CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Oct 1906, p. 9

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~!UW. 1V, iooe fussilof of t tu AUl Of viioh ta reepoctflby Oui-3 £bun 91111 aes4L) over, P. i, Wlur, sbould lie re. W. B. Niller, tundsd to > ioThOS. B. GRAHAM. clure 'lpeeCThcte r , orroneu ausoeuxcutla M. HOIIENREEGER, Charmas.0 01aet t I .os 49.0 4400 an u m»wM on ai4.50aurées on th# , Coumittee Supervisos., es., li %É ljje et o11W Wisconsin Cougral FANK IHABEN, es~es~e ... 3.70 .7e EaItglflu to edWe 18 vltin b . VlA>LEY- T. FOOTS, 210.4)0 conpW wtii, ï . etamulak sd a- G.J. HORCHER, «M lis 216.0e 21.00 m-ad to Jomp Petengort ai an er- Iihvaî Cammisaoumg Thé& i.à*aia- g; . asîoum w svauation aof83,50000. Superviser Quentin emoveal that tic bu oescoa cf = -1 =2W.0via1 , , - -ave beeIa ac - report lho Sccpted ana sdopted. àM>- 1581 =" comlin lie.u Ded et g .00 2&0 tw**Mcpgs aet tu ixPMalalion SuPervisonMeyer, Chairmnan 0 W. y. Weiss- 10.0 210.0 ho.laidprouesa hle lid Jaseph Coumlatlce on Paon, submitt«. tiSit M5VICe on p4et r 0@tft rt .1*0.14b. refunded ta im, iaoviug. repart: 1Â eviw, 54 dm... 210.00 21.00 Tour petlior lierefore prays laIateo inbutem, Labe o douai,, Udhtk iukc., eut. thi". ia Wyorhonorabe body wM a î e Bosrd of Supervisons, Ueptembs eRéviou u Bsiai 8-00 18.oO m- ationas us>' liesscsary ta terza, Soptember 13. A. D.le. 111 Ws1ss,'"Zscouac=Mlie reiundlug ai ti, respective Mr. Cirlflahnsd Gentlemen et tie st, o.a i.- aoaut a pld as aloreual by reason Bord ot"3upervisors: vlev------------.00 00 3. W. bulotceai. 7.. 7.92 8-0o alid errongeous »sommaent. Tour Comkmilte on Pour dC"si Cié.aourie., enouel- 7.2 espectully mbmtted, vould bcg leave ta* report tiat lie' 6 leu a <halO tu>J A. W. HARVEY. bave .xssdodait lclame pr«esls 11 1 0111 --------,900 9.00 SOpervlsor Murray, diairmunofibefore gliel, and reoouingend th 1 commattleeon BmaIs darities, gui- paymenl ef lie iolovlm sud th" mlrledlis ileoin rptt:he Cerk lie dlrefeito b lsadi lami B. Piteci, co.j tale aioflh liLire doutur. sa. for thé soVers: SmOuit% tea e verai Iw ~0 2.0 20.00 Busard af Supervisons, September cllmal, ta-vit: Deulamia U e.. ey, -terni, septtmherI3ti, A. D. l90. PON e~omJiiBr . . 5.80 .10 M. Charmaami Gentlemen ai the Agisnat Amous C. à' . Aieehismtisi Bord ai Supervisons: Neme.sudmitor vbt- Clalusi. Aiwere0. unek.............. 250 2.50 Tour CDUMitittse ou State Charities %Io City Stores, Mm'u V. W. Pfsarro,.1 drug as ci rprttht he odaihse---------1 205il 2M5 fo a-------872 s Wal egbeet eor iIto . w.arley, servies ,affl .ee.cnbave exsmlned ait lcaius presenteil s Superviser .... 4.50 J 4 «Mins geletoo bir.ret ieansacid recommond lie psy- *'us City 11reu, mm- tares ................18.00 1&0 e ofth l oîovnganal e a i-------------14.75 14.71ýiv W. y~. Weles * covey. nientthe nie.d à Beiowe, r.r *9election supples 25.00 25.00 dlerk ie b. ta toIssue arders fan Chârialodcce... 104.00 77.28 J. L.Jobais, rosi anal lie severaj aagnunts ta the. loverai - veo..... .........3.85 3.84 claimats, tovwii: 12-*.28 -b8.,53~ Cty of Wm>iefl. enVB- ter renia focr er.. 192.56 182.58 Aniount ANTIOC3. Vé Salfrearyage. NXAme.Aivalvîim W&s~Ut oitio koba-- - I50 i1.0 lills Meorthern Huepitai for 1 lu. -d n..c...- ..S 2.29 $2.29 I- je» MAiisîeu ospi- sas....... ..................8107.20 DE r.,ud tel. car A. Theli 3.44) 84.00 Illinois Aiyluis toe the Incurable lie1rvif5----------12.90 12.9» .14 orm a o.ew Iluee.........................69.60 pi. 12.00 1.t.00 IMtîtuties for the iducatlon of . S38.193.1 191% WVint. mppies the Blindl............. :........2.49 £LA. mi at jail ............ .0 $6. 