r (eu aver lu 1M sbtely Z ed t à,Nef latyeis hb esu oploir bu workeail« Hl as"aldrfll* . t the thIlt ispbop 1 *te Who '$%trlls eril o gveM a tOrtsand-l. as f' Obala la Ascrbed Mabe, 0*Yor lu »li a" etiSO,. lIUt el-dveS.soy t Y . X huebr bui bon mbIOtt et ing of pIdes0 a YO acks "îIl«r ta *ti .Onethat gusei lsdti.Wl!). inaya le ne thnlIse ym$tii. Evu@t*S Index: fou trafrm hie chair and wazVe. uttred Derigtie pWat 6* titre tua boom Ouly afttro citltd labs aver 1111. Vr»4 &l enrelbraoa t USD51- os tUM 110 S lo wu. 16 y«e. old. cnuaotoe»tt i mmeu ~ Tw.'Fit naI of the lae n.iayPr of tii. Uvatotan sd WanluI paP- ead'log ~ InPer vas attende i d b Mafl SOUek pW e. i.cammualctio a I'Mufoi- ,2 Md 'tbe cty eauunl tIw, . at n lowa; mn- aud1mm-17otr onde SAIof te e d500 -Au8* ion 01mbPrayer. -0 Lord *M4Wl% ad, ipi >iMln tt ot 100174400119' ., jansa, vs implom t tii, O Ugtarua inivs l fb wee pei@t.0 .o, ta bave mer« - o , aila"4 -7-p unfram an sodu by 411 pruoau ell* Aleu. 01bluet aud take ne ta bel Vth thbo -By Blmlap -i6,weoCeO vbarecal ss»mIe»r to uàrt up m edttdn meuded IIIte b. wift.u ad st t« -T'airWI gm p ày eaoai Iu n42iu0persoauolua *ineua tteutbontt> flan-l18 i pklà' BoNew Ima ' " V, , tii mtiMme terrible'se - Ndhh hbmu tIt esthi a >ar *W *ha rewrites tdus prayer far swgeiyjdbs <w "-I l 4wdrqd mon. ulue days., vrtlung XIanira.e eciiday, Jy anary id, k lea Bd tbat the ansudgnd ta uluO Perai», ibal au the gitl vleSMItif Vwnqp«Wiy.uc- lath, 4ay oxp.rl.ce morne great loy. oomgu t t li.MineWai Pait Zinc lDa uat break li Chain." LomIpn y Md Mgàgedlnuthe. meltlg onOu learulng that the. recelpt af diii ofsia nd 4brUs. VIII triple its os- communication bail warked upon the e otyadenufla sfrcetaf200 man titriasud senslhllltiez et certain peu, ore ow t entploymanti 86. 'Fie pie lu tis! commuulty, the mattor wal tetu Io -w bMM<alAgd takon up vithI iILabP-C. P. Âuderwa' a? m t sles isit ta *tat itI. et tie lacapal diaceeoa! hIlg 1 »" nbr alb. spplled by wha las de"lsred iilmeltin a lette, MoUeMutarCoampany, tram vwhlci le quated vitI hie permis bas vrltt.nlaortii 'Chicao san: uïd lau nersi, aung ar "'b. 'Endlem a bin Prayer'- ,su p icesw as aaan a t u <Otimes attributed te a p , mab ed»ted.ronce andd maetnmos ta 'tle Erlaboi o f Iliuoa-baa beau expoaed man: Urnes ln al a! aur cdurcis vookles, ii aru oaf aur diacesau-and parlsh pe 00pars, lu bundreds of. ecular paperi be aqoinMa ludlnLg novip*pera lu Chcaga Boa > f~!.4""tonan sd Nov Yark lu ddt6n 4$Olr Prv«bave vrittfl bundredasuýohobletter vinet E;ýïhMonunthia àa.ni flhobp Lawrence basi1dan =M everythlug lu bis paver lu the mma tâ* drectian. It »seins Impossiblet vu VWkwoo 04» « the et", t =i: r*break thei. aasand thereby terni a $plant o<mte tbis uicblevous !raud.1 a. pus.> g44 tW c USUeti n d S Decembor 17, 1906. 'thej ~ ,8 is llISWOl 0< EdItor 'FbeIndex: ta Itorm îa I rcoI&ly evold a m letti 0 bos bo i l , tIolSroUuetate man vhch contalno4 a prayor, vîlch aý , ,ý * b the l8idea4d tu as laimed vau autbarlaed b Maked Up. iê a» huttle word a!fViat vIII beBo p A neo an.- pwuhs<l* and M". Lpaugqet the tank of the. Viremak- tbat Bebap Lawrepce vas nt tl *M wijoo raw as cg ouffu Ofp< 14.