)PMq 7%w14.à&Truel Co, f FlUa. TIlls G"tuaedi M ut. Id.Wankegau, I1I. 1 Lesm J. Geumee>i. ~k17, waute- o ..t.... 250 00> awrlgbt & Wl 10 kb It 8 3bIt 1 mm, à Ci'ssuli M. wd .............. 8.4(0W mI& wtto rOmeW 0tem f It a soc a m 11Wect twp ýw d.. .....1500) 00 fl> togueavik 011 ma ec10 qu twp wd ....6000 00> uWi. & bu@ te, J %l 1 and 2 bt 17 t*p wd............ 125 40 dItt e& w! ta , teut % it 5 Igbld Pm* q.. -0 00 oet * Wl ta Wm mKbWanegb wd 70000 rw! et al to Noms bIt 25 Flsk & «bl of Indian L.............. 500 00 se"ttoPhllalder wfî i2 sub af Il 46 id, &.............. 15W00 WMtes Bc erman OiBo Wd.......... 100 4 audyd pare sost 30OBbk*Mdtwp qe -M00 G mtetsol isi of Io djad1ts 1 MWwd.............. 1 00 >v & i tutaJohn ill swp ad ..... 9650 00 V M*àM bus ta euA .4 .50 f toJi A i et alto ré Shd 2500 00> 00. rb ý...... 1 --" t 1 blait14 2180,GO t se 2 lit 20 'pwd ........... 600 40 ml' tmfe utep i»V Pen 01Joh ....d.........1600 00 r to Mary . .. ........ 70000 wdàe ta L D 111it48 Bavinla . .................. 600 GO - WWet SI $a L portI 48 k ........ 4QO00 G M'BER ---AUt. IINOS- Gride. at Pair Prices. W.WINQOWB. P4OULD- 4 ,8010. LIME, ALPHA IV&A0 ORNENT, SEWER 4M DRAi TILE. ETC. ide' CII4ACK Utbertyil. IUI D M Brokine & wt tan J F L Curtis It 8 bik 20 Hlighland Park wd...............8 000 00 B W Little & t.. i P Spauid- icg le 4 blk 3 Park add Faukegau wd ............... Y100 00 Zion Office Stuq?1Y Co change of naine ta National Offie Suppl>' Company and in- crofnistock to $50,000 ...rtificate W Bl Austin & wfto S T Kimu- baIl Ils 1 to 10 bik 5 Bart- ltIs sub Lok. Foremt qe ... 10 H C Strèct et ai ta j F L curtis part Il fi 1k :82 iiigbland Park u'd.......... 7000 ()0 Cliiogo Titi. & Trut Co ta iiozdl Carter It Il blk 17 Clltgo i Il ed c.... 31t>0 00 jamps ri> & wtet ai ta J H BltrI,%V 4s1)wn. B ec 21 filh"rt ville lwiî, uc........I 4 hjII-,%r GralIle & w tub Helena Wieuhoelw-r Its 14 tai18 & p art Irs 8 and 9 bl1k1) aud t7 1011114 15 194 and 20 and p art il (6 bik 18 Siioder. linsoilot ti Wankegan qe- 1 0 John Ptaunenili & wf to T W Berringshaw 40 ame in ne X se 2 Femîtlwt wd 180 00 Johin Griffith & wl la Ja mes Gardon It 3894 Lake Forest wd .................... ...... 100 iCatherine Gibbons to T Il Gibbons Jr 1lacelunb e m 24 Lîbertyville twp wd .... 100 J CBidtileom &wf t Cara L BiddIee.uipar t Il45 Corp s adWaukegsn qle... : 410 W R Johusou & ar tot A E BEbohppers Il 19 bik 88 Lake Bluff 'd ...................... 1625 40 TO PERI'MC1 1h! RURAL D!LW!RY Post Offce Oepurtmont Duby Revieing SuIe..' andi Planning lnqovations- What Ie Expected for Futur. FIe pastolileeportraent i leavi>'l overlianliug %#e enlire rural tiellvery seiMece. Inspectors are now gatherý lng Informationî on ilcb la base cbauges ville a vîcaaof bringiug the service up la a higlier standard of efficleucy. 