CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Dec 1906, p. 1

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1 .AKE COMJNTt IN~PENUENT ard AUBANWEKYSUN VOL XV. No. il. LIBERICYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, I)ECEMBER 14, 11906- 12 Pages $1.50O PER YEAR IN, ADVANCE. _____________________________________ t tTY.Trwo FOR SALOONS' 'Watikegan Citizen* Sturt Oen. eral Commlgn tu lutem4st of Bunday Cloctug. UDPROitl.IfQJUALE' MINTS *HINTBAT WHAT 18 LOMING patrioxic citizen% of Watkegan baye banded ,t*etlier ta, sttIi'Suuday opeunag -of saloons and tiSe result ls ,tbat thlitl-two warrants agalnst tbrec- Sftluo! the saloonleepers of Wanke- «ga. iave Ibeen issuai enud 'erved f rota the vSlces ar State'a Attîrney I-anna A"wi tce Weiss- Ilolaiai are the. salonkeepers fat Ulsoin warrants vere issiîed: 1'lcker andi A. Herk!rtîer. Tim Kelly. Otto Wailiît. J. K. Dailey, jr, Menry Sheridan. Bd Cliff. 'water Robt. Tyrrell. 1.Relsaer. Jlohnsan & MiLkelioîen. 'Tom Tleraey. -Killiane. ,Wm.MecCanny. Chas. Wembar. E. Feistan. H. A. Dolitte. Ouscr jion. Frank regarick. Priait Peikorsek. Andrav Pucin. M.L Walun. C. Sautker. John Kusiman. Andrev Olseai. P. Sheridan. Wm. Dean. A. L L«ahuvitz. Fld Dletmeye'. A, Kuiat. UcCann & Zoabler, Net Wek erLeague. Contrary ta the general idea, fise Venk of clesniag up tise Snnday joints las nt (bat o! tisa Lake County Law -m ndOrdar L~en. r i1vas raquested by certain eiti- senso! Waukegan toalad la . tise 'Oork." sald Rat. T. Quayle Tmmk- 4"y. "andtheUtaloagua bas nathing b '4o vi( tha muvement.,* Woukoen Litizens Alên*. Ha furtisar stated, '-Citisans o! Waukagan ara planning and exacut- lut tae maya akîne, vitisthea ad af J. W. Haythorne. of Ciicagi, a ment- ber a!ftaeCitîzenas Associatian, vise lmashad vida expariance la the vark tiu Chcagoaend visa vas lnvlted ln* 'ise papers are ail signai by Mr. fiaythorne. viso le flot a detective. Exactly visa la tise chie! backer a! tisa onslauglit la nut ta la deter- minai. lit la bellaved that me*ers of tlie Mens Bible Clasa a!ftMe Baptiat charcis ad ai the Mensa Chrstian Union, a survivai of the Williams- Baiervaît meetings ]&et vinter, may bu supporting ItL TisIs la not postlvely known. Ail Gathered Evîdance. Rev. Qttayle, as the ona kuova leader,. declared tnat private cîtîzans bai gatisered the astdence hy maklng the rounds o! the joints on Suindays. 'I mnyelf gatlered very lttle." be said. Warrante Just Servad. The warrante vere aerved Tneaday liy Assistant Chie! of Police Tyrraîl. Tyrrefl. They vere isied Moaday et tise Instance of Waukegan people, Rev. Quayle, Mr. Hayihorne aînd Detetîve *EIder, visa las beau varkiug an the evidence, gatbenlug la Justice Weiss' office for the purpose. Détectives gatierai sà f aitise evideace. RgiiCampaign Soan. Prom bluta that havaeieen let fat lit la Judged that a refarm campaiga la ta le apened lu Wankegan. "Cal this a sensation?" askad Dr. Qtsayîa of tva reportera, * "la tisera aoutfthlng letter cont- lng?" be vas aaked. "Yon liaven't ct your eyeteetis yet," vas the reply, iutintating that further raids wera planned for Wau- kagan. S Oaa bY ane the saloonkeepera for ', hom warranta vare lssued appeared lieare Justice Weiss thîs afternaon and vere rleased an their ovu nuognfizance urtil Friday, Decenther 21, visan tise bearinga yUl take place. Van Deusen'esSuit&. fleshdes tisa warranta la the office Of Justice Weiscivil auite for