'NI mufle h. of audpinted J&p6iit > i A are -mbrof ou, Younlg people at Harison liras Itookd DtE of the fine okating on ~Èm*Mia ElserMrra. ofGenvathe lake Snnday. «Msu t the houle of the former,@ AI, thir regular meeting on Tnesde3' Mia. Murray Sunday. evenlflg, Dec. 11, Wauconda Camp, No. doyas,648, M. W. A., elcted officere for the »94from ton cents to mee o lyen year 1907 De follows: Vénerable M~orplete lineof toys On display Connel, J. M. Fuller; Worthy Advtmolr, eemBru. A. 8. Powers; Banker, Edgar Groan; no sL.eder prome has heot et up hacort, Hoiner Cook;, Cerk, J. W. Cook; iput je operation nd we are looklng 'Setry,,Meo. R1as Watchman, Win me" ci the pape? Unts wook. Toyatof'; Manager three years, J. F. EL Rame' ew building la rapidji Turnbnlik.Manager one vear to fiti mgcopletion and ho expecta to ay, ' L. Carr; Phys'eicin, I)r. M. E. aiyilmo aite? the firet of the veas. r. runt Orant Howell and Mise Nina manalelection of officere <Of Violet Sowere were marnied at the 10tlog No. 142, Mytc Worker5 ebyeran parsonage at Elgin last Wrld willI b. bld lu their hall on Thnrsdiby atternoon. The bride le one qdoemay evenmng, Deeembet! 19, Ail of wanconda'm premierYuglde ,bq re reqats ob nn.we sterling qualitieo are well knowii MW. Hughes W&@sa, Chicago vsitor The groom lo one of lianeva's reprosent& oflatarday. tire men holding the position 0' 5~vj~ yu clld or your 1907 poOtmaterID that cityat preent. Wq inu bte Wauconda pbarmacy? extend ogr congratulations -and heu *ot do so befote it le too late. wlhee. Leel Padoc, wo wm fr mine A movamninl on foot W purchaw e Lm, a ddpockdla hoLeaéfr one bas organ for the Transflgnratioi &mpld latonl the ae office ofath Catholic church. The cause la a worth. emdaPsto nth fie0 h one and abould ho ably aesioted by a W1*"î terurordiba is ia who are directly lnterested. ad loueph TornlakYiwsre recently Dr. L. E. Hughes tranmmted une suludla tolorao.il the ctv faut Thuredai and Friday. 4".aa M.&Itellih bave r-eturned to The, Preshy tertaun^Sund"y ucho wr boue la liwsaukamter speudlng will gcive its Christmas Prograin Thun .*w dAya wthbebr brother. day evening Dec. 20. Th» oud club met sturday night at Mis@ Lillie Slegwold, of Arlipgte hbamof Tbom Redmond. A vory Heghtu, wan the guelt ni Miss Mar ijtbIbe Urne wu bd b aIl. The Blelmebi Sunday. b*inu were won bi Bru. Parnl h e new inm, Vetter & Stryker a Yoe mcdAna Yore and Dow, roady for business. W4 . E GIwbn a t@ uolatMr@. prlaesThe Ladies Mlmonar uoiety im CiaaColUmd John Catlan. wth Mir@. 