w ~ ~~GRAYSLAIKE so. DÉPARTNIENT AttZrbeZnggtwo worealantNe C T NEF. J.DRUCE, Editor -Phone Central Jo ueoîl nt Okaor. re l and Seon and to and Taieeday tram (jlîiahoinit le the torne for Skates . wehave a nice lno of racera ndThings H a d etin n G a s a nd MamiAnue agerty lias@ben speding New &Il lande of skates. A fine razor for latier, sheare for *. e e * Vicinity a fO,. days witli friena.lu 4bore. ADVESJJiJ<andTOaAPLIOaII<îfor t4 ----q-t--a îOn bar ait(l fri n ai hem o r n d . a kb y re and a e s o r e-f r t e tola ' ' a n .A Ttobett i, Stt-666er s'tA '4aauda lu J O APLoIAINig. r acbo sdfîag i a l sittrstLii.week WMLeHolfiNdPopatçy Linosetbaaa ailt auatth Rinsaie.wiI aam hatietalohe fumieîugA rs. . allh ire s- E (ira elaeelh rmae.Hard w are Store. - n. -_were hey aha b rs.P e l.ak h ir a gJam sB rle Thr t M I oert L w le r l l m t Snatla M 5 in. . srJoh An i la Mr . iac st lai :A Heu ti r.iase r rs i H e îer Amu i unti Jan Tti. Tb laiiaiSairapre allflg Par e , u tf laI-a., thi tiret eait'lh Muia t i r iabaaiia aW. vBo it i. M bE. lt es a box ta @oral ta the italaation Army wook. alnut. Mmr. ('uilah.y. T ast Ia I StlUl h allios aving anythiflg t<idon~a'te r. E-" A. Ci-ah. rai*4sateil lîuaine- 'in iRarle Lux spant $uiiliy itlhomne. Bagl Ta t Fn S y ay leuive it wîth Are. 'rant£ Fitsa.'Il. iîeSîaV m.C o iu onn'rtt, Tick.es Higiey & Carfielal bave a file dimPlay <04 Aireé. Ieou gao'1honison îîwlîîia ithte* ay lut week.()- 1 I aI day gonds and eelélrYthiitat a 5lîrsebyta'riau 1îaaîital, Chticag ir. 1 )Tila.aihiaof aautaalay bore WmL. Cil goal to eat ut Chrltuîam tillac. reported u oilaci- 'nig viry îal r0eily a in Ladies, Misses and Hrr eaytrani-tital aioss i Mr. and flrté. 1 .ruisLusk.ut l'art Hill, Lou la tedelta cr at Cl drnsandldancaeModay iglit report lîaving TheWalac BrceAmsaryColpary FiuP lino of 4I iiitîîlais tatiiinery at hait a fine tmle. Tite prize ai nneria wore: Dr. E. Vý Twall treae oBraum- î,liri (a iîaauthe (lrayulaka'Ili iîriaacy. tiret Era Luix aatn(A(iuie uldahîg,n.second IJe,21. Ihnttait Lbar thetai OnlY twai11-1aoradaya tiaiyiiriua cieidoua dzeHoa.Cn SI Ita th Bai Tai tarLayaand ail kimitaCbrltié5 loil.g. lDo il iow. eolatioi. Miii.J. . agerty anal Ralaara neCOATS AND SUITS aioffana y thinge for Crain.Dr. Palmer atiaaaated huuimiiena- tr Ii . t,..Alunraprop. oftît a~ î~dChicago tiret ai ie wa'ak. Newan 44-Dlit ýoteWuDLakbs mVewit hmbome of Ar. aali\11s.P-'lias.-Hîn t ir iler.'wili be a cantatu and Cristmasf faîrîtia' ta tiroir Chicaagoi borne ta rouatake Villa titis Né -ak. tree in the' i-lurch Chriotuia. oe. The ,1 Th n ew 'A li ants1i.am s-Aae a H .l * C oom b s an-I .aaaî N ianri et 1 ft enterta in téi i tt i l gua a t 8 oclack Aire F Thaiae A io omsfile ait 1Thursilai att1,-. ui.îatîar home onub.hIrpbëtlatta'unesaitt i iie'the laet ber sisti uu. ft ma 'r rIasainlare nan oPe'"aý lae ae ato h rgam.tnfr ~~~~~~ ~~~wli e afine aditiont the' reideuarx e atteprgaan h a jrs M e . P otie Shtla iet Lk afr t1jairt of towu. tir. and Mr,,. Fr..