fSues Sfer taesame ciaracter o! affense W ere hagunuagaluat AIbla Sefert, John Rat and Harry Havitt la the burt o! Justice-'VÊkn Deusen by the sene complainants. The INMPUII1DENT la Worths more 'o f1a SJO the subsetlatlon Waucoada Girl s Bride. Postritaster Eruest G. Ilowell. of Getteva. one of the mnoat conflruaed and best kn-owa liachelors lu this part of the comoity, was qiuetly married al 3:30 D'eWÀL Manday aterîtoon to MisiNlna Sowers. of Waucnans11. II TM wveddlng teok place at tite homte of 1ev. Dr. Garnett A. Pollock, of Hanse of Haote Preshyterian clinrel lit iCîgia. 'Ne wedding lias cone as a consldürabie surpîrise to the many friends y! botb the contracting par- lies ail over ibis part of the state. 'lTe bride la a daughter of Mrs. mary sowýers, o! Wauuonda, sud tormueily resided with lier mother lit thia ùïty, where Mr%. Savers waa îpro jirietor of tlie Geneva liotel fot-r ears ago. It was while t&Ming ait occaulonal meai at bi elalaia the losîaster bacarnteacquanteil w'h iMiss Sowers and the acqualatance was kept up al- ter the rema 'va] o! the zSowers fami)> to Waucoada. Mr.- tiowelilias bee.t cbitrge of the Deneva postoMfice qr .rNod of eight years and bas bea conaected wiib thù office for a îeriod -r! tWelve 3ears, havina iteen assistant pasimaster îetder ?ýostmaster Bunkzer. He la a prtndnent member of Mys- tic Trio iodge. K. of P., and li t one or thé best knowa Itepublican lead- ers anîd local politicians ln ibis paSrt of the state.-Aunra Beacon. REPORT CNULD KIUUIN CHINA Tan Vear Old Dsughter of Former Zion Eider Said t0 be Murdersd in Far Eas.. Thea repart lis ust reaclied M~oni -ftîy that 10-yea&r-old Neille Royal, ':sugliter a! Former EIder Royal, o! tjat clty, but nov o! China, bas bren iîrutally murderad by tbree Chinaman. It la sai (bat an appeal vas made ta the goventîntnt and tise ibree men are ta lie beiseaded. The %tary of tise affair wbicb was recaivad la a latter tram China a !ev days aga ruas titat tise ciild vas play-' lag on tise bnks aoaonoftise rivera' .-arImr.s h- a.anr-# nl-sa.tyll.. ORPIIANS ARE MADE IIOMELESS Forty.flve Children Narsowly Becape Baralng Building et Lakte Bluff Orpbanage L088 ESTI M ATE» *oPOOO UORMITORY'DBOTHOYED Foitiylilve persoai narrowly tseceii'j tîîjîry etnd 120 were tlirttao bib a paile eariy .aunday moainng wlen W*%aus worth cttage," a tlihree stOrY anîd basenient structure, sue o!fte dortuitory buildings of the Metbodiat Deaconessa' Orpbanage anid Epwortb Cbldren's bomne. at Lake Bluff, was destroyeà by ire hlieved ta lava been causaed iîy a defectîvecbme. The flames were dtacoyered _ Thlàaa tarvey 12 Yaa' ôi ' b,,a awakened by tbe sototd tîf cracking tiniters. He Immedlateily realizeul the perlI of hintael! and the tuber tliirty- oine boys in the dormtor%. and awakened another of the. bo'ys. Ta- gether the two rushd front liii te bed, arousitîg aU tbe chlidren liti the roont . The bouse motiter. Miss Suriuper. lieard the noise made îy fthe clilldvtn and summoning te îuperinteutdenti of the honte. Miss Jndao.' vent touiii' vegate Int11.iscause. WhleIe vamn e thIe smoke flled rîSnm fouud the cbildren liuddied tb- gether lu frtglit, unsîle tafilnd their way ont. Witb a few words they quleted the fears of tbe orîîbans and led tbem front the place. Fientes Sproad Rapidly. Sa rapidly dld the flames advsnce that witbln an bour after the alarmi bad beau given tbe fleurs of Wads- Wortb Cottage bail