CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Jan 1907, p. 6

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPUDeNT, IrRJD4Y. JÂNUARY 4, 1907 Itd E E 4DE T tr oreign-born ad upsdIltr iNDEP NDENTIt,,ý-ilare mont numsèous.1 A.PAPER Ofr LAKE COUNTY .Tire stnge tangible objection tu thre Massachusetts bl lot that muet lie ad- L.. B. COL r Errlered ait e Pobtofie e t Ubtrertle. illmitted las'thaïTit encourages inde- îtora Second Cits Mater 1 pendent votlng. Tirot Io why ma--. la. i S56aO >W5L. ACVS5Ti5iSmIn ArK AK'S cinles diolîke Tt. Thre single i)arty1 KUWON &Pd.Wa7%TI'. cîrcle lo tbeir stronghold. PeupleI, _________________________________Split thelr tickets and vote todeîîend.1 ently because they refer tu. 1Wlby1 FI"&Y, JANUARV' 4 1907. shotld nuot a ballot be 80 fraured as to _________________________________ _______________ acilîtate the expression of the will tif WII,. T se BusSE? the people? Thre AusJr'llau ballot la mucir as tirout Fred tered no lucratirve and desîrable a tla- me tre Zpuirlcansition as 1)stmnaster of Chicago would ,'.OEEL of irîag ettir iesîre un go ciraslng after n nonina' Tire Roosevelt Thitrd 'Perm National yor o Chicgo at t lon wblch for *bhe past ten years lbas Leagîre has beenr urga ntxed tat Chicaga Mnr Buse fbaz flot yet brougbt only defeat, and tbat, too, ta vîtir Edvard A. Mrner as Presîdent. rflUflsg e eaa nn but sncb able mens as Jrîdge Stars, Ziua Copies of the platiorrn adopted are Iaeit that Ire tuent'Carter, Judge liaoecy and Graemne, becbg sent Inoadcaist andrI hcrewith Is ou,~ 'ad tire tact tiret stewrt.Huvever. there are mauy a reproduction: mvowhfi Inenton 1 Wo InJýttha Mr Buse oul be We. tire members aof1theIRoosevelt avo irs itenIon0f bo nsit tretMr.Buse culdbeTirrd Terni Nkttonal L.esgue, baving WB" tiret'ie bas nerf- elected, and Mr. Busse mueit tiukt 80t ireart tbe great poci laud poitical Tt vould look rathet irmeeli or ire would flot ennaiier the prolima nw cofroitlng hi epe tiSi ~ ias Jil s, prposiion.and lu order tbat the rlgirts o!f the 'masses lie protected and that national tcT OLURAIZITY- Pet MARIES IN THE WEST. barmony be preserved, deent Tt lm.- eeton sYstem as that thré staie viîî go boackr ta onrveu-, ierative that Theodore Rooseveltt le Iiesotanad Wiseun- tlons dumlnated by professional haoll' re-elected ta the îreeldency lu 1908. ig amoris the people tîcians. We have caine ripou days lu aur e Denacatsvir ai- b lilnoisirarulr sntireu lesocial anrd political lfe, fermeîîîiog le Democratwltho drs ruiItliandsrequlrl sentirnntc n nat the lite election movlng lu tbe sonne clrectolu. At a ihdsrs n rqiig imcn azet a radical law of Tate meeting or tbe tarurera af the a. le ai Iliioa é gatt-state grange ofIinltois 'a resolutIon Wie w growu ron the ebuse al- end. to gve (ho e tetr-as adopted -lu favor of direct Prl- raygon>rn h bs fcr Lezded application .ln merles. and mauy atirer publlice bodies! porate power and see ln these evîls a ~ : Re have Ilidtcated sîmlar prefereuc . fertIk field for the deuuaga5rue, train And leadlng -public menr are mo10- WU ~~eelysprlng.a loltical t or'ety is growirtg tlnlng.ilir tirepeople lu tua i ter s ocrai