5_ __ __ _F. . ORUC K, Editr ThgBou and Heard Port an aet Ore Of- f-is bi&M hrwarestorea.- &>n" -mu- MaryBook, o! RoBInSqm wekslate b mit abuncb of bopgs lu a neboi' Sturdai etSunday Wittb ber cousin L andto igbIsurprise b. e Jdlveti 1h. set.. marist bit lu part payment. Bp tou bta frnm ilwaukee Thuredey. d gracel inlubismhome tovu. Lterhb. uced it Mi en e Smth, of Chicago, @peut 5f agan ro efanit l vowbesotie blfrth .Buday et home. 6 b.d heernt at- to w humng odatoele ithes Mr. &aur. Webster Scott, 0f Mai- 1 grombad een herebuYitg Ptlvootistoppeti off bers MondaY on tbMr l Bcot' paene u lourtb that yee, tbe ma. dollar bil turnetiup. About a a.to u.gutre arnsa yenir go belMut it t l otgoflter, Waid & Co. for Lc.buetaePo oo a cap msti he heu never 5men>it m-Del thMille, traneacteild msberse ifudai your boule mrchant@ nadti-se-vat you bay santin. . ~Peter hmS 501U luptlng- neid ma adelm ogath Ie Emtern Star Y get fulvalue for ioni' itue>yi conveiglon.Min. Plet le a eprelet- tive omÎandaltIlalebit IbalMr report uOM Md MU of the convention lu ber honme lutige wil Core Se U le iusering anti lots estng. »eptý Store ~~~ArthurHartmyisr a itngbsletbr gY & ~U S4'uww Ge. anti Fey Braudteettar entertaîneti ,GUAWJAVU IIWOI tbelr miifrienis lt a parti Montiay Mir. anti lre. Lobtiel vWeteti frientis et net Forti BJUFrlday anti eltendeti the ki __________________________________________ @MW__ soietTjler Glbert@ Frieay eenlug.w 1.-y Frank Habrtey,.of Chicago, %pet Sun- qt Tft 4~, rau S tu es dayi wttbie parente bers. g( -masty giteeatthai( ohflsan, l Whtte Pin. Congb Sirap for that Io ibaektng cough. Greslake Pharniacy. ce - I.J..U~.. nWAin. Rolling, of Round Lake, tran-w ç~io Iii L Jm i Mot Mina an .. i eacted busnes hm elouiay. Mn$, Tate Allen ha, reogidilshie teion uai t CI~I6I<'ISKenoeha ant i wli leave lu a fc W eeks tI wîth hute father for Teas vîere Mr'. CI IUTC i Allen recently tirchased 1500 acres of COATS AND S~5UIS rt1h B. Godfrey andti e ttne the t pitopel service et Weukegan 1> tSondai. -.th New and Up*t6*eDatffThe> tttany friande ai ou loe Wicki are Y eorry twluer thet he le but lawly rucovering front bit revent ilnees. ~ Mise Made Tonies. of Waukegan, Mrs.M A.Proifl -pent Sunday bere. Dr K uffemark sied wile spet tunday ettersommer honte et Galge. Lake. IIWhite Plue nu onheup vin cure ta LIB RTY ILL , IL ,OughaetGraola e pheimacy. Mru. . PlFithreturuet houte Friday ______________alter a weeks visit lu Chicago. a At tlook9'S gjO.photographe $2to $3pet dozen WT.. Etvre. o akte.etn The very bot work; gu.aran*med not to fadte. lier. E. V. Slayler. 01 Oak Park, vas a penny pbototl, battlnt looketea ud charme Made i gant of H. Coonthte andi fantily et Gages to order. c. 110K. Graves"2 M:rrick Rchardélot sud Mie Mabel jeffrs or rilof blevlcinity vers inarriet inl Chicago on Thureday of lest - - - 1 vesa. Both Young people are popular -.