«2e I 1' Ibo cicuit cortuof OCo tr t, Sucier au appfi ma" et e Uw >p'-d gti trom the OUs& wyet *0 offl n wifttof habeae Md la bat" 1< ena*ths No a e IEvis ci' tptt agaua % W wvst slaUd by fJpDgeDi q »Mi "a uae returoahietomnr- qm 4the.«ot0iy 0f mepolice. ne.destio bi.*0Uit in1signed bra.0. ubt uis0 f OzLais, LSe > oe~w.. vhs nol0 Ise «tht ho bringa t» &OUM et, the.requctof tihe gi. ddguiies 15e ira 9. thereby deprived b« l~itberty. althougb iii. ben vin- ém, as Oeilias John LU Masen. lunbui t.ivth lisser lu the manage- use et. the Rtenfu Hotel, was Pt on 1WISt ta Judis Kavanagbs court res- ter&syon the ecaflmeof banborlut bgaruet DuthIe.Attorucys Klekbau *bsuisancd Joam eincacbach ap- Ucnim conel for thc defeudants. 1% fle cs vill bo presented by* Assistnt tates Attorney Frank i Crwe ho vlI bq ailed by F'rank D. Coleefrd. attorucy for the police de- DuaMIntions conducted by Attor- uer Seulan developed tic tact that thc defense le a l maxussto getljur- ens Wbo are ailflhated vltb churcb or. ganiatiaus or socteties for the sup.' puecetos of vice. Seven luron. ver. lmpeuefledduring tUic rnring - TO r , JMTE : FOMTUASOF : PfAivD LFE <rom WeMdady's DalIX Sun.) Thts evening athUicPsrbridge nesi- deSeou West street, the fortleth su- aivernsryof Uoi sud lirs. Partntdge sud f lraulrlldesalter, lMr$. D. freeniu.la tu bN celebrstcd. Dotblà r. sud lira. Partriege sud Dr. sud lir. llrcemnsu ver. marrled forty ycara caga today sud thii even- lait a large clebration viii commemo- rate tth.fa t. Tvty-slx gueule viii be proiet. A 56a'clock dinuer villi N sertcd. The guct. yl bN Immcdlatc roba- Utc. sud aU viii b. fram Chcago wt theti exception of the. Cater sud Marbe familles fram Wankegau. Wo. sud lira.Partrldgc vere mar- rieti lu Ivauboen lu184. They moteti tu Waukcgan SBeye rou laer sud bate ilved bore stece that arne. lir. Par-1 ridgle là one of Uic foreoma o. A.iR men la the clty. Both are veli inovu ansd popular. - <Trm WeddayS's Dalby Sun.) Tht isunlang lu thc Churc oi the Iaraulate Conception on Coùuby treet, Tticu Gavin unbet Iun mur- ra.gaCluia Gamash anad Perley D. uAmmns. ImcedlmateycterUitohe-Ca Mo" thc bridecastigroom. loft for a ioaariMaM l teoktand. »"liare vsblkuovu sud popular. 7"ic greaff t ipioret lu the post clobersueAMnt elean sd relable. TheicdeaMhmbecs crnpboyed lu tie lEaav. «»auTocm stre an Wsing- ton fftreet, but r«iesigcihorly heforo ber marnasf.. 7'0 AID lTE ORPNANAGIE. Thc DeacanesseW- oabufge -at 'L*Dlnmuv eah udtet by au enter- taatumt em lntbeticAustin iret IL charhcilad i eenngunder the q«M oth1e younmg omienof bhc à . sseicl. Tbc pnaggram vau byBleWtseelcville of 'à* ii. 1IBteIasd irpamat; 3#8Gtaude leajaisi, Viollut * uM bera gwcrc gtrcu by the. e 5 vctnlng Adell4c Thuraton av, cf tic Scivaits ln ose of the ST., ,ZlL THE QUALITIES SEEN IN OUR M4G1<t ICENT LIN ES OF SL ITS, TOPCOATS AND OVE *COATS ARE SUPERB. WB INVITE'YOU IN TO INSPEOT TE LATEST AND NEWEST IN STYLE, IN W(X) ENS, IN FIT AND FINISH. 0F ESPECIAL INTEREST, TO ALL TH~ SEASON 1S THE VARSITY OVERCOAT, DREAM IN STYLE FIT AND MAKE UP. * OUR GREAT SHOE STOCK 18 READY F4 YOUR INS PECTION. AGENTS FOR HANA PACKARD AND DOUGLAS FINE SHORS. SUITS "*e*10t.#$23. 