1unocesear>' dupications of service ou roade traversai b>' star roule carriers are lu be ellminaite. anidaa peclal effort la tri be mode la ascerlain tiectcae of the lock o! patronage on mony routfes. t-An, oct requirlng tie followlng cndnitions precctieut la the establishi- ment of rural icîlver>' service. (a) Thot Iliere sball be a possible patronage of 100 familles oui cd stadard roule of laeuty-four miles or a proportionate number aI familles on aborter routes. (b)hlial roatis muet hbclIn gooti ébatiftion, unobstmucleti by gales. wltb ail sîreams britiged or fortiable at al oriuar>' seasone oI lb. year. lc) Fiat lu completlng service lu O couiti>1he average patronage per routmay ble less than uluel>' faml- lies; andi (di) liat service ounrrural roules be 1 lmite t lanfot excecdlug on. icliver>' anti one collection tialI>', ta be mode aIt thiesane lime. 2-Fiat thie maximum salary o! rural carriers b. lucreaseti so Ibal tic>' licpsud not exceetiug $900 per auuum. .1-Fiat rural carriers be glvt'n credît for experlence an lakiug the civil service examinollon for apptoint- mente as clerke lunliostoffices or car- rIers ln the city deliver>- service. ýb 4-Tbat congresa dix a rate o! 3 cents pier pounti or au>' fractlanal pad tiereot ou booksansd merchautise ual excectiiug Bye poutîds In vweigli inalleti at the distrlbutlng postoice af an>' rural tielivery route fon de- lver>' te patrons lieneun or aiIthe dis-~ ,rlbuillug poaloffice oI sai roule. duclirate aboulti sîîtly only t10 psck- ages trausportetian o rural deliver>' roule la or from a patron of salit rural route. TIe adoption of tis recoin- mendoîlon shoulti carry aill itIlas e- peal of lbe provision of thlIa hicli permta rural carriers La carry mer- pcliandia, for bure, or ils modification so s laappl>' oui>' lamerclionise whlcb la numallalle union existlng lay. Twentlethar Da ditcount of 1<) on al ,coats Suits Jauiary 15. 19J0 king our many friitinds e Ubeal trade received b»»itdthe put year, e1tyoit a Happy New è B0pOOtu11y r- - Il 11 I, 1907 "WIat tii. devil do yo>u Dieur? keep bits appointaient wltb Meredithi. agkcd Gordon, settiag tiowu ltheass' . * # * - a thal iras lhait ralsoi ta his lips. Gu sa w etuonheat "I mesu lbaî i wanîtonmarry Joce- uyOs trrcardnwassnttio Ibenat- Ivu." bonse ai Meula, and Marte attendei to And Ithe modern sebool of reallstte. b is simple waîts wltb Ibat patient mawktsbly 4oul novelists, wlio hold i <tit>' whlch esuggetei lhe recollCe- lion of botter Uimes and appelii strongi>' ta th. munhooi f et ir 8.110w servant Josepli andi ber wbuOm 'elbeur the souni of paodulmr *ae "M ers are not no slarp B"yoMrs, Île listeneti, anti aller a moment bout thb. regular gîug-glug of the ped- di« 1e tsaling over the. waters et the .1' 51111 trople river, covering a woudertul .1 ' "Tesi," le salfi, 'Il ear. aMr. Mev.- dtll said lie woli be batik touiglt" 5 .. Sbe gave a effrange Utile low Iaugb- almont lb. laugli of a happy aronm Tb. lwo bouts came ounIote, teloplug abore wllh a grattoir sounti. and b>' the liglt of the wavlng Ionteras Oseai saw Durnovo sud Jack land'trom. the lh. dire. imon walked up te thc liq"le togellier. Marie Was at the dmo sud boweti ber bcod gravel>' lu onswer te.Tok's salutation. Durnovo nodied ourtly andsud aiti hing. lu the sttIng roani, by tbe lîglit ot the poradiu lamp,. tli two Bîîllsben ti excbanged a long questloung glane.