*arld lafIS V A- Bhip of Malue, but af Maumchi lim Wmço1140*mml M .;-SmnO. ?a mtta and 1 bad moon bis deniali to0kW«0 Im D, maisuWaukfflau th3*0 <$ feu ift thç Q4 mntimportait Vire manu- any suthorization of the prayer. id ýtin lac tmp 4e14 la the Wvrld. 'Fhe badlbeeti golng am'und lu the. es bet te o eU o laIt, MakludWau' aud It Booms te have gtten tartedi rka M Ae VI at- » il 14*the veut., I at once Vrote hlm ai on the doumiaeule *01:7b.iir#e I4hit*,'bo ked im lm ie hoiait not maile ad l4 tbo& *Affles a redit 0<llsePlans ulaloaiIt, sud retived the oncîong te the !'Iucker ofuthe *11111 etten tramn bim, whloh Ibandl yen f, nurs. Ne IDQms«t publldtlan, It yau ses fit. 'Fb. leti Xctiht à_i» Jr.Wiii DodSPies. intîmateil that it the persas receivii .syi'or.imm. w# n»ui e ' aok t tb. prayer would send out nîne lette q, cied aiels1a01Ie rd li est> t f w. 'Wpmsm ILta varient parties, suggestiong th tiàSt le.11014bail. mie of WukOgSi'5 metth" os ch snmouat fIne more-th ei*dE and 5an,0«- "es910. lu. 4.511 ald oxperlonce smre gret jqy. te dettrmlno 0 4*l401 g m- aie aceltet i- baveb nautold by. 1athorsvI a h Dusbu inigerod"Ilow tscelved, illar lettors that the1 stato tba'Ur 9,00ters recelved hy.them etatod that h , e~û, orwad, #a =,udden aue. MKw..tisey OmItteil ta moud ant the lettf ut iRatim 1*tisi nir ulWap!4I7tu tbey vauld b. vlited bysmre gr( dult ook lace 0 bd le.uIllatr *Wan lrrat. It eolua te mo that it VOt lit*tY bai beaue ui b el, lvo ta publeh tbo ouclameilddo, ,er, vba reaîdPd on -t *Wa.thrtor.,a iroat 1y Bihap Latrouce, ýai 58 7Perec 9 M îî;Watskegsnpublic Vben major o! Wauke- n îS wu vealmated thi are Iufiueuced by receipt at sudh li ad serveil cae « lettor. 1 r I ' xubore ln Obicallioau ýPleuast lu 1118 matter ais>ouE ma romforth«a iV * ,te, Wauube golaý ,nx oit. .Tours vory trou. I5t3I, t I*bou4t T4 'alO. . MORE cet p wa bu Ob* ' fed 1105 Der 8r.-Ihave lbailtbiuMg ta *Ï te c Àý»- *th tlb solntant o af t t4 prq W% 1 bu wOytr- ou". . iL Vua -il'obIPby tarteil D= ý-Y, 1 po Iave bel *ierbed by bom W.Uret hht Img;p >'e 5 u . n lnAps, 14 te W our De pao le Vot" m aeu %1010 s*limeu ut as ceéàths boe. " ta~n . 1 ý"t à' 400* à. et DMO te asu ad notheth do40wlit 419e. y- ebW 0»Yet ti. prayer joinste orPU berg. -Mm Amdtbene~o bis Lm hws B2liU4é l'ýc m*M he lsmvebnl 'rum 18% U lu riew 'ble 'hleep MM dOWIraitb Obr ent u e Mndy e Our tât« h u p tew on tu lm ad cf lýtgw t o 'qfor h* it ê' ldeof lusf.. eWdlé M. iller.u - '- - = 11011101Istk" ASCIdpon tr ,Waakeiuan sda Wt o heti»e l i judo ooWL*4 tioas mps Me NmeKeew Irugu an it laent for h e lbeU4 et, Pm.acoi-WhwI se, Wha trWw*#lu rotos t te cu h. DSite e»Knowlodgeo re 01t lyUse th, tsejudos iMtC, Je ?odl t 0obb . Affalr.ad, a âleï ,t abu* on the watt ____________ p or an 014 lwomiing 4 tu ta l S Iii m a iv.attemrit ... otoil utlil vau n tu. osendar Rad SI; ~U RIONet GaptS lie k4slUpstudo 10011 Undey . ta; limtheLlbeotyville LaI.D lOoa asy Clatr ho: miseAeinterue t u>pt Mqff j#IdmetieUs ÇaIII< thora0f0 la y e bi p.a.o suedbltte sketca. eoamSouvis a«.lIU 0< mhoe ha lglne lIerepblWl tele 1r1t oum lu»- I allu uni oms peadeut f the Ne- Ou .mlaai, m ul>'Stla an May' he duoed the. pIton. la trre,. Itbouo b aenUi îed as9sPobaractorMvlsabven mewbat crude teailon, an thé. blet 109 0< 0.of brssCI