dq~,u'pepai VIUWg~ Wfl!~U RN 0110A f8AWW masmicp ie 'vaine ii~boe lU~u Gseeg.aoe.-Voei ~ tors' Maeaues~ uprlngW& luI. Der.- a t beooeuthé boa.! et ib4uabU0s Siacomuitw oret U ht Wb Lê Smteoi e tt m a a t U eeting 0 tbe 4amiiteeseou Pita st* *u bout vas présent -te lbtm m - gevi«,tveboots mia *~ 70 Pet saut. nie vIan.D long. tAelboa.! ctebw u>'etiiori 01 lew -for sncb aetion. Lewis IslUOEU150 the assertion that the boart'hu, t*tê power to -appraise dIferent ýcleseos 0 prioierty on a diffrent bonis. Country momberai 0f the -tate ~e. ofe qalittton are unable <teunder- stand the $50,(100,00() V*InatlOg PM~ lipon the, street car properbmIoeRbk 'cage- b> Flaiber for purpose or iaie. te. the e cty when it le reaembermil tb"" thqaa mme propertieai were vain.! for apprailemet 4ast vear l'y the quaei mersnt sou. i0. leu0 antham the ftMgUreLkeIyte beaNgle.! pon 17b e aides às a maie péim . CORI m! E eft lMowê ISlpngeK II, De. 19.-At tbip i. fnal meetings of tihe Illinoli Coal Op. emow 'associatIonin uth e ot i t vue decled te remove the hzeq= m . theoasocoiation ftrom tuis City te a. cago. Clomel PReadolgh Imts, Fiers, was deteategi for re.aectluaSW~ pveident b>' J. W. Traer, ofet 4b EL I. Hammod, or Chiago, w". IN> éeecto Vien premident* . T. BSut0 Chicago seoretary-treamrer; ohlI Jneti, of Springlleld, conloow>. and C. L. Scraagguof4 et ll. e Vil n Ak taoreillauheladoa. Rsotions e eaadopted ath e leglelature fo. an addtional tion f05 frthf COaI ln- o Odttt thronsbout the etateMr4 auu1'tces. , Deab a.t abu, tei Pusfi P Ptte, . eft 4~idOetU4 à ate o 4M sne.the change te rake , 1. 110. Putter wau forci«t yen ,s ë=utyg plelntendentot .bobt»&. be lactivai>'engagel muram" Ohnsçh and Accptiga cati te Another liàwn. eJsimin noe4 efacceptng <the mUl lethie liaptlat chnrch of UtOona b>' Boy. R. V. Ifeige, ef Adamo coUat, tui a seQuel te a remarkable case et mentalfainre b>'mm reIeorgia lt- limo0f bis coagregatloo taMadu ceIltr. 8ab*le credted with vaitins *alau ver 100 ietter su ailvrnliug te '*av*-. SmoeSucarl <at th.cierv Max haiE hyp=Ueasier; <liat oh. us1 gndp bis eaenri *Bdl4at' s voki fre0 asbe ort told ber that mhe woul Ilever bo üfferom bis liouca nata l'e lad hËt thme localit'. . : lIai..Latirp ves bafualoee e« Wi. and bas garerai amail chaolqa. Ilbebas noer annoyed hhm zopt Swrung thi.lettera.8.aieteie OUI W 11b. chnrth services, bo msats te le ratWlloson skil ubtees e b«- lUnteffl eire tubathie letu lst MO e eaftoaî and accptep q0.lI *~Dotis fIL, De. 19. - NUMW -bj thanes Nu.N. Rance, et St. Tisais 1 'e1 i*a0$Wer>' te le get thal8MW en W094 dmn queis, wliiu mIe Iqua -M ue hi lqneeam ,bail4" '1-. yeuse sul la'eestur, leav , là, Ihe UN. 18R1- VaIu94i at Osu=. Aphe ompti came mite ~wbe,*e imswmd tiat cEha mb * .eý valuel bat *" O o. UAl. U bii.~ ai honappueuaiugobma dels>'ed for EIoutIU baser Ie 4,4. et thle Bethesda bqtl t hO ~, A tv fh~eb euta rglng arm &Mu a bw4Oo MI o te oran sas mUsrAm ept*ux baiam sh bon srestsiet s Ams Ue. wo l. vem*itérisauhospital i i~ aetat. vlu.! t 50* WI*ER*~<%~T OI~LY ~ FOR ITRIE A DQUAR fllt uI.sueWM% u""os el oEu -oatwspmle. . ............... ,~lok~duuinslextafl uosan fotimi Xo goe.........flg Al mr - 4.0 8.0ai .MSI lfor tbiilues ae.....