45 lîlinols School for the Det, -r..25.17 Dr. Wells, medicai IL T. Pertes,.Voer. 13.40 1.40 ltiuc, anUnuai Training Srbooi lvcs- . .0$ 20 W. a.. Dodug. hardware .36.e8 3.05 aru,..........«>............ser0vut i«t.2.o0tar.00 lavs ru Sor, - Lncolu............. 14.15 14.15 dri 5.00 Tîta....................2518.57 ____ l;, s.las,: 1750 17.50 Tour Oamittee *on Stale Chanties. # 1015 SîuI AsSsBoisocil ten 0fta viotuvas referreal tbe communica- LIHF.RTTVILLE. typewriiec ............7.0 7'0to rgiteLkBlf'Opag, Sdward Conrad. sii b'oloniriili aitebuf Shuae mih & Davis, gonds of paopees Sud ecou. voulal recoîuenal liaIt uw511*11of tu pont,...........9 42.27 j 42.27 >t Vwon................237.68 287.08 Five HundrealDllaralb. Spproprlsted J.eU Taylor, ucinefcai . B. Mille, 12 daser , ouvits..... .........7.50 75 rommEtiée ork. 17.70 37.70 ta them for lie year 190. pi-avideci J. tL Taylor, mealical 78 Smt<~u..sple .1 ~ s the Management of thatIinstitution services--------98 .50 bY 'B.t. aart k09agfurniui lie usines ai lie Laite County JL. T~o~medical 10 garmg............ .1 .00 1.0 A. E Drvu.medrsi 50 '5.50 clidren nov careal for tien., anal ap- amitu & Devia, Monde @ erk a jal ...70.50 1".40, prOXimat te orl ancpita Of Bmun nt te poor ...........10.72 10.72 Voler & Bellew.., au- >>, 04K eucedFiMve Huudned Dolsns pen J. B. Tie, gioudste tps n tgabodies *.m 7.1 fs A 81luh,emorial La- annuni. tur bosiy Siopsy os Ail of wviclaisrespectfuiiy sub- ou ......... 19.14 19.14 MI two bads.......... 100.00 100.00 mitted. . B. Leveil, mediclue. 15.55 15.550o Bmnuve AUilng Un- -__ _ ehIe c'o.. repaie .: 2.00 2:00o J. D. MURRAY, Ciairmuls. 122.»9 S 122.89 lut Noti shor.e lsctrlr EDWARD CONRAD. SHIELDS.1 Ce,,, lisât sddtt 807.5 Ulm W. B., MILLE& O r. Case", msaal thé n5740 8740.40 ommprvimO Appleton moved tint the servies ........... il53.00 8 AI) of hiich la repecttaiîy snb- report ho acceptatsud adapteul. Mo- su es.Avieso .ae.... .0- 85 mitoal. ou carrleal. ,HeléAuse. Rosptaî.th XILEST. LMEYChai Supervlor Huntington, Chairusu af car.sRobert Minjer.a MIE .LAECsrman. Spoctlaldomlttee, ..ubmitted thse foi- mas---------------.00 0.00 B JOHN A. SUTHERILAND. loving repart: Dr. Gautier, sure o-11 o art Ziuueruan .... 32.50 l. e Sup11ervIsar Quentin movedletheti Wankoglan, lit, Sept, 141h, 1906. .--- - Mr. report b.e accepted and sdaited. Mr. Chairman anal Board ai Super- $78.00 0 5830 B Motion cal-i-ed. EN. auptntodeuI Gaggin aoubried visons. the fllewtt abmi reprt:Tour Spoclai Commtlee. ta vbouBrCAlier H os0 a P i.à1 care John Ctarisou. 75.00 8 75.00 Voi lie ohloisg M.. reort-il,190. astretoreg lie purcbasiug afAi- Dr. J. L Taylor. car. 4 Mr kgn mnp. 10. lamges of Lake Coaty voulal respect- Henry Eoiberg .... .00 3.00 be Mn darisu sud GentInien ai tie ulreoto u hnabeod Bonrd ai Superviesn:fiyrprtt orbunai ai 7.0S7.0 'MO 01101rng epot o th re limÉ vs werecommend lie pureiaauag ai W M 80 80 a lid elt lonlagure o theofflice ore tPlour copies ai alal Atlas, oue ion the Brocher & Dxou, soude tie su xpuluraa leofieaileCounty Clenit, ou& ion lbe Circuit Oto poor-----------.$i 25.99 i 25.99 cia C0111047 Supenitedent oaiBellonte ior Clerk, one riage SinS, sanc nefor Dr. Lt.. oiley, cor. the ion ending Aug. 31, 190. la here- lie Coungtur Tftasnrsr, provideal liaI Aber Thiel ..127.00 95.25 by nospetiully mbmtted: lie said! Atlas l se Soudias gere.- .s 5.9 112 saICZIîT senloal lu tic prospoctus lua&Il ne- NEWPORT. Cs 8oL1, 1908. set.i .I]ýsn uv Bala nce onad làt report. S 302.5m ecs M .La.god t v Flues celiertealhy justire....2325.83 Ail af vilci l nuepcfuiu t.. ml> t-0pont,-----------.I$ 5.48 S 5.48 Ve lent the Staie Aidtor .......... 