CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Dec 1906, p. 11

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?~' DEOEMBER 21, 1906 pfATWJLL IT BE? That X-ma$ Present ~YOUR !=RIENIV, GIRL OR BOY apprclat DoWI <t be lni the way Thé nvro roler li o e h hamed ut COMr. Let Us Reason Toether isoo inttentla worttbù, lifetiane of labor. Il you buîy squmare Usai INVEST if you ibuy rany otlwr stocke you GAMBLE The Square Deal Company -THE COMPANY TI4AT NEVER STOPS WORK" tUe *id and a proven mine, and i a very few monthl wilf be it eteady ip, .llh no debt. extra cholce, preperty, unuaually large holdings ad s IYONITE COMPANY IN OUR DISTRICT. A Sure, Sale and %i Winner W Mlain baig hors IN nuii n 27M fet, andaloIais. wanothtr aor- boady tNURYet REMEMBER r aaremioul %14UARY ist th -- aiof e uarp d,#kl tock vwil he1 NI r A otpadif alB a Ithit 1,la.v iii will lii' takrlion - .lraaaaarv 10, 11.)07. B'j nrw ta niae elet in aio- ag inowaa.a Csh r îtiilma itto ýii) antl & AI.ti.W. L. HaaLlpy Frank E, Wir,'or th, i i ti orn .the, * Oest-Company, Rockford, 111. m tnuu!y liii in xalt aconditio.a. first Naional Bank LIBERTVVILLE CAPITAL STOCK 025,000.00 r'. TAYLOR, Prosident J. S. GRIDLEY. Cashier - - - - - - - rrELE-ptONEý DONS3. the weathsr $&va&.OIme Pthe 1.home ew cents the dayg ýe -County Telephones Compact with Chicago 'A» yowrionde cesKadtht Bwok ofl SKER23ri oltclbepreseut TH Suoeiu pw ~ )rla Yeom ireIttme ÇAfun Sc 5-soc A 075 ksid Nit a t Dawn uinful molodratia u modemn timea Es PRICES w Oilidren 250 12"-5-50 and 75 tj-ecehi Drug Store -- - -- - - --- - Pelham Cen New Peit 'eni. A Chiaîgo lacwyer, William F. t'slhami ,ias sainue weeks ago arresteal near Fox Lake aoh tie charge of ehotiaiga equirrel witbout the nnw9sary licume. A Lake couuty warden baisai hlm before a justice and he was forced ta pay a fine. fis frieude tu proteet hlm agaiuat farher outrage@ of the knd drew up the folow. lng icense tor him prefenting it to him ueatly eaigroawed and ini aguld lraag* It aow adoana the foot of big b.d where bita @yen may ose il at day break and the let thtng at night hefore ho blows out the gas. AR11C'LE 18. UICENsE TO ATTrMPT TO KILL. XNOW ALL MENI DY TIE PRESENTS, that 1, John Hleur> Due, Goveriior of the State of Illatois,1 have givon permissiona to one William P. Peiban, an alieai out of Jurindiction, to huat, ltsb, shoot, @hoat at. miss, club, stoat, rwat, chutie, maalta-ot or do ljur>' witl a aliioais lite-at uto au>' and ail gamce, to-wit: Fista, cows, boises, antoniobilefs, doge, cats, crows, rabblte, equirreis duckm, drakeâ, gooues, goeeern, guide@, boge, .ewine., pige, shoatse beep and sheery brdels, chickens, roastora, germnano, ânipes, butta, swedes or au>' othor game ho may Ofnd rtnnug t large, lu the public bighwa.y, ortbereabouts, whether attiig still or on the. wlug, and do Srotect hlmu by this instrument from n u ne, gouge, or hold-up that me>' b. put upon hm hy sau'Gamne Warden