66Th-e .Gi-st 121123 Ne Ge»espe St. Copyright i£906 by bu buM to lu 15. ite "anthle rami Iil durnp -,au tic, bulideuV matenlis I viee ticy viE b. reedifotonheUic pestera oud muon&i- rsd Al~ow Another Chions. Mllmin Couvert te Ibo leashs e the Des Plains MAGNIFICENT RESIDENCE -NEAR LISURrYVvLLE. Wark Ain.ady Dcgun on Private Pre- serve and Rmld.nce Wili bc Compitsd Wbhin à Veir. (Prom Wedneeday's Dally Sun.) J. H. Hyland third vic precîdent of ti hlcfgo. Milwaukee & St. Pal rallaaad, l maklng extensite p»ues- tiensate, eret a nue dvellung neer Lbeuytie. He ha. under contraint a couidenable tract of landi eaut oi tiat village sud noui of thc ralroai and alreedy hes gardeucra at varci sha#Iluathe grounudssud peparing tic place ter tic van vwhich la ure ta opeu up ln tic sprlng. Hie. bas cotuactet lu Libetyville fura sgrt.quautylof - tyelve-lh mever ppe and wvilstali c tbraugh Indviduel ystein a1 draInage. 0. 0. Simnou& êComupany, laimpe gard- encra af Chicag. are nov la oIwX*s and *yIl van voudera lavard lic beaubflattionaofthcspot vblch mt- Mr allutnoe of beaut>'. Tic mansion ai 15e Chlcega. liMW yaukee & et. Paul officia viiibup- ou a bill 1111atclpaklng tice wil of ti e Miaions river. Tic spot le nov suuunaded by a dense grave. bt bhe garocuera arc ta acuave ail tbt objoetiaable trecs ticthesot "md tf tic *Uet vbich obstrut the ,tcv, leaving but tioee vw"c met tV, t- quirenient. af thiluardtite sMdtrain- ed cyc.. Wbcu 1the vark laemrploe& .vhtc ln u m rbgbilty viii taiea a yWcer so, #lale»c0iiylaud viiibave a colu- btr borne tiat lt vithaut puer la tbe tlclulity ai lbertytle, alucciy l>u o!o s a oesmer borne. village fur Ciboago iuflionctree. JTouasdy mabelai rrulvi for a é»>0 j oot Mgiandst fonce a smldtg viii <rain wceay's Sun.) The UttI. baby of Mr. sud lim. WI Wari t. no btter toas>. Coasubr Bpeitenient et Bohoola IF. N. Gala las Chicago today. li. nsd irs. Perler Emamons have Son lu flokiord on ticir boucymoon. There la a rurnr that tic "bird ai deathl vas board arouud thc Gazette fce. Coal tan turned ot fromn tic citr gai varbe mad mar ln Kenosha detily MIlait Ubt. lira. Dr. Payue, mter ofrlira. Col. Partritige, là bhe.ou hcr vay home lu Berkeley Cal, fram a trip sbraad. The. Little Jabnny Joues compar buasme bright adtirlsng ln the torm of carde viti quotablons from thc musical plecc. BorailuMrlinsd lira. W. D. Braugh- ton, nee AIrs WctenfleldI, o! thîs city. an leven Pound son ulet ight at Sout Portiad, liaine. At thein homec on West street thia eteung H ou. C. A. Partritige sud vife enttait about thluty relativcs at an elaborate tinucu Partyt u coebration of thirt fortieti vcddlmg annitcraary. T rank Ufti havng loft ticeKKim- b al oampany, EL Carnes has been a>- poiutcd ti..local agent lu 11ke charge At os.-M. Carnet la a-brlght Young > mmansd a h»ueer aud vil! mail good. Te Whyte Turniture Company Uhit moral«u reclted a couigulueut af regi JcPvare tram Japa, tie china bmlng vuappcd ln tie iMenticai tvtated Price.stuav, Utian sd uevmpspcr that icoolei lbor put upon it acraae the L eciflo kTic seciapsr "Madonna" la te vi > & aimd e pointuee tram ichoigan. 'Me "Madmnn" vas lalut ai cr vit a bcd d no aWOU peu" edicmy, via poriaeed trou bar tiat HRubor lMter Lareen wvas aked by ma"y If ý the bout va. returnima lits jean Th, fuserai ai thba t. Jolais Laisa gauiuen, vas bld yeterdsy trant the ibouine Re*. John A. J. Wbiipple It«cciUgthé eulogy. -'tra n i bt lu paonticz, andDot lu public lt.. leh& b sthne tc uctetnu i a biemi am»Y wauketgute," mi t.m - tOuab. Tht.stlàiteuallytrAsu N.w Plan ot Settlemont se- twecZion Oburob mmd tho gewios la Prsposd VOIVA MAY ASSION ALL TEMPORAL ASSETS. Maffd Step lu Separation af Cam- munity Temnporary Affara, From Church May 800n Toite t-iac*. <P'rom Wednesdaj' Dm117 Sun.) Ocueral Overseer Wlbur Glenn Vol- lys, afi mon City, lest ulht at a mess rnê.blg lu Shiloh tabernacle suuounc- cd "thhcbas