CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Oct 1906, p. 6

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~. Jus? L. B. COLDY Entered a .tPoQOffiO M =Ytlle. lu. City Editor OOdimsMnr NON os&PPICAriO5. FIDÂAY OCTBBR 26,196O6. - - - OIECT PRIMARY REPUBLICAN TICKET. For County Cle- REPIJBLICAN TICKET. For Unitedi Staiaa Sonar-or-- Sbelhy M. Ontio.. For Stefe TreaSur-r- Jobn iP. tmur-si. For- Supti Publi nstr-uctaon- Francis 6GBlair-. For Reprosentafive in Congre- George Etimund l'o.. For Rep. lan(Ion. AisemblY- Fr-aunk R. Cove.v. Er-w. D. Sbuirbleti. For County Judg.- l)eWitt L.. Joues For- Oounty 0erk- Alttir-ftL: Hénde For Counir- UttWurer- Fred E. Aines. For- Çounty SuPt. of School- "T. ttrhurSiimp@o.n -For ShrifF- F1in -J. Griffa VOUR VOTE COUNTS. it ulil b. a'satisfacIon to vote No- flid your vote count thoen? vember- 6. Then the candidates re- Wass fot your Indivlduaiity, your eeiving the. largest nunuber of votes equai riglit wltii that of every other wfi lie eected, andi por Individuel voter ignored? Does It apOeai te rour sense of jus- voteVIII ennui. Didt ~thel Prime- tice wiien you are toid that no matter rie if you iiappenod t e lsof thteima- 1,0w baid the new prmmary iaw. you jortY who voteti for James L. muet abide by wiiatever- conditions Swar! provail under lite provisions, es. you Now. If the. raie applying under the forfet party ioyaity! Autraltan syatem launo mucli btter. To dstnguiaii as between the Re- wbky hta s ot mest the. ting for the pubicanisin ot Jainça L. Swayer and 1prhtaanes? That latthe contention the Mr. Heudee andi salert the oniede- SUN sake anti an an exemple wo festeti t the pimmarles yet nominate bave the B SVer-Hendee content, ln ln convention le a better Repnblican -whléb a mJorlty ot 190 Ropublicans thon the other. ciiosen by the diret dmclanoti for Mr. AVaior anti the liste- or people's vote and defeate tu i con. gaI e onventIon nomnated Mr. Hen- vention, la simpiy to declar againat - ee. the IndivIduallty of Repnblican votera THE DELEGATES WERE tIONEST. The. Uaxéte recentiy nnntained an State, Senatorti and Congressiûn edfiorialuntier tihe caption "Wer-e the. conventions are "Instr-îcted' for fi eflurtea ionesi" inferring that Mr-, tiret ballot. $WaYor-a supporters by their conten- TMr. Hendeos tfaitii ln the delegat4 Ilios anti attitude, brandedth Ire dele- Vau Veak. ho realiseti their desire t sie t the. cunty convention as nominate the. maJority candidate fu i*bàit.L couty cik. thoir rebeilioit becaus IM at ail! We ail realise the "Im- of the. tnconistoncy of the new law pUe*i obligation linier the freak pr-t- and be forestailei posbilty of! mâï7 10, and it late l av. not dele- break. Vitii credentiais he, hal ni aies. wbli h condemuneti. rigit to use andi Viicii conveyed th, HfoVever, TMr. Hente ied r-tinot thie impreulion the. delegates Ver. nunte sm arn th In the deiegates. d. hat the. louai necestty of voting for hin peopgreti for oeli one, in hi& capacity on the. tir-et ballot. «l couty clerli. a credentiai, anti ?.any tielegatea pondereti over thon Uhlb irecftetiln subtance the dtele- cretientiais and huati there been tir- gate vu& LEGALLY bou! for at leat for ueliberate'conaioeration and ad on ballot te, vote ln convention ln vice Mir. Hentiee'e clever trick Voul acmcriauce ithIi"nstructions froin not bave avalled. bie Indviduel township, regartiiens of The SUN editor at the turne vigi Vi vwu the. choie of the maorlty ousiy protested in Jutige Jones the et the ~r-tmales. TMr. Headee haitino r-igit to proee JL. cliver