~U --r.x.bed'whàt yelae lie~j ~ * h ~ bU~m ou.-o dlhes. But the iouguicBtiliieiI Tbretga en aoandtuo lalra nioau Ma abu f aIgon bui Thralaa aa monto!deaJalea tiun poor lndoed. What b ocTP O E < B aa, Os iS oe & t Ubwtr#M, 0~DI., lu the world. Porhapa we have ait h»baseon mae of the poace and bpJU L3any it Boiteraid more or leua by tt, Iteuce cite piones otf Individuels, of familles, ot- ce lane» y. wauvu a& A n AIwoul tklnk we TmlglUlbe Prepored te nelhboraos by an evil tongue? Ilany ache ô Avmcei aAid t'me1 £5W55 WLOT15. eelnau t t ié ea vlu.But flot- 'Wbat were but,trlffes are swullug 1meCAvatyà *lthstanding aur own exPerieçkee ln lota importance by repetitlon, and 1 0 r..1 Vmacll Ilot regard to Its evlia. how prue we are thun difficultles wicb but a sinle tI Trulesu itog." I)FoY, m »0EI R 2, m 6.t listen ta what ovii tougues* may word mlgt bave explaned and her]- OIg say of car neighbars; tbaugh jeans ed, lucrease ln magnitude and aiiet U1 Ml) CAbES *RJHoutcb PNS ~%UUONIA *AO ill t44 . ý1enugh pf aur own reputatio)i we become incurable. The tangue willi JMNDPT u -1~~OiWfll SUSP.Fmn UOoClfdIigDCOorau wekelu sent to have I ttile cauceru for titat lbe uvil whte, the heurT la wrong, for! e-t ugl W.sgsag,îilîng~j ! te sstet gvrathe gercé bISiof thers. We aboutid remmbiler that out aifte abundance of the beirrt the: Plana for dlspostug af outdecd-bsi «M lte .aari uueabOwat o f te serluno hsîln a tl et ei tna a s> ttn vlagusi tors, then turnng the entire Ziontre foraaueevor bagueis a uew h Cart, b t l'a over toa aboard of soven .11 411* ate 015. othe .p--u e xcept lu the "Vaguent aud Most gen- have ta say what t'hey ought Ont. We as even the buat oai u are anctlfied. holdora aud cimants bave pragrumsd Hatel ~fii97 ag s~o o. fosp anIfy eita a tr uihto Ia- icoulil Dot glve the tougue of siaudar lu part, we muat adopt 4luc.. a rumedY sa, fer tisai ecelver John C. Hately mtrie Lw Imoody ela.sl h aronAnedo hraIf adugtyenwice-amore palntd ilsuccesaful rebuke as wlll Met the evîl froint viatever1 belleves tise outcame a certalntY. - ca.eor proueil aWorth talnly.arrut ts devulopmeut, na SYS-1,titan ta refuse ta llst£nl ta It. If we source it np4y munie; And thus la theL eu I h na week 840the rftlver ee ~* lO t Ulb Iuasstous of nuralng or treatment ulpon; are watchi loai ur. ears otheva rentady: Talle heed whit ye hear. ialld about 6,000 ltter.l ta the ZIOn. lilaes. qii tmFo t s aosto avoldwieh l'au May aafey rely ta carry wattid becaustraltedttobridie their W. muat refuse ta len ta vitat fle Iliton tant mJulge Laudia lut te thet i«*$ bardet aul Yur.lom lhrough the crIaIs. langues. If ail mien wuru deaf and evil tangue naya.Listening ta iaudar qutes tion ot s otenai theos- my luwWk &Z thse toat MAndJet ofAIT aidsuasea ibis la th'!ebblaid there vauld buetna lander, lbu- la no neariy relatail ta alander ilulflt.Atirefuttavtapalu ss 0I u 'tau MirS' ut. White Con- Ouly Ilu vhlch the physlan's oriluat itise trusteuahiP Plan la uecesaary lbu-0"t ààm , i p5re f ooovsî* psIl teto a otittratcause Ihure vouid bue noue ta lheur or that, If vo give pace ta the onu wO fare i1the court vîll order the Inatitu- firut1 t&ioan.try,woviieum Possibleattetotnbuamt apovrstnt-dI r t, andthebu uruiy mendber voatid are likely ta bu Iufucted with. the Itian of theo systuni. and uarly returna yet. i tili' la o 1%r , p00. lA Me d ma o lcieabuetebuCa ousitXe f e ucesslty lbu kept lu arder. But Caler. The iltuner lu parakur vitb InAicate, an aimaut unanilnt ioy favor ý euwwla lIs lMm.atr 'u ialtacsan leyuthat nov there are Saurerganad readers the apesker; lisrefare, at ail Urmns able vate. -ig5s blbepaemeni aiil fightlng chance. whlch ane caun#Lod bonce the -unruly pan. muat iebu oW and evor, taoit heed what ye huser sf htv a' on iet"Im leu ha e oic u stIlaan tile, i l'n. * dd Idie ode are o nt-df - aer"eytigan o'tr- t.;threpus ave bau ung în I ha'-e non1»0410Wsciencry ninla an th BaVt ru-.asîl Jar. Hatoiy, "and I amt confident trut, hu dulli ie pe- Tare cure Ofyurseif and pneumno- cause of Inestmabe misiciief. A gondl puaI everythlng yotn heur. that the grost majorlty wiii fAýar lise ýP b» dotifndthe,,nLis, ca' tbucis You. Its uP ta Yau. pia.___intheone1_a______ct ~uOs eI, ijlutrue. Il lu 0v- Au emlnent speciailt gives tise foi- Z- plan. ANINDt yJugelu dibetonu Iandi lnsrYut e e*we--4a tise luit, lu tue daM.l avis« simple ruies- LZIN1EA!N A EO.byJugoletadi taf nhtry a carry oui(a Id ns lar inauthu b>tise million. "Have pieut>' af fresis air day and Long ugo il vas prophesled that ltsa aung«ltsalast chorus. The viît-ha ,asoofeotgtagtthbli ~a a-o ploutai prasia Ildaes't ught.t Mon vouid Test aniy as lang as lsbuarlel prapiset bas dupartud. Theelt n a at ieo"ade vidtar outum t muei, If Cotyi>' vouva "uard agaînst Chili and dantp. mater mmnd t*antroiied IL. Wheu pageantryla l forgtten. lu tir place sdd vrtlg.'sll arvv ep lu fadrl' condition." 9qver a- *Do not avreat or averdrink. ' .,an Aexander Davie, but bis paver lise Cohldo aýIntuer, the desoistian PrOaperît>'. - -s.-. ~tite faundallous trombied. Theu city whIici attends dumîair - vien druams Psy Prior Lions fîrut. 'tjý hy le nd the Import- ,,VWbhn ail tise claînis tise court de.dn im-edus are prior lieusb e i paddil ".L discussion of lise frou seul munt againsltte cvii. One agricuti- Influence rather tban thse ideu iebunet bu added ta tbu long lîst af Ameteîai or are salisfactaril' assurud, then aitliec 9 jimoubas areadl' been begun lu tarai bdy aiter aîubtbur ha corne out forth drev peope ta Zian.. Bllef lu communlstic experimunts. The resuit the aCher dlaimas aliawed by tise'court s0" fl tdenupclatlan of thse gaveruimuntlinau ln somusIsse gitul vît11 un- lu exaetly visat vas fruuiy predictud viii bu untiled ta vtat lu luit. Thse YOM seluta.vere caugrasu le grillait-practîce ai frac seuil distribution. thuetuai spiritual atreugtb ted mny ta vhun te plan vas Irai annouinced. court will ordur Il sol for thuir heu- r- ta>'ai isebusnessaf itesue grnge