- -..... . Xmuss asie.............- LsfMORE Ti" I ~AVE19EUTla DO WONUIERS. LY ÂR- '* LL , l~E r W. are leacets i lu eefadCal-Ust mr ca 9a-od sizumu< Â fine lt 01 taiajit value*., zrqtaolmXmss eaç.. ............3 Slilehadkerehlefi. tehly einhroderei su ,amr twlmued wth laoe, mid verYwbere st tEe fwtbi.Xmaesale.,1 SPSCIAL FOR I&AS PRESENTS. VomeW'. fle embrolderel I'aukeroeUlels. '51. a faiy box. ... 5 ipeula-at box 1.. ...........7 asether boantifol hudkorcblefs là eI - bomo, for thi l nas mile. .t 1.50ý9., 5ftOcanC......... Lemel. ie lie týhM ed0 uPu lmu«W....... rM*e, end colore. andtut sudth ïkgaour 'fl*Suêie, ub Wceth14.Wato$& .Shirt havbaetore boo LJI ~ ~~* aijoeM 1798 for OlSWO» 111of fâne Chiffon. TaRot SB v.~ 810 ~<>over box %&M& tte, t.ne' tallored. have "t $0tL ? , s«teolid plairaiMiung 12 lnchq f rom"vlt lii. 8~W~~* ~ 'W'~lin. Jut 4hk Mrt for dress or atternoon ea*l§tat,,d juAt reçe!ved. fro n » esstoohod vear. A rre'brsl manU*it of thesoe eappy, riaht up at this i pre.. =' or Xmassl ",WMn Sri, « o 0b. at....................ý ...79 .at4 I l d er,".Ton-c the ___ oteffetsaua :tii $ m ott e autu elbisolsud bIne -,guwo. olaa.e ric oth.. sUt as .Q dlgjy f b Sirt drlng thaaes Sie l bi e unserpesool. The materlals n".u.t a*fneau I olPanamas. fane>'mlx. m~~u0wsd Juu9y clebrW ffp Sae e aJa ski$ tw- L*fft' L Mi our &0@ Cprtb. for tbiaiqg Xnia sale. at. ........... ......67 81*0 ptrileO h~tfront Cornets,9 frthis kna" "le, at........«79 1*Ldeaibe«vyrtbbed fûeeceÉý undervoar, Worth lne. <lais lis W~b Prim . .. ......... e Ail out reeul*4 #iAPWool undorwoar. this xmu PrimAb, at NiLadies Ij&1 .sforthj jýeSale.. T1 foi t1u t T Iai,.g t pr d= v4es.ii 'wîon for giving buet vaIlues. 60 hsuueulyfau s imable' <ats, 60 mol leuastl, 100s. *eh~eu*Wurnd vth velvet srona4ýOQllar, and ~wiav, iU~~AiS far:J5fPatteruu, r»ss~Mq 4im MM At .l l5oal............ me» lambiaiB. ê" >roloe, aue ~ -b*th 1-vl.,. i.. ........ Ose lot 01tbaIwm Iaïen O.SPI*la M.lumf eh, loess bks, eestoe0 $"-W5Sê1 au 9wi or the luog I' An Ou 040. il aié OWlt rim erof a $%Mul puflultIel pibU- 13Sîsi Pins oreeselCone>' ls- ....... 5 Worth 811.5. thîs sale. ............... 114»eISubie OOeUM Çbtete ourfs- "Ntue luIrrel ZazabekSui. la ChutenMW freh'odob orths np te 18.00 MOI, special> cl for Wtilaiae at....l e7 Grsay qirrel Mlttary Tub- t i trimai.! vlth two ce.! gmments. at. lExtra FIne Ouuity Grsiay ** Tiere- * llne4 vtth heet gray' salle,<lis Mie ait.. Gray Squlrrel Zama- generous aise, eatlfr llnd, ornainented vIlla5Q tv. hoeai, forIbIssaldéetaI.......... ..... Gray Squirrei Saile #M f-.* bd t.... * ai endi. kwrio a g e tonSea a ....... double or single, ln 13" o-Isvibella. Worh 8 10.00, si;. . ................. -éd'- he ~y who We a»e offerina a Ve&ýOd coate, tu l ojie y maIe 0of PluableCI Mud lxtimlOe.vithpe mont moetem7 P*«c Wortla sué, but tunu An odd lot of girls' blbe mItwm " a iplain. eW uomely trlimied. auNam ait 0gb>...... Randiome pilrt, ibailéOf vortu I",.%Y--ai p ther facy garter, ne ais Indl onle-bred ga i ttitiechi r U n sllsI& to" 4 bM, lth** M.esl W MM9 ý 1 90ii« MMM', 0-0!'k' t- &Î-1