CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Nov 1906, p. 10

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»«so« Wu hsga Noeapaper Di" lit Mxico. XIM5ARKINQ ON OSUBM or ORBAt MAONITU»E ...1lw cenaiant of prosldsnt Poilio DWiorf thea ropublic of àMiteo, end iWbe bss frIand of $Ir Thomas Lip toq, isba W. l»gay, f@j'iWiIly thse ewme sudaIller oflth. WnuK*gàn 4»nb w egiaihi, new thse Gazette, '* IU» prninci n afamous Lake Usefi0titlslof4t, .accordiflg te hlm ,mmeatoatennt, noe worthh 1800000 * T"oe hosasllad for Engiand and tIboanoent wtb 6fr Thomuas Lipton te *@"lobete auvangeenta ýfoi- a warlýd , - t ifthe a pkino Industrie%, of uuilOiscambinatlOl' it lsru morod ho Lean offier, sud wll noe thltsi ataiay. hille svaltlug a friend lu tbe Auditorium Anuez , Attorney A. K. Sêssfl. formerîr editor of the. SUN. "W the tamilar figre Of hsevlilom rlvl. tae former editor of tise Ga- astI, John W. DeKay, stride ta the tier'. dsk sud demai sasuite of roama vus a bath. Soevau the au» DeKay. vils the ae fiovlusg hack bair. tise saine sbomi oir.the same stride, tise saine »rogna dlgnity. sud resdily groeted t» mvm ho nov sdriilidrove hila m triWaukogaas «Tour the. real author- dlp of 'Baby Mine' vastise hardest ie, tht i oser rocivod" ho sid. turinge an aueet bita"la now a abUgie lu laca nevapaper circlon. DO&kar priatingap ju au asilson mai Blearn dlacovèing ht iIlas i *et Mth0sd uredlted . Wsukogaru Tins. Wased. Oohbnuin& h. aatai. "My turne lut Waubag'ua vas t ansd couli 1 have1 devotel oi-quarter of 1h ta viat 1 amn mev iaing 1 vould ho n0 mauy iun- *detithouansi th isencber for it. 1 Lave juet refusai su offer o! a mil- fle dobs for my luterente lulise fl ta ites Paeltlug Company of NIeOansud caialuer thein vortisOve âw fMM1tbat se ia i dnlupri- vua vivacouforencos vils Proul- MsM pairgi"saOf Mexico vas &Mvaout o! itaauWs a aiathe ittie« at Le about ta erect S sauteS pat on the onUaklrta of tise Naieme esjibal that viii accamma- a.ti a bllng of 3000 ieai of caIlle InvitesRival le Banquet Tieu th. nid lime local novapaper s,, vý eli kuav for bislsofty ambi- thm a aidramnatic povera. lnvlted the Waukogan attorney ta lunch vitis blut an bis returu frointise trip îtis là" -U tan take a ride dovu ta tMexico la-bis» privale car, aud ta dîne viii Dis a neif. I' "I eed legal mdince in my project fr a vorld packlusg trust." he sald., "sud you msy be the man 1 vaut. Came vîtis me.' Tva or tisnee train badis o! modern unchlnery are nov ounlise vay ta tise iuaokbsg plant ta ho erected near tise 11oxicau capital. Preidout DeKay ovni5 per cent of bie capital stock. Pretty Horne Weddnt. With tiese inpist of ihome yod- igs. et noon Thunsday. et the hernie of the brlde's granipareute. Mr. sud Mm. Henrir Rogers, 303 'Wael street, 810111.edufA Raugt and CarlinAttnbury iver. unitai la mnu, liage. The maritage, simple, isomly ani beautiful, vas vituesati by about nuzty guete. The bride sud groom racivol tisïroir Ovugutahefre tft £«s. Orl"onByces pertonsnod ths om any, whlihvas the ring cens smy 7.The. bride vas attilnod la witte crepe de chine viii a vuestis of brides rosese. The. brideanma groom voIrs umattme&i Mme bonse vasdecortei vlth car- ABs, tishee'etnay a wreinsspsoh va UrveS. Maybeauttlul ynàts v*# leseS dby te bride f-mhor *Ism ami relatives. U. sud Mms.Atobury air- Imbu for a riit ta the parante of . Mtbnry ai Chanilorville, III, U.mfngthy