1 C. Bobe Thnrsday ait "Jau O'Conoralmtrid ID Lmt Thrday n Fiday evaninq MZtr Mglimr, uof (lIn View, vxsited manWSi baeaar lnthe tawn bail. Bo paywith John arolan. - eveulng'q were a uccee oclaly as W JuaueHualor spentThureda -Jd " financlal.v. Mr@. F. K Mayer m MI.. t il. ~iy.Isabel B"ert«di had carge of t irrto* fýthecitefancy work booti. lMrm J. C. Engle a àgs. P. Brown, fonierly of Evertt, josie Woodman, apron hootb, Mru. i* md4aomufl e t ber borne in ae ndMr». Lncoln Pettis, est Sgrd. ime U5w~m beid Suiday HoWBu arold Flower, :Dort al S. lUsr3euchtHiglband Ooke-booýk hotb. We have still jq ,"$ oeby ecarila WLae aForet nmber of theo "DorcesCook Booh W1. Anrnue wlblg tW purchase oneil ~Mu.H.IlmddIted wtb fiende in Sund thera at the Fir store. ~I0npoliooid1. Mr. mdBru. Heury Ott, oSlowa,j -audya i vwatlag elatives bore. Loule Tott was a Deerteld caller Si .j1nb ou en.hea gladBtthhe r MsEnmma Ates etertained frie miet tvenat he omefrorn Chicago Sunday. laoma-e vWatod a fe days rieuiss6" elatkue bute, 1jThe Chcago Dally Chronicle T, amba malà bdChotsiýonyi l3If takou wth te NDEPI ffl.DENT for ou, yoas la aivanco. ,ui .dmoéLmwdhre to bd wgadthe bouealu c REAT SPr SwltoutaMy cosh1 gssatour Itum te die . *gant et ls.tded ho Ticks or Coqups.widi lappdto the ahav. AMk éw a $50 cash Tbe thue is mot fa te thids Off«.s REGULAR PRICE $19 itor attentiou lu particularly called bto th harmoniouut huea loug whleht wbieb conforma wtb the gneral autlue. ln contruction the frame .go hlt i 4»kdurmbly falsbed lu rich golden.v. &atin of thé ieiproved open steel andi W;wlth andsifiu.xoesdlugly oit man reiliei. A fuature worthy of note i »di cofort. The hack bas aacjutable attai.-ii,îit wîîieh p»,irutq of ts heui Ooverintgteof but material in imitat i"' lv. Waher. A IVOU. UIE f0!WINTER GOODS JUST ARI .Mmo »Us and chlldrens mweattrc', anîd wool and -feece SheepeUkn lined and revey sible leather and cordui ~ pvoes Bail bmand health rubber boots and ovoer. A f (n ew Une of Peninsular Steel Ranges and Heai ~ps~Oosbefre ou uy.Everyoue guiaranteed. IKERe B&EMBALMIUI Geoge W&gatrnn, ai Prairie Vlew, H Mimelioi sa lea Frn, 0coll mernss, @peut one day asat wék wlth frieuda sj~weavr iaatclro nnal bore. Tlaphone Contr-J P lmt lne tatt nd5y. le O 9w 0 Mr. and Mor. L. Roder bsd for tireinr _____________ Ieulady gente ian Si s'Ofier wàemSta8turdsy, Emil Nicoli of1lier Miseg ady frIsai l omo? of _bar î itliila. w Mnso thi e u er, fLboFR A basket social waeagiven by th. C. E. P laR i MdE Zrchtwu ou. of )Enmbr. F HaunIl @oeti Imt inday vertig. A 0socIal an C oare. ut i l E. .Frey lu ami ~ ~ ~ ~ n, njabetnewahdby salMr. ad mailr.R.- oBmia a nd Mr. covellUg rmbarcu las. B nadero Yat. ewuand Mm PMed rocualiapent Suu.da-y lir. sud More, hurnaker are the batppy pts Otto King callod u i, Parents hère Wt isdMa i t laflBiprentsm. 