CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Dec 1906, p. 5

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We Wish You a New. Yearl Je ELI TRIOGS s s Repairing Watcheet or coeslti t 1îereei -s-i -ithe careful attenîtioni it deseêrv'îer. No îuutte-r how deli- cate or e.xpjîsivte- a îiit -me-t you îîay have you nîay letote it to b- ru-pairedi or cleaned with the full aseeura-aiîce tlîat the work will bu- doie ini the mîoit jkilful manner possible. boe* A. ifUSS, Jeweler I Lo!t"YVILL! 4S1 boe@ Iieadquarters oelete creams ,bu Miied Camdg 7U " c rem Camdg a Pound Sd Mitds WUTH & DA-VIS TEA AND COFFEEB-LEADERS Libe tyvili., 111. SMan Imbued wllh *'Thé Spirie' Pasuss Pidn Uplier eu Tine ' Through Just Befère Christmas *44igIndM. Warnlng Men of "The Eirly Rearn of Christ to Earth." And ùov l a bapîî)y New Ysar toe MDto1r. or dru. Frank Siniser ln thes enowy. blusterlng cold of' you. Tre&uY, Dec. 1 ,girl. Fnlday igbt. his long, tuilboard filled Résmant, eO ril by number and not Qseawierabart from the Univeruity wlbanl. d of teIe, a min. by nain@ visn lilepbofing. of Binots for is Ch stmnas vacation. pItrýls hl luppeanuce. trong sud lrmat of ahouider, wallcod Into Lit> mi" "yeorjeispding the hoidays MiesBeoute flou-in home troum thieertyville. Staff nl is bind, ho etoP at ber hasideta Belleville, Wis. Uuiv.rifty of Illin 'i for ber holiday podi aii ti. ight reffected train a galIY vacation. .,t The usai Myotlc Workers card party I decorated store wl ndow filed w i i hm a. ntponed toa.anuary 14. R. .Triggs elsf Mouday night for ty, 'sud glfts for the chrliatuIde. Dr.Ber Ginio seutChretms wthJeferson, la., whs lie in @pouding a The. étranger luquired of a psaser.bY hie.parte iand @rp onChnsts» lan.we.k with a <brotît the liwyan d distance te Milwaukee. Missé las D.avis. oh Gefo net AiteM . hr r Hes watold that ik was over Ofty MineAlie Dvid 01 eno, @eutChritus» mouean bth thé. norang miles sud eeemlng to weicome the. Chriinmé» with béersiseur, lire.M. --a.nd evening ervseu lttSunday. uews, stuited UPOn hbie waY withOut i Protine. word., tir ani ire C.A.lIewIc, psu Mrs. eury GIoldin, ot A reporter overbeard the conversa- Mhr.stmad ithrel C tA.vemwat J@neteWaucode, took tli 'Chritmu luner tien msd hfiing the min aulted hie- Chaidtmas oit wltve a aenil vith tbefr son, 1Dr. E .--Qoldlng and bussiueupon-the tormY rta"iwiti p Ciritms la n oeMadoucnhy tr. landMlre, W. J4uliranddaughier time of nlght. yueUthat preset you wanoted but Alia put Cirai euew lwti their The man lingered a moment to tell did ot get.1 daughater.Mirs. Loui rotine aud failiY, ies tale. qi am warnlug men of the Rer. and Mare. Mlton 8. Freeman, Of at Racine. " eariy coming of the christ,,, he snid. SCapran, misent Chiitmn. at the F. C. ~LuaRs i "!ending a weet"dtedyleceethn.Wti Smit.h home hor. lher oid home ati danil, ii, wth hie comlurg the world wl lie ho 11110 Mir. and lire. E. .. Bielhop, spent reltive.wbemOa gattqng inthe nature wth tribuilattox. transforat'ionsu SChristmes at their old home, Harnmoud, 01 a fainilY reuntc, washéladou ter men n d a gs4tsaomt In d., witb relatives. Chritmas day. wiii be wrosht. 