ansd coots 01, *0 ubicao &Mlwaukee ','- ahiniat Company. The. W" tIeft, but vaU cbaue' ta L&W i carce in Waukegan. 4Or ' carcein lu ulegan and ;,a te MaufactSî rle a dLie i :*M ooee aes kecp vhat mou Uiey ï4ma bot ta set rit of tbem exc-P In mmssvhere dismssal lte eouY 11h. pret acttvty Iu-al linos of ~fflU4.O gthe healthy temani fm~a6wbed products, building ý,j otber traies tht sme .ctive'al st le te employment of all avail- -*»emmLuit Iolaeasy ta get'sud *eop a job lu Wankegsu nov. A,'t t. llia men are oagerlY ,~t andui tl» e ho are emploYet ,baybthegusrstee of coutinued vork U* laug as they behave, whle wages naeuîoterately goo snd certain. SACNELON CLUBD TO THE FORE. T'h Wankogaa Dachelor Club w p»umetat note Frlday morn that oe !minebars vas the father oft ti à«we t" i~e -ý :,tbgýi2ub.jfedai sndt lItt *0II be -a < Ecelèbratleu whlch Progiient Roosevet vili be luvited ta attend. Fuia Argumienta. Final arguments là the case of Stame vu. tlnt Cty ef Waukegau ant te Ugu. .Ion«'t& Eastern railway coanmei tvo day. lu Chcage thîs *a&sudmai CtyAtoruey Persona bas p«t up a bard doat forer ilty. Atorney Personsaorguel fGr 1the. city, Attoney Kuspp fer the bot fUe su MlOmey MEne Stewart for tUte tm side ofthbIe matter. There ve 1,M pages er typevrItten matter of- saisi lu ovidence lu addtieu ta tecu- ipeatsu ma m. Décision Ill I terefore not be ren- deri for more tUme. Brown Case Oontinued. 'Te CasetcfthIe %tâte agausi James 9U9wn.,fothets slegei i11lcal sale of Ikimr At the recent Libertyville track ms#, Stnr" taorulut met a st bém bsomais âttorney A. K. Stearus fur the demmeasunuabie ta put la auappeartm unutil the MeKeovu- e litéte Lîse M»seta over lu thé couty Theb case wM b b eart uext fldsy. Sae'uAttorney Hanua reprements te posocutlou vhicb la baciiet hi JR, H.'StriPe aidHorace L. Weî.,? &eed lackowin. 1%« »neud tra t fte Ctklcage & lvuase Uetie Ialiroat la al *men 50 alou. elvideesud-South, qOsleuses. The tmrac n.s a- sjt ltabthebittgs. the aviteit Iielg pigofflesUt befere the. track reachi Vâ*-Irl45e. The tracks are belug bal- b~Il*" M. Wbe#.;aU*» te cars wlll hO ru% *d,»»;w trsck wville th*.li t'a* la Sý ép sut rotai totecou- Insu vwitt fl anom. Tien the tvo wtt ho permenUOty beisatet sand the o150db dil ho roady for pavIug. Tic vont vasstoppedtotaay ounsa- oit ote tcrslu. but la bciug Pnsbcd rapldly lu favorable weatbor. One ot thc chorus girls lu tho lisiiel flarrison District Le-ader con- psuy vus SAturday strtekengi dancer's heurt sud bsd te be carntet frot er dressing roul te the tebvwarts Hotel. TiI. moruiug on the- way te tho trais, the 9:60, mitewu$s neceuscieus several ies and hmd te be . ted en- te te train. The Milction la eue that rmcmi girls @mu#or. Mr*. Macdoald Dies. Unr. Margaret B. Mascdouald, etti- or of Urs, Wii J. Reet, diet at 4 1'bnSday aitemnoon af tic home ofi ber soa-i4A*w, 610 .Iullan treet. Tii. laI. lra. Macdndst as 73 y«m acli s$ aliments incidenta] te a* am ecausit ber teatit. Bic mate ber hone mii ber daugter, Mma el. anutti er lMoses r"etaue aU'l 0*ber facaties lu spte et her ai. vunedel g. Bcas been a resident ut IWankegan fer -lire years. Ut. Maonalt tlet yesrs ago. The CbU&im am re s. B. E. Welland ci ,Wea»o. lr. C. B. Mcdonald of 'Waio. D.C.sutd Mrs. WIII J. ,»4"o f Waukogau. 