alion. Nana of the occupants had sived mucli clolà- lng, and If the residents af Lake Bluff and near-by tovas had flot apanad thair homes ta the orpisans tbe suifer- lng woeld bave bea great. titres Chinamn camealaong, and Wadavorth Cottaga vas usai as vitheut tha leaat provocatian,. brutl.l tae dormltory for the aIder boys. and ly hast ber brama out vith a diuti. (th orty hadse vare an nl addi- Tl'en they hurried avay. tiou, Mi"sfpringer, Mlisa limera. Miss Oehlberg and tvao etier voman slapt J!WEL CAS! US tisera. At 3:30 o'ckck la the os S~Ing Tommy Harvey, 12 yaars nid, CAISE o0 f iteard a crackliîg noise and sav diames and amoke arlslng rtra tae Relatives Clash over Ownership of lied o! a boy named Raymond. Wltb- Diamonds Laft hy Lat* John Baker ont vaiting to, îlmomn aid ha ran of Famous Family of * Singing iis conîpanlan and avaka hlm. Tise Bakers. tva than iounded the aarm and ran tram lad ta lied rouaing tisa sleeping A law suit bu gain possession of a boys. javel case fIlai iwtis preclous geins Svarmlug loto tise ceuter o! thSe came In an, end Saturiay vbea Attor- roam, tise littIe teilova sent up ney Orvias ettiai thse litgation ba- ecreama o! friglit, summaning Misa tveen Mrs. Etta Esis and Miss Alice Springar aad ber assistants. Their Moore, ber aiece, for $600. Instructions a(ayed tbe panic. Tisa jevels ara alagai bu hava bren_ When day davned tise condition o! givea Mrs. Esb by tise laie John tisa cbildreu vas ptialle. Fev vore Baker. ot Fox lAke. but Miss Moore anytlng lut iheir nightaiirts, and as la alleged ta have seixed them as the the bolIer vas la the liasament of belr-at-law. Wadworth Cottage,(the lieat bhad bren cnt off. When the situation be- came knuva ln tise village, thse real- COM! LONG WAY dents respondei vitis affers o! shelter TO GET DIVORCES snd ..onail tbe children yard snugly eusconced ln tise varions homes. Twa Couples Separated by Legal Makas Surs Ail Ara Baia. WriWbase Hmres are Far Wbea Misa Juilson saw tIe danies Away.sle seized a lire extiiguisber aîîd Away. iurlai it Into a corner o! the coam Tt bas long been kuosu (liai Watt- vhere the amanes isad slready eaten kegan fi raally te pivot ou wbicis througb, sud iis act tendai grestly (lie vorli revolvesansd it vas denton- (o restore confidenceamaîîg the clilI- stratad aith(le court bouse Saturaa), dren. After leaving (ha lurnlng build- whan marriaga icauses vereIssued ing, Misa Springer retunued and feIt o! eachbled tu see that nouan had bu tvo young ladies vlio lad traveled ba vrokd u le b e almoat bal! tlie dtsi'ace around the bturiie a loe roauds caled tbce.î globe to procure tisent lera. uedtth rnecal heol Tise firat vas b XViiliaàis W. C'ada. o! children vlio slaPt la tisa Wads- a! Mlvaukee, and Etbel S. Dnnkeriy, worth cottage (o maka doubly aura ail o! Scarbarougli. Yorkshiire, Eugland. vare sais. The ecod wa tuChales . Cet- The filct thai the tatephone vas ln linho LeFrvs tandliaes C. eet- the burued building Prevented prompt lia, oaaf Sort andAMiss M ln- s communication vitb tise lira depart- gabah, o!sicaur iss cnobmeut, but word vas flnally lsent ont gawvlerrsduea Lake Forest, andI (le volunteers o! Lake Bluff aud liovevar. iŽke Forest linrrled Int ha rpisanage, coufining the lire ta tisa une building. SMLt OUTLAY; Tisa chidren of tisa orpisanaga vare LARGER!TU INIStaken loto.