1 arn the Dns whe warns men of the coming. I amn the lire. Frank Cbadwick, fornisrly Mises Wednesday aftrmoi, Janary 15tli. herald of the coming reeppearsuce Of Alice Sikinner, of Sprlng Valley, la spend- the Royal Neighbure ili ilistail ollicera .Iesn Christ uapon earth." ing a week with ber prent here. for tho euneung.yer. iii membere urgel, ."But wbut fenseyau thraugh these Min sie ateronwh l atedigto lie preseait. ronntry rouds?" lhe -as aaked. Mh Uies tyMaiatIllin lo i e atndinge A. M. liîsa, Recorder. 'Iý.o net know," answered the titn, holiddy vacation wlthlîi.bertyriile The box soial lit th Locksechool on: 'i go wbere the volas of (lad bide me. frieude. the 20th. provedl a sucqiamibath aocialiy Now hie telle me to go ta Mii watil<ee." Mr. and ire. iB. Wee ,tlake 'ad liou, smd llnantiaiiy. 'Tle puceede are toulie "How ft do yon expert ta get to- need for book@ for te erlidol li'bary. tight'?" 'and Mir.andlire. John Peter of Vrainie MaieeJ. Finn.'y, tih,' utiii<r, im.toIs le t*on- > -'hen lits voice bld.4 iii"» liait i wilt vi e., epeut Chnrn1a day at the bomne ot W. . Peslter. grtul'il. 'd lat." 1). C.Lorimer and farniiy ai Elgin. ahad W. L. Ea'-kley Iilii d ;ithi. store 'bat. iare nual iutxed up witii J. t. MKercier,managerofTlIaiuip8ans au1nsptý;h ray ut g--he 0it-. -1o. * o,'i,,1ae'?'dli) it e Hotel, Chicago,were Christmaq gu-stq ofi mt.Mh fu'îî. te otî. 'rite "o iIa mxdn'v eu J. . lcAts m fmii, - uetiffe in lii. ,al' da% lked ta jluck. Christ," camse the eurprislng angwer. the loisitkto' ei 'i î .e-amon. and 'lmar worklng for God. i have been 1Mie.. Helen Wright, of Wnrd 8t'iiinary, the Ciraiyst.a plisait remlinder. worklng for hlm eluce tast eprina." 1N'asiirilie. 'leu-n.. and lier brotiat' The man then veut on ta tel that Wiliam,. of tUiviiersity i l Ilinoim,.lire Geiorge Luek in.Iwlrertr from hienarli Cies Flood, lu Swea- homne for theii holidity vacattion th Ieouit atit bing old iies isw , llisCari Fiuie. Hie home le lu Tue hes' wekeil,1e.y aiMn.nndater iiaving a toith uiid a conuple ut, Rockford, wbere hie bas a vite and Th atr-ko tAfird nofMr ndw i8sao. For n tiir ik an. feare<ljfamiiy. He lea amieseenger of the tirs. %iuiStfoddied siidileiiiy thé' 'eae %would b.'esot aaagland Ilu Spirit. Suitliv svening. 11iih' yb bad l l*it hie nerk wne ewolien ) an ahuormal He was aokefi vho cared for hie lit. :ailing for several 'aifi li ough l$ tsduahli i..tie one dnring the cotaid nghtâ he le n-s't iîexaje.tted. Mies Nani'y MrcArthurt the University svay upon hie tanaticai tripe tbrough The ekî.ttiîig lit thie'lake bl-eus of Chicago. MiseMiin MeArthur. of the country. "The One vho cires for tînusuall> goiel for theîppiiet we.'k or W1orthington, lad. , vhelshe te principal me will vatcb aiver themn," ie satd. more and t1i.'yotnhg îpeople of ths village (if a igla sahoo, au Mises Maths ________ laemking the mnt ut it, parties gaing -briu.crti