£ RT RIAL WRINLEi. "un * e Kng ASIparsVndctiie- Lias.Ooqwss. neTea- Sli asar wu s gusiWhite emliroldery made with a don. ,bafou h rdit or île edge le Wied for Pianels o on f1 [Original.] thse prettleat lingerie dresses. EBach tire trtýrécolar rrwp Bo aadws odiltured, paneb la mun froin rie hem to aimnost li uhooli. vascaliad tewa- Ue u-0 irmoo,." wiso tunied devil may aira sort ,f îlowlionitic fotrue ýéjn iLoula XrnL.,iy everybody loi-ad. 111.qlîir w%*i llax. i tîuuling pl< Ilieisait lm triin~ied te ~~ean4ot. lis eye Was r eius cg bileu, aundi e witliheusvy White crochet isa. 'Flic ai s ew«spap? w .o'ea parpetuai iiiiuie oi hi ue. il kit le plusted, sud ic round ioicro Jacket lms of lsco and I lic lats 166 y l ttailel lî.'tsa * iJ »t luiutlcr nouii alI wlîcîîiirddl u ot ieebetla u-un!:i:ulsNi. ; self colOrar se unionsilie met chusî'ni 'I~the 5tirtDatch mi: 'hs s5,iniitiI W I,. Ua contabied two Iiil roeoIt.. isma. nl:ir las materina a! l heseasan sud .n...ke , Ot news. la te "f Ili, i me.î extrely attractive gawns. Petsu rg. l ire e.) 111' rmidi. i.ent tu l . iTheshirt nallit gameus. UPc the shrt Uni Pit.ean newiar i iii' c ba...es thta i muit a. twalst. tba.ms ttmsued, sueh a lirni bold t"idateo 1703. Thore aec otr a! tutmo. Il,' i-s-dinluec- Vgoghor 0ftise snim: lir îb e ar. liaid i>s-oumîs'susiauioti îsid ark eotTlOfl<1q1i5 ittîsIl, of liiii tuaI lie waa 100 l.îzy tu i-amy et2Peter tie gromit ThFis about getting îlot. P*great Int0ret tu thil Bob ddn't get suaI. lbt ii tinsia peson"ly epainteflded luek wlsihconas tui res-cticpeaple @iiWpoitloii.whsi rather deaorerm-c 1siiiient ha re- par estabulsled la Nortli cevesi a wound juetmît ci-re enongli li u fie Booldi NewsLetter, eabie lm ta shlow tMe i,-rs of a war lmo lesuef Aprt 24, 1704. voterai>. A Maîuiser liillet went .o plte 0ona abeet Ilirongli th le biis aor his îglit era.s ~ ugi..an c l; tW5i gi-lng wlîat iniîlit pesa for two jt lee i survitedun- wounds, eei-lieue Il -ent lu uand Ose! a*~ rt p4vocted tise cause af whit e nt uu>, i goyetii*lit aI tise out- Har.ard. fot 1-lig able toelbondi, na*00 Il revenu«tlO. mushct durog tili tiuie.lad abui- dont Iiume for mihici. Itensovlng "UnS TO 'SAV. twa balle front catridgfl es.mntseu se te bis hast girl. wtl a letter lu which Jil te Moka uPW'»ertlon foP lie Raisi that la her auns ber aluie lie - fika be. > ave thea itîsiîthFllet witl whisbha'li o lied tbean bat. The allier lis', ment to fa tan tiftngsf. boavy reaity hileother hast girl. witlsa s iniilar m>e _bsusk5a deposti assu a.,.lI sjîîesiaichb ep the se W iQW EsdtttOomtell! a tale cret or lii. îr.tf!aence minc-e lie dldntliSO r i, i pOpitiO W ialàfa a acr t ta~lisnov Impr- r *rIls Oiitm4flail. Tictance la is Woul. we palki rek business Kow. tise ecllslertms, Miss Edlth tbav u onthe mlxii Spencer aud Miss Delta Marmai, were % ~fi '$ier Tor 1 ls-extresuîely eaiire lai-e ltadis. ÏWspoaoè prepane for var. yomng soldier. boh îiwcmc praîid of tbe a '- î rç*eority p'sgare for prefereucie. Mch kuîaw Uirathe other' 1 pepple of tMg country cofutadon Pri-ute Hsaard as.ana o!f' ".