revolution, and believe dha1es Il This state, One ofthte mont empballc. clear-cut Itirat uothiog short of temuptrate an(]i b"Mthe botter seéma declarations on tbls stîbjeet li ibat lrayerful solîcitude. un tbe ptrt nI KiMeni tb4trogh tire made by Col. Frank 0. Lowdiit, the, tlIe Peoprle, willl old aui- pliical antd at t an d scerlits Ogle county congressman, who il;ii ssocialr strurctîure Intact. Ilait ot revieved open lêtter lest year ta tbe voters of. To tbe peoprle Irreapective of luirt> MpVeotions. ln Min- tirstiirteentir district said: Iliues la dite the credit r tirelir Ot Ptfaay rYas prt -1 favor an ablo;lute direct primary i IPr-ident, toda>'. ls Thinuiore Rance. IO bonnese OVt or where a plurality of the members a! velt. A new erasrt real freedarri andu 6MÈ l 1*ra. en any party ehoîuld dlrectly nomInatelevtalit>' lu aur lrratititns (i goveru- tà0,br, auameu, the candidat"a fer public office." etsd oliu wsre ire.rir Wn, bherebetea n.Tire argument for direct irîiralîyt> tey wiselysaw inu mur ru îrrv,îtrs lu îli - - tiadse. The nominations là trougly stated by N'Vnr. attalu it. ry the votis Allen White, tbe Kansas edtor anrd Bo vallarrtly anrd wbalelueartidîy 1as M's'W e#choffice la magazine vrite,.hovir araatcle lîr tus man rellected the wlshes ofr!the oi.~ sodColler' Weely sys!people, that bis îrersaurallny bas enter- Sio boud Io- "Until tire uomînatîîrg couventioildIt udecîreaataivr>ie *t ltdesl. In la ebaardone4, and tire people cantartreut oaidr tîrilonal lue. etÎ,. à,do«noS .lnane tirîrParty' candidates0 for ail;j Me'bas vgn tire confidenrce of the buet under Tt offces oy a direct vote. tbe îprofession-'Pepecile; sud tis tact alone niakes flntr edsA@ý &4and olai politicIen vili vin tSo mauy vie- thre rost vtent tactor lb the soltion M& l iene0 of 41- tories to makte tire people safe lu the ufthlire leet dlsturbiog conditions. 9 t *ýQuIt* are wzosrui content. F<or tbe jîrofesslonal li-I To ellminate tbis persona 1ity-wh lch lefls*1, io ileli. Iilan 1 even tirougir ebe leboun e là tlaluelîmînste tirat coxiidenceà-at .1n XI v' bi- cordln o thie raies of bis game. and Urne vben tire peopîle, as a wbole, are1 rP55ol me-even tiraugirlhe vîll not stesi taxes. restîve and tremblilg vltb apprehen- 10tesOleu. nor accept bribes uncoated by pllil' eon. ls ta Invite national disorder. - ýb a fll cal conventions, le nevertirelees tire Su closely' vuven le tis bond bce- 9 t4 gts re roable paid busirviai-ker of lrthforces of tveeuî tIre President aud the people.1 10#*14adMlle tu tneookesi finance Ibat are besieging tbat he bas become ta tbemn a publie e', ose1111tir ais tusnatio4,." 1necesslty, au eseentiai Part af thiugs1 î uMteMa are irative bora of native parents. lit St. relluaed percentage af Ilterates l e àÏly tir «Kt«401 tire sane as tiret of Pensylvanle. Tire a Sitem o f la n reasale at aiH on.tire grouird of MU of ma- .intelligence viry a systeurtirhat vorks àthe officiltu Massachusetts irould not worl le for escIr bera. aroni, and 1Mr. Daa's Investigationi shovs m~oele tIre tirt tire time taken lit marklîug tir e deares 10, Massachusetts bllot does nat irevent ,t>' Cirele; a tire entire vote ireing taken