n ina ecer, ai ot aiglîtly for the sport. Aiegan. miiah.. oient trimtnas and !a 11GB SCIOOL TO I lre. A. L. havwe Ist the tiret oi the part oft tleir holiday uii in with their irC L !TO woek for tineon City. la., wher,' ber asièter. tire. Ueorg" Ban, G TC L E I# ster rs nrrled un Thuredar ai nue 'News-wme recel' .1 lerTiie.diby ai the 11 wsk M.Haewiileave ehortly for &fit' fTbaiTorneaPepat Oak Park. Local Atorney in Washinlgton,. Texase ree lie lainjteres te. Mir. Phelpe a. a a lemothaiilaw uf Bilas. Succoeds in Gsinlng Promiseof A ise-are tii year sediug Wight ai Libertyvilie ail aieaaWed IRire GifItfruims Smithsonhan lu- the1~NEPEI*ET a ttetLDtfranden.a roui relate niat te viliui. Tie dece=a i iCharitmas or New Yeats presient. This ball reacbe heti.dvauev age oi 82 aild $ta ion. Imnkes a very acceptable one ma' 'l uév a.known asud rosted lty many ai that veekiy reminile the recilient a the prominent résidenta of tk eounty. The Ljhertyville high echL00, > mailer. 1The new deivery @choe uherelîy tiei trola, th. efforts of Attorney B. H. iThe speial nassmsnt@ ou botath iter local lstores are malng but tira Miller vhO hie jutretn.nd tram _ &a îd seecnsrcinaede andl deliveries cadi day i warking ta Wshntu D. C., viii lu the usir tu- eholilli pal mmodiately alle-r the perfection, it l aid, au te giving the titrzrceie ra the Smitbsouimn Ilu- new Veut aettih. latest. bîîu viii suvegracere sgo aram-b sata collDction of maiine .tu ltoe atteding ta the natti.r early probubly lie ri-onueionail time.etttinaclcio ofm e - Gs n.iaeretv llî'urgd i.on ail ielayi'îl Honeewivee iiiiet laissait; there are vertebarates andl a set of fiehes lu 'il- a but tw de,' rie and pbe tuur tarderecool. The gft of. the collection p,net'.aeeordingly. vhich wyul he highly prlsed ornes Ni.-ast1Moîiday niglt the-ce aili le-a Neîv Yeats dunee ut the- loin hall under The local 1,gboecbôolhee iirganized tbrough the office of Hon. George Bd- ths aispies aioftihe Q et Q. Anoutre- twa iterbry éomiette. main as the mund Foe ith whlcb Attorney Mil- tuent@ f ni ueai neatuesetram te Exeelsioricir îl te Aleian soities. 1lier le conuected. l'1E.ElEi job ileparmeut have ben - The objeet ie tii aid and rmte pliîhie Th,,, collections arc gatbered in se.nt ont. - Supper wiii lie serve,!i lu ie epeakiug and litenary vrk aiiong t'en duplicate for ediscational purposea base-ent o! the hall. tudents. La8t Fridayuafteniiaoii the Aletian e.orety reuered n very landl the LliertyvillOe choci le hlghiY - lin.and lire. Walter Miler aha r5ide inuetin arn ety i e ils- oolIfrtunate lu obtaining promise of mn 'jufot sanhi ai tie elecrir deliot hadl a1 room nd te eveuiug prenions ltsearly empmrent. The exhtblts viilieba Christmas prement thbis yeur ai uhieli sot îety and thîe rs ihTdre entertuined used lu conuection wlth coological and à/u. titey are very prouil. le is e fine ail at the boni.' ai Prinr-ilall<ern. A very iaboniîory wark lu the achool. C healthy dmnghlei telt hy the jovial St. pie-isantmc.a ioe-Dning rasemspent. At_________ Nick. tir. Mille-r ia i. a'lvil engiier on un early date the Escehtir sariety viii the Northwe.lsru. arrange a 1i'nogram. ii Helenworis Iaependiwseka Do nat torget that au the niglit ai E. W. Parkhtret, Dr. (A. andl Hrry beC.n a htvteW. Jîuuary 1 at the Uion bu hrci, Spafiord Galowiyand Fred Parburet atteudeil TheBy .B.Mrifinvi rac the celebratedl cartoooiet viii leture utnurkey shonot t RtDy ouChnie4tinas tic Mthoditaet chuvh naîxt lfundiy Thie is undler the susPlceoftheEFýpwartl dm3' and showeeitithe r*ives dam lun moruing. Thé patar wlll have charge- Lemigne and le eid ta bie ane ai the maat our southlidele suburli loi ta shoot. of the. oveung servie. The Sunday intereeting numbere ai tice 001,0Targeto verse hot eta *ris' 1 ebst'bool muionanid the meetinîgs of Ep program. bon bad btteratte'nd. lirds wltneeing the Zhtr i .,.voth ELigtse have bénis oeptlona The Eatan (iravel comspunr lia's jut bule-eyes in stri compauce wititsi lntereilg dning thé past tuonth. The Oued an order for the delrery o! 25~0 lawe reative ociuety t aimlals. Thé Week ai Proyer will ieho ohervod lu this yraideoifine gravel for the J. M. baut @hot got a turkey nil the Libierty- chnrah commencing wilth Jauasry 6. Pattersou garniad hn.clased aeoiltract vlllianes braugit home b uthetnrkeye Vistare are welcome at ait servie.. ta deiver 300 yards ta Lake Forest. p1utup.Thore voie filinurtey@ shot tMartini Fre.hamatt, mitasuftered a The gravel pli la beoamng morsead for amd tbo four represftivOe tram aurt sîrke ai parshjele lueit Snnday ulabt moe osé,aitour Important Industries. li rui hm lta.B eWtathe John Marbour home, semÀ au Mm P . E. Ovron vwu burlidinth Pariburst mode the boa record getting u critical conditin l vth priclia Do fveoa!thenumber. Thiwevuotaher l aligfomteecs6 i ircei lietm un îhsrfe'm ebo rget a" elay pigeon: ioot Nov bears Bsngtioan~aye ý1f0J th E Foeyhainwoe day mduif vaztt#ét tddoi=an o.asrgties M assilay. yan 10 1ltr5d tiretand lan unaible a 01 =ilit*blyor te là fron eutrmr hnauy aiaeclaseand have a good 's sportg.t a e w&W old foods@ owin ta a fina" rites. Though asic Cntolear GeneOun1.Iandy mnoe arelys s0f the tircal Bis hyltat badl fl intaUhstiyIl but a biloitu.rselved lOOOaddWtonallsseiPebond& Dr. Taylor, gavés ver7 littie hopetel ebe haves issu.ber, huehand many in part meyntlconfais erk of mseor MOls. frisaIs ha maunuer deRarture. Tii. Isying. Tue makes a 10.1oai$8,00 issaisLinaiery vas in Liboty viii. for Rey. BR F. Lavler offula. li-b beheu positfotafr Iî n the job. thfdent timO lu hreêvseno A ber" 4heonging ta Ani eeLdeeki. This leatvis a payaient of t et $4,000 Hoe abu imanbing court dtty la raor o tisl village, bacante lfigltenei yt ta betuma&. la th.ii future bie Waut.a for that length 01f nt. at an englune at the. nev dopaioaly vW reaset 02,000 Jci Ihubuta.lie ina tlh v ic. omlng of thé uew seriff Bunday mormln pin g vets ugypam lviile desrod for thé lime Griff, he v n mnidiaCel roappolnte t vhh tv.hiliier thd aauan etoln wuli 'àadstl bo putsla