(] Kiielaker, re. Jaohn There will lae a saweial andl watab eu IAongalaaugh anIlii isiSaisie Wblt,beadi meeting lu the- church New Year's oe. for mails Jaîlu Wicks iimaittiiig aL roand tbrOugh tattended th, fuît-aroI of thiir a-ausiu. iCorne and beli t w tire tlîead earont. oP"-rat'( LIBER YVILEÏ IL, 1hie proierty aîala)Oiite thie laké- making F railîk palme r at Vaaukpgan %Wednemday. i Ray and l CIarlie * Alcoa-k anal Ceurge B. N îîîsny iarftie reidence Hoekm. lr. Ilubla, of ( iviaaaa, wîis aalle.dî <ut Dlirka'loft forCaliforaaiaSnnday înrning. Libierty - -- ----- Chas. Aclof at Tn7qav ta visit blés bo.re the. lut aid tIiý%e. MéîaWttMlvll w l'lais the lia 5ohrle-. paiit . Výaus. Whm The tainetit aa5' given at the opera visitor Tùièd6a. h aibas not sien sina'c ha- waf.even ya'ai 5 oisa'Tuedaiie Ci uitlaor Churles lieut Mr. and Mrs C . ,Biloacaiîa. oait nju aId, Tielratîer is. nBou; eity y'*L.1 ar e il at. accu aupîaall ,ia i e alatiiweri Waukaagari. are viiting tiroir Pister. olI anal awnii a ranicah -antuilua ta)O saliland abioîlt *127. i.ralwhié-li aili I l . _tv. youtng. The ai-resm %r. Ateliyo a mia liaeil bis aliatteal ba sa-t tO Air ItoîaI RoIsrt Murrie is on the îiak lit again. Kelly. i Ar. tanal tiras Jaliiei s eririaia a aitei i rs t. l. .Youing -siteal in (irais- Mli S a tthae Lake liifforphaanagcelahortl.vafailr GI.JR.Initiaea-art oftla.t Week. aud ail tire ira- anal returtaid witla one' ilthe' L.tthéA~ rvi lu h ves bas Ila a1ute fta' is III bo 8 neboys. Tia have alwaymlown an Mies Mairie I' l.aîk- iaita'd relativesin iisk. etd itpgtitieorphanageaud are alwaîtir 'iaago oa-erSuinday tai -înt t-Iedqurtirs ur îîuaa aid sw ear gitîaWillitig tbtott a aellîli ianal. Ars. Orlenaliý l'a aiat a laa»taar ANTIOCH. Ar. h île.dq.aSikes frii uaoviuivi ew YelaisgiftsMabel, trot 1liî-aathaaiiîas. la.. arae s1îiloiii"li era' avre liapreacbinit services Son- pape,( something to please eeryr) bouy. liant e s gmtbieuu ls e tr weeak. It 15 aitia ailndliii- moatbo. tory aIthe A. E. i-hurch ou ccount ai that t Cal a ndi d 5( otr .Jlp.tfltP.iî t lit es blft cup s neat anal ,11.t-dae af banes nalt M . Grarlpy wiaas l Cii.-gaa vîsiair 1 fev. iNaner beiug ick. rnder >n bats .ter seri f ir te money.contins aIlthe iîiadarut lmjrovesiiitt. aturdaY.AisCaryHaidaluIbbo and faucerfiY t ee eei orh ony ouàpîpreed air %voter systamititstalleal CE. tapie for 1),1a.23. How fan we weela.vCau by osp idy ithe orc (h oit esuaùd dîsie-"> fancy plates. bon b t. ULi.l.ahtfeld. of Lbertyvilie. le ane Carry the Cira.laiaSpirit Tlraughloyuboia auda on.tel ai heieoiiee itlb- euiaunut lOeî'.Laite 2:. '.*0. 1e.ieaSite loci et miaurn ber lois;lier bon diihes. Dîshes of ail ktîîdti and ail prices. o h ot eii h eupet tv eahuelianda et uîriéeltte eilîdren. MmAire er i et ut Saaemilay ter fat.br. (illeaîi~ dr. aa is.aai' iaai aariîlogi was buried in Chivaga. Miler1 Fany articles toa nnmerous to mention: JYilet Mes JiuoaiThayer aheirt le e Dadr ev audyi ots fsoxFle iuy esteglove and handkerchief cases ,ollar and cul! Tbayer. ali -Im Clle' etoiago. ýviiraue . ati ioux laIsMiu. bu bosHotlofFeou.vmiefie(mtLibertyvllle