il Stt#We Wam I AMU$~MENTSI We are SeIIieg llgh-Grade ANI) GROCERIIES Order bu Telephom enod WC Wlîdoi rt. Use Our ntmsud ouIl I. pie. J.1L1I-'RIGGb' the s' I *1 Wllinter IsComli ng But we are on dock with a good lin. of winter goodl consisting of Ilats qnd Caps, Gloves, Mittens, Rubbers, Oveu'shoes and reit Lined Shoes * Underwear Childrens Fleece Lined Ladiesl Cotton aîidwool- 1Sc and up 25C and up Men'é Cotton and Wool Fleeced 37y<sc and up Ladies Veste, double front and back, fleece ined. 50C SMITH & DAVIS: TEA AND COFFEE LEADERS Libertyville, Ili. IRej*& of Uýhong-Tle Elmore SButors BanModai Nov. 26, ta Mr. ami Wlien the Th"akgiving dînnas in wbo are wltli"b aaha log Air. Oaiea o1r, a %on. lgeetod. Theu la the dInoe to lie thant. will bo remnumbred lu this cty for Ilueir fult tteead aryg e ywrt litI "' Pli evi'aIan." a @caman or the M W. 1f ,tMondby 'Pli Te weatbor bas beciî highly routne. twO eMu. Anir travesty aun(Grad Ive te calds and bad road@. Bath have Operafiilto scond act af "'Phe Rajah Tbe .tQ ame, Thnksivin: ae Im vey muh poonn. lf Bhongl &Md to boaneof the. bot 'PaelQ tt <jand a% gvn v envryruhpst .noraaacem n l a musical cometiy for wss ell tsdd nia uula Vive train oadmof live stock cosltlng yearm. 'Phcompany Ila alarge one andi suof .ai168 mmeaineed ibrougli Libri ville stb lqcharuasbhu been spaien ai by Thle National Macaroni Co. lm putting bulami for Janeuvilli. front Cicagao p=mInteataoeftevr a new cenent walk lu front af the Mlady negt et otunie t -osneg ha1uithe eo fAtry R .P hrcil n wf, 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. W'<. Luttreli. af meson. "'Ph.Rajah ai Bhong" will lie Atay fi. W. ' Sobuchîa wt ve, iChicago, visitai astho J. S. Ordleysmun ut the Schwartz Theâtre on foray arasist Suo aye w hohomea u.'hrsdeY and }'riday attendlng Thurmday, 'Pbanksgiving day, Nov. 29. iorfr's aretetbre.L. e la arbanquet. Matines andti nght. Matinee at 2:30 p. Lat Frlday morng ait trains fru moadHglylafrsni uebun. Priccu 25c, 35ec and 7,0e. the wet were dlayed by a blcade at boe>n the aiglt towerîîîaî ut Rendant Redi Fethr-In writing for "Ri Bard wol th. eoti an enigine runnîug bauresgned bis Pet and wlllliecSome Feather" Rexinalti BeKoven'a effort off tbe dereil. nght operator at the new station., muet have beau guideti by the marne A nimblrof ai Llhotjvilio ladies tucb af genille hat ine-piriti the eplen-1 attontiedth e "UMlon Dept,"'entertain- lire Fred Orlmbanin was ealled tan todmanie oi "Robin flood." 'Ph. star. ment given by the Rockefeller neools Kanme recently by thi'e sudden deaili ai ai "Ret Feathr" le expreslsive coussin- ]est Frlday evenlng. _ I. a sîter. Mr. Orlssbatn uînPriled tin evo anti spirit anti no lac of Cls Aers blia. elobispasitian Sila» Wrght iam, It will Le remobored. laum brlllnc, clranamisparklo. wth William Walrond »a ntlaves 'Phe extenuive water vorku yteni Morne 0 a imeimportant of thei. mne. Frlday of ibis week fW Omuli. Nebr., inatalled ai lie poor frut b y the county boeu are,,' rsIratore", "TheleUtà where leh allsecured &aposition. liai'beau gobgIng very st fauta jilîlne,"To C" IThee Mine," Ple When cmmpletedilie systeinvilii eRaiuonsue (ost," "'Ple Merry cava. 