%Ou -la »» yNe tfi My$ M&V USCHANT. g» yrb TuaI it WIiCUsa tos MWinI AVOeGoer t7yoaâhi "lmeNoir piton. *I-p fihe .jculema taItlmy M« * 0M %M ai ais.hle.surfa"e m mbSE ocdihuncoondai oua'ý lWgt vIhfi eau..merchanti e -WWOMMi 1 te 5tne1tetheilt fet ai DS m uebualman mehalamous- 'Mic duiam 14 &U ai nut, but IlI VIEmaioe ai uwy monsl if Isl-I ils. Iei maute tiaevwry mtt l i aese vil a m a. te spenit bolu U- s a laifll eut fi. prouimia ft le orllumuca lieeou«-* alft*wtardovu the utrei.La Mnunt tiare I o ts "e«la teva tua ho dmot« bave ~ctpt o wule. Tl ma Uot Ume meae .avtalm uop uighl âw»m thc m lIeât Mdm lal Qv ave tte mie scu he Ucopen- et ticho Isa visba aespic> em"iet as. Tbua. la vh0re Uic oeOes orca"acomas l. - "i«tula mwhsr p te10the mut Wta:Avefan p Mail fut may b. et m usc t.e loi, hepr lla te wwIe. nmfbr mi ipmtheUica P l i mmilanomne&. Avu- AJMO me SOBci tg Uic alunI 0f Uic st« multt amY b. hugt ont el *OMSO we I voul do hurm te the m«Niv«a ieiiiaiatauaor 10 ËDaM 1 aiMIl Veux hua pret- Mm ly ecllauce laI vomi ,,Paà tbe Mn& Wa aa -' ridmUale Ia aff mm oea 11,0*)ui4t hekhic. Tbm mar Sai~fmlUaliaIsmt1o ev aMd t roble te paanrul SWl... Jan. &-The trac. - 4hgbe 0" to an oui at 3 'cloci *AW a ffbwww mmou.pase auno 4ýi4« efligA. C. ret, m- le ne mioaw & mlvaom pqo& * wMueulmoso»Pmof tlie ra!iMr ,bu"méin ltii ty~. ~S~p.Kuosh4a, lvae & Ginvmmir« vIr" vu Pl&>. VureumlMetr... %l ff l oinSa bà m uci c> Patea aeu.aiés 4"md 1h ie vu 60WYPWud. By lic termeof tblse m Gle. Irien la gs. a àtranéti he -lie- tomlutsg mo*hi end -«h ediqici ansa troue thlie li. - Iqit14 sIc Jeta me4~ Tii u~ lIa. lieU au lise secm isu (Froan Wedne8daya Sn.) Douàtured alcobol-that 1%. 8co00W blhhbua beau spollod for dfflMM _ pUriOM iyet lu of commlercialvla -vi a mde tex freocMaitTueuday.bhI the law paiaed bY congre.. laItaL W -___ m«e glinz ub eRGot. c Tha. PÈ lota thlnk, buai mportant ul u t on the future of the. automobilua daitry, asit Io aexpected tc, give hep a substtute for gaaollne Mai fel amiiW WMieh mai evetuilî lie choapor hanfeb the. RtokefelUer ilthMA Makera of motor cars long 4lW b been valtlingfor tb* mmvecusmut t0 bw throw ouIMe tex whlch viana ~a as ta rend«e .nie of alcow PVjne hilftie for ué lu motori. B]w ae" __ tbc »ev 1mw baigostaal to e o 1 attention of motortag gmdula 1. lie i leatrmoi lau iIs dlreettos wth a . b -0"ta 1produelsg as u Sits. vh~e1 wl caume tbuusort Of fuel ai lie realy ai nov Il doei giiollue. Dore. vw» entered lite tia a~l moon--and sttiemnt vai aZumlp emaller lanlthe day la the divorce sit et George amd Eallî Thunivefli orcel la Uhc ceunI:. %etue luof the settlement aue liaI 1h. vite lauteget lic divorce liaI $au Mdha ami lUicpcopety le te Wc bandai ovor tb -lic clalrco. . OrvIa & Nivarîla vore tho sItar- 49oIs AiL FUSSES 1W. WanlieMmnla vorkied Up over lie pouithlfitiesos f