- spi quille dffereat trom lhe qulek Interro- cot gallon ot a wonlsn's eyem. Fliere wasstu a suinle ou Jact Nlredith'm face, bat --AIlreody to set» mi tomorrnw ' lie lu- loi "Bsces"le ad f ia ecedu't-quired. Of out<Hiijof Uol--mrlet" Ta," repll.*d Oecarl.1 tbat love excusetl itaI, wouiti bave And 1hat was ml l]ic> ,uculd 50>', u taken detîglil lu lhe passlonaîr. renier-j Durnovo neyer lefi lItent glane tu- 11M lng of the girl's»usine. Iglber fiat lgbi. He. watdiod Ibheir tor lWanulta iuarry Jocelyn, du youl" r aces aiit ko-, s usgpIcions ee. fie. teu answered Maurice. arllisderîsîve lit i idue mustache hit; llîie weri' purseda&W laugli. Ou lb. first Impulse Of the iO*j up lu resloese aîiaetv. But lie "W il ment b. gave no ibougit to hliself or uollilug-l;etimueîi noliîg. Th~ etwo y,' bis owu lterest ansd epoke Wîtb iii ouwe înucrutaîle. aON dlsgulsed contempt. lHe might b.y" At 1ilScok tic next uîoruing the lii beeon speklng lu a beggar on th. roadt i-lmaeine.-»Pkerg lefttheirItiret un-0ai aide.. 1iappy comp a i matin.e. bldtastcd b.s Durnovos eyes fiaihi daugerousil>i of misrron iteveyLgnig sud bis tabacco staîneti tecth linclicd butatr the isIte vere' bc reIn fat for a moment 0,cr lits lower afýdtu lb lr ot reversduit de e. thfo "Thbat is my destre aud Intention." terminaoqop aila isasbettersprita,1 "L4uokblie, Durnovo.*' eicl5.lfliQ titan lb. wild eulbualasui of departurs, Yd Gardon, 'fflon't lbe a foq1! Cau't >ou ubere triendin@bout sud linge wve.iI ose Iliat Itlelaqulleou t f e question?" sud su arlîfieiol bopefulneuis Ilrogsin b.t "No," lh. sait. "I esn'l sec liaI Il ta its jarrîng note. i out of Uic question. on thie coaltar', ilu esa laa wektley had Icthelb. Il etcema ouI>'naturel thal alie shoufliriver, liouliug llieir cauinesup Ou the.tlb msrry the mon aba la ber brothees huaiandoibilng tbem lu lb. tangle ot la parluer lu iuany s 1111e apecuistio." the virgi underwoati. A depot of pro- O>' Maurice Gardon, sittIng tiiere star- visions, lîkewlse lIuiden. was dul>' lug hupelesayluto mb halbo beed's mode, sud the long. vear>' mardi b.- el face, saw t ail. EH-entu bact lu a gai.j flash of recllection ta man>' paasing We bave net ta deal sa0mcli wlth ui~ dteails whlclî liai beca uunol.d setIthe the iudlug oatheslieain au s illa lime; tietails alilci nov fittl mb the fludere, sud or Ibese lie cheftal; ecdi aller lite links ora nChut4a sd ibis Ulime as Jack Meredith. Tl liat chiala vas araunui hm. H. lcaped scemeti quit. naturel tbat on, daty 1 forward lu s niomnuar>' qpenug of the. afler siiother sbould devolve upon liai. future. aud am im îiseîf ruinai. dis. antiho luvariablY huid lime lu do Ilicia grsccd. bel i ta flie exerratlan of th, ail sud leisure ta couiment pleasanlY> whole clvllize.'d vorîi. He vas utterl>' upon il. But bis chef car, vas Vie- lu tuis man's power. itount baud sud tor Daruovo.1 foot. H. (-outil ual sa>'li-no na.sd Who e li>bai butinan lb. mai-ct. 1 least af ail couli lie gay no la ts de-fo w m« i-potd ih -e t mani. wviclibai rousedltheilal.teîntote Itincmotlbyia-pllotîiwllmre