CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Dec 1906, p. 7

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"vmoWWy'sVISION- IMÊAKS OF frASH iifew umbrella handies are very There la no arnarter tiimming on a te, Partlcùiarly iaterestlng are bat ilian a handseme ostrich feather. ý Aile froiu the lava of Muant it la cqually at home on a pîctura bat ilrs that are carved wlth rosese.'snd a tamali toque. Some wornu gruam- grasses sd animale of varions bie because their ostrlch feathers ne i. aWd silk covers are tashion. socon get out ef curl, but If abaken a j.,ad plaInsiiedea te match the; feu minuteseufre a fire tbey cari tg ara popular. Silver mountlng% j again us weil as on the da~y they were i UU ln vogue, have lu a menurs' .gitThe osaso'africb atberf à. plate te carved odtros are net much eurled. «ud other sulilar d&cotations. *BrnXzesilîppers and il lk Soknp cq ,the nôvent ef the Peter Pan ara qulte the latent bit of smartcM there has been fa quickenluz ef $ûtcla modela for winter buts. rýUe eapeclaliy becomlng made np k ib mi siiýbroidered robes, almont riicct luthe iavish'Way exbrold- la applled, are oet broadeioth usc or ef the sotest mesealile, lace dyed te tons lu exquialtely the foundation and Inset lnt ths. PL Bellenne, by the way, la a ak Ob - u I Weam tiss U Wb. lms w m -m t.e go a ta&f de bar m fflt materlai thie year, every grade from the cheapeat te, the muet ex. àWe vareetisa belug used. lace veil la oeeofttise titrava- ~ete dsceason. anti ihener rai .A womau la obiiged te think twice tgs h. buya. White or créam lace le ~ably becomlug, aud corne women] ,* .p*rtlcuariy wiiî behind a black rIL Browu lace veils lire very ,ia but are net univeraally be- loug. C1et l mqcb lafrgeeàa§rv uited lMuitrad l e or elpn= TiOs Sirt le plaiteti un ýïmst braiti. The cent le the favorite liaàégdi, wlth v*vet coller sud Ïti sud pochati liaps. .IUIIC CHOLLET. IN VOGUE. 4a"S'an g MebUne s uVeivet-Bat N .61148 Match Gown. . otIs sud velvetare dis mot tash- è1nble Matarlais for street wear, anti " of dises fabnica ere le te ha E:th.t bas rbefe u . dis braliing andi embreldery as l trfrnming are even mort ex- Wts lun workmansbip anti eleberabe 4eWal t'ai'evr -color suggeston lu the suit this 46011 leàafatcheti lu th bat, ani hoth OW#*, flmsens harmonise iben tise MOUM la browu, whlch.- by dishe ay, ei. a eutcosulsnatlen tdiei. elter. A1 for ludoOr er eldier wltb atteifea. or e unu gis, sui becansdis elippere are te lie worn ne mucb et dis Urne tbey' are bsiug matie wlbh lower heels. The tocs are coveret i wtb la- tricate lines andi ewirls lu brqa beada, anti a Uîtie beadeti satineo trime 'bhem. The feeblenable gown reuders cars- tuily fiteti uuderwear e neceaslty, snd well dresseet women are as particular about thsceteut astyle eoftiair ndatei- garmenie as they are about, lisir gowns. Illuatrateti ara Sarments caei admirable lu thelr way. The petticot la ef taffta matie widi aàflionflouacs trIMme t iliruchlng. TIse corset cever la especlally teisgued for ths use otf OduqcIng or baud ernhroidèred $ripeo ha te. JUDIC CHOLLUIT. sARTrORIAL WRINKLES. N e»er oiWedtg ieusem. CameÔ* andi old fashloned i mniature lockets are te lie worn agaiu, anfd h womsu ilio possees auye hs heirlom la ceugratulaitlug oherseit". AIl serti etqualut, cumbersome brooclies, almoat barbaric lu thelr as and style, wilîl be the thlng, anti very large lockets are troru on a mach be- jeweled chalu, whlch Wiii be paaseti twl[ce areunut the ueek, the l"det being attached as a pendant. Most womeu try te include lu their seartirobese etleast eue black gewu, adIt lu nos e vry usuel fer a bride te bave a blacks net cvrenlig tress lu bser troussea!