5089.2 mittegi. DzzMWIEW. 000. Friseulttute sud Mamnation DENISON HUTNTN dmeA. Klt een. 125.00 i O u»Go fes................... .... ..2"00 HUNTINOTONeni amuin-slgce 59 laterest on Couety Fond .... .....2500 O. W. FARLET. likause, gode Co E. L. BINONS. Ail rif.s-iO5 15.00 '13.00 _ $8,.50.88 Movoal b>' ervMsr Appeton Ibat . B.luse, tanti... 1.0011 1.00 es EXrDlVFs. E. Liarerm, test. ... 24.00 ".M0 By palal Towubls T-aurr tbe repart lie acceplodan sd adopleal. ricR5snoet dltrbu)n~.~.~...~&t'Lq Supervisor Miller moveal ta amou Peuer................ 2.90 2.90 J ur- VIU . IL, pervison Appletonm smotion by sIri- CrW.uiitseyie ou lc oui Ecepe t upe ~..........84.00 84.00 ie 4767 ~e varda " "laid upon the tabe.» Paui l eisor, musai...4.79 4lieu4CE tincarriod. A. htolertassa, <sepliobe .75 .765se Wesi aet" lila.(1 Supervisor Harcuhorger, Chairman cmr Thos. Wicomb 8.50 8.60 li~Spejial Bridge Comittee, sun- De. Il. S. A. aguets. op- tte le tllvia rpat:eiatloa Thos..Wbi.-qe _______the______________report,:__ oui ................100.00 100.00 W ::..os:lSiSSS:S11 Wàanîn. Ili., Sept. 12, 1908. tDi. Wesoiit, essai b lie Honorabe Board oi Supervim- servie............. 8740 a tiraai Litedoun>',Ubinis: John Fribert, livery tu etpLaeefore,.............rez7.00 7.0 Your Speciai Vonlmittee appoluteila l, c. gogls 0 .mtt ve ili lie boumissianens of h .......... 11.78 11.78 James Wanier ..........800 8.00 a bridge scrutis Indian Creeb on john Nelsea. convey- tha firmt clamsasasortment of bankte Milvanise RaalIlutle Village aif lgros2rnpss tu Lit> 8 aU Day. vaulal beg lbave ta suirnit enje . ..............5.00 5.00 S ,e ca. ialovlng fSuai repart: $ 485.72 8 360.72 MOU w ool blankets...m....................',»,As reparted aI tb. Dceuber, 1904, auC>NA relorm Duck blankat lined ..............eetiug. your Committee sud alal Dr. j. Dov.ôa, nedical o N<a&blc blankelS incd........... ....s.o.. iligvy mta sr1se-----s 12.00 l 1200 Cm ¶iod ait veal fawn 7 lb 55x90 inch.Oaid bridge aud organiseal iy elect- aD> ......... m.edical w JetL M. Horouberger ciainman. and------- --480 .e 0'C~55and M rse Godo of C. Gerbert clerb. sud on Augoat I5.0s5.4rf 0'lèsan orelid o yeur Conxmittce, tagotbcr vîth AVON._ le.e d Cdammaonera, nmelt i pi Day, Dr. Palmer, naient 'netn C lAS I. A d sud examned bidm, sud letthlo ervce10.00 8Il ou ià l CtAS H- A tract fer atone vonktot Bruce analdcron&Wli. goodmlaa vi Libertyville . IBTOilfor 137.50 (sliovod and palal teour .......... 21ffl1il 21.00a, ci thé eeIng, 1905). lFoieY & aloousmain- ST CK !OD A o lite.en J atnd dmetamain à,__iservires .........811.00 12118.21; Th pli A wt'~~ 20h aI~sM tuilmore, mmi M'S 2tbetHafDay, opened bgood i 'rI.. ose - 5.45 5.48 ------ S:s:l1e:1 ill etd bide aud let lie con- Dr. TomUU ama, lurai -----iomta vonkto the lieIbnis Drervl.. 14&,»00 n12h20 Muray, ..l". lge Comlpany' for $2»i3.00,wvilci ervies ............219.00 164.25 Sb miud, aimonsteobrlsnd, - ger vasauliove an sd Wpai athe Deconi. Dr. (,avis, medlcsi seryv-ett mou, inan, ulersulUnerber. 1904, and Marcb, 1905i, meetings. 0 le" -I. u godm ao Abet:1p9v.r rdn1 Te Comitaee met at Hali Dii' to 900 « * '*o*-------2.0 4.0toar Ant-. upevisr Rerdo-1. bridgeSeplember 121h, 1906, ta accept Chas. Pear ...,go0odh 2.06 RFe oo sund upen motion i f5uprvis,,r Gibbs iling s l fd I~8Rld1aCa t auaa on...... eà.(1ov approvel ordened tbsî the 511 lie accopteil anal iu poor------------. . 18.001S«cm supesvim a- Sln imovedat ia lle fo ang510 Sloyed. On' motion Dr. J. A. Conneil. meal- limur>'~uae anal seconded il vas ordered N Irai servir......... . 1ý7.00 128.28 £W01 the doige BAtsd OuMadison street liaI the doîuilte. ho isolveil. goodé te 900....