la clilvair>'. gentleuîanllness. brotheri> u nsic > DmooMueihW love liaI vas lu hlm. >MauricGadonmatie one or lwo changes lu the or- luî knevliaIVîcor Druov o. ganicatl,îî. The caravan nalural' V& kuowledge whlcli Joeîlyu arouli 4on- movei l wly, owlng to the euormoustbi aider clicap ut tb. prIe. of lier person. aoanut or boggsge lu bc carled, w "I dan't think," sali Durnovo, vbeoudiIbis fiel»>' acemedto t rritate VicIa- W scemedti 10bc followlug Gardons Duruo>-u t0 sorti ai, ctent Iliat at tlb Iboughls. "Iliat lie idea viiib. go - r. aIlun obiu thtiemu polent ta youm aîser a Yenseem ta voulti go niai] unlesé; tIis frlgbtu tintk." tension coudi le reIIeveti. Mo And a stîideu T>'ay ofiope shoi: An atvance entama. commantieti b>'it, atlwart tie future mb v hleb hhilu Mereditli anti Durnavu. vas seîectld GiL touer wasi tarlng. TI lgigli b . tu 10Pusual ntO lb. Plateau- while IDs- tu One eau neyer tell vîith omea card sud Jusepli toîlowed more lelafUre- i "I donf't wasu You todo anYtblug 1>' vîllithe haggagc and 1h. aloarer ho nov," lie acul oùi more peuh>'. Tt Iravelers.li vas voaderful boy Wei b. knew Victor buamovo vouli neyer tnow lai Maurie. Gordon. The suggeofted 4.10>' test nov tontil lie rtscbed, lhe spot E.' appealedt 10onc ide-ait bis nature, lb. abere the s1mIacIne sliould b.. If lb. Fe' noftcned tan, 10 ainother. "TIi.re h lime enougli. Wlien I coin. bock 1 tracs were Ibere, groalua, as lie sali, willlspeak of il ogain. Tour ulster la ini solîbary ata"Le s d rer, traugel> Very' tond of yoD, sud-I1 t10k i1bave I ngg.stive of hamau bacilwork. duen one or two srguments ta put torvard Victor Durnovo was sveti. If no snob pe, wblcb aiË vould tecogqlse Ras .UnCm- iM maul>' alrong.. I voulti not limafor- an word Iliase arguments except s a lat tr resource. 1wIdti iret point out tlb. 1111. 5 v aivoutages. À -fourh shore la the v e n ..~ flJ sdiaclue selueme voli mate Yon a J ricli mo-save suspieclonçalcee¶* cul ofthe cgassip ofthlbmrkiet'ICe. i ilc Maurice* Gardon wac.i vtitibI>', oad B o n ChiiÎS va, bis oyez wavcmed au If blie ve.about- ho to gîve vs>' ta punit-. or "Tou coulti retire anti go home, t Eugloud-'lo a cooler climats. Thus Foir over ixîy years doctoral th country mgit gel tao bot for 700e bave endorsed Ayer's Che*tyli conatitution. SBec"' Pectoral for coughs, colda, Durnoi- a 'me bock lutet l'enter of Iherootuauilatood b>' th vrlllng Weâk lungs,,bronchitis, con- tabl,. Ifis attitude vas liaI ot O ma sUnpdÎon. You Clin trust la è holding a wip aven a covrlg dit. mdn h etÛcoea- m lie toak uî, bisibal anduid~lU ing edcnede chicpr p- a wtL a sattîsuilti ~ttie Isugli, us If lb. ptove. Then trust t thefbcfle bu dog huad ringlugly don, ibi illg. t ime yoU bave a bard cough. 10 "Besities." bosout, amUi s certain * ' a. -.1 -50 1e a55* 141. deillance of mauner. "I mi>' sueac 50. aelad m ay Ale ti vlfloul su>' af Ibat-sit" ae.s1. 