CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Oct 1906, p. 1

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~MJI~ IN, s, I~Ni5~ a~~~id~~ wAUA EKYSUN LIBE~TYVIL, KCOU'Y, ILLINOIS FRIDAY, UUi'UBJl4 1906UI-8 Pages I EFOR ItR The, !ut igh nàwa «ting reply to the 1R!O ILILAGIE POLITICS UNlm t» MANP4fR mmAI4Wtio impàôGù semRmir POfMARy LAy. GOT NOBNATUO MD ICR»itSPARTY ILOYATV» WAS ON4CE A 801,1M tia Bads.Gre4$« CJ*b forLosfP!gIm DonU'~ Ptg Owbftmà? Win Yom vote 141 r *8-BSot th P.toeiw-or e Mon MonmIted AWu %i Imr Wuh? 4Prom FrIday's Sun) WiIIte' GazttPlease axPialft. - - i Ad Me Prates of Psî'ty Loyalty. -Tise BU.,reciyed lnlà,«,iaatrt4hl5And 1Mr. Heudea la lhe manl vho W#11~l te ,ollowinsg communication:l1pralea ef party ioyalty. wvit irougit 1-> - If yoià viili nvetigate A. L. t hlmiper brands as boitera tise large mndft political record in the majorlty oi Repubiicans lit Lake caun- leva of Avon you wigl flnd liati y vite fgvor Mr. Swayar and wîli vote tse fire tinte ho wase eicted au- for hlm. - pervîsel' front tht lown ho e s Wit do youtibnk ofthlie contat- an independent candidate. Lent- aen yof is attitude lanlitI of hi* ava uni Edwardes defsated hlm la tii poitîcal carer- primarie&. Mr. Mondes the4 ra li. a boiter, an Indpendant candi- independent and Ed- date for supervlaar againet te Re- wards. Me wae a boter upon hiet pubican nomîttea, prescintîn rougit firt entry Int poitios. It contes te Gazette *party loyalr" Oit con- viti Peor grec frent Mondes pa- slseacy, thou art a javel' peu' ta say tht tos. Wie are sup- And Ropublicana Treat Hlm Fine. perting Svayer are boitera. For lventy ye&re lita loyal RapuL- A REPUBLICAN. licamîs of Lake caunal have ralained P. .-Vou can eslly verifytie la the'e county'a munt lucrative offices r above statoment by ieeking lie a matiwhu miade is entryintopoitice matir up. as a 'b)oiter,' vito defeated te ragular party nominee for sopervisar la hie When asked b' te SUN as te te osen township, end vita vien again J,- rut ofethlie statamant, Suprviser defealed lante primarlea, titis lime Heanry Edwards. îtaphew ef Lemuel'for a county office, refuses as bafore Edwards referrad l, eald he thoughl la abide by te deciion et te parI? il won correct. Otitar Aven resldenlsanad >y tite grecs of a treais prlmary raiid uit ovar te 'phone ie deciar- lav, viii content for te office vils ed tera waa ne question about Il, onaelte rightiui nemîcee on November 6. ma. snswarlng: ~'Wity, yes: 1 votdi Whs le Vour Mnet Opiplopt for Headee on titat occasion myaeit. 1 Nov. houestiy, Mr. Ilepublîcan. remember it veli. wvitldo you tiink oft litaI'isMr. rWiII the Gazette Expiain. Headea ity any rIgitl enttled ta your Perhapa te Gazette can expiaini support? te not Mr. Swayer a baller, ave? tiis embarrassîna phase of te Iter antd mare consistent Itapublicas r sriuatiotn luils, relation lu Mr. Hen- 1titan Mr. iteade? Ha. nol Mr. Han- dee. It empiticaiiy asserts ha litlbdan itad about al ltaI la dute hlm trbmn ail but ciry eiecllons Il1le Republican. ïRapublîcans of Lake cunty? Asîda and dramallcaiiy denounâcas ail as tram tisa tact Mr. Svayer laote rlght- boiersaseho are sppporting Mtr. Svay- fui nomînea o!ftae Republîcant party. er even tbougit ha dld via aItte pu thàt an unjust primary iav provIsion maries. aione accouais for '.