%?» *m OZ3 IGEmm Gtesg..Jeu. a&-'nu boaqrd de el 10Qn s" or aedet iebéstu a u> Vî elsaleeoau& . aimoat ta -. tIng. At sme rt batenome tebe te «pea~asa te ~ a& ties lkse hp Ibe chool bougrl m *O$W« eumtte etfaine board f.1 ,wwte hall19ufotofrhiir eaielu O0 w <Uelbre?>' ut booksevhlch tbg Xde*tos onu .as«Ramaion ef D..rate etstmte teadamewe, as affwMl teulire te tie joint P. Aleli - l s ueerth. govàtuot, for viieSuthe sebol -Vas namn.d. Mus eleotihe Dooke <bs ib ha,>' ln beug saiertué b, as eagmee composa etOcOëfga 'L. 00MONWIn& ah cWiIe radff al aiesi-1 el texer; Paut 1)sft, ev, amntin momta *bsué es eClanmee a. Dar- MW , sué L .Wlu. *Fi alter> - cttei liiiacet>Le DO a tuhle VWWY 'bunMl& TRW<Maub bas offenet .8gui soutPDGforer i.btmta, Mg~ittlnUl b a antsomme met A.os,«Wl as eauseeloath -*iesê icassuspeut emnitte lhh 0tile 1""mais theslui Iet" b *BoP. Sitel.>'O'Ejrau, et ithe béoete ca sa be aubmulteite a fflao#t»« h ord tueo-0. b««*.tb* f t fpresetation. 1 m .pUy ia a etg admImrrof Uewsor itehda ilnoma" -sai v hla m Y'su aut int i.m*t wvin t te0 be ~imburratind ba>'ubequet a- baIlbu".t eseasoumuinthea.goveru. m bal wettieufor s"int minée. %we 0.S »&» te. a" in oksn. tjMoeem.stiie iumr>'y l estsin à - Usa>' oethrbouke. W ouit te *A* shat"m Tos bii oard la eo - etwla the naoo hlgtaatUmoetme aâ aMati t t el el Litétis omtAs tulmilet seletos coulé uwon luéwesib, the elboisw, i qte e 1- , ds a l, 40 iuarviiteiia eunltie ftroua aine bmpWo cfub u eheeeia" tamie- mm 1t iomm WOODNAN umw4 xmhOm etMmeaimV ne- BavIna , ju. as&-40a.vbai la 9w mtm «gfa oerlstmaa ulticamp ý,:Jiie meyet ce n*utes ied'.ed«t& m#iom tet, MOTS sué chat aihe rpiler BRee, <b ah e li u> affl memineret the oleta Woomeitet àeoelca. teemus uteabt aeet vu er uuout ta e vei mmett -tM bi"sed e nTneto>b>' th. «- «" elies cmet tarettii>, lb.>' b.ln àwlsewcéte ome ai k»»wnte Timslq Per mm e lie peut lth ec ordu of nm" bave becs gene oves ln eider le husltailu baw Murn>',if an>' colofl tW- heur memirs twe leie sué l te5 bavever beenmembers.Tlhe twOi tIama Btten ami Jarsaca Tlaslq dsIla Camp 258,ot ParVr tai 100, vieilUme, as »neprohblort r51. fobdilna tie.memberuinp e« ne -gees. Twe >'ers *ugo Btten died w.pgtsaffIo>kthe ouI>' moemorWood- ma'u Il *Oii. OVOisLas tWeld InI,, Jeu. 3&-Thi els ~ I oLas lie value of rua ~*sU yaiutie i uqr le' te .;~. ~oeîNe ~ lbe o imin" ugk t.,L* 3-uI a SSiOý Welter Esuu and wAxemr b~svr hI u" »àohetS 0&. (Je momut of the ioaq~ ce hb0»s.tiom or SUat oSîle oe - d ounmhtalbi et *0 **o.ibave not bhast we sê1 la lurmi. iiW.vea, a b eK Su, 1bernasandi «hmMat et à eoout danb At Pi»u Top tai dm"son e aiih boà. ITbue ,o be e III eelIn bee the. Utiue ai Tbonisfamatile for r60% , ébocfslb>' tii. iquor the mu quasestel ha' w u t«est et. the bouses, aud *bo0ouffliea getSlo ià"t emnni, Tb& ftrisséeet betb item. ané Thommas toedeltisse te mbat toflowiteé les Il aud Thom- an ve ktUltfUtne hué et bos Sugpan laU theoutin aubeetpbeauados" C.Cie oitause nugmu 04 abea fusaetaiDrka. 