~.~' etf tn ber especial friands at t1w front luaq ~ ~ ' eàdtr cttVlty; but thome oxltlig disys wheu ralta have s? 7 &Y e someWbere -an espacisi frtsgîd 'et tise wur made a a as à atir*e.CDPfepsi' orgirl ted uand appear uPc a "wall- t doyer" t a hall. The iext ime Misa n W> «Pett laned ta hpeucer met Miss Marl afler Ilie e-' OAD MOM an A" te add celpt o! ber brillet she asîkaîl.wltli d on thse affections of tise feminlusa world wv bis 5ccumu- trlumpliant aparkle la the eye aud tg@& 1ha1. ne malter wbat attacks are made ro Ï lnodizfart of thse, bond: i open ultt, ~ It tcontinues lu tashion seasoi. ea 411t aQlalato 'ij1eard from Bazad çy- 1aftteersson. , 111111W11LTise The response Tast douhilesa fallu- Taaafcs r idalyîulli la 's1esicof by thse questioner's manner. their wsy imb tise stimer fusilons, tir 1YVAM gvoiY "tes; thse por fellov lias boe e rs.VfO and ly fai tisay wili lie ln full swing. sa secti ean Ir voonmded.." The gowa Iiiustrated la of lationder fl Odo ý"L kaow." repied lhe otier. vîlli au and wite spottad foulard. trlmmed "~Ju O-f air' Of supelorlty. "Ha vnota me al vIls a rouleau et plai lavonden ta!f- It4 là *n boui t."eta. Iriaslace and tucked lavensler IlleSE ". hodi me, snd sent sme a Xeup..I1fZD4Iê_ .>I5I leeadora- jmontsr. A clasp of gold le placeil ons - ' "fe sent tue the blslet that strnck thse beoit fvwiIte faille de chine rlbliois. The JTDIC CHOLLBT. - ..U'mis Marsi gasped for imeatis. 11 c'bave fiaet ballet." ellhoubai. "la iy MODES OF' THE MOMENT. IlllfflmT 1 A New 5hlt Wallt: Mdes;-Od .Iw.5 "Azd 1 have It lu my javel box.» Ia"u.u. mu D 'Tls wasnlie piellmlnsry part Of à Anlli uagr igrshirt Wal-t eosveretioo tisat led te tb.he bition Io male of altermuueal tnîpa of rallier ~ ~ ~ f te-o ballets, ssci vlli a polishof vIde valencennes Insertion ands liglit ~ 05Y. ~ssrface. hici launever!ounad on On. ilygatisedftwo Inchi pulls of liansken- «er. dyý fitat bas boo iom edfroas a sun, to 8" chit linon arrangedliorizantally. The - ~ a»Wlnof boigsonti thnougb mfans aleeves ara ftaslsone lu lihe serne way. ,,"tteatpub-auna. uad thse girls boon disilâptreeted andi finish juil below lie atbow vilS 1 o -4na. tt voolf bave smlled. As Il vu", tÙmsnee mglace edged l'utie4. ýto be su- dêyvoured tiat vies Private Robert Garnets are very fasaionable. Odd eut le ans'd retrnedlie siould explain ioklaceansd pins of hils isecomlng IQO bIs *11tian110Procoodlng sud Pronounco ed atone are searcied fon ln antiquew te be ogeslono c h bI haiops. A patcularly original necklace &W .more Mdna w ooii istre u. vas rmn te covar fie ollier day correlet- - 4~l~s ie Wben tefriervan ded. Il vlrtujLlIy be 'iag s aaUblocks of uncut garness ',m "Mtegon for. Bob Hasard. An -enenir fastened