aresîçngî opasOeta lsi ail lbey bal and brlug tise mouey it occasions na aurfirise. The oui>' It. If the parties jolulng lu tise ru- avaysitthebumnes oftheose grnge ar etugl opose talistaltinfor Invustinunt lu bIsedr.eam feeling lu one af symrpatit>,' for the organisation uchume boy it tbeY viii T on. The gret figisi ai Tast yedr cotînuance and uvea tbe congreas-cily. Thse bapeful Couverts ta is gaod soule wbo wvere dluud it ae aîn hoevod fo ontu lIeS tise agrtcultîral comniitttee itan froin tbe rural district la iaing failli cama fraintail parts af tbe coup- tblnklii-iteAdlo oiotu capable 0ai lsoniy the nomaitproportion Oi theli "a aslnst govrnunent Bod dîtri- hia'former powerful arguntunt ln favor try, mas»' a tavu and village nov e-re ralizkttin. purchase prîcu tbey are euttled ta, Do1 uj1aj afigt a iscis(lngeOman of It, the argument tisat lisefarmuru callng tish uetesuo tupo, Tbree propoicetions are sutumtted to iticitnatîîraiiy wouid lie uti>'a ev ch.n ,deit »ehsu a prominou srt, vilii anted tbe Bsonds and vere untîtlud ta dludeil marial vio lt exrythîpe go tisase Iterested. Onu lu tae Bel]ont;cents 0on the dollar. toaobtn, is aomltoos bve uat snt ui usbasbun tse i sarifcelu oyder ta get away undur theubhailmer viti a prospýct of;"Ater ibis paymeut tg made tise M I t'fe edpajal ualets rciufr>aa qulckly for tbe promiaed l I"d of Zlit. savIng 1l cents ounte dollar. A 'n.courtiigvetsbursa en 404uiln c th foo e" ro#t-dffrtmntl pretee or ,cas. Thte sbock wvicitcame vitit the an. and lml ta put tite propert3 lun te tille ta te i-tate. The Judgeviii ap- ou Immm tise agrcultural bilvas Tier. la fiamollit argulment flov Itnauncemuenltai tefidltvas noitigbande of roai esate agents. ie sIovr point te directars or board ai man- sMd pt sustasued and tise Approprition favor at frseuls. No one vouid oit- jbut comman Clay vas a terrifi'c one. pracens, hrlugiug perhape 25 cenits for agers for tite irot Year. Ailur that. tvc «g luettel b>'a 'veto of 153 la 83, ject ta tise gavorument's aundiug ont "God's anointed," lt1ricrntducsdalrrpeeasi.Tetiîdlt umesm> otine liitienoardity La lhe debatute olshresultl lu the a fev simples of new varieties oi Eijais," bal preachcd titat alekitusa la ta frtn a trust association w-lth; or elect anotiser, a byttskha.st ~-gtIs t jse iaue vs nerî' vgOlisi sel fr tst~g prpo u asteéremit oa in1.Mlhen diseuse four ZIoin Mon, Ivo outside business Ttus te ruai ovuera aifte propertY ~wk oug ol ery pirtolvislo ktisogistue grlultuaixpermun olatinhlmibu as it a dif5eiut pu- mens, and tue receveur as nmanagers. viii conti The poviu fr.Ileagoas W«klmad, ahied whtelatbuglt heagicutualexerien ofsilo ieretlcily; vitan chargea of These trustees voud u lte tovu manftgem'1i. Ts cucsTedr W »tes mltrol «Aginsi;thepralin- stations are fur botter quaildeil ta do Muscondut vere freuiy made i lutin- as a corporation antd suek tliat can bave 1 bîugta10do vuil tunirlas , Mm vs tis a irgat-an record lu tuis exprlmentll vrk titan the av-tance as