f Nï2dtot.Amueaa Hzpess ac i rtNVUOçd.S f h.w mach orhow £b.- --u 'il t<W" ewe are a part. VOaepRdffl t.erview 0w' pt thé oemflmc.ef the people lat.ous, â «gfeu5 ha4 W b,' ur uperior buy- ou. mw gmeter each day, as ove,, 1 eftdeapeogsihk, aUw. have prevel cvii,'- Wa* uE~t u'nwed "avides la keeplng ZaI=-. o*Mt THANISIVýNGVFUST i. bWtwe hiue.prep.. banqvet that wili s N at tbis Storedun eoed.nt.d IDresses ai everY Math.. inLake COuaty would rend liii. ad- 1~ ~ ~t' wriOm , O38 irl'. dise..weuld be 111e the. trWfftieual "*op In tih uohet." lbey% BUWuufy #And* ocue- jout thi ye suIRable 0for901001oo bRT, mde Up lu baud- 30MO Caubueae1sbd Novelty Materlis,,popular Bus- tet 111m"'490018. lussauansurplce snd, otiier desWg equ u l srable. Theyi oeg ua il coloras, sol 14 rear. wortbh U#lte$,00, cholce for Ibis Tbanksmtlat IeO et .............a$ t8 Ru«W4ii' Mlnk, t ttalhrow- et01 t 00 Isalnog, »alla ned, tii a t . ............ $~ 9 al VU~ ~l"velSM, Muf and d.sf-l Unlluai Wta Slner'a'aatin, wart fanîon h 1.0haMiae . ...'4 limilt'm le fia Eatis fineeAhuWiloan Fox Saf- m. -t isthe beeutmlf UR 1, worth $12.~ ud Jç *P ' tulàt60 ii hThrow4- - at IW'« t'bis saie, at Jap Inkt: 1 Zs- 4 2%à b SMe - - -- - - wltr COUtS Made of, faucy chevilot "Ialings lD tour popular colora, box baçk, velvet Dollar, braid rimed, new aleeve w" i lk eju- bleus, pateis pocketaand velvet CutfiS.Regula- Se values, aizes 6 t0 14. For our Thankaglvlrsjý sale at $248. WolKri s-Some or beavy Importe 86.50 to $7.00, lu sites up ta 14. YOur cholce for Ibis aleetI...... 0u0flot faîl to Avail yourma Long Kimons- ist qualty iseavy Crepe faeeil vit vide Persian band. extra,, -wldth sud leugth. shirreil yole front nad back, id ail colora, wortb $3.00, speclalpstee ......... - $1 Womnenla Sweter- heayy wool i-oll collai-, Norfolk Rtyle, 84.00 value et ......................... Full LengIli Cravenett Rein sais- , Worth up ta $10.00. extra speelal........q Speclt ailet of Wsîenln Nalnek CevtCover- Naul easal siasgo"l vrkmaqWp aud materlala contrt- bute loe trl reusektable Worth at ie. Tbey are of thse pey full style, triraued la bock sud front wftb torchon lac@eb&j Forltu% âsme ouly-----------......... Another Remsi-kabe Offer-2 $150 NighI (lovas, ail made of soft 15b Kllong cIt - ------------------ 1Mdlea' fulîl lenglh is lonas. la Orne Persian 17U l'lanneletie. wortis $1.50, For Ibis saje ........ Full lengtis Iimonas. made up lu BIderd.ss n Flannel, witIs band- aime oriental patterns, Worths $3.50,, for thîs sale..............................$ .9 01M0 Flannsiette Dresslng Sacue- ieautiful designs, Tise prion la cut lu twoa for tis sale .............................. 50C bWlk UnIurelirts- made of guaranteed Talfetta 811k. l'le klud that mont duel- ena ask $6.00 for. Blegant rustflug Taffeta, black aud colorefi, M llsale.....' . DAINTY IUTX ne whisTs Through careful lbm#nnhlsf ii -ivance w. ars enabled 10o oler a mot degalîle end pleas- lng vlus in an attractive wlist nt an excesi- Inuly low prilo. - Evsry womumn usil posted on qusllies ln hia lin. of marchandise wili recog- nixe lnstantiy thq docide4iy unusual advan- tiges embraced ini Ibis nounceme-nt. $1.50 Dalily Whte Net Wlt- 11usd vîtis Japanese Silk, front, collai- sud cuitestrlmmed vitia folda sud Valenciennes Lace. escis ...$25 Women'a White snd Colored Walts: Spcia- Tisese valats bave been planusd froin the i-st tb exceli aIl otiser lines.ofresi-siu fr et tisese prIces-the styles are different, tise miaklng inucis btter sud th1e materluls of btter grades. These tisres points of slip- erlorlty wlll ise evident 10 evsry woman maklng an Inspection oft tisa walsts. Womens Walsts of un excellent grade of brilllsutlne lu bIslcký or white; fronts are prstiy embroisered. yoke sud cultes tuclued, Womenle White and Polka Dot Poplin Wai iet- 6 %-i chank n eacisaide, 5118 box plaît Ilu ceqter long aleeve sud stock 10 mach- 81.50 values anyvisere you go, 98 et tibs Tbsuksgivlag Sle, aIt w. - ~ Bosigist asu mt rdýeelved, fi( fattfrer; 400 ut tsese snaPi anntg. filta, dot tu be im $7.60. Tm of tise leadîng lectsansd st-sP trimmîiga tîbsvlott, Paei, Broas skîrt lengtba M8 1044. vort Thmansgivlug Bale lirice .