(lie hontes o! residents o! LARG RÊT RMS Lake Bluff, vhera tliey viiilia ted and boîtaad tîîtil arrangements cau lie Oniy Another Proof that Want Ada made for tlair returtru the orpbau- Pay-But then Why Sbouldn't TbeY age. The lmas of clotliing la beavy, Wban Raad bY 15,000O People as it vas onîy ou Sstîîrday tliat the Weekly. full sui)I~îY of vinter garmielts vas lssîîed (o (lie clildrea, anîd noue of E. J. Wt'skoti, tut l)tuuoad Lake, the cltling s saved. Tbe total vas i thle litîgtty iiietht' ýtiret ProPerty bs le esllmnated ut $9,000, of te I(ý * afi tht awan'adpartlslly covered bylv iiairance. The ieite the l <IlmaEDET Wnt tbtuilding vas erected ln 1902 ly N. Va. insetet lutit INEI'NItNf uin iHarris o! Chicago, lu uîeuîory o! bis coltînîn ad rert.isiçig îii."notît rock nîîîtlier, lira. Wadsvorth. sockerels for suie lirouglit h i uîî uex- The lîeatiîîg apliarattîs o! the en- pactesi returas. The aMd wastonru twtt tii-e orphsuage wSs tocaicd lu thie viats, taok tbree uines and cttli i baseenit o! Wsdswortî Cottage and twenty-livt. cents, As a resîtît lie sald aIl (lie buildings were vithout heat sixty-oaa Iirds. Be Russhl@ iill trY tht. yesteî-day. Partial repaira, bovavet-. colitimu again. vera made iast aiglit. Peopule vîto use tlhe ad@ ail tao- tliey Relief Quictiy Pladged.. psy. Tt nmust lie expected tiiey will ltay Relief ln the torm o! mauay and vhiss t Is eallzed (bat thîs paper la cithing vas plaigai yestardsy ly nmi waakîy by soine 1ý,000 people and norti shsore churcises front Waukagan, J searly svéry o" eds ibs vaut a4à. -to EvAnston. One of the pathetic Incidents of the. Are watt' the resciui' tif fiuali. a crip-, piled back and tan luog. As- soon as be realized the danguer which tirent- eîîed thie animal. K,>iiiicîh McDoweil ran ta the baiseent ianidi rottghto(tl the dog, carrying i in iiis arma tiia plac'e of safetY. Workmsrt Falilrioo Sent Puip. Jaîeavlle. Wls., i>ic. 7.-Patrick làavin, au emîiloyc îof the heet sugar factory. fel'into a pil of freezing pull). He struggl(A fotii hree lhouis uîî ta bise.neck said wai.4noariy ex- haused when resîîîu'l. ll<tlî laîds were Trozen. lie ii a critieal cou- ditioui. This la the refiio-iytii wlicii Lake county growers a isut lingtheir sugar beets. U. S. !XPRESS CO. OPERAT!S ON C. & M. Electic Exprss Businest Goes inia Hands of United States Express Company-Wii mprove Service Reacbing fartiier iliàn ut llrat sîip- posedl. the United Siates Express Comtpany lias ûlejsed au exclusive contract with the Chicago & Milwau- kee Electrie Ralîroaîl Comnpaniy ts bandle the express fit Chicagu to IMiiwaukee for a long ici ni of years. «rbree express trainis front Chicago to Racine and haek are operated daiiy, the express heinig shipped in regular cars made' for the purpose with the Idea of makiug tinteTe service extendis as r as Racinte at present. but the exujires contîanys agreement calis foi, service in Mil- waukee. The tiret train leaves C'hicago et 6:30 and going the other way Wau- kegan ai 8. Carence De P!iîhl, af Waukegan. hias realguad bis position as travelIng freigitt agent ta accept the appoint- ment as manager for the express oepany at Waukegan. The Chicego & Milwaukee Electric RaUroad Company wiii renl. a store renu te ha used as a combnation ex-I Pruse oflice and valtlng rmon t dde- Pot in Waukemanby te murt ofJeu- uary ani bare Mn. De Ptil ii h Instaflad as the bad o! a sort of central office. He a ae capable man ad a goosit business getter veil known ta, Wau- kegapeople. Tise Chicago & Milwaukee Electrlc Ralrosi Compatny securas an express and passeager station la the lieart a! Waaîkegan by a deat wth Wa. P. Higley. O! the Hiley deitartmentt sîpra. tant igli, tise saulli end of! (ha big place o! business, (bat de-, vated ta grocertes. beiag leased for a4 term ai five years, beginalug Feliru-1 ai-y 1. 