- 72.00 72.00 o DiSri N li2e aua placetfor estiinslad coïtnttaIl . D.Romer enadlcol isrict No, imh Wibe@an. otion$4,397.10, oai hb s calu i217-150 168.12 uIt A. W. Harvy, Asaesor of-A.vou 1 lie 00mb>' ai Lako paid 82198.55. ........ 29.0 &7 mub« build le folbovng petition' sire Sud ftnler OMsi lce liaI re- A .ieel rg-sl19.00 9.71 Wb,& WUa roadand ipfemned t 00*11-iport,btieu t oflthle IMsd Cou-----------970 .0 mltes on Urruom s Aaeemients.. issi&l' vqnb ainounUtgta 868.M8,JO 1177.00 114274pr To lie Kononble »BofaiSupervi- o hth oanal f la".00 0.0le soude4 ors 0f le Coutr aifLaits and fur 8904.4 nd s Tovn of Vernon ......... 6.0 09, o State or IUIluOlu-for I A8304.64*,,***, a oboi1S.--------4 .", 4&84 TG"orI<0VEON. P4 Z, Webh, ccolaud i Gentimcu-Tho nudesignoalA. Henn' reeder-------------...Ias.«0 ...e...........--27.W0 ".M0 Apà W. «ar"Y>. respectfuly reprents C Itas. rosis-----------------118110 Un ries.. grecer -_ unie your Honorable »nardl liaIha se lamssoiL...b..-------------4t7A.0. _ mui1i0 ts mai. i sni tevo a »Mo ...................-.more,2g.50 (W LO8T SIAMU X..C. %*ehaut.gsode c êko u to pour 28.00 2 te od~ 2I50 2 Jda,-'Aobmuw. grocer. @6 ...... l-a- 2-100 2 Johi ouriey, Wood &Bd . ai.......17.00 l sptu30.00 2 CeuldHOl.tju. trig~ 26.80 2 lii. ~larvm grocer affl .r,10deAI . 18.50 I 82.00 6I rmosgrmcer. grue 1.00 51 ~ 42.00 W " ~PïB *1 8.00 0 88.401Î.117$2.96a CUBA. ~.WeEeell medical *50.15 S 45. T0TÂLI. I ..... ..... 8124,28 S I é I.wp0t . 3.48 . ..... ..... 100 10 ~c~ifl122.29 122. î.mcs . 55.00 à& la' . .. . . .. . . 16.15 B besI"R.... . . 78.00 7 ccrmd..:.......... 435.72 341). raUktK...... .... 3404.87 2.98E Total..... .. .....43,ý70.0,7 83,900 Ail of which le respectfuily go H. C. W. MEYER, Chairmiu THOMAS APPLETON, X. J. GIBBS. SuÛPOrvisr Raymond moved tu i.lopw01. e,,accepted and adopted. Uepdrvlmor Miller moved ta&Mn &e -»eport by ailoving Dr. Knight M2,at 11U5.0, ln lieu of $96.75. »e Sud Day vote being caltitdfi kslviovMiiIer'a motion wasIl% >ro Mi. olng vote: *Thos voting Bye are Supervisor 01Ser and Quentin-2. Thoos voting noare Supervisar kppiston, Clow, Conrad, Edward irh, Grahiam, Gibbs, Hareubergel lutlugton, Lamey, Meyer, Murruy tbertae, IRaymnond, Simone. Suther ud. Uugcr-17. Vote rôcuring on original motion hsi wuc a ad.pted. $peuvbor Edwards, Chaiqpms0 loccaItosan Jndlciary, subuitte ý* tlJoMIng report: Stab te 0 Dluais, L.ake Couuty, m. Board of Supervisora., Septembel ru, Ueptember 1M.b A. D. 1900. I.Chairman and Gentlemen oi the Board 0f Supervison: Saur COmmittee on Judicla1 daisa ,Euld bot leavo te reaort that they v.e exsmined &ail aim. presented efors.tbem, and recosmend the. pay let of the foilovlugl, snd that the ht be direect t ise audoIs for le Baverai autstainthe severil âtants. to.Wlt;* namen and for viat. Amouat sx a. Homioux. Mueis...... 8 9.10 0& N. Peliscf.. .20.60 vende1...................... 2.40 Mr N.- Powell, siviag spiral cuir...................15.10 e. N. Po el eigv mr 2.50 l.N. Powel. ervies venire 011037 (,.nrt...........j.......1.00 l.N. loweil. 5rvw135Veue 0130*7 Court .....%.............19.70 N.N. 1' on baud m...........................70 N.Powell. evepiug Banna Jaloneau u luEiiu..............29.78 mN. Powell, poqtàge............8.5 F. Wei"o, Justice tees........... 5.13 T. Webl. 5 tom Ooai ... .......54.45 mmf P. 1'aoDeuses. feu ........ 42.50 C. Berry, rouet fes .......20 o.N. Powell. hoîtrd e peof m.672'50 .H. Brown. subpoena lu ck. er case.... ...................10.0 sta V. Orvim. jaIlee feu......18 0.O. Hope, justile feus..:.....73,9"0 L Haciler. jiloti es ..... 