lump -Important lmi- provemeula vbh iY am10bc maie os the vire minae of Liat place, and the o0iais have ieen aaurod of getti a ig appropriation for'extoualona. Il la donlhdently expeclod by' the people of Waukegan tut thoy amc 10 baveaàire MMlii ch viii ampai. tie.one propomol for the ne* towm ot G-7. Inclienl.ally, the deep vahemvay trom th. akeat10 the golf lis te culer lotetoe lprosertty of Waakogan, ma" thusainothor miii for the greet pro. bect baou ecurci. Bveryboiy lu the tovn la nov a booster for thc deep vahorvay. fer allong vithilie acompllshmenh of slp cana tic roapenlty et the aet huieai la assored.-olleL Herld. Titi DANCE TUNL Sonmiy, feci laI fidie dovn An' pl"y a lu*-Jc one. I llkea to hm aittmunie moue, ,Whea daylimea mnoan doue. I v*Mt a Quck au' livil dance; Ton knovs leaorn enmosi,1 Gosi gracicua! Hev dume fel couli prmnSc when u I n 'teonh. i hait vray aboia My eyei auacea Toi tummfibî My aide, Amcutop, wvgacmfueaic, Dat maie me ail.evwfpride. Dem da"i vies 1 ver la my prime 1 uni te dmmce foi uho. Au' 0"c dsmo vf me evry lime liaI I tapped on de oW. giveliee ly s$U'006a in s vaiwuMy pirtuer la My loy. mmcsti.unleriai Iras. Au' vies le trouble cme lie rus a houiaâleservic&e, l.va, I anta 1ttll on. boy, - Tu' OS mauet b. bult vithin à MY porars-ewthlicam1e.1 go play laI aIl quadrille onceMW', d"Y prsma anei liaI thei*ILmort Owscolies taiwul,. aivu wvaokc. bai plannaitu0Tbo emmvoe la i. long igu, D eyul hotuKeomia le Atochiebanda agio& P *M amilia Il vÎeu b. -Waittiiustar.21 11-tbe Mlva" ikudvii. Ti Fmi epen a large lerruory FIER OT lN WAY. li maibl. t vuliee&em MWitha inilet 12cm, U a.celier Imm vofluer Ibroualilithi Iaacrai i left bauda forise. rou mKaw street, vu iroat tge tbiofus< Draontfey lts moalai iy two - ~- cussopa. T* min id liest.& -làfioott t. ftnallySIttvmCe M4 au 'à Woeuiaaluin.0 ) ibi OU«ma happmaita gel val U fl lbwW ,day viouof f elcie ',ne my IoUithe ait ms buIlcsém1a. 0 liofathers. bW ii tllpbeebell roa" o r;"O, es. COus home. xi"a.r g"Vanvi aipeatl' lie natter vti lie fan.m. iaIhc om u uee e amy alet10 fsu itre lat ber om iy i'-veidf 'r her poa frbte. Thc por'y- vou ta lem th limeO aler, mroui., luobr hc Lxtcesth hrliuy. lai uiverel tic buatu Nea nG"m Ifvl ploymend refhme. 1ae 1ao tue ilcgilio »,etvelthlie wt17 lelbi"lic. as"s estty I"imoue. luest f sulistem -oW c Cam i " t» iter"'OIofA Tlx KM&iiTheondn lt«sg _ -^TXRL W c&. but igovaletvould Tbe. oecuO» e lparut ,ýet i th* bxdmuà Min liésity v»w« .repremt est theAI Mi b*. Wb"i la tai epir0" ebel balaitmeemim as si W Os Uicigocuf4 nllck il fiermu -sl a * t- qftflé*00&-j Tobaire p ot.ImcleScp Oey eMxkicn ma.9 uocevcu iu f rm Nos ale% t Ifiao im dati elt. feth luue t, aIlbe veUsmeUthg lhm tu. tic prOu ucc if i a t Initie ambl Ibimu trouth e est ftbe uftr, hoeeu realiail viem l vw"mades lis muslr