Suulay. Born, Suuday Dec-. il, ti Mr-. and b esfancy pîncusîhions, album@, etc. H"s erh M'ag nal.na Dlaa netlui .ailaxIiavsiatAta'ahi e Fany tocs urovers, ribfuon collars, satchet Grayolake Sunday. Thafuea iAr. lrlaAlot ire. (lauret, s daugbtar. bagu, sisove garter, bat pin holderstimuflgei. (Ueo laacm apa.t Mandalyiii Chicago.a anel ai..irn'ryalt I F lcRm aAr n is vnKyuîe Ar md iitil hndkt- ire tivag'whbaseaf liaîs keperwa. h erîtIhe boulie ra ber .1.1er, Are. Ea(ry uday a daligbter. campa EmbroldeIId, h.mielnîiiiltader r. aae h ashe buekep Mutah Snnday afternoou- luterment 1Air. Eýgber1 H oara daledai t 1bisborne Ars. chiefs, glovea, nmbrellii, puises and hand tiage, at tîhe Bva-wer baînse at Drucerm Lake ili wa. at Spauliling'@ cemetilceuNad.lioi in od boLpruepplrbldybos tuteMAlftrhiawuegaday- TheofAi day su .daurea fan ey h l dawoks sere Mie un terw a't a u operati aico si Fancly combe and boite. T5udj! GANE ALLT:e.! zJd ndbaz eare éprnovelties, fancy papetieot A aira lina ai mixeil nuts andi caudies avu$2ts Flz;ianonsdwe Deio'%crPO P8perandl everytbiug good ta Pot mai lic Cbrltmaa. ailI soon ho aat baud. eveuling. we Dou.son' tIt ol o h Jui tteGasak aeymngédSeeraIlront barelatitfor Taxas Tues- Aire Various aises dressed dUcoh oMfrte oti tîle(rymik seymnat Ar.J. J.l'caser isauthe sick liai. day on tha tend excursionexpectiig ta tathe, babies, kid body dolls, doli elippers, fur sets, go- by Misse L. Gerlachi. Thtere.illoieaanentaranmnt given reiuru seeverat bhuudred botter off by lu- mehncltnys. automobiles, ho adWin. ebuiin traneaata'd uinese jin by tlîe Grange Hall scboal ou Saturilay vetiîin luTeas tandl. l.arté, mepar l ca, o i furnitue, d u » hcgoI Ay veig oe 2,u rne aladairt Allen A îes w bua le oi k ow Christmas tree. The entertainnient %-lil barîks adgml.tbrougbauit this vicînit. Whîo for many begu ai M .cloci. C(laint d enjoyan C b is m s eî o at of s a n c u ie .year e playe vi ilin l the or -be tra for y oaîse iiF 1 RI EÙ B. .Welrksi ail u iîer al weekly by 15,000. The I.NDE- tDo't forget the bszaar ta tbd beldin au i Nuts and Candies of ail kinds. trietâib. .t tirto!Ie week. 1 ho cburch Fridai evefling Dec. 21. »Ili. Geo. Strana lia. a îaautiful aiplai of' PENDENT. Mises LuIs urGes bas beau epending a Tiis cneearly and make yonr slection tvhile YOII flue garniturae ai bis store for the edaswtbrnitMrt.JWlim-oh - aas 01rWN OUM nesa u-sn n F haeachoice. Neit Masian te lack frram tie grand tlud ofairwants. . Margaret Neamitb snd ber father bave Ocilta W. Are Sure We Can Please Yoii jury wbere bc- bas beau sarvinit the polit __ _gîane ta Mnnesota tu, spenal Cbrtmes Th tbree weeks anal ha. rellun-l l hs work witb Ar. NeetutWsemather. a CI drayiu. Mils Wlltlamsot ispent aile%%-daiya luChrit Iligley & Carfield Dept. Store Ayhfgaa eetgîa orGrajslake la Bakergj aukbanfi héatdesimsrea -ta a nd rdnrFaulkner @eat na day last ME Orayslke, Parmesv. vaek Wtb bis unceIn Russell. visit' aitbievid Ry. rntThe Siert Set ailI uteet Witt la Rlsacbsuni V~- --isiatble uraOliver Dec. 29- tur aRobert Harvey anal iamily clent Mou