0 ifl boys t borDge 1 A Friday evenlug. Mr. aidlirs. Frank Wells v Ited tirenM. hC , hg Rart@ponlatinor ntrld .ai,,,, Wata henar etwiha eIoslatter'% unle WUa. Neyr Snnday. Ms. br h lissdte~ns. MARK Fnlter y o fautmt weuk o»striFo ransubie pet, n iywtb 1Mr.and Mors. Won. Notlý1 bai thel? eaeb o accident i& 1Btwe nlo ÉlmBk w pn uoa N little daughter chrsteuid L , Sundai Wheell, élcrc od htieééu Racîie and lMr. amI lire. Citon. t .9. Rer. Droegmuneller offilcated. Wboel, Mllanv ehluxt burned about thé fage WîîHeRteouthalur vlslted with bier Ms .Bbedn pn odyi by thé eploion af a gauolluecau lu cousn Jane Kuedlor Baturday nig Ch icM ago1. .on bs dinsp. t oÉon l . E ue an theienle. Be was brougbt and Buuiay. c abcle luhlumu hoiem ta the home oi J. Aynesly. A ihrd n1agitrMrl VAH 1 gond a WiII Baier, of Minnesota, le homne for vislted*lu Chcago Saturday andf took inlu a iew mautha nuiit. . the XmaBsighoté. M.Moy fWueawàhr O a jm. D. Aynesly eutertained a few Alrenme rn bselansd r.odyai aueaasbeFO ,f ieuds Fridsy oveniug. viinity tonk in tire stock sow ~i er uda vieîgsu 1nd0ti h rnicu jt wMrs.Tyler whoila spendlug thes vînter Chicago let week and al seéxiti M@%le mta, o. E. mervicés. 10 roie e with lber grnddanger inLibertyville thlnk liheir mon"y veli MeAic SlhofWnkga.viitdGrv M a epue wwitb lrauboe friends orér Sunday. intaree am îvsitor in toien8turday. Mrs. A. G. lisether bas hun iti cou-wGrm 2.The Laies Ail wll met wth Mr@. tant attendauce at the heoilde of ber Tihe choir wiii ýmeet next Sturday <m Wilcox, Weduejay, Dec. lu ut 2 o'clock. fathér math bis deatb vhichi took place eveniug at théebhone nifMr. sud Bru. ~ tay Alvoid accompanled Mor. SundaY 11rorg.. Chamberlaini.cool M liCorïuick, of Lihrtyvilié, on ie trip Bmr. . 8. Kuailer dii shoppîig« in Chartes snd i)wight Dolph are viitlng Rc saround Mcléury eounty. Chcago Mouday. this week with fiendif n lu, atou ndiVL a orte of our young people enjoyed thé Barry Mitchell @pent Sunrdav wltb Chicagto- obal gven air Lîhrtyvilie by trio Q et Q i parents. James Boyer toob a party ni land FARlI ,y cilbuh'bmié"erening. E. B. Idea lusat préenot 1paiting at ekr ea atws.vu di A. Wiimington epet aturday aud Glenlew. There w ill ho a oial Fidey ereniug bnoa Spudy,ýithrelaive atGraylak.n this wék at thé ore a Mise Emmra Spnayit reatvesat raalae. Mr». Jos. Richards bas hi-en @pending pRarke, Au admissionMe féea 15 mes FOR an Ira Doolitl, of Wankegau. sud several day. vlth ber daîwghter, Bmr. wlll hé charged. 'Pnxo.edwili hanued Ma.. Arhur Berghornuoi thé city vislted 8. L. Trlpp sud iamllyetfLbertyille. to defray Christmas ex Penn"s. Everyne .... tiroir parents hère uday. Mr. and lir. E. B. liasjon and mother cnrdWaly Invitai. W» * Idium amma Brukusu, ofi b«tî.Il M TnIlY, attsnded thé funeral of-I t le reportéd tiratone ofijaur local gond Icalled on Un.re. ia. Thatchor one day ni twii'saunt, lir. Brovn of Rlghwood trappers nésears. s.rý:.. :x Obunka, a s Mg J Ietwek.Sunday. large raccoon sud a mcasel froni nue den salar aiBarry Kranuer spent Snndsy wltb bis Clinsd ruerl 1rîgfo m the othér day. A happy iamlly uurelY. enla bol Faucada Knigge . ns? Ewr-3biig hay. Mm. James Bayer is reported oun thé adn& MOitrM . L. Richarde, ni Janesrlîle. »pnt sick flot. ALIEf MrBnsd lire. G. Thatcher sud childSr Saturdâa au> undai iith bois cousin Mr@. Carl Doniler len't gettiug botter~ OU u'Deéguestu et thé homne oi thé latter's A. C. Richýards snd farnlly. 