LÂKE CýoUNTr Y' LNDEPENDENT. andi WAUKEGAN, WEEKY SUN VOL. XV. NO. 15. LIBERTYVIL&LE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 190O7-U)2 Pages 814'uU i'~il Yi~Ail lIN ADVAINU3~. US rOUND ma& Who. rîguret lau B.uautioma amuet Ils Chicago la beau en' the Petie CoanaI WB UPPOBU TO william Ford, fcrmerly cf Watar etraet, Waukogan, ha* houa- hoard frein et ast end th mysMth it "Urrcuddhis dsapp.arunce la aleured up In part. llcnday Çhlet of Police Swan- brengb rectlyed a letter from Janiel g. Knlght, of Waukegan, lnformlug hm that Knlght bad seen Ford alîve a" wel on the treets or Los An. gole and huid spoken to hlm. As Ford and Kngbt are both aId ralroad men,.,iieterans of the smre romd& tbey wold knaw each oiter ~parfOCtly. Thug Il would appear that: 1-Pord vas flot assaulted and rob- bai! accordlng to the mysterlous mes- sag that came tu a Chcago saloon tb. morlin after hlm alleged dlsap- pueace. 2-That lie nay le reconiled ta lisJ vifs, tho la known la b. iu or to have beeu lu Los Angeles. 3-That be dili fot meet tIit o' piaI Ibte banda o! Chicago crook- . Hovever, lb. mystery a! hlm aller- J fui, t if Illit Il vas and vhetlier or Dlot b. vas rabbed et the ime of tua uudden leave takîng remaîn ta lie The Waukgan police are workîng ou th. cas, sud vîlI make an attempt tb dean il perfectl>. Ausviii b. necalied, the barteuder at the Chicagosaloon at wviielDIa- umcclMU made bis h-mdqiuarterm Wb lbon bis Jeveln>' sellng tripe. re- eived a message ou. mornîng In lb. effeel tisat Billb id been knocked lu thc bad sud rolibed o! $1,000 torîli o! jeweIr>', Chicago and Waukegan police tank- ed ou tb. case sud the final conclu- *tois vre tisaI Ford had eilber skîp- pcd or baid been fouly deat titis. Nilbr mies bhave ieen lise cor- rect, lbeory. PRIMARY LAW Bf ING TESTED Vaidlly Sustained Yet it s Thought Sections are Weak-Matter 10 Go 10 igbesiCocurts. The net prlmary at bas gane 'trougb Ils tireI experience ln the courts and bai corne out afely. ai- lisougis the decision questions Ils con- slllutIonallty. Judge Wlndem ustaîn- ed lbe vsiIdity o! lb. lawtlu an opIn- iou given W.dnesday, but admltled thal certain sections Involved serions Quesiona a! consitutîonallty. On tbe iround that the lat vas le -b. laken 10 tise supreme court lie de- claret! bis preference 10 ustaîn lb. - nacumeu sund pasa the question on te th. blîber court. Il la expected à ia decision eau lie obtalned froni the.Pmupeocourt lu Fbruary, Th. suit vas brougisî b>'Atorneys Thom- a shabll sud Roy D. Keesn, bth O! vhom vcrc couu.clteilt lb. Indepaudcul Judical polîitca moyemet lutI fat. altacking the la, sndudakug thal lb. couct>' tseaurcu and the eleclion commission b. ru. triaed from payli lb.hejudges snd cleks,_of lectlou vho sei*ed lu the - fduarIs Augul4. Th - ?ie jetitiou vas dlamissed, but Inige Winu sustaiued ane coulcu. tioSI th thc effect Ibat before el pi. mur1'lction an opportunit>' shouls be gven for registratbon. a* -eof Cluosionaibie Prcviloa. Anionithe.semtons vhicb ýcas doubt ou the eonsituticnality of!thb A&t la the opinion cf the court, wu thaI coferrng ou th. pollîlemi com 10e te i paver 10 arrange prhuaxy rdstrict$, ai velI as cîbers pravidluj for pettions aud stipulatng wvi lb.