m ahe evd Martba anal Fred Lealli aere M'uke-a vnu t(tga aeaihfins eis -- gnvstn ii ek Ar, sud Aim. Ormeby atartained t ai l hOufs Air. Boffan b baro en atertaiffiug bar: thein daugbter Are. Youug andl ber son. itrfinMneoaM A c p aof Russell, over Baturday and Suntay. FRESI4 OYSTERS sTurerm iuaoS MrusBlfe pent Ssturday antdtCIGARS andliCAND)IES SubotamtW lPrim&s Sunday lu Chicago. a, to uisteai cf or- wit II~ A1A '4~ ( IL [fls Annabet Witmore transarteal LAUNDRY OFFICE dinari books serinasuPrimlueslapub- id buiesat Lbertyville Fnlday. liePhohonNo., 19. .bmk- credîth f tii rl S tuas Mm~~~~~~~~~in. AicOath aanal dsugbter Kitty left PoeN.1.Mu" tIt h flto il ~~sa-fon Chicago, wbare tbey will MISS EMMaA OERI.ACi4, Prop. Yongprbnn.Wlm._Ban utillia. Chi __________vigtd!Îis. licorat' daughter, Air.M Nethule Benittibtuntit ater Christmnes. _Eut________________Ci ~.arîo ~ ~ ,u ro sMIssLily Turner Wbo hm been cofieal 'TheRuSSImSABahve ne triolbY WTy iri Cavn w.L111 S d Io sn e e nwib e ipeta-beutoui, la tact, s great matai l,e- inbvel we be homewibl petbe post. 14Y NEW PAL MAND D o trWemoa f Li nd .jut @eVi Pocket Knv s chaHing ishes aual Sat t mo speut Saturaay WINM MUSAPMIARE cheali, uaoutentatieitl funerals. on J. Kylet, oiChcago, transecteit business tDow oni£xhbm he tOii of .duten. I Razor bor Batuday.A aew educatîotisi table of weight$ Ala MacLachlau spat eeraI dais a1dYt1tesmaore Ou 5gh achooi m515 W, lu Chcago ecantti - goais; four goalt mske oae col- Bread ixers Nail Clippers Ad~ta.dms, visitdait WaukegauWeint 't ii d loe w collages moite eue uutYê1- Farks Scisso r issAura and Lyta Baîtenebal spntLoo temORe ____ Tabe ald *~PFrdailu ag aputfisufaai&ua W. -AtnS TUE TAILOIR for Blim MM. Wn. Hiley @oltiteu dapandesa govrunment sup lb Abert Raugbt Who la Weill uouyeglams, astbe men bave defteY NicelPlte Ta odCoIe Pts Cake KidVes îbraughoiut thecouaty la iýrtthe ponu! aIdeath t is borenn'oh). It iIn te greatly regrettait by hemauy Irlande -thatthiere la no hopee for bi. reovery. "oQuetion Aussairsal Mrs. J. Battlant is îi&iting I reuda lu TIIE GI!FT SIIOP Bo re wroug, Edith. Tbey dont rs build dry docks ta puat borrsitlu Wbou .. a-'E3icaga. dc_________l.--anilai u.e ~ I¶~JMmrsFlkming ait Lake Shore drivaieoccngtarlets"CuC t 9Mi S CA NK R S Y vçr ie ihpnuimonia. Wherî- voit gat tbose dainty oddlgits. quiren. 0. Waldutaan i;speudtug achart dune If yaau lika 11111e odi thtitgs ave bave, otlOdast owy ai haone. tlieui. Clristunas presenta that yaaih us1rWY I wauIdl lacproual ta presient anal pleaset Nearly 11,000,000 ln postal eorr15l EClaire Sheruman %%,ha bas lieeu viaitiug t e-.veWtoualsr îlî rsu ýtssent aveeanr trainm Iis country te relative@ ber returueit ta lus honin ' uNv-Iiifinal nices ltte Lb lugâs t astîlNra mih u rl e ea ~chiuoal Va, ouiaC useda il the ysar round. The ollaiav and friands. ,I~q ?~? qq 4 + 4 ?I ~.1 ¶~ !j? qf f4~ ?i F H-Kaelker anal aila Witt leeve ug ligseas ause w o! Ibe many gifli. 's. 