-- anti veil knovu ibore, andi bave tue besti visee of their many friends. They left Îfor Oluatre, (Ml., wberp they wiii make honte. C f~ Chas. tGartdner, oi Chicago, isleà0 _h-rT V ES nggt tthe Graielake pîtarmani. W ý e t veà. i'. artier la a graduate of au eatern th n e o ,thie y a . o n n a l a d g ttie uus ey ighl y recontuenieti.1 ch e'. Menh Doolittie @Peut Monday lu The Gragmimkie Hardware CO-. h lereporteti that MNf lbueWight- matn who le et the Lake Gneve e@ni- W. F. REHSEIN, Pr@P. ttantmisntucb i mproveti.' MieLida Kepple le epeudlngrtlite eek 1iaet Lberty ville. * rs. R. D. Parier, of Dttvnere Grave, te vteting relatives bers. SEE US ABOUT Sulky and Gang P asoline f3ngines Ensilage, Cutters Corn 1-arvesters Mus. Sykes anti mother anti viiting fnienti atteutiet the Ben Bon play et the AuditoriuntWeinetda". Mn. anti lre. John Washbaru spent a portion o! thte vesi vieiling Oak Park.- )IWS@Mise Meslelt, ol i ertyvilie ~ peihi Sonday et ber hante at Haines- ville. MisEtlowpl à;v@tigi Dri. J. il. Wiicox le speîtting the vesi at Fourtit Laie hatl. Miss Lilliin, Torner is seediug thte Iwî.ek ut Waukegan. Mn. anti lre. Milton lloyd anti son have returnedti tfimhomue et Battie Crt'k,Milî. lin. tykem atîtfifutily viaited Zion CitY $-Iuntiav. Goa. Adaîns visiteti et Waukegau seturday uftanîtaon anti Suuday. W 115CentralMI . ati lire. E. 1V. Orvie.of Wauieg - Phee. Cental mont Maturtiay adcuti adai vith Mi <Iryle parente, Mr. anti Mm. Jol Uaiing to Grayslako n Aui Dityoeuebeee ---Peter Kinsley sut one day lest va -- vlh hie parente l uakegan. i o 8 ; -------- Mr'. anti lre. Muke Laby anti h 'Lnby'e motber wpent lesit Snuday vil C. A & t. P lifl i". r. anti lire. Adam Rebut. C. e hbm. ArriveP. a oua. 11r.anti lre. Trent tire tigain enta 7:4e Olm. it arrIve48ra.sIm e ta'-ing Ibeir nain Mie rovetta Vag 8:05 a.m. ndai 5l 9.480e. tm andi ber frind, George Jatimon, 2:01e mn. Sna ou 98M a. m OhiCmo. 4.,Wp. m 2" Iundy 501 P m dam Bebm vas a Prairie Viev cal 5:10 p. m. Ex Bunde.v 6:11 P. m lut vesk Taesday. 6-5 p.m.Dl 7:12 .m Mi. anti lir. George Rebut. 1:25 P. t.. Betardai ouly 2:87 P. m Lihertyille, @peut luet Santiay wl (rient. anti relatives et the Conter. Eti Bauman vatt a Libertyvîlle cdZ M! L YARN lumt Wedu.day. WCe iN CIIICK N YA ohn Wagner vasan .. si, W Ilet lM -Mr'. anti Mmr. Wagner spent 'le The Bgird Lasoood lis Tongue and Mondai vitb their son-iu-iev et ,Lil *Attem piedd Svallo>W il-Post Laie. Mortem Clears M4' John Ahart Or., anti hie tiangbt MY#ery. lir. Ou vit.. o! Wattkefl, vent - - Chic a uetMondai to briug hox Wm. Kuohis' vt o ok@ferithe i t tmntJohn Ahart Jr., vb0 v summer holne a! M. Coontho et0Gae.takou tbere thu eeko mgo tlu nderi Le andliacieutly kespe e few =oens toperetion for appenicîtie. telle& echiecien stary vhicb vii boer npetiug.Mr. Kaehler notes]oeda birkniou hlchvuid nat set ant acetiMI2L& ~ uitedtumptsb. Tl'in king that il voniti le sooer or lab-r he thongbt beqet to Di>'t forget the date o!flir@. Vu ii it anti patit ott f if. miseryia IsAleelm mie, Oct. m0 rife vho, la bleti-i ti the usel Iu- Ohm. anti EtinuntiAmea bave goi auigitivu0 of wt en tiecide tite$ for the to Atiao, Neb., lu visit titeir ;%t01 ood tof t4 eotîter lavIs ehe mntstholt iSmmeon Amm oje stayiug et hie unni aPoet mortemi to, lmAvputte trouble. 