1 Yeaterday tlue SUN made exclusive announceentî[hott .îa tUnited States1 Express Compîanîy bad secîîred tise1 eleciric expiress franchise for a term1 of yearsansd ihat thte road vouid ett.1 daavor to lacaîe a comblnatioîî office la the central (part o! (bis clty. Last uiglit thi- lease vas Signet! for the Higley stoîre. Mr. Higley lias for somnitîîe colt- ducted a seiltîg'oîît sale. Thiis vilI le contiîiued aimilthe grocery stock ai least wilIlieo coitileteiy cloaed out hy tae middle tif i'elruary, vlieîî tle road takas charge o! (bat ptart o! the Store !rontiug îouîWasblngoit Street. Tise dry gîiîds departmenîs frout- Ing ou Geuesec street doas Itat enter into (lie deal. whiîcl vas au open se- cret this Morninîg anîong real estate men and others. The location that tbe (Chicago & Miwaukee road lias leased for its ex- press and passciiger station Is onsul- erad an Ideal îone.MrHilyou tha building. Mr ilyon Peopîle awatttîîg cars ara forced ta taka refuge lit île Berry cigar store or the Pearce iliug Store, as presat conditions statnd,.whitetisera is no central station foîr the isousing o! ex- press and treight. Thea proposeti stationa yul do away vitli (base anîîtyaaces and supply ia thair steai great convanleaces. (t la flot geticrally knovn wby the Unitted States Exptress Company seeka tise exclusive rtght viti* tise-Ciicago & Miwaukee lectic Rallroad Comt- pany. It la Supîiostd iîowvvr tisat (haClii- cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, vîtis the completion o! ils Paclei extension, vilI isandia Its ovu express sud bar the United States Express Comtpany tramt au extanded francise, as vîli the Great Nortlierîî. Thase things ara supposai (o lhave led ta the deal. lu speaklug et tisa matter iaday,l Mr. HilIy siated (bat ha isai sigucd tlia lease laat evenIag wltb Mr. De PfuisI ot the express contpany and a repraseatative o!f(lie raiiroad. *'It la to aket effect Fabruary 1~ said lic "and la for fiva years, The lassa la for (lie Washilngton Street froat and ruas back ta the stairvay golag upsisirs. "l dout't i know visat I vill do afttr closing ont, but I tit I1 shail retire om~y irentat." MRS. BURGER LOSES, MER DAMAGE SUIT Caisses .S.cene in Court N'. len She ('c>ee into I4ystertc. and la Led Front Raout. RA1LROAI)IWINS IN ? SENSATIONAL CASE ,iîtue ittrgî-r vs. the <Chicago &0 Noriliwesterîi souîttht' (Chicago, & Nll- wautlee Elect tic was rP(iîirîtl Sat- îîrday aigliî andîlwa4 opnedelNIndtaý afiernoori.,,,The jur y lMîiîitheie. - fendants nt gulît.. The case vas fluisheu ai i1::" Sai- urady afteriîtouiaunl thte jîtt e- titred te their rtuom. Ai s:::o the vetrdict was rei uttit Iatd i .1 tti.. iht îiîeited it %14)uday aftertitoît. A niiotitn for a ii-w trial was li- inediately eiîiered liy Attorneys BY- mansd Orins fttr thle ilalul Iff sud was graîiied. Pushes Law Work. Wittbhis characteristlc eîîegrY. iidite Wright tla îitsbiug bard tlie law yers la tbe different cases le- fore te circuit coturt sud laentaklttg thelti lîtstie tauitteltare for trial. At- torney Gale was caughgli îprepared lu thie case af OIc Torstensen Braien. adaîlaistrator ini the eestat,- o! Toblas Toretensen va. the North Shlore Elec- trie Contpany lut was forced ta tart the case, bis motion (tir ctîtiuuaue being îîverruled. The case la oute for $10,otat damn- ages asked for the deatb of Taratata- sen._ On July 28. 