a spiritual leader vastant for- possible resuits for ail coucernud. il by tituir consent. - - obmb. rage tarMusr. But tue fucl la tuat te. evar. lu sncb a situation na ordinar>' lo a case of 'aave vito can." Tise Zion Mal' Mold Up Head. eys 1Iss yeu tlie glt aganote tfreeeedi Iltribulel are unatit>'of the man Couil sape ta lbe able ta ral>' a Zinproject as originally planue<l la "If tuis plan auaccenda Zion eautoid Vi Md vule tu rObiulnIOOdiOfrma C ommenet sort. Muni'of tisent are dîaouragelipeuple, In-pire tisent vit tefalure. Far tue bunufit of tisose up Sehoa and sa>'Il oves no man ew 'fsate pint. 1legamont la tise throvn tavayas uoatons and tue gaad fresatcourage, and tuad tuent forvard vIsa are vatchlng tise approacis of excePt I1h ovu people.One wvana le trogei fo lie aImIalln lpa brogstis anuaidîsrib tetaauccass aiong practicailîRs. povert>' Itlelata biesope thut Borne- vitagaie $140.000 te secutreanan'u l ueo saab aer for t iàd s d a e influela lua roporibtutise Wfthaut te paculiar peraanaity and thIng maylibusaved frointhtie vruck nuit>' Of $11,1600 la today pleadîn ut C th fro oed pprprilisa su late nfiit«mal a popotio tathetise pucliar paver of "tise Ell3ais"' 1'dlvarclng religian frointbuiness for $5 a veek ta ie on. A cantrmesaIo ilimmed b ba iveluhty publie uaa Iuocoul tuat la annuali>' entaiied. Zion vas notullug. sud tlemptiug ta ratablisis Maltera inval l niesled ber ail, about $15,-qu -~ ' - - Tiso lat at lu tue Irama suema on a practIcal basi.-Chics brgo Tri- o>' bs u ltaua 0buo sueai on.This e robed horburie."Teearcodtnsulcabi ILLINOIS5 IN THlE NAV. $ a-suu. vsta corho vinar c ditses. mtceil De ttstaI er 070 mou voile but t ls. iatrlotic dsîre ta bulie fsrv- ta a Çhrlmiau business communit>'. WAndintise unvy umIMlIuo0s. oua 1 g0 tiscommnacCountry' lu atîtu ,A GREAT VETERINARY COLLEGE. .andItIlla not charît>' tise>' put but an 5 ~ igt ueue ui oovemore paorful, finco tise nation Tise packlug Interesto ai Chicago pertinent oi oriinal researcht ln cou- aIsance ofa aatl amount montisi> or Ne neoe s0 e1 ads limos mon, tue sata ftas cinwthtemdclcolege et quartarly wvitislier Inîtmeuts asua *Ml4»b. usy g»O ino i -torflt no iindrasn wICu v Calinbe re- bava afferaI laalise University>ofailiii- nclnvlt iemlclsenrtty."' ains ut awibaa. -Mmo . plliOt5C. uoel shou i laloved 1a rousin. nie thumm ai $250.000 vils vicistise unîvursit>' taI vlI have a Ire- ,Mr. Ilatl>'sald ltaItue alloaunt ai Wr-OdW»mt mvasemue at i Ceffl 1%r tisaI sionthe vitale aate viah i is myth otcon teulons Influence ounlte lue stock actuel poverl> lu Zion up ta tise pres- &"ai *Duy a ianlateUnti den ta E 1-0tue littho aid Darotisuaro. ta establis i iatcl'liemilcn-indusîr> ai tisecoeuutry. eut date bas mot been alarmlng. Thte OUI teptjnov TrS. Tier. are plaaed b>' a ma-.f-var uatl o 1110plste ieterlnary colegu u intae vorl. In titis proposol Institution. avîng ciurch bas a l'pour fond" orairnt5 P a slu is m iv fronthte M idle ud, nM t s aa l, ta s e t e n