD. C. oeterir, surgeon an.d Dontlsi Ilinols 'Phone Libertyvill 186 LAWTEE 5 218 Washington 8troit smes DU. ED)VDV. Saarr office and Reeldenos oppuelt Aynsey'e a store Phonoelbaertyvile 14"