& IL la effective, it neyver goos eut et style, apd t la I a comtert ap- PruletstOi nY thl e omau sebe bas New evening sUbi are very clisqr anti fins, antidi thelff, heavy sert bave - - ttle clsqiug. These gomsmer veil- tluesara prînteti seldicoloreti floesr, tas design lu many ert dem being ont- 1usd seith goldt lredd ati ing tliem OU!LrWAT OAl 1-sOO Th mut neiceable point aboînt - nsy cf dise Lon'e large haie la the Ies easou'e Cosaeare et se wani flral trlmuinge. A rusesla et ten lUv. differeut lungdis diat a selen la dit- r IXo ix dieslanger then the naturl lanlt- Tb diseuse from there are thoecM», sud la tI a bunches et goepes loneg directoire coab%, die short empire, whicb adoratdi neseset bats ech i' Vr nA' r .,hi~ i olu g4 pele abouts donnste ucier- la ilions m bolestom. .suce of dis ortluary fruit. But unsi- Tb* suit 1 Ohnflêted la of golden liners forve temniinily te accept bIcs- Ipose, dieviot Xbfe ceat lea adouble smita *i ecludn a ke .s4itd culà lUs b se0regulatloa 1 n dydoa"or show. ~uUnaa~jasis.ThaShit fl rmI s 11W~,. ,...~ a... 'tomblnatious et clorc lu low touas areth uis ng tad. The colore blenfi anti meit together alter the manner approved by Dame Pashion tis year. Notblng bard or glarlng la toleratéd, but once thîs point la gauefi sny number of shades or in te, may b. > blued wlthout other ilijuit dian tba7;f good taste. Bomne quser klnd ef loose, %uffy brown plumage la need la u llibery. The whole top of a large bat inaoet hid lluff, wlth a feu' deeti roses scattereti tupon lb. Tbe effect la lîke lsothlug se much as a beap ef feathers lu the baru. yard etter a towl ha. been plueketi. Atternoon gowus of grày ara very amart, andi the lghtealt shades, are ]BATH tOBFl-5400. 1usd, but for eny edier sort et street tires. or wrap aud for ail ages It ie dis colder tinta diat are lu vogue. Black ani white la alwaya effective, and dis black andi white eveulng frocira are quite gorgeons. Lace hait hlaek anti hait white, elaborately trîmmeti wlit large jet. ornementa, garland. et velvet or matin ribhou bslug worked lu hetweeu, la d very smart adorumeut. While dhis gowu souud. expeusive, it la net au extravagant style of dreu, for thic wsar that It seul give la asten- lsbiug. The picture showsanau deal bath robe made, lu a msnlab style.lTh.ernodal la et elderdowu, but a great rny womnen preter wssb fiaunel. while diere are a whole bout er blaulteta diat cau be cut np and ldeial badhiig or ieungiug robes. JUDIC CEOLLBT. ATTRACTIVE STYLES., neough DMme Tweed NX"« eas Waeins ageit-Dmbraidered Colla.. A geeti walhlug suit la made of rengl i bne tweed. The skirt la cut lu nias gores aud put lu 5@Me plaits la dis simart uew way, whlcb la dowu the, center lundirse rows as far as thse snd et the corset. At the foot diere arc three folds et vacylug wldis etfplsa materlul, headed wlit two tows of uarrow blue hrald. Cola roetembroliered Hinua, ither eoft or etlff, are tIse preper caper itli dis shirt walst of Jinan, ailk,ý albatra or Iflannel. Dressmakers are paylng nanal at- tention to the hacha ef gowa and are au WMvaa e-U workiugi eut ail sorts et delighbful et- ficts hy means of applieti trlqimlngc, gfirdles, etc. Wlngs sud plumnse are vssy Impor- tant factors ln tbe seinher millllnery, anti a remarkable tievelopnent la Aaqsm ha tbu tsêdea@y te u s-asv.- eral hIndu eftfeadhens on-ou. bat shape. 