n luthî SIaI., as aioresald, or by an>' other persenwcarlng a badge of authort. Now, Tmampoitt, lu the nane 0f the peole I have hereby affixoatmy signature .. amacordlug to Article 18, tu, b. touadinl Bock No. 1. Section 28 cf tiié Reviaed Statuts., linsueh cae made and psîvd.d, entltled "iAn act te prevut the sagter of animale and ivetok wthonh a icee.", Joas HEsir yDos, Governor. Wtue.: Wmasas Ftu, Deputy. Notice There are agreat ann> old noepapera et the 11NEPINDUS I offceWhlch eau b. used in wrapplng etc. A larme bundl. for ive cents. Eoanm.akraEceuie. To ail pointse on the ChimgoU,,lwau- kms & Bt. Paul rJIlwa.y hm mheir 1906 teapril 1907 rt@ wili ha made te houeeoa f eue lare plusill fer the round trip oxcept that ticket muet flot bc.eoldst lmathan $9. Tickets on sale every 'Tu@eda>' lu December and on the iat aud third Tueday of Jausary, Meiau rci.a hand Apil. topever wll b. erittod on golug passage within Iflen ayse rm date 0f "ba t mipinte la hoem m ers' rtito .19 f tner >10t*Dl& pl! . .I -r- Wth,[d'ged Tbols FIWDy HENRY, SETON MERRIMAN As f eta"wUe Saes. MoieWa SS0~." ra.. - Sue Suarue.te AsUir."Ets. Courwigit. logé. by HARtpEa £0b trTimieRts "We shall aont.'" hé ald, ',t at e yoUh-ave! Rit down.el 12,000 te tartI il. forwe muet bveturaioî.-noote the chair liarIiî-and. au armedtforce oroureown. We bave "Yes, ir." hemsid, 'rt-e gt it. ['ve topeetat a anlbl country of telaid nay baud ont alaat. Veaiways lieaeut devii. in Africa. Il ln a pis- been on lis truck, Thot Ioa been ml> ittie giane ail the time i liinat teil tues. a Utile plateau of two square You wiaea we meti out tlaere, because iles, sud lth, nlggers Jitkthat Il tu 1 was sfrsid 1 aboulai ne'ver id t baunted btau anevl sprit. 'Whmnira and hecsuee 1 wanted i kpep quiet st there we aol bave td bod It b>' about It." force of arumasd w"en we »end i>a.j Guy Oscard was looking rit of thé atuir aowai to the cuiaat wo maust bave 1Vtndow seross 10 the dal ulibses ansd . - f asntr iicti lmon TheAus u, 'ch.'-.-J. 'ei; thât "V', ' i" hi.- an-andsit rbiaa7 tac mosli, "yoai will Jetiaius? 0-- 1 Il CONSERVATOIiS SALE. 1 mai>' aeia'graidi aont tri)l'Mreillth liait . ~ SaerttlnlCti? i as- you-vlu jinn as?" R t stateiTranflsers ~lunthe('oanty Ccii,? rît Coant>'. "q" a're'iailealOui(-unr.] îî-Yo i 6, Iunshd 00 f fk' Icenîir tTerin,A. 1) il. ln the - nus>'d fin tal.- ajaattea- oaithOe ataplir t r r or Dentson "Tiiere le no timeto ieitr- 1i rt' tDur- 1Lalte 0CaittTii.' &Trust Ca. fHnnîîtgîon. Conset-vit. rýf Sophia A. noyo itefit ou. "Kti'ry nit-ii-rrtt witstatd Abstracte af Titi-. Tilleie Ouarantee-d wXVrrcin isanie. for . -ti raifI r-ai aidlu the rniat (ifritir t.-ir'ix super. IMaonir Tpantrla'BIdg. Watntegata, 11. eta 1 alfrLaigr ieia i ..rtuigbt. .a sj- ;ayE - I>virtue orftu:e riîrmade 'nda Miii-ii. I snll for Laai - ai(rüif rt rcord ini tit. above ecaila Will o tiiiinawith if ,"iartin Stee l iito gis liii causre liatria<airanout cai the Tenth .Ys..