CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Nov 1906, p. 15

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- te«w Sciieduis an Electic lio , A areaul Of & nen scitmiule liat wittonifect Tunday lutch betlen î ~servies Ia expcted ounte Chcago & MilauikeeElmctrIc mmd cars rîli -n C - LAT«S jins., minutes ailiday. LAT Tb@ saute arrangement as before - nwi'l b. obemveta. Transters nIl be <VashmmtIm a Xw Uca Wmoh aietu aorlh.boutxd cars aI Edison' - attanidisheWaaibegan cansnl la» luvadi SZiU Clai a n la Biectric Park. Ien 8: 40 a' ,SZlUf Power ulat the titrougit cars nil raie! - Irougi Wuega anad no transfertig CA~4 SEAN LA GUES iiib. amade. ie,& @PAIK ANG IKSAs belons every ater car soulit mlii no TRUT F4Evna HEA.RD go dirougi tla Evanatan ani every ar -odier car rili transfen at NantChii'g Hubul. rat.a former Waubegau cage. u M c1 1" eM laitee rbauai mcv.- Tbe firet car soutit la ait 6:04 ln te uo 1 tam Cil; ci7,mmWedineiay la- moruixig. The titnatit la at:481' zoCent Z a SlN reporler lu re- andi ruas taZMon. 'rTe ti to maie 'h te 11< gifl 0fongues taI btudirect connections nitit norît-touxid , ta b in ibis religions nork. cars at Elon Cty ls ai 6:41. 'Ts"ka ml& Il bave lie gift. Il The mer liane table ila lalb.eIssue-i hi wftb e o sanctfiction swon iiththlie compiee l it o! cars bc and Impies divine ap by te comanay. Beor la te lIme t pirm of edaarepentanice. lie cars non ieave te Washinlgton 1 Ide Mit fee any differently vitenmoidGenesme streel corner, bc 'x: sstk ka ui ovutagu s ut Northt avenue linue cars leave every $ouma One dse enol non ritlà15mnutes ml day. la lnondgbowever. except lu m Main limge cars isave Ionrte est. ~era-*a~ ui the digfi of Interpre- andi malte connectionsxisrti notit' ' ~e. U eztstage lu lbe Chirs- nouai cars at 11, 26, 41 and 66 min- 99 F ~ lIteg oweDupast te taur untîl 8: 40 p.m. CI jug Ya'eniun Expicuion. Cars lion beave eveny halrai a 40 min- Er. Os uitlsuan exclted tale nIes past teitoun. .Startlig vith lie ad io -haL lImaI narronly escaped be- 8:40 car aili trains pans tbrougg. Wau- 'Mg te vib ttno an explosion, a mn- kegan. Thte lent car goges 10 Racine st 11fr* ôt qmflt il exploding amuai aI11: 40. a oftobilu# I nt hel diPoxiCity hanse -Cars leave Ion lie soulb at 4. 19, 31 - l vlé& he ras writlng incanusec-anai 49 minutes pasl lite houa. The 4 nIti wbhms rm. asti 34 minute cars go titroug in l Ev- Tf 'iWlit, sia-etaIl i. sald poinllung unslon. 'Te 19 ami 49 mnlunte cars r t@ a bewfabkee ihZlaite, "aipoxinithonatransiger ait NartitChcago. 0 PUn couwlile bIIlty ta speai neveu The finel car souhlbul te mornuig doiref atttigo."IslaIt6:04. Tbe tireI otitla at 5:48 c "Tmer Mlmn. litI Ican speali ami goes ta Zion City.'Te ext atIE erre,' asdtheb-eauto ate SUN ne- 5:55 goes la EIectrlc Park. 'rie car .pagter. fNe dd mot seean la lnon ait 6:41 la lie final la mabe dircct *utch b ou«t t.connecions nîit lte oth-bounud t$îvaing sltkgmn. cars. WhIlteie un. la duii about il, te AI'rnuesdeli Junetiaxi cars leaive on tg iatlamltie. or radier thie couvets t1 bie houa pramlptly fon Randot,L.14:-b t$o aponfilti aRt movemexil. are lu- etyvlle, Rackiefeller sud eauièr1 vslIflgWaakegen. places. c WeisWa about tem came daow ftowm a(»lIY aniditeli a meeting on WORSFOLD II!LPSt the ned idei. 7%here ie six apostalie taitit TO !XPOS! YAK!l' %Oovemeufeu in anCity Weinesimy, Qu of 'vbmai Io