'atiftîlleur retun. Upou dolng sconht founrdth îat the chicken ail Aaelloveti a string vîtît A. B. Stewart heu gane for a week top an'on. end antd thet thte loop b.d Ohio ta vimîsitiagbter, Mu. Edi eauglit onu lIath.. ek ns.rtgue anti Kern. ued it toiiovtott ita titroast. The Mies Mary Caliver le rieiting ber sist witer vbo le attînaintati with Mn. Mmr. Geo. Strang. Kaoier sad bis giotî%vite tan voachliifo re.mRobertson vleiteti aver Satidi bis etoi'y beiug im tri one pîetullsr vLth *mm. Gso. .lantiton rsturuittg thongititt 01ev@-fti.tSaners Mondai. lire. Bain, Mmr. Dr. Jentison. Mi Notice.i Steptheit anti John Thain veuttluS p rir For a time ;we t- tvll icitiraloavestof field Mostiay 4Mo wilIunot retîirn befc breeti for Ove cents. [loy your bread Fridai. . aere anti net veiglit 16 oz. baves for1Mm. C. E . IJenteundt son Edwin ai aour inaney. Otl,,.r sales in lîakery uine Mmr. licOuire vers Chieago visite aliaî. Grayelake llakery, tniay. Mis Eti. O.tî,An. rot. N. Du. Pratt, of Evaneqton, wus o _____________ itb a party o! friende f ront Evanst Saturtiey hunting anuti flbing anti ho Tîtere viilbe a b&ttiet socIal t the ing e goond tinte lu general. The par (lges Laie ochottil ttuse Fritiay eveutng vaundti p ai Mu. Mary Bats@ for supj Oct. 26. Jatige tFitch, auctioneer. anti retarnetilta Erenston that se, Eroceeds te, go fttr new orgun. Fine1 eveuing. Mir. Pratt remaineti nu inograut guaratteti> i Mondai. Hans Geitiinu andti vfe ivili move to Mr'. sud %ire. Jaiues Anderson a Taylor'@ Laie titis wveki vier.. Mnrtaughter, of Lake Forest, visiteti Si Gelduige vili avt as fîîrmatî tif th,* day wlth'J.- H. Sonner. Kniekerbocker la. bouse. Rev.- Safford anti w',fe ait- e'ie It le reporlet ta Miss Lillian Rocker lineti eek. andi Eari Serrait, of Grayelake, ver Mnr. ant.M. .H. Cuitiminge, oI Wi marrisi' tChleagtt the hast veek. Miss kegan. visitet( e 1ev day. vitit A. Bunker la aprouiint.nt yoang lady vitile Ba16in. Mir. Barron le at tirilty ying fermer Clareut.. Base ews hante uver S' vitb a proutisittî fututre. Wt, con. day vieiting tbe home ifoike. gratuiette theut. A large numiier front this vinin The lAdies Ail eociety muet vitit Mm. attendeti the Wootimeu "Harv Wm. HBley Wi.tîîtesday alternoon. Hante" at (Guruoe laet Wedtemtiay. Dont forget the Itallov'esu social Mr'. anti lre. A. K. Bain anti Mr'.i Tuestiay evsning et tbe Cougregetional Mus. Cunngs gave e nerd parti 1 churcb; entartain nent fime. alodlnch Fridai at the home of A. K. Bain. for 10 cents.I gooti tinte ie reporteti by ait P. Dllextaer wbo forntenly liveti et creyslke was lu Tuesda's wreck ou lb. St. Paeul roati anti vas bedly cnt about the head. Mr'. Dilleuger Ia mail cleri on that roati anti vas hurt lu a wue t Lttug Lake e 1ev yeei'5 ego. Chue. longaltcugh crient Tueeday et Laie Bluff. Mr .Shui ti f