>' sbould coulalu sud fixiugi lis ljiimoutîous o! pnlmary voera. tt- lal a serious question vbeti la ual a delegallon of pover.' Judge Wlndes wtti reteenuce Ix :ovision dealini titis liseai t 01of primar»y dislrlcts, "bui si there la donît lu my uiuc tbfhie tipreie court shouli tlioalty of the cet but lu this cam.1 vii rculve a doublal favor of tb. defeudan t,' nasmuch as lb. case le go lui t0 lb. supreme court lu Febru- The laut lime a prlmarY man got ln- 10 lhes upreme court Il resaitod lu a speelal session of the legisiature, vhlch païssd lt.ect nov under con- midermion. If au adverse deelsiou bould comme ln the February termi of the supreme court I la certain tbat lb. leglmslature aglu vIll b struggling vllb a pri- mary bl, asItlas Goveruon Denee's Intention tole ava sucb a iaw on lb. statut, bocks then he qulte office. NUNDA SCENE 0F MILD SflNISTI0t4 charges cf Very Sericus Nature Brought Against Floyd Gag, Youlhful iloeikeser-Bi Dam- ages Asked by Wronged Girl. Charges o! a serious fnature bavet been fIleli agalut Floyd Gage, the youtbfuI praprletor o! tb. Nunda ho- tel and son of U-H. HGage, the telI known mendiant o! Plngree Grove, both o!fvliam are widely known ln wesfter,î Lake counly, Nunda belng ln TRIEASURES LIIoEr lm ýTUE LAKESI millions Have DccliSurnk lu Depihaeofthîe Oreet Blue Freek Wat.r "hmo SOUR TRAGEDIDU OF TUE WAVFO RECORDED whle lb. oceans and lh. Islands lu tbem uudoibedly contain thse greaterl part of the bldden Ireasure of_ the tond. Ibere are other places whicli pre beginunni 1 atîrael those lu-1 festcd iy lb. germ o! "treaiurets,"1 eud aMong these are the great lakes,i says lb. Derot News-Tribune. Fromt lime te, time treasure bunting expedi-i lions bave been itedoI at - variaus1 ports, but tliey have heen generatlyi regarded as suchbhusnesslilîe yen-1 tures Ihat oniy now and Ihefi las one seeu mucli o! romance or advenlure ln them. The majorty o! these exp.- dillons were unsuccessful in their ef- forts, but a few o! lhem have reaped ricli re*srds. Probaly nu sinllar ares o! any ocean. if suddenly rohbed o! its McHenry county. Miss M.Igy Mr atr.wouîld expose ta human eyem tenseî#f employed for a time lu', h- more sunlien slips or more valualle le the 19-year-cld,,daughter o! Nlck .llhrtensieu, a tarmî-r esidlng near .-r ,tetaiLake. S-ntlment il aid td îhave' r-aclied v4.-v r- let in Nnda sud Crystal Lakte, and itlaIsassd tliesweerluesmt ofthe girl, 10 whom lier uengagemnt vas e - lioîted, lias takeiî a landinl the -o eedlîîgH agaluat the alle,-Pd trong- doer. Friends o! G4go art corîfidexît o! is Innocence, andlie faîlier lias stated tisatnou smoinilbe spared ta, ligbî the case, Attorney Ytank Sho- peu, o! Elgin, bas beeîî engaged ta de- fend th. youtb. sud vîli prohably lie auaat.d by D. T. Blle>', cf Wood- slrkAtorney C. P. Bannes, of Woadstock, tel! kiiown In Wauke gan, le the îîrosecitîng tawer. Sues for $10,000 Damages. Suit for daniagea aniomiîting l<î $10,- 0110 was ilIed ln tle couinty court o! .cHenry couuty hy the gIrl as reps-1 ration for tise personal ljury thîdli8 abe assels lias been donsc ler livt lier former employer. Last week a1 charge luvolvlng an aiieged assauît tas preferresi agalust tise defeudant. December 6. 1906, in tise date set by tise girl as tise time tIen se vas as- saulted. aIe ays. A iseaing on Ilhe rsI charge tîli bc conducted Frlday of tiIs vek at Waodstock b>' Police Magistract Jones.1 Gage ta 23 years o! age and, It la saîd. bears an excellent reputallou. Athougli young, lie assumed tise pro- prîetorsblp o! Il. Nunda hostelr>', and is been succestul as saliotel-1 keeper. Hlm tather Is vel ta do. C Tcok Job Near Fiance. 