'Ple local friglt crew and 1188'" were able ta uiuim ample' vater lu case of lier," 'Plie Rigliborn Roctor," "'A calleid t Cicago Bunday to lilp relleve lirMadrigal," "Tihe Rose and 'Ple Briee,." tif right adngs ti«o f atlea oaur Mr. andi lre. liernitnMeyer san d "'Ple Gardon af Drianie." To givo ai rllradlg a ibI tio a y~ daugliter BeloaiChcago, Milas Carrne Preper luterprelatian ta the muele Mr bliMe. (0. H. Durani, oaibcgao yer, ai Pullmian, vitît a ladyrin mnageçr Jlu. M. (laites suppleSaa wèe guosta attheo hme ai C. F. Hong and tir. and rs. Harrv (lasanud specu orchestra. "Redi Feather" wlU ovor Suniay. Mjr. Durad n e hief daughter. El n8hi mienet 'Thankuglvîug beprouentoti asthte Schwvartz. theatri an engineer for the W. 8 Edwardu Co. viit teir parents, <Mr. anti Mmr. ierinan Bunday Duc. 2. Mjr. andi lre. Prank leitein were NyrKu HrOl ewm ari of*Beporiain teofhi boter i Cicgolat Au effort je beiug, made to organise àauancosand the engageetalBnHr neste aishsiterChiiago AuuCitocaum> but ai aiiau Mriayni ghlt andi atendeti the raîroati boy'»ichi lu colot-ctiou wlth the endnti u lcguAwarluclsein wlll tran - buto aial, boili of Mr. leiteln's M. E. chureiliandi, 'iiraie-ic ee i eme .N plousan hatrbay brothers being iriglt condutars 01>th, nmista Leeaccaîîlpau-Ving the Plan ee sboucresu ttol i in auywa st. Paeul. whieh has heu fillowed witli goat oed e a eeen htd lu Eicaga he reaulis elop.wbere. Jfln (rat-oer is tatin -od n IAre yau readfng the con tinueti@tory a nprtg Ilintui le oipae tai that oai tus rnghty 1wliich tartotinluthe liEE Ei.If bous aetifart andryîî<iuîjîoksronîlstnebibical romance fram the peu of the at. you liti nostarsait lianliib" tter lobo yso,: au arîvy iii ,,okl)rn >i5ngdiuîinguiuhed aldier-tatmuiau-author, upyor eivetu apr.Iprrni feor an arl rmpeu (ojte eorai Law 'Wallace. People in ait taLe a vpry excelent tary andi voîl vuite ai ilehave wiinesmed the prori- sillgartue. ...apý,w>-<reafi A local mas au liii- bail caue ' iiiauce.,smi the concensus ai opinion -The n fuant nd-d-nS-- laot100kUP ste .condltiî,u af affaire uil>.he li, that "Ben Bur" in the griateut rellg- 'Pi enertînieu ani dncegivn y village reparts ta nu thai them, are at ions draina lu the vorîie bietory. the Cail4olic churcli chir ini th, tovu tihe préentoni t îw uar vacant __________ bal lat Thurstiay evening vas igbly hansse. in Uibortyville. Not for soveralI ' a eige impsto suceestul anti a libralmanaunt waa years have iliere been toc)îîîanty hlia in ll(iy . Yd, illeeintreuisasi t cleai'ed esa a altofteaive aeaIltha»ut îli.rimoureti; yet ai the prient manient I~~ hcg nivb ne h ata îterestfd. 'The o edaopIvnalsht eremu ta ho ne great ral for theni. IEtgertan, l.,witli hie brother Wirt, ,.ould lieexpecteti. 4 The. cmufor tlieuperluiiyaof reidences UOiDe. I. Tihe Cr>tal Spring Co. liast inetalled i lu ot kuavu sud ces roula for goarne 1ev. J. B. Moac(iuflp addreooed a union a botilng pleanti with the addition little caujecture. Qwiierv are woiering mieting aiflte ilcilidi@tsudnt Prisby- arai)ru cbargiug machine viii Le iif -priug will ses theni hI! uni)as lias îeriau congregaioiast tihePrebyterian 10hape ta iqj'n oui ginger aie in large been the way of thii<t'if or tIe iant lîew cbhuircli a lîksgiving niorning. * euaUtitiem. Tbey p1anta Place an ex- yeari. Ther meine t<i li no>gaod1 Vii' rigular meet"ing ai the Bon flur clbeutlproduci in tiilino on ihémuartet reamon far a decreasi@ii in urpopulation W ýTeiyih.Alebr anti matre it an important item of their yet sieoeinpty bouses standît as lîroofi ili ho ne]tumlyugb.Aîebr leuiflneon htsc ue tecs. are urg.d ta l, premeiti as theri viii ho 'Piepoplareletri tbair crn' ws ltaisnc> nnsiho