sud fiuils )r one Man ed t tire utisl tinte. Tire retirrui *show tiret tire nev systeun doeseira tn tits iye- dater' voters, but tiratirhe total vote@ ty goud for li-crusse v thtie population and lut- la dtat as ptancs ai tire election, mat '5.i ttdir ni do la ketore, and embu-aies as large a pro- e certsiaiy portion ufthtie possible legai votera au raasrveaiti. tire aid tysteun ever did. Massacbt- Lmffl pub- setti reqaîresa tt ts votera sire] ly Richard read andr write, but ta write oue's ovi irowbhiroy »mlarn s rficlsnt and ta reed tIre firut , Varas air' fev word. hlntire state constitution graMes irai-, asvet's, an tiret tire educatlanai test sttai Tiret ta not e serions, ons. One muet bc iore popote- ver>' Illlter'ete Indesd ta ire distrait Mrtidntiren ciled lu Masachrusstts, and tire Au.- ot"Bur outf trallair ballot ira not dîminirbedtheir ,,Itb efltenh voite itirte tavuan rd verdi, wvire o f 10 1 1U07 reived se ke 7e .k ao ke it s- Intenlded ta do tiret ver> ting. dhe ag ,,ad ak etesrîaay svenlng ia-tIre regrriar tnte single Party cdri-le ia intended ta e sg-nin akLte o h etn fteet oti feait tiret popular expression b>' intro- o iemeiguttr î> onl duelng uncsrtaloty and haducing vot- By LEWIS &. HIBSAqRD. Local Edita. but ast vlire New Yeers, tvu or thrse era tu be content vitir a single mark -1_____ earir> members vliimoet and adl- retirer thar ruu tire rlek aifesroliug Tbe arcitect and building commît- lourut over tor une veeic, vien It la *tier ballot and uaulng It talire tee of tire new public lîbrar>' building, buped tire uatter ut paylng off the In. tirrowo out. We hrave secuired a guod met Intihe saune ,ThursdaY' atternaun1 debtedness Of!$1,500 au tire nev pub- deal of retorm li Petiueylvaurla, but1 for a final Inspection and adjustment 1 lic. library building w,9l le sttended It viii not ire cllucired and urade pier- O f accourîts, se tire committee co îta snucb latire çuorncls Iptentian. nianent nntîl 've get rîd af the îrartv maite tireir final rcport 'and patate] ti vsvr>thce edd abl clu-cie and place al votera in nn uexact bruilding over ta tire board complete Rl a eYMlhnee ohl equality athtie pols-Titi Phîladel- aud paid for. Tire meeting, wvin-bva Wrolng croIre, as tire farmers pula Pras. enitrely hr lntu s dJorrned t71s1y, bu.t Sunday'z dîupour liead a MonaY oreooi lntire architect's afi ver>' depresslug efeet an cou-ch cou- FOR THIRD TERM. lice lit Chic.ago. gregationsanad Suuday si-huais. ln he ocil ad piltcalfabi Rev. Mr. Lobli, oi Canada, la viaIt-' Young preacirer Evans vas et tire lu Iresocal ud rarticrl abre. ng Mr. Edriard Moors firnil>'. ,ie BSirlst cirurcir Sunday marnlng and Tirerefore, Tireadore Raose'velt tanont liast th.edistinction ut belug tire oiy eveulog and gave thre peuple a sample only tire one lagîcai ce'rildate for mînîster living vbo marrled liris ovn af varily suggestive and stlmulatIng nomination, bat lnrauliestlY is tire fether sud moter sud tiren marrled a dîscourses. anly logical Presîdent for the pecople. Younîg voman ta tire Moono. Already bas It been îlenîaustrated The Baptiet Srroday scirool urganizets thatthefrIhteed nd engfut Somebody ana a irole lnone