1Mr. Richarde as rapidly anmerfr ilnde vool lah. FOR parens etcame o fomumneile for the stock Brt ,Johneon je lu Chicago vrorking om G' arnt a DlrnudLoe.sboie and enroute borne etopped ove? to for E., G., Payns in thé Chrstmas troc ne G OV viit is cousin sud uncle, Jos. Rlchaxdu. bueinese.LO Ethel Kuellar le visiug ai Highland James Ni>yer returneil home froni LOI Park this ieéekTéxas Tueeday of thia wek. Thé retur 'et lire. B. Hemslbhe7r and daugbter, Chas. Overly returuai Tuesdsy froni a parties iebo ieéat ltbhlm ieere ranch orT- lir*. ouewilleér, ofai Platine, visiteri t buiness ýtrip ta Ceveland, Ohio. pleased wltb the country sud ail pur-FO V. Saaer'o a ev dais lut vmek. ýcadln.o 'gs M«EiyMtnrenjoyeiaplasant Ti11 Mitchell ieho badlthé miefortufl heeva fî atudne tth A lse calIl rom lire. J. N. Zhumer, Mise W s raim bar nfui e it week in etill con- sere wcnamfair atn aimç théiteBAN tb Wagner aud ,Misa' Geary Saturiay ;= thérebouse but la improviug ha- aunbenua ni iniq tdheic ti iethé oil _atrnon. ing ablea W une bh onot eightly. anivrao crhof h dldicti CaptheuFAR ni A nurijhor (romi hère atteuded thé Fat Laura, Bpraffu spent Thureday vbth Charles pasrtrldge, oi Waurkegoa, vris buill Ce1Stock ahow in Chcago last veek. liMra. Lena Boat prenant sud deliered s fine eddrese on lt F. Pilparationu have begun for thé Mms.Eaa Kruegerisle î artng for thée erly bistany of thé chureb. Wb «-" ady Cru= eAetrtaînmetat the Luthérau ber mother ieho lunaa abbé to ho out. wre alil mucb pleaWsi to hear lin. FOI Ces oudy hool. ,i'artrldgo's voles as in dais ni nid. coal [a lir. B. Bière speteveral isys iith Borthes Halie @peut lasi Satnrday OBIvvuv. . lino gel" reatves st Palatine 1mIjàét e. sropplrd I Chcago. tOn Sunîsi mrning, Dec. 9, ait Il 9- silI Chas. Hanm m'àBiée, Ida Bergborn,. The New England Supper giron hy thé o'clock, Initie Payne Amas paset!- look a trip t Paatine lent Batnrday. Labdies AId o Prairl Viie ieas e ell avay mter a linçering palntul Marnsait are A nunihon of young peopleasttsudéd stteuded, $14 hbinsrealised. bar bome bu Chicugo. Mm. Arase Wise the hoirpracice t PririeViewborn jt Ivanloe, Oct. 8, 1878. Obe BatudayeveuDg.Veiltheeduction sfordei y thé th4 coi111t.eatPriréVîmv1 ROSERL A N Jpubli ctoal ai thatîlmace s are Sbverel iront bares ttsnded the limera oa ous su aitthesNormal oif svd ans B., nt Lake Zurich N. H. Weicb, of Chicago, @pont jint n la e oMrloo,»u.yShlal rie naTuesday siterunu. Sunda hére. accepta a pSition mu ook-besper ln __________The sonart Sei vill menet Btihe home Lobe Foueat sud aan lu Chicago irbure Get yor carda priatefi by thé IN- of Mise Bmmuah Patcesariay eveutug hber faitbfulnset dois abas'on thé for TURNO. De. 15. blget estaem ci ererynn. 