SUN men allended. <Gi t a fto.. home of F. iP. Boswortht. Waukegan Archiiect la Witnes for frmer lestiliscf ite Zion City band. Proseculiata of Pamous Promnotort 1'h. rgpaerre tnt exabled ta Aeg.d ta be Smoolh Sharper wiWoma bing oul of lbe andinary, * -fier ~bffe lui .m tubDeacan logera itudef aspeaker lu loniguesa. IraWore!oii, Waitiegam -arciitect, Tf eelUuft leek aimd smilîiagluonue of te promînet figures lunte E itea be luei of tire Indianai stale prosecutton at Indian' of-reporters undIin te old spoias Otone Fitzgerald, aîieged ta te fiisilon, n thle final xotoriouB as te promoter oI 'fake', -8@0010lb ahaeditle longues o bis land companies and agenciez. 11 5efao% admlisi te »y nyting or to Hl iasîeged to bave lormeai nuin- qumuit l %rera taleremain and berleas campantes Ionr te saleof Wntmtneaa li e ming c!fte gft. lands lxi Texas, lie Aanerlcam Trbune Wsmlng Wss Retuenkeble. Campany, iunithleh M. Worsfoîd ras T'he. llcpart cf *'the meting. lterested, teîng one of tieau., Uprevur nu remankable for tite The agreement oft liis compamy vas spirit ctétie, peuple, vit owtoed t.'e!.itat Il ronld lieep every otiter parcel Uidmat ienotlio i nd ei-sacinlce toi of landi,makiug te iîeii'borng par- the0 rke. j cesaritîcit ene 1lioi,1IgtL liiInventoré One nomma claiedtiat ,,er soo nease lu la lamed ttat lisibee belsio! 'sven aî . oalotm.xia nere aven made. 01 apdekit." Aootiten salticlit1ItIlaIscef!medai iat F~itzgrald cleared lheiedbssio paer bai conme trougit svera1ltuiiDon li tecoutrse o! bis the banda of ber little daugitter. tepesîatnus cancer anti nay bave .Lsotb« bai soue complalut cured- lonr years iteen lring to gel tîi m la isi aodmblof thte prayer session, a corner lu valn. wbiliaedfifleex ianmtes, ane vo- Mat au n.d at ite 'devl' vas Racine Hait Rumor «tLin. Wst 'batbernlier hodal tbe couli mal keep TeCtiao& -imueeEclc ber minionn lad, moi liere ras a eaul TeCiao&MlakeEeti 'th ali, ai praylng Ionrlier. llaiimay Company tians la btîItd an * Tne or lire. asbed fonrte nitut-sinterurban in taa iîcitli aurpasa cf samttlletloxi, eteni'iug th, b.'aI- lu every may theitem Ietnon canlein- Ky tu $Peak lu tangues, anti reminu- . ai af the 9*0er meeting la ite îrayeai plat-il bbg buli y John . Beggs, Olfer Bati« somethItng itappe:urd. rof thte Milwiaukee Etecla-le Ralmway & SumUathio Carruthens Tiare. LigitI Compainy, anti Racitte counîty l thesSt frontHouton, Ta-xas, ant illwti eyfwyashv w a. Texan ever>' lt-chf hlm, niit tel, large interurbain tres cobuecing ail lhin figra. tiltrIng eyea anti com- townsnadimivillages mti th titsty. * uaxilu voiret, led te nmain mieeting. It la te pan oI A. C. Frost a!rte "I am n ot tryîug tai cati tht- Lord, Chicago-Milwaukee compainy ta firat lIke soute of you ltnl"ha' sai. *Tanmlta tollorer. comîttete te lime fronRacine 10 Mil. "Moey?" 1 neyer giv.' ltit lotgitî waukee andtIem bt-glu te rork o! t ai. ifinsucial trouabes do Dol bulding te Intentarbani lies neat of gotter Me."ThiIs matie a bitl itit lie peopiie mita bave Iliaenedt l te iRaciane, antilil la ciaimiet taIte nen *satie appeaai of Dorle anti V olvai. company wmlii beal ott M. lieggs ila Z.WhiltiIere vas au uxdereîîrr-t-îo f bIie roposeti lina ta Bialinglon, lk- d1>eep religions feeling. te l tutile humoan.Genevamiali ter places llte Ib. crondeaitorones of tesibîitti' rel- 4Lance, wnicitcomneaitîtctut-ea at western part oI thea coutty.