ýPaiglajen It Il bit la7 day offDecember. A. D ff>. 11 Irhali Wben 1urovo bail gracia tiy sut Wunbtîuru lpriliacrqa ......... iai(o (n Trrenarlay the 1I111 da) tif Jauuary, downan sd wrote o ady.uia 'aaaînurnc se. Sarah P Wright & titir teFl CA.1).117at the boni of one o'clok ceptlng ber Invitationi tri rpend a tew llrieshinaanad wf 10 eri-nis lri tha- aflernoîin rof aad day, nt the ditys et taautaîurne Piaicea. enithe Siet. i Waaat s 1; O birt) i ii.- tra r l.ake-s Corne-rs, ln the Towia- Ro explaineai that bis visit wnaitd hie tI twp wd-----------------l........... alla00ril, tf Fr-mont lun ald Lake lhe nature of a fareweii. aralho wasaCEF Sayler à wi tii JoIiepli ('mixaI>.oui-a for sale at public vendue about ta leve for AIaica for a lttle bi>g KOPuata ltatud L4l23i la I.-, tir thte lrgha-st and bi-at bldder sainmobudir. t)reyer's enta North Chiciago for cash, ail of the rlght, tille. Il - 0 a 0 wd----------------------.......... 420 00, 1Interest andl estate of the sald ise Mîllîcont Chyne wss v.alkiag Oct Autntst Stalzmann tte fHeiv Sopihia 41. Woolf, lu andl ta the tollow- thae sea wall at the ceit orthOe gardon Rchaaî 4 acres inn ae% sec aIaig descrilaeîlre.lteraate. sitaîated ia wtth Guyai>'Orsard. Onue of theao ne- Lulsrtyville twp wd ....... '70 001 the County otf bLake and Stale of 1111- air>' sîrititreireats of s modermaeaiuca- %V W K Nixon lia N P Jensena noie, to-wlt:- tinluiû atepwro oils Il Il bit 1 Niions Pt)sn îlitPart ni the Sourth Haitltif the East licailouIlala he ow~ c lokln 'isarand Fraîzer'g maehHall of the South East quarter oi Sec- Perrtedty ai home inas score of dîffo>' Waakegan wd-------------...... 15j 00tion Thirty-aaie (31), in Cjiwnsblta eut citumea duragtOe yrar. sad, lo rai a~pJneiFarty-foriar(44) North, oftRago Ton u.edeasb as', iseChyn taas eu ItBrowanhtugtoe nsPark(10) East at the Third Principal Mer- fecti>' finlahea lnatibis art. The manne Waukegaai wd----.... ...---------< lud. baao u ecle st lai whlchelle w6re ber salior hat, bey t'rderick DuS>' & tai to R (8)aruCemeuclngfath a ont eht r bine eerge and lber tient bo uo ohsnI 3an atI er ni sald lot;rualng thence aouth conveyed te Oie oniooker. andl erpeciai. Ciark'oa ub of it 54 B igb-tu (9) roda; thence West tu e ly ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Ws lIsmilttiteola(e ino adPr a ne ot aald Lot; thence North la Concience Cal i em observerai. the Chieia Ille & Trust Ca tu0aille (9) roda; theuce esat tu the Imhpreeslen Ilat ahe cas s yachts. laiICarne y il;25 blk 17 Iplace of heglnning. contaitnlng tour Womsan hemts aid breal. lier deliente Chicago Highlaind@ deed ...... 410(100 and one hait acrea, mare or tees. complexion was enhauceal b> the talat- Na'iie tD Crrdiaagiey la Jauiais Dated thle Touth day of Docomber. net suspicien of sunhutru and.a few mix- aind Mary layer It i uartb A. D. 1906. telingi>' beeoming freckios. Thor asaaat er t 32 Fast Antiiaah - DENISON HUNTINOTON, wen a frondes» la ber movemeutz wblib twp w d--------------.......... 