1'be tirets matie lu shIrt walat style le -veëv usetçi.,and »Ib yTat-diore Are Rernovable tone", saroemuwû'w la À prettyaangeMent for dis bridai favor s-a bave - micis te reuummd oiffure la te bave% eut cf litti. oarle *hsemn b& nthe tiponi cfdatitasaIright Ou. P top e as .d encireled by -*ud eeomrn. As svery no ue tu,, a Ia wregth et orange blossotus tram Pettloat 8bow"Wsar f91-t at t*0 lWsr whbhedi veil la drapefi. , ,tonne. sud mosituffer ikli'i wllOu. TWO shades et brown lu c.c sudt la ,Wear two garnitures, a fssblonable combinution. A âblrrn Bottons constflue sonseoethdse m* lut costüme ofe t edres plece varisty eset andieffective tWlmmflngoutailcre la oet Wowu brotdcloti. TneMfulsirt walite sudd hebelte that go ith tasse , altetiover the hîpes ad tares out at the test, wbere It; la trinmrnlelit Olt dires rows of graduated velvet ribison TIse bodWe la of wood brown chiffon dlotu, trilibeti ildilacs of ils. samis , Obabade andi breteles ef dis clotIs Thse nhilP ngth Jacket of tdis sirt materWa bas velvet revers, a teucb er orisatal cmhroidery andi su edg«lng of mlak A rîihbon jumper makes a dalaty s& dition te a youug girl'. searfirobe. Crochet buttons are a rad i t dras.- rnahsrs. anq lu cube shPo tber arei espeelally novel sud If yoa ara dhiluklug ergettlug a fresi lininig for your laes robe, uothlng la prettier for tula purpose tissuchifon If rou arm et an ecôaomim itoma of mmad. though, 7u eau usomsaid bail SULk A stunnlng bat la of greeuntf elt ist a great bird for, lie ouly tmmng. Bird. arg almoat as ubiqutous "on baie as braid inl upon gowns. A ciarming separate shirt te vear witb bouse blouses of a tiressy char- acter la 0f1swhite broadcciedi, aithougis yoil% ocasmere sud alIslat rnaks s Tory eatlsactcry shirt. % The gowu plctured la a smart affair lu golden browu hroaticloth with trIm- rnafs t1k braldansd buttons sud collar et velvet. ZUDIO OHOLLWrT. FORECAST 0F TIE MODE. Tîl.aminu Fer Bail 55u«aae-Umbdok rlta Conta Tes Umvsig wr&aN&. The berna etfnuy oethde sseu'a prettlest bail gowns are weighted widi su ornamentatlen lu dis form ef sm- broliery lu ightiy weveu metai nlb- boue, eldier cliver, geiti, oxldised i alver or gresugeid. Chusse mandarin ceaie were firai; wvorn as eveulug irapa u ia iscountry u~ît te yemar go, andi .em- mince t'o- tuer populsrlty bas bien steaduly lncressIn. oselugte othse baudeou emhroldery taey -cannel well liscoma oedlnarY, no« caU t'ey hae ueemtully lmltated lu machIne worh. lThe Cl- utsm sud Zapaeue so teundcrstaud effectve cele«cornlations betterdie allier astio»Uatlu as"dobtéüs certain tonus"vbich lius ouly ake violent. l.y glaring contraste. Plower trinsin,la . cmulnbackr agalu, anti, seilhedImitation sreadis andi gârlauds are of tse liest quality ot OU1 anti velvet, e«Mil dey are net dia chffon anti 'elvet loseere fiat vweresasemanch useti laut seluter, tbougb of conree the latter ares till usé& ,sonS Pfuls anti blues aru enisisti.attese-ý * able tSbrires setisfwo krgeow a lu .bsdsd «ongepoInG ou ta.left, acila z.xo OAT-5145. Jumpere msy bh aontiready made lu novelty plaid andi pompadour rlbhous or lu biaek velvet. whlch la oal at- trectîve over a cheer lingerie walat. I'bey are a sert et lattice wiIli aIt aleeves anti have a charmlng offect on a aliglit figure. Ey dis vay, a Jumper et clet theia rme materlàl asltse d. tee ou a dires' place suit eau secly ha madie sid little trouble or expeusu. The long coat Iola le beat anti met sensible tashion'fer sehoolgirla, anti, basides, Illibas tII merIt et belug dia helgbt et style tbis ceacon. 