1904, whlle la the ampioy of the electrlc company, Tor- stensen was eiectrocnted whule wark' lng an a pole la Higbland Park. The case vas trlad la 1904 aud a verdict la lavor of tbe .efeudants vas re- turned. A motion far a nev trial vas1 granted.1 Attorneys Gailiand Jackson reit-i resealed tise plaintiff. For the de- fendant vare Ganeral Attornay hP. A. Pboloney, o! Chicago, sud Cooka. Pope & Pope, o! Waukagan, tise local attorneys o!ftaecompany. Judga Wrighst la ta ha an tisa hancis titis vaak, altarnating vith Judga Daunelly. visa viii raturit neit veait,1 Divertîsement o! a sensations] na- tare tram the usual order o! tise triai vas afforded la the circtuit court Bat- uriay vban Mra, Burgar. *hin a uing tise Nortisvestern and the Chicaga & Mlvaukeae lectric. becama liyster- ical aad ber aabbiag and cryiag lie- cama so vialent (bat Judge Doauelly bad bar taken tramt the court roon tot the iibrary. Tue axantinatior o! tise vitacasea ln the case had euded and Attorney Byîuum for thea plaintIf vwas maklîîg lits plea t» the jury. He s-as playiag for tiseasympathies of tise jutry and a explainiug_ Mrs. Btîrger's condi- tion ansi lov sIte would le forcesi (o go tlirougis life. Suddenly Mrs. Bur- ger begaîî ta sol. Sbe seai> became bysterical and Judga Donnelly bad the case stoppad wvbUe aIe vas led from(lie rmont to thSe llbrar'y. Tt vas (lien caîttinued. MIra. Biîrger's sali- bing could le liard devtîatairs aud of a coroner's jury at Gras sîke s es. ierday wben St'.i- aeci'u i at au lnquest. Peritouitla set iiinu imi t'e>IN's woundB. wilch werîe Iîw,%, hanit a fir8t thought, and this was the dîiret cause of lia deaili. \Whs le shot hiniseif Ila a nystt'iy. f[i s huowî that at the tinie of the Fryp suicide lie stated that lie "would have îîsed a îtun' snd that his niothlir ordereil Grayslake saloonlieepers iii stop seil- Ing hilm iiquoi'. Thie boy waanot. a druîîkard. but a driuieî. lie stl t before lie dled Ibat this a isl othing 40 do wlth isadeath ami Iliai Ils iotlier liad ieen i rgli. TIIOUGUIT SLAIN FOR UISJEW!LS "Oîamond Bill" Ford, Former Wauke- gan Men, Who Travels For Jewelry Nous Missing-May Hava Beau Murdered for Nia Sampie Case Vaiued at 81,000. Wiiam Ford. vieil knawn in *auke- gan as "Diamond Biil,", a traveling jawelry' salasman, ha@ disappeared . and friands baliave that heha b een assaultad and rohbed, perhaps mur- dersd. Ford was last sean ire Waukagan et1 the Chicago & Northwostarn dapot1 soe time Fridoy morning, tahen ha teok the train for Chicago. He msda Waukagan as enae ofhi& &tops and had a large patronage among the em- ployas of the rallroodu, but ha. iateiy mode hie home'In Chicago, ever *Ince hi* wit. raturned from Californie. He always carried with hlm several thousandmetfdollars worth o e elry In s emall satchel or »bout hie person and th4s la beiieved te have butin the motive ofthtie robbery, a olue te wilch la ssapplied by a mysterlous telephone msssage te à ChIasSe saloon. Dacoyad by a letter ta a lonaly spot an LaSelle avanue, la Chicago, mro> had of bis satcbal, contateing jevelry vadued at $1,000 and' probably mur- darad and bie body blddea. la a tbaory o! visat bafaîl William Ford, a