ov naval $300 ta $ 00 a m ont , sd t sa I bas P" igu'. Tises aud aliter slrlklug ilabel sei muly >'as possible, la nseal lu tiIs gpeut uulurtuking oui>' b>'the proxiflît> of tisa Union stock Ovraer VàiIva Moas RopIy. cm of a!thse part vih ll inois tise puy ofi sea mejnachiiste, lec- coulrîbutlng tise actual running ex- yards, fils funders und sppouor aî GnrlOraiVlvaupl t OM' lu beluggUp tIsapersonnel o! trilanisu»d gnomraie ta a figura îe w 1 I ii bitise plan of liacolver Hatl>'ln u atdlue th. m*vi- bayog ureuy beau pteseutod viil i viipermiltishe yauth vils apen a iC v ie comparativu y for sartllng dsnvries lu hotu icI- drusinsîis cotained un ultimatum -1 la he eeei aclumni ai 3theTribune. itansieriug 8110w bise nai>' ta enliasu anali.urInary,-and medicai tires. ta tuoso lu Zion Cit>' vio differ fraint Mg MMst upeui ftr tioelies, buttaY lu the service vithout eacriflclug On Dcembur 13 the pacicers offrel Bludets t tise uev veerluar> cal- fhim, a dofita lise recuiver. und a plus ttl MepmgWlhte oiaremphsilse thoma the InloreesuofilbIs ur anus andlatu e snm mentioned, ta erect buildings, luge vould lho givon tue freadat for asasitance la hie foliaers ever>'- W OOuilaoloi vit penllsng plans of ovu future isapplnus. er te avv bepartonesl.t- ~ Bofore t"~ establishsment of te nu- and la pravide a campleeaq(uiPmntt, tise stock yards t ait tintes sud d is er .olatral declared tuaitte tend- Uti ns ItisaItUe tmtaa.val rooorvVs ai ltelitreut stales the -talbu citosen b>' ltefacul>' o! tue lu- osel cattle voul ho furnlhed tlisenecy lovurd democrac>' lu lise tavu 1 t»o5*,tise aitIti o! SMO Ugmonu1tamai>' vas rmand laiigoiy lii'allons. stitulion, and a ulnty-nlne yoar bouse froe of ehamg for experintentatîon. voul lead ullîmatelY ta falînre. ~.ua> t fl because -Use lvau vthilsace hoo iaItue Country' of land visich is viii b fai ufficlent Practîcal tralning la Inspection oi dis- llies ti tIs ot u0vi000bu BketsaOu w ai pgOI er>'800 hr lu rea&iàg liseUnt o lbe vctimes o!fo uonen t aof0000 poxeso f6e, aa tIsa at, ugSalowsi&>«Qatort tue Uine sav uMI rualised for tise area la pravide for tue gravisailte esel animais voutl frto !tieor befr etSna 09 the ti> t ui os ltw i#sat akOa rebo oolutuo o-proposeil scisol for a cenfir>'. courues, und lte traustur of diseases Ail join Hande Now. 8il b. om.m for tasvwal yeffs te a ainrs lIse natâcon vas even than. A Tise pîtrpaue ai tue scsoal iiibu ta iroint animale ai one specira ta lhose Aituougb faclng poveml' u It 'oi a getaeslly te Ill»intefor à&" a u neiopg surive visicis s--provIde coml1ptent is-casafottsiaretlio- oil pouding rulu. Zon fallavers Iodu> e-t *9 n i .