vi ha et home ai MNorth bWest streat. loe ODartmoa Store Opans. -»Uty Ib"sManinglb.eSrtis01o 4w, ow ai e Dprtaut itors er »P on aeslso! of imut, tisaI ail MmsModei@top aMi s.4 L. vom«Idsoriappara la lise day v ifvs. - ta aob' ln strucit np a rolilcklag air sud an Im- moes crowd gatisered to watt for the. throvlug open or the doora visicis Cam at 9:30. ,luside the. bowor of boautY dîsPiar' ed tu tise windowis vas duPllcated wlth thse perfection of arrangement evldenced lu-tise large stock dlaplaY. Thora vere salespoople. ushers aud courteorus attendants galoro sud peo- ple *wha eutered were sisowu thraugh the. groat emporiumn wlt grace aud kinduess. Sales began wltha lumpl nover to lot up whlle tie-throngs filed lu. wiic they dia ail day. On tise miade Immense floral pleces decorate the arches. tise space above counters. tise outranceSsuad every coricolvable nook aud cranY. S've lsundred dollars ad over were repre- seuted lu the flowers alaise. Horse shoos luniblooms over the main en- trauces carrled ont a prettY Idea, tise vigi of evor5y persan visa bas enter- ed the Globe loday-that lt succeed. 0Wd Soldiers in Grand Joyfaat. Every aid soldier lu Waukegan 1l5 ta ho luvlted ta attend a grand issu- quet sud jollification tisat Waukegan Pont of the Grand Army of tise Repuli- lic sud Waukegau Corps of thse Wo- meu's Relléf Corps are ta unle ta give November 22 at tise Christ Cisurcis Parus Hanse. Tise aId soldiers of the clty viii. be gathered. togetiser for tise lune ai tiseir lives aud speechses,' decoratlans sud menu are expected ta excel ail previous efforts lu titis directioun Old saldiers who have neot« recelv- ed Invitations are roquestod la com- municate willi B. A. Dunu, at the clty Offices. Big Deal Rumored. It le rumored tisaI Chicago million- sires are uegotitlu irougis s Watt- koga rosi estato iMsu for tise Pur- chase of tise entiré tei'rtarY ouN orth Gouesesud Madisnn treetz. north- eat corner, for tise purpose of erect- lug s large office sud store building. Tise report le that tise Flemsingansd Odenbrled propertiea are nouait sud Iliat s nov sud up-ta-date tisree-Stnry structure vI replace theus If the deal goon thnangb. Road Wants Ta Gel Franchise. Tise Chicago, Wsukogau & Nontis Sisore Railvay Company, visici la tise aid Alexander Clarke project. wilU make s proposition for a franchise ta tise clty o! Waukegan witin s moulis, paenubly by tise lirsI of December. What the. terms Of the Proposition iifll h can net be learuei juat nov au they are uusettled. Tbey wilI be maie public, vhen la made te the clty cotancil. viih viii ta snon. Son,. Proposed Routes. Tise rosi,.viich la repneenued localiy isy John Douglas, vullitskfor tise rlght tu traverse certinistreets o! tise etly of Waukegau, prohsbly Norths avenue, tram tise uortis cty limi- lIe ta elliser Jullan, Cîsyton or Madi- sou atreet sud tiseuce ta tise lake. viere tise rosi already bas a right ai vsy, or dovu Nortis avensue ta, one of tise intersecting streelsansd lisea south on Utica or naine other norlis asnatis îhoroughfsro until a june- t ion ls again effocted vit tise igit of ln reachint distance of LaIte Michi- gan. The local reprenentative slatom Ihat vile tise Nantis avenue part o! tise rigit la asaured practlcaiiy by front- age, noue ofthle othfi, streets mou- tionei above has heen settied* upon sud biser. la really uotising tu any as far as tisey are concerued