Ite. -almlng dep«ty eberifi. "De..nY' ba. biensa 'M olielerable excletnenit on th tinte menholés; connocia viii galetr .304e depety for alqng lime andl ha. a Onta belsg. >tMe.. Lodetki sud daughter, snd flashes eut thé oswero ab sow ibia cime dag f lti.resenaPPeM Florenc, vers on tb. vay tu maissetai hla la good vorklng ar, r.The suds@cag hll the jobi au long as lhe vanlta the trn. Luektly no very senlous ut alit* ae s, erhues ire connetedita Wicnbho goe mier ama icPét damsage val dom hongb tire, Loieski direct wth tic vals? nins iihlm@a Obasahîyse nsuie lu oin g snusinsad a fai1 vhieab punlaly etnnnod viter caulhe trma in uta ieever for Î50 vÎiii veiy llttl8 "-fuse." W. tua w bier for the tinto bolng. fiuehlng jurposes wlioit t ue f that Our new depty ebeni file i agoal Whou George Lynchi reacheil Rondout O fro hase or other app&r*usmd Iis eOne.. lioudamrornlng for thé. ealy mail ho enables the vaten ta b. ced through uatrday ereuinig. lioccitber 29tli, thé founai that lu a.s Christma accordlug I t ho e er at great prmeosienl ca.'. Of Empire Amusement Company la bill t0 the pont office dépuassent a day i nesi for fiugaing. A eut-QI al v lla to appear lu the tain hall st Liberty- ahead oi lime. There vers sa many ]lie.pilClid t eacb juuctIOn litat the villa.unuder the management uit sache of mail luait lie had ta vsik bac k vmter may ho relea.ed * tnraed on. Navilier & Ollugen, the diet nimoil ta Lihotyville admiebohn.n'l biennaiblé The vitale sysce- ien cucpletud vili gentleoman boung no tranger tu aîae ta figure yet ba is hpp aiht resembienmuc théitecirculiaou eslemot0fcouuty n. Fremoialtaionshilp va. hiel ovet'yone îlth friande lu Lihortvile t te buman bodyy vleh lu veine sud birtipiace aid hoyboad bains. Tltey lu abnrmyar connivdoilt put up a job urtontos. piréseuta maving picturî and phono. au hlm. Chrltmn. moruinliebovolgraphiae etertiiument hat poultively mter tbo mail vitit the blgget rig;ho 'outrainte a&lother showste o dno coutl d i ol an.aklug for puble patroneandti e On gaturday oveuiuget lte home ai Cigare and Laundni audiene. everaymliere are b ghly pesd tbo bride'e mothor, In the pre.enceoaITabacca Office AdmlseloD 25c-nehtldreu 15t. abautthblrCY rlatlveo nd coJ. f iene_________ Mise Ethelien and tir. oy E. A Happy 1New Y.îr ea.a Chcgvr ito lu F WIn lua good nienre lusureil by iayîug velol he . . F.Laîler. Tic dwbaoigneemu v.pertormeil. E..vV aeMille a portion of yonr earuingead lu- brdW n. lsl uLbntyvllehors econ - ic latu vu a. a er yv la le wyong W . ofier a iber l iitere stl haanng lady . tbomany rsîîyatal seful Tonso ial alor rrtiiatea eoi.ineetnVot ?reaut1. laily sow.Ti i. ya oulgoinravn e ca ntau hokug1c '-Il W! WISII YOU THSE COMPLIM4S Of TII! SIEÀSON~ ivý P. Dimouu, Prms g.A. WZiEs', Vwepmu LAKE CO. NATIONA- G. SHHEDMNP 'L GAILOVAY 1 ami nov loctol la l".Dov store la J. EUi. TâMisb* on spregne vu"e Titi @hop tur nct m a. o vu eu esdom la tbe stOls. GI-nemealnlil. soucri TmeWD 1 S Bug Yomr àt

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