1 eMy. cal Wubhigion, In.3.-A raquent ihm bqp receveti troa immigration Coin- satelomo North, et Élon Francise%, b, the. ela et te departmet et eq- more andi labos fer a warrant fer tbe errent oetT. Taltecil, Uic pubuihh et e tino paper knôwn as the abiotiton. on the. aiîestigle bt ba luan silaici- Ut andi a danserone pervmn lime malter va, ceuaieé b, th ~« ment of inluthe lgbt of Uic heoeletepartanent, and Cunnmieioner Nerth wvusnotifici b> teiegraph tietthUc ec»asSit StaDe betore -the tiprtipent t prece voum DMnetwarrant anarrrant soliersaWe ro Pur @bote. Waaaw, BainssanPoland, Lau.Il.- Two terroriste siot and killeti two gem C'armes on Granitma street, anti led. Boererssirteainluperamit and opend ire on thi eesîns. mTi. juilet, wet *Mde andi vountiel four pedeetriane. Pire AmmS An>' apaiea Portesnoutm, E&Ln3-lebr'*e eut ai a late bourre iatmeug tii.caeu ami equlpiact torson the. gu vint and àalgront q»nittofetmateriai vas distrayait befure the. irewu Sgl nen- der entrol. Peorla, Il. La. 3.-Nqotice bas bem receirei ber. b>' local distllersathé# ame. A. Wilson, saceter>'et agrieul- tare; Dr. Wils, chemint adAtorney' MeCala.. t Waablngton, viiib. lw l'oeils eltiier tognrrow or Bahnrde>' ot titbàsv.k te couler viti the.lonag dle- tilleaon th. lntnryretUmofett. pure foodS lar ajnt flgrd te bkaem lrwiskesanti sprite, -t *1 1 '£d oleee nas d et W ci abs Qcohmbm 1Chlca6, Jan. 2z Wb"0eable am rih PUt>mtUla Wofoâwlng woée e tiquotationa uM twà eu olmt4oObiagoérd of Trade Ioda>': Lub4ossi.OLu. &./ieiatter oftbho Wm.t- Open. 11gb. Loi. ie._ ______ énéie<atquis of enllwroog-doing o- Ia. ...S.7214S$.72Y» $ .72 S .72% I Ibspr f i' tefia.Deiiodita membere .. 141 .76%. .70À-.îts% (Froni Wednesday's Sun.) Begin the New Year rtgbtiy ci the hit part>' made In Cork on Za'> - '7('%'76%_ '75% '76% Lloyd White spent New Year at menclug ta rosi the SUN cicr>' evon- A JIos. 81 b>' William OBrIen la îproms 00me- 'Grayalaice. lng ifyou bave not alréady bgu Iti biwt, bbeceeot enjouem« port. The Jan'. .3»M 39% t3t9%y Motpe3.bae 1Ii* Peapie. the osn et Wiliam M> . .43% .43% .43% .43% George Miltimore la horne for the t at i y.Motnspeeave i &Otml..pnbltmmau edtortal t i>' .*.44 .44 .43% .44 holiday seaaon. Pied ti, tli trnoe i mendug declaring filet the. record% of Ot-The farmera' Institute will be beiibreu sabiao tet li j~ailellei wronhtl inasselai meiL- 1. ... 