-ltaclne havIe sni aliter Zion leaders,. the Nana. Ppisgmxerally rere simîti Anti Sonettuntier searcitaller a ceaid AITI! D tie ouud satlsty. The asewet explanutian of the gift et toesanta Von City le hypnlolism 0«ocfte outsiers nito atteuisi tie meetings tlla a remaiatîe slor>' tfiat Inclines ha prove lhe titean>. He vnt. mt permîit e use cf his igms but le nilllig 10 bave is ex. Maie Passes Over Hlm. *1 vouta lie meeing te, sec. rit le dcog." lie stys, "andi hnitlere 10 m odlig ioing mt the public meet- 16 1 00femitu lisalten meeting. «" îmoe:Eniicharge asked mo Il 1 lem tf e prayed tor axnd 10 gel te uttme. <of sanctification. I ne- ~ GtâcI iidl&as havlng gene diat 1 i 81< fla s Inistback cul. iA tau= I sai thal 1 dli bc Jàl af me earply ami i !eIt a t« 4»1u& Onougb me. lie maie »Mbmaa flee enta aqueer aJ1MrM i flt mysel 'geIng.' 441e1i nete up tbcy tld me. lie _____ ie ere proment. liaI I bai lnun GIANT CONCERN Pormer Waukogsu Alderman Int 05000,000 Company lu West ---Reporlm Say WesIIb is Hie. t Edwarl H. Amel, former aiderman trainte lird nitra I n timcIty andai te mmmnithowitle hon. carnea te tulle o!fitelug thte mail uselul man lu Illis eb>' reasom aofti atu'inven-t Ilions mandlntprovements. ls on a citizen o! Phoenix, Artz. Recent tiings are 10 te effecl litat te ban oganlaci ai $500.000 coimpan>' for lie explotation o! bis machine fan geueratlmg gas Iroan crueo al ami lu acluall>' mklug anad sellilmg thtema chimes. Reporla are laulite effet titat te ex-cIl>' latter bas struci It lnet Ibis lt- eamidite ls salai ta te prosper- i4ml. 'White yet lu Waiulegan ite naisail mrk iex fetlug te gaainachine ami accounta o! Ils operatiln have mp- Itagreai lunteSUN. MARRIAGE LîCENSES. Wesîert Blitiaa, Wankegai, 22; Leaja Mlklla, Waukegam, 21. Dald Jannell, Chitcago, 26; Minunte r4ugott. CIttoago, 25. George Henry Bergtorit, Labo ZiF rlck. 25; lioe. Buewscilî, LAit.Zu alk 8. WUlD Am . Jacksom, Chitlca 41; mIseHoel~ Cry. IL!. .RUE 1IV Or mm ROJSES COZENS ,arge Made of Extnome Cmueity by Nsighbors af Waukegan Man- BeteHorne and Tsars Tangue Witb Cord. $tories of lte mont shockiug -cruel' y la bis borse and evem 10 bis 111110 aun are belug cineulaleir _ýgalmst a irtit side man. Neigitbons, Il la saii.I re indignant and titrealen actiaon tainsl lte mmm, but as Yel have ions Mting. His latent aid. aiaid the one riticit ias causea i hm ta te deunmei so Jtlerly by ltose ltat'lve ,arouni lin, ras hie cruel lrestmeit cf bis anrse ual long mga. lie vas inîvlmg ae animal nili a ioadei wagon and-i became sîruci tu deep mud. Aithougit ie severeiy beat te borne, Il vas umafie 10 - pulilte wagont fron lte rand. 'rTe beatling ho gave te boras, une writaw vIl lalmeai, nas frigittal. Cul Tangue With string. - Not content nit t tiis hit ob a stng tram is pocliet aidlIed Il around lte itrse"s langue amidtem bulied with bis greateul strength. 