outhtie wltb tire year, tire year 1907 vîli lie vealtir ai n frcs ftire couru- streets upt ln Hlgirwud; suinebody ofhScred as flluva: Superlutendeot, controlllg forcesput out tire dag try vîlI resort ta an>' means ta defeatfaed. ta augale, a Ciras. H. Warren; essîstaut suîrerlu- hii nomnation for a iresîdentlilthirrd rd lanteru. somebodys hrse fel I tendent, R. G. Evans; secretar>' and terni. We, tireretore, mueat lie ou hthre buytieanbriehelgadsos.taueMseEm v ;ra aiert sud qulk tuation If ve vauld bd hn sirot tireirorse: somebody lt, rsr ry MS. BEnd. Eals:. ran asve tbat viîciras already been se- wntddamegea, and sued the c 1y aMs Mr .Bad compishd b oU ilustion Prsi.tire electrio road sud uiearîy every- Mr.>Beardsle3-, ai Cii-egoa Sformer cdent ie y u ltrtlur s. botly lu elgbt: somebody vanted a! attache ai tire New-i.etter Office. We are ual uuuuîuiafrrî rr(-the fact change ai venue sud ventta' .Juîdge spelît Sruîday lirtavu v it ieirs ad tirat Tireodore Roosevelt blurself deý David A. Houîiùs andrithe re" il't t 1irleuide. crared n 1rujtenat 'uîaer nr dri-un,- stances vauld ireIre a caîrdldtte for. or warid ire ai-celui rîirtber niamlura- Vie uballeuige, bowever. lis rlgbt ta refuse tuaeccept the preslrleucy af tire United $tates for a third ternr, ln tire face oi the peoples uintaird, esîreclal- 1>'i St ime vbeîi sa uran>' iuertat. luge of the hl5besn impîortanuce bave tren r ir îrght abottasd su-tIlutiontîr by hmm. card sur)stuJeet I-untirtIre danrger-of nf ,untriî'd and uînîrruved aticneslýrrr, tfr wbairpubrie-confidence worîld 4-e reluctaîtîls. extendeid, If at .Mauhtestly, the seleetjatt )f ii,,; Presîdeut réels vîtîr tireteie. '1 le publile, alOne, Io judge. Nortmo n . . se' ire wîlI riot accu-pt. lu ir luit th' Province of Tireodute Rrrrsr-ývr'lî ta car lie wvîlI0or ul trot bu' the Pr'usideui. Fie, vbo acte as Presideirr. rîcus solt> ase aservant o1 tir epleattu.andriwber called by lbem. mutet cricru We u, rrtirer irold. tint lit point ar fui-t bie re-electlon Ilut19rr8 ould not colîstîtute a tird terni. ile bas Ireen elected ta the preeldetrcv but onrce. tuasucb. bowever. as tire Ilsebas been sa gerîerally stroken or as a thirrd tern, tIre Leagiie bas adoîrteu thte title. We, tireretore, lu, the ttteruet ai purblie veltare, demaod tiret Tir-adore Roosevelt ire nominated for tire jreel- dency and ire re-elected ln 1908. sud ta that end irureby piedge aur support. YOLJ KNOW NOT = U se oniueSl-rMn.Stu WIIA'I OU !AT 1 ewtîrgatoe ruodo tslýýIpo uew u'allg tnk .ort u ran, 1 3 ne %i - sbipplng cane, 1 double teirni Iarnepo, Specialiat Gîves out Staîsment I ingle harnemp, set dimp burdeu, viesl. Regarding wirst wa Pay for Imiia- barrow, uixin>' box for ted. tit> egg Nctu-iahentSomeai ie b elv, :00 buncoru- i b, 100 lion Nu hetSmeo h uwieiauts. 40 lun potatoes vury Fa. uj tice. clurru. 