Mouaville. trensetýteti bus"em here Wetiueetiay. Special Ilarvest DAN CE! TO BE GIVEN 8V Amann Bros. Amanns' Hall Mir. anti lre. Davidi Young visiteti1 cati Mu, John hMearva. af Ourses, i vesk. Mu. Van Aistine bas boaghti prprt novu as@lte Audereon est F-om:;n. Chope. B. D. Hughes vilI mare tO (iui abtot the tiret of Naventer., ---------- ites 11--LONG LAKXE 1Thoe w iii beacialW t the Manaville sibool baume Frliay evenlug, Oct. 26. Lunch wiilbe merveti et 15 ceuts. Conte anti bring yoor frlentis. lire. Hury Staffer visiteti ber ntthen thefi t the week. Au artist front Chicago bas besu spendiug a fev days vitit Jolin Clevelandi doing oute painting>. 1(lny Hoak entertuint a numiter tif huntere aven SuLuday. The social et Tyler (lilitents Friday nigbt vas largeiy attendeti aund vasa limandiaI as veli a somcli aocees. Miss@hbltie Wilsan, o! Ournee. le I pending sanîstime vitit ber nie",. lre. IAungust IHansen ant ile under the dco' cure. Auguste oncele vîta watt so ii lest wei le mprt)vlug ut titis wrlting. Dr. Palmer le attentitg hlm. Tomt Mogg andti ie have ittovet i ita W. White's tenattbotuse. FrankL(ialiuer le sitretiuttt ttru n l titisvtuty Mr'. anti Mr. Ben Comman epent sunday lu Vola. lire. G. B. Rotitg andi family andi Mime Kelie Rmu pent Sanda.v vltb patente luVol. We an ail gladt aurssat mail terrier Madban lu luown lgain. Mir. anti Ifr@. Juge anti tieghter @peut Saturtiey anti Buntiay lu Ubicago. Mr'. anti Mr@. Cbam. Brainerd ar- back to Roundi Laie again. G. B. Roing anti Frank Uowel s@peut Bunutay it Kenouîta. ROMRASf lo CL vi, ri M. anti Mmr. Orîttebee, a of nie, vers Fred Lamb., tfi Ittiago,. epent auntiay t guets a!f L. Bargeanti lauily Mondai. RudLkII t i ttae ta eld ty a ouleof ot WhteIrs. Conversel, ai Vtla.vidite l'Ptr se FA M 'N T A I G W G N ina ani Tan sirop it viii do tht> vonk. -_______ grand-duugittei', Mis. Vogtte drtitiof t' 2Zt.e nut 50e a bottie. G.rayolake Nouiée.tte vepi. _____________ iautnr Fen lruitiîtoud, tif Round Laike. ta F. J. 1)tuiEFot'i' t,tl rtas oit isire t sIl ii ialleti oîn ls eleten, tIn. Magg Suudus. A Tite raylake cemetery eocipty vili tock andI îtl>enty. Anit eeliiîg stock test vitit liýr. J J. Latîgabaugit on out et ctst . AN thtose îknoviug tîtemi. A complete lune of tarin machiney a~Tbu pliy~ . Vetn enne sie i wu u vi iet I' oaneBho nell JE. Bixier le serviug aithtitijury aI antimeutle. A. LD. BlIt.. Ot !tenatitreig ittr hFieweekKit ;ttKEBatifthorised agent..oeo h otitrsigTiiw-s coep ce ,Weuiegati thi we. nce titys vich baste-n given lu the cloe pic s.Mmr. Wikile le visitiîîg lier iter et Lake county vas tîtat of tite Orange le Kola' tiis vesi. S A UG'AýTU KIHall echool t'iday aflernoan tOct. I1). _______________ lir. M. Scîtioséer lef t Mondai for Bot '"' Thte exerciiss ers Itelt in uthe Oranige Sprtngs, Mici., in mearcit of relief for Mr'. andi lre. T. A. Sîtupeon andiRaill vtit tvawo e Avon Center n(]nt ber riteamatiein. taugitter, tif Wauiegan. epeut lte week Voe0 vîesitiug. the Ouruee W. C. 