- Our dlmplsy et $2.W5 Ski-ta Sae ili -ho aaa-puaed. fins al vool Pan-ms, fan t'heviota, nade lu plaitsi s.iyles-v*ostb up tu $5,00, For Ibis Tiankaglig Saie Our welI kaoWn sud Juatl, dersklrte vili ho <dût dowu foi. this 'l'b=ýgvIag sale tu ThIs yl ho erl7pleaulng ne kegan snd thé Otil. Lai, bave boeulisore boots coi $5.00. Th.y calme lu bIsck ghiaraUiteed. 3-aur choies fort lis Bale at $1.98 for 5111 k h'ta0of Oa box plmafflstyle, Snely tel ruunng 12 Incisesfi-oms v aresrsfr WMoal vear.à for our Tbaskcfivu Sale. ut............. ..... OFF LI] te al Unomwe. larriage. - IID 80I N YPNoTIZ5 id Sotc Mixure, wrthsblgiaaMysterlees Tragedy Marks Arrisi b ~FC~SF ~New York Hlarbor et the Stesueidp> I * rti ppoitunlty. Konig Albert - Ses Mods Its Secret. À etrauge aud mysterious romanceS gi-rrounds tise ssii fate of a beautiful Girls V«7s inke yoting Itallau girl w-ho jumýeii frour sa e eW.ithse steatasilp Koulg AlbeŽrt of th Norths German Lloyd lin~ent quarau- U137" t U tne ln New York isarbor and wbo was 1 droWned before an alartu wus sound- ed. ber bsody belug swept lu seS l>y the outgoing tide. 1'rimmed with atraPB The man la tise case, a swartby. of am m'tela su1l- audsonse Itallan uftishe brigand type. laidelet.,worb UPlO jfjunder whise pjiwer tise girl seeused tu 212. aimes o t.o 14. l3 cvefritsetthie stepamer sali- For tiia a"le at su f ruin Ceuoa. ltaly, wa4liseld ut tÉl- Is isiand awasilg au Investigaion. e ,. Thse girl's naine was Olaeundu FIa- liii. Sie wag about twenty years So Id and retnarlçaibly beaîstlfui ,so mucis e hrJ7Imno Ibâý ber fus.inatlng fueeuand. figure k isepil comment'not oniy umioug tIhe eteerag6 passeugers, of wliom there m w ere 1,387,but aunîong th irs aeblii »ripassengers us w-l SThse masn of wliose preene aise aeem- . ~ ~ sValentinuo îlncuo le la about twnyelgist yvars old. lie wore thse made. lnaail thse leadlug fait styles; flot umade lu tihe ciseap tco et lu tond lu gortlie boris kuow tou materlul wlth wlth the markuet la fioodP(d, but the gond s.b- veteencsumsie. sorne sald he ivasa4 stanttal clotit, veit Worth $3.00 brigand. Nobody semued ho knOW' (up ho aise 14), for Ibis sale . .......... . .7 wbere lie caume troul. us Le dii uot mX Dose ld. Unnse- mueis wistIste olser steerage passeu- les the te ttW ln ailcolora aud aires gers. you.r clico at ..................2t Tisere was sometbisig iypnotlc absout Le~ i éc ine. Satin Underulcrta-.- bis giauce, aud thse girl would ait lJy voatip$LO. Tâs sale at.. .............75C bissaie as If elsalsied tolshim .tiien ruSh laxtr k a F ltehItneand lmptu GloriaSkît-ansd cry like a child wso liad seMM la~eo~coor.,tho earstatasll ut is e dark. LadIIIIe à.' . Ua vn sl ..........Tlsese lits of cryisîg Iecamne more tro-. Lad iSlkaeiagaî u 1 0quent. Indeed. It carne 10 pas, fiat .. . .. ........ ..a. ....9 8 C nabdseuw Lino op POney Comb- fo r h l u f ralea t. .... . . . ......... . . . . made of 111,1asd lue itrlped flaunelette, n19c frm tÏ ,yer-a sulost unual, value, at tis Tbanksglvlng Sale price . ............ g Çhildren's Underskrt- o mnade ai.whlte fiassuelette, wltb full ilonce wlth twa rows of faucy BUttiling, ases 4 ta 14 ysara, fi for tbis Thanksgivlu Sale t .... ... 5 Black Satean Petîlot. an xtesie vs-ety0fatrsu an d practical black Sateen sud Moreen Petticoats. aýi-larepfect fttitln soute are flulsbsed wlth full accardlou plalted Saoune, otisers bave full sectional rutile. Thia Tisauka 1glvlug Bale St . .. ........ 