1 stter dog. g&si4oline strrre, - f c rasei-ut lin-e foort 5w uew, a lot of Conditions lu Chircagoaraue declau-ed 'ruanure farin e iry forks andl urîber sural ta lie aimler ta turose lu New York as tfflIosoamins-burhld guads sund other dlsclosed b>' Paul Pierce, edItar of artices tri rumeareta mentionl. faad crusadeî'. inruikl telr"s. Joe ux i',,Putui. bttuEspure fo Iladr '. H. Al'Pl.Ln Auct. Be daulares tht New Yorkers a îa> $117,000,'000 ever>' year for Imitation tôonds, mde- ta 'repu-sent realfod b>' means aifciremlcsl preservatives Sud coioring, tirst are varse thgen no tuaIs St ai.1 il. 1MIlklShiDeadly. Il Slxl>-slx tbousand People die bu 'n1New Yor-k ever>' year. 0f tirese 26,- et 000 are mInauls under 5 years ai age. 'n Pieuce sa>s: et "A suggestion oi tire canses me>lire le faund la tire condition oi New Yauk's n-mIlS suppl>'. MIlS.sonidln New YorS a- in aten prîrted vîtir foroldeilyde, ke vIicir le used as e subalitute for ecleanlînens. Formaidebyde ls polio. ,ous ta ireble.' Next tut mlk ire deciares tire great- est food Imposition cousst Imi- tation pradincta. Berne of the Frauda. Heu-e are nme ai tire fraude: Butter-Colou-ed uithi ilne dye. CoROle-Poorent ibrands ai Bu-sillaitî soid as pure Moche and Java. ý> Baked Park and fleans-Preserveni vitirtarmaldeiryde. 1 Canoed Peg-Pu-sserved vîtir salI- cyli- acld anti containing sacchrarin. ICendy--Containing glucose and sac- cirimanti coiored vitir calte r dyes. Ctsup--Coiored vitir coal ftrdye and prester-ued vitIr salcylle and beu- soie aciti.Plctuis--Iontaining copperas, sodi- um suipite and salicyli- acif. Olive OlI-Elgirt>'per ietutsain- pIes purcirased Impure, mont uf theun mized vitir cottonseed aIl; nomie en- tirel>' cottonseed oIl. , Meati-Zoiored vîtiranilinue dye sud and preserved vihi borax. Urne Julce-Smaili motnt oai]fine Julce nixed i vtuu 40 per cent ai added veter, pretterveti vitir stiprur. salîcylilcsud beurni- eaci. - Aucîlan Slale. llar-iirg uecinbeulta quit furing I vili sebi utt ullir' iuutIûn. vitbout rffler'e, o u tlue Kunke faruîr. adjoinlngtire Corlett l arir, 23J nlles alou tirvent o aibrqvlile, (>il Saîrarday 5, 1907, comunsin rat 12:80 Wcelc tire foilovbngjlerId cales li et aie'tc îlhg 1 du'lvbn boe 9.iodw 10 80 W e- t : è 200 4 'Weblà ep Auctîon sale. AS I amu bout ta reoane tt' aînda I iili seIl uttlLbliji-auctioru i rile veut of Libertynville and 1 mile enet of Rtockefeller on lthe Hecbn'r Grve road on Turssda.v, .Irîorary m. 1907, u'om- uîencing ut 12::M.) o'î'IaLk sharp tire ioliowing pxt-iberlpropers>' tu-vit: Bsa' liure I12vr-s nld. triai-k lorme 12 yrsuld. iglt driving teaur, 83 rs aId. colt8o o a lul ired by Qtuebec., colt 2 yeau-s ad,mtare rot 2 yre aId, 16 cows H tauionie filirw n1 ta -ane in i &au, l inAPrli, 2 lu ebruar>', a giving milSk, 1 bulIl 2% years aid, Dais>' Galetu.on Planter. Vietar seeder, trucS wagon, corn ebelleru 600 ardu-Se con, stack i'orn istalkm. 200 baskets cornla crib, quantit>' tîrîothy 'ha>' in barn. SOuIe' 11llethlav fiutuearn. 8milS caum, reed uorn. 20 bru patatoc.e. rueeut gav. eîrvil-u'k'u' and dill. Mallens eutivaturr, Standlard cuutivatuir, bey reek, and a iuaitty iof tier uarticles unuulentilued. Ugual termep. s. M. N:Rn-ro.X, l'rup. . BAjýi' lEv, Ariet. You read tire INDUPRNDENT vent calumo. SBo do 15,000 cithre. Tiret la i>' tire columo la an poqnlai. Notice Tlier e au-,' aet wauuy ululerv-papeu-e et thîe lu<ir;uEroffi-e Wbic Cau lie iueed iii vuprI)Irg r'tu. A large irundie nir tireictg.. Slatur