deferedbIa tbreatened expoiur of Mns. John Aluxander Dovie sud Gladstoiie Dovi. te defcn- once of a plan of settlecutolu h pro- po.ed hefone Judgc Kenesav M. Lan- dis taday. Receitcr John C. Habcly viii eskt the court ion authorty ta effect a set- tiernt vibh tins. Dovie by offcnlng ta give up ail clmem utic original Ben M=achut estate held by ber ln bgtollgan If ske and ber sou il give up everythlng ee lu the vay et prap- ety of John Alexandern flve. ii. roalvei opes ta evade «xpensive liti- Il asc came ta ilot tâtât Voiva bas becu luduced ta taks nuder con- midratian a plan ta aisiu al b.te&- porel ceate of Zion City lu tibc rci- litaus, rctslnlnfg only t4c titi.. sud splelloporqulsîtes oa,",tbechucb. baflovtag a secret oebence vibb Overeecufor Europe lhoder. Touti.l mcii fa bave pnomlei lb appoint a mamtce of twelvetelonal"der tic propositioan. Hodler holo epaver of iLttnnb for many stackboldersansd, ýAulbers udge V. V. Baruci. Dee.oun lessden oranger cnt U B. Lich uons lis aide. Terme for Mm. Dowie. Accordl4 ug udetaill< of tie plan of kleelver Hcbciy ta s»Mab iti lire. Davis as ladelune, lira.Dovie ie lu mrrnpter ai ber cdaims and dover ilts tu *clipropcrty of John MAie- manisaDavis la Laies a ar e cilaiâ ta thce euy and HuEU propertie lu Muakei. liicb.; bheu tue t Shque bouse sud Sui c t-l tage, inciuding relise af dower rlghts ai homeetead, and diuBlas thc pro- ceeding brought by ber lu the circuit court of Muakegon, lIicb.. MMgata Alexander ranger, Wilbur Gleun Vol- lys, cn4 ticra. seeking to establish ber owncrship of the Ben Maciihul propenty. lira Dovie and A. J. Gladstone Dowie are to urreuder ail dlaims to rosi ntate lu Zion and to turu over to the receiver ail shares and certin-. cate. of stock lunUtceZMon lace Indus. tries and pther unlncorporated Indus- tries lu Zion City and l ns thUi necciver and the emate from afl clalma against thom. Both, accord- logil tictheplan are lu aigu the. lu- voived releafie sud the. transfer of thc elaims lu real esate are lu be made by quit dlaim deeds glycu Uic recelver. Ta Retain Pen MeDhlwi. iu returu for bbc mrrendere of cîsima by lira. Dovie aud A. J. Gllad- stone Doie Ilb ln agreed. accordlug lu thc plan, tiat tic receiven yull couveY iiy quit dlaIm on delivery of the. ne- leases and deeda lu bc executed by Jane Dovie and . A. J.LtGladstone Dovie a i ntereat luabbcembsate of John Alexander Dovie aud tbc receit- or tu thc real ebtate vlbb Improve mente, personsi pnolerty, furulabiuga, and haumehold goods vblch coustIbute thc Ben liacOhui property. lbit Iaerein uthe petition led tiat mil peraoua concerued ln toc plan are agreed, sud tleI.epccted that thc receiver yl N bgiven Uic deslrcd order. GoeraI Overaeer Voiva cloaed bisi addreaa 4at ulght by announclng thal he stililubneuds lu "arralgu the Dowîs for thcir iisîfldy before Uiceviiole world." Spanglng. «Ater trriug lu valunlungat suY credit," beaeu Dr. Luablg. "Jane bar luod de cinilbusud hurrled ta Eddie <iraaey place and bcoitich barteuder il! it vîti the adi tin& »ut viieu heoaakcd tabave It chsjg.d, ho fou"i bimacliface tu face witi adgant ",Ailright; pour. lboui,: Mald jonca. The indt rcpeatcd it- sel at ter aoons, and by miduighi Jm« es vtsr drn." Wes IheU parebobogicalseniofai meug the whisky pourcila sud aet- Dr. L%ï.- tlg vas ak"i.«No. Sitasuichetact. thal ho képi; &sponge hlddou lu the bet mha u 557 b 0« ot th a ZaMin bmprapoorr turctcd, e4e lie*sc0reudel -luo em" au rxa*à . tu Uic Internatione] vil!ho a ri ~~U Att tic fu tre tPIC IIi.