'tsedS. "Ye," Gordon vas olliged toadsmit, f~~~" ~ ~ e wIlli a gulp, as If b. were swalo«IêW ~ is prIlie. Ant ieb.ku.W <at luafMr- . eing the Word b. wauefldbw bis,,a as Ibo prie, « W* mu bm* ÇPOt wa touad, maduesa and dealli 'o0s"y@ blis cmpauion's resson Meredithli mretlan once drugg.d lii tOOi bUtwlieu the land began 10 rIsc beu.atli thelr fot in eligltibllowlk liieqaitles-the depoit of tii. glacIa 8ae--Dinaovo rerused te stop for the PreParatlon of bti. Eatlig dry bis cuits sud strngy tluneti meat as the>' wcut so1009, etour mc-tire, blaclia sud ou@ wlite-followed lu tbe foot- stfpl of thelr mad Pilot. "W7e're getting to the inountalus. We're getting ta tb. mountalus! W. a"14 b tlere toniglthi lk grthIat, àieedlh-lonlght!" lie kopt rpeallg witb " slekenlug monotan>'. And al I*,:' hbcrlle&* "U's sfiidom jewite lie stuinlled on. nf PIralon rau down bun tace Mtinutous stresno; et times lie1 >wlpe it -tram bis s ciWl lek of his bands. aui, as ibem n 4wtd bfedng, tbere werei tblond acrons his cheeke. The niglitte.11Thlicmoon ;u cd glortous, aud the berai0f ti 1ideu forent pausei lu their >r food to walcb wibla woug mrlems ees thsiat >trange. nul aIa-man. t wau Durnovo wlio. c1mbinà rlra usw tbe brook luathe besd. Rie gave a muflai cry lit, aud lu a few minutes Iiej aruhin& 1Mkmenpassse ara sope of broken ebale. Durnovo relistheb. ummîltf Lunt plesaut odos' wu watts Mir tac.. Tbey stooi on thee .veat tablelaul melting sway 110ow moonliglit. Studded ai ke sbeplu a uieadow, wcrem er of littie bushen nno Doalli ion. Victor Duruovo sftooped 0,cr bene. H. buried bis tara amo Ives of il. andi suddenly li ver. Yes lc ciaiasulie tell; "les lAd lie turncd>over, wltb a gi atistaction,ad Ila1k. a dead (To l* e ontinuei) Waukega Because It le alleged lie Ilir 3buru down the Coyue e nn Vest Washinugtan street, bisw ione ofthe Coyne girls,' an Alatyne was arrested t ird or fourtli lime yesterde ras thîs mornlng given thlrty be county jail to get sober. Waukegau friends af Lest lody. son af F. W. Moody, oa eet, and bookkcepcr-casbier Lizette slnce tlie Smith maun Dk chiarge of tlie paper ln MI be iuterested lu knowin li as dcIded ta enter thb. si ficld as adverttsiug agf :rangelist Lyon, apening at bruary 10. Ohlcken Thievea Busy.. Thie eity la staggerlugnder «t of chieken Ilileves and ometbing las douesooSn tlicre &appalling scarclty af the fi rbe. Baturday niglitBorne miscer aded Bob Mutaw's coops alu beretroin sixteen valuable et rile a week or so ago tbleN aded the coops at a polic ,use aui got away witlia a J owl. The police are on th. track hleves and promise a specdy Wasth. Wrong Julius. Alderman Julins F. Bidinger, Purtb Ward. bas been m many limes for thc Jullus E irtender et the Josephison sa 08 'Bauth Geneace atreet. ati lIter was lielti up at the poi satol by a maigke maninsu su ad tu baud over.86. Ais lbe hour at whicli the ,ok place was 6 lu the maora te the ai4ermn n ram the ta mt notwifor any Inciatoi 0 *04 M .*0 mm arise, the. importent. To your bappîness and sucqes, wbat- e veryour coadition of fle, ln the posses- sIon of a ertain auîouuit of ready Inonley for opportune ituveftmont o)r tinte of ueed. One dollar wiiI ,,tart a 3 per cent intereet Ls.aring sarlog account; if you caunot epare nioxe. aloo offer intereet bearing eortlf"aesof clepoeit and eceking secunts. 