or Uic vqptom voekil rit 4Mam oity w vonhded simM8., vàcut. eup~ la Meb. naboW of tic utotere liay eoé#be dlapm"&ai _i.. Ie4pea jou e _ Il vw» bauésa liaI li m pufabls fee t««ua aI0 ie I sUie bomem etienelby Ilw oees. A pmfl cf thonruihil1 golez., aàb dit ie m*ey. abothan ml ila localTel o tolephous amielacrlic t lmI cul ami imoaivsipa" mmi ms b"016mu ,viepilige& -Téin th vii'.tirwovafl.md li pis tIse. Rouldeurtet m.mdieu la ter= te15thoeclU et Orisaube m.b la ovailva Wbcs le stthec flN -mm mcl kiaide memmc'# )m Telilala uodcgetada te Maccaieiaataf tua. i te Gogght-Tark vcldlng sm Tburiay. rV. Aimatof Giffllke, la ble aiter, MmaIL.V. O0« mid nov oli over Iii. brou bgira lieoal mutainlat rte Wmkcgm MadicalAM tah Tic Omble. laiolt Kin Geoa cimai b au eperformance cf Clii kt ho Duel»'l la ib .tedy. laiM" s ilrn el crota t. ber bore la Milvauke att vIlli- herceellua.tic 1h uid C. ferpont .MD., bILg pbaolma'aam auewoof iii the';gUi Enigita mbu have thelr btbtallo w% , asioker »4 latmura lb tha bluta iii £W i actQbou db.at&Ma Il" 10. e mm. Ese i Irod limc IQmealIce S- eye b Sce f % Srlsthed. Jeu. li. -4l a ot. 4lmmeutte atage. SM e~~1i uerliaiembu! eorliooe rus lot &»à moar s are wen tolaam *uw1te rder àfw nmues ldr 1 te th the' avowvb s voed thet body; 0111, t., Ian.the110 bue se4r ai met UtéUam cîtti. ~< ~ aItIDilb.hemmchlamr. y1lel"g tic 800à Ilel hlm etp r1a e not.atrt ure wé bàtmIIýu"umattempteS te km, hl= M.IL>unt. et Fl'uakl. chos e t o IdéSe, U ehgged ha. talai, lpwooe, Pdo flaer. AUd ho ln ttm dlliv- Smt Wu UOmtetfor a ddoose. êiMbth rinete Rivard D. uMortir, of MIlfeury eeuuty, thc ebemens peal- rail r>UI CondomaIb& is u-la te aie Senstor Pember, C'9 a, an. 9-4lis ÇIofColos cout!, viieleetd ptO#k uio tate fildrntUmof Ao y aopti esoutiiicm det pro tas. Wlth but tgv exetilos lattitude of ýP5cm"t do IMMImpotant bous.Bd n"»te 0" Fe mi..et... anreftc amui. tht ««.lmwm& s.Ou. feature if not. Va insIb act-liai tke 2%lIm e 1meut aiUt 0oms mfite.ft. iit Matvria«compte. oty * r h evrs: ti ýïii à atriker iiméai More- Stty-o mendmuier% i« the uppem boune lain th t1t alinge tout at a Vor'ec*amvustmog te iii@Dii ct rol l I 0f »atrik- M14 M.lof het I CllY '0< bt.th* 163 mesbema ofUiceiôvcr bomme a teb âf t toffciai On IbtheaIm a it but eamabr,8Mpman <at. bbay',*MOndng hn.lm. ermaeu 057, eOrtb& bmVr.sevetl datutet. vu lia.~5ee b aai eieand 9aiea a lie.e~md neithaton tbheakem'sa efvn ke El'lu. hhXinnglm lnatmuitl% A 4bail liai -letihe bmuse noron lieutenant rp IlSu 1 rived, sud a se Urihemu1 Gbçavmg Shrmaîri lu Uie sonate von sepo ati.