toretier vils Invisible links.'P nehli eavaited hi hlm hb olilbave t!Ick- Bracelets ot ail sorti ane vora la ex- I in i euÎ tian torror lotoaisyman of lems lraVery. travagant numbons. BaveraI aarrow OX aeutriEU» 'egilien uitinrcesitinouigi tefOnaieson fie lait rre are uBually o! .l'esildaut liHo iyfraui in hclu il hastdeparted vlS 1"semi" s wi elias precius tones, filt ad oit. iyig colora andi msrtlal munic. The 'in ailliddsof doen rdeslgon. M09114t a ism rutecmmSurlcatlon lho recelvesi atter M. sepoitef bodice la fie nevest t fballt IUtat'0l ont wu aS noe frour Ibiuig la stylueso fr. - Ocoelo*aly a *the am l - ies pencer satns hita cone sud glrdle etfect la thfiefori Ilttiaes, but ai mii ten osebow trsebail mouated thse koeels more of tan Itlelathe vaIntskteff.cars- ~4ueatîe4 Is ra ho ke ho had smnt h«. es' callffl taI fully shapef te fit vithoUtIa wnlnkle 5V5 tila lseveuslng and found Umsa peweos*a-sd snd snllg EnuteaIL depgrancerai Peint '~Iercolae"nui MiseMes together. On the, table flneci la frot Tbese vaist» are ~ ~e.ail lme. vs au open Jewel box fiat. ba l bl M e la tisouglit a pair of solitaire earrlais. afnd l huov wwut Col.place of tb irrlngs wve tobolis. IsleW l$io. "clThei expenelof on thse faces 09 tise £0 ERPLANT. "WIS oup7e« e"midiesmSpencf., "1lunos whlch offlhens vo builets - Thir -plaled suaces sofli bave IM pboIlve lsjttia fiat heougt he lie 1115mbof eIaM e lbie »W àlmget-bai 'a ruiber tacs, but tlsey f if net.Infoof b eo ponlsers bing of lils 10k ne note of anythbng be vUe 166w Tosk rand- thinklng boy te wiligle ont of b or! etber tfront indov. Sorape b bllibrougt WuoahhlMe te tie baos of th iselnally. vils anM njarff air ho alff et Ils leaves belng pusmialoli talake 0oRliescent. vieé fm~elong. vwu grantsd. Dosnb'risé feucea d noseslew ske veny a pair of golf eoleoeb& o, ho rele tau.", nie expîcins op is eblt 51ev.. 414 yen everguo stucS "Mili ofld." ho -id. poinllg te t qmdRy elt the0Intiselaetise scoir vhore thse missle tiat isaf bw lis--'a al due Offties ani, "vasn u*# h y lise beot ýU1rpri« Xy plant gela on fie riglit.TUisi." tisfng te tfie B Uryn'tie Ibu! 5CiM viere tisa oIgnahnjneeb atleft ,ei ton dîssafr I vaiS i lit is arma, "was maÊdq by fie ballt oni 4'. aseeiiaa. ltread of tiseret'" lisespiol. ud itor T'Fe gIn15 looied el ach ibles. UIh etere, whlchhSas "lotitva ooug ldes"ho con i~blood of fie ment Inlitliued "au especlal rMende of mle. L o ftiO ae r tr s I I thouglt mîglt lke te bave a beflloti sw )uj à -sivO uy plat a table. fiat had ttrucis a simple solsier of lose fittu nsd vei honed. Tisane are ~M4lI*v 01 onc a he iSauisvar. Havngabuillet for t4w figureste vih btils bofes liot ý.1o leertis. andi theaplant 1ese5 wotiid, 1 WUl onablef tlis Md ans iWooMlr&.for anyllg it mksts te éaci ou." v - aleut ri mailler la boiid.ta 100 1 ~t"ear o an oe asefesd- Again tise girls looked it Bt oaci oISon. ou ntfe stat sud sUO oman v! bs ay The idesla il& "Iý TaPio u." lisezenMiseSpencer. aUbe. *'Andi 1 tals von," Interrupted XMiM illeos runainq isoleé-nbroyaUdi SÏARTORIAL NEWS.'