8A% .34 MU3 .34 Weicb. Plsmerai notice remserveti un- eue -etii fodumoud~,,the lrevein- y... .30 3j% M% 36MUthia uontb. tl o r- dmi et 0 fel was tbresteued ,b>' Il>' ... Xi8% .33% MU3 .33% Lieut.' Hobaon la 50011 10 appear lafl Begiung today by theo now pure j O'ru la bisspeech t Corkijus Paist a lecture ln Waui<cgan. food îaw ail lieuora are labeli sa to it ayetht ttisjuy s$alljer. J ar. .1.8 10.70 j"75.80 10<> Insure your proaperity by a frequent fingredienta andi ail 100dm of au £de .It viiole to>'. inludtng a rectel of the LuI>W. ..4.2% 16-75 16-62% 16.2% uae of the waut ad. teruteti nature are labeloi, "a s dJaopo.stion of' the. Immense simas eh Lare-.. , .20 93% 9 Mr. anti Mra. J,.wett. Bairataw are meate, etc. trl , h the paer avrs wre b May 9 il.nT 935 9.5 vtating ln Evansion over New Yeara. Prof. WeibounulectuiOti on e*iOO' teilié uder talse.pretenseu,and vîii, o tMing Drothy Dunn ta spending the triait>' at the ConEgakilonOar-*um' t enaiei te oue. t ti.par>'to if ..10.7% 8.77% 8.67% 8.72% ekbCca. Monda>' evculng. l'h. eiout vau wàtt t*0 people.'... 0.8 9.05 , am% 8.9-1% Ma .Soe a alto Elgin attended and there are Word$ o« cash le.-Wiuter ýwbc.t B>' gai- pihise or tic lcture su titq i NOV, ' 1IU. tfU MUCM00 pie-: Ne 2 rei. 73r73W~; No. 3 red, by the serionsg îîînens of ber father prlure r telcuean bsle ¶03;o.2br,704;N.3 Rudolph Zollînger. alieged Zion Cty trr parailiuga 's à&mos a Letter ftinm haÉ& 0072e. Oprlug vint - B>' burgiar. has been lotiged ln the Lake A cent advauce ln teh ie d"uoflh th aine aietf160@0000te Preei- semple: No, 1 nurhern, 80<ix8ic; No. 1 a ner~ischlckens vua tbe feature of thetrSA dsai DOOBOveLt.2,oebe Me10 ; No. 38patg70,@ 1oltyit the poulîr>' marke icoMe. I Washington, Lan . 3. - Preuidu.nt 79q, <ou-1i>' mple: No. 2, 30%e; Mr. and Mrs. Dnnakin have retoru-god eani xied Rtoosevelt bas recevaaletter troin No. 8 3016 e; o. 8 vll.39*À; e.o llera ec'a olda vîît rom dresser,. temtno dreoexpresîulg 3hl e 'iow 9@9c;N.010pî .Maeiay Moyuc, formeri>' of Waute'.- tii.sulan t Meocc ii'.4, St@30%c. Oatg--By smmple: No. jThe Waokegan Bustnesa College re- rtrt u ia eiaient eo*e- gratIffe tor th appointaient of ga,,2,8414 Ile12 vinite.3S%<d30as No. 3 ual IL <lummere au United tes1sa in- 4c.N& 8 wbjtt. 34«4 35e; No. 4 white. opened today wltb the largest enroli- lo one od> 0etrjt Inter to MOrnmIcO. féS4 sandard. %36c ment of litshistor>'. tioncparuerebip wi t laenter, Ki as «re eloed te ostCjf-inh-1 , îUw - stockitut.' sA" gay'. The SUN aima tb prînt a reilable. Assistant Crporation senee a, ftBeoveiub Hst heisel Chicago, Jau. 2. Informing newspaper of reai value toi yl hMIthe vacane>' caueeti b> te re, the. Exaltaid. tie mont GracIons Frtend. Hog>-Eeccipte 32000. Salea rangeti eeope Mot Honorud antd Excellent PresMentet I iua%qcs.l choie tae prime heavY Tbeoloe tirenien o! Mr. HoYne. eoffiheitepublie ot the Unitedi luate'. y frJg e-ll32@4%ciolce t Te 10 bueo teCrnPo- According ta. ChieI of Poice. UWs0*: of America. vin. la lie pliar of tmi prime hi'abrippimîg barrown. 