%r. Hendee's name Thea boy about tMr. iande? 'apptaring un the ibali-ot--considarad Ha vas tairiy beatan latae primar- oniy ftram the viewpoint of Republi- les and titn an alon te stumup and canism, le nul Mr., vtont Mr. was electad. Hendea puliliy stalag le a 'iret clave IfSvayar Io a boter, itaving wan gentleman. and If eiaclad viii inake a at the primarle by 190 majority, ten l gaod offcia," te Rapublcan yen whatwonHeneewhowasbeaen t îsituid vote for la this cotnty cierk thepriarls, et an n te sump1cntent? ~fbLIM~~YTitlale hoîîgt titis posshbis preyed upon PROM NEWis mid outil ha becama arîbjecl ta fARM ~~RHme iitantaneous. Hie SIJ UCD ES Ite, vian ite talleti ta appaar fer breakfast, vent 10ate barn to sunt- mou hlm. Whaa site entarati a giast- No Cause ftrs Dee la Knowse]y isîgitt vas la store tar ber. Slretci- Thougis lie CrcumetauCes eti full iangtit upon tae barn floor vas point ct aliaiti H.Ueith ber husbaud coverati viit blooti sud 1qute deati, WABS qOCKED BT LIOI- Neigibors vare calleil and physi- NINO LAST SUfMR;ians siumnioned biy taiephôna. Dra. -~ Taylor and Galiovay limntdlately lafI John Fry, onaetfLibryvilli'ebest fer te sene, but toundt tIha itad knovn and mont iigitly respactad talian anti probably neyer movad visen tarmers, commtted suicide et about; ha tidthe avful deeti, The deceased 6:3o o'clok Frliay motnias ity eul- vas about 45 yaars of! e. ting bils titroat front aar Ie ear ili e Thea verdict eftIhe coroners jury razer. vas taIFi-y came lebils death by Hie arome as usual and seemet l sIda vila lnaestate o! malan- hie usual spirits. A eltIls ose Cna.ii ta do ils cites ha stoapped sud kissi is vIte. Hei mmedtiately etered tise At the coroner'. Inquest isett over bar-n aut taklng a raserfrein] ilse tise remne etJohn Fry, vte on. pecket ilaaied hisaimei acrals tise millet suicide aIihie home Salut-day brol, compltely moenna ie vlnd. mrnîng near Liberlyvilio. il came1 pe"eut! oubiai thse jugulai- vain. eut litIIe wsauInjureti laàsismuer - Frry ibu long been a resienl et Lii' hY lilgisnina. rys vifs, ha iad ho"e ertyville and vicinity. Me la a native marrieti but a yaar and a hait, hjlti et Englant, but for about lventylbwev1ha as Sitting oe eveningbj, yeare bas lcti la Iis noilititenooti. taerear deer oethlie hougesupon-tise About two ycare cge ho vas mer- pet-oh reatIing thea "Lake Ceunty là. ri-ed telBethaKuse daugisler otftirs. tiapentiont" vwhan a stoten came up:' H. D. Knox, and but lutaIntumser ceom- A bell et ligitnîng alruck tae bouse. pisteti a-nov modem itoeslu vbhIt Itraveraed tae dvelling, lt-eeoir a ho sud iii. vifs bcd Ilivsd applis ts fav aplintais anti tunned PFiy. 1H1e lise prêtent lime. Iii iseltislalu p- itat vag knocketi front i, bondant IL poed te bavs been tise cusetfIsecouplaetfplaces vere Iora fi-tntthe rash Act. If t-. Fry a fev days age paper. a sean te be vgleping by a neigis - This vas six veeks or mue- ao. ber ast! Wiscn a*od tise trouble re, For lb. pasd*our veeka hoh sabeen plIod'tht BbC va* fluàh errid aveu' comlIinlng et peins lu his-bondadu!e ber isuabanéï Ibl im uc bcd *pellae t melamobôia. X@ i Se la MM t bihve oomplalsof ets&. va0 von-led mucisesr iner tou' r ~t,~<kWi~ .tUl~hIo ea bi.asd at on.tUme toit bis vite c atêpa sd qeiuorigembere e1 ~ ashitin (Cttînstion hase 6) Thé. jacte are, that, at the-the