'r. U. A ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M u D r~~~. S ite f r l n e t i i a b r s d v t t l n . S m p o n 'o ' p a r e nl t . b e n g W e i l %eu e t e l .~ t i it oc ~~~ M lU ~ ~ sîtel front Missouri. E. E. Marsit and famly -wott to the prognutu openebyteeîotiit S C H A C K B O- a ... EvansttiWdnedi tlu attend ti rhlili n t* sang yftiltw il W ~ ~ , Mr.anti Mu. John Zangle at-eviitîu eig 1erecitetian Terupeneandice Yaa"citayiounice at Johnsba'g titis vesi. wdîgt[Ms eblMu ni1e.Wilson, lins, boume Shepiterd gi vig ait c William ller. MIn Meuh grsw luIno Leing imiter entitleti "M iwss iliurd MisesChritina Deltiou, o! Waukegen, =youahed bre anti bas iuany as e Refis nr"AsngbatAo Ligriyviiiç, im speutileg the woek vititlher ister, lneu hoit, isit ber ail happinemm intiberso aRemr, ."Aoeti by a e..tAtvn. Mary eltitrti.uev rlatios. M. Rase Dunlep avoredt he audience Frant Behuer trpet Suutiey aI Mr. anid lre. WiiI Mdllritie, tif Cicago, vitit a rectetion. An acrostit- by ton Watisvoitit. vere iunineti bmieby lte traie 1littue niiltirsuanti Aune Cativortit spokre tdfied ealt of tîteir brotber.lnlav, John Fui "Nt Fit ta be Kisseet" anti Barry Chaos ire. Henry Krueemerk visitetiIran e ih ebockeil lb. comuuniti. Tht> "j1 Meen lu Beoalie.' A sangtug he iv x W55 ~S ~ ~V"4~ ~et AlinlonlleghteWetnemay. large getitering of fiendme t the fansra Avon echool vas eujoyeti. Misses *1 iraof ourThn 4> Il le reporteti that Olcero Allen, of showel the esteetu In vbieth e vas beli. 91Iepardi anti Barrie o!f(larnee sang a one. Thid of Your Tifte....Grayelarke, bei parchaueti ven 1100 > d___"omPrtetio."Thed,_E__ ilnlndinduet emt, "H. ome Prt end h'porn ,Texma. omos are9eslllug for trot. 60 vswo" e tt uitat inl î le ientiiibed Wh nothav a creofludolucelorcoatilb.e chool. la*eti e. W y 'hv acmot r le utae l h oi .t 00nste on aCiao u m ay ae fGre4 r-eti ablobed o ulep i whe 701 CADpurcaso? In ollt ani s &0 lîve afo il the people vto conte to Lake county lb.e chool lunbeltalf tif the local W. C. T. a tle bd hoaepinreas no ow apr at ou.. t ad no ha ha. pak n th luihuttentviliinot osali.reeervlug U. a neetlY fratitet i it titre ofMise one atsc e'bl o rc t t da.TeporthobP theut ton pnîvate uneaonly. Wilard. "4 slepatly Improvai anti la youiy ne __________ ershuîeitbtvtrt'e rvetinluthed<in- dru urI an a alfMils t0m raroà "nlig roolu anti main bail. The> progrent Straa'gs Fur iture Store + at ai Ie rOtC~~Ou WANT COLUMN envers e mul- aoflt vit ol ern.aueM thon.- gr. Allen expecta lu espendt i tuttde or vanta. Plntihuonu elg- mea f O aysake - hhhtol4 of bls tinte ul the Tmusferai.. buthle Ili Maliene mi - ~ ~ -~~- t. ~~ fanly vii romain lu Graylke fgr Weddilng tloneY due10_ th be eter Min Mullen of Aonlmaug 4A45~ £It -- 1 thutiont e lOM. -INDEPUNDENT o02Scelacourrect te progrant sucb e gondi sucee. DENMT~ and Oral Surg.ol .hamplalE Buildtig. SMMle S eStol, Ohiengo. A f o r ysim k e *a bol o.,- t anti 1 luSp.mn The Wedsvorth'a heat lthe Romeran'am14Y NEW IPAU AU emt Sudy et