'lie string tralie .aima he securedai rpe. -'Tll ho lIed airoundth ltonue If lte animal andi pulled utiîlte longuae nascut and tîeediug, Ih la ai- eged. Titrentened ImaillBoy. -A stusîll boy fromtlite olter aide ai te streel deuoumced himlm n asi]] tnes amd1the minuîtreailened ta treal uim n lulte sme nay, iltelaaaai rhu nr8mnucaine aiong. "If yot doxi't quiI ittait." lie eitouted, "me'Il tif ltait nope arounai your mccli and string, yau up.11 Cunsc nas lte oniysatis faction lte minugaItaid ie ment aay. treailinulof ltebot-se, numien six anai lthe>'met aiad titeailened yen- geance. bt notiting bas been doue. .Woret Brute Ever Saw. Ssii ome nelgititr lu speaking tua SUN representaive, "Wity Il ns anful. He le the moral brute 1 ever sain. Sometîmea ite goueslulte bart anad closes the <con and me eau iter hlm at aur bouse, Ibree bouses anay, beallng bts borne. Bout Son Posrfuiiy. «'Not long mgo h. béat itis litle son titree turnes, oue atler lte alter. He ùattthIs iog la deat rîit a siovel Soineting ougit lu te, done la stop hlm ami ne ougittl ldaio t.'1 SBrekemati Geta Sqwoezed Brakeman Bur-ns, of lte Nanti western ras caught liteleen tlv trains o! canasltaIt alle-I tadean Sat unday mîgit said"squeereai" tîaaiy. lienais remaveai10tutelatte c laler lHospital.,mitere Il mas toaun ltaitlie itadi auffereti several bnoktr aita aýnti bnîtses anal contusions. TI!CIIURCII IN LOCAL POILITIC5 Weil Kuorra Pamiorm are inlerviewec on Subject-Simuiar Movement Have Slccssded Elseemero le tg Staememul. Shoulti lte cuira-bgo lmb politici Sitoulti Il go us Ian as ta seek ou lient> leaiders aimaisuggest ta lte ltaI lisvote eau canîrol mn edectI. anti tat tierefore ouinlte nigh kimai of mien, lte limaiof menm rt suitIt, ilaoulai te placed innmn Sitoulai Ibere ite mn ongmuizatiom t tis basis' Tbo SUN has airranged a short syt posinan b> minislens an Ibis propos lion. Follownmg are givexi Ina viensc the mnalter. preseulsdInluon. mintý Interview» by Rem. Brlggs au 7*ornlan, repectlvcly o! the FIti lmptlst ami Flrst Metitoilsl churci 'rTe gemeral proposîllo n lufmvor( th, above ltres sivanceanta echct onras advanced Bunde itefore tite Men's Bible, ias of ti BapIlit cburch by Roi. T. M. HIWi botitam, aofltetIMret Congregatloni SUCCEED OTHER PLACESI. Titenefore oDmie%%s e v. TitorMnn tt Plan ta give Citerai Vola Power Shouid Suceefitîser. Rev. C. W. Thorutan, of tho Meth disI citurci, statei, I l ake lie sau etand as do 11 ev. Rlglibothit Hia plan cam b. accomplisitmi enongi are lmlereatmdin u l.I dti ,il le: possible and amn ieartlly favor cf Il. I bave bacrA .simUla moyée ta su"ellain ter allies &adit le oremuasn lq itsbSlm bot b w, r_ W0UK ~ etdiPatdesmu I for tourtiet suppers. Pvtluary aàukegaHalS lasof ote mii. oteala aIl bil *witb iiiocaluiferlole- Wfrd Ta.e t DPed MIip, Th* O 0" of the. BrsatLeadistMon tom on w~b is à@»Apo ta MeV- 8laed fer Oector'. Fos .Md S. * Atra-Tb. Romeail n Dotait. euasà at bdodre k aai Mq.Y-O4c, u " Sa ..s mai, ln 7 Ji ? 1mrîiUe ut.evnu ii 1 bD it Came and Cou sAautber StarY. Hoierla Vs lTabs d as eoui alat1bbleta e-ll med 110 ai4 osts iiy lJustIce WeiU5 la-th rolltblt @lèvent er lover ill lai a Chicago 1b111111111 t Oa UJI ua.Itdeent aefor puiluz a revolver on a friadOl ariaandonbarattit la am nelait Of ju» muelbaf *,vote ta control the.tssue. - %haut t ad bemehtl T hun:oswli enrth h wwi wbacMa t e p a msepe S.P*, "If the botter olasoutib. Iitereat- M in hyak noiMora" otnalld a UN h laallu" a bve tblaittdaythekm»Mdr"Us ame'h W1111- ed iitii mveo.itmmlI hin terreporter Ibat be vwu druok at theigd1 av ib4to i bgaadeata htBcwsfO cat bl , te moveU4adt n ucee."