ruse, and ai the time ex- printed credentiai for-me Vhich VOr *poseti by tiie SUN. Those cretiential draVn, not for county but state. sel forme Ver-e nover meat for use ln atorial anti congressional conventioni e outy conventions. The nevi iaw h te V as apparent. hovever. the wiiî aboiay ilent as 10 Vhethor or not r-atter was up to Mr. Hendee andthm deoceates f0 county conventions are tiiere vas no Vay of preventing hl "Instructed" « even lor- on. ballot, but f rom doing about as lie Visbui- expiictly States that tieegates to viither rigiit or- wroiii. WARNEO TOBEWA1 At the Grayslake raiiy Tuîsday uiglrt1 Congrcasmfu Fosanti Speaker- Shurtîif delîvereti atdresses., Ville ,the county candidates. vti r-be ex- ception o! Judtge Jones, wbo was un-1 ahi. 10 be prement, alto apoke. tiuourgb briely. 114r. Foss treateti national lestues anti bis "tali' as receive ti iten- Mir. Shur-fleff as buouglt aver Ir-oniMcHeury county for the express PurpoMeOo! Iolilng tiiefer-mer$ vbat a: goo ting thre es' primuany lav really In., dt titshoulti not ho condtioneti unili thoroughly teateti, etc. The Speaker o! the, House too oce- -oeln-t--aiviqtu a hearsr jiftat RE OF WAUKEGAN. Laie cauty utier the, direct pri-uary sysetr. But itgiiet truc? At thie prImerles August 4 titi Waukegan anti the laie siiore dictte the ticket. Are not the Rer-ublic-.n prlnary candidates satsfactory' Hov vouiti Mr. Shur-flef btter the direct pr-mary portion of the lav.- Vhlcb givea the people a "chiance" up to the convention, anti ighitthere: taies the natter out of- their band$s. s'htchIo ishene the.'bui" coures tn?- Direýr-t primar-y choies may not b.- popular, Mir. Speaker. vlth poiticlane.ý but It appeals tu voter-s as luit about; the proper- thlng. It gives fie. aný oppotunity f0 say vho ahalb. thei candidates, anti that mens- leanen,! vote for Intiepondent candidates sun- poIltIce. piy at the. boheat of the neVepapers. rt ls ail ver-y veilita say to the' O! course nô on. ln the audience cail- fariner-s 'Waniegan - and the. lake I e4 Mir. Siiirtlfo' attention,, 10 the siiore Viii rob you o! yor-rr rigite,". 7at Uiat VO bave pretty tiiorongiiiY but. uhat iii the. orttor-s aay to Wgu-' t.teè the noV lalf over- here. anti kegan anti lako mshore audienceViien lat a fine package o bun" v. the rallies cuipe tfis wVa? supposel ibmveroitheclegtisiature baudeti 'the tiien k Viii ho 'lok out for- the farmi1 Ol~e, At a cot tu thein of $65,000- ers, tiiey iii rob you If direct pr- if. VsUM bave been embarrasssIng andi maries provail.", pouity lionrtul.AnytbIng 10 make thue peope bo- eai~. ,la TMr. Siiutlff's oplu- tiiey wiiat tluey Vaut, aud are neliy IwLna.,»W eèWaukegan an thti. ake desirous of Iettgthe voter-s, rtier »b«,@enu b OMytroltfe situation In tluan tleumelven. r-ti.. 44 ~rusbave isea ramie tir-ougii a Tii, INIiEPENIUJT là vortit more ~ piiolua jv& fhi 'e ry to tyon tian 11.5, the ausbription o! fe INFUNDNT.pries pet'~yeog.' 1y IÉbr 114M »poPie. meé to#e kuy nrth- Tii.- ChicagoDaity Chrooile ufor Unbof anur 4mper oufle oro!onyi 82 I i vi Mt i.D<uqnmm- = DENT for- o»eyearta aftume...1 ssed ILY any msi f fair-tises, -f lia nid. * I i wdraw s., a s mué4igr bov r s odt on s 'Y lied )My Mrespefr thse opinion of the. r-mn.ewdWof tioneflepublcan mini enai for aanbr !tasbi- thse commuaii ho 1would msi. andideUte .ppor-Iun#tY te sa be1 ioi au&tOcilg hlm cioeely hatetaroug e bs aniddcY for poleasiar faser, wifhout 1h. hîndi. 