the bail gaine. but 01 toues ve afl ktow wbet Rosecranst id W1NM &mou%, BARE, ýWadsworth a week ego. »W on ~etimh"~ Mrs. Hartley andi MissGeliag vers iceagavisitant lest wesk. Citas. Dixan andi @on, af Chticago, t visted vitithbie mother lasi weei. 1fr. orthrop suterteineti hie brother We lavt Yeu t tati a perty of friende front Chicago luet l. *4d satnrdny tt11 a htînting trip. Mir. anti lrs. Bartiei are inaiug e WM. JAHNS, TuE Ti 'isit lu Milwaukee beforstetey lzu West in AI.E to meke titein honte. tietrge feulele i munît better alter hie ---- utden attack of beert trtoubtle Sattday ----------_________ niornmtg. J. 1). lurry anti W. J. Oliver enter- s, ataie ealiartY of frientie and relatives o!f Ia Ma~ tîttioeh andi Chicago least Sanday. m k Stewart Wiliianteon, of Waîîkaka mm Wie., ntopped off boesta visît friand anti relative@ on Ihi@ Way ta, Nelimka ta iR u tourao tiienti the vititer. N. Hl. %Nelch, of Chicagtt, watt Itere 01, M"u mm huItttîess IttSaturtlay.atl ers Married in Milwaukee. J. H. W. lteiuecke, weil knoutîinl CIGARS and CAI Lakoenunt v, vas united inlumarriage anLUNE 1 0 Otýt. 17, ta Minl Annie Tescnuer, cf ANR P MîlvaukPq. 'Tb. yonat- people -wM* Ph one No. 19 inake thait city titeir honme. Mr. Rein- eke le 25 yere of age anti the bride 18. misS EMMA agaM.AC Fay Ideal -Stoc1kIlI SOMfTBING GOOD-The Idmi, ing summer or wieMS for comfort, 4ieli economy and helth, nover vrinkle ou down.. Made of bost r .&O0*4 polsitouh dys ued. For .3. )by cml M Ml IL C6.1 ià Mi rit %il 99 c lit Ille lai tel b OUI va ler k-' I t4 lui dp IrÉ ino toir lu, or ou to lai 4a LesA. Banou, of Llbertyville, w,, a A. B. Combe wirèÏ ri. Volo pilIer Snnday. i oi ,o Mi@ Lucy IunnilI returned Saturtiay, Arthur Stanlord adus"rof front a week'q viqit with relatives@ et it Suda&Y st the Clovour4lom Mit Elgin. Mr. and Mire. D. Merrtt, of W Harry T. Fulle.r, of Wauconda, %vas in were caltera lu tiis viciatty r. Volo Suuday. th MI« Anna MIiler was a reecent G r*ya. Umi Louabea lînson le vue"h lakei-»iler. Gravelotte. LD- Alred Nieholli, tof Chicago. @peut Min Dlortesea (ranger, .ofMe lai Bunday et home. spett the paet week witb ia 01 Min Kittie Dowell, of West Fremnt u Lik was a Volo relier Sondai atrnoon. M. Jason Converse, of VY lier Mise Ruby Cook. of Waucontia, vleited vwtUng witb relatives in tbe i Hellen Raymtond Fniey andi Satnrtiay. Mr. and Mmre 8. T. Peter t1 Of Uime Maude Wlton in spendlng this Bluff spent a week with C. L TUbo it week et Round Lake. and &Ziily. Mir. antiMr@. Bennie Cosmman anti James Baner anti George Devn Mir daughter Mari, of Round Lake. speut tre<It Chicago vitors. = Bandya t J. Klrwau'a. lMre. Alfred feuven in la I ~t Min Aima Converse, of Round Lake carlng for ber amn seo be" e apent Suutiay with ber cousins, Maude fre trobe Aut l aci aaBd Elile Wallon. împrovîng. î~ Servcemwll liebfeld in the Volo M. E. r.gsve eenl* cbarchevery Sand a ternoon et2r1*t. thMr eoeeek î fiet aitent gnon. wEeynecrllî niei The social beld aIt te boume of » rsi