à" l i Ma nutoer 0oMulap lon tueMet & aleon alvanlurars 05 i u rl arel tuat tboy wvlU ratuer unlorgo aoes 4» t»yh e oaigr i am ev. or apes, intealof tueetsouglis aiUnion stock >'rls, and for tue athur profilera tfalte department ai orlg- sas-rvatlandunIhardibipi than bave , enamnmen beoRgvatta thise Ii au ou. ih luanis »v tue danger gpeut abattoirs oaiUsscountry ansditai reseurcis. tueir propeft it faointise banda ai me eMI o»de n u ultise ramel', uI Use bine Jackets Bot-upe. Presîdout James bas instructions unfeelîng outsiders. Tise>' vre taelttr the'fotiiliinoilh e. W tse ede- %& sckel t tisa suggestion that tise>'th *trctin e te Xlào blpel -ke The proposI nov Institution tafor £otlhe backors of tua caoloet a sesli tue Zion estate, ln vilcbmsuy M ow.,sa u osia gaas .>'la> 15tise rumnig figIsI off Santiaoa nu. tise traluing et "expert lusPeetara'" la cura tue best vetorinus->'facult>' la the of tuema haie luveted thoir ail, uies- psu. Isa ~e~s et 15m i-boUl Vieor->. This siit ha hueContlisedirect rousait af a report mado ta worl n tlating bise vaorrny, the hsumer or tu a nd briera fo fs sit gvitinuei a"d houl bofe tora.--Ci- teGerma» gover'ument'b>' tho Gar- Pra.ce, Svltzrl and CilerS& ad sorui eatate deaers, und DovlelteS, tue 't'alia follovers und tise farces of 'Usi 1 11111' isai.5 çaig<1 -Tribu»n. man expert, ugiseitOstos-bof, visa ru- vancel conttrlea aiEurope Wittliebu t e terfactions aifZMon haie untl 1-vm ýpas-lad 1tu e Kgaiaulioriteraas 10,101laponu. lu a. effortta lavme tise Cil>'for tue short lime ago tisaI the Inspection ai The atasi tiste colloe isuotua bon eict." ée efl ln atpeatcnucoe h toc determinel open sud no pasa hvoe10SekodooRio ln ut pesat cninlolTheisesuggestion tuat Zion (111>'migit *yards vus faulli', oving ta tise lack boonmade. Wberever th tua itain olanfaunIes- tua haimmar la ment the Th# w en kthofaitrainel men lu Amerleoir fois lsmgit holocalal, hisaver, for AIl neeemos.qaa!tue Ipverishol stock- vak. dîseasos of aimaÙis vico u mo bevisa hoare approiOblg âlital tni Exprt stuito mue I ve>' lou teati lt acIsoacib. useu uarnis vas male at a Meeting af Use la Expet Oterbt mde t vey cear reaed n a tromedbd oestheackisaidos- Crultors, but Usera vai tuatI Ilwvastue fo, nolIses- aofte taniark ring lu tue exposition buiîl unaulmons opposition ta tiIL Plain. - goveruflntenr a a p ncer. ing of tua Union stock s-arsla ollibe_______ - . -pv. laid tise basno on Amoresu elucation- nuib>'tise' students. ExaMlnatloniD M iea d uu f10 .-aIlustitutionsi for uegiecllng ta pro- ai catthe aulillétel b>' lImet atue -Wflhit on' couto!-- - ---vida trsiued mens for jut auc - poil- ligaments sud ather motos- troubles A ti ' v ilie bumule, uni expasitor lectures-- Tise posslbllties lu tula Ofel are gien aler b>' lie proiessara ln the Speiches- Says Immoderate Eating, lp l-, tsuitlleis ITtla possible tb ffaijula declasamoints. Orlnking. Worklng ad Thnklug Resulted ln Sreakdown Of Apoities MenllltyandWorked Mils Riin. and __________ _611__------__ t'Teloin. hum i, tell hft i ibdo etlyan an>'lhîng for hlmn," pe ieu tue girl. su 0lÉs"Tell ien lm I iiigiva him ailtbe John Alexander Dovie, lte familder fulgs ir caoeut-'rel hlmail iofiZiou City,. la dunounced us a vina us viii make l mi tas." bbios-.rJonG Sece na 0E - ~Tise dlspa$cier mllel for valun- OorerJh G.Sucs.lua taur, I ahilb.menvba