time th" inifer to, Mr. Mnde was ie coie of the. Republimai kW*ty for super- viser but Edwarde won out by two votées le People'@ caucue which was calied by the leading piéiens of the towfl ae they are n.w calied throughmd t tes county for town offIces. Edwarde gel two more votes on th P"@Wo ticket than Mr. Hernies did on th» Republican tickit. bilt Itders of the ltter Party (the REPUBLICAN) wanted Mfr. endee te run and hi& name went on tho Repdblitaefl ilicet wili, lhe mosult that ho won out. NOW HERE ARE TH4E FACTe, t Edwards defeatod liendee by two vote<ýM tlo'àspie's caucès. Edw ardu vas et te ime Republican superviser lit Avon township. N4e and Mir. Mondes contested fer the nominatiOn ln THE SAME CAUCUS. But one caucus vas held. The-Gazette thon adrolily and taisoly pute.lit: "Edwards got two mors votes on the People* ticket titan Mor. Hendie did on the Republican," when, ln fact, tier. vas not a Pftbis'a or Republican ticket ln tie caucus, and thei Gaette kiows Il. Sotit gentlemen ver. Republicans participating, on. agaifle t h. ether, in the Peo- piesé caucus. Editor *illy vante hie readers te botieve that ln the caucue 'there ver. two tickets rather tion tIvo individuale con- testing. it wes one and 1he came caucus and Mr. liendte was defeated. He thon ran au an Independent candidats, on à ticket by himself, vile Mr. Edwarde ran on the regular ticket With the rest of the cauctte nomîneet. MELO UNION CAUCUS. In thoae days, as ut prenent ln some town.hliie there were held union caucuses, and ueually under th titlle People's or Citizena' caucue. There the nominees conlested and thes uccessful candi- dates e esthei one te appear on 1h.e lection ticket. If Repub. licana predomineted the ticket nominatçd,wouid contan Republi- fcante and vice versa. Mr. Edwarde wae 1h. caucus nommines, *von the Gazette con- 3codes that, but adide: "But leaders of the Republicant parly wanted 4Mr. ondes tc run,"1 after h. vas defeated ln ceucus, mind you, 3and ho did. 13OLTING 1he ticket. cloa defoal, and yet Mr. Mondee went1,..« of thut caucue and rani on the elump againet the man who asMC the choicc of a majority of the votera parllcipatlng therein. la net that BOLTING? Becaume Mir. Mndee chose le affix the titie "Republican".te heindependent ticket itlin ne vay centroverts-the farta. 'Mr. Ed- yards was a Republican as ver. lhe reet ef the men on the regu- la,. ticket, and tiers wae but on. caucus ticket ln the filid. That Mr. Mendie had a perfect rigt tle BOLT THE TICKET le RUN ON THE STUMP no on. questions, but it come ithi li grecs front hlm to criticize supporters of Mr. Swayer. te cry "boiter" and to question their and hie party ioyaly. Mr. Swayer won in the prîmaries caucuses) by 190Oiotaa. Mr. Mnde. el in the Aven caucus by two votes. Mr. Mnde. ran as an independent and won at te election, ttling hie ticket 'Repub- lican." Mr. Swayer is ruflning as the prlmary or caucue choice and wili vin ln the election, having litled hie ticket "Direct Primary Repuitleean." And yet the Gazette insiste Mr. Swayer je a boiter. WhetttuaitMr. Mendie? M. 9. Tord, of Waueonda, waa kick. arinC.Deker. p rincipal ofthtie ed la tihe face by 'g herse vii, vwonk . eheel aI Norths ChIcago, re- r.eie5 a evret ontheobi, contir pasd thse bar examitiation et outting thse loft uimentai artery. Bgrungeld. tMr, Docker vwili praclice Aimose eveal bruises about lthe noue, Ins' 1>ettisCbicggo, visere1 ho lae wel s7Os and, éoneo. known and certain tg stsccoed. I..ateob< licvci opment of Ref.