'EN- À vaut ad. Iu thte INDEPUNDENT DutfrettefiMtaéhl l h nl 6, 199)3, sbe wasn nîted in les a pessoti lettto 161,000 @u&&aa. chool bouse Frlday evenlng Dec. 14. Brig t îbsnd H. Amé. thé Achuc hé illoi nî sudeeblmjrate ohr hldod Aia aD b tes chte111wigThe home vas biemed witb lové sud Frlday BighiDc 1 iynh h appiom ansd hightsned by the littie Ladise AId ocety. danghton iebogladdebed tihouold. CUs Of uckass ofo Wold peofWI W. Nemuoithsund Archie atteuded the Thé hrlght sunny nature onifliru. A miu A Lstock sh ow l Chi e go Ifei t eek. oup i t b th é spirit , in do f r c thare ci O i flLIns Wlllauaou bas camne hnme toauni maba cihare bappy, maie ber home C'JA . OY~ Rpend thé vîntor iith bier parents. a place wbere thie brotié?mand astors w $4 orbetes sl, OU a ;&amna Welch bas héen ou thé jury lun mired ofa a an elcome. te vu wamtever Waubegan for thé paunt veek. Thére ueral was ehiId Tuesiay sfter- The Warren Cémetery Association will nocn ut lcamhoe ln thé Congregational met vbtb AIma Ros e Wdueeday a. mi. churcli oi wiieh theé ée'd Iradt long Or plorçChS5lSg Decebr 1th. beau sauineuher. Rer. Stubbina, ni M. J. T. lienry, oi Erauston Ili., wiîî Cliton, Ili., a formeér paoton snd vbo tote4mbgv %tain rancelecture ait the Ros- fot Hcaisif attthe marnriagefaddrssed thé crane M. a. chureh Suudsy eérung Thé rnuy hésutilul floral tributen and of $50) cash Ci. 28- Everyhody weîcnié, scollec-thprsec nialrco.nreo tlo vi hatakf.inonda attestai to theie an esteen diccemnpied W bg %a. G. E. Huiti, niMachani, Ili., ili in which uhé iras bli. greaeh at thé Roserause Ni. E. church b@St learea beside thé béant broken $4 la moffl ird Dec. 163 morning aud erenimrg. hinabaud aud thé littIe dan g btér, four Ail are velcome. sietérs, Mr@. Alîe ubbanifofiArkansas; WiI aiso be - Mis@. Suais Joues, oi Gilmer; Misa DI.AWOND LA"E Lillian Payne, ni Belit; Mime Marlon entiied o on --Payne, oi Ivahoe ad one brother ettdteoe Mm WiliamEiu l i f luinChi- r. William Payne. ni Washinugton her Your father orcgonedyIt ek Payne pajud to tiroir long reat eerai A number ni thé larmers took bn thé years ago. *mother would Fat Stock Show lait weéb. Itrnay bc sai ai ou? fieni vitit the be dligtedMms. Staas e vbebtd ini Waukegan uni-r "Nouo kurew thée but W ore thees" bedBght atunday and SuDday anxd thé mentnry ni ber goodues. and * -*em.f Do not forgét thé Social aitiMr. and ber sireetueoso mli prove a heniedietiomx wiiIaneiof Mm. Fred TowDLr'e Friday.evefling,Dec- 10 the loved onuewh<m mtail inho ember 14tb. kueir ber fui tirat thé voli lu htter for &There,is ta hé a meeting for thei child- titis hriéi 11e. the ren Déc mer én29th ai thé churci al - hie hrudus hildrén are rcqueuted tW corne. BARRINTON. Mir. andi Mm. George Mitchell @pont a Mn. sud lice. A. Hl. loelmmer, and Vos WiIl ail fév days bu Chicago aest vesk. danggbtor Manguerits 4peut Suuday witb There la W héc a meeting ai théc churet relatives et Dowuers