1 Late lu Novemiser Mary Marteusen appîied for vork aitishe Nunda lotel. and vas given employment by Gage. Supectlng fiends thaugît lIaI tise country girl liil corne ta tatu In or- der ta lie close ta, a Crystal LaIke youtli hl vlom see assasld ta isave been keeping compauy for smre lime sud ta tisom :ise vas eugaged ta lie married. Tise luru o! affaîrs lias cast ait Ibougisao! marrlage tram île minda o! lise Youug people, l la sald, but lis. aveetseart O! lb. girl. Il la saId, lias encouraged the damage salIs la avenge hisms.lt. WitIelise irai legil proceas lnyoived oui>' the charge, lb, damagesuit aaklng for lb. large aum o! $10,000 la sald 10 bave ba.u advlmed by frands o! lbe girl. Ioyd Gage. lb. Young Nunda isolel- teeper, tai ou Fr105>' bannI over lbe grand Jury cu a isuuch more sari.' ous charge lhau l vas aI finalt tougisl tculd b. pro!errod against hlm. The cam tamu beard lu lise court of Police Magarate Jons, of Wolmlock. Desplte lie tact liaI Attorney' C. P. Barnes, 0f Woodetock. viso la prose- cuini lthee.e made a severe arraigu- met cf lb. Young man, bIs attorneys, Prank IL Shapen. o!fElgn. aud D. T. fimIe>', of Wcodstocb. chose ualta maie au>' defense whatoseeer, an Justice Joues tob lie ouI>' connse open 10 hlm, Ibal o! hlndiIg Gage 0ver foranidcmeut. Oui>' Ivo vituesses tare put on lise stand b>' the prosecation. Tise>' ver. -MimaeJMary Morleusen, visa la the accuser o! tise Yaung man, sud ber mother. Mrs. Nies Mreusen. lia tifc o! a promluent frmer ne- sding near Burto'a bridge, six miles et o! Cryâtal Labo. TisécIl>' mar- misiof Didee mand a physiclsu viso buhasade »tU oamlnatlon cf lie "nug outanmar eobOb préenst lu Il -e wt -# »Mbut er, a uton cargues than would the. dve great laates. This Is easily underslood when on. knots that durIng thie lvefty years between MS7 and 1898 only ane les» than 6,000 vesse)% were wrecked on tlie Iuland mes, and that 1,093 o! these were total lasses, Thà Ioss of cargo durlng those years, whcis ret,- esént only s uttle more than anc- fourîli of the yearm of navigation on the laites, tas $6.541.900, and front thîs lt la safe ta, reasan tisat the total 3amounlo! propemty visicli las gane tanis cf opper. Then Capt. Baker, of Detroit, bçgai operatlons. whlcb ne- sulted in tic recovery of nearly $100,- oQO worth of propent>. In 1895 the william Hlome. losded wth $20,000 wortb o1 stee bleti, sank la ulnety- six feet of wter off Swishwvah point. Lake Mîchigau. lu 1901 sbe ivas rais- led, ono diver bcbng kilied in 1h. vork ker min rocovsred treasure lu steel billets amonnubtini $3P1,000 frOm tbe Alva Bradley, vIiclisank lu lb. deep water of uorth Manitou Island. Cap- tain Quun, cf Detroi, bai alsc re- cover.d USD7 valibl, cargoo«. Loua of theoDena Richmond. somethm a mong the South shore of LaIke Erie. bettosu Dunklrk and Erie, len a trouare mliii'whlch l viibnlg a fortune 10 ber iucky dîsoverer If slie la ever found. On. nîglit the Dean Rchmond, vîih$50.000 vorlli o! pi zinc on board. mysterlously dis- apfeared between Iliose two places. Every baud aboard wass bat and tbelr bodies were plclsed op ashore. la vain bave searching partie%. spent mucb lIme aud moîîey ln thle hunt for tlie bat vessel. The last asuempt wss made iy tb. Muàrtly Wrecklng Company of Buffalo. whtcli had a ves- sel and sevenal divers searchlng al One year vithout succesa. Undersea torkers can iot go deep- cm Ilian 100 feet and norh-, for whîle lley can descend Io t:io feet, tliey muet rima immedatet' or suifer a terrible deatis. FARM!WS MIEET IN. IINSTITUTIE Annual Gathering Held Two Day. ai Graylake-Program and Addresus Prove Ineresting snd Higbly instructive. la lb. botm o! the laites. counling The- Farmer'. luattute met lu anuuai onîy cargoes, would mals.tise enor- asta uTuoesiansd Wedueeday of mous