LAKE C OINTY INDEPENDENT. and WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. V. O. 16. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILINOIS, FRIDAY, J,4NUARY 18, 190-12 Pagei; $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE.' Where do the Profits of the County,Clerk's Office Corne Frorn? Who Foots th eBis? Tih Systern by which Albéert L. IIendee Makes it Seern that "Earnings"' of thie Office Are so Large. COUNTY PAYS "ruES#" AN MIS "PROFITS99 APPEAR BIG 18 THE TAKING OF MONEY FROM Wliat these tees were for le best ONE 0FFUCAIL POCUCET gieaued frai» a few sampie Items tait- AND PLACUNO T IN en lndlcrlrinatelY tram printeit re- ANOTHER. prts of superyisors' meetings, a - there nmre attempt at itemisation lo Appeas Ail Right to the Unintiated- mode, whie On the records at the What The Figures Cruelly Show court bouse the arnounts are entered and UUOW the Trick le Turned. under caption of!*bills alaowed": June Meeting, 1905. There bas been no end - Of ittscu5 A. 1, Hendee, attending meet- aie» fthe SUNS articles treting Of ing et Bioomington ... ll23.70 ezlioebitant cbargewt.fori- i-tting fur- A. ., Hendee. extendlag valu- niabei Lake cOunty and the excessive salary expendedIn eu cnduet of the!. county dlents office, as coriparcd with t ether mantdes.,ad in defetîse of Mfr.1 Hendehis fri-ends cite in reîîiy the' am eartîIngs of hie offcg which are deciarei t ta e proportiatiate wtb ga. ry expense in connectlun tberewith , though It la on thtiîst pint (esi-inga or the office) there se-tas tmoiderable isunderelanding. t ia pretty generaliy prestimeit the "esa- Ingas" lu question are fram SouIrres contrthuitittg ta Lake co)untY's s ipport, an impression resuiting front wideiy3 distrlbute-d circlars gent out kv Mr. Hendee'durtng th-' recent canîpaIgnt. County Its Own Custorner. Veen esi-nei f rom ait ources oh4 than -Lake couty. , lit te roui, clerka office are atogellier in, -ft ficient ta place the office ou anyth i a 9 Dite a paYing or self-suPpoitingk basis,1 vie tees paît by Lakte couaty to the' coaty clert. whom t firett showp aver $7.000 aunualy ln salai-ylitre in esrn smre, are fair the greatest source of IcnS e. iwnb For instance. ln 1906, a.shonb Items below, and whtcli do not con- stitute &U amnaont@ draun as. tees inmistic ccinty treanvy mby ,1Mr. Mea. dee, $7,511.24 vas paît by the couny ta hlm, andt t mutst e unitei-tood thusaaunt bas notbing wbatever ta do willi the salai-y allowed hims--lt andt assistants, but ls wliolly toi- feeg carnet by them. Nor ln sasembling marne wgs any note takexi of mimer- ns amati ltisas ianging fi-arn $10 ta $80. dravu out o! the cttunty treal ni-y by Mi. Hentet as tees. sduit vlr Increase thie ggregale ronsidpratly. Somne (4 the Items fthte 'i-ar 1906 vere: Jan. 3, la A. L. Hendee for exteuding taxes ........... $1567 ireb. 13, makina Iransciut andt recordit uspervlsors' pioceetinges---------------929.26 Feb. 16 for exleudiug taxes nnd special asegmeali ... -2,131-90 Jnîy 13, for tees------------- 848.95 Oct. 30, recordîng supervisors' pruceedings .-.-......------8).00 Oc. 30, rnaklug t rîttscrhît. -2.014.56 $7,511.24 Far these uiotîntaeoitîy oriters vere lsuet andi oucy ti-av t ofltu the aeys. It oten a baîens tle cîîua ty biova rn oney vhicb itolit a bave 10 If tle arnoutts travu t oubk Mrt. Henitee sene iefî lu the treasaiy. Atter detuctlng expensea of!hilsof- fice be lui-na back blese tees ai tbel suit o! cath i cal yesr or la Setîtein- ber. It almply arnonnîs la i bavîna the use of thousanits o! dollars o! cauaby funts vhIle bis counîy la smre Instances borrovs rnoneY la psy lii» the arnounts. He ls tu, s past-1 lIon andt ioubtîessa does gel Intereal ' on caunty-rnoney the tax payera psy0 *iinterest t t II iiihave. That M. Hendee's practice ln th18 regarit la 1906 vas ta exception ta other yeara t il ho seen fta a ev Itemsalte» frai» aillier Years: 194 Mar. 10, tees--------------..233.47t Mat. 10 per iiem-------------9.00t jane 17, tees............... 1,023.96 i Âng. 31, tees an juitgtnttait ,sale record. ............... 