** priai ced vhieh ther baa ib I«l cdltetaullvime e he w artisemimd are lu reslty. but ____________repraduouffl of tic pecteetiota lied by =»aY of 15. animale *0 DECEMBER 1 TO 8 ARE Uhistreat fair. Why bat tae *. TH-E IMPORTANT DATES. tage of sa opportu»ity, tieseI sec more splendid speebuqc W ____________stock buonsht together la ose, Cruet Show of the Central WestIslaue. blan cmuhN vevet elaewfi Annauncoment. of intereat ta vorld for no miai a a st Mg buildings have biens paaifId th. People of Lake exposition eampsuy, sMd aul w Cauftty. masl. oN eeu under cuver. yul have plety 0( opuoctnti1 amine tbet el". leuo1k au Andrew M. Boule, dean sud director men vho have brui sud ft 9 of Uic Vîrginla Experiment Station, la corne lu contact vlth a tisma dolng yeoman service lu agricultuire spiîing fluumce vbieb Ua6v% and lite sboq inluthbcold dominion. osl bau »strangers te tiec od sud l.aa antfrlend and bNilever lu the mockman. Robbhb up ,M Uie teachlugs of Uhi luernitlonal. oue'. fellows. leurnt.g ef tbili4 Herm lmvhathho as te say of that, ble«, sud boy tue. b&»have granid exposition: thue ila su invainube cxpeaieneq "The Ume for thé. holding of Uic In-. vcry blutesa af Uihexpactiep. t ternational itve Stock Exposition 0f ricby andi excelence af thce M 1906 (December 1-8) la rapldly ail- sud Uic vauderful tenid oflafinc proachlug, sud as tic old aitoin putetaicbanibyafway it. 'To be fore-varuci 1.la u bofore-it otie ii vî eay a flo armed' sud no an eveutaofscii vital forntticttip. The vniber spck» lutereat to Uic lite abockrnen of Uicexpnec u a e ucn Fcountry sbould No carcfully kepb lu, man vhobas..vl.tbed the Inteai evicv, sud cvcry furmer tntenesbed lu ai aud rcturned' feeling bthâbl rthc production of lIve stock oul'd not beuclitefi lmrnesey.- Z, mab<e lb a point ltavsit it.s great achool of Instruction. The reassons oCue oi for thii.are not hbadtu deterimin. A Nloe rf ot5iM a Einit, ail realîse thc îîmlcuîty of ii, muard e r triam Iseonui ka s duclng beef economlcably under pjs.-tie uliat comncta vies u» eut onditions. -Thls make. t clear -k.'Tic lut.lle tbat ou Uic mont progressive men tigned. fallu naa5 a onu hople lu auccoed, sud tiere I.auono 0»d rotresil& tr"esb ý B place lu tic vurîti vbcre oue ean have but a coum, Iciharpu. a 1a botter opportuulty lu get lu touch of eatigue.lu &afhaqs ue vîti Uic latentand udst metiode of *ay$ "Aa»ier0"sth*i fccdiug. handlug and managlug lite gart s al la is' t stock tian ai the International IUtc bight. nsirm. lkl t Stock Exposition. The Urne ia pasecd ayez. 1laiehera s aura 3vwhen mediocre cattle os»n hted proit- omuta cornesWU @11mc 0 ably, sud yet there are tiousanis of cure Yaur Y«..y- %Wd such animals belug put lu the. faud! estertiaY bus rom fl lot. every ycar. If Uiere le one lm- pil, mnu UagdiagWS , portent lemeon tilt bas bNen Impresa- tiOW @fletaitli vomi cd by the. InternatIonallbit. atic folly cime Uic. ta liaI a L . of tuis practice. resteiric' thoc.eist"-SUS To tie lite stock feeder, tierefore, I go- - a visit lu an Institution viiere h.onu Praa' n e form proper ideassasd 10cr» tic I e bsItt l standards dernanded by tic livt, tock Waeha Ie rnsrcts f ti woM laveilvar i TýbI0ytourte5 macrke» flo thg muci vb lah e art M puce-e P eut concern for tic future ativactage nest vab. whlch such Information wviiv Oe bho r ':oe elauffer, the. The od cry tiat one con not afford tla 45 pleker. the post hirnacif regai-ding hie bustne. la tpmo na a myth lt ouly for te ark &0& luaïpgd»b the living pressethUicman hvbo sua. Orbig couea lthe onc vbo la thorau« OVURCOATS c e ~ $IO.OOtê