- simwea a dlss-au Quea WtamI Short aleevesi valm soedoousisi lmey are fant iaing paceel sway, cnd bose vha predicted tînt wnmumeut oulfi ie fisabtul for any sIcavv,"ntI cli be- ne tha nommer was ai-r c-c--m liaund ,o iose eâMe as soracle-s. Ti.î- irblle un. 'EV«ESit>WÂiT. fotuuily cunglit sus 100 soan. fat fads niost gnn-is Iy is'greu. AIl tht workiuig girls thut tiimausi the Isusiness 1-kto siesring lIn. amriei-ii siui l gsn i )f andmlteuinis shirts ,jth libowsmm -ies--,,msi n si--iuisve 1pa4> île c- mlt a mie t71d! uattir-e. lt l part ai the gsssîuc fi theict ta stant tminll-s-i!4 huiwIiht are ms'uosit eles-tii-c, pamtietluirîythe icuiire siuidmucd ons. ocîs uslisuaril metlsulel vittiuansis,-> Styx Iusn -ar n bandi of gold or ti)r- tois shah hulilis d s-i u ýIlem. tmuc uhn-aal'mumîp of uislisc-of-p.eunl farm:sî an uutuiiîî ismu uîsii. Ti1-il Is nuis su glisses, luit IN a iost effective aciis as-s'utliesia ilou e af th p Fresc l en*u ai-i anr- sasuti fsul fi,, tis imlI-us.i-)48 wamPs-si ni) 0 Ina thnsi- ssay lis e('IA-ý relle cass aithisinsgn:lm im itl IsaItîl- d lmtlala. l'aie yellssw miuuliti ilkks I t lit- tactietlîv 11e t-s'uuig iiu Iî' lie îl- finguiallnz fectures anretisa lace cahlitr anil ie simd lmis ofalaseoaun tisealve. .11 Il('('IOLLET. A omvble Fate. ltrsyséd Fagln-l siways carr eu sien 1'm leokin' fer work. ~acu Rungr Hawklns-'Wat fer? Frayed Fagîn-If t over ketchi OP wld it l'il1lient It te dssts-lliai* >1111 PMos. Ifs'. Hppo-Oi, Ms'. Monk, I voold :M love ta se boy mnch I veli! Ur. Mosik-OIsemomntl - 1ene vaut te ses it I have the prileor a aev scalp.-PUladlPluba Pree- watcbdog or fhieves' Buerginra vie bve 1a doS le bas, e-a"ifor Ilium M4nfive tbase ner vhs. fager ejpromcie areoges't. lut te Alarneda0 . Le-Its aM0090& The police have a fsscilptIou et the i9 la anuierstood fiat Klg Edvard viii couler on Goe mikado these fco ration oM the Crier 0f thse Cules, vieS viiilibe oonvsyef ta ihie m630e Sy a, spocisiunlulois. headed b! Prinîce AI'tur of ConniaIlfIt, eonlezt ye06. risit n lak Itlàim oflen essîita serve Ivo mas- ter@ tisa t mster tva servant.- Piladelphla Re00md. mgisvaymse AvheL. Te-o lsgiswaymen, mouâtef os bicy- clos, bave basa ucndbaggmnr citisens vuS hmuscS sicemslatul! la Usa Pms- cisco suburlis Tiy ride op siolWeosi- ly. do t foIn ork avlflY ado aps assfl. abEnL tFr>m ednesay's Dautly Son.) F rot ,sr AnnouncOs Own Marrnage Yesterday atterncon, at 4:30, wtth <'ounty Clark Albier t L. Hendee and lanilly. of Waulcegan, lu attenence, Miss Edîit iiendee Tas unlted IM mar- vnage ta W. P. Street, af Chilcago, at the home of the brlde'a aiter. Mrs. H-osardt, of 466 'Wsconsin streke, Kenosha. The couple will raside ln Chicago. M.Streat la weil known biera. S8e ,attcnded the WVaukeamshîgli