79c k QUALIIES That W/ig PLEASE IGtSWom.en% Whte Lacs Wlt- wihyak. of embroldered net and medal-P lions, aiteruatlug panels of Cluny lace sud i smbruidered net, edged wltis lace. limod wlth silk, tbree-uartor aleeveu, opoulug lu b4ck for Ibis Thaisksglvlug Saie et..................e..-5 .Compare Ilium with the regular 8&.00 chiffon taffets S11k Walst*s sllwn els.wh.r. sud youllme that thae. art fully au gocil .o far as quality of maturialu snd workmanship go. " Iau Itls a cae of atralgisi savinig. Made wlth AVIU105 aroe u UE handome front of solld embroldsry ln cenl- wlsenever Valentino vouât bave lthe ter sud uldo box plat. on halls aides, regU. girl af 1er aIse lia been aPPaceltlY b7> For tibs Thankagingle.et ..p .J lent Isysterles. For two day. abs lMy New@ Plaid Walosaof Swivel *1k- in tise slip's isosplal under tise doctor'a beautîful color ombinations, six graduated care sudd urlng ber ravings shèt talked ouse-tncis plaits on front, box plait iu center outas îlyuorth1e minu. uew slseve, tallared cOu, - <-I don't want to marrY lIn," ah. ail $WBr, at ouly.......qF* U'fI! would aob. **Tske htmta waY. Taire Nun'. Velling Druàs. Wlata-. hm away! wlth trosts vitia lace and emhrolder.y puiel ,îIlTise Konig Albert rsacbed qiiaraDUtl uiew aleeves, lîgisI colora, 4 L~Iauortly afler 9 o'clock at nigist. The. Ô 51.. . ........................pa$1050 fog isung beuvy sud tise ancisor wus Ail oui- $4.50 quallty Tafteta 511k Wrrt, l IlW ) cast fui thse ulgist. Mauy of tise O581V To . for Ibis T hank sglvlng S ale, a i . . $. 4 Tu o of te i-st cabiu stewaLrds O rlfi anOvertoced mnu-staudlg ou thse upper dock aIbo rùm n èersocke mau- ornl g liglit was aisowlng tisrou a»~l py, rlgbt up to the minuta PHHNOU gSAL VALUES glocu wi en s white 5"grewus quas inalba lu Ohîcamn under ta comje froithe lover deck asut»Os gstylas lunDov plaiteil ef- IN- rfl Mb tu eraililg. Hlere Il ba'vered a rélon s;beautîful black and binluste so vrte iead* taclotheansd large plaa, qutle. ti uplsote 90.-aid.m vasy rti $7.60, no slowsd up btiseeu a. TbPret As . ....... &9Doiced. o vna iipe i durlng thit Thanu«aglwngnesead lev ibra M The materlals used areTiesearablvd eysdea mcy mixtures sud ail vool a gst. Tbey rau 1t te,~ sf tewat 1 5Ucs d sdther leedlg sud tld I in se. Thse chio t dIt Captaf Feyau, wbo sali st auce IbstIt WOvu eat . ..... $ .9ot agist.but a plaiu case of auld*@ý v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n clbtd8.0 1k s & eordered Second otilcer GadoW tm.: ly eleratd 6.0 in vu nediately tu lover the lfebost 5 a......... ~ t seascis wa maie, but te n0 avalI. iews ta tise Ladies' ofWau- IlGr"t enmm d& 4 le Couuty, as tissas ski-ta .eOs .ass wta va alidereil s rare bargalju aI -sWbile on lier wsy lte lta trains09W suad-colore, sud tise allk le baving been btirrledly marril&a M position tu the wlsbes of thoe patasý , ............youug I rederlek Cowau 0f WUIawrlW e Chiffon, Talfeta, all oer Va, sud his seventeen-ye5it-l bàl slorai, have stîtcheti plait*, fornerîy Berthsa Coanutb&e. * 111331 at lae. Just the shirt tori 1> gored isy a buil whlffl~n ,A rare bai-gala lit Ibis prWi, firougi the poesure lt-ut -Jaço: b hela 1151.1*eos4nty»,X*q , ......... $7 19a, ichimond Faite. hs e*tcb vuheotrain seur a short baaouomen fat fer V 's c- lu Grey, Brown, Red snd allier colora..Mon 100= e iCont, lu white sud oolored Baéaktii, well worth up to $500, lu ase, up to six, For tis Thaaksglvlng Sale at ............................... $ 4 We bave purchaged at unusual priconoMfeeoeafront pu eateru Man,4fact- urer,hIs enie stock of Chisldren's Cà«ts, esuhraelag ery varlety of'style and materlai tisat entera juta this cas of gsi-meuts, sud are ln a position ta gve you,.tise beeit of this fortusate desi. Soise are made of ail 1 ï,% 1