ie amenomination aofailleero and allier The opuar lectie heure cateW&@ A rumr ablas beon curreut about towu iiportant business. gvenaniva nat goet hieo e airoeontly ihat lie villiîge i. lîîrtiring oun weut by Agent Alleinn.Hiso. baatruptcv. tlac(iiiffin whlion Louis b'ratiîie, ougineer an rte elocirie tbat le a lote Invention anti a greai en- asked conceruing site repo<rt sa tîî at routi, vho lias b>eun working ai Racine tertainer. While tbi. tile machio i.fndo 1iotyla lai iodaufor the pont tva intlim hat i is a poctetosue anti prtable îLe mavlng rpu n eavîly m a resuit fte et1t '~~bausweot ok. hpe a itc picture. are there anti Mr. Alleman to o pa f impg this w est. ed a Mrm. l'rotine viii leave in a pleanure iowing ies fiandsmsito new turing the peut season anti thetiew days. Ilueelaiaialtoy. warrantsalie beon immucti on future (und@is We hear f ront Cliiarnia that Jamîes ldon Butiorfielt i@lahome for a 'mjaiirunont au yt collecteti. Thmeo are belli by Rlicregar bas beau pranioteti audile new - ai gavera Muthelu Montanla anti will the. baaseta wliami hey have beau soa. a condaciar on ihe Sauite F. rallro"t. probaiiy renalu sainie utile iut more. Plecondition, 1w ite, la not aun1 Hnry in aiea workilg for thebmieF- T 'h. goverrnin » ou on aopen up a nuconinon one tlirîîîglionithe country anti la a brateman. B loce lealvlng boe F tract ai irrgatot fondi howover, anti ho as the law providle tbat villages may M lr. MeOrigor anti farnily bave matie jexpet4io returu sud purcliaea ernali, mours fondsisnlutlîimmanne? andtihle SmBanernardino their bomne. Al are fruit ranchà.' Tiis rigian àla iaup for a ppnrtunity i. largily mizeti upon by al 1 wel, they write finonda bore. ite fle">apples whlch bavesa avor andtfi th re iorcues andi nany uf th: forger keeçigqu1)eliy unoxelleti by mne. anes. 'Ple mempeo f frit exhîbîtedt u E. W. ~srreu Leanuto ia APNOIJNCMENTS Parihurt'. vlndov vere braught har:talenîtîntuis m tiengatiiereil togeiher 'Ple regslar busiessmeeting ai the frouât Monm by ban. for the. "Cvil War* entertalnment to Le Lati"e' Aid ocei.y of lie M. E. churcli Frani Baurte, a ofeirmBannle Bras., behlalintear future for tva niglite as iliiihobeldlite home aiflMr. Frinclm manuietujrofeduansr baatim wes lu the Union churc liminer the aupices aif'Pripp, 'Puesdey aiternoon, Dec. 4. tovu lie eet smking as-location for ti lis WoamH ouie Mlmlanary iety quarter. for 1h. finn, iboir Chicaga ai the M. E. churci. 'Ph eniertilument Talqvn a factory bavlng but reestly bui. vIii§le etrictl5' musia, it will Le a Takgvn a Effevî vers ed" hy local partiensuta aid eeneSrt, sud theaesc 1ai al ai reioieig le graily increasetiby the thon lu securlng a tomporarv iactary Llbriyville's most praniubg singrO tnowlstige tînt you have money lunIthe bore but wtlibut rmuta. For ibm spftear on sthe prgri. A dobl Mll presen t iby vibI lacato LnChicago qaio aopriseti0a!Umsme.Chas. bat. thouli Il niay b h tstwheu they builti Rnitli, Genou (ridley, Chas.SBilai.. Ouircertiticates are mont liboral fur th-[ a. permanent home for thir laduatry Buson, A. L Murray, John Craier. depoiter. Cali anti inquire about thon. th.v May .cm to Lihrtyvilie. Front H. P. Lavler, anti Dr. J. L. Taylor wil We elili e piasedti tame yoU anti tva to ibres dosen bande earenompoyod' h. a lanrs. Solo lsien, aimah.u lb by the fini anti if the iacrory eau ho Mi mCarie Chard, Leurs Boss7115,.i xplain ta you thoir Mors. securdit i