L. N. oumb sd A> t p. ~ ~ 0 th.Orio ie wesk. ~ Irnsatelbumoin utho kt at2Ï. AU ame lnvited. Mu.J .Bail aureolelus ie= -et ahielhomeoan le(da 8Oubaay "y W3. S.Pav ie iegorb sicti.w ohdügu. f I Fru lA arrison taau.tod bii-s lu lime Cty the firt otthe wssh. Bd Lludblad. af Cbl9oý wm lb. gumtsdioiieEthl ue. UmesMary Mwna-Mespeudlng thme week wtb Ciy relatives..c Word eommeback ta ne tram M"n. A. Gram aisd Um iLilan Tdmaroh that Norib Dakota ibermometers are reglaterine i 0w mas 84 dogre. betow serc, ed that iboe ar&e-suov banhe iwenty fet de.p lu tbe immediate vmcnliy. A âne lino o Chisimoaisud Nov Yar potal. aihe ding store. Trace sley reiurned hoins front Wyamluu, Tusidr~ wbore h hmbaibss eiuplayeupos a lgecaie ranch for thse poit iwa year#. Bars, t lir. 9»d Mre. V. tase, Wsduosday moiuosg, a baby boy. cardsarae.onitanouuclg io oming autriagsle rIie Marfon Lou" PrFrosin ta Edgar Orroh. .Blrteuil mew y.aurlghi; subacrbe for iii. lxuapmmml. MXRAORDINR FE THIE INDEPENDENT, One Y.ar....................... 150 CHMCAGO BAILY qIIRONICLE, OnYser ........ 4.00 $5.50 For a short ti-me we wiliI end them bothý for .50 MeINARY o!ftR I~~~f siin O N rfo peopl LONTFE is Char for $4, orbentea Ml. Wou i çati cast to gou whatever i *1 "ote. ABUg eor mulwhlc WC mu Or purc"ag to the aamont o! 550 cmh accodMauied by $4 ila.oaeg wiII aisbe enfitled-ho orne Vour tahher or Emhther woid Pbe delighted withorne -o! dhe echIWIWYor die hoildaus Yen W-IIltu haye a chanc di. gettfis carend i i 1 hk om. one b" igood1 A"k i<mb ots- te is railsnioe lepar4csarl talaitalb.baocalue ino alug bll i is ér ebui. Notice theb. gr acifl uIa lS i..Phs.srTh The W. 10.Smid $20, Il Oe $30 *mibeaulveM la thse home? tLotbie Edisa 1hasaph drive away ibe weary heurs toi sncb. Perbape il in an ua *bau» omforw eare61 ail1,the 9p st. T1%e Pb in ap tps el tosonoe ibal ha loves. HalDay, Miinois Telephano Centrai uumE LA= zucu -1 There witi ho a damce t RocAeller ai the new bail nexi Tbursday eveniug, Dec. 27. Everybody rame. 3-P inlu7=00c. Six punuds pen persan pur armure ta lte average Consomption a! soap lu Friance. The average la ton Pound& lu cur countny. Uungland'e a &=Producta. Great Eniais ImportaePO,000,000 et tarinproducis a yeer. The Ohos B oul. Wc nona attbhsympathotie, but te @mUdemtautcian vhc ios ameluce le tbe choes aaul-Dotuit Ire. Pnim Dyer-Has ho an Inienest la theý bualnus? Rzwr-No. ouly a intd acnrlsty.- Bat seit Watchdog af ThIsvOi. Barglamwue, ho ave a 605 tae» vu" isfor teorasud give the alari vina danser approachesazanc perai. tmgI lÂamcda, Cal., vîit ecms lite Police bave a description ai thc do&. The Wrong Angle6 "Dld th. cutlcs aitt:Uraugh ycnr "No. Tho>' ut on IC.-Dstrott res l carries4la Bglet"cl sts ayUslTRaq. e( Tauuicu, U81, Stand c*lu lWbem-a boo- bl.t îM4oMWlas bo@eh*icmted lew- 20 proisl heist. "mrIsg f 'the Ul»ale lathe M lecie a lcty lutl formel lu Parl ta combattheba Baise! *UnCllan 0i Mic tau!by iton&s Dont toffgetihat vIlle 700 ansmal- t lmto, .