travel- ing Javeler o! Waukagan and fin- erly aa ofilicer la tise employ of tisa Chicago £&ftorliiveetern Rallroad Company at tha Waukegan station. Tise latter, blliavai by the Cieicago avenue police ta have been vnitten hy a vomnan, vas receivad by Ford shortly aftar 4 oclock Saturday alter-1 noon. Witis Ise Javalry In bie amailj satchal, hllft a saloon opposite tha Chicago & Nortbwastara railroad sta- tion vîtis tha Intention a! meetingtae vriter, vbo, ha sald, bad requestai bim bo meet bar la a bouse at 276 La Salle avenue. This vas et 6 o'clock lu taeavening and alace (han Fard lias not beea seen isy aay of bis rea- tives., rAUR ASS't Gw!s, OUJT STATEMENT Treasurer Parkhurst Makas Public Report of Racaipta and Expandi- tures-Mucli Monay Handled Dur- ingYsear. Tiajr ulghî bsatierîteoit. Treasurar E. W. Parithurat, o! tisa The urywil goontthi afernonLake County Agricultural Association, sîthougli their verdict nuay not be ru- la a aepbi h alvn cai u ay. T e arguert ot t.statemelît regarding tisa finances o! Iavyrs re îovleiu liard Cotrithe fair aociaty. Thie recaiptsansd ex- vas lu session utl 1:24 last niglit peudîtareashow tbe vigarous maaaer on (ha case.lawcltabuies!taara- Evideîîce o! a strong l nature vasssofth ogai brougbt ont by the railroads tbis peuttiowa ean oninta nrnstS nîorulng. Every passenger on tae ttw emata car ,out aIde o! Mra. Uurger, lestifiad Raceipîs. tisat tiese hock liad nut teeo stîfficlent Cashs au band 1905 .......3.4il.l3T to jar tliam !rom their scats. Tisera Front N. B. Miller-----------176.00 wegre about, tea vitÙesses visa stated trom State Appropriationt .. 200.00 this.i From Eatrance Moaey... 760.00 An smuaing Incident occurred wherî Frota Stalles................. 86.75 one witness, a vofiaîî, testlfied. Slie Front Rase RaIl Enîrance ... 90.00 couli not tell anytliiag about the ac- ou Praperty Sold---------- 1,000.00 cidant itsalt. Asked vby, abe taicîl Pros» Advertiaiag . ...........90.00 that aiseliai sedia tie englue ilutfrontt 1 Front Gate Racaipts-------- 5,648.77 o! taecar sud lîad rapidly rt-litated I her prayers, as sIte (liauglt al vas $ 11,536.66 over vils ber. After the collisin, Diabursemants. aise liai opened lier eyts. From thea Asîter voucliers on fila ... $11,134.07 ou aBe toli ever etIi tai ith great'Cash o onisd--------------- 402.58 clearnes ____ The case lia veti an itntense 1111,5à6.65 struggleansd thteotcunie 1 itu daubt, some thinklî; u iic îlaintiif vilI wiî. Injunction to e H -ard. witie otlît'rs tiîîk (lie railrî>ads will le alttend. Mloîday eveuiîîg Judge Wrghtisla o lier argument on tlie lujutîctian io jiiohibît front teaching la eue o! the DUES O! SIEL!I!couutry districts lu Lilerty ville, Ada- MADE WoUjND)S Une Miller. The Injuneotion teas la- and others of lise district sud tise Byron Snyder, Who Shat Self Wiihgrounda statad vara yoîutlu and lu- SuicidalInltent Passed Away Las , abillty. Satu rday- 1mmedia te Causa was I Kelly vas latar descriliet as a Paritonitia. i trouble makar, lut tlie Injunctian stands and argumenta as tglita per- Byron finydar, ai Gray-lake, iai1manency are ta lia isari tisis avanlng. et 4:80 Saturday ataracon o! vounai Cooke, Pape & Pope neprasaent tise Wej inflîcetai by means of £ a nuffe plaintifs': Orvis & Edwayde, the dé» TICKET TIIIEF IS Baggageman iHglndp*e Jailed for 8tealiugr Tickets Front Conspassy Offfca. 