579.16t Sept. 26, tees---------------- 62.80a Jýec. 16. tees................,804.801 $6.815.19 190. Mfat. il, pern tianansndny fe..................2,718.274 june 16, tees ...............-. 969531 ci 9$~h 1, tees ................ 654048 Ifelg. 18 tees............... 1566.67 "Mtiltees..................330.35 SMOOTI SWINDLE WORKED Forn.reils Different Section@ Have Dosa Ilupedby FaIte Cosuntl.slon Mon. METHOI) 0P SCHBIERS RAS BEREN »ISCLOSED Postal Inspecter Raîpl i Brd tiisa uncoveret vbat appears ta bc a cmu- stin a4, ~I~mx - ,413.67l ceret altempt Ioa tefraut tai-mers A.aL. l'leuds0. s..a r lionghout Ibis section of lie sate ma books, etc.------886.68 by securng te shlpment la Milvau- A.BL. J-eudee. necoriing bit-lb kee of butter, eggs, poltry antI aitditeaili cerlificates suit mente. recortlig proccediîtisot As tar as Itiowna ai lréent, l th- me bard...... ..............1S2 2).; at thebr iait o!fte arittne are Ililwait- June Meeting, 1906kepote a1ini l salnlc A. L. Htie. ecauvassina re- licat tpeule ath t liuîi itelt tai-ls .. .....................o000 lvior tirer.. tndcttuiiiciitali.. t'adei- a strict conîstrutctinuoft lithe fart tairc-rtain Chicago peaule statutes. couaty clerks uîay traw trotuliai-ietait mixcdi p litithe ucienîe. counly tuttis tht' fi-es il-y rharga!, itiAv,rtl-dtig tu, bnnîuctar Bird. lic aI- la tie coutty for soi-k tane, blît8t l,îmîuî iecently ittîoveret la amach ti '0 cionry. Thte xituialmeulait1'laj,,ngtiîhe tutofsimlar ivcaies to smlmuy tras sufflrieni fti-es tt asîeretotai-e trled lit sout a cati-i liî-n. expetîses uuf île tffirt' aud allias lnpursuaure af uihelplan as tietailîct bat-ce ! tc ruuiitt's î tu:î lai 'Il- uuyMr. ird, île meii luhini thte plan u In ii th îe -easuury. The- hracs asfrt Iascei-Iaiiî lie time of thc icauing -Lu ucet tuy Mi. i-ode,- lg simîil: shlîlper la a certain localiiy, aftei- 'aki:g naîîey out o!f<one rautnt.ý pc)c-Itl s-bl titcy ommtîticatesiîbt teir suit putting. hilnanataîler. thuna aiIt, luteutet s-lciaîby teilîbaone. ent o! titi fiscal year t-etrinait i, bat The tai-mer le tot that the îei-san la tle lileinii le tlta -î n îay lu- mtaklng la a commission man lntaMi]- Iciest oait t nrîtc w-ssary t turrav yankee via bas rcceully estahîlabet fori cauty tses sîtle tlhe conunty c r- a business Iliere. The aipper la asked uses tbelr nmoiey. aut the average shiprnents mate lîy The eiltai-'s etucdatioti, ta lie fîuuîd im aidt ben offei-ed a pri-le for ils 'iu the etitarlal Élumns o! tis Issue, prpdnce tram 2 10 3 cents abave tiEst cotains an ecalîrate vbihlltaces paît by any carnrnssion fi-m t» that thie anaunt Mi. Hendee's office Ode4 eIty. Usnally ti sasnpclenlt toen- Laite county la excedM0t the amonat ýsue heateniton of tlietai-mer. 'gftet' il carne foi- the counny at a leten t acttam b i $10,000 sut $12.000 anuually. lInallier scitemers. lu vbicb tle ofter lante- sorts. the conicluioin la late coluitYtvpeuatet, i<gelber i- ii alleget refet- tax payera are cniîti'ledia ctu oti-itii'eict-s resîtecîlua te reîîabltîîy of theu eacb ycai- liciveca $l0,uillu ait $1 ?.00 ipersot imakîng the offer. ta Suport telficefir'.Atîd i the tari-iBecaoîie o! the biglici- lrice affret, ofgIis Mi. lteaiee aIt telas i f-t - Is - a yrasno thrrp ina uft!hîe board Itatil' ntili -it (.senlati<tss mydeastena!ahi r uil stînt ldrese îcrklir 5110 -)'ponts sNtises-c-aial sillints ot Iis yeat', andt iere vas nal a rtrOUst. itatever lielias la Iplace on tle niai- One sttpei-vlisstedto th Ie SU'N i eanteprdctghnso 'N etitor lui tlacosseigtghle niatter Ibat ,tlîe recipient fan viatever lie cau gel as te office sas t'ariait large fo t.i-I t isail cîcai- profit as the amauntta lu excess of coat a!fatieratlon tarmer never recelves a cent for is he li erstîtally tht not ted l Ike ralsîna ahlprnt. an objectiotn. lic evttentiy waa ails- Inspectai- Birdsasys iliat vhillc i la itîtormet, as ls ihe geucral pubie.l unabie la estîmate lic amaunt o!flirait- uce obtalueit by tic gang beila the CUlAS!» TUIROUGlI aclime, bc bellevea lbta oamount la CUIUCGO STRE!!TS tliousans:of dollai-s, aitdvienth Ie of- ficils wre fret o! îl te pan, te sbipmeubs ta bbc sciemers vere guow- Man Saidto1 be from Woodtock Shol îag lai-gsi- every day. aI By Police mut Finaiiy Arrestet It vas because o! bbc use o! thc for Steaiing Silk fi-arn Wagon. utafis Ibat tbe postal litalectara vere - - , enalîledtul gel trace o! tbe gang. ailegeit blueft irougit sevetial ituiv lavîl Chicago streets t bai i-l. rails Sluog a partic amati eestrliuns ad trivîna vamen la icek tee nîîto f hallways. Revolvers lasited turing the slu-unit ait every lIme thceittertiveii awa goot opportuity ta fire aI Ilie fugititve vibli danger of trikia îedcestrtîns tbey dit go.'Ile allegedt litetfet eat ln Rantoipli sîreel la Dearitain st-eet. tbeu norti ta tie alley bal! a blocIt svsy. Fi-om tbeele lui-net eat açain , iuuuiîî lovai-tStale at-set. By Iis lime a large crovit hait joinsilt hbe ciase. Say@ la à Woodtock Man. The delOdtîves dodgsit uniter ait anounit wagons, fring Ilir revolvers aI tlie fugitive, but vithout effect. Reacblng BIaIs street bbe fugitive lui-net nortli. but vals finally aven- aksn aiIaie teeaand placet uniter arrest, The prîmanen vas lakete10the cen- tral station.,vliers lie gave bils ume as James Kavanaugi and sai hils borne va' ln Woodstach, 111. Takes Package of Sllk Dressce& A short lIme hetore bia capture Kavanaugli, il la aleget, jurnpei on a vagan belonglua to lienry Jacoby, 4108 Stale sîneet, vblch va' standing In front of the Gariickt theaber. ait seizeit s lundis contalning silIt dresses. Tbe subscriptioas fon thls papen are ALWAYS DIUE aN ADVANCE. Several tecoy letteras-ci-t' rpicaiet ait seut oit aidthIese iesntct la un-1 coverhtîg enaîugb o! the plan to etîsie tle officiais ta pi-epai-e tle case tor- lresenatiln ticthegranit jui-y. Vibliln tIc pasit ev itays Iuaîîectîur firtsasys le itas learari t laI soute of tle iratître alippet to the mcnaia .Milvatîuevas by theai reallîtuedtot Chicago and this lents la lent truthi ta tic lleory titat tic receivers tiei-c rnay be Inctuted th le teal. This phase o! bbc question la îîav bclag lnvealhgated andIt Il s hapet iy the affictels ta pressaI bctcaentrescierne to tbe grand jury for tnvestigation, MION. G!O. EDMUND Sross UN SOUTHI Takes Wif. and Famiy lu Flurîta Whcrc He Meets Foilla WhIch Me Brought imb Existence-And HeM Tells a Story. Asays the St. Petei-sbnrgh, ils., Iu-1 dependent of receat date: Han. (3.0. Edmunit Fose, cf Chcago, vho bas represenleit Lakte county, I.. ln the fitty.fifbli, fi!ly-ixtli, fifty- seventli ait ffity-elghhcongresses, vltli bs vIte aidtIhi-se Interestîng cbàlîiren, arriveit j;aturday tor bbc vînter. At pressat tbey arc laking 1he1-rnmeals et teChautauqua ait noomlng in an adjacent dvcîîtag. Mr. Pose la chai-ma» cf naval affaira in aur bairber. Accompanied by s number of our Citl&ens, he wiil be the gueat of Cormodêae Andîersan today. Mr. Fasewill retutn ta Washington andt leae ltsfamlly bei-e. At a banqquet given lte me» a! the