mnPObtriali Ident1 itasamlloan.trWown e.Tmh Cttepneabi t1 BoOety. BinImm aaiseldoutified ttth ram Wgukegas tae Mgbvodad u «thecaodanearriemtteplt aaute om t1ts lamsca, Utewar*' sud phlanithropie there lad a careor, It la now climied ttreclu u ar t557VI e. - 'ste<4Wou créles lauUMLnoi.that ber Dame la luowu sud that abce he blotter lay arauud tise Court far lie gailjugment,' hem' vis. 10d1 'can ho ton Ita charge etUanY Mo- a felr dyand ud vaa ti on nd au moio eigonsd brJ bli9aM xpes Irment fithtb.bank 00. deirm latoneuby a SUN reporter. $m îud*ttkor ersilAm ettblityte xprss er mir otcel@ Pdzzed. ad__________of____»" thoigbta lu.a M intrestigo, aYt- Hovrd, the. bgaul acllare pu-. lg k .getisor wIli ber attractive Pei'snaiity sied aud the afaîr rnay neyer end ta for(fJ b~~$ am em'. ven Il Vanon rber laauy frends snd mail.1 thie vaman'.aerrent, althou# if the AfR!CO#NflNUW thabailTt'oard 1mau -berineZ u. u thegLndgad M d a b. t'a os e tte ot&onte- ler tuni ldey@lu lur.e-ifince. rnuo i.L quor Desbet's Attoruneys sand lt@ Mm'..Rie vawuîa.d flou, do"eati nug troui pneumanla. Accuneil of the. targery sud theo Agreon o Po$tPOum.msnt-R*vs Pot Of cimooiesO brliba0i trial et the itrong bax, the voman Quayle and Srlgge Attend Court. dopsl'ture this mrnlug 1« file leuves tva sans,,liolley, 19 traugly denled that ahe lad ever vbore @ho Vii pemd th$; ;âra et gps and Caryl, 8 Yosns. been ln the. baul at finît aud lun ta file buo ne brather, George RL Lyon, tas iulparted by the vamas VItb 'Fhunaday, au uppîltg teir day Vith relaIves, tnying aad to sltermMissMary . , o v hamîe bail bean toppiug, a tari- OuOVD VdlgRBI«s, the thlrt34tO oâ he- t h uabaud vbornmime ýamtwosièers mie M7 B L o rs VwIte, satl of LIbetyvtUe.' llonespm iarwoted at the Instance _«l MrL Ins,.W. Hutchns, lvln Thi e ' a.ccousaton hingoil an vbtler Of W5leg5is re formera fan alîlegod ifw e teta ir Mm17 HIr. .E. Wood, aima a an notbe adreturea. lad boa n klu lsOn apen 0on Sunday, bailthoir "W. bvebamtr0 mitesr, résides lu Lncaln. townon îise dey of the. ttempt. Ehbe bsarnge *cutInnoil untiliDocembor 28 and tht.. mamtii," Ob#t tul W d.nled tbat île isad aud ber employer, at 9 Sin the court a! Justice Wiliam.s u 'lrgeant "snd -lua&Il 1154 a- tise farmer's ite, bacled ber 'Op. Wels. i h eh TI!RV ý(C STOCIK- "410 vas ith me," iid tise voma, The cotnuance -i ateatiser l te1 ,0 l.banttme oel 445 -',Il day. " cap of noitben side adcamene sa tbe tacking.'Fs. aThotbr dm1 * II LDRS M!T Later luth.Ie dy it deveoaped that resuit-0f 8R5 Bgrueent betv.en op- have tarn I bad baeraeM - thLe voulil-be laul Confidence voman 5051115 coueR, .Orvta & Edvauds, fta, m' M cie hle 'a mely= Ebciofletafo EhongYor-g a ud hor pîcture takln luthe tv theoslons and1 fiaes.Attor'ney . e m éni Elct1 ficréfr nsin ea-a n that dey and had asksd Ut the Lesîile P. lsuna, ton .Uiswland ofu ra Ol f *D ma udro Headod by C. A. Psrimidge-Wll 'tomas tus lad ittempted te got rder lemout. file val upplîs iedwti-l 5110 e Ak Bide fer Site. Stosmans meney." ln the cournt thua marung, et 1thwicî.taorne ta Cblflaby h1a -SUITîRi ater ber employer recolleil dappaluteil Ume, ua s pectater andl bauds paents. thsi an tho day o! the aiioged attempt lalstregted persan, wui Itè. John