200 010 Conservator of Sophia, A. Woolf. hall net boom, observeil lai London draw- P f Rothactor & wf to V F bsn.Dec14-lit ina roonis. This cas Diana-ilke sud la seller 3 actes i MW% se'25 perfect keepiag it cl the dalitt saller Ela twli sd ............... .0 o)inae. - dcai Notice. outât: moreov'or, ulale mon out of ton Joit asclahke & ai to Johln Iaut>l.,,itlie la hpieo aryut"utba lhe could itftil luattrîbtue Oie liffera-ace te Jctnsnults,46 and 47 lit ibeerft,-r Arlmlnigtrater.1 thIe saIsIe C aaaadry ennng strngnas wttbnthe(LiAs. 2 latt'sa uhHigha-ood tic 1 0 Michael A airmarr. ilecepd WinttItell mae (jourt-, ('-ai-t cof Lake Coruntie. m satins don) skr enary t)ia'iuayer I l tri i tha'rent ,tshoar aa i th.("(aars flouselai lasa,* iliet aàsHel It fpen J BtaaartlPeint l:a it Wsuknsan l la, reit.nan t he aoar lut "Ille ud, lîilieai wî sayln. lt0 3 : 1,k 2 IMoaerwell's silla Mriaily -f V-briaaite. ia.l. at hén e554 thinkt Ilat me alai havre no more Wuk'ai d--------2001 ai t,'- rx. aialatra l ai-teal Icit chantces tif mailing. The ai-lad laits nuit. Mer% lîairsaaa& liois tai A ' 1 ,retaat tlb.-smine tanPl aIaiurt tir ad)udlus- drojapel, Ibat lorriai lido a isinng, Tenutaijrart it 1 tiltII a1a1)W 'roa Pb-' &tlnaaree ad tliais i.4 3cur hst dat." Sinlerlin's lot adall Iaute I Ril Araalnirelue,-ortm- l ate IIso delIaui'd. Mie enrieci tith a a tle iaagb, know- gala wd ...a.......).......s...[.i........I490010- ing fuitlmail thitI Ibene walq littie senti- J B Panie lu t0 A Butter amaittiri the big main blai er aide. narth 75 fIt 2 Bamiltoiasm "Iteil>'" on w; ton "I tlu 1 add HighlandiPaîrk wd-...1000 001i W R @bue ablto mnageso taisou- la arrie R. Sjaraie tai FaIm>' P W E A oIme. d tyutIk u lgee- laay k 2 j:iLake Forest qe. 20 00a courage me. 1 am sure t bave trisai te Herisu Frla-k & wfto E RIe dq a er o leurn." ~~Liaacîaiir 1 ai-e i w sa- 28 edurt o -l ahi) len kîaow If >'riîîhave earaaed Cuba twp wd............ 50) of) Ail Kindai o1 Sappi'ae mucla." lie atiirwered; "but t have" tSairtîa A iH ggiait & Iran ta J J '"Wbnt havre yaiu learneal?" tele iakbeli Cfaaian It 4 1,1k il Exuioor'îsdl lu a iow voico, hait tanclualeai b>' lhe aidd Highilandi Park tad.... 400) 0Io danger intri which sine kuew liat mihaFrant Bzjat antd wf ta Juaaa YR W( M ~PtIY waa runnlig. Suiole It 17 blai 18 waii "TuaI i love ynu," bie aaiawered, huîrle Spriug wv.............. 1150 00) standing aaiuanoly ln front of ber sud a a Cok & wftai Elila M Ch ine. -Pain t ainoani'ng the tact wlth a deliere O)ok it67 acre. ini sec 3 benetl>' which won rather startllng. Waucauda twp wd......... 350 0W) - eiterW r "I wen net sure et il before. 00 1 Chicago Titiset& Trust Co tuiD r tLe teW r *I.yed eway fraîne you for thre eeks; E T Hamuiort> It 401 bIt 15 but now t know fer Certain."*Chilcago Bighlaudn déee... 11 00 ndW)llP "Oh, you mutntsas>'Diiette' Chas Bayen & cf tu Sarah tP Wright lit on eside Breinerd 4 filue stoîck of stamaed wcod for Slie rose basilI> and turne awa>' Court Liliertyvilie wd....... 2800 0 <1) uriing fronltr. There cas lu lier heurt a t Park Ma E c'iarch b>' audlon feeling of regret It ce. Oie Trairaeesta Naucy J Cark tract aifilad in s;% mea Il Outtit for llaring ...... ........ 1.00 feeling Ibat Oie keenest aportsan We;t Anlioch twp doed ..... 750 00 Sen oui Stamped Postal Carde. .06, sametimen bast chou nome malee F 8 Hebard tu Hibornlan A large nelftiou of Boxe@s...... l' niontreli ofthOe foreat talle betere bi Bauking Association Il»310 anrIesile-as eaddeai passlug desire and 31 bit 49 Washtîairn Frines .............................. 30 that It mîgit ha undone. Park deed ..................... 1 00 Piacke ........ ....... 20c, 3Oc »ad 40 "Wity noîlle aisked. Hoecas des- J W Murray' & cf tu, E J Deloratelj Box., fer Xtaia... peratel>' laiearuo.t, sud tat chiclt Bigle>' It l bit 1 Kaebers .......... 81.60 and 83.00 made film a gondl sportaman-ean un- euhb ib.rtyviiie wd ........... .. 528 00) mastceeabtg gamns hunter. Calinaid Barue>' Bobinet ci ta Frank self possessedlal su'trail-gave hlm Behm uandvd i% 160 tres an a trango deliberatlon foc, wkich Mi- r"cs 2,8 snd 10 Fremaut Do . Y U G 'Wy toll"Win Doyle & Wl ta Frankî tdo net kaicw - boscause you llohm nda-d 5%110acres uUb inleI anustn't." ecs 2, 8 and 10 Ina-amant Aa us br esteb twp qc-------------00 où sas> It agaîn. 'arr Il ibikt,6H-i ighland 111 am neDt ashamed et il," b. sala, Park W d----------------........1 00 04) 'sud t do net see ch>' I sbould net se>' Fred Kuebter&ilf, lbh ÇE that aoe." euh village of Lb.rtyvilie us'foretle a.- -'No, neyer!"amie crled, resuflg I"t- cd----------------------.......... 400 10 of the Cilty. Come lunila eued..sera me Il doos not matter se 1J 8 Gridieet &w)t toAlfredl unir1151. luch. But te no one aIm-no. nevrti taucliffe 2% acres lu sec 14Th'~1 I, Aunt Merlan mut ot know t-net I& Vernioni wp wd . .......... 100 00 The w. s.of s.è Joian" - Patrick Hogan ta Mertan "I eaiot eetha itli n> buînes ogaiagact ai eunt %ecsPo ha d -elcanota" ha ltIr-an belu r an 1Newport twp aid. 1001 tofure wold 'avel0f c oursLed> AgissePagliaieu tri Martin The Panhandîs offére bttersoeil, botter touneceud aveliealin temari ii1 Sveeil 12 bIt 17 Wasii- wteoiand a brigitter future et cellmb a lîlie; but if >'eu careai for me eh. hum Epringoe ..c-------------. 100) prlc-stha fln u.>'trofl at etNfflh comd iehoready 10 hston lu reen. asnH Parker triE', F wesltern Texas. lu chicit juaigmeut et the gocal lady 5artley it u o crta mide Soume 35 hoshiei Io uewboat and 8f0hbuah. ho was no doulat rlght. esiaecisli> If Grandi Ave went ai Butaikt oe foaaave juut bhom, ar.veated aad rassure spoie wlOi lite volce of 13,000 St*Waukoau cd----------.... 440 00O ail late matuaiaaag ruPsromise rtura.e per milian. . Sopthia E Quîntan tIcid alleaîaaliv s-caid.400naIs cf Centes. "De you care for me?" lho askeat, Nelson a eisterly 612 fi lt :13loupes tiave jast taeaitoin brui 20 coming a littî ler.Laite Fitrpet aid------------....80<10()4 acres ni-ar Gîîynon tuai sahOd for $800 Tbere a-as a wtable ceaid of graallfied Davidi Neliion & fta-ita J NI Saich rop reouaîits as those coiubiaa.d vanit>' aud ungratîfleal curIrisItý? for D)ewey' andvd 3% eatrlry 62 with the heat->'Immigration golus tutu ber lai the proeueofetIbis sîroaig min ift It .133 Laike Foreslta-a... 40040 00 Ibis sêcîiaîn-xirthie lime wiii serve te a" et ber eiiiow. It cas oeeof the su- uAna Bila et al tri Frankt vaaice thoe ai landl ver>' materlaîlly prame trînulabaetfber lits, because h. Kutii Il4 bit 38lrittuîali's ithin a shotlimre. Excursions'- te wu dlfferenl frosniOie rest Hoecas ub Wautegaiu detil---------.... <su Texans lot andi Ord oi eacht Moaab. Jaet Dow h atm selliig for ber chat bis tireltier hadl bean Dorthea Bila tu ri ank Kasti lira casa, absrihatoly level hack lu for. hlms. The danger that lhe mlght It 4 bIt 3, Brittain'a sai lanuds-------- - - - 07te #16 consmestili neerer hle for bersamesofe Wa ukegan q c-------------..... 17i 100 Buttons ar Allaita lanude 810 te fTt kmanplanteure. 8h. cas lhoroughl>' R 6 Evans and ci te Sarahi Pastuire lande - - . 8850 tu il, eujo>'ius bermf. and the nDU5ft a p' Caaaweii il 5 bIt i"A"ifligh' hlepie r o iieit l.I proaclat 1mounoaexporase utelba landl Park wd............... 7500 00 yThemeurpiebae frmo iteikte ue-1 Am lt îtt mle h oyo oti. Elitabeth B Woodbrde ta cure the of thei. neream La 01 ousuot a»eit lit-not w" Jan Kurocakil t 16 l 2 values.. A"tesiteb itrlitea alaaioa Wooditridge's sait North - ove ber cbouMiewucaeu, mîndo1ï, Chicaga wd...................-... 80600~ The Newcantle RotaI et Lbertyvitie Io eeiatal lnations. But emla Highland Park Building C ter rent mat reasnabhetermensioqiire oet us. ,umaiand hoR. stOOibs ulai e tu Ehodie Bush I. 5 andi 6 _ ___ «Uuumaa>'HO m on ber. su & bIt 35 Highland Park q c... 1i00 iban citen," ho aeled. "when, wM D mond andAUàtb ypo u acer mer A.e».ment Notice. Uberqt11lhié, 10. ffmo stod wilh ber back turneai to- tI IIh. et . W. Parkhuraha. store on Daesl cari bitai, lookmng uit eavet thie amootbh, second, thîrd, fourtb and wlth Batur- -Daesh wamtersoftthe soient. chere see ordays of Deerniter 1906 te Colintet oi. dEs t» yachts andi a bevy black sebon- meulas 1or the'liibuvu MutualInatie e iV tir re ptuta up on the tlise oora Compnyuvfor 1h. towuabipe of Vernon,> Shields, Dbserfild and Lihartyville. --- lie moralng brose. SO drummleai - Joux E. Baaian setival>' cit là«lier f uonlte 0W 194 Agent and Colier. ele ewall. Bensea t lon s few aulte Whon commainicalaa<alOg t4 chIrlotuni.cnsmued overa e 0Holdaal cf lo INDEPENDENT etalN dtoq US -9 a !.ý __l o__ade e-t _d fan-vi b atol.peow ars pIeil al e-1 b i 11 grow up thire aislt i gaaceberry aui bis eye« there won the -Kingig for tIunheii lai a gardera itlahome. Wit a a àvvater horizon, ea larator lia-a. li11e cultivstlep Oie>' taili yieid tilea "I havte ct ai parîner," netinued aie uucb as <bey dur noir. We saal Duruoor. 