9:90 »Ii. .itberry. eonai*bie fees,,o. 18.50 81,059.0o Ait of which ln reapectfully anb- ited. H. C. EDWARDS. Chairnian. M. HORENUiRGEIt, J. D, MURPHY. BupervIsor Raymand maved thal areport be accepted 'and adopted. lion carried. Bupervisor Appletan, Chaininan oi mmittee on F00. snd Salaries, sub- tted the following repart: We, the undersigned Camunittee on es and Salarie% Inti>volm bas beeii rned a 3)etltiOn msigned by the ebers of the Sar of Laite Caunty, [nais. asking for an Increase tu arv In the oflice of Caunty Judge, bereby moBt nespectfniiy report Iyaur honorable bodyua foilowa: bhat ve iind that ýhe salaries now i ta the foilovinc affcersCaunty ge, County CIon,... Sherlif and puty Sherlif are inadequate for the du they have te. perfarun, the os of said affcers having In- ised natèrlali? dnring the last r ean. We tlicrefore rsaammnd cthe salaries af the follovlng af- »s be raieed as fo1lo-... anty Judge . - . 1,80.00 ta 12,500.00 lty Clerk . . ..1$2300.00 te, 12,400.00 -8.......1116.41) ta 11,800.00 pat Sherifi ... 8 500.00toIl 760.00 Wl oi vbich la rcsisctruily suh- otd. THOMAS APPLETON. MILES. T. LAME. A. J. AUOND. aporvisor Gibbs smovud 1h52 tbero. tbe ýacepted and adopted. »vim>r Gibbs' Uotios vu S bt by follovng vate:. oun ia yse m supefvisrm totnConrad, IFWbly, Glbbsi xy, Robertsan, Raymond, Si.- spectfuii report tuat vo have Oum- undor consideua" #» d beg leave ta BEdwarde and ff 44.00 busd' the reports aud accounts 'of repart that thon. dtuld be ievled tbe Thaee vating Lewis 0a i . Bracbvay, Circuit Clerk fallo ing su s..afmauey for the pur- Appletan , Cia- 28.50 sud£Oteord.rfor thiit zojar ending pased moutloned below: bahin, Gibbs, ila. 28.00 December 2nd, 1905, and slo for the ter, Murray, Q-ZntiU1 bel ymsr nding June 2md, 1906. and l'or construction of bridges ... 115i.4m « o 1 For Pecntine and statiouecy..8.000.00modSuhraV &&M0 6114 the *mue correct. iFor Coty Face aud otileld. 1 fVote on BSnpcvi.c. 11.00' W. 0*14 tb5t dilring the year tbere tO pour0*..........25.0f.00 #nndunentreite s 37.20 bave been 6,889 documenta Ouled for Fur $rate Charitable Instittion% 1,04)0.00 Toevtn y l'compensation of Couaty Of0*0 I ougay, r 1.06 record, that the carningu aiflaid Cir- ecis... ..................0..0 Appleton, Cbow, Ccpr 2i50Mit der duulug the Year aMaifut ta Fer Jure and Coroners fc 10,00.00 bain, Gibbs, Horenborer, 2& tic mmm af $10,3211.05, tiat tii. roceiptaFor cotltent fund for Payeeu urNeyr'Meiy ileclianeoua laime and tr eyrxà"Y of t",e ie amont ta 89,z35.50, and penue. ..................... '250000 soP. IRaymond, Sotherimia 856the total «xpassés aoant ta tbe Ou Those voting no are îO.. of $6,219.70, thus mablug the total $9000000 Edvards and Huntiugtoti-..5 3i srneaing lunecele oi expeuses $4,- Tour Comiittee vould therefare 1Vote recunnipg eou the qoï 2.0103.35, sud the total recelpta lune«. noçommend that the sum ofai Nnety tion ase amended c euofaiexpeussthe Ou ai$3,o15.80, Tbouland (190,000-00) Dollars( beIng ried. - vich aid nom bas heen psid ta the the sggregate 9! above Items) be le%'- Supervisor Hentngoa31 1.00 Couuty Treuron and bie receipt lidn a sUeal. personak. railraad, tele- ve do nov adjianr outl 9 à2.00 tierefar la Illedl berevltb. ampbi and telephone property lu said uorniug at 9 acio0ek. Your Conimittee vould further r. OOiitY as assessd-for the year 1906. Motion cai-ied. 9&0 part that vo bave examnnd the M, ansd Ibat the Couaty Clorklieb directed . IjFTK DAY. partant! accunt af George N. Povell, tu, extend a tax on the. praper valua- Saturday, Boi, i1i 000 Uberlff, for- tbe ball!yosr ending De. lion aets a mete ha1 viii tai. the Board mot purnuM t t. ZÎicember 1, 1905, andabcls for tbe baif abave amount 2tae «coud bovever vîth Chairinan Robertso. Yserailladit Joune1. 