îey 81 1mtmnwbat ho vau pockts of the* druiaken Utveaa. Poloitdmom an a subsod> - mu bl tis aoveentw'llaucee" dolag, thinkIng Ibat this Ir" the wnid pald for bis non, supportbhat or Mlition Dat witb the mvowed Purpaseait 1 West mal tâtt iebad tbe PrivilOIege9 of wn. liat of las uLoond mi taO f *burylng ber mther" MOT ALL CHURCI4 MOVEMENT.. ualog Wu 5trlgger floger Juat tu keeP Il atoari &ailer the. crime hdballbonm lb. won tllu. anr d carrîieda - SmshedRiva Salen. comitted, Il1la581<1. rmggtd paper,ythe name qt Thon, To., Sàysa Nov. Brigge, th* sri- Ainai Erichilon and Augilt Tond. Mrti. Browin postiflviyIdentilied te j. Cariâtne. The unusual failti0f hber' depenient Caaldl4ste Woiiid ha tro Fnlanders, nere ao-so nOd tbstaileas thoqat site liait suera hiStev- lry tracled attetig ta IltoSt mi adoptoait aà Loot Resaurce. cause thoîr zeai Mid devaition scisa<iens' possesaion. slie bol bareiy ieft Oni>Piace beOtv "Tbe movreraiet las ail rîgitt."sald ed tbeir commnBai ese.firaprnc srertdtth Rev. flnlggs, of thte lat Bapatist ln tbe buffet recntiY vaetted Ou le lpamc a -pre alt 4SouthbGaones e treet PlMIasbave asdPu hatk. SIofieatarptrtardtr cburcb. I ad t1aminlu ayon of l i lu atared a salon, not tu ]et the builid sd. a lica u fitilpes liameotrtae e generai. It baa been doue lu otiter ing get coid. Tberebybaaffltatole. Thte batiks orthis eity bave tlipu auTell'resa lim el@* places; Il cmo ho doneliore. Next dcci titore leansuother Pion sa- nmned by the Baakm«a stenteîaîntTit irois "Ti mebes l suh moemetoon of long standing and tlattb i lte stale aIi Mlitnots. lbraaagh I P. i I1 ,1 lu ontai *Ilh nblch te) tury The ldmeb ra u u eriy fometTond and Erickeonlnavere boldingE fortb Johnson,. ncrettry. ta o ok out for aa my pour old.niotiter." natalthe womnan, woudit ie ran et 'fielytrin hewhen tbey heard of tbe nen place. matoby lte nme l0fC. P. Hull, nho Leatrs ruug itua 1 taoher eyes. churcb, but fmilauy wouid corne from Their patrlotîan wast -et once bam been purcbatsigCouds of Mer- - tralleafotPott hr the. onlside and lit streuglt rouid be aroused. Was an usurper to b. Per- chaait t u contrat Mliaitos mnd glying " aî'brfoaPoinîn grmti lcrasd u hî ny. mltred ta nelgii nndlturbed' iot on checks lunupaaet ton botn ill sit he <lied. ýWelare pour Sipe lsmd "Tiatyere aemamyn ou aide tu YOlire. 13o the two soldiers tln- niiclibbe bas nO accourt-. aheu rollier <led--I am a wldo- "Ther are any utsid thevaded te uer place and cretted go fer as boowVuieb. ibia eu un- licit ysîiclaun ti)o teuaded ber lai ber chircit more rahld ou tiIs moemteul bavoc. ritlwîit snitshlug glass, able ta gel the. cheeos cosaubbY muni- tebd o i il tianne re md s tit moemeu moes md oier blua. cIlltbe po- bers of thte asoclallo. The chieckstest lîlmteas tua ict td orbsb thoun t b.eacndca he affair h oskad ote In harg. ren tibanks hi prtaieOcd. Peorta. qil. said thet uienI 1gathered ta- wudntleacuh fareutinel Y' Tbey are nov extremeiy busy ne- Bloomioglon. Jacksonvile and Peau iebreogtmne opybsb for Ihos e outslde rita ramI sncb a pe*u.The mani la d.crib.d as about 35 mmd br n ierali toplay emithebrl- man la vote for as re propose taegtmln1 ni. !iai u-misl icdseia al- iv bave nould loIn lu. Dealh Cornes-Suddsnly. pegt lon. dn ebrd.onf mmd t nseter hed lu myita' tbl. mav elections bave nefuBed 10 vote itecause of Oblof Frank YOurJevic, of Nortt a ton ovscoal Nuit a Sort battturne-, Th plea ~ aaY Wotyo il.tu nellten of the MeVp litIup re re the Chicago. dled at 10:30 Sunday tittdom iln front. 1He speaks lun m Tiapeaalas iod kiud tbey wnued. Rut if a leaguel after au iliness tiant came upou lier tome of voice and cilns ta receive an in lte Grill, afthe Law. coud ec re ai c ndI at a cl a tey uddexiiy mnd rîthaut narulug etnler, ton e ro ai l itroyalties luin Idiaa. -ilo Wever. atn g i nu a SUN filaan cotisluie& tddaesc a hy ite ovemtng. This rarulng la sent out lu arater officen tralleà te roansa ntitout; wanted and re raut tey rouid voet At 6 lunte eveulug. rheu tbe chIeîtat batiks may bc pasted lu case tet fo l.of police came borne, lie found Liat. party exteuda lits operations t0a ctlier tlurchanre. saIil.-d atler bearlou fria.l hveaubis mother, rita ras 58 years old. sections of teMallte. Mercliants ber story abat t i'e raa taba luehdu au-bd prepaied supper as nus]anmd sitould moite a mentalun'tsrandaaîu or lie satdlafiarirard. didate as a lest resort and LiatI as secmed ta be In god teuitit. te Iuforuatiou above couveyed. aig,.l--dwnnth te gaeeai opinion on Sunday aller- He left at 6:30 and a aew' moments ___ __ ala a- o 0lt trhet fnoeu. We wouid go to the dlereut laler ai brother, Louis, came raun WOng aS rn tieIiot, lie sal, -Yoil ai-- ieavlng tateoadeda rt hv h t te vllîte balnîit tihe dalaige W IOSU R S r and i nu t<l iit leoncaiti.- ari atean eneorbbetie laat lieboit fouud Mrs. Ya-mnevica-n o mil.ti*-ltel e put up the blnd of min ve meunt. 1 stretchet oun te loor of the diuaiug THÉ! IOSPITAL agn Yo ihaia-l iini tthluk re coulai succeed, but if flot routa, Ill. He plicet ber up and car-'- j -at yo"n 11111e gante la.1Ua-i-tl t1. n ondtli !a ndpm'ried ber hoalite bed aud rhe te na tbnlv od ako nidpn-chief returr.Ugd ateitouse ait 7:15 Figures Tell Whoro lite Money Cornes Termnrsrlcata rl ent candidate." phtysiciens rere called. Promtand aaio WhattFactoriesearsebut alterMand av elun sud e lit ta ewevn nGrew Rapadly Worse. Most Osugerous ta Work in.a btas n eradivoIreltutendhor it ralc Ma9i b a. The wrmanagrew rapily wr'ri- ~--itay sl er aivoiraoiospita l anti a- Man Mit by Car. j ~~stead of be'ter. itovever, andi ait iû: 3 a sc aa hcg Ot n Frdy eîlt tMarlou street and ti i"tle.etra eIset nio Lake caunty paid aver ane-fourtit cf I Southt avenue, ai main named Stone ras -fuitlits. temnytknIab b o aae it t stuci y mrtit-bound electric car Teli"tra orel aaîînîAilter Hosptal for patients front, staritla lîeg it. admaîtîta ite 'amolli- ansd severaly lInured. l n Ailatrlai fltY-elght years aga, itut celats bde u lvl ainse a îly c The stary' goes ltaI Stone ras thiallspent hait of bu 111e lu Americai. Ttis eaccrialalt fca e -awaltîma te approacit of lte car, [iavîug co-titere thirty yaersa ago ft orofteranir hconxm- Spf Ge Tk. riîcit laved do w. ilicu Stone got tse tle lu Ciîcago. Site bais resîdeul a Iat p o r tievetea nu e ri tit u earts- s ht enjor tG i e Ten. hus int lils ayad Vas lait, lcocked li) North Chicaigo for five years. , i HarooAreevesiss i ust.igfes onueaide and brulseul aud cut ty lte Ten cilldneun ere bain talte laIe Belon ae . resIetFigur gues. !Aayten aliil tudte uîeritfanoa i laul.,liai tbe car been goiug ait ful Mra. yourjevlc. Titree wre.'boru lu flintai te apeele: it fgu e da oulte balliseanti depaSierif oel la s e d t e m n ot ld bave been k lleti. tA ustrla, ane of riton , A xton. la living Prîvale paet le:t lite... . c617 5 w o usa t r i e fl icte n of a i s. rt OabUc. t t age of "7. O!fte seven boru Lake counly------------.. ,--'J,1 this ceilltr' Frank,[À)a ils, Agnea Americtu Steel & W'. Co. .... 