scool for a tiue. Rey. Brlggs performed the cane- mony, whlch was well attended. The groom of the brother, in attend- ance. sprung a surprise whou lie lus tua prodncad a marriage license showing that ie liad bean unlted ln usarriage wltli a Chilcago girl Christ- mas day, or a weak ago. The mar- mage liad beau Papt a socreýt to thls tlie. His naine la 'J. W. Streat. nquet Caliid This Morning. The final meeting of thse JIurywaa ,sehi ln the Larsas & Conrad uforgue tIbis morning. An answer ta thse let- ter seut ia W. 8. Haines, of Cbl- caga, asldng for more definite kuowl- cdge on thse resait of his examînatlun of thie desd man's organs was rec'eiv- ting. the fourtls in the casé. e y md tet ucedt sessIon. wit. the cornr n d alliera _Iterest eK tmmuuuied after abouut an hall lsaîr's de- State ofIlinuois, .ake caîuty. s lun tIsamaiter oa!thIlnquisitionu sîm thie body af Floyd Clianey, deceasesi, hald ai Waukegan. Ill., ami the Md. 411 and 291h ilsys of Decambar. A. D. 1906, andi the 2d day o a jsuamy,-A. ). 1907. te, laqîsre of tle deaihi of Floydl ('l- sey accondine lauIthe evidence takas and expert opinions o! Prof. Waltar b. Haines andi Dr. E. R. LeCount. of Clicaga. an oali do fiud Ihat It la ligily probable liaI Ilie sali Floyd Cianey came ta bis deati ram thse polsonous astiln of alcoliol an tram polsonlas vîtis chloral hydrate or tram tise comhlned action ai bath Poson". 'Fia evîdenca la ual suflicanltauas- igu an exact cause' fur lie dealli o! lia sald! Floyd Cianey. Thora lu do reaaou. tram tia evl- dence sulittesi. tu belleve tial Itha chloraI hydrata vas admînlaîterisi vîlli crîminal baient. Futhar. the jury finS Ibal lie de- cassed vas addlcted ta the use o! an excesive amount of alcohli llaiquans and Iliat lie bad haan a fnaquent tiser a! chlorai for sevamal yeams prieîr tg) bisi <lath. New Vear filaIs Pencîrate Wells John 'Ferry, of Browning avenue. faIt so joyful that lia cotld tunn ovar a new leaf tiaI MoadaY nigit as Ilie Nev Yean praparesi la gamiol lln e la allegesi ta bave pullesi a ravai-ar and iliot acrosa liee treet wltl i I. 'Fhe ballet penetratad lihe Talla of lie liasse opposite, veut Ilirougi lhe pater and las. andi Imifed si lef la tisa besipont aliove lhe iead o! a mnu ho vue peaoafully slumberiug ln lied. Ho jumpesi up vltli a yell, as the hulaIt lied clippadhils heasi. and hurriesi dovu tovn to make a complaint. ai a remilt of whIcli Terny vas fineS yeterday. Ha paiS and Iont. 'Ferry assertasi htliu le hmd ired dovuvwand authfe ground. lIntils cane' tha ballet descrimesia nemankabla ce- neer ta reaci lie besipoat. neioundlng frosu lia street Into tIse -ait and timugisut. Abraham iand Thoodore. AbnaiulA~Lncaîn hanslices nraYad againit 'FisodaoeRoosevollu fia -Sundzy lîqusor coutroversy by leaders on eacis aide in Chlsso se bore. 