0l.2704 octs plant opens fdr operatlon tomor- brough. Christmaa andi NestTenar t great Influence a»4 the dIrectar ofut, ~ .M enodinni igbt' barrow boteber'e row morniug. holiday season vere the. qui~61ot mont Important affaira, the moet celeand uo~ o vs. akIa at atligtatn-kow npito vgs r».A brteilpresererr of the tles ot tria. CtteMipts26.000. Quotstiona s nknlatYli Th beui nw upito ae iuh frIeudahip, tic taitiful f rIeuti, Theo j pi1 a! 50.30<47.00 gondi ta prime cii the pierformance of "The Duel" lu the more serionaofese.Tieve w dore Roosvet."stu.5.1450gadoanyow whicn Otis Skinner la alarring. leva prisoners in the caunt>' jail and 1 Mnister Gala nere, tbe letter 5>'. sud-inciera. $5.15Qi El15 gond to chisteetail aso *lll b einaw cicr' coures>' ati ai ~ $7.2<48.i Dr. C. Il. Albrecht bas just reloru- tecl'ji ia *111ian b>' l e gveruet etanacco. cav. $. S gond to choIe. ed after spending the New Vear cea- Kenosaa Lotige, Na. 760, Benevsla tenton y th goemmet o Morceo ealm isôn wltha bis folks at Glencoe. Minn.1 anti Protealive Order of Bihs. V Lucit' h Ws No acrc. sbsp- R.ceiîtx 22,000. Quoatione1hv oetlgt elbaewu elenla t.,»La .-Tre. prenal et S.0i.5 gond ta ýprime This evcuing operatîves of tbe eiec-: aeBmtigt eert i h Saliswerebadi Ijauretilu îie ere, 050000 unative tiers,, 7.25 tria rondi attend aoôtber Sheldon lec- p. u fUcnwyaa It sous lierenal Imird tee eotbont <7*% gmdéto prime native Iambes, 'uco b 'euc flvn eI. naoan six of the lcatiing members utteOretiIlie: etb 2zd L004.3 bucks sud staga. tr ntesineo ii el the order cloai the deai for théo Gret Nortiierus panssnger trainaiet Uic poultry-Turkeys, per nM. 100 Chicago. chase of theo Central Modie Hall Mâcon, Mont. Tie cars tnrned on them c beknfwv,1r pinu O; Chae Lumbrger vas ta:en ta thee lieue., anti au vaie;s I gs 10; erly an Wisconsin âtreet, torn%#er%> *Ids, nd ulte train a traveling ronitera. 11%c; vuee, $.00«700; tiucks iospitalI oda>', where ho vîli undergo avueti b>' trs. E. Groavenor, andti et great epeeti it ta miraculousna a 0%1C an operalion lomorrav mornlng for le to b madie the ultimata site ci morenuatieg dii nI resait. The i i--cboire îlmotlîy. sm.so*O.5o; appendliis. admeprnnth efr mmccie are A. B. Simulos. of Chicago. NO! 042; 05.0:No. , $18.000adem emaetbon e salonin. ntiC. . Ltii sd H 1480~.