1.1)36.6ot erni.,freitn te offilce, s hanîlsoxue MRS. HENRY wEDGE. af Granîd andi Mary are Iiltii-.,. City of Waukega------------50000 mondee dock. Lavenue, <ied Suuday moruing at 4:301. Agues and Mat-y rere unlted Iu E. j. & E. ïl>. CcI............ 15.44 The cdork mas preseuted ou bebiti , o! a complication of dilaases, atter an t nara-lage to te !(ttlçar lît-ottets. Western Co0aî & 1). (Co....... 1'f-h4 ail> nd oiilabyA laîns of a eeli, alantînai m ih pneu- t natîk .aud Loutis lre auttîarrietl. t. & N. W. Ry ...... .. ..... . :74 'of lite tiP we d all espo by lna Moule. Th'ite lI r", YOurevie mas Il C. & NI. F. R. il.... .........20.e arny hri oeirsoddl Thte lote Ma-. Wedge ras 54 )year member or the Cataolie Orter of For. t'trp Products Ct...........i short speiech ttaaîklng fiiete for te an oad mit lresided many ears lufitýenesers andt to .Avtsrlaai crdrî tof t ock. je viinlly of Mliburu. comlntt here i l oilet. Site Wmai tamian pt-onîll't.-iî 'fotal .. .............. "$l 5 91P~.31-_______ shtortlflime go. Tite Itrairai alian AtstnIan chiaitend social ricia- Relative Danger et Places. nTaksingdyMaGre iteld at 10 Suuday lI. Waiukegan atllerud wasIexceediugly reil kiaowtî.lOnTakgvigdyMil rc aPIe flaon ai the Milburu churcit. Tite 'rTe fi nai ras iteld aI 9 Tuestia' Anaf er lutereatlng fartIabaut theLxfla- l n rhrBkro riualisaui survives. Care chiait, a ion, 1moang. tfl reveala la the reative danger 1iatf'i isuaiAttrBkro <Ied nt te age of 10. 1ç te dîfferent manitfactorlajs of te Nortith i-aill 1wi hi tteil lunier- MA. OHNFUI.TO, lItir a lI, -city. tact takinaatrinto, ccolant tir ut te honaae if te brides pair- 'rully. of 222 Nantt Wetst ut-et, tieti-Ii; ytil t-. ahrGai.Ti h litittheebrte tbtis dattithter Suit-!l"iîFi - tii Arrnîî.î 'ttî' Iit'ltîi 1. The Wlre Mille. t' i i I-.iah ai.Tt -o day fntgl e i Ile age oI 78 )ears. ~Chares S. Cawitlill,.OfiiWaliieigaaa,. 2. Corn Producle. hifflV ill ',titî.- iIlit white sit. Thritemuerai touk îaace -a fSin a a tleilulunai i Iss 3. Chitcago & Milwaukee Etectric ' vtit ri--t o i andiI irillii t.ttaedeb' at-nir RSuHI1)ý a nied n iariaýt Il M's 4. Chicage litNenlliwstern. liii tut-t. 'lisNellile Lux.rTe con- uîornlagitermenit wis a t Rose Hul. t olaiî. ofab iat 11ttt, The, (-ira, 5. E. J. & E. and Western Ceai & Tie ia'3r .itlîtdt-iuttIl'tinîu aiIic ttti-hn i I.,Dock. filt- wili t --iie ln Northt Chitîao ai- Alita , rHospiital. mititter li, hadti Lo lc i -lt-Io-o i ibîeîarecioveti Wedneeda>- bt-des mottier. a ~ ~ -Thte bidie andi groom viilsîiîl il Piieters ta Finish Ve.ut'. few dasin IC'hicago tiefître cetiîiîî i. il pryrr. os'-ilitr'L detegate liereanmd viii thenat thonte aliti-o(e SHo!B l s fron lt îîîor Iille inlshite-5l7ionaotftcorner of Shteridanit uti anti ('titi-y o e s Ht Ba t te World, mas ht-ne Satunuiay catu-J S tvrriiîg vit Grandti Falsiter Pettrce avenue.- WILL SAVE $26-00 Il FIEL TM WUNTI over te lotiixmeetinig otfte tîun Te groom lah ititf clerk ut té l- in.colc'ls MttBlasi le a galtvalue, W. ssn whic laIo e feldon ew ears mll nd a vrY opuar mon hl itinitier a positive guaraintes. Il bulnos soitout td eve. teilwor mtkmeti lie la ali> watt lignite maai, cake, bard calat, ond or a" hWue tes L l aIo lieite motfa-aIîîrali- sel ti nsudwel liedli tecita flsnithotonlany chtange iu the slave. Yon ccly tsuda ho gîveat by te untion sud te fllraing one ~ai*ac s for thte cutire yeair. Spring. Fait or nIll be ter.' ln aldiffeaa'tt sîzes &faitInîmediate fi îidsnt> lîné v of Ili,. -deuil o! Winler. SIikes or cool comnis Sicese kainda. ILlu la be tmade a Ia-t--esoi- mari iagai Sattralay.lobcb a terroi if yoîa have a Cale" fot im lion affair ant Iilais taidlihiateveryohie Fr N- u !a? lI otniaklc an fay resoiutiotts alter at- A M A O TNC fr ee u lut teudiug. ItAOUT lte omty Slave tlitIkeesathe bttes 'Te oid year la I.