total o! aI leail $12000,000. àlistavel t liystske sud van Ibis el courm,,»e Znr«rIto! li >y-5 faiiny veil ii5dsd. The tank li§ IbIs sunken praperty lias been de- beig earnied Ou as in- Past years sud alrayed by lIme and wter, but mucli the addresses, s" usual, ver. of fltereet, o! Il vas Indestructilie, sud la as Tuesday's Session. gond today as il w às then Il vas Thi îîruing session opened Tu.edasy lost. Itl is aima true Ibat at the hottom îîiurning aI 11:30 w it "Addrces oI o! tle lake vould lie found valuahles a! t Weoiiî,' by A,(. iliidge, prfuncipai af lesa romandec Interest than thie gold the' rysiake ligti achoul. "Huw lu aud place o! Spanlali galleons sud MisitaiiîSoif F-rtuity," vas ahI>'dis- tle riches o! pirate cliests. There le -uemed b>'X. lD. Il-,rbert of Freepont, 111. litIle donlit that there are large uma Tbe afternoon "-séion oiened ut 1:10 o! maney hldden In tle luband ess, wtutb mui. h ilît-boYe' Orchestra. In but most a! Ibeir lbat treasure la made te le sm o if mtrank T. luwier, E I). Upt of copper, steel, ran, coal, ma- Herbent deliv-,r-t ait addres. ou "The chlnery aud allier practlcally Inde- 5 SOtOfllliîîOim, It s Vanim, Bitory structîble tinîgs whicli go ta mals. up sudiNeedo.'*Miss Miriam Bemis,>, Super- laIte cargues. intendeut WauL.-gan acboolai in a biglit, Hat a sblp may lame liersel! in lb. pleasaut sud enthusauticmaninertlIked great lakesansd for yeara, perbaps for- upou--HolneEt-uuuiiice" TIc all-ruoon eedefy ail allempts aI discoverlng " e ed wtlimusc b>'theorcheâtra, ber, la Illustrated Iin the traglc tory Eeigsiio iitd fmscb o! the Erie, a treamure slip wviclithb.orchetra and au sddreâo b>' E. 1). was loat In Lake, Ere durîng the ses-i Herbet upon "Boy@." son of 1841. This vessel, under the'. command o! Capt. T. J. Titus, lefI! STREETER SOIJ-GUT Buffalo for Chilcago on the afternoon1 FOR IN ýEUROPIE a! Augusl 9. Wben about lhlrly-lliree miles fromn Buffalo, off Slver Creek, a lîglil explosion vas ieard sud ai-' moat Immedlateiy lise vtEle vessel vas euvelaped lu Osamem. On board the ErIe vere scores o! Immigrants bound for the test. and specle amouptlug ta $110.000, but lu tise ex- citemeut sud appallîng oss o!lil!., thicli tolloved no lisouglit vas gîvenj ta lise treasure. Man is'Lves Were Lost. The steamer De Wtt Ciluton came up lu lime ta ave many lîves, but 'iu goini dovu. tise Erie carried 100 soula witis ier. For >earsmalater tis. treasure slip la>' hal! buned lu lbe saud se-anI>' test under wter. Noti until fourte.n years latin, lu 1855.,tau a smuosful effort made 10 nalse her. ln lbat yer a trcaur.-s.aklng part>' left Buffalo sud toved lb, bull bto siallot taler. A fortune la foreigu moue>' vassecured moalyIn lu5-franc pleces. Iu 1902 lbe steamer William H. Stevens loade vilh 1101880 torth o! copper, cauglit ire asaau b elwe.n Conneaul, Ohia, sud Port Burveli, Ontario. Underwiters vonked ounlier ail auluma, securng ouI>' nineleen Sensationai Story of Kidnapping of q Girl which Entines Lakte County Mon and Scenes in ies Unwinding Sprads Acrosa the 8cm, Police seardl i fom Chcago for A. L. Streeter, rmîlitottare imanufacturer, vauted lui consectiton wt tisle iarbor- lng of 17-year-oitt Margaret Burkle lu, the Hotel Rensti, lias shltted 10 Europe. Deflute Informaionlias corne ta ChIe! Colline arid Palice Attorney' Frank D. Comerford 10 lise effecttisaI Sîreater la not la France or Germany. Streeten'm vite, Mr&. Viven Stret- er, vso la living aioii ai the Streater country place at Fox Labo, 1k. tise po- lIce, bopea la sectimc ber huabadi