's2Iji- for2a1tar itp soutb tai lho-g rn asatioa, tallI sts. mataicari- Jaiicîî ItricUaOta ~,maAr a~as&s sverat veak. estahoks* .tt. ,leathergaos TUIlE ~IJ~IF~ 1 Ar. anal ?ara. (ieargeCla'velauil a!o n<, hitta, galipane. pontcifs, sihokiug me-te , Isci, udgee and judilclal-II Hil, seilal riadsberWedasa'. 1 eeiases, importait perfumast, pictunes, re forbîdilan by the etiQuettOeoft Ielt 4 auHl.vcyei rensbreIfltnsdy liait andy, ligara, Xmas carde ýprofesion ta ridluInauaOmnibus. ,w Years Bai PYeans Night. Januany Est -ah- ano Bros. liall ROUND LAKIE iv Raluke*s aeeaseîoah,- es careai fiai at Shaîili as liai-na ggage ilekia rai- iaruant a.- -liuplýtier x nia IÀ(Olt(xt-tE ir-lTE iavelaid-Haiutcstill, Haok-lline Albient Patala-k . Font Bihi James Lankin, Latng lak- -- Hasrvey, (Irayslake ,toba laiuleiu. Fremout He-nry laieuleaa AlddMtoaa Lbetyille '. Eovereon alleil aIthe hbana'oa su, ire. Et. FaIay,aontîiaHerriîig. n ýt 9:30 at-tarI thîls morning. , beau ailictd îi t tbarculosi ne time suit bail suffeneit aiversl anos. Mayer, aif tilmner. bas mussaI la -villa anal la nou setlea linaile oi a e bonses. nctioa Case up Prlday. saule faîninlauetitun aif'hoaîthî ,et ai vs. .tdaline AMiller, Joseph ad Henry Elfiug la still ita cauh îîî a-ame tiîifor beaning att Fnialaý sweeýk St avliclahis it wii l d iielhen lIaigirl avilI be, aIlowv Linue thLe acliotl or naut. EeIly*s attorneys, Pape, CooakJ ai0 Waukegen, have uiaitied hin tha case avili in tîteir bette! i-il lun his Issor. Thc suit le t- b.e iireetors af tbe district, ana ýargeet lq the eouîty, ta lire ai mnd mare experieuceed tearber, Ai belug but slxteen yeare 0 aile an, ge- thîsu momae aiber iiupils. sud it:ia Haîtesentantaune >aj trom Chicago receutty. z.MarvI suit ber linotaber. M ai 0 Peunosylvauia. with ] gtar Helen, are vtsltlng lth ini, Aire;. Marebaîl Odetat. e. George (lerrutya anal aaugbt la sPont Lhe greater Part 0o!la lui Chicago rstunntg Saturda .Gennity was aa'eomnpanlsal byb r, Air. Dipple. je C. E. Ratas laIt ton Lake Fouf ruesits,. ranalArs. Alfreit Bain, Arthur Cta Aire. Dauman avare Chicago vlaitc past aveal. bun Aicuire roturneal borne aturd 'ng @pont a wook witb bis brai be Dodge anal Hockaday sclioole i bolal tb.ir CbWstaeaentertauti Friday ai t-bis .*eek. The Bocks oi ailI bave a tnee. te Cougregatlouisl cburcb vilI i bhristmnas ires anal ententalumz stinas ave, Mondai Dec.- 24. te Ladies' Aid wlll boIt ils au um on Tbursday Dat. 271 erny Chnlatmao toamil. ;alie Sonner IlasillIng ber onclei ut, Air. sud Aire. Peter Sdtewart ROUND LA" > Ir@. Brelnud antd Atuuy White,,si ssitsy lu Chiuaga. Frank Dmummeuithb ennumi ah Lb. aick. Ire. Fari Daron vîsîteit ber mo Mise@ Saraht Fox spent Tussa à1cago. mise MilI Rossdsitscit sud Anie "r Aman spent Sunday anal Mo tb Air. Frlslers lu Osk Park. Air. Clark Irom Lîbertyville,0 beral days la Round Lake lec &W telephone oec. Miss Maude WalLon sud Kalie IA peut Sunday with parents lu ValuI Diell Smiltb le apendlug s wee raukowait. wa@a lu VoIoSnnday. Irs. Oeo. lIison avue a recont9 lake calter.i Messe Ilunniîl auîd (it aere n l couds Frialay. Fil NIts, af Wauîranda, wat coller Mouday. ir. ana lire. Everetît Stane, oft'0 couatitepeut