1>ON'T KNOW WHBRX US LIVES -TOO M UCH TROUBLUB Wiliiant Fliud, of Highlaad Pair. (tîruerîs' tif Kedoslia.touglit It vas. funî ti selirailroad tickets. lEo thouetîgit was mare fu ta kaep.kb. meîîey 1htîs secured. The M1ovft- westerni ralîrnaqthoisugbt differently snd as a reanît Hind la babind te bars la the county jall. Hlîîd secured a position as bage- liait St the station at Highland Park otn Novenîler 28. The next day, vhflW the station agent vas absent for à, !ew mintutes lie ielped bimself te tva tickets front the case. A fav dffl tutt lie relteated lte action. it la siI. Thie tickets lie sold and secuWe $26-60 frona the transaction. Thsis ho kelit himacîf. But wbenî tae tontisly repart Wao made otthIe absence of the foutr tickets were noticasi sud reportai fiî4 ta Chilcaga. Investigation by d«ee tîvea of the roa resultad la a ffl, fession front Hind and ha vas brut bers Satnrday nigbt. This morning ha was held by f. lice Vau Dausea ta the grsnd jury la buonds o! $200 and la nov, la t>e catlntyJlil. M'ben broaglit up on the train @st urday evening hy the detective. MW amîîsad tpte passngers hy relgoma, bis crime in fond term e calal lu the, car cauld hear. Vaitn askad vbere bis parent. Und> ha replled, "Oh, 1 dunno Sonebe on tha veat aide ln Chicago, lt'u jQj mucb troubles to kaap b" or o tbesht Shlde, Wesî,uta,. e Acquisitioun Leok& frein . anhollande up Photogrep#sa Belo"s. Sheldon, tise errespoudenosaubW- man, muîtu te.vuds~~ thse natives la aad about thse other day broughi a mmn cut Im Chf-sgo and sont bhen op ln a baIWoW from oaa corner of the mSyý has recantly purebasei. 'Tiser no Parachute drop; jitat a plai»sa cenalon and viien the .,atuhi 1* basket OinaIly sueceaded la takb«4ý pictura of the home ai the u sciSl tise balle=n vas siowly s back ta esrth a«MaL. It vas rumored about RSae that the balaoonist vas '-tekng .a taPagraphlcal survey,'t but, 4ter_ X vas Scacdad tbat tae arvey qu1ê ba made from a more soecurse »eeiipt, and at another tima. Peuple cil o vlclnity ara vaadering vhat tis a uý* o! science and latters vUi do bekt.i' It Iosauggaaîad ha yull kaep a»090>.oo, grapb la bis fields fiait annier to takea arecord of taesouads ltae Cor moites lu groving. COIJNTY IIOSMIAL. US AGAIN TALtD. Supervisors Will Alopont State Ilui of County's Finances as . , Law Requirsd-Railrond P___ Petition. The county board o! supervisprs te In session this veakIt n their reri, uier December meeting. Routinebai- oseas Iobefore thoard. It la s» pectai that (ha mattar of huAdg ', couaty hoîpital yul coma up tls, ose slan. Tisa plan la ta bulld a buia. somewisere la tba connty, but thse W' talla bave aot been arranged yat.. Tuesday Sup. Edwardu. tapon A an. tion ta ',apprava taeminutes o a ve abjected on tise grende a motba'b*' made at a meeting o! the boardbW la Liliertyville iacantly, vau not ;ïmp erty racordad. Mr. Edvsrda la te,. deavarlug to bava a Oinanclal tt. ment, sbovlng (ha condition eftb~ county fonds, posed et the CMu% lieuse door, as la by lav refjtr4e 'This bas not bean dons, o! late y'esp., If ever. The statameat ahouli, b posted each September. sd a ni n publlahad In lte nevepapers, ad-- vas a motion that Mfr. Udvard v* ta that affect wvbhobu sareti j*_ nat properly on thea minutes. 1 varda ls ta puisthse amettes'M ýJQ- slat the lav hao omplie i WIUsS A petitian from ts kagan & North ia Sho paany vas resd, saldnpief t îfroataga ccnsent fau or double tak

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