1 mTe nîght buera bie.suiie - SonlieMrve h mg a coufy udg aler hi as creli o.p 4W hie mne on the iloket- spent a r-outies. nlit. Bbc v0 ue o la prauso WDrvu !bar-yardt igdefeat. ChicageJournial. awakeneti lever-aI Uniesby Iis tous- vt' Usat. WoouMn a saru*ts if le net iée tate ta sepir 1t-. ii nirulaseaat nv~iSh 7enauie amieo Safurd I Gtobsà mîstaie th»t wste um en the. ewis ltiaalien4 like TMr. Hende in eho U8ehOi hlmVat vas the matter- 27uni bfute aioumit l lti as verdict o e i.peol we@ ust thts ecouniy, asdefeatud et the pri. lhesaiti, 4O0dear-, OLisear; wiit sMr . OFIn.i atic..andt flgbt% naidu end thre machinea wimhos imarie. ant ilue Air. Honuies. nomi- i do?" vit ont te nt i vtiiott bilsi, Ibmt carilsd ut.natet Iin convention, defeating thelu.the, aior-nng lie seemeti aI ig h fclr- 5patue s ng uil wof le r The. candidat. of the. màchins - eolos candidate. -1- 1.. Swayer. f andti mt thiaicen tire as VS lo2r)d~ 0ouPII uinai b should withdreiW 10 mîk. reomn .'Nul sujet. Catomn. H. then vent te the-cbar-n avole you ug, aa ab ing ult vl anu&, vtiently commttei Immediate pr-lotifaM »18l U&Tel lints..... .......... é " =a aa' nt I Panay Ssis TIE'GAZEIrTE8 POLITOIDS. Fr-y vas inown by everybotiy In the ali-lmnoa. ~~g l~ ~ The Gaett's jpersistent andeavor- machine poiticians vilI ho a thln i nilbnot ir .lveiat a itiILe-oangga cmM iir-;ï; iae, .........n..... t sitth fe Issue In the Stiayer-Hen- the puit. Direct pr-tmary cliete or- liked by ail for bis ever- gondi nature nutleo0f tmmsot hua ..ITh,"'F due. contest by personaltiée pointeiti a horsa rmieibyti lgs"at ieun Vauv"f ooo. The o le .Pdpo e du UNeiloe a. o.lature andthle voter-s ViII nover- bo A nope fountin aFry'e pocket loti- h bd ir, s ss..-~' Choice . . dos OOc 5.r avatetr- sl4outill hiey get IL. The SUN cateti Mat IFr-y huitibean divied mon- onourd, vho have baebi W. are aseiof covcIing BonssHeu.-heltevea Ibalat their- next selson fbherally beween suicide by rouseo!fuelefth e , sud vifi Iludo for8t duel'stoga, o! belng zealona trrom mer-o state ialmaier-si ii amenti the other- asoron the. noatisanti hati flnaliy sy. Weilibaby, atigta as AI K. _gMyoaeuepower. ...... soefiit motives. Bily Smth ii Vii ise uatistactor-y primar-y lav, bY do- ciiosen the latter, The, tbroat wus Fooler-,AbrI Donier, Frank W'edt Fowt e gom.o1rare qu.Ily .. f have lit r-bt the SUN editor- ta naugbt lag-$Vay vifli telogate ceunty, con- cnt completely four- tinies.* The case John T. Nlabol5a, Emii P. Jerme, t.v Ver&-a auitoms, Fuil Bh"0in, Do"ohy j -ryC4mlfor Prunse, pur tlb...... but a nevcomor anti Viose iterest vann-Ions. EButors ail over the state han causeti a sensation in liber-ty- alr- anti MienaisMnrr'y, togotber ej.~oa TalusSrup ............. 3t in the poitical situation he unseemly. are demanding a nevision- o! the nov. ville. vi b flue n ej- M easn her-se ever auai sTabe .rrup .......... .....1#4 - _________ -luanymueclat tion. "The fuatmn N. O. mTioasis........... o Fact lu the SUN edtor has.Iliveti aanti-it ls bounute tacoin,. Da-e edr iiiaeisiiil(rrl at. asn-nut k. about alihie ife ln Lake coniity. vas We an, snpporttug AMr. Swayer bc.- VisVtrict ppe r ' eat lueSiva-' ta lut oui Orielshaglvl cluR" Pliâata .. glac reaneit anti attendeti eciioi inuWeil- cause ho vas the noninee ut the pri- 'SI "L anay Oc. .Postcriolrge. ..... f kegan anti vor-iarg at the, Printing manies. That lu direct choie by the OIF DOWIEIrajus Note. 2 phs........i business lu fthe pîi Gazette office peope -anti ve're for that eveny tim,. -PtijhsBrs tatFoot. per-pkg. lac - viien Biily struck lovu, anti naturallY Wo have nieyver questioneti but that Sale th*. Colos- Sféctu of rh. Apoufis j BuiSon Breakast Food pur pkg ...149 SDAIEW& CHOCOLAT ,caks. . 