G. A, meeting o! the stockhalilers of 1the she lad been lu lots atter aiR. Brtiggs, of tise llrgt Dabtist Churcl.IL Ttlm Blegeil tîmi Rico 0du pot a Battery -C. Stock Company wvas bORd 'lun.Lhe net ightened. Dr. Quayle. agent for the Waukegan psy is month's rani, but Soit 1 eè Wedneîday negt at the . A. R. Hll. May Have Camea Hore, reformera, vas lunLie court rumu trai o! bIiii bohinil hlm, atilw TFiso alil oth ie meeting vas teaTttgî.tiougit LIaI ithe voman, viiose Wedneîday, but talleil te appear vite lust 25 centa te uMent tIe00 Select ofscergsud drectors andl ta Dame cau be giron, grew trightened 'Fbursday uîorulng. T espoe hth a li troust glidi otiier businsau5 wa a LIte cumulationuo! clrcumstances 'Fe coutl nuance vas csused direct- Ilisiîodtbteba u 0 necesssary. A largo number Of the about ber, sud osing ber job came iy by tb. tact that Orrig & Edwards the. "otber woann" lu the cam il Drepreseulatlve business mou o! Lheb ackta Waulegau, te Sund securlty. had a case lu the circuit court that Dame le noiegivon. br clty ae proenot. 'Fhe followlug of- Had Large Amount ln Bank. eugaged their tnie, hile Attoruel Thse Rie"s bave been bos lIew. aul ilîretors voroeiolcted: Stoisman lad a large auxount lu the Haaso ilketise buîy lu tbe coun sxmnhtebaa et SPm'etldlt-.isshrles A. Partrldge. bank. ty court,.I ota u uhmdbn Vice'Pweaiient-E. P. DeWolf. Hot ach can net lbe earued asu countlug CRark luaonc of ith e - icrty-.1.ItzpatricIt. sucb Bffairs are tl. confidentill rop- Odd Ca-Incideeco. Lb. Corn Producte EelIffiug Ca. 'l'weeupr-Tbepdore Durat. emty f due institution. Hevever, Il a is _adoube______he_______ o Dlwectts-'- Buckm, UL. j.agor, slated ulat the sum vas vortb going Vtsdob prytibrbdyf P4P.D.é'alf. "Ieadare Durt A. V. atter ail tbal the voman voulil bave Mrs. Water Harrever, -aged 61, sud Trios Ta Holdup Long GiMg nu fiitOas.A.artnldge, Daman A- boen veil repalil lad she boon dùo- Peter Harraver Olsan. ber graudman. Fr1487 figbt e! :30 a Ion.0h in »Cimier, M. e Hliusmey, B. C. upton. coîstui. ReMuutlns vel'e paguseil hue Rat siso got ber Information la a ageil 1, vw f Bnday celebrateil at mail. s darlng attemupt et boldia meting te os!) ils ail stock On Jauu- myl'tery. Tt le said tuaL for severaiL te Harrover home, 414 South fihert Mime Caralyn IL Lyoai thle N u, ary 1,' sud weoutions ta adrortîso rntand .bc made macaroni at tle dan road. RSIî quito a coincidence Aceostlng UmseLyon Btais gfor bide for a$lite vers aJ* Passei. RcI facory sudiis may bave that the twoabirthudays îhauil corne vbore u«asly 41ere arem ayPl The nst rM l ahoa ameeting pt hem' lu the vay of erulug that o«h aedywt lt er-dt Y oAt@* egtb a! tise dWlett,""jaua 15. aIe deaîned. n elm ayVIEit yag i-lmb.alm piOd atauger bs." a nna.ticessurgesare nov tea Theisbaul intends ta drop the rmat- feoue l ae. * t e Uu, ~ 10- e talote pull ugiu thoae ut. Iu ton and iid net kbp tb. arder aloge, Proeet athLe party vero tise famu- downts O asvmute filusl«le ne - ' bouela4 het O! Wauegau'a ta bave been torgeil. Iles of Mr. Harnaver, Martin Olsan v. ,ýre aitII'SésWBEISn. tu gadl tmsi Mcen hiarohoon fiaturday, iu tise vauit af Lb, county sun. P.Hmravde il 15ospe te thé moireo4il il z ~abbe in racLer and 11.1w