Sundsy ut Chat. POU Aire. John Ric'hardsona stiaut0ens lest week lu Chcago. Miese Clara MConulty lias returat ber bore ne uElgin sitar ependlug ss avsekà at Jîm Kirwans. Fneen tnydar. of Bittai, Wle... sa-airaI itay-a lesu week at Raught1 ltKirwau bas been us"lt ata-nîlll tii bis work ait Wa»COèdu sea-raI days. theadaî[ites tinnillana fl spe-ut saveral dutys re-etiy wi* tiII . ii 4chicaga. tir. aetiàMrs. Chbas. Reugbt. ot 'M gaîhi. aerpe aalleil bers lest weal Y serialaîs iltiaa'ss of tîteir lather. ltîaught. A. J. Raymnd nil e uDonitu L Elgini Suînda> - Miss Mary Rala tbas rougne jpasitioan witb lte f C. Cookl PoU ca.. at Elgin sud le now at ber 11o Rauglit Bras. - LAKE VLLA es laylate Sberwoaat le sbuedalifl U flilacr01)thie yesn levery good.- John Leonard anal Edgmr Kerr là Ai trip to Chicago Mondy tu a te - f Christuma. igbets The. Ch' icaotaephone camps. Lake Villabas reduccal iate l lariner hues ta ne dollar. .1 The oId la-e bause a t 1.-oei, LAW as on tire Mandai but suffeld ýrt lfr: Kerr bas tove it ut lI Haniliu store anal if you'd litre la >.% up-to-dite lierdIware stars ju* be .tir. ed Mfr. Lowry of lts RaotaldebOl soan mos. mb to heuew bomes &east shore of Fax I.Me La" Fe,. naneuitly retire tiram tt e Mmr. Daly was aklkn bsd àlai tO but le geitiug along aloely Eow.a 0! Air, sud Ara. Heury J. là au Chiao, wre the gueulse, f'Il aid Ail« Villa Lâev a praiiil i quite b faIy lUt on tisa W a a. tvymIn Villa. .qff bu baa ewore xertsle Mm White tryitug skates. HoraLlo Nelson took a tuip ta »d and inow te prouit ewareto fine boll dog. Mr. Air.ad Ais.CbVWvbJ~ hie aapris e ocleanets àij Kingof Chicigo, wonÎs end isis McAishn ssoaiid Aerand M r. Ritabore caM Ssatmon,@ prises wllis% ba tw uu, S5 Aler iub m5 s strsudrerI the taioei sode U y.W resta a littte book Aseni: eeO "Talle I have Knowu wM tarit the autbr. Thits " , 11 tors s e tbecardOlit" .day MACHAI ave ent of ail Klndgi nal upeuta bersit lother ay ln le anal onday alk lin Tit. SutîtAY4cbOe a teebsl se te cimes: ',Wbat li»aiet boyS8goto .eave?" A"IL oeUtile urola -.11.d ont: -Desd boYlî"-UPPt> Oouwtges z3155. Lawyeri tShs- Ton la dOdotêt why. ycu eculda!t cUrM a bau Dr. Sawbons-And Tou, sar-Ton eouldnt try a case 0or d-StrI5b Stories, c Unique Lntisali prof. CenebotaÈ4l a fneuchmsii bas perfected an appealtus wtach yUll transmit Lb. pecutlarltles of a mana's hmidylltUng on dnawtug, enablug bitt to sigu a checke 1.000 tiles away. Oouidal't Btanl A-ytlug Vulgai. Mn. Nuritah-I think l'Il tale Ibml watcb. 'TOU ara sure Il. made cfte- ftned gold? jewetei'-I leI. '«Because I detest auYthlng ltaIt ain't refled."-BStraY BLtMO. you naalthé INDEPECNDENT want cohumu. Sa do 11000 etheni. That le ashy the cotumu li no peutasI A waut ai. lu tb. INDEIPEIREiT [s s, persoutal letter te 15,M)00 mi Thorouthi AND -ALL KlNDUa8- iod (trdes at FaMr ~ooRS, WINDOWIS, INOS, BRICK,.:ME PORTI-ANO EEWD PIPE. DRAN VILS, j Subacritari wi i*g that 1h15 ppai,,eVr cornes i. labelodWt! SLIP upon thl- 7~ HANO cornerOt f PAGe Tits ye"iw w STATRMENY V OCOUN ~ T y" a Thuise %who ais DETfiifsor