1k our lIntereef Inl .ke ctînty jrouf tes la Mn. Hntiee boiti a majority of ge- Cloîhes and M-il. Lagerneus for; O- AKEW8 COCO^ 1-2 ith. can . -.20e keKgates, but tiiat ineiority c!ltielegales Personai Ç£unbillishment% Cauaed Fa n RieutaIbo.................. cf As ta elsh ILmotives. the Gazette reppsected i aminorlty of votera, anti %WiedP PhCoromr.acW.......v.......pur.i-.. S8e cau consistenlly gay littie. It la ]ett more - ar-tuar1y --setthee.lent pr-Bn oZP; filet!Th secreýt la ont. about suppontoiiiy M. Hendeo's pet- maries asnZMon City hail thirty-eight 1Johrn Alexander- Dovle fell becaume'tirauflateti Velo%- Corui-nerwr l.. a. rouage. Hia tiefeat wotuiti hodrsas- deleKtfes anti car sometiiing over be Vor-e a clawhamnir coar-. a itecok- Ar-m k Hamnuer- Soda, l0e r-rkg . b tate aeratiBli.Vbthsardines In ail per cein------------.........e trufeth ae edBly'wihto bunaunvu votes. Of .cour-se.Mr-. jet, veut atIr.î*i-oscs mportait Sar-dinéoiper er-an........ .. i :.accoua for huts concluision the SUN Hendee Is not te blame for- uiat-he, John.began te banker alter tiiosel- Mutard ......... m iuet ho sipportlpg Swayer ton Iden- simpiy .taies stivantageof i;o! s srtreeinbliishtnents o i o Pit mB aont.....ateu ................... 1 ,tîcai rossons the Gazette support'$ Liner tii. new priner-y iaw. But HE IS tuutitty In 1897 anti nover ha. beelin iaarhCodnsd1kper i-un-10c rH:ndee-thre patronage of the conuttY NOT THE~ CHOiICE 0F A MAJOR- maLch goond slace. says Ovrseor Vol- * Yacht-Citb Assorted lSoup per c-au..1Oc clr' ofc. el cnIIv Lwol TY e cnntget arotinti h- Iva ini tie tiret of a eerties of articles: 2 th cau Eanly June Peans---------...... fo abe meut desirable. anti. beelies. the . SIayer,19 tlie ighrfil inominée. cniled *'Let the, Trîutii be 'i~d In 'ILP eau Sest Cor-a,i....----------....1to rriglit of the natter l il on ouar ie. H. la a Reptubliean. anti a gondoti , rlie Leaves o! Healilu. aiBaltai Beains------------.1..... Ile Dreadul, readult iberny éuouncemysér a and lii cas F umsn... ...... ......... .I0ce in- whIicb is more Important. He la capable. honest anti teî,endahle. fordui tedfl'I heaïeoc er yaoîakeni,1ibanPu kn. .............. o 19 1 But pntmarily. fier-e le a prluuclîuie ta)He 1aflot a boter, ant i dibc hotflot With a dignitied nmental reserve talfrt1s3fic otSihlf !Lae a ian Extra Tomaeo............t..ilc eu fight for Vhlch adile;zest r-o rhe gainte sitdbythe dtiojn o!fr-he naîorty Voltva puefaces tbls attack on ilowie 1('onty. Illinois. Lke iny oppoient, Paekage Flne'Fale Sait ..............t anti appeals te ovory r-îgit thlnliing o! is lier-fetuthe îuimltaries and co- w l ii n tiuti. ti. gooeds t)Iniioliter ae Liari thehanor-m tefoeeon-10 B rLenox oatnr-r------------..S4c e-i an.Thi Ide ofminrityrid IntInu Inthecontst e te en. b ""il by acclamation of the Dmoratte iti ' NpwCity soap----------.......40 ed4- osn cnn hî ao lrotynet -u fiecnett oet.h promises ta b. a thorough muuck rik- 1Doie"6banWoSoup .......2....... .f chooin~cout ycandidates la ail woruld lie untu'ue, uigi-r-efuii anti un- l ng o! tiie deposeti tiret apostie. HIe! Cati Convention. If the. record I! ) slr.A<lgr-rt a tuly Sa. 5 - ong. GOlvo the people a chance anti worthy fth. apienditi vote o! contidence begins n-lidly: matie in ofie l as goond as lift, nY Beut Lump Ste ihi luk>. prwr lb... Sc bpolificel rings anti manipfflatlan' by accor-tet i hm. I"oepepe1O atrjocr net agityour-belli et the.poile? Pourd pGu'lom ilarcis ...... S et the simple, plain tir-osao! John Alex- ABR . ORD Eitraiton L. & Amn------------P.... sc ¶ander Dowie ant i ti een bie jIlull-Adjudication. les- AnISmU nar-wlttie-...... 