eicept tisai Maison atreet people are theux »nives amkIing tisaI lis.roai traverse the citreet bafoue tisoir places of busi- ness and resldouces. tise rosi vould came tram the nonsb slong North avenue ta Cîsyton street sud davu Cisytan to tise issbon rigit o vay. visicis la comlte mince tise lime the rosi vas fmi planc 'What offeri lie rosi viii mate tise elty lu lieu of compenouan aoua ho learuod, but tisai Ibore yl hae nmine en quotioned as enosa says that abc came lis for saslos a!f somthilg good vison Ibis rosi maie ber litapropoasis. Worb on the setual construction a! the eletric la annunuu ct begiln ai the earliesi possible momenit next spring. BRiIiCOSBING LAID. Wark staried Tueaiay on - lay- lng th. brick ou Sauth Genoegetreet. TMeya' belug laid bohween tise car tracte fiuet. Tisecul;ai ade o! the1 sflt lla a&l preparai ton tise larîu o! the brick -sud tho vet ide la be, lug haI~ vitase ne ov_ BAtNoeorPow!.RI 80 Say$ WgLukovm m ilolter Who Mopes ta ' Form Pact Amnifiq Churchos for Political PurpesOS1 ia Reabofi.g. Last Sunday altornoan, before tise ,.teu'5 Christians Temperailce Union. ln tise Baptift chusci. Rev. il-1 bothsm preacheri a stroug sermïonou "Tise Relation Of tise Churcb ta Poil. tics." A full atteudanCe O! thse union vas proet. 'Te tslk vas a Stroug One.- lu It Rtev. Higgiubotha-~ touclsed ou tise local situation. His remsrks verfi as ahove. At tise close Of thse talk thse actions suggested by hlm for forulg togetiser. taklug s church coter cou- sus sud asking thisait aigu a Pledge ta vote together for mou choseis hy thse union were tabou. preparatloup w~ere made ta do an0 sud tise union i11 fll OUW thse sugges- tione. Should tlsey succeed sud Pre- sont a solid church vote noaft sPrlng they wilI bave great vlit lu tise election. Hore in Waukegafl the cisrcis hold* the balance O! powel In POUt ica. Thse vote in tiselast m&Yiialty eioctien maltes thia lruth Plalfl. In that elsc- tion, Mr. Bulick, lise Preosnt mayel'. r.celvod 14@8 votes and hie oppononti. Mir. Zitt, recelvod 1.008 voteS. Mr. Buiiock's maJarltY Wao 230 Jotas Tii. total vote of tho Baptifft Metoidl Eplopal. preahyterlan, tisetw Christian eburciss and tise Conglrn'e*- tlimai churcis la apPrxIXla~tOlY 4M0. Tuai total doeennot Include tise rmns bordO e ioCtisolic and Lutiseran cisurcises, nor desa kt include ail those wiso attend tise.cisurchos and wise would, maày oe isn, bo wth us in a movenient for btter goerflitl. Now if thss votes had boon caogt in tise leateleellon for Mir. Zitt ho wouldi have beOn Oilai InsteLai of tMr. Oui- lock. 1 do not say thua aiould have boon dons, but It'nirows ths fact, thiat tisa churOli cantr0ls tise situation If tise unmbera viii voue together and vote for tisa hast men n sd the beat I oauid mgge . tsat -iseMen Christian union gel s lisi of lise cisurcis votera and ack tisom te pleige tisemmelvea te Vote for tise best man and tise hast me&srem in citY oai-e tians regardlins if Partyv. Thon let Us go te tise leaders of tise twe parties befars h"*y lhou hoirprlmanles or conventins ii5ii spring te nominale men for tise variaulg eily ot#icesa ni asi lissa te put geod, henest dean mon for whanvis can vote canacien' tlaugly. if tiser wili do tisis, tisoy can haveo ur votes. And if botis prties put up tise klnd cf me .. .w#thoisn let us vote for tÏre man vise viii promise te enforce tise laws and bring about certain reforme