of Ilinois, Caot>' ai Lake,ase. lti tire ClircuitC(',urrt of L.akte Caunt>'. Rerman Scirec 1,vs. Patrick Rois- - hau and Claire C. Edverds, Truslee. BihI ta tuoreciose. Gen. No. 3164, Public notice le Irereb ir'gvea tirat b>' vIrtue of a decree ai sale made aurd entered lunlire irove entitied cause ln aald Court, 1, tire under slgned, Master li Cirncer>'of aisid Court. vOll, on Tneday tire IstI 4e>' ai Januar>'. A. 1). t907. et tire baur ai On1e a'ciock in thr- aiernionu o!fsal day, et tbe East Door of lire Court Rouse. lu tire said Count>' o! Lake, lu thre City' ai Waukugan, Lake Cant>', Illinois, oeil et publie vendue for caih lu band ta tire bigliest anrd bust idder tire tollaving deaeriired real estate, ta-vIt: Lot Flve (5) lu, Block Tirree <3), la Rldgelarsd, besing L4ons anti Hntcir- lia Subdivision o! »art of Lot irit>' (30) la tiraSoou Trustes'. t r idi-J violon, lintGeston Sixteen (16), Towin. ai »brss m (41,.Mr diîÈC . ibum 3- 1 IRev. Nahrum (ir-ver and vIte vi Rev..HerertîF1. Evans, suri, r un rthe Misses (,lover have guise ta Ober- orayar, whbasirae leuu reachitua for lin. Ulla, tir bye wluh Pror. Graver. thre Baîtîi sare luite, slu nncbai tIre callege faculty. mare tbaîî an ordlurary Irreai-ier. I-e la lis the fuliest sud licat sene afull eprtr ias tl tiret Josepîh '. I.u'am- fledged tveutletb ceirtury lreacier., ltig snd fianultyl> p'I'.-ti.lru'sty- For substance bis sermonis are the îld, tenait chuit-It andl i-st lru tudr spririt- alul gosprel ; for niethad then- are ori ta- irailotri vii luei tri'tia mutClf-titits. îlav, and Ihereilelus Onerlunient of' Pe-arha h lansu, hle strtargth. Thir it rs trinie ('hrist-.______ I iku- spirit nybteirgrillsrand rd aws utrr fIttirl.atnrrtlAk'as luenr. I-isletaîrle- Ieat Stirilar r",eirin InnI inIlois ut itrL.ake'nîi vîll lie 'A Message tuir 1907,- Sirunîs- liir. v.4 Mary Si-hî'alfer. Ci)stiig nd katng 4 sare. tisJohr Fli-ire. out,-rvle kuovu as anud vatong and skatulo caî-' bi -calleit .Taiui lecketsweîler, Ctrrie Pal- r~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n aia utrrî i-tr~sarlgrscoller. Elia 'Jobirtreuu. Julia Johnson, nun. George Fui-hn, atherwîse kuovîî ae Edwinr 0. Grirve îrînnîtuu luginhie iAud eallu'd George' Hecketsvurller. SOscar Fuchnirbrierwlue knoov as and boIIdas -vac-ation Inu <>Ierliit, tîblîr.icaîîeui OscarIlieceî'sweller. Albert wiih lis parntts, tis Irrother. a Pîro- Fuchbs, ntierwise ku<îwu as aud called tesar fil the crliegi'. anrI is sîiers. Albrert Hecketsveller. Mary Puncirs. Dr. Hamîilton,î. the dejîtist. bas gane olberwiele kuoase anid alled Mary to anaa, u sai l-ecket8weller. tutd ChristianuElster. tir aurda. it eil fuir a wife, il i'Gen. Noa. 3192'. saIui -He sienled Tirrday. brut ire-i îo c'l e-i> îe ia i-sue su u-rinîd urver th iliner tiret by vir-tie ut a decree ai sale nmadle ire lu-ft iis weddiiig colet lusfis cloîsetsu d eniered Iu tire above enttled and vent tir ihe deirot wiii, irls over- causse lu sas!d Court, I1,lire underslgned coat onsly on. bu t bs nald dlsravered 1Master> lu Ciraucery ai sald Court. yull on Tuesday tire 29th day ai Janu- sud went suter hilu wiIh tire nlisaig au->' A. D. 1907. Et