Grave. haVe a Chasce Sunday aiternoonu Decenihér îOth, ion Mms. I. 0. Miler was a Chicago vlutor mou ouly. . Tuesday. to gethiS M Mr. am irMm. William Rock visitai ai Misme Olive andf Myrtle Plagge vlited lin. and lire W Iliam Eimxmau's Snday. init reatirsa iuChicago Baturday sud char and il i Mn. sud Mr@. io. lRay and chiliren Bunday. vliÏlted ith thiroi damghien, lir. Joun A large audience lhtedtoan r addIe15 - takes glo e e Bdge, Satuniay. by Aousa E. Wilson lu the Salemi cherch faitBmday aiternoon. It vas hli There le W hé asocialea thé home ai under thés auspices oi the Y. M. C. A. * ear te trade 1Mr. and Mm. Fred Tovuen Dec, l4th ion sud munic vas iurnlqed hy the quartette otit tW $100 the Labos Bluff Orphsusge, which was ni thrat organisation..1 eut he $1 0 detroyedhyfie. A]lunch vilI héervéd Miques Emma aud Gertrude Rager sud thé proeeds viii héeuliardta buy b e ut trdyl Caao 'iwse 01W etili clothes ion théeG0pbanjo, as fot littîspn auda nCiao bosat tiroirh"do. Evevy one le cor- lilas Loulse Boebumer vas s Chicago ~IA<g gsildialy ,!invitedi talbelpa ond cause. vititor Iiatuniay. b" ilodplanse ,are being m ae(on the "Christmas Dr. W. A. shéarér vas au Irving Park Tie." caller Mouday eveimng. 0.00Thé ladies' Aid wilI ouest vith Mru. Many ni ou? yong peuple bave bars DaOO farrv Blowa Thmxmday forenon. Dec. ejoylug skating suddare bopiug that tiîm chamr ehuit. Notice thé gracefii arinpb 20. Businessl meetlugat 3 P.oni. Visitore thé wésthor mIll continue favorable. of thoroughby maoned dr..klned stock lu sol id alwava velconie. Prof. Barrie' Chora Soiety lb planning ,sprng construction. Racb lu alien upholâtered TéLde itoDsoiLk o rD îuett égrnatnté, o the iew style hrosl hsck, leudinit style, dIguity TeLde fteDaodIk o rn ocr ob ie le h ag raséd or lomereri tu amy isirai poition. C.mntery association are preparing a holidaym. Thte close la ioing excllenti Chrismas box for thé Englewoni vonb and le very welil îleased v.ith -_________________orphange. Anyonné viming t tb onat Pof. Barris' iustruction. i clothmoir. provisions etc.. wmli pian The ue.hiru nifthé <f iunuclameis of RIV!D-Caps, g,, e and mittens It: e ithMr@ion. Mitchell not inter thé bigili scîool wrili give s GenmaD line uùd iw 1o. trez evith ay Dec. 19. entertainjoent o u ne mI lo day émenng linedundewear -Il thé higb ochool hall. A shbort play roy coats, combinuation leggins and Fortunes have beau made through a mili hé given sud musical sletions hy 111.11e pudîclonsadavantising. 'rry tre tho acholare willan ha a teature. An comma i> th INDPENENT.adnlssiom eeyl hé chargéif.l wi A' LMi BALE-Whlte ROllnd turkeil. IFOR RKNT-7 mou boume Ob Vy* ormoue cýkdfefet. 104 Iutt.Joas àUCATaEL7 pullata. Ait fullI i edstock. DmtPgw, BockebUellan ICET IDAy-;ire Wedneedai- '99 moutb. Brlng yonr produce Wtob limg market. Hu».7 HÂmrnU.m, SALE-An Estoy chapel oran mmi- mnr large bail, uchool or ,hutI.As as nov. L. C. Dulo. 8-tf 1SALE-lb 0amre arm 3 miles veut iree, Lobe Co., it. WelI improri, )nî Iouse. ar#. Thouglîli tiloi. 