'a good man,. Jae't .It-redth, wuant aujanher partaier. 'l know a mon ano cf iSir John Mîeredith. Yiun have. a nîdieri>' feilota'.ul ofti gbt, citeperbapts, amet hlm." knows the naitves adliascoutry. 1 t"No." ansavered Ocerd. "htr1 ihave ilii andertaliete taod yen Ihero. lit beerd his al haiet.- S' ir ydu wili have te te gredt care ot me. John, Ilie tather. eonce or twlee -- "He le eut Ibere." wco u ouiriivo "getttng tlilngra togetiher uuietlî>.i have corne berne tea luy rIta--, aaiainl- tden anal stores. *îî7î3lie tauseOd aachlng tleIas aer. simple face. "1 w mnI te knec" bî saint nîaietj. "fYeu ailI 'organise mitradthe fightlig aien."* Guai>' (arti darew 5aili'î' 1 i niht. ":Tien fiare i tri tas igltntu "Yen." ,muid lurioto: 'Ilia-ru taiii ha s fghtirag. IVo annt tghI otan wiiy Ibero -andI tc ist hlélIlta ti-r rae get thee. HBut no for ais the titnrldi aron- - - cerued, aie are oui>'s arir ale 5-ipe- dIion extîlor' ng Oie sorcre nof iae Ogowe." "'The lgotae>!" anal agailai Griy Os- carde eyoes liglîteai ar. "Yeu%.Itiu nit îrund tellig yoiî that much. Te lwrgiai with, 1 trîut yoUa. Soeouilly,n omeecoulai gel Iliere aiith- out me tu e Iai the cm>'. -How long at-ll t tae?" araki-a Gaiy. S Durnovo tugged at bis strange. Cur- te ai-lke Mustaebe. lits rinoixah as bidlen.Il tcasnqulle Impossible te di- vine is lhoaigbts. "Tbree menthe te gelt liare,"l lie su- ~~ .cered et leaigt. "eue mountt1t pick tihe etafad thon yon eaua briug lte fiit croli down te Oiee oat and home. wite Mereditlhaud 1 sla>' on aItte plateaua." "y-." -ts id U- sgLISs5ma"&-ffl' 90 - 1 couhd ho home agaîn lu Ogt m.', .mentias?" Tou cuil have te have me carried McMl ICerlyh>. We tlioaght taI you ofet Oiece>. 1Iarn cet, devilisit ceal, jmlglt cork the sale of the staf lu an 1 am airais! of dylua, but 1 knOc Londonansd lu a couple et yseum or se, the ci>' thore. sud ne other mon Su chienitheting la ln swing. Meredth au s mach. I la ni>' beabers;: I1 lclu comi home. We eauanfel>' leste le ol riteaidoci.Il le o1Y uI>'Yla M>'Oe culivalion lu native bands chou bond, end!no onue eu get il OuIt ;once ce bave estaiblisiies!ourselves up there." Ibere sud made ourseives reqapected "N%." sasd Meredith li bis quiet, re- amông thte trlbes." flned voc--"no, n ne u enget l ont. -I suppo," Gu>' aaitd stter e pause. Cone, Ilotaus turu ta. Tomorroc I dli "tîttter, la Oie question of moue>'? go docu tic river cli Yeu. 1 ill 1"Tes' Meredith ansd 1 have taikeat tara bock, sud ce eau tait It ever as Oaî Cicr. The pieu ce fixeai upon ce ao docantreain." cen Ihat yen and bceascb put s thon- CIIAPTER VIIL menai pounds lain teI; I put fOve hundred. For the iraI Ice >ears ce ohme te AT Mereditb proposea t do profite equl>'. Afler Itat e muet cas 10 enter lato s partner- cin. 10 saine fresh arrangement shouhi aMrp cli Vicor Dr v.yen or Meredith ciala 10 give up an an4 chen Oie purpoas of i active part ltu Oie sfair. 