tire irurur of One gsrment. mucir ta irIs jo>. o'clack lu tire aiteruroon ut isald day 1 sam glad to learis Ibat tIhe %aiike- sthtie East Door of the Couart House gais iigi si-bool girl han lieit chosenlu tire City or ai îkegau, liiitire ta~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~e Ileu bbaî li cra o-County ai Lake sud State oaI lliois. euslc isse mîî iuîsOu tre iorh cholor-ng sel] at upuble auctanu tatire higirest essie hamios 1si hefothcmin I- Sud beet bidder for cash tire fîlluwing teuschoiastlc debate and tire red gowno descrlbed prenrlises. la.-<It: for tire occasion irasa been ordered. 1 Tire Northr HaIt f tire Essi hait uof wîli ire on haud ta elijo> tire bu-illent tire aoutbeast quarter oi sectionr tweu- urator>' s'd ee ou- Deerield sensu ty-fivs (2ô), lu Townilp lurly-thu-ee vin ont. (43), North,. oi Range Ten (10) Etn7r (ifatie Thîrd Principal Meridian: aigu, MISE Brao.n the oli1> darîgiter of tIre West IraIt iftire soutirvest quar- Edvard H., la lravlug a severu' lure ter ut the soutirvest quarter oi Sec- wîth heu- eyes. Far a tînre tirere wastlon Tblrty (30), lu townshilp tort>'- great sclicîtuîde as sire hadl avertaxed iliree (4hl North,. af Range Eieveu thei li be wok, bt uderthe (11)REat ai tire Tirrd Principal Me' tiren 1 be var. mt utderIbeu*'ridlan; alsu. camuîpecng St tire north- perior skîll uf Dr. Johin F. Beaurnuut, West corner of sectîirn thlrty-one (1) . tire eye. esar sud liroat sîrecilst, sire lu Township uforty-three 143> Noirth,. nov seema lia fair- va>'for fuîll re- af Range Eleven t!à)KEat îrf ihe cayeu-y. Tiîrd Principal Muerdlen: rrînning Locl tadelishoida gods ho theuce East fort>' t40) rnd': tirerce Locall reofur rurldy gnens sceurySouthr ten (10) rode; tirence W'est au ncras otove Ieut' herirt fort>' (40t) rude; tierene Norti ten above tirat oft lreviouua vear-s. (it0) rada ta tire place of beglun Surtfer as i-au Ire learued theî-e vere contelnl ng tvoanaud one bal (2t/s) [110gasronmie ataitis folowngecres more or legs. nue ghrstas l'fatinliis rlurlg Da Pd Decenîler 269hr. A. .190: tireCiristes taetng.ELAM L. ClAlRKE, Eleanor Smoot and A<ealde fun- Master>' lu Ciancery. mare are borne irom the Michrigan universlt>' for tire iolldays aud quite Itate 0fflitînnis tJnnui or Lasse s. a number nofiuihe-8u frcn-,.,, Pro ll eOonnti Madame David Rutter le liu lovn for a couple of -geeke vlslting ber tva sOus, LYnu R. aird Rhea B. Rut' ter. A nated singer vas seuriorîsby Ir nut fataîl>' pobsoned the otber day lu Newj York tram eatlng 0>-ters. Itire same fate could uvertake some ao-called singers ve vot oi, i krîov who voulît gladl>' psy for tbe uysters. CII> AttOrue>' Suont tonk advan- tiSe ai tire January thav" about Christmas time ta bave a gang or i-arpentera put a 0ev roof on i@sgai' lînacihous orphansge. PerIrsps ireln- tend@ tuo mn au opposition ta tire Ra- vinonS poubtu->' yard, but irevli fiind tiretiiswvhite Legirorns vro irave neveu- kuao an>' hume but one vîtir- out a matirer caouot vIn out., TIre man>' Patrons of tire SUN ln bsllvii-k bave already learned ltu um ta Page 7 of the great lumînar> 'for "Ove"eesuad IlgirI." Tire Public lîbrar>' buildIng