'ilatll a tom mentbs ago. Mrs. Mac- fomli vma sitterary maman et pro- nicmeSi ahillty. Untîl ber continu batgsItbe resdcd lu Chilcago. Ite fanerail mli taheit Stnrday at *»ln luheicaftcrunu fron thUicrosi. dbai. et 610 Jullan treet. 1ev. Toit odiolaffug. Punerai private. AÀTTORtNZY TO RE£MOVF. Atorney E. 3.Heytecker su- DOMWeM todaY that ho mili remove bis J.r lv sseste f-suite of rooms lu the 'Idhmm u hnlllg. Cooke. Pape & am elà Uieanle building. "U ' W. Peare la ot Utc opnon goprevalet ln Wauhe. boAk £the itvaacou. t*0 fh11 At,1rt Memliu. Spelalchida uait %suite. ecrul «er. as'e 1t te8.regalW Mie value . t hicb ve pnrchased lu case iots, tbey rusi» e Stt, 84. wbiu su$d viii clos e 111li4 garme: oi$l bave bu$ b** IIgp. , t*ùs 4»4 Uwcena f *LfI**UàA*aiiêfl~*t. #WNI.** M~,4- mgthe best g" gsugfactmw- Corene OW, and 1ssedt eImatht stock 1Ii of; Udawa w n te* h Iy ( v 'j ) y)'N Y? s.w Jil.2 'We pride ourmelves ou always baviag the besi. in tad.rwear fer the bo va. Our shelves *te full cf Un4,çrwsar er te uittle andi biz boys. Our lino of boys' Wear vas acier more complstc tha tiis «»oJ ueed protectionfrnte cold aud geel1 watt V- dervear is ueeded. lu mahtug yeur selectioe vhy net look ovor te la, gest Uleins Lake iCunety; plenty ht-te,ai styles sud sirzes. Th famous Wib' e inle i leslth Udrvsextra beavy hec.1li ne d oottou Vets aud Pante, mizes 26 te '34,5> nexi ispresefe comfort with Wlater UhderWear.- Note the values.: Ladties' MtsosiagUndergaiments ('uîfîituIiiii ty, tpMa aittiaîIPrict are liltts t slu, cnitidtretl inibuyitig îm tV' o.f thm- ' par-tu(-itlttrmthei' Munoing lnl'wîrinvitex <ittiprisîl.It its wel êtI l, u ItxbW" îHkt4 swvl, is daiut v anîd bue e*.îtci for the niosi f:îslidifeils ant i., .44 liiu>dt'I.litt' in ecstthtiIt Muay1*e enjoyoii hy aIl. N%*U' ree<immii'It it as giviflg msore iatisfardoto ou ur trade thon auv uncit<el-wear w.' bave ever sii.We lhavé- a hirge asena)riet cf 1tyles, ises aîîd fabrirs and ceAn give ven a %atisfatetcry tit if you buy now. Ltiiitl fe'<<'litll 1-sts and potsiio<tfen'ti :t 50ce, $1.00, $1.25. lAdlies *tiion lsuits4. im-ce .'lined I <tîlulî, cffered àai $1I.00 allid $1.25. In %vooMl we 'have thon a t $1.50, $2, $2.25, $.0 $2.75, $3. Cuidren's uni= ou is if voli havi' not uîlread<y irci.ed Me 'wVîîtel- îîîrîua-for tlime littie onem, you viii s4hortiy, andm wime' îîtrents.NyilI have the ,înderweîr 1,urcham-dlm1- a i - % . llt%,e It ecî mp ete un i' o f t eh ild r. - ià* t n u e rw e ir aiul aiinslxetigoli of our Une will ineaunltat yon mil ,îîemîà oîr uitl*rweiir for the litti>' <ues bhere. O>ur mplendid ftock i" itnde 1,3 the Iet inanufar- I uitrs ini this cunitry anid<'treful coinpuîrisoiî() qif410- llty uandtiprirt4 i8 vlI eoninte I. i 1 Unîion suits for cblîdren, siZOs I1le 16,i li.vr<'-' liiied ruttonu t ;)(k. Hopi' union nuits, '*thé' eaîît ' rutelukiîîd." woo.l îuîtmide. le«e einside, site8 I te 6, ut $1.00. Iftswool bu --------- -- - - - - - - - - - - ~ . DM U dorw*e n .a The S'taleY w'o1 huit undervoar ta the bout un- dervear mate lu the Unilted States. We bave the sole mgoney for the, "Stalley- garmeuts lu Wsukegs andt lAke caunty. sud have soit thousants of gar- ment. of theso satisfactory nnergtrmnits. Thei sserrunutron: 32 te 50 wtb no