CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Dec 1906, p. 6

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T.. Sucs UL! ti ë o -ad&-ssH jar a Wtt. ai*a chomo pfl5y . ightemi-ye.at4ld koaly ebld ora i nei Pr. ibm prones pointet &a mt derabis MatdIL wme that 15 wauld bandil in h im m i thtto t l k: & girl witis a bg il ,d e.Xely a prtty ona elamu ah. belongs a i tite toa a bmband igi ai cae than a rTai Wdv . oale «-eenllamsblé b6mÊýO vite. bigf tea r. a. =m iens bïmmeffso Wou tbai Irmnt 5* hWmsuit. lrmaM.-wuatuai uch vhs t" et 0 el ue mtm. Um lthAt abl iswt * nt I e ot taib ovoem ~tjifacti e.~.--------------e.. - t h194#Y bu fiseGobe I. ~P7P~F - - ~~ij - o he first vestiýge of disa tment will be found in Globe b6gay offer- i~u Gi~eteaesswillc teriu ewvy dpartment. I9c-t * efound the ui1*daatnisphre d the doLar one'has to spend ý4ittuh fur- ther *&kwMl eëlsewe r e.oyland and t tmeans to tec116rnèwUb Ibbest exei-Iplfied here. S ta Claus wiil reign ini A I is glory a& f~ inas dmer w41lbc evident ir verynook-and crany::: les Sa«~cIaus Rsup~me1~ete .an4. e'~,y artkle that 1h hèërt .of aChrist- tms - hopper wiIl be found d5 , f money hac-k t ThfeloÙbe : ----I________________________________________________________________ rný,ia, ab Assist Adin o I Ail N __________________________________________________ Itilifil I I _________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I 1" - - ThI eM isa n q rebauy.,OSpckâjfy atriïeefor the WIody sea~u *'ik nd Lace Waists, rangiugi pria. f.rom... ....... . ....... .... . -.... ............ A Speçial value i a wool batiste waîat, trhnrnqd lo Those Rire oaîy two of at least a dosen eqully ç~ mely haedsonie Sitk Dress Skirts, rery '.0 t, for the Ç hrisâaisas s, 418 down ta r Ietticoat mAies 4 hag4some asud apprp e tiselise prieed for te clb~as ae t I~a~Pcrmes~froc abotïIsVp to . Tîeýewett4Wogein Bp and Purues, 25c uptW.' ý.*..... iaveç'fs m.etc -iuiMCmBrs d Iirror in cee, fromt 98e to................ fancy Writing Paper ha v Mi pretty bioxes, frontzç pt Fancy Collera ii. sqeqcs ra~~. ~ ., À ~ ~ e H bar 0 1ie ofK nc s.lti ieh.q 3 i 4bs pro .td up4 - ClidédCoored 90laHa 0~ i..aa ~~x ~tbx. ~ t*t LneàIitiHa rerch~ffia~r~ Lace n4Enroidernd -Handiserchioefs, frais 'îoc u pIo ..... 01; giboinli widths, ttf.rq a1d t......39 Childgre's 41. fron ité~2 Lad ieW, Fia1citool and Xk ftj,,25c. pie end ..... ..- ... ýt!iaw t'KdiIves laickwhite, g.e)4-;an odb w S.bup to, a ~r... .... ........-........ ...... .L.e anà 'd <ai Wooden NV Uodvs.4 Kit '- e.-.- " », 4ýw R oldurs, Te- For M.s tton h.*CIlnn Out ChaSp> » j basbossn tjdtt latotht.. lW» fer *e CbW~mas sale and the fe rs etm e~ltbm. 1 bv aaaae alerlt.Ba SCaoud anale at 1pu NovBajaoboterqpa*.p &dllew rintees Big assSote of Faney grapil, ehecha<S 44 and mlÎtuues, vortla up.'o izoi,'ftise Clristtus ,sale at ..s7em 40 Another assortuinp f ihebettoir4radcs ail styks 4 and oe;terkim, woth pp iê*15, for the Chritjua sale-eP.< q * Ail our SZ5 and 030 ýIadC coats1, beauties andI unexceptional values. pi iit he ritnoiss aleL- Each item a su1;îLv mmead prdesdg.owit .basaas te as aon ls nemrly over. Hore wilboioeunl uay acceptab - Itah bm <dm. MIl out Façky Coïtstihat have been soid Il ta 96 3.4 for thed<hreisinai.sal at ... ............. ...........