îrm Wasr te.Placlnu ef a lu Every Village lu Co. 1 CIIURCHP-S WILL BE ASCEI> THRIR SUPPORT R. Il. laîrîpa, ot Waîtkegan, iraeet and tuiost aggresaive of te Lake caunty reformers, vas Titursday ln close coaferença vîti Arthurr Bu.rridge Farveil. of Citcago and Lakta Forest, 1. P. Rumisey and othars as a resuit ut viticit greacer activlty titan ever wiii ire oitserved ln tae ranke o!fte Lakte ('ortnty lAiv and Order L.aague viticit janda ls nmeral sulîporltelte Cam- paigit of refurm ltai Mr. Stripe andi Horace *ký - els of ivanbgrprithi 'lion candidate titi-coutiilttlreaslirer, are conducting. iarweil, Ruinîvan îd otiter leadersi pronîisead oral suppor- t nbeitaitof thelnisaives andite refrorat league t Mir. Stripe and at thtesanme limte are' said to have antered lîtto consultation on a bt-asti citanînfor t-attra inl Lakte county. Tisîînlabrie! la te apeedy estîrit itaitment of a brancit of te Lake Coutny Law an Order LeageIonii avers t, ltvwn andi haîtlet inthrie, coointy, begiaaingwvint Deerllid tn- nigitl anti anduîg ooîiy vithit Irerneai- <tuajeague for gooti; headati hy sîrung men anti representdtîy darîtiesa tp- hieitera of lte iav. ioipati off," admilteti Mr. Stipe tlîia The rganizalion outhlitaleague ast titis vitalesasia cale is conteattilatd ln order ta give Lake couna ora l bouse cieaaiitg sncb as, il has neyer itad beltern lil story anîd hiia anti low wiii b'a laid un ils track. vierever te neeti ia tait. Churches WiI Back. Whilie Il la rtndarslood taI n chrrch it ii give lils unreserved srîp-1 port la te vont. avers chîîrcb iin lied coîîîtly viitbcasaked lu leîîd'ils moral support 10te cautse andti l eagrte te-llu lieffect àha achut-ciiorgaîsiza- lion againstliav itreakltta, vice anti crime <of uni kintis. Somte of tha st mten ln Lakte coun- ty are hacklag te formation o! the widespreatiattti-crlnîe leagrie ant i vi laite activa part la ira wot-k. Pitliclly Is t10bca a turîaotfte camtpagan. Wili Enforce lie Lawa. "Byte publication of fada va vwiii cutuiel public officiais vito are Blowe ta do lbetr duty lu come le lime." said oaa Ibis mot-aita. "We are tial golng la stantd for aiîy pracraslinaaliaa f utsîtice. Titis la oial a campaigit o!fitafecrîtlon, butseroci daers te county aver viii ha caugtia in lita ite anti madie ta ansver for ltaeir misdeade and we proposeeltaI lbay do ansseer. Tite resultlealitaI no officiaiigit or low tyil ha paraîlted ta stand it the vay out 1wev itorra- ient and deiays, nnnecaseary prec- esses or ltae stillîng o ut enssas viii nut ha parmlttad." Waukegan s Target. "Waukegan wviii ha atarget tor tae leagues ltnvisllgatiÔi. "Hlowsson or by vient 1 cati nel say, but Il viii ha invastigalti If Il tla fouud neceaary. M'a meaft ibutiness." Il is Ohargoti that Gants Fisies e t1 Enntehad on Nets and are Injuu'ed Be The, They Die-Là*vflU Net Broken But Reulte Said te -be Serne. Flsiarmali vio viait Fox andth ie etiter lalces et norliveserlaraka cennlty are greally angarati becausa etflita aelnlng of te wtarslofethtat regloît by Trîggas, otChicago, vite bas a govarnntant permit. Trggas haa vrokati up eaitia businees iii ccrp, sali- Ing lie