*. to relIt a vollY vImi red thoreamy jrformMl iotlreetf a contect fer .uia lt* 1111foa", lkilng thrty aMdiwotMd.m Utce u-t Of oui member 'The manale %a o*d pif&p oi gbty. > vas »« t tilcty-ueen Minutes argasla me *et omee "M it ~a - 0 andmo "m le..abolit 50 mIutesa ne e- AMW t1. ic hemcl vas aeSttered 1 1PeeMauame lor..Tia.' t hlthethes iM gatheringtotiier la 1Twam flay o es.. Wli hohI uir fira s gr et varions pointa. A body 0« MinaIWlotry la the dravlug ortfa. Sbir cm eebiglited on a milroaltmiek samivotimi and wmlyUl mbu tb <leem- hM tb train for the citY ef Vema or Dnema amie.klug for aa o. Om-fo aieveam boure Uic ease propriatien lopâ.ecuemtle ta *pjuu OP" »« M$og t~to contIbroOgheb. «d.'tlb. IllafgCentral ralîroal tW i Ui 04 i4tevan> tmfflarriveS au duriai the eêncollecon aceraI mflilS dolliars la BlaM MM w. gk bu1.m'oeéa, eàtgblg beck taes vblcbtheccite amerti la Mkt500'iL e. 'i avtm»mt icba emd due. fin the joint meesna data vili tu Ne Iit a Imumeat.p hua leois l- ie& iifor hi hl~tlon ora United vi.Orzaba *Tlmxmb, Pudaand 41mmIlftt. seat. ate o meeed Sbelby li. 1"tib- « t chu*i.Incite laberot. t 11000c Vuom .Adjourumeut vin ic teha aser eit wt m e4 rtire Au-«Mlbe M ama by joint r.olutim mant ext TuesiaY. WW&vaI.bélug 90m& by St Usuiuhloe %a 141W tienu'wTE LQS&aw 7k e t l inasseS row a tulegm fua 0< (>cetheOp-E 04 hlum I hkttbOe valu. or tliopierty c9 th. Tmv ones. desttcyei by Uitemibemote ie ..At the %epeumnilon thc bonne ttagil0u00800& AiU orthe imIrel propsrt, letdSw ivacil D., Slutfltfor0<Mc. ue <iem vp awedÉ binancte Oiaela lî- Hcry coecty. .rmeaer;amleted ia P,, = met lEmm - gw.aseit oEem cs end alyci the gor- sera Ileslal muessge,-b.Meeadli# Jpoaligcf nee.il porfimmcory tes Me rttr t li0fste Jamea A. Rocepailed lbe me)nm en c eder aM i lttmaclcê cvry ose .xet zemm «a.ahte or- __________ mlea mu mz.ol te1vacatte lbhe8opr. Thece vai ouly oe abeentee. Willim sm Wedueidays a fL) UMentgeuaory. lepublcmà, Fortj'..v. Ay. luInthe. vmtcnp of the. organiation eam isltrict. la lm,% oisgamtiie, bleua. vahg.eoftheb.AINoomn Home Circle lu the big 1Bey. A. p. ltlglc. paîti: eor the takaeaSUN lait evmblaLthe naine of M11a Secod Prebytéa em criaet lSprlng. Lille Sanm ue. agulaeflld. duse 10 1011.PTRYM- .for a IltI:t 0 ecord, Iovst an errer ;- dCh&& .- MIralurd, ef PtI d JuBdJile sigit be ent dovo MIS, Poort, ws metie» anfee orke monthe ody lndIbat ai fame. cous- ~ peola. u monhuolai f. voi Ili voaund viil ndameco. -m'ght lie aeh- d . înted OfL mami sraari. snul tront Ilila ..3.u. Denaturel Oohol la'netyot outhe Tii. ton vai llanadiChiotrInete$ manlet la tib soite. but ahipienti BSot wvia ésoteci 0th. ch«arnd m louation am expectai te h. made at amy lIme aifllhithle omt. Thisabetng doma and locald aufitlaWin. recelve thc en bloc. i lb. mem "' b er i arat nd ttendîi nov e produot an nomsa ai , ima.hldn P bi r badhe h. uer t laneoualy saiptmchabeng made.. 0f tI.Wou fi es.cioaae he etioncacu tCty Haoll1 OMMeuDr. J. B, Spali. tics 10* Place. Afler Gaenit bacu waed to-lut. of emia, yerday forvardeol hleetei temporgry apeaker and, becsu c, &fler le Madmaionna eamples of valercdt O thé,10lii. ém t ibu àtakMen i lefiofli.takeq f rom thc "eni of thc Kenomaa 01 ha. oEmbc m" a brlctuiac.c e ope" waer Copmy e bae thon tete f t tanka fort fl.coueosr. Wb.s Shurl. cimeel Wtercuuasny a bve hin ta 1« a.<baibeen clcct.I speaker ho ise Uc.O et 'for the, presse et0f yphu agermae. M" aspesch, wvhiWb vai revel 11Hanglug fa the. lm MeDonough WU IiAPOaUia. if ý Ce.hop la iaj»§«mceremunlacet 0f lteU-rthit thi electIon of olfletaMo- n, of f. Lteits, tet ?$eea, meisthe 0appolO - 14 seclal -tlb.Vermtibariver tua iuimmers. . "I teeràm * h . i i.. eiulySve Wah ub1ab t a tis osleps with a viole *MMllY of MPil at4 ahislelbf ietlasg g-Indiens. MoU OoMMaaerYinla bleageliaI The churqihe of lia eity ane.m- IL . ,doralng the'positiff ont e.a te. 4taqri.aseusa S, ttiMrlau v-z.llgtoua cm of Walkegalu li te » hom *eftr APMaipzw.meqaie- sreat future. Muam ta iqm i st la SiCauua bwL lMuw late t tsuïIhave mes fmrred on in nma by ![duimg' e c,1itcs ovem béflU nth ule luleret .m ti ue0 eig o 'Ofh0 theCchao" Mfal tti ezullcat n- lie 0§841tuf-obil-bus. on itauhunbrai ytipor tic irlré4- % t-a4«i o t ru.l Va rbas cm hoa ud p mm ad ««a 0oÏ ,% ace W 'Uw iWmMt of St KiWime*areh.s fié luempfê the ul*6W eu Theta im. vuree *ý mm:m bmm !hu.SeUti» »,V»dilfu ,.. It ug 4sl,, e W hat etPl& ~~a,ýà t~~»,hu 9for o fe Sesvu qAt- - -M* tparart 5e ui- Il9 u' 4 v"il eport ai . U -SWM r 4 i -rot aul mou REIN» ~'f Atxaiict.4 atueuw ncmthe vetM et Xaet W. MeKIelay, a e »eumè,ý f ftatemmuhewr frosi &e Elevouth di, i4 Ucitrtet, te mcmi lime propci lemi et poewn rIel cnhd a ripple Os théeM.ait-rel Uace et the.hon"s roceilup ea tea tel.vWluffema« «-MelS WseeM of e ue ail. hW »SMa.ftcr U, lalar Camn. tutbervldssce vîteSlaIe, biaiS viebci or Ce*.OIl'Offi"a ceocutiaslrnovIi- ouit mlivaie Mtm the rhh «jil.. et icl. a MufaU tb. Jeoint raes or l"We v-.4 tl u.a.)a oral assenébly l i mî- led1 abr Xw Vanni iadoPted for the goemuesl c9 t latta Ma lhe pret aua,.uîîbly utIl et Ieavasw vuimm «èincd. litIKlnlay vW#*InameJtgtiW MW e4by il upnlipe felsund offeced au amenaMM Au)I frM, v mitefst?.cle3relating 10 iiomiie.con. vib. h mc» a Tbe purPoas Of lieamesinent vui cou.fl9.1 1e fin-Aur report in lb.bonneema $~ @W.gil eefy tmeaaurcsubumitled le a commt. loua heaiqui tac. vIila iteen dAsaf roa lic th"c1laImm5 tg et fit remsue.Chanrc cliii a point SpealeCotte Rf odet la lImaI th.ergnleticu via chut.. m&bd ,yl~ a I wiporary osA e. O5p«vw7 P4,andmal4la 40puch einut mdii fvemtblyW inatul fI CburWe peint, but valvad iea"MOIIU cuva a lrge lu madit thit t ilnay oniait lic ieeb boum w huaià. Tiie yeua umtbeFr. edmttel quartea..Orama 'taàt IIl saorcufllurly ilgil' pre- £4 i boeutIl1 aumpta ou uth t or a n w0f i m c- i ber 1 ta nitake te change lic UVe- lug of the bonne, btlitaI îu I.. 1 loO1 I efthle proet aaimlay auvlem hlrit NUO, .Wb Malimeniorm h. oaided IlitttmgfSSta and proper for eoc te Propase a O0UUFw-jwa change1. tih@U-e1ol*à zt"pole gesmly bavenssa.. fél eu the 1o sa"llchbodclm'.. li 1he mse-o voeeSt. 34 S&t lunvîtîibouÏe.bUis have homeng, bo*bli. &J Itamidc. fiedrew aunialntrttu . mator ileut show bOy thîrteen nuctubera cf liat IcWcif«er pu hodY rAlgia t MISAn"bill liaI came ho-. 886tiOf@tae toe to M11. fI e l alaelu eon cômailcu- RE 0«" tn of hie ansmetut uthei presait- Ne* dnhack tlalé becaus. b. onudoth iIt ai a; n ha lhe culea vire once adoatl 4£ ésm oeaisausOit,i Mofi b.soud. oui, by a tvo4ilrd o allW et a voté, lairteuemuhut Tic miller wnvia scai.d for mm .re«tein th t t'ma, member. lelltu citufay 1h51et emai»M lie venu Iiave ahundant t Inlter te M'e.te amrnd, untîl, fluil. Undly, Of Boul, erid te roter lia, malter le setc ta O11niIb the. t-omîitlecon cl.ra nila is u la tiec Gir appoe&cd 1iwe o vag trogg obpn--AI$ . Kirko tien ta tht.. Il belumi chraclculied ai KttpatIek.el a metlaod et *cbflooformiue, MenRlweorJtge 9. Book lI&Yi Motton, but t v* aici.eTic T*"ovae Wiam I. 8m COMIT 01M TIEM uON v if.. Adefihi -eY. Chancis Mml..T&k Tv. Wap A Musam Wh. b UO Prumi A comenUln abeli P.-Unit] Re ae i lîvan. via DotI ramitu la ller bogiéth e lb . c-ivtsmsi01 jle bora raPIdl! .canshd the prntei thc nukaymih c.pflei providel, and mWb internat suoi vm boire dtupfluyei by méemera.-Repbîlisa evl.ut. r edc D o m i s gt t b p t m r c te a O l t 0 f G o lIontbtte rm i&,te ilo C1 w lie extenied te eutt h bil 111 011gl -B. tae crry fin emergency' clasie, thua George ».lav naalilug 1happlicable t «te oans <co B. ictiVa alirUW eectiona.Aas a mO thc Pro' Tue Tffof A, peuedmesaurc met viti tarotiaI U4lam iliIL SanIth.. viiea lte mambers vèe talklag for Adelicrt I. Sa publication, but prlv&lely»mmsy Mai Clkrflq O. SW M auill w1 ouli bave a veftr lime blu vIN. Sida ef It beSV t U Ilgel thlic overn or uP. imill, i. lai approva.i., Jsý eton 4a Te anti-PsaU propoRMille&04nthUic Sulvà%,-.tlu Mcomumeciuiallm lmaa MWivlasclEIOieaife711M ferhudilng amy intrmse uIA neWet>te. na s ,Iý edam ta faralinad aimuleu vh t~heino v conient if i the«tat rnaland vare- hrsor îi houa-cmm *uO n ou aid vI*i th. .0 t«i the faet rsué logisation urc V Pwtlp Oh lunc.. SuveraIlemct" "*0 veruw y vicit < to licquoh i " Iheý d i st hee am vim il nau 4-a"a it coutit ptt Irenthe l Ie o . *MdiA - ler e nthemffl'ut iaie lt, er lan? 10m 0"idoe ie otnmouler, "le a *lilary , A.»D. lImaI la to* bel for liasaverpg,*mndet %lo la ta bondie. Tbey are afr li efthah, aou;ith' mt. n% ceastitie' Çou la ItRoki Çmn&. the buum.mifrtw ifr. a aiaiauxhe Us te Ui m P., 'e ms to Vl Ve14 lau I umc w lamm Gram, 1 Nd&wu )f Avoc. toui, Ad th, Mti1 toaC. a bhu A. 'lý heins. c or deela -mplamit a. Ailto- Ig, WiII iAso, a e Ada meT., mth- NI titi, lm »« US fil Mre