-. Ail of tise Besutifial Misses Cous that bave becn$u ,f pricesl as high as liocustfor the Christmas sale o Doum=ad o tg =J814PstWésa mont smsablo ift WxI4on ... a in ie, olive and ted, ig for thsChriatumasole at.....'aîdsericaleWI)teBçarslcîn Coats, for the ' 0 .;Autise Vise &arsin Coats %we bave forinerly 'q *hti.tras I l m'soea, o-whme quite on w aas et THE GLOI1 Md 4o s nmguIselobodi lnvrey dpr. ~ I k lno he * w'9Y .in, n a r rens'a 'Our sta, in a variety 'of styles and furs- si ap.up from...... ..... ..... Whoebo eeAlavest MM e lIUs il i id. ur Selecin E, for hitre wm W buidsa WL4 1 dsg el vi&elea g We have made an espadal effW ttapo = e "m I tues bac 'bey cannai do ai weli slewhere. 1 1 s 1 1 Ladies' Fur Scarfs, at and up f rom -........ 49C 7 7Chuldren's Sets at and up front. 98c ssrietlarger tItan space yul permit us ta enumerle lbre WIII b. Se1.MM W#R*nm" I WImue 0d. Sctlon Thismsction iprovia Ju v y Ai~ t . [;-dd gta it front day ta day AtingPrc -1~iu iij~ I be put ap in a bandome Cbrlmtm Ceede chene anid ? Pd.aam pe fullne of colowus j1 .0 for m tifi es, wait etsand .......m75 ~ d4~ . ' Black taffeta sil n the> g arantee kimd, f ull136 i n.- w ~ J in width, S.5o 51.25 aRd.- . .. ...... . .......... ...... Soie delOpera a aew silk for shirt waists, sof t ad satin faced, ne of th e rithest things known tu the silk ttadc, per yard- .L . ....... .... .. .... ... Particular women wl l fd lots of satisfaction in ur silk departuent. An unequalled Uine of black dress goods. Everythissg ia basad- loathu, batistes, sers, panampas, acolians, voiles and facy worsteds and silk mixW09laiZe a tr i o it TiednpwUb>alyibbaUO**neat Ciumns carde, Allthe nt«black a3Uýttite sis plaid and faacy effets, checs, worsted plaids, and lbt popular blite andgreen le'. canibinations, $1.5o to .-... . ............-6 And avoid the rtuah # thlat Mo ment. PiÏchases laid aside until called for or delivIeres when desired. SUE1UI~ITPU 8$PAT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;;_ '-- i" Antbd Wb ise CimmsSil rvdt ' aui.e l Pt. un ie ,, PM- tty clrc,; IOJ1 ....-... . . . . ....-25 e and 'Giris, fromntoi c. to ..... ... S> .bopks for -Boy$ ad Girls, by good fto 75 upo ..... is ~,1*mpae ron 75 ......... :b as.4W. ..s.o ,d rain o1 Ca, la >u*kaeieuhset of " ando d4 s setat andu. lUI.o tii.i ... . a~a~lPW4frti a o Direct1 This section is dui and varieiy of Rifts tro'. tl; the lowtst ever quoled eue Who. i ekngf iiiUtC yung folks wiUll nd she second floor effcilly omplet and miraclve line cf Tois in Waukegan E'rom the Lnd of Cherry Blossoms SECOND FOG it.ively tu, beautift l and painted japanese A't China and it providea an assortment 'priced op. Here wiIl be i»oum4s o f pretty giftas for the ladies. The pices are In ot goodi while te assoritent asi sovaricd ltat bard tu please indeed will b. the tagi, is not delighted here. Shelis From-the Son, Shore. cSESa n"Me. ~beautiful collection and one ptov idiag ntany and inexpeasive gifts. Gifts for'the Men Folks Neùt fBouse Coats la browa, blne, light and dark grey, also plain colors, corded cdges, packets trimfmed with %atin, somente wtbplaid $ . 0 liming, prices $io down t .... ........ ......... ...... ............ 50 Bath Robes Fulliline of bath.robes ta the ewegt .styles and effects. Uanbreilas 28-inch umbrellas ia ail ilk or union taffetas, handles of antported wood and bora with gold and silver trimiming. Holiday Neckwear Men's fine neckwear, a fullUne in. the latest shades rO and designs, put up ia ndividual Xinas boxes, Si, 75c and 50 MLgffiers and Cravats In black, white and mîixed clos, ne in a box, $3.5o down to ............................ ...... ........5 0 Fine Gloves Ia ail styles, qualities, and colors, the stan- f dard W. B. gloves, $i and.............. -.......... .....~ . . Men's waol and fleece lined gloves, $1, $1.2 50 aad .... ...................................... .. ... .... ...> .......... Men's fur lin2d gloves, in ndividual Christ- nias boxes, 1;3, $3.50, $4 and ........ ...... Suits and Overcoats Remarkable values ta voisng Men's Suits and Overcoats, Jfashionable and desirable'tyles and Iêatterns, or own make, noue wrth under $18.0, mone 1%20.o0 and $2z.50 greatest values Wat- kegan has even known. Our special holiday 15fl00 prîce... .. ........................... .................... ... .... -Gliktdin the Little Fellows Nearts With a New Suit or Overcoesat for Chrlstme,.s Nobbiest line of clotig for the boys ever shown n Waukê- gan. Sizes 2Yý to ta 16 and prices from $ 9 11-49 t 0......... .. .. . ...... .... ... ..... ..... 9 9 Art Noedlewark Sectlon....Scond.IFloor Haudsume Hand Paintvd 1aundry liags. ,.......................25e Eleg.nt Emnbroidered liapdkcerchief Cases98 Embrdideled Glove Cases -...... 12 Beautifii Photo Frames in ribbon work .......... ........ .... FahSabIe new Bead Neclac, s fur eveniag wear ... . .. O Point Lace Collas, $1.50 to ......... .. . ..........-5 Fan and Opera Bags, it beautiful Dtesdea Ribbons, with fan inclttsiW . .. ............... ...... Evelky pretty and fashioaablc accemsry, for ladies' gifts. \Chrktme.-.%Tree Orna'ments. A large asirtment of the ornaments front 3c 10lS Chrisîtrs GaMeà. Games af ail \kia ds from toc to 0 ThousamiS of prIt> gifts ow on sale. Remember, the *carly shopper gets tbie choice. Aivariety here»~sUit e"4 .lle qaste a&M pirse. A large assouiment of *a1wbrd sets, sterlimg slver and eboy in fancy satin lined boxes, pet set u p f r o n t . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Fancy handierchief and glove boxes, per set and up froni' ... ................. -................49c W rk boxes25c and ..................... . ......O.......... Babies' white eelluloidi comb and brush sets, up front. -..................... . .. . 69 Soeali fancy baskets, each -. .... .......-. Oc A large assorlent cf casel 4,pd musical albums front $4.98 up ta ........-............ .... .....4,...98 ...... ..u Oxîd*tzed jewel boxes, ailk lined, up fron $ 1.98 IVancy ink vmUhif romt 75C up ta Pretty, docks, stitable for 'Christmas prescats 1 at very loy praces. Childa' silver plated knife, fork and spoon,*ai pet set.......... . .........-.. ....,.. . ....... .~. ............. 1.98 A beautiful mnortntent of fancy back -comb, cach fron 25c up ta . . ........$4.00 A beautifual upeof Rings. Pins, Esaclets, Neklaces, liat Pins, and iàj fact ever ythisg tisat can be faund laa lirst clas Jgvolry $Tw~~* ~Vf RT RUT FlOU qw OUTil. PRISTIAS ToyIod on teé 1 May ça i, do M' ý 7:e- JJeu Dsnmg attended Pthe Watukegan law i'ed! Mrâ. $eflOrd laot Thursday rpsnd a f- tif ni. Mitchell, 00o Mrm. .JohnuTi Edwira were week. i4o The Laditese WeZgdwsday of X) The rermain@ Iýpton. OD 0 Gurnec Mrs. t.vphoid lever. a4d littie babh Vie .Lad!e@ * hoine of Mr. planlaed. Mms. Sumar Inoved to the The t4nnday haëa Christn this yeux. Th.' Ladies annal basai Mr. and Mr@ Fniday Io Ro Geo. Dodge.1 sinter and t], an.- both Dec.' eating dinner thity4one Yeu more. John Mcli Sunday to a ~. wili vimaS a we Mr. and M Chicago Visite Lpslio Cann laigh Secivol U The fumerai Mondhy at 11 h., orne at Avc M. mondsr1 tatledath a Snday ah larceurob Mr'. andN ent r

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