fleit alie lante Chicago mer- kets.hie i,-ade being aninly aunu rLjf aitLIDxA l% 'à%,I t A wÎ1tU egre enient tli 111,au? îlort-I it pr-- vides. But, tise xsîIunien ho <ii- lect cotuplaiti. inany rtae îead when titey are returned in rthe vater atter the nets are dran Titreats4 have been made lu report lte malter ta the authorities. lte ciaint belng chat hundreds of game fiait are returned in the iake dead or in such condition .that they viii die. Plckerei walgbing Ia thea neigitior- hood of a pounu aind a halit I i ad, are caugitt lit the massh by liai, gis and lhrashed arîmid înîli lthe allia are tori and lacerated. Many are sald to die hefore belng laosenied and altaers diea ater belag treed. Blackt base are &aise cauglit ln lie samne manner. lthe Aflera complain. Ail la aillItla18titouglsl by menyt' tt tae officiais vio e ltthe permît le the Trtggs people tu cirait the lake o! carp have unieaeited a kreater evil and une viticit le dam maore to-hurt lthe fis'hlg thine ere the cari) GURNE!'S fkSTIVAL WAS A SUCCIESS Woodman viii Make Hlarviat Hmet Festival but lhe Firel of a Ssries eft- Annual Evens-Goodly Crovd vas Prescai and Enjoyable Tirme1 had by AIL1 (',îraae dtit litr îîîd lasI iigitt wîitite firal o!fvitat viii nov ire a5 series ut animai harveal honte festi- vais, thte evalt t fuaI tniait baing un-1 de~r lteauspices utftae Glîraha caamp of! lteModernW'oodtoeîtof America.1 Yesterday afttrnoon anti evetingq lte W~oodman hall vas tiroeatle lte doors wiitlise areal numier oft guesta vito examinadtivhtgratifica-1 lion tae produc oftfild andi fart as diaplayati aitlong stands ltaI extead- ai te lenglt o! thte bail: butter, eggs, graina. -vt'getables, everyltIng ltaI litarural districts produca vara dieplayeti. A sîtlandîi stopper vas serveil andI la ltae aveanig luntepraseuca of an aven greater crovd titan alteade Inli te aflarnoon te jutiges gel togêtlser and prououncad thieir devisions onltse mante etoltaepraduca on display. Al- ter titis ltae onere denaledtheliastuif te taeWoodmea and Rclph Chlten- dan officiatad as auctloneer lanlse final disposai, lia tunds goîng itae Waod- man camp. WARD!N DID LAND Orl9Ce BUSIA[SS Garm. Warden Bîngitan te Busy and la one Day Rouadsd Up 'TonViota- tors of lhe Law-Ai vers Fined. Gante WNarden George Bivigiant did a lanîd office ibusinss lanltaeGrass Lakte ragion a wack ago Suiîday. vitea ha piaced te follovîng Ian &tar- souis, all tram Chicago, undar arreel fat- siotoig game belore urise. W. Nelson,. M. Bl. bock, W. Snlz, S. V. Bayduît, Fred Axemolues, Citas. Ken- darman, J. N. Kutecit. Antan MaIson, Naab Vacaîzusesanti A. Robieson. Thte prisaneras eate triati betora Jus- titre Divine, et Fox Lake, lia teliev- Ina Menday morning and fineti $16 eacit and coats. Oaa ofthlit number; J. N. iCuiecis, vas arrestati October 6. brît ha lookbils medicine vîit lia resi O! lte buacit Monday îîtroîlng. Oc- lober 8. B3ig Etete la Litigetion. Uligalion on lie motter et ise Steela astate In Lake Forest, invoit'- Ina about a hait million dollars, in again itegun vils lte elarting et a suit for tercifile detaîner ianlte court et Juttilce Van Dausen lest ame s Stadle anti Margaret Vicker- man have etarteti suit against W. W. Steele, one e! tihe original tht-es brathars, tor posssion ofet cpi-et- Iseo, land lu ltae central portion . 