1906, sud fSudsêVeuty-iVOe ntes4On oacbanc bun,- Membera prenant: uuu Uic lame correct. dred dollars valuation. pleton, Clov. conrad, D nia8 We ind the esrongs or1 said cfie Tour domiultes vonid furtber loy. Grabami, Gibbs, &M~ for tUi l tbau year tualie 11,090g, recomuendtâtai the dlerb holiaodi- Muntlngton, Lamey, Mil1oi 7-, rocelpls for services tagrethor vith recteil te exlend ail Tovn. Rosd sud Murray, Quentin, Rbis .M7 thois. previously reported and balance Bridge, Sahool, City, Village, Gravel monud. Suthrland-17. &U dscat lant report, 11,544.85, dishurse- snd lhiutle Taxes according ta Cer- Absent: Superviadm us Mg 5.48 monts during the balf yesr for Imaai tificatuof ai siLevies nov on file luniteardan-3. &00 fabif, deputy andl ather oxpenlea, bis affios, sud tIraI ho extondal il un- Supervisor Grahiam~ mov« LSd2 $865-00, lesving balance duo County paid District Raad Toit as per reports proceodinga af' previot.., '.1 on DOeeunher 1, 1905. $679.85. af Overusuofai Hihways on file, stand! approvoal vitbout roUi 2:»» W. j p li hecarninga ai aid ofInce AU of vhicb la reapecttully submit- tion carried. 5-78 for tbiecaud hal!year to be $867.80, toal. Supervisor qilibe, Oairau ItS r«eepts tagetiier witb balance due at W. Id. MILLER. , fllttoe an Printing, aubmtlei -M c repart $1,330.95, disb*-aements .C W EE. oigrepart: s. ding balf yean $600.00, leaving bal. M. HORENBERGER. ottfa Illinois, Lake Oauul11t - suce due Caunty on June 1, 1900, Supervisar Huntington moved that Board af Supervlao,,_ l 191 $730.90. the repart b. accepted and adopteal. terni. 1900.11 'ab ..W - vould lierefare recommend lMtiin carneS. Mr. Chaîrn ansd GuEslm'O tisÉ the.reporta af sald Circuit Clerk Superviser dClow ovodthbat -the 'iO&rd ar Superviom an -and SherIf bho appraved. Printing Committe. e i nstructed ta Tour Camiitte., on Printws Ail of vilcéIoisrespectîuîîy sul> procure tbe nocessry blanka for vould butg bave ta repoio. th mîte. Tovn Collectars. Motion carrled. have examined ail d1abm pi bt A. Jî. RAYMOND. The iollavlng resolation vas pro- before them, and recomummd',$ H. C. EDWARDS. sonted sud uuanlrnou$lY adopted: ment ai tho folaowiug,4"aU. cec W. P. CtOW. Whereast, Charles M. Thayer, Jani- Clork b. di1rcted ta lumnéo s t'a Comuitte. tor of tic Court House sud Custodian tbe lsoverai amounts Inta ic Oupervisor Huntington movod to af the grounds, bas conneleutiouîly clalmants, ta-vit:. [t acept sud adopt tbe report. Moto sfro u uts ib fiet Names andl for viat. -Aeqas the al leonlire satisfaction oi the Board -abe . SSupervisor Clav moved that su ap- af Suporvisors and County Officais ofIltlinois Prm1 e G propriatian ai $75.00 b.onmade for the Lk ony. tîl eord811.5P nsus a heLaeCont Frer l- Tierofore b. It; bereby resalvod tbat itee ook . C......, 8 tuofteakte Cleni be aorse n-lu couidration airmuch faithfuî pan. linols l'rintiug Ce., En, tte sud dlreteaiaauo a umnru foltinance ai bl8duÎles lho b.ead la tee book .............2-50 or- ad irete t Isueatahran-onbereby grantedal vacation ai tvo lta egintifl .. 28.0 kteo aty TrAscia tion or s i aulauntwvocs viitifuli paY, sud h. la outllr, tIllnois PrntntgCo.. 2.0 or ro at sscainfrs? Motion Illisodte bure nsoane ta periaru hlm luveutot7 record -...- 3(00 Moincarried. dto <eo hvaain I le. tD. Benard& Ce., l, Superviser Hâreuhorger, Ciairman d 1i. il o tw arriage record andl ai dommitte. on Settiement vitii substilut o taib.pild by tic County. tee beok............. 07.00 Oauty lor an ContyTresurr, And bbelit further resoiveal liat ho (let>. 