commît. tee are holding a meeting toda>' lu the Chicego office ai Patton & Miller,, thre arciritecta, makiig fiuai adjustunent Ofai icounte. Tire Higlirand Psu-k ane vas the elghttetb Carnegie public il- brar>' buIldIng tieee architecte have erected. Dr. Sireidon ma>' deai lr lîttie ipilla sud potions, but ire vou'Ls nome big cures, as vîtuesa Mu-e. Judge Hîbliard. He took a mun dovu tabtselroylrood home lu NarvalS, Ohio, a fev daya ago, aund came bai-k minus lirat vite. Ou-rtate lisok closes Saturdays et rapon, vile tire 'Ersklne irank keeps open tîlI 3 ai-hock p.m. sncb. days. ,I don't kaov viretirer thus la becanfie tire State folk5s ae Bo machr mare agile asd exPedîtiaus, ln tbeir voiS, Or' virethew ILla beceuze theire Ehi eS rt hav-Serges uid mM eaccounlt Choitta Santos........... Fanci Santos, ....... Fine Old Maracaibo ....i.. Mexican Java,.... .... Bostona Mochaand Java. . Liberty Comblnadog) Par pecand ...M ChieS .Japon, werth 50e..e Fancy S. D. Japan, &0e"grade Ceylon and InMaile pecil t . 8 Best EnN4leh Breakfast........ VOMSoYin or Gunpowder. Forosaaolong di rare quality N. Y. PULL OREAM OMEESE litk FancY CailOrnla Prues, lper lb. . * Qllon cau Table Uvrup ....... Quart cao Table Syrup.... ......1.. Quart eau N. 0. Md laesm.........1 Oriolialieeded Raelin% und pg lt Tbankaginu cleaned Iruanto.pkg 1-z Poiatumi Cereal, large pkg......X Urape Note. 2 pkgm ........ .... ,0 Pettijobon'a Breakiasut Food. t-erpkg. .IZC Ralston Breakfast Food pet pkg -.-.14c, BAKER'S CI4000LATE, cake.. l BAKERS COCQA 1-2 lba. can -. .20 Faocv Head Rice lIbo ............ J NwNavy Beans per Ilb............* Itulk-RalJed <itat7 Ihm...... UZt iiranulate<l Yplrrw itn, Meal per lb...k A rti & Hautnier Sada, 1 (k pkg ...f Sardines li a il per tait....... linported Sardines peu ian... 11l) eau Saînion,......... f Piat Bottle Catoup per van.. .w ..10 Mlouarfh Condenseped Milk pu.r <an.. 8 Yaiblt.Cltib Assrrt Soltpi-r rtaut .... 0es 21)ib EaErrly June l'ea ..... a 2 lba eau Sivet Corni........... o 3 lb cao Bakëd BPan..s ..... lt Rý ehiau Puorpkinàt............ o 3 lb pan Egg pluus ...... . l-'O-At 3 lb e-an Extra Toorata ......1*'ka Package Fioe Tableé Sait ....... k 10 lise Leoox 90ap ...... . 10 " Creaun Laundry Sa ..4 10 " faple Cltyioalp........... 4090. OS bars IVool hoap ............... Z. 10 huaro Auierican Facnily Soaup .... 4k Buet Lump Stau'ch (in hnlk). laer lba.. Pouindpakg loutrî. Perfectio Lyeperceaun............. g Extra astrong r4munula per bottie. .100 Perfection luing per bottie ...... 3 Ibo WaahingSoda ..........s &caurene, per càke .............A Sapolio per cake ............I itisirig Sun Stî,ve P i'< le ........îc Ashbeetos mats, eac ..........a - loren ClatIs.. Plns... . ......e Sun Lamp Chlmn.ys,, mach.1-**11*s EE.ELL.SWORTtt( Uibertqvule. UM. FARM MACH INERV>% of ail Kinda RE3PAJRED Thoroughness AND DÎSpatch it~q. ~ '~"WILLIAM LAYCOCK CO trtrz i ad &0 t* , hiej'os Fssaae.aI, u. A br Oppigos St. P.u1 FrelglgDeçuet Bug~ a Bon-le o-~~- tiackley's Twelve Ilour -Cugh Cure- end get a guess on the number of Beasnj the 1Botlec Fou- irst b.J ýbest GIVEN AWAY with

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