con- caurt, Justice William F. Wolse ulitod 'I a'yvsalaagalrulnand bld mamo the treilit eMM wItI tock campany VIIIlunmaýrniage Adeuberi J. Navster,aed frmthe10tact lIat the Harranbaby Tva m l u"g ia. arried 114 aidsutIaly Is mdes. 27, o! Chicaga. ta Nana-y L. Birown, bail lust rovored tram a Rng fil- the police, vboAat Once- MILLS Wl et25Bt EmaJuiaSiaagd 2. spaired of. bis ite vs do oer G T IN SIZ! _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by Plan. bave bten dicded upou far 1 the buge plant it the Corn Praducta 110 Relng Campai Y. the purchase Of the s- ite for vhicb On West SIxty-tlîrd C uts the Fuel" 8*111 iii H0 Of etroot. tram Ar ber avenue taeFo o S , ig teb lr , W Ttdrainage canaRlu nChicago, vnasu-F rS f C aLg ie rlad C o ot, nouuoed* hbre eeks agu.- As you know fuIIy oue-half tIhe carbon available for heat inu atI Codl ai tIe du MI lu 'Fh. plant ait gether wilR compriae snpply se aorfelnd illumiation in mauîy ciic and towus beiug made <rom comrn sfti nil durty-tbr,,» buli Iugs, t an eatlmntod 'leods tv in buruing soft coal aliove tItis gas liaîf ai thse fuel te poe up tisedi coltt of $1.000,0 .TIL iii have a ce- nnburned, Ilium wmstiug it as a lent praducer. foar yof5,0 shi fcouady Col.' OriIghIUI Mot Bluet Stve, by meas of thc psteted Hot Miat draft a ,,'4 VIlI requlre M0 CariseZy day for pâenedfeatte', " s t hla iis gas frn t the upper surfree f tie coo, ntilizlng il as s boit'Îý ,te hsuling Its pro4it. sud wiRR ire elu- aagvts11 udcroso oel iecol is un I I.co.Tsst Ing pioyment to - 100 ta 2,000 persoa. "Swtth ie ab ocoeithcol usb angl hecm.Tiss*y irO 'Fie tva iargel t builings, Lise rotiu- bat ing buildings. 'vllR eaeh ho faurteemi iey, @tories, with a ýround ares o! l5OsIpO 1 Seet. av. torego 'Fanki fer Million Buubeis. W W 1lu Grain sterneutanks vîlllile huit tW bf ave a capaclte' ot 1,000,000 btoshel. I I F 011u A storage buldIng viiil oid 10,000 t rnt tous ot guten feed. Savait Un Doll arsnd makes a ton of 88* ft CM eud 'The Company vîli net ouîy bulil a lignte do th. work of $9.00hwofb0 Ld1 plant for the manufacture o! cornTu i lv mdiisluRt ii r o f one Iproducts.bot 4111 lare a number o! d urolna dgvetve animiaion Hd ot ual ganu'. M a à atactorléea b.roeverytîlapertalulng dbasit avenit Mý!i' a meïsndt afar et aa y «teui a q te marketing is output liat caulef b tn.t oucno ffr oBytoloiw aid sLave vin bave ta do Ibis iuer." 'The -old a @ see mode on an onomîcai hbatili lie 4 eatiug sp thse prie of a mv slave every ylm. -Y« LtVfllvt5bx toyttis 1tiat, but en top of thse com l is e uilstl5fBt<t u Pl. Ttffcbae.a -box faic o U1«ilhla 0de omber. yard in conneclion, vbero It Da adNlh-Pn yer v!.torp 10l00,000 fest o! umber ta vnH t a dN* t Fr by be ilra up u asneeded. . CWotl d a 00 , peuhct in qmu Tti 4î=gapb a aona-P $hp. -qMntac- 'k" RU Wilgis, and ,Is*twedraft Ma neI t&.l rw x factary, sud a Smlly lm ;w -- idorAagnduce ta thée eooy of ,ai -» > W ~ 'Â] in aContmoot UuildlngmQ 0 e m -ote nmlm'a vu. I pptube sud el. e SU dçpgsnUe. b é O bwsbels a 4g, ýAra Ve«rt are naoir ln. ;Wa4ap, Oro> spart, l6dimsws- Eut. Ne ok Coikty sand tibi aten plant,'ais tbirnts re« at Taylor treeJOt. Vili à a" the. mure et* eo 110 th.nin 00. i I g i I mi I. I. .4 q et ItI .4 *1 I. i re