01 LaeaForest, vitici t SIsl. bas oCcB- pied, itlai coîstendati, for oer titirty yaars. Titrea brothers originally gel lis. landtoiet iagovoramentlalus1842 aeut il le canteuddt t tona abserbed myroùg- tally lte miteraeofthli alter Ivew vici glves risc te lie suite. Mil- t ord Tbempson, ot Citîcege, anti E. V. 1Orvîs reWeant lte datandent anti Cook, Pope & Pope ltae plalulilfes. The ciase viii iracarriat edIthe bîgieat courts. lie Jaes vite have te fisit koshar Rasart iteepersartIr ryng te teks 'lileti. satlifclory arrangemtentls le keep Ha lea uplsesd t l îtrov heck Intel bars durl as eoîtaI tfii.lakes tise valet-ail the gantailsi taken anti ITiera ara amal ithopes et succesealai iimsolf paye a varden le b. presonlt thougit Mani malutelli tiat -théOne Il hsr iave "lorong rmésonsfr - le s4orlted by tise auget-st sportsmen lsd . d.. ielkeo tie s - ~ "Tise Reasn Wisy" -séit Sualla -Ail are birovn back exactiy as a litti. UWUPBNNIIW? 'AT R . Open hlwllcb it» Virer Rear End ot Presght end On.eaenMiels Dsîh 18 FOLLOWED BT WRCK NBÎIW MORION OIROVI Tueiiday noon rsbartly alter twelte- oelock the test msail train vitiali Imrm. dialv trom PmMliwaukee at 11:00 Wt, Obieago vitile goiag at a clip aofalxty miles au lhour raijta open msylisis striking a treiglit standing tapon sa siditig kiiling one man and lnjunang & uuniber of ather. Itle .elateims4eL .hbridge signal" gave the mail a eeg frack but thittt lite silc s l fs. oy. The desîl: Cramer, . , lirenian. The nluumi: Wilimart., , YiWlîrakeman on ettig." treigit. No- 22; sligtiîîinjuries ttiiube lyder, J..talter mii No. 2QŽ; ieg hurt elUghtly. Rodgeeos, tienator, IC. C, iuiwaukee, tiaek and i p burt aightljv. Iteigmer, Reinitoit, Milwaukee; bes4 hint sligittly. tinemaun, J. Hl., Ne* York City; .44e burt eighlly. &'hott, John, Wîtodiand, Wis; iîack litrlligittly. Willioart, lte brakernianle eei4 tu bava beau asep l inse cabos. -Tb&. englue efthlie mail @truck lise tsar of io [treigitî withbterriffir tape e rassig traugit six treigist cars ieadsd vl* mercitandise. Tise engin, vas dezui." jehetid. Not a vitepi remaineti upon lt~ andi the coveateher and smokestuti %vere ruineti andilte bolier sev.d Ül. Thea accident accurred upon e eNs, tracis but 1su greal vaslthe pilieof wreckagp ltaI bols min ine las lre aeehlorkeAed for several heurs "d* trains vers muved iwlhb difficulty umjF, a mwi" iwviichci onatslstd eabUUt lrack. Thea wrackaga vga plsed mas, ea abouse and consiated etfe a ss ý itrokeia splihuers ofe cescmar visess 4 broen utainge. Crenter, tisa firei v00 bixRtRt* kilild. He Jumiped wvies lhs MW O impsuding wrsoek but bis brim w. amasheti out upoîs lte r*Wmr e tà110f Tiseengineer, et lie mai, Willim - ecapedby jumping. Ho laasdsla gioughitike tilit and ltougis brulnd and disigured vas nos hedly huit. Wilioeart, remr end brakeusanoft tbo. treiglît vas probaitly tatally Injuret but re-ed a Miiwakee itoopitasil n ebapp: et Dr. Tayvlor stîli alie andi hope. sesý entartsai for bis recovery. Lhbertyvilie. Ill., Oet. 24-Tie fi-M malt vas kilied and lita angineer prot abiy faally injuratila inte ourbi wreck tu occur ulthe Ciieffl, MO vmukaa & Si. Paul raliroati lu lbW space et savanty-tva heurs Ibis moli ing. Thea bolier o! a treigisl englns biis up villa tietrain. ladeis vitisami chenilseandti lve stock, vas peasl oer a