1 presumae cwu eccmplied te let efecitma go you ceuld net objecttle comlng up et bis ce>'. A montb laIer Vicor Duramooin lhe.end et the year cîit ea baud>' cas la London. He letI hebinai hie 1 squed et mon te bring decu the crop la Aftte Jack Meraditla, cho»se.e under egoor?" pallies tfor organisastion corodevolop. "No," respended Oocard efter e mo- log ver>' qily>. le t'a refloctiou. 'I aboula ha ablie te There cas pleut>' ef cent for sach i n te de. lu Africe Medth bad aude- 1rco, otne h te,'ta talkon telet elteirmon and hoe, "1 etn' etuidOe ltr lti chile Durnove cent home toEurop, e ie arne>' decu ceuldbha sccemplilh- fer s Ireefold parposo. FirsI. a vist 1 cd lai two e nths. sud esci tlime >'ou te Europe vas alsoîuteiy cassar>' do the trip you wiît redaice yoair lime." for lis bealtia, sitttered an t ca b>' *Yesi', tee long a sojourn la Oie foyer ruiten Of course." DLurnevo cent on. with river beals oethOe cest coast. Second- Oie details whi'h ho traec ere music 1>. tiere cere ridles, ammurd .tion and tla Oses rda cuar-et courae ce shahi stores le ho purebaneal anal pected lu hae a clioy ara aat>'goitîr op. We @hal sulable cases. Arnd, lastly>, h. cas 0haebevtlsoa0 findansd eullst Oie Olnrd main, "Oie muRietn sud seeds for ruitivatlng Oie soe<lry feltow. full et it," cteh iua a;a.b. e knew Oie nativesaendite counIry'. 'es," repleaGu>' Oscard absentl>'. Tiis, lndeed. cais h. rst-csreou IntaishIsours lter. rang aread>' Oie reachlig Loundeu, andi befre bis.>oyais teedy plasitoet lb. paildle, the. coîrd ad brain wce. ccustomed t te t.mencolv seng oethOe beelmen. Oie rouerof Oie treet lireelh. 100k e cab te-munieetfOie ci darid Oie otol Ruselel square. givina Oie nuinher at.- fixaiteOite door or a aloomy bousseI Durnovo roue brial>'.- tuab OiebasaIfrequauted corner of lta stelel>'que-Drag "Io bMl. Guy Cacrd et omer bho laqlff o th gave mansrvaat. SBe X la, w' replleai tseballer. @te> A ai piu ngtme. Oecsni came tcswri a" i hoc& bandea. eRis ier ur cm e xet egbdte. Thie lrulh ceeOnt dli seIi quelntaacadtip lu Afriebud beauet tli UNItsdatIaag trom .m rva @nsric. taeb Durnovo bbai hs bW wné snd ver>'situer te rendier tu lie apost. rsu -Soo lg nove. I ol'lanffla t lvrpooy*& à- b; eW boul o u terle>. rut bon» ,n ou Ulula. . M' * rub h 11471n1rides eA latlroe." Qu>' Oecarf' t onet face lg~ei p et t-h «" Somoithiab et once-Oie curae et i.itniaei ce On bt viN hed bhair t u*0i hlm la ituIforce. 5. e udstai à duHisa rupàlar lidl4q4 te h.e a mbdrer ou Godl a rli. uni 511 tlngeappartelnlug tte i ci e1 te fereate ce tmIe t ute aisou. wM Urenost vipoe bebop- Durnovo cee ne mea ulpmatst. 00 tie i end, D« te. corn Sie lied earnea toteknoc mIn dOm ia White. or cooraiskia. hie e~et e i corda cas patent tehM. I'Tou remember Oie siurlcia.?" 1t$*s salda brpti>'.

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