ffael adsdreas upan lise s-auge cOluct Of __________________________gohal been aceoptel *aI bal beau n lis D," e lartwetai .n n 0v Until Janiary 1e, 1907 X8___________ - t hejbseea petj wud .Ho vantî constant>' ovureal de- TbaalkIug ou>' maziy iuebie! p 1ve tise b eei. ois.ap eis vônil eung DveIogruelIa tna ThAIsat's l.ita numbar of tue cou-n* r io bewraaBtteruu s -li eat qusutiîîsof ai;mua nI .fote-lbe -tr& WM" dctos n Ie - &M-ElOtrc a gve Lth perence. brnc asdrink, a mun> a s ix kMode aidrinks trad reeive - uolos as tu C.& M Eleîrl us- gien te paforucinluun euînng," salI Speicitar. OhtttM» nd he Pttit Mrsulsug la ana of Usais-. fllàv ticket 1 Thatlla vS> ho, la nov iseiunoatre- "Heons enau kuo a elleu Vb .s.adlt at'poulcisers. Ail il leaAIT lane a! cise fronta ocetl' b>'thaseevivehave ola itet-w 1- fS w wlsh >ou a Happy e- -< bey'0a!LIbert7.vwle girls as-e lyu a ngvna portion of tiso dalla- ' a 'venytvog Asse, id Yeu YOII LBPectttl1I~~~~~~ linvaif ta glis bis d1 i tis te de-1 henoi bas rS«eve. Tise girla hav vielaueel.Alinl'u tl..5.. les h18 vus fermeulel anI tisa fondcoin- liho e suamtoion.I iecuttrue fta Usais-word and theso n iit r rnune o Itappeara tistaI ufev niigisaglin listhe uuiform l.u9sufferiug front-Inuli- islseaner pane t se.&kn, rik TV . .* tt our molsYoung and beaautiiusion.imadersle eing a vorking. drin- 11.îmiss e lonlaIcar t t*ke Bluff,.ti lti su d teepcaua mmolatoh SO- M LC Tisese vas n o 5>ta get honne excuit 1 This papes- charges for ObIlu an- the oult.sait. - . - O ua.- f- tue ..ar -U sTir nsIy 1 - O- -spac . la .s-o s -va I Tm m a - u l e lom u a n n fl elsuarDvo appsotl tlajf aisrthi sud isoaltu tissu il tIe sînce ha returntl front Mol ami>' tisi, yuam, sauidittie Ia01 enurgi' >esterday tuaI lue ex- tI ta vin out l'ut. bave beeaakicd," salI bu la hi$ tiegatIon aI Siuishanose, "for A-. rogardiug lte butent circula- seul t>' Recdue- Ili>. I have no taton lut uttyltlayau, tai, f0 oe afit I. bIolemialeadiiig anulun- have naîilg ta su>' agalnst Mr-! e>' perionul>', but he bas beOn ed und decelval. Ziau'sastio1S ?r hauve beau lras than ber- listi- I. gnora Ibis cîs-cul&r and vhen tumon cantea put >'ous- assi that yau lou't lu a dollar. The stallula galng la vin tis Ogis ludge Laudia bal buttes- Isisocurea. S.eod i m nand htaknnva vitl f q Choie* .........----- Fanoy Saut ............... Plum GM si- bo,.....a ie#«su jav ...-....... Boston Mpuuaand uiavs. e Llb.rty Combbisatn, peurea a 0- . daffupo, wu0Ii SO a d ul ndi&. a OpMeaa t.. 1si9 lobs Srskfet .....- oug seSuor Quslpowder.. mosa luga -teQMNal an.Iiiapia a iss ulfBs-t05Ftis c'> Californie Prune, par lb . asseta are comîug Itm y ni-sadi. Gallon mau Table Syup .........4 Pomr, misemabie Valuva bue about Quart cmu Table SYsu-up., icd tis enud ai bIs rope. Is ru- Qart euaN. O- liolb~asa. lo la iseukîng up und I alili hope 'rumkogi,15g C=ewjt. earit Siuaistabernacle." posum Cereal, largpkg.... _________ Grpe ul. 2kr ........... hutuatanutiaPrises. Pettijobn'à Ermaat Foad. pis-pkg: ao " talambvu, inalead e of so BekfsO>o~s ýft dmo 1BAKEFWs CIOCOL-Ar Cke msy boaks DIrila, s-55 npubAKEFrS COCOA 8-2 lb. cun ochoals, MuI gsb(1 lUn'ttisà Funcy Head 11k.8Iblit........ l u a enter ed t0u s.h ecr édit f 1is5! e - N a i " ~ Il ung prize-vîsums. are utilizol. - libellaI Pop Cas-'url Eus-I Luci. I1ran laitei Yoiiaw Coruuit lepic lb.. R sards iuvaCoI i m->Arm4IC~Rminem Soda. 1.0e pig ... Me0 i Sa aeD tI YJU7 ardines lu ail Mpes- <-<u..... tact, a great mun>' of Ibent have iuuportelSardLntsier ueau..- -. trialseo!au>' kîni;, Jusiîmpi>' hnsta-....... lap, umetauions tsesa . Ilb cami almns - u............... Plut Batie Cateup pr'-un - - .1 fulouarcis CondeuMuel <k pur f-au Tbs Gua:et 0f uIISIOI Yacht-club Assort $oup iw!r eau., à ev elucatianal tlbieOf veghstl2Plb eau Rar Jués Puas------- i measures: Onu hlgh achool maes lis2eauCmSwuetCocu- -------.... '0 goals; foui goals ma»ie oi. - lb eau Bakesi Buans ... -»., s; tva cologea maire oe u ivOIFg- 8lb Cm iPUkum ..............- r. lb eauEggPlumis---------.... 8l lb can Extra Tantatoe ..... ______Paekago Fins Table Salit ... . My g la flb fo r S o ld i s. 1 0 B a rs L en x o a 1ý p i . . . . ..- Te Japsuese gomorment supplias 10" Cromu La.ndry' Soap, - -ý large numbar oaiuts solliars vfh 10" Msple CitY'fo&p...........1 gassass tus mon ha,. Istuclve bars......... MaU. B______Sut Lump Stmu in l bulk) pis lh.. lroaalpackage GloeeMrIe ... luastiOni aiAMAl. & P.sL n LyO pat- eau--------- O'«ente'sa. Brug ts. Ts>' bo't Extra isouiAmunonl per baIll.. d11 dry locka ta put bhes a IsmPorlction Bluing purisottie... Usa 50 tail."r M&ma 8 'ilIbo WaailuSodg a ............ drer. dqum»U-al, per cake........ --. ----., lt-. __________Sapolo pis- cake................ Postai rdeva e i r»7 Risiug SUn Slave Polflu--------. Nas-y 1,0000 l pstl -ia uAsbstaos INuls, eae......-,...... N-1 IIIW ffltu 0" r&mlà 5 bien Clatis. Pins. -.. ........ --' MI evar>' >oss-from this eOflMtu tOSun Lump Chlmneya. sucis... ad &"do >l~ttaeam~ E. ELLISWORI Is-agh jijigend iIJodl" 0111101618 ofasslm on ride1 ba M omnibUs. An Rai>'On01M Thora are luci>' Nicholuasandii m3 ti- Nilcsa. Hea's A SioR ms0 -wbicis la tise luci>' on., tue osa or îuzgvortl-N. Y. MaiL PAYa ta Puy. paylng l'ans- btalaàomseki et & Mying huilui. WIUs a uamwsovma-glu of aix fats he ateamer Ays-alre Pm".dtus-anis is Manchster ship canai,,belmatise s-geaIvesl hat bai navlgstl tise anal Md lacis. six paasper persai per uau lu "e uverugo steu s et a«nMD l tua..%0Terarge la tom obus«s tu xnglanl azia Piamta Grent Utlel ImportaeMM0AIOmU f arta totsa ayaur. Notice Tber. areaugreaman- oldnevsaps at ise Is4DKi'EIutuqT Oaie Wb" teau bu u" lunvs-pping etc. A large bunle fr Oîa conta. ýMACH.INE of ail Kinds ARIPAIl with Thon AND Dispatch WILLM A W~C UbertpHlU.M Opposite St. Paul Freiglt ý *Bug a Boule ofce' -Hackley's Twelve Hoùg "ý-, Cough Cure=ý and get a guess On ds w mber.1 Berns j theeBoulie Guetter Getemn bIf, GIVËN AWAY ifackley's FARM