1). Barnaid là MC.. 01 Cuht Clrk nd ouay Trasueraccpt bistoke ofappecitio of collectera» book@.17L0 md uhmtted the fallîovIg report: aOstIi ao i prcsina eo. DE. Barnard à Co.. Stae i llnosLao onty ~ hi. mauî frionds ta b. nuiet by hlm blanks .......... .....10.00 tasrdo alinSurisk on, se. bras ho mai liiuk Pautu.rrph Ce.. ebeet1 Bor fSuevsr, etme Supervlsdr Miler mavod that the POLOttgr.a>h Co., 1 rau 8. Mn.teria lirusudGnlme fUcaction ai liii Board on report oain- bnd--------8l Mr. hairan ad Getlemn ofthe itto. on Foeu and Salaries b.cne- Pautgrspb'Ce.. *m'bruis- fload aiSuprvisns:bande and rportae.. I&85 B ourto upie tiseen onaldered. Notion. Oarieid. Pantagtaph C.,M viiTou eCouultytreo eure sud oved by Superviser Raymond that boscriia..--- 12.30 douulyheCn vaîd . avuertandub.the doutîJualge's alary lhe flxed at 3autagarmih Co.. 1 loos. Bdutit lie folovIug report:8250 et.......110 We have examined lie boobs sud Aye and nay vote calloal for Patagrapb Co., pesl accunt ofAlertL. eneeCoutySupervisan Raymond'a Motion vas and statio.ey --. 11.00 acife ofsd eCeOdt.tia aîovngvoe: Pàuagraph 4_o., 1 mort- CleW andfin the corecL carred y th folowlg vga: eerecord----------17.00 ~ W Su Ibt fr te yar l.~ Those, votlug sye are Supervisora P. P Pettihose à Co.. Juoe2. 1906i, ho bas earnod Elovon Appleton, or' ,FalyQ Pls. lur. elarnetios. . .8 Thausana Eigit Huudrod Suty-seven Gibbs. Horeubergon, Lauey. Miller, & i.rpr et tar suIL 10 1,6.6)Dlar -u iMurray, Quentin, ,Robertson, Ray- uic---------------.00 oe ad W100n(11,9ho.bas Dollars ad N o udl.Simans. Sutherland, Ungen Da5iv Su, blau»aand W16 anig ob cUef Nu o aa. ............."a IThousanalTire. kuudred Tvouty-iaur -15. " C. Mi. Parker, cases cf su 510 2,39) olrs h Thouvollug *no are Supervisons mstudy---------------.7.0 10 and h9&100 ( 3d a 24 ee. f»Ian s. vicat Ciav, Edvards, H untiugtpu. Noyer C. m . P *arer, casse Oe ipernfod lu previona years and bors- -d A. B. Johnoopits 82 ~ tfon rporedTvaTbossd Fur Supervîsor Appletan mavoal that the @ample :ballo ! ts 8.5» 10uttodreporlTvetyo Tsutad 23-1r0Cauuty Clerk's lalary ha ffxed at A. B.,Jobasoes, euvo- Humird Twnty-to, ad 23-001o.00e rO ($2.422.23) Dollars, maklng a total of aIihanVo. curtr. Elavon Tboussud Savon Hundred Supenvisor Miller moved as an porte................2.1 Forty-%eveu suad 18-100 (111,747.18> amoudimeultiat lie lalary b.o ued Celiashau to., court re- $ ~porte...............8.78 I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a Bla calce.t 2.000.00. W. F. voalsil, station- 10 We furtier Sund sud repart that ho SievsrHniatnmvda e----------80 3 ia admutocletosaoesubstituts that lieemaiary lb. Oued lie Chicago118901 N"s Co.. utatemeuts.5 arbuprt o s i vtheolins a accamre as for lie proseut taru, W.H. Wluioi. prepar- aiore mal u p cebrocesdo offi Aye sud usy vote b.iug calleil for iug ballots ......... 28.00 penses frycelitre andSix TiousudSupervimer Huutlugtoulm nmotion vas Waukegau PriuC. Pour Hundred Nineteen aud 29-100 adapted iy the follaviug vote: Billot Fisher CO.. re- iThose voting aye are Supervisons pairs on Fisher mia- ($,419.29) Dollars, lesving a balance cle....... . ai li. Thusan Tbre HudredClov, Conrad, Appleton, Fanley, Gra- Ikechi y ne----- ------ o veof y-fl e Tond hsu nd 8- b.378)lam, Gis, Horeuberger, Huntinuion, eut.1pub) 1 Dollars duvenle ant>9-008S2.8)Lamey, Moyen, Murray. Quentin, pCIe? elge . m W.Dllasfuth epCoat ta lemat Robertson, Raymiondl, Simone, Sulier- Cia ea ee We urherreor tht he aterstateonts .............0 clili Teaurr~ Reor l nce-land, IUnger-17. -iochvell Bornes Ce.., sarily laid aven uutil lie Deceine hoovtu .aeServsos d- ini s . o 8.2 mstug ards aud Mlllr-2. all ots...o..... ia 00 m eeecting.ubmttd, SupervIsor Gibms moved that the tGenetteCo. 