Mir@. Tyler Glbert, rdyeg ne ANnTom Lthe heneit of the Bnd1 B go Ms aatSum a pu ot largsly attendit anti a pmpOV41 P lre.Sarh ouls hu ctet sutetiue was enjoyeti hi ailturasant. A-ow vislting lu the Cty. oupper waa e srve6 to about 6.We I The dance anti banquet glven by lire. gsta. Twenty-f or dollar J. Wlton et the opyra bouslu honor of f ealm front tbe mupper. bo erclèe ]MBe1Is Johnmon vas largedy atlsnded antiailreport camont enjoyable A in- tinte. flp ac ge . Mr. anti lre. Jamnes Bemner, of Wou- W ith every purcheusof $60 vort mekegan vlsteti relatives boe Satetrdey and goots v. are glvlng away a fai a r. Sunday. China dishes. it'a worth golmg atM e ie r1Barl a n rotteSTR.It .'3Faritars Store, OraymlahW stoe ouayouBlaif leabses. Mintmte @tBerte uJanemn Is r iier ac e ta Ber.h Jm antilr Hge in were Apach îieMean u' tto u calters Monday. nov takiug hie veli earnsd vacatie trAlbert Hoe andi vile, have soldti teir It te reportedti tat Mr@.Le u 4tu outh of towu to Jna. Zinugreabe, quite ik. There sense lub. At thete of Mr. anti Mu. j. M. E.deloferttrsjsetras.K ri.Bueker faut Bnnday gethereti theirtnt- ý enae&oo b SchilIdren, graudehildren, 'sieter. andi Chue. lamiiip aLd vif., of Lako V 11R brothere to celebrae their 37tb wedding %vere pleasent allere Suntiay. Dce annlvrerv,ld hie 67tb birthtiay and l~akJ ai eqtstnil ther ganicoe lthbirhde. moug îinq ready to build a large adIMg md thoe front a distance wae a @!@ter ofbi eou. rIt Mr'. Hucker's, Mire. Kitideli front hisuiei bu. and a uepbew front Chicago. A itount Mr@lite. iCornmiek le bavlng a »"a1 )ut ou. repast vas serveti andi the dal vasbarn erected aet "Autrim, cottag.?, mî pn na qiet eoialtUnie, v=enail Trains vere badly tielayetiTm v-derti wishing titern mnny htappy alternouo on acconut of&evrftk di ryreturné; of the day. roadtinortb o! bers. per g------------< bughliNeil anti fe'nily , of Chioi neRM O bave ben speutiing ae vesior lvi> Merima sput undy cithbis inother u.ebers. Titomane ria pntSidywt H. B. Dowe@,lbhe liveryman, beu un- istarente. nttntraet for baulit. ail the matefi John Sheridan returned lio)tta. liutttiay thte ,9w hbridige et Long Laie. alt fer a tieverel daypt visîitiîîg relativeai n (iur bakmmltb, Win.itesh &W, cdChicago. brother have atiteti a haruess IqI o- Mr. Klayer who receutly purclîamed fit tei the> btu555 uiaeuno»v1 K. thte 8nbill farm. bas utoveti hi@ fantily barnese vitb neatasisand 001 boe. The people wiii appueciate 11 î- Wint. Ityc of Chicago. is visiting with ntUlt. J. liyau andtifamily. A. .Gilbeh ina spnd §Mfe !ith hie daaghtsrs, Mie ble .ty F. Bcbillîandfantily have o <> Io re. Barnmtble cfLaieVUl rtWakegan. ' Wmn. Kraeger opent Sudai vithi fnd ie"d@ bere. - --1 DLI .CA es.t Mr. and lire. E. J. C;riÇ-i7Su-' DENTIST A day eît Ubertyrilie. Honr 9ea. M., 12DM., 1:80 tu Mr'. j ROUND LAIE I Evminsby apeçonemet mest1 Office ln Bank building. sea" Mime Maude Walton le belping lire. Or&Iae, the G. B. Roslg for a couple of weeke. tae M-a..end Mr. E rowna.. . . a