'Fhe Bey. W. A. Bartlett Sas made publie extnacts cf a 1,000 yard atate- ment vnltten by Preaident Rboosevel several years cgo ansi lie minlalen read, Ilt ramin ls pulptSunday as being applicable tla MayarDiune andi allera. William Preutes ofo!thle cvil service commission qtsoted Pnesu- dont Lincolmn 10 eupport lise conten' tlona o! th. pno'gaalooufaction. "-Lavlaasnea." nmya the Roosevelt stalemant. "lineeda anarcliy. Thle lyncher and thse lilteccppara ara alle ta flaurlali becauso the Iuvs a"e not executed. A cammunlty lias 'no dlain to ccl itsaîf clvillzed untîl It casn. cal tself law-abilding. - rea gov- ermmoulah impossIile unlae lite peo. ple!â nepresantativei putl onthie itut' ste books onîy lavasîihtSey In- tend tobeha penative and unieosexecu; tIye oMfcers carry autl hose lave4id good failli vian once iisay been enu- actai." coca ve1sa1uy .US h. mi5>,e NUeaNT.lyb 5,O IL N Pepublican leadors, propose a tarit VIlioe PMogr=for lm0. IWhy ual 'The 1Roundup $y Willie West Homo a Ch,ùsc Prise Fight Devdloped Into a Sprint- ing Match. A crowd Of real Now Yank lsparts re- CeUlly be alstic ol~wwow oui de Sertes i per liaI juta outi mb fie EBad river. ansi lhmares3uthî vaenumeroas varloun nInd eadl mare Isthae taua fis. of.r. MIckey McDonougli wan ta battle Fred Licas at 105 pouadu, vin- non t laie aIH Of tise 41W0 pures fiat ho could roai n lie sarmuie fiat voulsi occr at fie fliih Tha crawd gilliered et lii. cppointed lime on the Ione. Canvas vas ipreaf end lime hanclies vera e i up maki the ring,. vildi as about tvonty foot essih siy. A cuiii ll viS 1ev frais fie mIser. sud every ana vas thare vils tise calsi Net ansi tle ned beake. Suddenly a big fmuiîuw vs'tis a lrPIÈn Domse vIa losukeui like au Indien chiot c-auna lu. foliowesl by about elgil handieis. *'ttem's, Luca," l.lad oueuftIben. Ail out vilsfishe ck$ ta s d es i.fgt- an. lie ual sows, sud tison came Me- Donougli as serionsaes a Jude. He squatled laitise oflen corner, but au @Don as bit ireliteettlontse ie duls il bruiks, and hao nt 1tiste lao« li a nack o! putty. T'Fb ig lauizat54f tien asothai' chair. Oi.b, oy fie cold vind bevwl Mickey puliedioff bis cloufls b$trisp. and lhey noted bis grand form.. "H'. as bardasu wialstsflse." piped- 0e of fie kuoviuse on«s. "icukey voali fighi f dorrevs «Dwsnovm PegOOnul. 'Fie scappers verebioh rosi! nov sud- pulling on tb. giovos vte sUd& danly trous fie rear tIer, vas a yoll of 11ofr Mickey pulied on a coat. andi ail got busy and eaited ta jump over fis bouches. vien Kid MurpIs ciirpesl ont oven the noise. "Bingaa sang; sing a song!" A gent vith sa back oeeand a scar on his check valkesi ouIt tiste contai of lie ring and, ithil a sveet volce 10»u fie fat bey in tise quartet. santo tn slns«"Wion fié Wisippoorvlll Blcs Marguerite." Tisa vîld crowd af a moment lieforo settlosi dowa vltls faces 1k anges ad un fougis tIey vans at a S3unda aternoon concert of fia Bible lan. Thons neally vas a cop la alibi. He valked over. pipesi fie crev and ha