iitoean «Inchito île' Dovas, Grame Croter san ed ýanieb Yau aliulti a"imaVeiaIs a uii OXi Village. Wire Lulu Matoeis sud Lucy Slacuni, for the pratectiou of yarir paperes ucli su Twentysoitie ifriandis veri guemis Meni;eioaitie mîale quartesaivl i Ring contracte, eam, notes 'ant inluuranco Saturday eveina aif<jr. anti lir. C. F. solos anti arrangement@ are uiller waY Ban fo anoymer uppr ati incl ta smecure ithe aasistance ai mverai polic'.l. W>' bave the>'bot for relit. pary. ondcto Kllylid ithe r.e uînonionoti. The concert wili bo by i- FIUiT NATION4AL BANEi unatalehih coe i 81gond point fa eie that local talent 0f Libortyville. anti ibm secn t oe vet b o. . hm eer tie suit mta lenier. Tho, capital iully pait i&iii$25,0.t iVarer. With the ladies Mmr. J. F. votiaudri imttee caniprising L. Týtyi.toia. Pre. Coufter wan lit prize anti trs. Abert m= ,,e Jdli areF.E Wr,.1.8. (,'iinîc'Y. Cauhior. Kirb eodptu lhscrsa 4 F. L. 'Pripp, J1. B. Macufut anti Mim" antisecond<jr voe ati scresBarour9Mahal E1ils. The cvenings 0f Decomber; receivetficueconsolation avartis. tir. 18 anti 14 hnave beau chiouan. 'Ph>' THE 8BOY'8 THANKSGIVING. anti lre. fBang spareti no pains Io mate concert viili e lie],1 ai thef Uion chorcli sthe evoning a peasani ane for al ubeir."anti;i deiqerviug <of the lîearty îo-opera- Ait 8year.alId lsd, nat a Waukegast iguees anti have tIhe satisfactinatinfauplilii. boy, but Judglng fromin nternai evi- tnowiug that their efforts mnet an amiiple -douce, closely relatedtu t a goal many rivard. hyba o hre, wvsannetettawrite out ThPle Ladies Cincli club wau the gueots what hoe consItereti a Roti dianer ut aiMim. 8. L. 'Pripp u Friday aflornoon *ms,5t4 #U Ibill ai tare for Thankmglving. and bore ni laat veut. tirs..Prideaux van the lit DiiiTliI prise, a hantisaie Japanees cup antidWlI IRLIIRL saucer,.lier score bing 270 points. M liuetC.s E. E. Ellworthi wau vatetimuse aanin- Central state Thetsre Ce. Leua" Mince Pie ber of tbe club, malong the thirteenili Charles ATatace, Manager Second Corse menîborbut ibis daom@flot provo the ______Punîpkîn Pie aud Terkey ladile.saeeftree f rom supertition. 'The Thirti Carme extra menibor vas neededt ta ave ijàe TfDI honteme fresetao ntertain vitiaut db5e0illitN VhDI Z I etison Pie, 'erl<oy, Craberrles one oifithe active playere. lire. Fred , Fourti Crse Anes ai Wauiegan, wam a Ruent of the TIkgVUg<I Costard Pie. Apple Pie, Mince Pie club for the aiternoon. 'Ph. ladies have Chocolate Cake, Ire Crean aiud Leen planning forsmretue tagive thIr TVIE !LMOR! SISTIRS Plain Pudding club a a ' noms but th matter lis -Desr beutableti anti for the tins bolug îbmy iINPDesr w ilIhe tuovu a stue Ladies Cincli club. TPhe Ncw Musical CoinedyPi Lunch vwas served tsit le clane of the atiernaan. 'Pheir non msesion wii lie ait . D M NAse.aneni Notice. tbhie melofM. Fred Svaiu. The RAiJAHi if on smriousiy daubta the continued ondviiih irE. fW. Padhuret etr o prosperlty ai Libortyville lis mind of HO G 'dasecnid, hir1906fouru oli ti uiain?.fe voniti e changoi by a trip dovu the Mont'~3 ~ e rteibr 90M1tuel coliciane ,factory fine." 'Ph. machine siop sud MAiTI NES PRIC<E meutefor b. MuliburuMutVesrnn, deoaiare tva ver! buy pis." toap ua dle2c 5,5t 'iin farMlie adsieti ernn starter. 