j T TO »EK ON MALT WMT -tslpte Lâke couty wss wIWe hOutffl at at wlu Won w&s M t. o I.w Wt.~,oa çsu«nMg ber. R odl t' *Igh Sufl oomn ith aa mmlipati. Ou.e Wii*houd hardi? sea ha>ibu q»M u sbis aide, ROidnmOii7 vlth blm Vua aCOatfolielab t. larAdmnirai RobieY D. B-9- ,ette, viitch hémoked u**M'Y as he DR llIu ob," ths morning y ieitalkel. It soUMai ont oR loe.Tii ke,mI trawnng station iitst muth reporter &bt" rt hen heosa* It. manid ' MUrtiOicagoand ater a ifurried flcoui"t MUli*,te It Vitb is dem 0e i qOeotOa returned i, Chicago. of the nimba'. Me sholi have bsè ,11 wus «cario the site liV a spe- e% lon& umkCiWar, tIc report$t W# train on the NorthwesttnflfroiD thOught, as'ha talked>WU vtthRitsb#t roiio t bbla nd etnrnod tu the mane the admirai,'f hacObuld remi the O U *0" mmner afier bis visit. Hie vas- met thOught& 0f th u iIewie,'8WgO 0f et1 r agit? McKay and pther officers nothina for tisem, for h. s.oked *Ith £150 te t 'uuform- ssii as shown fullplans. seeing relisb adbis puift folovaied eati.m Mowbig this ho vas takon by car. one another Qsickly. *W t lo ever the grounds and thon ce- The admirai talked ln short "eIp tt. ?beO 0 coe tu theciti.. *i sentences and only once sald more #OM~M tbIi -SUN secure Interview. titan vas neeiedinii reply tu -ete - rsas Wb" e mit i taeMtion the admiriteneff s subibii. He Sed po »q ni, su@d me .isitêtiieelby a SUN reporter. word. and evrYthisig abot binâ te-."ba WC i M efMer the admirai had looke called tu one'smtminitht marn, "Fiuiit- ittii0T vw the pians o the. station and vas IngBob." iiht $*& teuSuspectthle groandc Hle vas Admires Shol OnSie. "trouver tg OSup asii down the porch of the .lt la a beaful location for a ma.-10 b bWtea eaiuarters when the re- tios," ho replidtsi anaerto a Que'- It voubd ~sarrivei. tion. "I l ii MI a vat ini the na" y h u eI ~e4day, air," h mmii shortly as and It-le a vey jesilé epla te 10e- »4tIev, W" d*5tSnd isbisnhd.iThe reporter date i.I ei.Mthtilnk It là the' bot the dry oq ~dehmselfasndiexplainai bis i tii. eoutry becaume- do Dot h&- aslVe 15b ~Ss.Admirai Hvmne expressedi lie atlMa a satioonn fte vantor t maibha ~Tre dY tu ha Istervtei dand. cmiiho. as oinea astation on sait IM i ti hsm ie pulus up mai down. vater. But emc a station ia. Msosi1118IJ~ 0 Plghtlng Bob Titi. uIts. la tiie mdii. etaid 1have no TeBiSUa$ "190 au Mold ma.80 yearsod.and coubts that Ue1 a h15 i.e stpigS for ool. WtM r s1110s It M. la force&, on IL-- t51311-0oM own of a lame& e0use a cane Camm West et nvItaton. *are, a554 0 lhqw tebI7. lmt lair la gray "Wht vlm th. easMUor cyour eco «Qr@- la lisied. Ing vest. Admlrl askei thé e e ,tI m e oe learli »Me."Fight- porter. g*e Ie n»MO e arsied during "Ilcame Co l»vitatimto 0attenda mnisaWar.m» hie banquet ini ChimgO,' ho asvu que9 ~Om $mbgmd ai sarp. He vas"Mmd rot=rsiteottrow morasiisi .1Ue' -i la 4tilImn colles ss vore a Ater severmi more questions, tI o a which te admirai oatediht hihava dont of Xe tbtng about ut seami 1111li .tve duy, on shiphdai. 517iitga TIi.we-i lû eff lb eN5tThe! or aumae r*po'dt». Ibe hd*O« llIM à.S wm *ad wtbau tel to »Mtag te at' »um5la sye tte moe bu thebaffl i iethaf ltms e s seuu t htta a Le kt »àvot t kit ut e ocI.y stpeof gls ity me ioma HIahint d fiothe rt have docUareitbir aten- esii loeed o W« ua mot me.etingx the PIW Mt l or the OMMe tts Ct?. ilu tictfle deiâ and ad t) Il ikitchanSi ow the ýcuri raidU Q re for r m -~ t S itt ei ib"s sw«ki s s e Ir lx la5Il.u j«ite*l Gute lA» Pe tr.l çt MW, . >.i . pe -mwslp -luol laIeba inites. tms«to w0 pueo* *lmbu mon. t au et rtc attLb aatA .mt 4 e htWmtu àS d4" ta»m ma - lia ThAt W.aierfoI . l&& emi wdore -m o t a hqews wg!Isg vwwd.te. NEIT DOOR TO À)WRICAN EXPRESS OFFICE Li. BU, AV A iAIO Pt.AP