'b riaij. Easy paymients. Lo et. Inquire nuner MAsRY A. piss'e KERELS-Ful bInai Plymouthi cocberela for sale, 81 Il. HYPON [, phone 4834 Llhartyvlle. 4-tf bIFRRENT-160 acres .3 mils ti Gurnwe, neun Vao chool bouse rn u sWUé. HoYTIfan. ---A-P---- u--Ro-b-----e ITEO-Osnt&»,Leamman o. lady.v11-2 ion a fintemn r,00l aptal. dyrefer7e.00 prayear ailempenes, afry peu ve okly aD om cpital. niry$,.00er e i anep JosA cxàNm>Ea, Wambefan, 111. ie- forodeinfn Sr ecariheam bo n Gel. Fiery inder p11na uri W A. O. G7LIUGrayalake. ISALE-A largP Acmé a-0 âalmot Win ll lchap. Inquire, RoIME v, Lîbertyvîlle. i AM FOR RENT-77, acre@, good ldInge, quarter maInie f m ulk ifon. J. A. licATtc, Lîhertyville. M SALE--Good gsond band bard b etovae "ter. Aleo 2 humer aeo- s tore. lqleDr. J .Tàylou 4f I â t M l;r"4-;Â4.rD--ornProuare WinOfl Do Ilum Md600 l depanmeuts, as etaréb padlet abovuier, tank vatcbsru, rl'm Bwei bouse men; PuuP gene rai repaira and handy mn. m2y worb si £ood m ag = .rebaiéwn. WrisWaku tyrlfle u.8-i F:OR OXLE-242 acre mtoek »»d daini farm, % mile unuthea4t ni Wauconda. Laké coutY 111. Improveil vitAi neir b bse arn and weii aid null sud iwc.-smsry ont, builditsgs. oihmnd t]iuber aimd ilnme resh vat--r Ponîd-. Ulose ti Ilbni imiké. IMuet lué, t)l?1 et (Il(* at. close amestate.lMbke offér. 82 Acre stock a amiriy fmin:1 miles vee#t of Olenrieur, G(¾î iouty Ill., on 'but muidi-a i lulwaîbeeAve. Inîiprovoat w itx 0odnomne andi barn newly peiaé s fznew rtmoin barn. (laid oichard sacrificeor $150 fieracre. -120 Acre Farm-Nenn ilme Island 2 nîleafroin i liilotianiu natinlnifrovei wi th gond.bousie, andblrand ifoXéi buildings. 'Oood orrd and x 27 cros itimber sud pgmsinre ,-mcellent for dalry t arin $100 per acre-. Rav Haoevenal RIOndlarme vitic muet ofi Jn-i B. (>umtuuuVrl, 118 Asblad Bd. Chicgn. 54 John ?Nunoen gari,. ,ihe.rtyvillle. 10.2 FOR SALE-Oouod rosît bores and buggy,. luquire, laNDEPansuv. FOR SALE OR RENT-21ltY ecre fane, woll improied, barn mront for 50 beud cattl,.p lent, wnter, 1%! mile est ri Rollina, £. A. utî., Gruy>liike. 11-4 Read weekly by 16,000. 'l'h. INDI: PEND12NT. Our WANT COLUMN coeaaMid- tîtudu or wu.nts Our WANT ïÂDB. ara Ya th'e. Are tlioy paylng YOU? t Lay Egs- 10 Our' !eed Stock is Complete 1 Alil Kinds of Cool vEMMONS-MERCER LUMBER CO. I EDWIN A. BISHOP, Mg'r VPhose 47 671 LIBERTYVILLE, 1ILL BLAN KETS Three 25-pound pails of ACME STOCK FOQID for-$5.00 liarness and Hiorse Goods of ail Descriptions. ÇHAS. lH. KAISER Libertyville. Illinois ------- ISPECIAL ATTENTION ITo out of Towen Ondera Lit Andf Siipplng Trado H I -vil BAKER and CONrECTIONER OTELS AUD RETAiLERS SUPPLIE>., 'E ELI VER TO ADJAQEËTNY N ration to make your boens Io .1 ' 1. - 1 .1 . p Telephone No. 46 Libertyville Esebange