VOL xv. No. 6. 'LMBYVLtj?ý, WBJCCOUNI cent oft tii poitical canipaign talli b«M s 9* i(l*waa lMes for years, but now 1 amn con- vincedl that fully 50 per ceit la no GIVISKINDS ,OOVOTE ~ ~ ~ G N goThe OL campanfor icto, polticians oven en the Heudee aide FOij.oWINa UNOFFICIAL. REPORT BMMJTLUFM stato 'Representativea. of the fonce are today admittig ftlat TO ES 1A9moWAU00 VOTES Abert =.II 18i.the noixt county teSN aplnfriseuiae 1.0 ~~~~~clork of Lat ty. aisLwaewslanrsne SWAYER LAIEPSUOE lMr. Hendoe won by a scant Ma-_____________ jority, but It was enough and the....... OrifinElctei h*rffBy bot 200SUN eonsiders air. fivayer fairly CrifiriEloted hdrff y abut 000boston. Mjority-Vote Wl. Uight. Waukegan <oertainly registered It» - doclalon ln no uncertain way anfi th Monde wa. .I.cteo nt clerk hi' vk-tor7 bore for Mr. Swayer la 11110t~ 90 m-ajeiti. .gr.tifying. mondees totlvote We2M8. jMZon City' andi Dorfielti recnct SwaYers total veto wu e2,58. ro1e0i p maJortles for r ed Mnda@ oarred 17 votnq pfflncta.imposiblo to avercorne, anud hatiMI. Swayer carrled 11l votlne Precintcte. Swayer been ai. to miake even a fair The towns tht Bwayer cantoed art sbowiug ln those preffincts, bis victarya Vernon, Newport, Aven. Warrn, wotlld have been certain. b Wa.len 11, 1 3, 4, 6, Shilelds 3 enid Thompson end Silnger Satlefled.e Lbertyville 1. Alderman Bdinger. of the Fourth bwayer 'arfibt Waukegan gith a ward', who la Oné of thetm riteti majority 0:Z47. one.4n thue content. carne t- L4;1 UN Hendeesa vote in Waukeqan< waeý office tua rnorning and-tisiti: ws 68I. *kir- n4 *f. swayer *ith alni>' beart Sllwayere vote in Waukegan wasamar praud o! ihe fact and the sbowng 1,128. - we madtu Iti flçgau and 1127warýd!' The couny vote la now being rai- manager Thorneai: -I amn more vasseti. andi there are rumors tbt than gratllled wtb the attiendîi sup. changes wili be matie, as souile of the piort gîven Mtr. Swayer In Waukegan. coucte are incorrect. Thus lu the Wblle defeated by a situaitrnajorlty, fourth ward Swayer la reputedti 0 as shown by the total éount. 1 consid. have galned sfven. wile Hendoebast: er we made a gond flgbt and have not B r iJotL foisr. maliug Swayer eleven to thte auinge regret, only thnit we cou.. not g-dt. winu" anti more produiltve of results than The following table shows the lHen-,AGetFgt that of Za oppousnt, the. Gazette. I dee-Swayer vote lu full: lit certaisly waa a great content and' Many Wateh Returnei. 8 HendeeSwaYer 'but a few votes would bave cbanged At tbe SUN office teat nigbt 500 i Benlon 1........... .. 44 18 the resuit. Mtr. Heudee bad littie or îepegteeitrn h vnu i Bouton 2 ........... .144 37 >no organisation. white Mr. Swayer get the officiai and complete returns. Bentuu3:1............ 99 39 was bandIcappei for the sanie rea- This tbrong varledt trougb the even-e Verpon .........32 50 son ln country ditricta, sltbough lu fing aud fully 2,000 or more watcbede Newport. ......... ... 55 123 Waukegl Manager ThaWpeon got lu. the poting of the bulletins andthebe Antioch............ 173 150 . - . work of tabulation Inside the office. Grant. ............... 50 '22wbere each fteab returu was stidet toi Avon. ............... 124 240 a bulletin, grrangeti to give the coi- l Warren ............... 20 220 bluet resultzaiet a glance.G WaukelWa 1 .........81 211 Hendee andi Swayer men were pros- c Waukegan 2 ........ 207 292ent and the. keenest anxlety was feitl I Waukegan 3.......... 149 173 until tbe let returu was In. tbe figh Waukegan 4.......... 157 272 being one that was uncertain until tbo Wankegan 5......87 180 veye stfiguires were down ln black 1 Wakeo6 ..........67 6andi white.1 Shieldsa1 ......... ... 176 64 Cheer for Swayer. Shieds 2.......... 6 SbWhou the Avon. Warren. Waukegas Shieds 3..........47 8, "nd ther large Ovayer returns roibeti UibertyvIlie I........ 40 65 In there were vocferous cheers. Arma lbertyville 2......... 70 48 aud fbauds were waved, bats tbrowu F'remont ............. 55 52 lu the air and general expressions ofr 'êauconda......104 28 gratification wère beard. Whou thé' Cuba................ 63 13 returns weut the other way the Heu-g Ela.......... 55 28 tee supporters gave venltt teir feed-c W. Deerfield , s --- u6 10 .Ings also aud the entire eveniug wasa Deerfield 1 ý.. 182 17 a procesion of perioda et aternate t)eerfielti 2 ..... 120 27 hope and dettression.. Deerfeld 3 ...... 103 51 lns1deýthe SUN office there wasaa record bteaking jan. Outside. thet 2.62 2.51 ..... treet vas crowdedto ta tt niddle aud Wbole County Ticket ln. FRED E. AMES. pîeople wishiug passage -throtigb the tlrong had to figlît or go around. Beyoud the Hendee-Swayer fSubI - - e It was impibet ge the entire Republican couiy ticket gether a giiod !oltowing pf hittîcra Intitereun t oitîle ti gel carrieti. the fllowiug beiug elected and they uiay well be proud of resiltuts. h rtrawt cni. lt practicalty witbout opposition bUvfihe Swayer Win& Wbere Beut Known. AcetdAi vr suffrages of the people of 'Lke Warren and Avon gave to Mr Sway- Aepetiillvr couty: L CNS er wouderful majorities which dent- SUN office returna a-ele acceiited aI DEWIT Conty tidu. outrates bis îîopulariiy ln the towns aver. The SUN bas a reputation and DENIN LJ.ORINS.Couuty JShei. wer e a tstkow uhî ard arecord for furuiahiug the resultsansd FRED E. AMOS. County Treasurer.i his city and bis two country îown- iteolle look to the SUN for tbeir neya. T. ARTHUR SiMPSON. Coîîty ~Su.- sbips heca-on by overwbelming ma- Two men were kept busy at tete- perinentet offichol;.jorittca, awhile ta Zion City andtthe phones at nlght anti rare ludeed waa Griffu vas tbe oly candidate a-ho DLeerfield l recincta Mr. I-endre vas Itt imu -eu0eo h te met wtb any great reistaue Afred accorded mat as remarkabie niajori-uoeil a-as not jaugllug. lu addition to1 P. Conrad of the Tird polling a large tics. thié the- SUN put lu mnauy catis to Whole Ticket Wins. give the peoîple the neya first and a-as Outside of te clerkablp tiere bas, the first to score up the votefrWu not beeu at any Urne a doubta a, te the kegan on the bulletin boarta. outeome, andt the rettîrna ahow that- tn fact, tbe SUN returus vero go E. J. Griffun, candidate for sherif, hadi satisfactory that Ia rivai, the Gazette. no neeti to a-orry, tesîtite, the Ga..........-., ztte's cdaimu he attd the balance of the ticket were fluImintent danger of Albert L. Hendet-. for tweniy -.years county dot k of 1Iak-e county. wa yetertay re-electeti and a-ut sue- ceuti bintself for four yeara more at the eut of wbich tini.e he aiuntcps tat be wyul retire. James L. Sa-ayer. the chiai-eor tîtpt tepe by a inajorlty f the, votes at, teprimaries. a-as fatly and houestly beaten at the polae and retires wtb honora. haviug gîven is opponent a margin of ]ese tbanau an lred votes. Tafli of Conteat la Rot. 1 Tbere la nome talk about contesingf the election of Hendee. As far ha the leaders of the Swayer1 snpport. or the SUN. are conceruei,. - ~ t ts talk la îronouuced rot. There la ALBRT . NE. nothing toit.L ALSER 1. 1414DE. fiayer vas beaten by the votes of the people ai the Vols anti there la vote ou thte Demcatatcktnd uotIug fartitor ta bc doue. i * ... .. makiu.g a bcgi mn, lit beiug coucetet Not. Much Crowing on Either Sîde. - - - tbt Griffuà la way lu the leat, to thel There ls not mucu croaing onuafftler ELVIN J. GRIFFIN. number of aver 2,000. aide of the fonce.j accelîteti its final summary anti butte- As ntdfartbor along ln tbe SUN, Th.. the Hendee Republicans are'tinet Henies at go majority.' follow-- the. follawiug bouasof the ticket aiso luclinet to be tisappointed that their îiiîg the SUN, aitbough the' Gazette carnIed: majorlty was no larger while the' sumnmarlea dit not add ni) ta that JOHN ti. OMULSKI, State Treas-t Swayer Repnblicaus are of the oplu- amount. Inter. ion fital: tbey shoulti bave had a larger Varions reasona are ascrlbed for the FRANCIS G. BLAIR, Trustee of, majority. IHOiidee victory, among which the fol- Univrsity. I Waukegan for Swayer.' lowiug may be mentioued: CARffl T. ALEXANDER. 1 etc ~roal aoe ubsds The pronounced disposition amoug fLe BA.TCH.. appitniont over the fact that Wau- Reptiblicaus not to scratch their bai- ALEX. M'LXA N. kegau rollet np a large ihajority for'lots. L He LUIMAN, to Ril vacancy Swairqr. over 400. .The fatîre of the vote of the fiftb 1--- _ _ fi m 018p FRIDÂY(, NOVEMBËRIV. 190r,-12 Page. 'non Cimpoed vii sllinig Liqu.g ut gSdiety Ea-ent Ao.eaeed IP20. sociBeY WITNRSSBR NuOT AT TRIAL North Shor eSciety people falie t t put tu anapgeagrance as vituesses lu the Stripe proaecution o! James Brown, af Lihegrtyville. for the allogeti Illegal Sale of liqior at the charity fieldi meet lu the village Octoben 13, ant i vth the, exception of outhurata hetwoen the tvo attorneys lu the case, Stearus anti 'Miller, the heariug ]qroyu ect'e' the minimum fiue of 74 -and coisain'conslteratiou a! »he tact that it a-as bis first offense. ýAfter Justice 'Weiss hati atnonceti fils tecision. H orace E. Wells, candi- vu- the- Prohibition ticket far StÏ%"Urei, 'walked ni% ln rou sut extending bis baud saiti: "I wisb ta stat,-. Mîr. Brown, thal 1 bat nothlng ai ail agailîst oi abaking bIs bandi andI favoring bita viitt a jgenorotît tîuifle. tBronau grinuet goullY. Order Wall Reprasented. lu tbe court om i atching .the case vere R. IL Iliripe. the complain- Ing vltneas, aho caetin ln for a bitter acorlig' rong Attorneyi Stearns for lthe defongle, Toiù Qua>le, the secretary of the Lake Caunit' Laa anti Ortier Leagué: fHorsc X. Wetls. Prohibition candidate for' Counti, treasuror; Dr. Bouton, prieaitent of tht- Laite Coni> Suntia>' Shool Assoîciation; Dr. JIacob IP. rnmer, beat of the Nten'a Bible cilaa, atiottere. Y. B. Mar*b, tirecttîr of tbe Liberty- ville TrotUlng Association; J. Set-loy Gnidiey, '- ecretary-, 'anti others- Iconnocteti u4tu lte tefense, yere Whet teWtnesaes Sald. WItneanss wene IL H. Stèipe of Watt- koegan. compladinnu aitnesa. Robert Hall gjWankegati Horace E. Wells of Ivanhoe, J. 8. Gi-idie>' anti F. E. Msnsh. l'h. tefense put on no.- viluessea whatever. Sltripe andi Wellse Bought. Aceorting ta the sténogrsphie re- porta o! the hî-aring. wblcb a SUN reporter reacheti ahile Marsta-nwasou the stand, Strîît tealiflot that he hat gone ta Lihertyville to attend a charitable event given by north short- Society' folk. Unter the grand stand ho bat rîun acrose Browni anti bis layant o! wet goute. He saw Itorace E. Wells there aud the îwa got their ht-ada ta- gether.to aloili e abuae of the iaw. Wells brank hlt-tr, as he aflerward testifieti. Strje iîongbt a botîle whicit ho put ia his pocitet anti viticit aîpp-ar-d tot the stand ibis mornlng. Inti(dition be tooit a drink 10 make sturelit- stuif ou sale a-as beer. Krew Nolhing About IL. Marab and 1h ille>' speut uot of teir lime oti tnt- stand teiling a-bat they til t ulkînta-about te affair. Bth vert- of tht- opinion that tht-y tilt not itnow tiat an>' one got thel prîvilege o! taie: thal the> bat itot seen Brown lit-int the bar anti bat ual laiten drinks of him ai the stand on thte day meniint. Thoîr totiiais concerning tht- part playeti by Brownt were catogorical aot complote. "Dit you baît- a drink ou that day?" seket States Attornoey Miller of Gritie>'. "'No, ir:;uoi on au>'other day.' ansa-eret NMr. tridlo>', hoaIng a amîle. Bottie ta Sbown. *The fatal boille that Mr. Strîpe purchaset luntîtrson et Mr. Broa-n vas shovu on ui îce Weiss' tesit. Il ls an ontinary lîtîtte of Buda-olser. snd contains a iint. Clash Bela-cen Attorlleys. The cash bttween Attornoyas bteamne aund Miller arase a-heu the former ID bis argiînient referredti t the tact that tht- meel a-a for tht- henefit of a îîrotosOti home for crtp- pied chiltren on te Despinea. 'l abject," aboutot Attoney' Millor. "Oh, Weil, If rounsol venta la ho «Ily-'I ai ttAllue>' Steanna. "I sm golng taniake you cnt out nome of yanr 'guiluit ,9i0 sanie, Mr. Steanne,"1 sait Miller. angr1Il>' ltler viten Attorney' Blearna re- fonnot W Mr. StnIpe opprobriousiy. caliug hlm a "Butlusty treformner" andi other nantes, Mn. Stripe bai! .rase tram bis chair aut asitedt.I tonne>' Miller ta put te IlItou the aatonesy for tbe tefense wvitcit aas toneoan te gr<îîînds that Mn. Strilie a-as nol an trial. Lina of Defense.OrIgal. Tito lino o!ftietnso a-ast9ff tBrown va a'ileunseetantIhat the prosecu- lion of violations of the iquon iav a-as tirectqt agaînal people vithout liceuses, Brown ditd ot have lcense to selI at tue utoot. The attanne>' for te tefeuse se statodthIat Broa-n mlght have goDe behindthelb bar anti picet up a bot- die or tva to give la Stripe vhile tue neal keepen of the bar vas ahsent. Anothen point matie a-a that no prnucipal appearoti. Brown beingas mere agent, andt Iat ho Vas net pros- ecutahie as agenit asatue principal titi not apilean. P. B. Marsit. vituesa for the prose- codion, voluntocreti to igu Brown@ Dond wben Attorney Stearus aokcti tor an appeal. The case wlli. he fought ont-hlghr up. Mare Trouble Coming. Tbursday. afirnoon lu an Interview with the SUN, R. H. Strîpe, wbo la beating the aggressive movemnent for a cleanen Lakte connty, stated that ho batl fot yet finishet Wilb tbe Browu case. Sanie of the peoplete ao autel voro pot subpoenaed,." ho sald lu re- lation ta the norti shore society peo- pie, "sut we coutd ot compel tbe of- Sicors ta serve papers on tbem againat their hest judgmeut., "We are uow goiug aftor thte man who let the bar privilege I Brown. I afl almnt certain that ho la a man ln Chcgo, but SIt wouid fpot be rigbt to, g ive hlm reat present.' Mr. Stripe Is sintere anti earnest lu hie campaigu and Il a hing goa t thus far. as the fined lnposed ou Brown shows. mAMCAN DERBY FOR tAIC! COUN4TY Passible Thot Liberlyville Wil Ne.i Vear Gct Famnous Eveni-Special Inducemnenta Offered. The gmtat Americati Derby la tht- ut-aest Proixîsltton for Lake' eoiîety anti Prositent A. ýC. Frost, of the Chi- cago & Miw-aukee Electrle Railroati Company, andtihte Libertyville tracit are at the hottorn of it. Prosident Frost bas matie a ptropo- sition to the Gentjeuteus Derby Club of Cicago that the club avail ltaeif of the mile track ai Lihert>,vlle for thte holding of the great Derby anti has offereti to bulî a club bouse amoug ether big Inducements. Proininent Chicago itorsemen holti controllIng interpsts lu the Derby Club sud a-i make declalon at an earl>' date. FAST MRIN tIlTS DAN SPELLIWAN Libertyville Young Mani le Badh' Injured Witîe Reiurning Frorti, l4unthng Expodion-Pc&ed up hy Freight Crew. last Thuraday lthe pasat-uger !rain kuovu ai î.berfyville as the '5 o'clocit," a-bite going at a terrific rate betveen Roudout andti Ial vil- lage tei make op tume, struck it anîie Speliman, one ofthIe beat kuovu young men <if Libertyville, iilctiug injuries a-bich nia>' prove fatal. Tht- tralumen tii net knoa- ut the accident anti the train v&outînuet on1 lit aa. Siieliman a-as founti a Itaif1 hotur later a-itb bis ht-ad, acroas a rail by the local freight crea- and taken 10 Rondoul lImaI anti thente t LibortyvîlIe. Hat tht- mon on tho ft-eigbt not soon hlm lu time Ie voîti bave been groumit deal.h. as hoa lytug a-cii upon the tract. Ho bat beon ont huntlug turingj the afternoon anti ahon tounti. bis gun aa lylung but a fea- foott ram hini. It la thougbt lte englue did not atnike hlm. net aquarel>' at least. or ho vonît have been instautly kiillet, as the accident took place on a tovu grade a-bore thte train a-oult lu mait- lng Dp lime ho going at a rate o! ut-an>' a mile a minute. Hie tamily anti the railmoat mon tInit that ho aa tite train lu lime aimost ta cloar tt anti thal possib>' the stop oui>' of the cab or a coach a-as ail Ibal bit hlm. Hoea-as wa-t-it ram bas uf bloot and colt a-ht-n tauti. It la nov tbonghl thene la a chance for his ne- caver>', tboîigh et llrat il a-as given otut that be bat not more Iban one chance lu ta-enty. It la t..ongitt a ver>' fortunate tblng that Mie frelgit appearet i athtlime anti tounu hlm as hati ie remaînet a-home ho a-as but a fea- minutes langer auother passen- gor train a-onid have passed anti vithout question vaulti have ru» qvt-n bis body>. DARED Thr. WAVES FO0R ZIONIS SAKE Tva Familles Brave Elementsansd Raach Havon afler fils Weeks on Laites lu Unîniet Boal-Faitit Bore thom Through. Atter a jmune>'of six veeka town the laites front Coliluaood. Canada. severalithundret miles ln tite ronghest kint o! weather. a-bon bardior hoata bave sought abelter, t*o familles of Zionitls reichoti Wankegan Baturday afterncon anti, tying tbelr boat ln tue Islip et the nortb eut of the itarbor, locitet ber and let for ZMon. The>' are uoa- tiere andtihIe boat lies ln lbe barbon bore a-alliug tht-m re- turn. Was 40-Fact Schooner. Titeir long journey waa mate In a acitoonon yacht about forty feel long anti tue>' vero six.veke on the jour. ne>. Noniof tIhose a-ho matie tue tnIp knew anytblug about saalilng anti l in caïd by lake mon to be s venter tiltt hg eaven annivat p<ely. $1.,.50O PER -YEAýR IN ADVANI The boat, the '*Ses GulI." ta an oitOd'~~ one andi neoda nany repira. but abe la prohably stroug anti se aaortbv or iL sbe wouit nover bave rearbet ht-me. 'uVhen euterlug tbe barbor Satuirday Manri urs Amucit Among We-W abe a-as unuer foresail oui>, anti Mirrors #nficung ib Two Familles on Board. Damage le Establishment. On b»Lrd the boat were ta-o famil- lies of father, mothor anti several Crie@s09aih) Jhi nutsg from tke il cbildrea They vere reitents o! Col- "hop oai (eorge Bohbnu l U -. Iingsa-oot. Canada. they sati. ait bat Wedue8day niglit rousedlte s been couvertet to the Zion !aitb. portionl or the lawn andthe alp-ti Tho>' tecitiet to caine to Ziont l' wbi..b qnickiy gathberat i wtu Iborofor George Keefe demoa&)strateba bi ii Tbey teeoepurciasod tht- Sea pro leesuslie vs a i t" .*ý Guli" andtihte uext day starteti on sreotet Sa-itbhbw a mzeti Io tueir Iourney. Noue o! theni knea- lark iiartlett who presitsa"tih anytblug about saillng aud it vas the Muoment thingi. bappeneti. tirât lime nome of them ibat bt-ciiou Wîien the vloutis rolleti &wu#- the vater. utirror bat-k o1 the- bar vas bi Saved bhi'Falth. neari3- ail tue gises about the plaes<1 "Otur faitli carnet tns tbroiîgb' said abattereti aid gori. Keefa'e g",,. one o! the tfathers. We helleved anti dtît-liteoulv dit]!±lîteul apon luetuti vore Dîot afrait anti aur prayers for the lîdaue.iLBeore hie coniti sub" safe gutance wore aneveret.' The bis# feelings the piate a s a wrset eut o! their journey va, reachoti bei-e gIitui hbore ont Barletta statl Saturtay aftertioouî. They tii nut tKiôith~îetliiig bai ieen tirovu. 'te àuchbitut sa>i,'ITMeid-p thIr .Aller a ýjï;ff of-e41t~A boat anti left for Zion. There Ibe>' ligiiii,'ta$f uts (>liiet.r Hal scouti no atil are andi a-at they wiii do wth tontit]. An intorat. of t>.', danis* the- boat nor what their futurInilten- Lt111 undler a-ny lions are la tiot knîoyu. Mayor Macuiflin appearoti anti tii ______________boiti the man uttl an offleer arrlveti' TRIE TO USTwaë assaulteti. Keefo thon iedM » TRIESTO O ST nver &(ter threatouuîng the lUves of i CII) TEACIIER Youug men a-ho were ouderdte.o *0 hlm îî>i Mr. liaceuffin. Hire y le a-as traed several miles. b>'sà Injunelian Proceedinge tatd yltfbloond vhich carne from hbie vo Thomas Kelly Agalisi Infant ingusc . Scltoolma'am iandi Board of Di roc- fomgasci. - tors-Caîrned that Relatives Mret 'aork Progreaalg. Girl of Yethful Ae. Robert D. Wyun, ight or .- Thaîtuas Kelv of sebool district No.(1i8 agent for the Chicago & igwas lu the iiortbeast corner et 1lbertyville eti RaradCm nyws townshîip, couending titat tbe achool Waukegan Mondtay nioring on. b teaimer, liss Atialine Miller, îatîgbter uses. of Jc'sepi Miller i.n incomipetent. ta temî In lu anInterview he Mstatti h sehbool, bute tartet puectiluga fori, lilurn. Raciue-Miiwaukee extension o0f tiati against the boumt, .Josepb Miller, electnic vas progressi« fineli. O* Endolpit Epher andi Henry Elihlg. o! worknien are nov Uigrthg Ho bas appli for injunctutu rom m'iles north of Racine andi Mr. Jatige Chao.. l. DneIly in the circuit la bnying bis wsy-throuth thé t court 0< LA"se >i*~ kbis 1tory betueftthi e fe *I attorney*.bas scureti papens for ileeving leen lite reste e0>«00&d It in bis change that t!t teacber, Misan Miller. a-uts ireti hy ber fathen uts *aTRAINhh1 dineetar ant iâii. ousi, Heur>' Elfiug a centifirate 10o teaeb anti that she enteretinuon lier lechool a-bile Dot yot tqixte4 .era ofage. SIte ila sait ihave alreaty tina-n ta-o îuouth's pay ut 84.5 la-r nicîttîaguiluttite uvialiee -faI laurgt' portion oi the reaideîuts of the disitrict. Tut-ne are forty pIupils lu the <-lioul andti ire familles are saidt] t bave vliilt]ren oidor titan thr. teacher a-bit-b tIi-v wisb ltosendti t'.hîoal. Tht-ru la iutîtbfeeliing lunlbh'district ant] a peti- lionhu. ai len aign.'d tii for-e lier ns- niaI. Thee motter wii te titresieti out iii lie tourts. HALLOWE'EN AT GURNEE. From Indications Hallao'en Nwatt e groat succçss for the, orait boys andi sonie oI their oidor brothers at Gîuî- nec. In paslng",tbrongh lteïvillage amaple prol of the tact are aceut. Enough fonce a-as tlion up lu oute section ta reachbebtweeîi two tele- graph paies andi la hung on the very tops of theut. On one barn a com- - ploeea-agon la honchet sertis the- ritige polo and Inluone of te large trees tit bonder lte roat -another wagon, but lu separate pieces a s sat- toredt tirougitlthe branches. ANOT81ER PHlASE TO tIOCKN!V AFFNIR Alroady Much Tan glet New T rouble Bravelu Inthe Seilling of Hiikney'e Bomnuddlat Accounue. Titere a-as anoîber dovelapuint 10 the Hocktney tiusappearaneeniix-up a-lion Monda>' Alfredi Asma. a ferm- o r of Warrentou. repievineti stock ithatlho bat botîgbt at the mortgagdr's sale at Warreuton Bs.atey. At the cale o! tite Hockney stock a t the Libai place on the day mon- tionetl Asma a-as lthe hlghest bitter on certain stock'anti Libal tbaughl th51 tue fanmer vas hidding for hlm.- ho says, ohe let 1he stock go. Noa'. hovover, Asma aunounces Ihat he put lu the bide for hinisel! anti iati no Intention of huylng ltnLIbai. Ti t islesait eursget Uàbal who 1declares that the sale a-as a "faite," It lsailUege ant finally YestordaY ho refuse tc, deliver the caIlle tuAima. a-ho theretipon neplevinet itnti 0k àtheun Svay. Anoher tievelopment las the fact Ibat Mrs. Hockney nia>' tfeat hbotu emou b>' stopplng Iu snt clsiming hen àexemption nighla. bains a damertet v ife e. s o uict enlltIo 1500 accrd- ing ta hen attonny., A. K. Stearna cari Mayer. off Paitine, SImde Croselng an"i. Pcelvea' l"ju Which May' b. Fatal. carl Meyer, a fermer living near P tine waas trut-tby a train ruesatl>' croesing et. that pilace anti suaM injurie, a-tilt-b Ma>'prove oItai wagonulua-biicb ho vs inig dotuoliabeti and ha as Ibreva igi reeeiving a fracture of the. #kmiil rentiered inhlmuucousciono., 51e accident ho bas remraimed inii& a o icendition ant ie isf. e -«foifr. IFAT STOCK SHOW Mary Lakte oeunty Fermner* WM Exposition in Chileagot e e Osec. 1ît B.-le For Spreadbal lnowiedge lu Stock Sr»din. The tiuuuforiete hGlding of th I national Lime titocit Expodalotof ll rapitil>'approachiag, antios t o - axioni pot it, "To ho foe-vaê ho Iure-utmiid' antis a vat ci1 ,ital inteuast t t he lYe at*k-M te country'abould bho arenofui kh viow. anti ever> fariner' lntersehd lx ptroductionu oIlive stock ablni01 a point ta visfit Ibis -aramI oho instruction, The roosanafor tb$e on bard te determine. Fit, #11 dilficuit>' of produsiugbW@aeotis untier te proemut sdI1~e mukeit cexonis the Mme" mon can boîste taapeciedt, and pWace in lb. wvorld-be oe botter oppontuawiet bi lte latest antid e ahd bantiliug anti mi 114t #'w st thw t- ntaidowsI UV4 tion. T'hetinte la w s4 *« caite va holm otproIUi there are thousanès os * u MW las Woti very pesa. B t e a impOrtant 10040D t hm ai proead b>' tW lntem&" losit,:' foily ci tiiaproceîs "To lte Ilv atocki leder, viat ta a lt ilca vb«* arts demeieiby - lSve mach a-hicb seim ai ~P -maoti ie iai fur der* bon lm S fflIý,