0 n. picture lu Leavee o! Heallîîg. with is Pabifla Noiro-la hereu-obrsv'n that the o eWaaiinx P .Soda ....... 5<......s explanatioîî that It bai beuenpubliaii- fhmserlir-administratrixa! e r-ttn slin cpr- sh.........l eti on eollcitation of members of rho r-fl e(omit,(couirt- tk Asi89n tje,'ar-r ...pus.cake.......l.S staff, Ver-e siocieti whe,. uring the WaukgealstuldOo-t- o gefou.-Amets ae ec.......l r ,fh osrauext. iUis bea aianlbe" u5îloomClothsoPina ......... ....... se Ysar- 1897 h. laid ailde the simple d*y of .u. îavlag cZ> ear-lad treme anti uard pon the piatforn-m am notifi at d muss1etêruD -.T - geattîret Iin eveniug dr-ogas,adthey SaisnVassieymsAma l.tratit. te ver. tllmore siocketi beîî. on-r- aukosa, lit. Omteer-& s. i. 2-4 LUbe b. Ilu. opening the Lnaves of Healing. they es oav a full page pictune of film tus ar-- teo , tiroti. ,They ver-e selllfurtiier- troub- or loti, iien. tuinng the. year 1900, thir- The 2oth Century * e. leader appuaneti upon the prlatrorinn eplascopal robes. C s a Pumln' on style.i neo "Anuinor Vho hit ecome great-'iC s Store bc l ntret th te beautîful toacli- [r 'hins ! in hetateti andt ten saiti. lmi 'Thiis anet rtght,' anti vitii -grest ne-i Stock of wlnter Suits and )s lctance turneti avay froin Zon. For Overcoats liait arnived. We've se the tiret tnme It vas qutetly wiits- ne fpr-on stYle! f 5t l65 uti- ~~~~parei: 'Beginntng ote ptuto $ t 165 ad- Etravagance!' Suite f rom $7. 60 to $16. Ad"Sinaîl circles here anti there coulti b.haddîcalg i.rpotta JAMESvs alac.o-iaruonylu ii Sweaters, Cardigan Jackets but - AE t.BAYRlmily, aanir-eBorne isure that BeniW~lne ot nrs Candidate for County 01er-k on tha Direct Primary Rcpuhlican Ticket TiacDbul, viiich hati heuen puncha.lejti I iedco soliirts- roui suppoi-t 'fttthé coming election to ho holà Tueeday, ai a cont a! $10,000, fie f itle net be- Leather and Corduroy Noveber0.îng vestd In the huabanti, bat been'Reveroibiti Conts, Mackinaws r-. r-i. gtven as the price o! peace. anti MeMllan, ali-erool Panta hot- - asiey:'Wieo tl h e -eCownies0'King Horse"(*iovem - - ............___ Hutchins & Potter Drese NiaI. o! Ilinois Ctonnr-y or-t Lake g à (-loves and a fiueeline of -L..61wr- irt.1 .if 'L' sl.e Jcu Men 'e and Boys' Winter Caps) llaisoa. Perlol.vaJohn IL Mille. sienUfi., à . ntau rtn Jolosuh Ail for cash. 7E.W.Parkhurst Schanck Block iMaicoltinC. Harpr-.robibi tia cand idate for- un ima Irointhe.tentbluloi-0 ýgreWuonai Distit wV bmr-n in Dai oouty àini.Nv .159 .la ~I u pratetiiSdlw i lu iago. 4ince 1891, hi bile bing at 989. Fifit National Blank f e Building, Rebas ceonduî-ted a unuber-(AI notable casm, amnlg o"tiiet Pool BtaIs Acotiag, Herltta . Howeil inuatitjy ce. iavolving tile to about *85,000 vortba0fprops-ty towhc i roeirwdti aneltouo cneaeJ I on aoconti% 01f-lnflpâeit . a! isitor-. Philipu TOveS1111m uw o ni vlsrk: v s - ,Wallace. land itlls case, ilaoh o h iiiuci u anecosM e ii ilatter boing d cuir-ls iraug u sSprine Cour-t. ' Aivertlme llb. IfiD,ýPîEN'l. A vernIad. llie IDWMffl T 15 It bas the ohouilion. ina peMeomall e ta25, n omt. - lf yo0 mI<1 aivertia. oy VIIIour -Tb*. ¶ELLOW LAB eL pasted n 158f00 naStâur "ea70 VSt to i» raoUPAGo! fou sPaliser. hoiut. gBýi Fountain, Syringes Bulb Syringes Hot Water Botties Atom izers Ail styles and lowest prices for good goods at

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