'ne amant coat llustreted ln et heavy bine khsey, wltIs a coller et velvet. JUDIC CIIOLLET. HERE.AND THERE. Nesw Maer, ort-Drsaay Preeka SRave Long, sklats.Noac la Ti.. Ise girl Who eau huit eau have dis uewest motir ecarf tor a amail outlay et ber treasuret i llowauce. The acarf la huit ot 511k lu a close stiteh ani la two yards long by six or eiglit luches- slde. It le useleuato bave a bandsome gowu mateie hort unluissdesîgueti fer walhlug entlrely for etreet wsar. It Incite as diongit thshaort skIrt, ne mat- ter sehat tise aterlal, la net ten b. weru eXcept for dis mont cagus! ater- Doon ecana. On houes goeus dte is arte are ex-, trernely fu& .Tbey are longeseeap. lng thse "Am ail round. To be UMr dbis la su isvwffl lengdi, but Aiuerl- cmn womogp ià leszinz g to nage It laeurloua-to 4ete the retu r thde oqtt upuji44* especally lunsam* fffa ausôbe*p Id 4breettail, andthedi Uittio 'noi~e se e w wllb iwhite l~ frq Ulu~udla a chssm'ag puupec inpe effeet diat la noj gramy tu lu » -The mgtorlaila sensa sbomMne' CbueruJ Coeu. Ir aL walit ths e lSet fti hirtmle, worntbsees aoffld bW a fttéd 50*k liit If thoixce laeat all Aberatebut iX on thse lrt walst erd«e hos*eW OUrr ehit la tbe Moro ap51xats Wlde bslting the color oft tu sh&M la bserang to a sllgbt figure s u a jusf recenuy corne luto decidefi fav. Nedluaato etate, heltIng la oel Ct- prepriate wltb the "îpluet #e 9c shirt wmuet and shIrt castugbe, but wbsu becooinuatoe i fgur It la par- tlcularly trlrn asd nat. Long boas% ft itoé. and wlds f. capes are ail to e Wwmuthila year, but dis shape efthtie collar depende losr upen the hînti ot tur used. Bulltrog ekin bha a sfsd of die moment. Il may net sountino, but a littl, turban et bullfrog sim lnaa grsunlsh brown abade vidi npamdlug loopa et dark green velvet ribhon fer lie trImming makus a srnart bat. Vesy pretty are the eveniug haie ot lacs wltb a crown of fur. Qnito as at- tractive la a large bat ot white point d'esprit shîrreti ail over dis trame sud trimmeti witb a long algret heldti u place wlth a siugle rose or a buchie. LIle girls' dressas ara charmlng this year made up ln brigtkt plaids. Ths dresa pîctureti la carried ont lu a plaid lu whlch there la a grest deal et brlglit red trlmmed wîi wlds bleck velvet rlbbou and narrose soutache brald. lTs he isuLette la ef white broadcloth. JUDIC CHOLLET. 0 FRIBBLES 0F FASHION. UmiWre h CoiNnccsa..ar8 vsa ao Blridi-igdua re wParlng empire ireaiha ln ileir baIr lueteati et bats. partlculariy fur evenlng weddlugu. Thea.- are w,,rn wltl v ellesemewhat shorter than the" brides. Teiseektaof eheer atuiffare almpet lavariably very full andi sîther abirred COeA? PlEDcoa-5 round thec wiistbnnd or plalbeti la amail plaits. Trains are dis raie net ouly du eveailng gowue, but on ail cars- montons tollets, and t di rt la very long on dis aidest antifront. T'here are women who go upon dis princîpîsetfwban la donht Wear blach, andti Ila sby no mensa a aieI. A blaelz taller made le not necessaarlly a mourang costume, anti ilis a woman boobs better lu black for a street cos- tumne, as teegenerally dos, sla Wse lu selactlug It, partlcuiarly if ahe bae te wear the cuit more than eue tenson. Thse modlsii evening teilets are short sealateti, ililidraputi curplceti e«fee sud dtraPery upon the arme ratier dieu aleeves. A word as ta the faablolngý ef svelng goina. The chilef tilg ta note te diat once agulu the walat fUe certain salent t thse dgrcfolempire perloti our sealafs are allghtly losear sud tise sires lmmeusely tell anti long. Decp rlcb or lioeofeaei la a favor- ite coler fer ycuuggis' Cotte, sMd tie Mo iq UAeefit rtw ead.o* m i noml bu,! due" selisiie a aé wuastwett-o "~ et g»Ootiaddresi PMU , elgbtes-Ie owsiycld of a ro tIse poftas Po L M0t deirabe u Mte -tat it vouiti I iL tAgrlnt4w especlally a preti. Mm e bubelSugs Il 1Usd to a hbsanti muiscle than a. ladifficuty tIse famtlvs las vr Rerlbol

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