1Y.ou cana aord tu do wtbout the. roitection and ascomuiodation. of a Iank. W. collt your patronage wllb the assurancent abeolute 501.18'and fvýý.'rr Ourliexy poeible to conservatl',. banking. FIR8T INATIONAL BANK Libertyville, fil. J. L. Taylor, Pros. .1. .Gridiey, Caober Special ÂAneeeuent Notice. Tb@ tiret lustalimeut of the. speelal aisemeut for tb. Construction ut tbe mwer systeni le now du sud muet bo pald lu 80.dajs. Jauuary 1, '07. L. cSAàcx, Vil. Colleetor. apectliAsmnent Notice. The second Inatellmnt wlth iuternet en romalulg instalimernt of th. specilo sfuet for ooustmutipn of a water systsm lin now due andi muet b. paid la 80 idas, Jan. 1, '07. LMv& acxc, Vil. Colletar. Cholcc.Sa..e........... Faey auts............ FOIne Ou at ; a o... ..... - ..... sont,. m«oa.. a......... Liber'ty Ooablnutlon, parpcndý 0h01,. 8. 0. al4m, veilla M. F"neya. 0. daimn oradpal... C.osi uaDlol s asedlt. Faite>'Cambra mproue, pcv lbe. Gallon eaumT ble vrp.... quart eau Toile ........ Bute o0f isnlotS Couct>' or Las,a* 0e Qat a . O. lalos lu tbe Circuit Court of Lat. Caunt>'. Oloesee@"RsIn oedp". Salosue HaferI. Vs. Mary Scheffer, Tbm eti.1 JaohnFuchsa, otlierwise tuowu as ui nd u Cslargsue pk .... WuilediJohn Heekelsueller..Carrie Val- OIUPV Nuts, 2 ...... ... canerBlae Johinson, Julia Johinson, pJWohn's Food. pa George Ftuchs. allierais. kuowuas flse b rkadt Prol nd k aui clli George Heçkt.twe1l-er. AKr'IS cHoo ,es upe . Osmc haFul, olierwlao kuaru as and é W OCAi- E . caleti Oscar Hecketoweller. Abet1 PaaojHed 1. l..... Pacha. otheralse tiiiwn a nd05 dNe ay Resupr lb......... Abert Hecketsweller, Mary Fuchs, Shd Pop Cava per lb ........... iotberalse kuowninean&sudclled Mary BUIS BoIW sots te7 l..... Hecktowellel-. sud Chistian IOler (lusaulalui Yellaw CornMiullc Gen. No. 3192.f Aria& ilmnmr oda, 10pkg ...." - Public noice la breby giveti thaf 8 SO fU" lu oil per can............. anvti mI of a deere aof sale matie Importati Sardines parcm, . .. . 'an ienerei lu the abave ,ntllled 1 lb en auEIalson ............... cause lu sali Court, I. tb. unieraigned Plat Battis ('*tsuP per CMs...... j,', Master>' la Cbsnory of sali Court, ManucliCOaedeasesdUkltPur e» -. ilîl an Tueuda>' the 291h day af Jane- Taclit-Vlb Anort Bonp par am.. a.s a. r>, A. D. 1907, a lithe honr of One 2l a al'Js ea... pe-o'clock i teafteiluaof aIsali day 2BIb comSweesI ýCorn...... an'll ttl.has t Daioofuthle.Court liause 8al eau RBai Semn....... . lu fled lnie CiIty afWaukegaa, lu te lb. B lI o umptlas.. .......... Ilh a on> fLt oiBuap li Ol.Ib ma 1 lmu.............. theCouty f lkeandStae q Ilinoieth c Ex8taTontaio....... . R Soiw meelI aIpublieonutilon te 1h.eTble Mata. ommsra uid hast bider for ceub th e folawln ag 10 FineSTalelii.......- deseribet preuses, to-wit!1 or oco $a ....... I0, Maile Cltysop ..... ..... bis un- the southefast quarter of section taren- Ilbaes WaaI gsa......... .......u seorcli tylve (25), lu Township forty-tbree 10 bais Amrico. Famil'Ssp . .. 