tauntb lok for ovideisc.Tisere la s conet' vans fie glovosand union- elothec or Mckey MeDoneugi. The mg * tofpod, a" a bo uetartof tom tise slaire.On. lomeeop utmitimon gurng fie elf eno. ne hou ,tht glovmu hWEn isbni ani tacoftise erovi Orne teillav sole tiecloue.s sia cm watcbod flceela front, a"idm emotier omleel lomlnt yoang ma vIit vo caumiioer eaus spoke ID him. akung vat ho meunt ta do ii fie gwoes. Bsfore lhe ecpper kneu visat vas csiang tboy grabbod hlm4 itftef hlm os'er tis bouche.sud rovi- ed im ta the rail. Tise gang aImeS fieestuggling de- feuder of fie pence et the river. Tht river vas about forty foot belov. and il: loobsi vony cold aud vey vol. "«Up vid i hm! Up vli.il.!" And fiey had bintos fie rail pnslslng lIn TEE LUiT EOM or 0 TE IGET asewlien sMoth olers grabbed hie. fwo anm lild hlm. 1 A, dtsrmlned shoveiy t'ho fret 4ai, Isobae n »t th. poil-ceanheadiu bits the alvm .Tisee @l- a s ntu,' ri" e Jit at Ibismomlet ton ~h polleenses srteO d iasen»d stie blé followed. At laitrePorts L»00* Md McDOnuhwoae botoodng aer brm utEnUhselgb az, la tho e w iaisit the sell Te* go-cedegstmnt. Wu gpet ftemou" Soa*usê, Frlisays Mdns atur a s [a ursO9lo ,11:0ea. ni., 12»8. te - Nô change i5adé for eeOs LilàryrIe. 11I. 4 DR.FREDERICK IL MARTW$ .Office ovenBSith A&Dvis" Oe plions 55 «itaence phOU Ml flouas: il 10 12ea,,us. 1 t a Md caf 8SP'. . Llintvillla.lIllinois DRE J. L. TAYLOR. Orrica oves viasoa c AtLowo.î soya:-? ta 10 a. mn. 2 ta 4 ad 1,t 8 P.un Sosîdeao on Broadway, oppositePt& Uàbentyville. llInols. ' DL CP. GA1LLVAY. nOuas-fnm 1 te 8 and 0Gb Sap. M A. HATCH, MLD., Phlisician and Surgeon Fox Lake Stock Fvrm - Inglosadd.liti. 'Poo332 H, R. DALRYMPLE, D. O. , uSTE(>PATIFFST Kai.a--rliuiding. - TeMtosn o5 Itti ouri t> s. iss.-I p. ni. PAUL MAC GUFFIN ATTORNÉY AP LAW. s.ti38. DL E. Hi SMITH, DESTIST. ai'riCK OVES LAKE dOV5iTV SAIVI .ovass-8 ta 12 s. ns. and 1 to 5 P.~ DAILY. 1 I LIbenlyvilIs'. Illinois. DR. GOLDING DENTIST Ussurap M 1012 e.m.-1 to.s"p P. Ksasr Block Lihantyvilk..Illinoi DIL O. P. *ffTDRE. VEMMnNARY SURGUON. LYNCH DROTHES Lieyla Connectioa Plione 337 Libertyvil. flt V.G, RAADU~LLD.C. W. d.inAry u M&o aD. Cst Veitry Suen ad Diet P. O riie Vk'wDh P.0 rinis i 'iaî-L.îhertyviiia 186 LAWTEII 213 iWashington str.'et Waukegan Plione 2761 DR, RDWVARD V. SM OfFie and Residenc* oplposite Aysl store Rocketeller. Illinois Plione LlliertyvWUe 644 DIL B. A. CRANER DENTIST Houri 19 a. n., 12 ni., 1:30 ou 5 p. i Eveninga by appolntîent Offlce in Bank building. socomS*" (Irayulako, inois. DRLL JOLLBY PHYSICIAN AND BSUON î¶" Eyt's temted ohause proIISti$ Farmers telephonehUes. Gfiiuqè When communicatisg wlNb iNo£PEI4DENt aet aish VERY OAREFUL. to se your NAME AND AD a=eri plsinly upon the muiation. A numbr f~ recenly requeste for ch address and jeven f TANCES bave corneth, office usgio.Ahweygs form e'.addr6.6 wh n aeklo have your address changed.