'PlieCrystbe Rpring vii lis ea Cldi o dlt i,3e,* JanSiE. BALLAfRD. bualor plac.hau over wth the addition NIOR'P PRICE$ 25.35.50 anti 75 oi_ Agent anti Colletor. of the nev branci jus i about con -_____________ pieteti fan iiotr business.'Ph. National Macaroni Ca. in counteti as the oneofai SIINDAy, DE EIE 2,d Tie. INDEPENDENT andtihle Chi- thie very strongeut business factors lunIceg o Chronicle ar Inter Ocean, dally, the tava, andti ihy iuliy tiesrve lhite Enarent Exioordiuary for one year $3.50. The INDE]PEND. etimaIe..Boy ani thora axé the Boit Tiat>uiautk C a" Opera ENT. anti the WeelyIvInter Ocean fetiy andt ihoWr. FoneMil, andt 1h.$1.85. gi vol pis u ore la aforce oi mon equal ta an o mnary iactory. Ovbr a R D f A H R I o o' dets o ilor hundreti bauds go ta vak n lustiegroup'00mesk w htyuavIl of Insttutionansd Il voulti@seoitng .9Canpapy a1itwlb: 15,00 odr uî ityi aei !al tliey vare uaotconipeletita foaslo? - oi aI.m rallroad igif I!rIOMD A SM P~_ N luy I. VOL. 1. No'vember 80, 1906 NO. 1 BREAKFAST LORE. A day ta o se o0 right muat ho begun iglit. fid you ever stop to thlnk bow varity at breakfast moaes the day look brigliter? Areý yau, lie many 0f un, getting loto a monotonauus eady golng rut ni Ille? Are yon mting the s@&me breakfast over andi overdaily and grlndlng away st your tonka with thiesne dulI deprelon? If go reflert, or btter, yet use the resultu ai our tudy. COAPTEIt H Try tis for a day or na, -ait down ta a breakfat of paBcaies. Rave a gond 8miles of lverfried in aur prize Laytons Milaauke. Ham and a dat> of our Brookfield Farm Breakfast Sausage. A eap 01 aur Chame & Sanboru colpe. wilI mati' Von chei'rful the' net of the. day. Ibtyile phone 29 ioie P. Dnaon, PreC. P. wuM, W Omo. A. WaIeU'r Vice Pre. FB a, .ut4 LAKE CO. NATIONAL 1BANK Cuwu. z0 G SHVBWAP C, j R.OALOA DMICORS G A P. P. SWEIET, ORR & CO. ak of goods la kxiown asý the beet in the. count Thi goods are the higbeSt priced, but they a well worth it. We boughlt a big lot of their Okieenmd, Sliped Overails. <qimers 1Jacketl, W>kMng Sbhts. ' s* M Double Bre.ed f.m. Shrts, Worln end AU WooI PMtsliEc. At a reduction of 30 per cent below the rogular price. No bJo lot of mon'@ woar waa over sbown lu Libertyville-liet tu, mention great saving in price whlcli augbt ta bo a sllht consldeatlon ton. G1ve usau oppartualty ta show YODoainplOes "4 quota y<ictpile THE. FA LIDERTYVtLLE, AuctÇiýn sale. ceThi per wen.t "lesm In aider ta settla up an eatate I will Iý et e ek u h aller ai public auction at the Thamas due Ina atvance. Corleti farm two and a hall miles north af Lîbortyvîlle an Friday Nov. 30. Gain. Thi fflapehargsm fer ehi mencng at 12:00 o'clack sharp the fol- tJces, cardas of tiai. sud b lawing doscrlbot property ta wlt: lutions, Our $Pace Io r«W 3 cows 12 ta rcouie ini soon, work hors.f nows. vit 1400, two yr old colt, 4.yr-ald driver, broken single or dauble, wagon, two Rave you ove? notleedI seatet i ilîtwagon. pale aud thille, IN»plaip& priasteteIl cutter, pair bob aleighs, set double li- er atbte h nre nus,, ha double harnese, fark andi hook ,1webotria m atretcli, 2 coope, grindstone, sulky uto -ultlvator, pulveizer, set drag, eor - bareeter mawer, hay rack. b"y roe, .AmgmuJ bay tari andi pulicys, 30 ta 35 buial M atou , 28 acr es of Co in,1 5 t on an ohe atile numeausteKatsrBfI mention. Ilimai tenus. eBam W. Il. SaEslLx Anc W. M.o8eie a. àa.. r ~Othor bonze iVwàâ' WANT ABS. brint resuit.. Perfection of work îîîatish j, hoiiest '>aluiemi.-1,91leort e,' treatinelit of 4' mv ît&îîîn1ertg Andrew Pluss l eau1 make It Pay you to trade witli Me. Let me gî e You iMy prIeM.