> te intiîîei anti w arm maiiniglit ami gives lhe laniiy awvtra Sput ta sîeep antite ner year luiti- W 5 5 a 5 5 .~bekatm l u arlite arning aili ft inadhflts an ated Intoinîlshers' 'cîrcles rîit ite -ta new fr.Gaale abi ieto lt best sendi off te union can auppiy. Na Powell. Waukegan Boy Often - Satrdty aighl 10 Mottai tnoranag. ho Grand Fiisner Peairce, Grand UderSspcion Faces Triai for't Save& the Dollars Sletîlt Cnîoîer anti evra lioter o!- Uer Ua no* ficer la bitsy on te arrangements Larceny of 532-Stole Monmy - if enfee1aorIlPaveshait"We andi IL la 1a be te beat ever tey From Drunken Main~- antîfu0hlee.Ivii e tea ou staile. ___________ I - ma e au 0 c. 1tslactisont Neail Powell. titnice before arreateti al, d a ono ea a bahfats ,iu- ~ .L.JisPra. .oa serious changes anti sevenail limes -botter tiaaayour mighagéatis out fi Tbe report fnoan Zian City leabliaItbelai on suspiciotn, Friday la iaio l ar oait b is 0MAO0 Eider A. P. Leis, !ornerly a Donle aud tie court or justice Weiss laiced triai we Iter a Volîva leader, bail jolmeai forc' for lte allegeai larcpuy of $32 Irom, Or es wiitlte Panhales ! ite tpas the pesopusA.U8l>t-~! ii Il hale falli movemmat a ale .W n. il lsa afacIthat bl aslulnWaulto clly mmd NorttCiticaigo. ga îi thrmniraa ieluV- Seen aabi ain at ieblai e obod n asat ment Suaay xilgbt, leavlmg teelly Northitiîcago Hardwre Company ,, teycfl fOrceOt s* les et 10:1 aller a meeting tiere. W aI Pr. emlraculouaiy cuned ity plant. -Tite atary developed niten bcaonmIb, lovaer draft cannaI . of Doale,ras seem ait a rotaent Patbaom confiilintie latter, who neparled to lb. iff4t. Thloes i-liI\t Symeeting,.te police, sud lhe arneat aud dco- ïoe~dla th t Les nus lorseriy te secrelairy of tion of Parell tlloreti. 1 proventzsclioke, dust or lion el euetWueguY'M .A Robbed Hie Good Friend. escapbang Whou fuel is put in _________ bo gave. Perfect restu Si. 00 Yeart Ago G01 Appropriation Accoi'dli ta Stevens as' tory bat, mitît - fo.fvmn ui b Th'is menti tel te fsxtlet.b auulven* Powell aud anothen friend, wnmIta m fasbo:pbctth asry of the ti appropriation ever tite restauraint kept ou Washingtoni batt - toutlsibrait and vee made fon Wmnkegan, Ihen Lile Fortt.nitreet ty Prs. Brown, aI 11:30 suuday grat durabiiity. libarbon. Thte approplMatlau Item ram uîbgt Stevenis la aîîeged to have A.1k le 01 me i.Patnali the lone ite Rivons uni Hantons Bi g. dusho libeit caver for ne- ir pasaeindby congrenss lu1846 aaudrais iteen dainminç sugalles. Oar modiaut dng ot'o! lb. files of nome aId ens- Ponell ordered titnee ctîickem taui)- ~tis tih onîy CeIOva ho-, pMrs the cler day by a farmner pers o!flte naltrese, Mise Clairai LotiS.-b C918hî; 111111111 mne Likealti ., aud asteenent out gaaîcimg bock site nMairegre 8800 wormfltua large ssalli ano for ws llarmed ftr, -;ii LI à. at "& 1 1 77ýi mai Ibrake*l and could "Ilvmg ýuo -1

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