7. ,kig (3.Nortiit of Ranlge Feu (10) Haut ButILump OtmIocl lM )c=à akonof the Flird Principal Merila; alo Pouund akapGloo.e vikL....a the West boit of lb.esoutharent quam- pe« sinLyup@r cm..n ....... ...J t er oftheoouhaest urtrof gec:Bta tol mo ierbo i' il liro. (43) North, of Range ELeven Rl. W~ 0f de- (11) Haut af the Tllrd Principal Mo- .ck....... .y arre rubJan; sien, commeaoing ai the nambli- ...........cote 1. upo arwsal corner o! section tblty.oii,(31). laigaSvePlb..... lu Township foml-lieree(43) North,. AseosMt.ec......- grsI. A of Bauge »levea (11) Hast af lh. 5 daman Clties Plus............- si ut Thîrd Principal Mridiluu runinlua un Leiup Clilnpu , «cde.. stipe of tlicuce East fort>' (40) rod;iliheuce lu the Sautlit (10) rois; theuce West E. E ELL$,W ORT# iOT.(10) rois ta lb. place of begnning. Ubertugvlll.,IL. a um ontainiug tloansd one.'hall (2%)> W Vega,acres more or li. Dated December 28uh, A. D). 1906. anc of HLAM L. CLARIKE. FARMK iug lb. Mastery lu Chaucery. toppleti St'lte O i hteolCOpnir of Loas. Prnl1,t.Courtot tk Canal,. a almia- Inth: Nattor oif he final loinu..uenl of the .oi t n bristiIan ilsiKai.oesa nd. Me1s~.AtiC IN I3I"3 Ta, Freilceka Neyer. Carchlae ulgeliartl roan ci Tlim.,nr.. Kna.k. Wiltlarienawk. A.anda à Lo. .ne. Jobhn Rusek. yred-oclek liasses. im . lAzi. FVr. lewIs Knaaat. Efoi.'st Ksoli IM. rthsa scak.John Knnek.E.twar Meyer. l. 'lareiln, H. P.rlolat. I'.uiua omann. iotwle of ail iiis ] KnueuAuauto liais. Charles EusseS. ,korge Kuasat. Est b I Ilvack. Sovlla EusseS anti Hery Neytr. TNatonsThat oauthflot sfdar of April A. B. as.. ai Ion ocloek A, 19 or E P IR I3D in i M sonu Ibreafrt asunthe fnatter ...u ho hesr.1d. lb. undpralgacd i li preent ta sol] louit. t the Probate Cnrt Rolnte i Unurt Hease. lu the City of Wanteaan.lnwt =X f slota Canut?. ber final SOc"Dttaon luIDi@. . ra riz ofnilipatate. %sit ast 1h51 fIt, lame .eteneti ho. su.eoved; tatf loiu et a. hod.lared Peled. and Ilie underellruc i ilbargoi vs îlou onauCcin er sali cuitce: at ehîcb imilnanti vIse. *flflYfls ho- yb, Luare notîfle otihotapressai, I Fu vafocgh e W. H. Dateà i îhrlyvli"o. lul., Peclembar 29.10(,G tor the 15 tFasasaxA NsYza. AdmieImtratrix. AND e>' anti îays lu Adijudication Notice. C. noi. IaSRANO. Ats<sy. Dispaqtch P'nuic NoUa, l hreboy given that the. fer 0. euberber EriDavison. dmnjrarx )f Utica <eSeuet, alU attend tls Oounti y 0, f WILUAM LAYCOCK CO Loke Oounty, eta0cterire« oho holidon for the ai t tc ourt House lun ankeoa. laussii ConenIju. on tbe ral Monda of ardi and r?uetd rema e miâneLlertg miI îg that Cout or Lodl c lon 14-4 evngl-A.LuHa l AVIsos A3 llgratiI. Opposite at. Paul Frelgm Douillet ,et for araukenaa il., , iot DeKalbUm ra reai unlsa y ug aàBottie ol zz mtwl wîli b, collier>' Hackley's Twelve HlOU Bot lu- id stole bikns --.Cough Cure- number and get a guess on thle aumber of Bea.. 111 of lb.e rthe 1Bottie capture.- miltakien Bidinget', aloon aI Ine Lbe lut of o compeil- holdu ForW t c e b a u L Cor est GIVEN AWAY tlakle'sDr With .[dged' bolTms *y INENRY SITON M!RRIMAN - « OasO.srtleulethe r," etc. - Copyright. 1894. by MARPJE ILt.' UROTNIERS I I