r,- humn. Suielias heeu lu communication vllb blu sud knou bi* present ad- dress, but refuses 10 dîvulge It 10 lise police. Mra. Streeler demies liaI ber bus- band issd anyting 1 do vIls lise e- ceut kldnaplng o! isa Burkle. SI. Insstmlat haIicket nthing of!IIl sud says tisat 4ttorney C. Stewart Beatti, sud Charles Muelrcie ver..empioyed b>' iscel ifluences. FIRS WtIUTE CtULD BORI N IM(t COUNTY GoÊS SkATIING Il william Whlgsm. Of Llbctyvil., ho lb paosdn0ldbuia bd bears the enviable distinction-af having vithîn the borders of Lake County, got been tb. lirâI maie white maie cbild t<, tu feeling boYieb mmistuuday. He thrmw1 b . .-apair 0f skates oves' is s ie n be onilu akecouty.wbobas and going 10 Bttes lake paased the1 lirat offspriug Of the 14%t union byaftOenoOn making lutlsson lb.he.e 1 mrulage 1 b.e Pofled in 4ke and cntting up wîthIi* ret 01 the boys. ,cpUuyMSd vbosgrmudfUtle, DW auls d jb# oouldskat to o,sno Uth - 0..fisÀ .hs~...,i..te ROMANCE Of MSERS PASSI NG Lake Couuty People Affectcd by ou.e tftheb. tange.t @tories Byer Told AND UNITED STATES . CONGO S iMIXES IN Dame Fortune wilil ho lavish ln her gifla 10o sveral people weli known ln Waukegan, when. by spei act, the Congremm of 1h. United Btates sariy next spring votes, on the evîdence of crumpled craps of papar, te redeem $60M l0 n bonds, with Interest amount- I lnn ml 10 $80,000, in favor cf the haire of the laIe Calvin Ktnney ot Lima, md. Waukegaîî jeole of !wo geiiera- lions wlll betiefit and the melodra- matlc tableau arranged ly a miser, ln whlcb lie presented to burn ait of the papers representlng lits wealtli, will oW n tELa prrpose- Helrs who wilttdlrectly benelit b.- Bides thie rellct are thie datighters, Mrs. Adellicrt T. Rose, o! Waukegan; Mrs. Everett Carlisrt ain(]lira. D. L. Joues, o! Ssii Antonin. Texas; Mrs. Sears, of Kansas City, Mo., mother o! Mr. Calvîi Sears, o! WVatikegan; lmr. Swiart, of Lima, Ind.. and Miss Ada C. Kluney, Sister Claire or the Epîsco- pal couventtln Chicago. Lite Romance o! Wealth. The story o! bent old Calvin Ktin- ney, of Lima, Ind, and hlm secret wealîli reada like a sordld romance tronm the peu of that master mlud, Honore de Balzac and lias tew equals lu real Ife anywhere. Theu, to, Il la a bloodless story. one wîthout a kulfe or a revolver, but willi human passions strong and bol, sud above them aIl tisaI for gold. ICalvin Kinney, tise hero or lb. vil- lalu. thichever ou.eboases. vas one o! thse pioneers o! hl mlans village lu whîcli le died. The urvivor vltb bis vite o! au bis- toric Indien massacre, ln lise test, lie retumned ta Lima, settled daonta vomk it h is Irade, sboe rtpairîng, years before the tam, and as the vil- lage colibler galned famllarity toth le peuple o! tise vlclnlty of Lima. He lad struggles, bad Kinuey, lImes tIen every cent lIaI lie earned yen1 lot tise grocery sud clolliîng stores to feed and clothe hlm gratlng famlly. But Ilirougli Il ail, ucli vas tise man's permoualîty,. le managed ta mv, s mite, and le helleved ta have accumnu- Iated prapert>'. 