14.205 oU. M. HORENly s BmteRQER àaary af the Shenif b.lie lzd eatadl ballot .........84&W54 M. T. LAEB, EI $1800oGaette Ce.. bl.nis - - - 858 Gazette Co. claias M. T. GIBBS. Supervisor Grabam uoved as an blauis-------------.1000 M. J. IBBS.amendaient tbal the slay b.o uied Bt Eott e V.. priating f Supervisor tSutherland maved Intase- $1,500. asset.e........t.. moue cept sud adopt the report. Motion Supervisor Huntinglon maved as an Gf ae V.,ceOiaie carried. suiondueut ta the auloudmeut that Glaxotte ro.. 200 sie- a Suiper-visor Farley, Charmas oi lie salary bho ued the saome as for tion icianks ..........4.50 a Comftte o Errnelu ssete VoC1.000 ceed. i Cumite on Eroneus A&ma- the prosout tel'11. Itors...........1.0 Bmente, subniited the oiloviug ne- Aye and uay vote belng calieci for Galette iVo - 4W0 dur**nt- part: SupervisaerIluntingtons motion vas (îuraelertion notfces.. - 10.00 StateofaIlBlinois, Lakte ConnU. as. at by lie iollavIug vote: tias and mVo.. l Bloard eto Supervisons, September Those, votUng aye aro Supervisons Gazette C~o., 2,652 bai. terni, 1I00,Clov, Balvards, Farley, Huntington,. lots............15900 Mn. Ciainnisu anal Gentlemen ai the Murray, iTymonal-f. Gazette a.. Ptuf ouipervior p;6W -Board of Supervisons. Those votiug no are Superisom n sx lo ......--------207.25 Tour domuittee ou Erranmeous As- Appleon, Conrad, Graham, Gibbs, Iv.-M. WPeh Co.. 100 socient. te viamu vas nefcrred tbe kHorenhorgor, LanV. Miller, Moyen, w-n4,tues....... .00 1 W Id 'echCo.,.ter petition of A. W. Harvey, Asasaon0of Quentin, Robertaon, Simons, HuIlier- rd*ansd supplies - , 41,38 lie Tovn of Avon, fon rebate of taxes land, Unger-13. " ta F. C. Wilbur sud Josepb -Peter- Aye anal nay vote on Supervisor îA b ort, vtufld rocoumenal thal lie Graham's amenduont vas carried by Ail ofaicilc a te respe 1prayer of lie petitioner ho granteil lie folloviug vote: mlitteal. suad tiat F. C. Wilbur ho alloved a Thase votlug ayo are SupervisorsM..Ou&, reedet fiur-Attbm eoft le tite sud Conrad, Oraiané, Hareubiergen. Lamoy, W. IL i, Count>' tu: palal by hlm, being .88 Miller, Neyer, Quentin, Robertson, Supervisor Suhor111 014 Of Stal. lai sud 11.28 Couuty tex, and Sumone, Sutherlandl, Unge-il. lb. report b. seoqpffl *-U lhiI Jaseph Peterbort lb. alloved a Thome voting noa'are Supervisorans Mo carriedi. rebats oi Ivo-sevenlis af lie State Appleton, Clov, Ecivards. Farley, Bih aif David I.Laac and Couuty tax petid; by hlm, heing Gibas, Huntington, Murray, Raymuond vas read sud optes *onlo.' $1.00 State tax and 11.46 Couuty taÎ -8. visor Huutiuglolaid oui' ý We furier recomuenci that the Vote recusng an origani motion meeting ofih5 s i-fi, 11[0410 varlous tavu treasurers reondl a like au ameuded tueeaame vas carrieci by rieal. proportion oi taxes palaltuta leu by tho ialloving vole: Supervisor Neyer »ww lb. above parties. - Tboae vatlng aiye are Supervions foUglov4fl sud uoved a lis W Reepectfully esubtaitted, Appleton,. Conrad, Farley, Grahlam,. Whereiks, a dolefflm O. W. FPARLET, Gis, Hornhberger, Lamey, Miller, hasble ta casla uthe W. IF. (11,W, ,Meyer, Quentin, Robertson. Binions. snov la the bauds et H. C. EDWARDS. Sutherland, Unger-14. Treurer, to, moul lb Supervisor Grahaml moved ta accept Thonse votiug no are Superviaora bI auditedet aI titto andl adopt lie report Notion carnied. Clowv, Balards, Huntington, Murray, County Board, sidkfor ,.15 Aye sud nay vote ioing calleil for, Raymond-5. Jury, Cononer'g, 9r4'

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