wih %vo de- tire. But if naither party nominatos goci, clean, isanest mon, Ihen lot tlis union nominate such n man andru hlm on an Independent ticket=Wo may rot vin thse firsttlin,., but ulti- ateiy vs shall nuffaed. Tisnhan been accomplised lIn ethor citlez and u t may bo dans in Waukegaui. Tisa conditions today in aur citiez and tise countlry as a wisale are sueis that tise chureis cen not attend te remain allent tbut It muet apeak snd mpeak In nu un- certain maund upon ise great ques- Lot tise cisurc eis bocon,.cloius e! le power and us. It te neeuren'esst and uprigit mon fer vmrlous places of trust anda nooiibilty ln tise clty, stats snd nation and liii. nation viii n»m becosue sa " i dboter place ta vhIrcis ta live, BLOW Am. WhISKY CAUSt Or DeAMH Resa ove Paysu.nb if Drinks Resute In Desti if Parbtipant li Troubla -Post Morem Shows Diseasa Meart. WisIbothIbelquast over tise body ef Antan Turevies, visa vas touS desi lu tise bacbyand of a Martet streel iouse, faaititise ducosse in diod o! eairt diseoso thiey emàý bodied lu uieir verdict that a blairtise min lreportei ta bave recalvod ln s rov lu tise saloon belonglug ta loe Balotta and tise atoudins exctement vwas probabiy Instrumentailuahasten-1 lng ils dealli. Thse toetimouy soved tisaI Yure. vies vas lsr>the -saloon viii fotW aIliers. An argument over the psye ment ftheisa lm k eafsloti [Aftor tise figivoas-oavenrYuroelM vuls hie, iChales Tonrskua. and seing ta the Patkovsek Mao"ca tala Ivic& e. iter walke botueand; sk thouait h.o omplalued of-paie tis e sal n sapi ho bI beau as as 1 Iisàl nmtliterbis frisa mut uoVauaihoI. dnt tutu the 'b, bouisd, .ire. Anes BuSiman. go tgtata ib srd4 liter fannd him .aud t-ucet himt a g rnken sloP. Bs oaltai Las "b#Mi0and ho dlscoere tha" ha vag ad TI* post umoetai the . morgue aboyai that i hésrt vwu greaeno- isugai sa. vbes toimnaisd tbat hi. beaut wv vwak. The. verdict re- turuad aflithat. hohart ilsi lu the rear of a semlenocoat 802 Markt Street, that the évidence so*nd tisAt ho had been 12n4 agit lu a 931o000on Market Street sarlier sund had boon struck ove the. heurt aud that tise pont mortueisaboyeatisa le Sugera" witti chroule hat trouble vhli tise corontes 5Jury tl4anght caffld, bis SAVES tir AND Foreignor in: Lake is Rescusd s&rd Gives Mis Savor Peculiar Thant$s -Fou Into Water Reachins for Mt At noon SuudaY Denuis JoMI8inoi of Waaiugon. saved a lite sud ai- tisougis ie la qulte modeet about It tise 1.528014 rofects great cerdit up- on tise yaung.min. Ho b.d juat corne lu f rom a huntina trip vlth two compaulois Wvhoa eut up tavu, leaving hlm vils tisebhat visiciho v as' drawvig ta a place wbere be cauld tie It, vison a forolgu- er vslklng aioug the pion bai bhis bat through the. donc. vlnd. Tise insu tePped ounlise eciaO0f tise boat ta go ator ilsud tisebhat overturuc ih idocoys, anus sud.con- tenta, vhilo thsemnufloudeed lu tise lcy water. lemmion 100k thse nope ai- tacbed ta tise boat sud threv It ta the. dravluinsumavisa could not undor- stand Englah sud visa tierefore dld ual grsap It. altisougs he vaa frautIc- ntiy-told ta do un by Jemimon. Joi't son tien ha thtie prononce of mini ta fllck tisemin serons tise face viti tise rope eui sud ta save bimseif ho grssped tise ropo fiually sud was itavu after mach exertion ta tise pion. -Excuse me, ho aaid. andivs off wih *tath..,b yoa As yw,,know ftaily omiUt-hle carbon avauÀsiiefor