~ik.prairie. $16.00«416.50; N,. Mr. anti Mrs. Bert Humphrcys re-~Knaaltg ttn re.Tn ea Lainne. botJa of Grand Fanas, N. D.. 1, $S18.00014iX; No. 2, $10.50<412.410 turucti Mondsy from au exteudeti hon- sideration waa $14.000. mail ciers. e. S .00M@10.00: No. 4, $&5Q«_9.00. eymoou. The>' are nov at home with Is l reportd la Chicago tsât tii, Deatbof M. suado« u wIeaw. obaflmffaio LIve stck. he bride's parents. Chicago, Miwaukee & St. -Pauilaotu Loulvîll.RIa. 3-Oeage W lIa- E et Eaful, N.ite* Jan. o IMisa Minute Tompkias bas resigilcft reduce by 10 per cent the Ireigbt s rias, for forty-seveii termes grand Ircas- Diiht tioms .1 SokCm nrir oethle Kentucky' Odd r £eîîows. mstsHrhnsEs Buffalo, N. Y., ber position with 1>offuian Brothers on ail classs of gonds. tram Cbio~ andi fo sixt>' >'ars a memsber- eft hat QuoI, an tollovs: (aitle-ftcee'ilbtt 2 grocer>' anti la succeedeti b>'Miss ta ail pointa lu the northwest, t. en aoellet>'.la encat thle age af 8à. bLer-1 cars; etesi>. Blia' tecepta 40 cars; Edythe Gunu. receut. reductions matie b>'te Uilt rws lnadd"itIon to being grand tinrs- 8low; pi .$&75; yorkcrs andi icai>' The Waukegan Maenrcinor gave Nartheru andtihei NortincritPocli user et the. eder t the. tina.of Ibus e .0. iep-ficcelptu 80 cars.: best l, rnafot aIt alMna he ae IeýB Obinq istis, va. Orsi vice presideut oet the .$7.90«M;0: yearlings, 9&254.65f; weth- blrnsfoai l alMîdywihbv ia t aE in5 louisville Water coman>' antiIdeil.ti-«*;, $f5hbS5; oes, t4.;s<s5.jg. evcing. There was a glît for each alla anti Duluthb adantage over oCu cive-UWq" hasst, 511, .chiuitiaud tine event.sa a success. r aga _________ 151 -à id chaiu oenc h.*maz oh. "M.IOs;g t"ti hal1mhou Nen's Overco*ts Ail oui $26.00, 821.50, $20.0o au l i s1.QOvercoats, none reserved, enabiaaing Blaçk sud (Grey' Worai. ,St. George Kere.>, Vienna, Plati Sotch Weaes, Diagonal, (Grey' sud Olive effets Se«n,@ îighu fittiug sud fulleagt estyle . Be ailae. g Pro luventar>' SalhPriae............ Imm*l sBff m »I hit 'y.ur doa.le »Y«0 1, Thu insuunte eff ou à y«E WUilbey agin-inci h the.1 Ups Ou Ail s, SiS.OO sud 58.00 Otroute, mmdctroniextra fâne heavy eteol Friesa, xécsey Mda4Chevlai"$huY hipe.,>l oed, Pr4irmi a.und téieoî', mad. ilu anS dule4sluguis MA lesi!, B8<ie niuIg,sofosinn - front. ~fusu<r~ aleprioes.... ........- N.u'sPants Ail Onr $50~, $1.25 sud 01.00 Pante in Wonied,ý%heiots aMdunion Osehiminl oleots, pesud a gond range of patterus. Taped seéýmaa and warrainl.d un o ri p. Pro luveulor>' sale Pnae ....... ........... sud 52.2 lik TIl .oy in Wanhcgau. All $2.75, $2.rto .41 .rousom mde in tho Variiy ful- stylo -in Etngleh warsted Cioîltà, M sferge, ail shape rsetainitag. ysale Pia. ............. Ail'oiar B4650, W0 32 to 34, i1a5 ulâ "d a stripes. Tm. o0ua wiî~atig udvýist vo broad IhOW« *» shspe re1uhi #"Mt& Pro-vetiVm10yk Men's Overcoats- Alilaur $16.50, $15.00, $12-50 and $12.00 Overocuta, the ne*est styles. la bolh b'2 in. and tha UatAY8-4 lethi"'ao~ bacit, eery ne a deandcd bargain t tihe aboya pria.. They o...inl Oxford greya, blâcks, Moitons, Keracys fana>' Cheviots, imed jua and heavy woigbtu. Pre-Inveutcry Suie Pria.............