'Beileved' la tise rlgblt ord, lie- cause aId Calvin Klnuey ever kept hie avu secrets, sisarlng lbem al oteveut vltb biselieloved vif.. vlio sîlîl me- sides titis a daugliler near tise aId Lima home. Hlm arduous labors aetlise shoe- maltera bench, ual an easy place for an> man,. wan thier retard. Whenthe tam ofttise rebellionlbrui ont, Calvin Klnney tas one of the tetwbo could say proudiy that lh,î bad ready cash, Made More on Contracta. O! an enteprlslng turn fi !mlnd. lie sectîred goverumeut contracta for mlioem for the armles o! tise nortl .wkhile tise Immortel baIlles raged, aud la knovn ta have lept s amaîl factor>' plant golng lu dili commercial olili- gallous tisat lie iad undertaken. Then atter tis ara le made judi- cloua luvetments. so tisat bis!auuily suspected tisaI at the tîme ,,« bis deali lie vas vortli greaC- suma o!' moue>' and securies. But lise famil>' neyer reail>' knev Ihal b, bad more tissutise house lu visicis le made bis boue and lu tisic is h lldren gret up, marrled sud veut outIlotoîle tonld. Famiiy H&ad Privations. And wblle Klnney perhaps gioated over the hoard that h. had accumuat- ed in secret, bIs famlly suffered pri- vations. and te add te the miafortunes o! the modest and sklmpy household, Klnney was short of longue, Irascible, bitter, lisrsh of wod and lie vas net caretul to keep thîs tact a secret. lia Elaborate Tableau. The tableau that he enacted smre years before hls death may b. taken as the stage craft masterplece of a miser. As a plece of avarîclous cuîilng It has posltlvely no equals and would requlre the pencîl of a Dumga t0 pr0D017describe. Caiilmg hie famlly about hlm. Kin- ne> said, 01 amn &bout te bure ail that I p" ý#de- io sut seis e-tho my fortune Imb 1h. tire yendsr. Whsn theus papers are crlsped [Mto charcoui, that la the lest of what i have., Thon h. threw bundis after bundi. of twia. and tape lied pqa.IMteh fimmes which roued and craciol grscdily as though with un Impish do. sire neot te thwart the wili of thm strange man who fsd their raveous m&w. From that day henceforth n0oDe ever knev vbetber Calvin Kinney vas worth one dollar or a million. He de- llberately drev a curtalu o! darknu over bis commercial operatlbns snd kept on accumulalîng. Whetber the burnlng o! the papers vas au elaborate farce or a carefuIly pianned tragedy o! goid, fia man knowq, but Ifi s suspected that tb. former Is the trutb. Dies-Secret on Lips. The flve girls drew îîp la voman- liood and left home, perhaps vlli gladi- nesln thelr hearts. and Klnney vas aton wltl i s wlfe and bils secrets. About six yeara ago thee aid man dled. Th.- enIVre famtly was present at the dealli led, for ln spîte o! lis ý,e- cuUJarltles, lie was heloved. Raising himself up, the aged and dylng miser tried 10 spoak. Hie relatives amert that h. was try- ing e tell11the secret of the lire, torr. veal where htm wealth was hiddsn, to satisfy them au ta hie fortune. wéhist was now useles tb hlm ln déath as fi hud been lanlits. He fell back dead witliout utterînq s syllable. The myste-y lias flot yet beer cleared Upi) n entireir. Where Was the Money? Ralisfled tliat tlie old manuliad fiai died penuleis wltb the exception o- the aid bomestead. helrs began i searcli thal Is not yet over and of wblcli the succenssul redemption of the bonds la onl>' one phase. A ransackiug aoflthe home resulted ment bond-a clus! Ready cash jbere vas noue, as lnt qulry ai al hankm as far east as 0hio and as tar test as Illinuois de veloped. Tisere vere no satet>' depomît vanîtr lu Kinney's umme ln auy aclbhecIllei at thîcis visita tere 1made, sud tI thicis le liad been kuotn ta mak- business vsita. Tise farm vas dug up. plowed ut issrroved aver.