beti S"i n l slI oltu a, Ietbo m ~~~*YOIOeg* bnn4of m i l lom lta lb. Ina! mfudto Pmo up lise ddlumey est prodtçer. C4l orla rgel" ai 91a4 Ulmae by 0 . E itise eaed Mot Miat draft 4"nd hm paiiled feattir , diuIIl M l a "g m t eu2 thenlie pCWsrie f Oaaulix bllt s st ro p r miasag vifs hetise£d cas-bo or cake in tise coo, tis-sburiiail aU tis o.Tid Swisy Maaste Doll»ansd makes a ton of comumon 93A0 soft " oro lgis40 the wosk of.1tSOwostél of har4 ceai. Your aid slave and imitation Hot Bla are flot air tiht, douait save the escaping ug an sd do not give you a warin. house at ingist. Vou cannaI siford toasy4-yourseif «'My old slave wil have ta do tbis winter. " Tise aid stove is eaiing up thse price of a new sto ve every year. Not ouiy tisai, but on top of the cot t t the nnlsatisfaclory resuit it 'ives. itt ivs astutdise coldest moriig. *Even leat Day and Ngt-Fire Never Out Cotes Hot Bisat isaperfect iu conastruction tisai ire eeasU nighi, sud wisen thse draft la opened in tise mr. mug wlflbhumtwoor three hours wlth tise fuel put in thse aght before. No other stave dos Ibis. Pire, tiserefare' neyer goes out. snd temistis om r ep ts .Issu- s-W imet , ai foe-th<IR Otlu ful1'ever .----; draf t sore ofthe àameais, lrithwftSàlor stck. ,.-e ,sruee Coe,* Hot Sialto un les.bard cooi for boni mog àgloeospore to"yqShurerr Mode uh dames beatl..asurfac 3-e gm.rantee ibat ith erna ea b, î.eted Irve one tot- ..houirs m.' tl, uh Uthe nais ceaoul iO5irt. ttrh.e esh.g hentre 4-W gaatee Ithâtis th viii ad Sr lft matt ol 36 ho.. 5--We guaranlee sa nrsite hat d"Yand nighi, .ith softi cai, baud cool or ilgste. 6-We guarontef <a7 toiS te renai..solutel airtight " s e ioed as. 7We.1 ee the d dotoihn eS.oi n upree. b.iarPzeà= m siade euh the osieusingdlsOrnaithe 5iOVt lie 1ierted oeo.iag e rtellea" arst up wih à o goi Sue. For Hard Coal-1-Saves Hlli Thse pcrféct cautrol over tise diafts, tiseslow economWca combustion sud tise large positive radistg surface make Cole's Original Hot Biasitisue moet economtucan sd tise Sent s Use. liad Coal tove wae. »:",Z;GOALà.Col#& Mot 41»t is tise modem iteater sud wviiilaveeil$ cont un fuel every vinter. SBose00for yaas boule m. Would Yen Loe .$5000 In Fuel to Save $1.00 on the Cost of Your Steve? riat avsiyudmis e b~> iepyntubin « yj~no, ado-imitatian store. like al ...MW fL nventIons,o. Oiinl t Bisit busmmy tfelo sitattona. hfl Thsy &U teckthtie ptentei feati ngosd careful canuction. vhf.h nuake tihe OsiS taiin aI s gtt urcc 1bmy do ot M à »mopn tn ad mc s icisrender thein worlesa as ire keepers.SMeais enan '66~9's but WrtIen GibCWeo ne te gddur o pleuiho u for-Sal e bg iH. B. EGER, Libertyjville ~-.p- gag e.e*e*e*@.e*@* ..*********!I** ..,.,.,...-,,.,.,.,.,v ~A.IWA& INNE S p "Yý StylIsh CIoikl* Save, yeu iir r'tmu - tor reaçy -mivuw -cent Wif ou are Interestec our Prices tÇe<ore you Buy, toths, Prices to I n Savlng Hisses $10.00 Coats $5;95I Thoy bang just 1k. the eStlY Ou* visagepictures yo'5 cdmre lthe Fabios Journals. Every line la the proper angle of style. Tise price la 85 Pfeolmpiy beecse Ne vere fortunste enougis ta boy hein at aligbtly more than'haifthtie normal figure. f~hey came in fine wàol beaver double breaated effectb, new steeve, 6 to ý12 year biZes in Navy, Ued and . Cator, a $i0 0 value 85 95. OROMO -MUMUMO J'w 1 -wëý ý - ý mide ------------- !'- -. .

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