é,tlm 700 Win! Uve wIUi feue girla anc bora te hitsty; cth- ors aciliveautssy, butanie bave bes.ar paltd n ou Ue. AdvcrUlse lu the ppot vth as dr- cilat. Adrertîse lu lbheINDE- b sital oa 1)te 7. :5$.ufornme l lvod lth ber uncle, me.,Dantinlon, and attonded achool la Palatîno. gire. Bertha Lucke, ne Bertha Horst- mala îpsndtng a ehQrt i tIowltb Ino nd rlailvos a la "its.. theee days for the etork whill flitlung over dropped a young mon at bie home. Aiorney Halesé ha& takou up hie reeldem ncelChicago ton 1h. preseut. Mn. and lins. W. L Hichksud"Mies Milde, agcomanisd by Ml ir.lbbs, 0f ineapoliseleeft for MloreBah PFia., reoently whîre ihey will @pend the winter. Reur Waman dled ai tlb. home o! hie Sau.Ernut, rscen.ly. iHe waian old re71eitof ;iî placesud a veteran ofthe Civil war. Thetuneral wai beid at the German M. E. chîrch lu Piumb 'Grave. The csreionles wers lu charge of the tlarrluigtou G. A. R. The Miinss Prebtberg sud Ma Bie.. atieuded the cbritenlng ai hU iî Notiug home. friue u B era Pppray.td i iedsin Bler atPppr viltd l EZiOM 1A Nur. 1Homes liiuy, of Ohiceg, callid ube e t.,lir. sud lire.Broadboad1 À uto«,rof ibe peopleofetotwu ,ul0*sd b. pluy ai Libortyville Fridag ie Ethel lKmeier, o! Prairie View,- calisd on m"aivm e bre u@e day lait week. A. Wilmlngton wui a city visitar SaiurdaY. Quita a number fro. bore atteuded the funerai utflire. Htbbaad Aine. aiItanhos Tueeday. Pan! Eay bas retrmsd te hi& home at Dlamand LAMe alter an absence a! 10 menthe la Dakoaswbere ho bam taken op acelin. Mies Emma Kulggsfwam the clty spent glonday wltli ber paes bers. Ou Thur@si.vnlg jec. 27 ibore wwll h. asi sl am ncluthe new lioBridbaial.Tikt 50 cenie, napper extra. Evorybody corne. Iring Wolthassen, Bne year old son r f Henty Wolihanas, brake hie cou-a bous lait Mouday aftonnoon -bile et Scheel. John L Moiners, J. C. and F. 0. Plaggo, 11ev. Haselo sud Fred Kamperti woe Chicago visitare lant Monday. The eniertaimeut gîven -b, the Germas classeof the blgb echool Maudy venlugra@ Tory wol t iended and a sang eim reaiised for the schoot treairy.- The yong people Who panicpated are ta b. complinentod on thle munic and also the play givon eniled, "Ein Knopf" whlich was very Weil givon. hmes LizzisBrandt entertaiued about twoty of ber yong riendo at ber home lait Thureday night lu bonor of ber eighteenth Lirtbday. Ail heartity euîoyed the ovening aud comptimented the youug bostese un ber mode of ontertaiument. Mr. C. Handenocbiltdarrived bere Tue.day tram the wegt* to speud tbe holiday. with his daughter, Mie. Gertrude. Mie Frieds Neeber epent Suiuday wltb ber peàreutes Mr. sud Mie. Chas. Hutchinson %s Myrtie Robertson ate the parents of a baby boy bain, Friday, Dec. 14. Henry G. Miller was a Chicago visitai Tuesday. The Buuday âchool o! the U. E. Salei church wli have ie Christmnas prograin on Monday eveniug. Fortune. have beau made thraugh a uitile pudtclans advertlsing. Try the catunmne of thc INDIEPENDENT. Eead voeeU> by 16,000 people. The kgroatest weekty cilratioln lunanrth- o rs Iliias of asy papor outelde of Chicago. Discuit Test.i. il la otten stula sto re vo masa- bor titan 10 imater ivosrrat,-- ptllWolphta Record. erM" 31«Ho o Tule. Tt@ Germant give vor-osi hars«. staulç cf rassied colc boeau$mlzed Wlitcaaony. asUIes Sel Thiot. il la liadmnio a lIinlg Edwar wMl cSntor on tIc mlhado thc deca. rati of aihUic Oer 09 Uic Gantes, wbueh vii Ieqagv ?4> bis nedee'l WANT Um% ADSf FOR SALE-Wbiie lHollanO tur .FOR RENT-7 rout houson Flsu EAngy Roc«s, ocketoitr. 1 tueet. JO» lUCATUEc. - 7-V SUFF WYANDOTTE FOWLS4 FOR SALE-2 fine dinlug t*bioes go rocetere 1 year old Young o1 ccketand gd dinlg chairs, Ilareme box, lune* Young puUete. Aà fullt looded sae t-l. ttparon ieds, and otihr ilgo. A. W. DcP"w, Backeffler. 90 uxmIiiw aîm otoi, beri- MARKCET DAY-Flret Wedoubdy of'O-0 &acb montb. Brlag yaur produce iD tbe WANTEO-& coi'd of wood. ,Inquir. Wbsellng market. HRmuev BA.u..Au,1 atl»gI'ENNIWT offlO. Wbellng, liu.________ ______ FO A u EEteychape orgassnit_ FOR RENT-80 acres of land. Injufre- bbefr ag all, sehool or oburcb. Au of Joux HOFMÂAN Roseraas, 111. 1", Eoda ew. L. C. DuBoio. 8-tf Aoooop0 ,o- Po_ oo- o_ P p o- opoooo 500 MEN WANTED-Carn Produetooo FOR SALE-SO0 acre farta 8 miles weot BRofi8lg COMuanY, Waukogso, 11110010, of Gurnee, Lake Co., 111. Weil lmproved, wtll open a uew qÇluomsu ad starcb 10 roomn boues. Barns. Tbougbly tlled. tactory sbortly, requirlng 5W0mmlsl 1 Gravol roade. Easy paymouta. Low departmnts, au starcb paddlors futerest. Inquire owner MAnv A. Pain ebovlers, tank watebors, reflnery ame Ourge Il.1-i eed boume mon; pi e, nd ,alrepaire Ourse., ~sud bandy men. Bed work at good GOOKERELS-FulI blood Plymnouthb getareliablemen. WrteWaukoffa Rock cocheres for sale, $i each. Byxo, ______________________ ÇOLBY, Phono 464 Lihertyvllle. 4-tf OET LA Onapoej« FOR SALE-Plymoutb Bock eccerell etatseScuit>'. Bits. 0. MILLCU, Lîbes- Mss. J. RANTAEI>, Lethion, fil. 11-2 tyviué, fils, 88-tf FOR 'SALE-80 boad hred blièens U FOR SAL.E-242 acre stock and dalqy for 2nd caff, i 2yr old Durbamn bull. jam % mile southeasi 0t Wauod. Pops. Libertyvle. 1. Lake county 111. lmproved wlth as* ouse, barn and weil .and mili a"m FOR8AK-Ood.ecudbaud bard neceàsary out buildings, orchard timbor cORal soe=bete . s bre as-ad iefes a.. od Coà. lino etove. luter.J. ,2b. rner «» land lane. Muewt.-e pond. Clonoe t -istr.close r.J LT Ln an stait ds. ae older. u t 93 Ace S t&ck andairy ffrin8mI FOR SAE-Blac drivig mare 2.re tof c andw, Cook coui8tyl., FOR0 Aud ou rBWk rire bumarey. wIItwet oleoo!iliw, n)k e Ave. li.,von se050bap. oo Bbr.s ItiI irebgyill. wtlt @de#of dlwos.and b av.li ne selllwap BFNI.ywru,,El 12-etf pae ited on ne a oo n barn. owl 1tlpich ad acrifioe f o n bprar. G FOR AL~Fullbloded lynouthard0 AcrIe fr$15 ear laerplnd PrkpuLIE,-Flarge. A d lsook.rl ut 10 E. miNerlustoueîd.tiîî saio m rvd2 J.c Wpemi, large loo o. 12o . ilh gfoo d hu.sdltt liixa'rh ipudu J. WIPKPII ItC'keMIbu1-2 ditîpt. (oo hoandla nd 2oncte tilin. . oîd astrel.xiIl.antfd éar WANEDTOBU-bt arfamtin 51(1anperoru-ri. Wilh. gond buYl 80,ac e.rnoi or in * 1 (M)erat go am. wibme wlietWoodle, ent oft)eîin r l' i"" v'il gi.fXI mli.aress mest JOh jtwyvllek, ake01oreet. 12-2 rivf,. OHNw-1-1 (fornutvEi. AlIN A sbatd ______________________Bd. ChicagoM..l FOR SALE OR RENT-Forty-oue acre Mnffar D)I ceë'leLake on town line rond àn FOR SALE-Mits 1-bores powor swoep mtdwn of1 Warren. WNi. BooM, 8 4 machines. ciep New. Embioe-. iN. County St. Waukegau. 12-3 NMr(xa Lumb;Z %.,Lbrtvll.12ti sud barred Pyoth rock enekere, strong aud =ethy.h . b.0. Lrui, Grayelake, lit. R. F. D. 124 well improvodi, bars ronin tor 50 bead cattle. pleuty vater, 1% mile saut o! Rolins, L. A. Rusi, Orsysake. 114 Merry Christmas v and a Prosperous New Year EDWIiN A. BISHOP, M'g'r .EMMONS-MERCER LUMBER CO. Phone 47 671 LIBRYVILLE u1 BLANKETS- Three 25-pound pails of ACME STOCK !OOD for$6O Marness and Morse (oods of ail Descriptions CHAS. IH.- KAISER Ubertyvile. -Illinois ie Na. 4à vie Eibbag SPECIAL ATTENTION Ta oui of Town Otdore And Shipping Trade and COPITCTIONER Ubertyv'die - ilmi MHOTELS AND RETALERt§ SUPPLIEO, w£ DiLivKR To, ADAeT4 TiowN, john %lk wee a ciy vstor Thure day. .1 MissEmmna Belp vlated frlendsata Palatins over Sonda. Milas Aunu 8cbaor le viitiug ber sister, lire. . Smih ai Joliet for a week. Goo. Rlchian wbo bas heen workîu for Ie broiber àt Cary a woek returne home Saturday. John Wolf oentalued triendi from the ciy aver Bandai. Aug Froollch transacied business ln Chlcago liondab Subscrlptions taken for the Lake county IIÇWEPENi>5uT ai . Frank'e. (O. Pruala, E. Fiche and Hermanm Prebin trauwated business lu Waukegan Mionday. PM red sopke completed the moviug of Fred Kenpior & Ca. 's barn Mondai. It wau moved on tboîr ]and southogasiof iown wbere tbey oxpect to puat up a houme But sprlng. Owlng theibelack of work ail of the monwho'le eplo yed he bsKnicker hocher I. Co., woro laid off until le maktug beglu».. AMt kindi o! Chriatmas fruits,nte and candy ai 0. Frank's. John Hoffer wbille drlving home froin io*n Saturday morulng was severely Injured. Ow îng thie rogh roada the aIle broke asd e fell froin the wagon. Dr. Weicbelt la in attendance. The Sundat echool and church willl have a Christmas ires bers at tb. cburch MWonday evening. The entertaiument will be partly Engllsh and Grman. Al are invit ed to coine. 0 The. INDEFPENDENT le eonding out bille ta delinquent subscribers. W. are aaking: that subscriptione b. paid because w. nesd the. money. H.IP make uc happy. EZERZMJ L. H. Wlmot, of Waik,-gari, ile ul- ing trieuds boe. Revival meeting@ yl bhe beld lu the Second Evangetical chureb beginnlng Wededay eveing Dec. 26. P. L. Jorgeneon viited lu Deenfield luti Fridav-he lett for Okahoma Tue@- day. Mir. sud Mir. F. E. Mayer gave a dînuer lait Friday evening for the officere o! be different auxillaries of the cburch. Th*.INDEPENDENT is ending out bills etasdlinquent subscribars. W. arc askinE imat subscrîptiane b. paid becausé we nssd the. money. Melp Make us happy. The Christmtas exorcises <lllii tyear be bsld on Tneuday nighi. Everyhudyý corne. 1- IVANHOE Hurrah for Mauta Clanst Paul Ray bas reiurned front Dakoté whers haý recently proved.up on a dlaim. lire. Oct, Br., l1a returned ta Chicago ta speud tbe wiiher wlth ber daughter, lire. H. Kubl. The ladies of Diamond Lake wleh ta ihask overyoue who atiended the social lait Frlday evenlng in epite of the bad roado as. ihey iook lu $17.85. The mouey was uesd to puit-hase bedclothee ifor the boys of the burned Lake orpban. age. The followiug day the. ladies lied -ten coinforter sud Ion pillow Case. t Elîgible ta Xatulmony. 1 The bachelor who doosnt smoho. aud doesn't drink, and doen't play paker, and doosu't bot ou tho races, and keopui a.ay frrat lb. stock market, la aimait good enaugb ta Lot marricd. zythoiogy. Teacher-What la Coreî the uad dansof? E-ere. maam, la thc goddisl af coutlsued stanleef-Lite. eh*-He's always gai a imite on hIb àtac. Dow. e e-WelI, whore wculd you oxpec him, tu bave it?-llucust.td Bits. tOstrichés lu @OUda" Teo otrioh ftamber traide la the Sau- dan ceinsdoomod. awlng tu, ti.e sco oes of th. South Africain cetriol 9esp Uic plundor. 1 The modema version seeme to ho, tbat when Ibtevesefait ont thsy sità bang au ta the goods.-Ujfe. tarvatios lu Landau. in the yesn 1904 coroners' mile, la Landau passedl on 42 cs of a! tarv-' ation. Ta Colou a Flovur. A hyaclntb can ho -eaalIy clared s delicate Pink hy putting the Stein ln s botte cf ted lnk sud leavlng Il there ici au boum. ailture. The goeal question Ie not whether you havi fallod. but whetber you arc content wlth aliure.-Ram'B HOrs. Ema Bh.Ucd Oui. Andrsw Carnogis, ahs.nvlng hic slxiy-elghth blrtbday, ennouse. t" ho his ssnccedsd lu alvings aay 8138- 00,000. _ _ _ Vamen Play' wt Bouae. Opanlsb vainuplay' vîitthoîr doits even star thet are msurlad and have clldren. Knov ilette. Waou nalways hsav b o t sk ose of their @ex ta istay for dinuer lin a way that eh. von't accept, but they ars alrald to try it on a nufor tear ho wll.-WomanmaMgazine. Old-Time OVWovssc Thore ansfour govomaors StItt lviul. that .erred durlng Uic civil van. Wil- liant Apregue, Whose home la nesu Nsragseli F ier, RI ., 1rederlCk iraok, cf BrMittohrO. Vt.; Sins. X. Ceaviard, of Kaubus, sud John J. PoiuZ, 99MMsouri Nigbw&7msm Avitiot Tva blghvymcu», Mosatsd on bicy lgo, bave been sondhag ltiMIas *lt me&aisuccous tatily lu ai ts»n eimce cburits. Tho>' rides» atsssI-« ly, do thoit wvan svlftlY sand toseag tsly'e nuilosci doIt 19 .1.9he 1g1e dscoa aiheb.raie ai 9,M-@«»006 1. 1 e il amu 1 » aumij 1 - , V& deâo5grâm tàmtd" q_,ý boo"