amali bridge. and perls et lb angine and train vers precipilateil h ote iecreek. Liv. stock va kih and le". or more cars mre maoeslse., Thea vreck efthtie train put a steq te ail lrafflceon lise St. Paul and trolW vere traqs!crrct! te tise IIllvekée41 vision efthlie ChIscag & Northsvtoî pending tis ecloatinisweay ofthtie 49 bris, Mailsefeiled te arrlve, at e lovas aleng tise S.aul%. Tise vreck to0k plac a hit di seuIls ef Mortels Greve, wvii e I vay itleen Libertyvfl eand C11 cage. lLasI nigistl.the auirs of avlci t abachts et WeternU» lontin el oerato caood à vwo heurs la trile on lthe m"ï St. Pou# Froett Rebhe. WhIsie neo thlie jatter ba bq soppreased caret0ly t"v uesý4 on lise lOtisof OcobêtIiwua làoo" broke loto - CieOt% MkIranbos4b I Paul riiroa.44ou, 0- boiwweiU Wadovorhs eut! , " e oo detU1u ont atggOed, ebrIee evereti six overcoate etand *$ paire ofchstefMi j brues lua aionaly $pout in h goar the illage. vent fuitier and pet!a, a Bbridge on th. St. Paul fhe4. p boys' iluits. 1. Tisoy &lQue liste Waubeqel retmoe t!tm y .,- '6VOTE TIIE STRAIGHIT TICKET" (From friday's Daliy Sun.) T iies only on. thing te do-vote the straight Republican Thot je the heading and Initial jeragraph of Editor Biily Smit,& front page, back type M oft aiarm lnaast night'e Gazette. Now, let%'s ee. il vas this peut epriag vien Biiiy and thei Gazette eupported tie Democratic ldermante nominees end worked fur the defeat eoftthe Republican candidates, and yet Biiiy at this lime pleede witi hie readore te "d thfir duty"l and vote the straigit Republican ticket. Mie poet$ion ia pathotlcaliy ridiculeus. In April it la vote for thei Democratît candidates, ln November the Repub- ican. SLOGAN PREPARED FOR IM. That "vote th. traight ticket" slogant vas prepared for tho Ga- zette and Editor *iiiy does oniy the biddlng of lie affrighted Mr. Mndes, Who doubties* nover topped ta ceneider juat iew incon- elelent wouid b. lhe appeai fren t1h Iîîp oet1h. Gazette editer. If tMr. Mondes' Influencsla auhflnet tul ime te keep the Gazette lanlino for the. etraightRqilbîoun ticket, thon ln t he sprlng campalgn vhy Waa ýIt net usel ferlte '4gocd of tho party" le s pertinent qus&ry Weukeean Repubileane ore. propouadiag. Thora con bo but one- anawr-«eefieit itasI Mr. Mndes hod nolthing t stalle aest spring;. R la 'diffrent no, a, nd hie orgen besesohe Republicans te vote te slralght ticket primarlly In 'hi* boeef. No other candidate ýon the. ticket, stanfds Inthleat danger. Dont scratch the ticket, imaplores lt.e dok*o azette.. oni)r ipot, April It jut au earne*y advissd Ite redera te scratch the IRQpubilen ticket. Mappliy 1he Gazette sditer'e. attitude ls as Incoraseuenlt& as t le prepeeterdua. AND THlIS 18 THE SOURCE WHIiH CONDEMNO., And titis la thi enta source utiiels orYs out agai@t lt-ln Repubiloa ritWho have ennouncod thoir Intention of eupporting Jamese i. Swayer, Repubilcn primary candidate for ceunly cierk. wblch braxoniy ehoute 'boiter" Aind insulte sene Party Mon Who rasant 1he reversai of the. decielon of eà.majgrlty et Relobiloan vot. ore et the Primerles ln their coiecton ef M..Svlayer a. thelu' *an. dîdâte, and avowedly announce their Intention of standing by the. soloellon of lte majority. al t ti c fi fl f $1.50 PER YEAR M ADVA.NCE.-

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