ý prohed and sounded Even Detectîvea Called. ,Eveu prvaie detctl'ees o! tise masi skilied sud persistent order verf caled lu and tram fOve test belowtht( cellar level ta tise eaves o! tise est dence tiese earcb progresmed, sud trotr tise veatiser boarding an aue aide t( the veather boarding ou tise oliier. Tiser. ver. no tangible resulta. The Notable Exception. That la, tiser. veme no tangible mi- eults titistise exception o! one sallied crumpled crap o! paper. Wrltten upon Il vas a mysterlous lst o! numbers. They vere ail large numbers and appareiitly lu a serles. Oui. goverint bond bad be tound eanier lu lie searcis. Did the numbere represent bonis thal Kinney had held snd burned Ir the fine, or hlddun beyond th. renoP of prylng eyes? That the>' dld suliequeut aveut bave proven. A trip ta Washisngton b>' a repre sentatîve o!fIbhe inedevelaped tIl tact tisaI bouda of the aumbera on tI slip ised been Imsud ais old. Ibattlis liai neyer iad any lateresI cliecti upon tbem, tisaI tise> tere smliii im deemed, Bthougis sononredeemable. The bond& wsi-, nid te reproe. th. tremendous sum c- fUMNam more, which with the intoreel 1h& ha bésn uncol.ectsd for yeali amounted te ncarly $110,000. Arrangements ver, made ai au. en tisaI paymcnl should b. slopped. Soon teb.eRoesemed. Tis a pymeut o! tise bonds, tiseir te demptian. la due emni>' next iprIM ansd tise beirs viii taie slcps lova, collection b>' aaiug Ibat cougresa th auly body tisaI cau lu auy vay si theni, paso a special Bel for tise pi meut of tie bonds'la lhm. Everelt Carbant. o! San Atoul vas receuti>' lu Waukegau for th vemy purpose o!flseplng track of bI tlfes Interesta. Otisera have bet here from Ulime 10 ime. Wh.re thse Maire Are Net. -Tiheibaiii regeyabout U Tosose it wll emi a* st-4oip i - - 1 1 1 1- GIAR nu Wit Bëauquet aiSebu Semu enud = 41le aig Worik L«% 0* tEOSE IttML*IN 'AI plans ftethé Wqidgsa the AmèOiteat toot&£Wb'* as givos eMt 1 W. .C. *151 ant .uP*rwU uommm « the Waubbo Min AstU,,*,, Solîwartz Saws!s*r- »§o15 1-A privais hailQe i complets wth bnmdivmt" take Cars cf 1thé iareoLdIi1 Woukogan Mil,, th. " ý whleh Wli l e #buildIe'0 next sprihe, 2-A lamgaie asutted wfre wiil manufacture mas>' Ide uitsd *lrs lit M n u Ufactured ln 11106 patof thé fiow. loti havI é fie MW" fore ln théSO 4U 1!SWi4jý sprine Milli h11f* q« f mcml lb. tot a aQrtpf.q*ld 1Company and i i,e t' 4-A aaw propoilto 6 tirel>' nuw prediset foifemeq concrets boifflepgc, esb b. ssabliabto<" MW io a turn out a PfS*b t 40M day. trict boud el .fWey te Use MisdWl j» of thuloceal mil water teae*Il pau e q O.-T4 tonaul.tim ý î and misslus aleya$ *"s ad witeb trsec ln *logeiwa0 aoid new bolI qa*t' productý a bop 1 pu-10 te «.machin«oiu~~ the net P,.am n R. s nsw prodwO.t. hât vAIL I 1>' th. culpttcf - lte I périmant. Pl Plana that arc moreM for thîi Uihechances fie gan Includc: 1-Astee!l i tbat wMi1s ,ciel grades cf .a"0 Md ie au Immeuse addittou te1h M îli make Il fuiaroaibé teleng bulît et, Gar, ln& 3-The B&W cf thé c"r securing for Wallkcgla bg wil oulrnk liaI et CkM secure te lb.b$er sbare et là e- lng soulb end Isae halo. d, While no lntoromttoni1lM as Ibis effeet aBthelb.buqumq Sichwartz Uatsrday uvmiie id according te Advices hum ta mals, lb. Waubcgsp " en Amerîcan stele4b W1re OCi dlslrlbullug poi t W 1. se the Cbllago district. n 'Mauy of lb. prçdea h Sicot Street, DoxuI1 aý mills are ombpv4lug M j Ils ad wllh Wakeffl~ sanie nature sMd *abil e- der. Trainsanad Sse i. coming baIn Wb*aIt hs finabed jwodlleb tl @y the Waukeffl wSi1W ad more sbippiug bcne1ý, e- au>' mli la the dt4& . ounl. the .er ý& * ot Celvin billeft tS 1100 mid tlie.tuslreiaago t*, ut balaucodL. GO&NO TO VA te ln WIM l Wam Nle4 long lima .lte t- sou, but vhIs.t' ,h coant>'? Id BusTow y o -, a*sale of hW* all? 'rse a ai, 0e le. tioci people *am th boeefprêveflu t# * l ils about to tak i bo vtcllty vilerè. mal'y .t5e9m 1 tx $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCZ.