Your mùeata are the Tenderest, the most dellious and dellghtsome; tbey have a rarenees of flavor and asweetnem uîîsurpassed if TRIGOS jp the man who supplies your table I pric>-S e i more expenkve A ndrew IHu s s nIM", Wu" Se LIk BERTYVILLE, ILL.I Winter Is Comi ng But we are ont deck with a good linîe of wiîîter goods consisting of Mlats and Caps, Gloves, Mitte ns, Rubbers, Overshoes and lfeit- L'ined Shoes o-. Underwear Chlldrens Fleece Lined 1 5c and Up Ladies Cotton and wool - - 25C and up Mien'.@Ctton and Wool Fleeced 37Fàcandj u -Ladies Veste, double front and back, fleece lined - - 50C WUTI & DAVIS TEA AND COF>EE LEADERS Libertyvllle, 111. L" 111*»l01 Sgbb toNqiberterf 1~ . mesgt &betvt RdrsJBIG ST1UN Plcd Us> tiersaàd 1km *..e,...ê...4..,4g4.f444t.... Comedyg Company - 1 2UPEOPLÈ .12 Aller the Indien#munirner, toqes aume- Lîbertyvîlle swnehQ, anîj)teot __ thing dlffrent. the habit ut votîno leur Shttrty. W. . .Duléer ha'.lhsers pr.nuatotl tronm Mr@. Vrank, Flatter. o u load, aieA M~L resh bràkemnau UWvondractor aaitd lic motvsng been *atigInter, Mrs. 1). %. Young Id@ faiiiliy i) Mit waikffl for th. punit weék, O Klrmdt 4). E. Werner and wile Wave k'riday It ia leaénrred here tsat a wai.8liete evensing uf tbis wa'k for a buminess trip birigbsten the home of Worden .Wells, ,,l .180'W Southland and %riait at Illson Cty, la. Elgin, a -alhort time reçu. Aan Leteher arrnll, formerly ofttis, utn o nlels .îtd~. Se AM villagte, hallc mat racturmced trous a vicit ni , S. Wheeler farteran Mk-ehaîîit's <irovit The Claver 10 Yser Old Dancer and Vrglula &netit eagaitn Il (rayslake. jrond and il wimeuo rs ' vher. , Comedian tAr'iTurner eae] family at.ndifauts!laisse Lucy Bagémsan, Ed%%-erci Wlterée SOM!TING DOING Clark wi louleve Monay iîct foer and Isrtram (Gatp., of %Wh.atun, tigies ______ ____ witer. Vt r'nrsdth' i Walrond in la blliiiantaaddiition îLibertgviNele !ia. Nov.gis R e asa Tayle)r n undii we r! tirhrler of hise t w Iitî t Elgin. îl. lm sceiitig Mra. Ta.lor ,gi r..ativ entalad iSs hoînk, .TiselGragmike, November lOth ber final arrangirmnnr for liaviiig stru<ttar willliehofu brick. thé amnlys teWliosci.The Q et (i wilI dance ut tiie towîî hall Mm.t. . Cuk asr..eeedaquntiyun ïri ay of this week. Thii, the. thirdi Charle WolrIiitlge lt.t Wedneaday of troufesses for tire fronut f ier propert.y dance of thée mason. The llre twvo ave watts hi@e tasiily for Mihigan wliere they on Miwaukiee avenue. It ic 01 very neat ben igbiv aucceaafuil and a tii attoîîded. wil malle thpir future honte..He. expiocra appà,, eraolre adscl . Missh improre thé l ci to, enter tie fruit garotving ntctry anti bote f th atret. litt Hoggn. wll ititi a icati , e laettling un a ftai. eloneging tu the At the counceil meeting àdahday right; China paintingr néxtWedîî..stla% Nov. 1-4 Worcg au ,thiinge were rather quit. The monthly rat SevP m Bt tugeladtestttthe ut Mrcc ibille weré aaa adthe final aettle: M'>nlî iew,. ,cit,~ een o.glde ttt il ,tent with Ca)ntractor Eeaiy for thet'sautilleat i oelac-k. gave. a "urtugrcslve party' tant Thuya@- A"igofthewatr ain wa sanate. The. I DVENN<T antI -I N 'bulletinéd d ray evenlsg. ThéibouhonofutMisseliia laig fte ae mlewa ase ii.eceinréaa tliî1îvilCroker, hBertha Mason anti Ethel boioe 0a Bornerothser mincir massier» of little thcre ecisot rai 5Ut'ceSutVély anti a vc'rs moment were di*-um.ed and the comncil! Waukegan. Wameandatnd iirityslttke as, guud iitis eurc hvasil alto Arthur price Who hamsbeen in the, 1;,8. i thés.. townis haindreds of pisîti.. acîthccl ovt iod u iloéenadne. navy for thépet four ud a haIt yearg hp bulleic4ns. ecihng doing t lie natt thc. tiu.. haà comuletéd ie isenliitruent and 1la À A iumber ut gravel ant tiittlt'cr trts P .L alri taigapi *agaire viiting hi.t Libertyvillé friénda. walkiç bavs- l1s-u put in ahtîtîî t 11,i rutc hes tIhe' vssuit of a iinature riu. Bis car&er in the nay 1hmehen=hllowéd White flot the'qut; ubsiiaîttilil tls.. arec wy iniinclîhiha ook-î part Muasday by masser readera tb< O..tWazw a ver;v lhix iîprovoianeu ovi' tire rond luait. Wieotsaii 'l u eu iwho have reand theé itntrating lettera and aré very nanch appîru-c... t-I yil,.ef- aie out lit' -îat a tca igîte:11t publlahed Bt thia papéer. Mr. Priges wilplics'wlo une tilleul. . ta.e frwjIe-eii uta treultral -poussin in Libprtyvillé -for tiré Lime bing Mis% press e feng.tltgtji otf Tedlt4i iiîsdfbî h.igiiItp. havlng flot as yet decided capots lai# igry Elfcvri.weaanit-liltasiikarei lcttarî'liîtg one , 'fthe hflises ltthe hdil future work. . t tfo 0*lt'li at tien, Caititfi- ,-hutrchi tt)uand ii dii iît iiliiti licarilv injuiti igI The big "dredgé" asithaheen dubbed Wdnesd,ky Nîts 7, lt.tiMtri%%cilltaiit It a, fc'avt.d a sîttal htte.t. ba@ heem operating thé paot couple uofBuse i tf l îs'agq. ild% 4îî1 -% of tIlle pilrts-icîl andîti l 'ellet, imeiler in, day.sunthe buaine@assection of this iiicdiateié Inod tt .ct hi' mt. village and the work culder the able <-créîsonv. ltv. P. J.Siali,"î.ts'l Trainînastee r trili. i i.4li-g, rpervlin o f thé major part ut unr The' isi maýtlw..n Cusîýit',l c. %vîiit-i 1tltltisikt...à- SI'Pai -tl3 la population lîsé progreat.ed rapidly.apssusLirtvl.uto.i sgtttttikttîii.r-éalitltti * Th eewr l gulz inver faa.. h lureh it Firida.v of this ttk oid.. lik ts- il' nLiberty ville, Hoelias itenuii in oiru oe steéd if'ni a ltalen thé tthe boat thiîg tirat lbu sAi.fisthe.villaugtetuwai Tna illter o uteitts r..,-t'rlv t, identical Fin e» d hy thé goaversanment tilim eoiaun. If in a tregîiî,ir.t,,on shoîjut.. 4o lemlaj a vrytt in eleanaing Bavasa ofdleease suad whltlé bn acupas d %ýIer u ins t> i 'tlin> Paalo uddev.rilt,. thé tués. mies! apitear semail expertes ay cshiig da i'uîîan t-i' rab ashcct 01en»dctI ornteul nly leon sisuthi-ri, darmple ianmizis% lire tirette lie ligie. toit ant-ktr îîertttstu-'. t h-y wl.,rio aay il on lot inère e thre u-rt il ie éo,n)etiritltti frotî iici io (i tv Uttsst ltiitilt, vage rieu révfftf tt1 n thé soetrt tsi thé fInisha. tutand,('l'i-at,. lîc-andttlbottetliaintts %vas;i-le-1 vtllagc. . fasbii)néd iioutfirras oggitîi.raîndl 'tgvIieItu t titi.. a tty atitliecas E E. Eiî..o rt i tmsativ' 'I lY in it-odieé; si)dear to the sautsin itl wiîî. higiliîii tg tsi îeln' visiting thlictowîî. his wilittit whs,-i t (ittti f Jttl)att'seFalure<f théeatértainlitit. ltëies A .. t ic onrii rt t itis village a lite %-ilr ni-ii tceaittîl Pactkageîfs j'ete a Bring aI fa.sst " oitîti au. iîiiit> ai aili #le<t touli i aittiîr cltterai l§ tht-v art- Itali.rcatv yfr sltifiitcn t l'ont tir,.'ton year ulti miigetrt i r.lotg rtei.Liberty vilit- !Ntvelty Ilaitfg. lto., the' fut-itrieet-. ian. Th ii..dîs»are deuansd ctuidian is. aj it' thec,I,- .limtier aili iiantagieIletettfJ. lIaluati u'itis VriLlpsal iininative. Ja îîsin..cpany aîîd hinlseolf ila a,-%% a-rbft lew lîtiha- lad a greut iiany'lcars ut pls-vs pjtnfd iili.rl tht ii and a ieon pnie. cx tcriet ir iipara&'ficiul ittli work and arý,lIid tiýmà m et i va îî"insrîtf rit- asrtîitît. Ti' isýa tli-k [ tii tîi l acs r. H.Lindenlhrger. tlttttit ii..wll ietleitttsslY tise.-. Tht' saill la s1î are TIic pl rppttîrai t) aul ly rfiotolir, Litiértyvili.ý. Ph. n.. <îthe rî'îrgtunisscîlWuulriîlgc ittili jist i. tin é itt tii.. i d luibt litont.»f tr iét iti 70-tf, ittot te C. M . 1P. trucks rnear arc cer lrtikn ai ris ltstg ituist Itni 'tht. intaruriî%aIry. M. Ilnytitan ilr. ltuîîd ut ir ti..lontranîgsit ri. Mr.- prolttpoestg) .plat out'M ieitn furniture" thelan ofthe metitsirýun ýI.1ant i a tii)it, peial tirîers. lie will have * Eu-a rtht înulles aé t. fttthisWane:Iatumpies uf hile .î rk (,tîî lîîw et thi. ait( inIts a scry lprmttiy aitîfetît t cioî-ated OllfIl7 'grTr Heathb fture stoire. lîttier hit witlt thé-gutnds. enuagteaient it in asfsîîre. thent the 'hr itis h s-ltcc.i -nxidcri httc tualliesnt ,III IL fact try- wiliéenter napotn a Pitffable abliît tsn î latisc si tuet.atct tientbitness. 1 ertrt- iicht at.:530 thée 'ic.trie. liglîte ici Central State ieaire Co. Lescee The frientsititi Mr. luî isai li. jitward tit. village ail gto out foi- a sxtatc uf a i ttcg gave tirent a suirptrise pavty ita the fcw secondsiuc aithI coutoitnt runegain..1 Charles ATakacs, Manager WuY tif a hflttt warming Satnrday' Thtt- solutîionîî,fflihe cîttts'r in a very ________ cériîg. Th,-.vihave riec'ctii noved in- sinifl all..act. 13p ttalloueth lîîr tient tentertttet ti (iý:frummif t rîpc'rty land if vaa crr.t sstjpît rtteîWacktguii. At uSle taa dîa tsta Iuthiisunature abott5:30tiecli tîtt' tt.the tvilt- i c tîtls! ho decidedîy pruper quel incrdcsr. talent ii- tartiini, and !th- "load' la .. 'rtgcée 'cinchi" amtheficmain sn itt-c tot ii. viiîise. I'his ite-emsi- 6 îNights ond 2 uiatitîees Icaitut'.. of tii. evéniîtg anti (C. F. Hut g fatsstuttinrgitlt thetl etti cucrrent ait1 tre. .1 F. Ciînirer wcre thé prise andt tonîiîîg nii..eLit'crtttvile turarént w ns-rt..The' consolataionnsanwards wact wbihisltakeK htitrtné îîttti.-ni Laser in __tt, tirs Fioale:tînti 0. E. tariter. ftunchi rti. cvcning wvitessts- Wtcrl.sgtîr s, ut iii, Johnl I ke E«Itaitw., trve'dlas thie-secondti part ot thé -toi agnin at-,î,ttît ib -t vies tlctonecicait M r. ala r Mva Iorg were li I.rc ville pil liti..sinlt ta it antI ill i..iii x r tît ttinvite iteiv l cîîîeis tots tu leturent htttittchtat.iing:i;î!rniWarcits etock masser p a:î tits- t-îtrrcctt. lltdt of I lt a eu tiay s sentilr tithtit 1Liiitr'vtviic iat wtiv Itti it titrt't-'iPRICES lOc-l 5c-20c AN[) 30c t jrkrtweter cotient. ie gt'stsan itetIf ait tit tclle retclrflts frtta Ir. tht'ec nttt'jtta vlcîît iivvi i ictîînîei' of tuleaî-fvcsé, Mi..iltrgoitrot - -ft t1eitoeurvitetif thte c'c'îing were ini not Le'e'. irc a Ulit-igi ttr ci .(litseiii .' wide dit tuu ishredti tlrcty. vrir 'itrct stî iirts .etîontivt SUNDAY, NOVEMBERliIth 'It .ý . itigstaoîtoilitetie ws-ieniri- lttittas î.tpoltîî. labttctur tur i'a"'s btn ttvt ii îvkn auo wttrk it'tri iiitrtyvillt. for a výirvc.-uatr.talle sr tor ttig ettttii tattt mhot fiiet. Fie- stcurt'ttetPii titontwitth, Ireland's ..,4eet .Singer loue wlit- liariY Yt'ravttgtwero lasi tt F.. B. Luvcl aset.lrag t-trtbut tis 'stay ' trdcîruy" a buw itinthefi..ronsd at i ta. ltnc'i a-t Mr. oel lîti tîttisî-'îverci ALLEN DOOME the Brt adway tonte ttof Msiltvaukee- ave. tirer lit' waxr pts..tstr'of tht' gveut'm St>long agi) wtrt- the ltogeslitien tt "rtet p lai'rt t ii.ite 'ait hiabitet otnttht'tie ttt .I N tilt ut rt'ti(iîint . t nt t as rîti g oft rhein Il t, ..ttiY hirc waelsistit tt t-si.tend J sp i tiir. Séverklci -t izeuté t-itthave l t'ed icittitti aUfli bl isi.. litt,'sa Btut lait JsehMurphy's Pamnous Play It r-pt ittvy caî-éand mcire- sautethtint tny suicîttirîhe r it ,kî'd ttr fa fotvtgît tfoti.t'. re plttthere bhoirî thi r ativcît iii tir, -tt' St-li iachtti llît'ntt-utt Higît- u I '~a j ttiltîge. A liait ceitrneauand tieragtt landil tark. lHoward Nit-hlît is ttiitt1- E <K~Itii rond tvas titti as a stage rotttaindî claret att ti-uttaiî ltedc' a'-t.,ucth- bailotw tvaosa vt'niiable Isint hlt.. am titi'and t utnt e î.stotjîi,'t t.%vilalits JSauce the tige trér,'pl&î'ed wiîerc fourin eorniparivaiutiWaukcguiiî a lti'c lie v-gt,.. Prit'ts-25', 3"5, 50. 75 aitdi1I.410i the- rondttlias îtitela té't.iîliliétIand the' tércd affli' t'ha'c artz hoitta i isle i.ejttt'iu itehi tions thi tî Ill te h tht e fi - vttnty bus etnteitniî.c'dhtte, mer) i tam e. ait Jenéils bru.t aura, pî-tstiît stréet ltecl trois)i lirt e vtiin t'langt-d wlth theimeui.. _______________________htt. A wél tleillaéd strata shîowsedils- _____________________tiît'tiy a-itéré thé freet ntuks -îetntps andt btrancthe's ivat'i'o înuin ta givpt*-, rontd bed stlidity aitt]iray areihi a aiîidénfnl stseiéou preservaiaon cîtniîld- criaile thé many years ttîty mueit havé becn f hère. ANNQUNCENffTS Nov. l. ua irte horneof Marie. F. P. The. Prt.bytprian ,Ladiesa aid aill imest u t tise bcrnse utMme. Williamî Laycc'k oa Thcîreday alternomn, Nov. 15. AIl are - codiully iîivitéd. - - Tho Christian Scientiste trili huletlîir rpgilar weekly meeting nt tht' M afle Workevs hait laver Sniith & Davis store lluiday eveniug ut 7:30. Subjeet: Motais a sanscmmrtala. Village Expenditure. The following te a otatement ot thé bille pses! tny thé Lihertyville village coruil Monduy ight Ntn. 5 fit thé regulur meetintg of thée btard: E. C. Young, aalamy---------....... îo;o o Nonthi Shore Eléet. Liglit Ca liglita-------------------.......... 2 57 E. C. Y'tung. étreet .'oiiiîn-...... titi 0 WM .l'rideauxc, rebate oîn walk. Il 64 (Iéo. Eatoit, rehaton wak .....123'1 -'A WORD TO THE WISE.Py James Lavce* , rbate ou waik. 1740o Nerf. Mater Ca. inetere-........171 60 Wînld't yon f pat mtaed ton if ycîum éyeglalaisés. relievés! your hc-iiuchi? Thîty C. M. & St P. R. Co.reight.... 2 27 -would look tbotter to voirturthadiarîttnde. Thé oulv way oln, t-n n éiie lead a b léiv sI-kHetg .3--,my..... . l( The Secret Is Out L4Everyluoty kîîe-rs it anîd ê- taikingb~kI. Not 110w. The people have discover thJ *futh aîtd art' spreadiîg. it ainoxlg them.CýThey are, telliîîg tlîeir lueiglu-borfi and their neighbors' îîeighbirs arti hearing it from, their lips. Soon everyone wîIl know that"The Big Store is the only place tt trade. VALUJES! That le the môîntoîîri question. rP. P. DYszOesn, Pré,. ORO. A. WRInaRT, Vice Prés. C. F. WMONT', OMehue FS. KW,, Aeet. Ce.hlis LAKE CO.,NATIONAL BANK< IJIAJs 1$65,OOO0.OO Why I Bank My MoneY Ilcause. c(t'nwidering the tait that 95~ per cent. ot the world's bus.nesso is t,-aniqaeted "n palte'. it would hé îlang-erous fur nie ta atteimj t tOc lo aBiy vallumeofuthumilie«swith the at-tualI noney. I E DRE I DERDOWN- :SSING SACQUEIE We are too btiîiy Vo' write a leugt!îy description of thifi 50C big bargaiu. Suffice it to tell you we have bought eight on the dozen samples of Eiderdown F véry ma, womauusud chilis with a Bsnk Accout bua al thie advantfflee of apaidexpert I)ookéepér. Tb@ hast recorde of your finaucial allaire are sos caoite, and! aiwairaaecmil TO TOU. Othée esusof pry into ypun huainmBoitter opien une aithi us (o fBey. NATINAL.B OF UBERTYVILLE, ILL- %tlà) Robeé at LIBIERTYVILLE, THE FAIR ILLINOIS 1