extra charge fer the large ises0n Wcol luait separato shirts sud drawers for mon St 6IS5.5 1.78, P.00, 01.5and up te 03.00. lu tva stylse. tce ieavy, socalledtfint sud .Jersey ribbed style. l'bla seancu we placet lu stock a. complote lino of te fanions Stephenson brad union nits for meu at «M.0, $2.50, *3100, -05.00 sutd5480 per suit. (Staley Make.). We carr y a full lino of the fanions "Staley, gool knit overshirta. the popular varltlngmsu'ls friend, at $1.25, $1.50, *2.00 up ta $3.00. For tua s son vo have mate anotlier additionî ot lte fanious Munslug union miàta for mcn lu two uum. bers st 01.50 aud 03.00, beretefore ln Women's and chilldreu's garments euly. ,e have a number of heavy rlbbod cotton. Salt- tary, grey, hait mool sud leece llned coiton inter- gartuelts for men -at SO. Huoe for E*Oeitye wV l'ave evanytliiug lu Bonitery for voment tuen sud cildrm .Or bg Hoery DePsrtment in fut reuehlug a limax lu value gIvlag. With- out a doubi w, bavee thi largeat sud mou cont- Splete line of llootey ever aleowunlu LaIteCO- The erewded Ms »cusd the, easy Mellini dem- ou 7tratiow the sublie faitb oflte peoplo la tbii stores sbiliti to Rive bg AoulOrY vanea that are absolutely unapprosebable. I t Chldn's "fiereifles" $ebool ilote, ligkt weigbt, il, pljain blga'k, IleeSlilned eotfou or heavy rihbed c6t* ton,lut 10c, 15e and 25e a pair., ehildren's Woé o iest 25', 35e pair and up. "Round Ticket" iBote, easy* to put on, "bhard to wear out," ipeclalhUe for tuhool wsýir lublaekm, rnb- 'IK-d i'ottmt 9-t 5r- Ipair. wS7ooi lote for infants', "-elai ut lic, and 25e Oîw stock of men's bWaerlai coiuplete, contieit- 3ing of the famowiq' ocrdonDye"land other well known j nakes. Men's Iiockford Socks at 10e per pair, 3 for 2-5c. Lighit and mediumn weight cotton bome nt loc pair, 3 pair for 25c. Others at 15e pair, 2 pair for 25c. Ami a lairge aasortrnent at 25 and 35e pair. Wool ilote at 25c, 35e and SOc pair. A large variety heavy, iight, medium weight ~Forest Mlle" §«« nltn.d vomisand' Peits, sige. 4, 5,. s 25o , per garmeut; six à 7, 8, 9, t S$50; #ase4, 5, 6, st 50c; 7, 8, 9, extra aixe, at 75o Ws give apecial attention tinorpur- ebse ef underwear te provide for the large women, always haviup< ou baud com- piste lineofo large aises fer large wemnen. ou ~4ir g~I SchoolHo W. pride aurnelvou on aur special lineocf acicol Hose for boy.sud girls,-,"The Hgronleâ" «ùd-jZound Tlcket*."Esy tu Put On,' Har tot Weaa-Out." A minute or two apent et tItis store mot euly gires you an idea efthte proper thlng ln Holery but aIa givea yen the oppcrtuulty of unskiug yeur solections. from tbe lsrgest, bot sud met complote lin, lu LaIte ( annty. L4adi& IUack Cotton Hlote ut 10c, 15(-, 25c, 35eý and 50c pair. Woolesi and-Cashmiere Hoe, ut 21c,, 35e and 50e pair. Complete line, sises.from 8 1-2 to largest ont site. Flepee lined cotton bose at 10 te 50e pair. Fancy Lace ilote at 25, 35, 50) and 75e pair l'aney Embroidery ilote ut 25, 35, .50 and 75e p ai.)!nyv woinen prefer 1l1ight weigbt bote in winter am wellutn ummer- andini this Une we have tbwn ju b1çkIiule itote ut 25, 35 and 50e pair. ý 1 ------ ------- mas and vesta, ÏR kinds and siyes --------- --------------- -- . Il ýýd. Il -.9- - ý .,- - , - - - - Pwfo-'bowý - 1 1 1 ~400offlom ( 1