Utottîla, lMr. Fum salit le bas hec» tn- terested ln naval affairs for twelve yeare tn congre.fl and tor- tbe past six years as chairalisaof that Important committce. Tbs± lie lad vtatted every naval part of the vorld ,and that lie was gi-eatly surpriped tot corne fé St. * etersburg ad "d tlylng off lItsport tbe very torpedq fieet whlcli,lie hait recammended t o omgiess. It rernlnd- ed lir of a etory,. A littie girl askeit ber mamma'whiere alie was bar». "In Califarnia," slle refflled. And slie asked lier papa liere lie vas bai-n. "in Maine," lie replted. "AndtWber-e 1 bai-»?" she asiîed. In Illinois," was the anave?.G. 'n ss, le ex- cialmet. hbow ddt vail get to. getbei-?" 1. He salit that tse îî'lr% allon excelied ail allier sailois, for they were me»' of lte Inîiîiivemen af hi-ains. and tbey ver,, in,-i it icoîîld nîcet every ernergetîci 1FARMEWS UNS. TITUTE ELECIS Officers For Ensuîng Vear are An- nounced-Warren Holland Remnains î ai Head of 0rgarztion. Miii tii..clope 0o, ti. iti otf tii. l.arn.ei'sInstitue lkvt eek lthe î,ffiet'rs for the i- y 'îi testwîr, annourir-.d as foitowoa Warren Hollant. %%ýi tkegan, presi- dent. E. P. Blanchiard, W ,nkegan, secre- tai-v. 0. B. Wbitrore, Cirnee, treagurer. Di-ectois-E. R. ?.l,re, Gi-sysiake, tDavtid Wbite. gr., -tîtiocli; R. E. Smitth, Rockefeller.- ' IJelegates ta flînto' atltute-War- i-en Houlant. B. P. Bianclia-i, bath ai WKatilegan. and Li. 1. otwr, .o! Gui- nee. TO REGULATE MR. DAN CUPIE3 ,Measure is Praposedtot Advertise Caming Marr-ages in Local Papers -Object is Io Injure Divaorce t Business. Pi-ojoset u-, by te Illinois legislature o! au tumeudment ta tle aaute regulatiiî ,mariages litIlii uois vbîcb pros il.s toi- the publics- lion la nevsaltalu-agndin luchurcîcus of a coutemplaîcit rarrîsgc thii-iy tays before tIecriernouytaîîrfarm- et bas arooset tilt- resb smroag jutges, clei-gymen antI social reoaim vorkera. A ill pravliitg fthibs rsfai-m viici, If passet, vill i taîg Cuplit lntd tne lîmellabI more fl-qusntly titan at pi-Caînt, la salîl i be alimedtet de dresse lie ntib i o! basby niai- riagca. Wiith a iii (resse liu lte tîm- bei- o! elopenietiit ; utgcs ait lavycrs agi-ce tîatahelbli Idn on tbe divorce coi-t viii be lItu icnadmatcrialiy. LIBERTYVILI! MAN ANI~ NVESTUGATOR 1Chicago Papers Give F. E. Wire Mention For Prablng an :Aileget 9 Grafter-SaidtolaHave Wooet the Public's Purse. Col. Jantes H. %I vi-, o! Calai-ado, va, souglit by tie Cli ugo police the irat af tlie veek an(] lile varions Citicagi papers putihé.beilaccunla of hie aperatiaus whiéh li .)tethe auxiety am te bis vhereabauts. He yullbererniulretas the man vhî bais heenau sug Fi-aIt E. Whre, ol Libertyvilte, for liluel. Mrt. Wire nme rnmpnths uago liaitpublibeit bItere allegiag curions diualâ an thc part ol Myers. Nov it is -iargeat tat liehaî been alienatingiituncyfrtramgulliblt partie. a ts aamit ut lb. nci Mets; Mines &Tavasite i-inauny. lihaali te bave malt vauelu-sa @tock for vaient amoutât» of gondot ily saidtetabave advertimetage bruali]and as fnb cia' minitig praperty. Varions ather sut-gatIons are crotîpini ont frarn linte bt tustevicb il is atic reflet very tittîs cr-tlt npon the man Mr. Wl-.. la nanuti y lte Chicago prew I 1 t- omasi -vslc«.hr ! ~ eang investigaulor. the bill vitn a- h pi-oprî-t 1aOui-ANT COLUMN covers s rnn tion for bbe very oipedo fiolllslylîîg , itude of vants. il n 9 N a y y ILr e Il ils day andt maires tlie wlktng sticky fARM ER Tlie caraWtn trudgeit thi-augb muit andt bigliplaces, pools ait puddles, },~~R ESTS grassy uplands aitd Aubrnrgeitow ARRESTSlandts, peut voods gndlsuds andttari» IlUINTERS Wuea n h iyplc tto were reaclisi. The lait five or six miles of the Oeo. W. Hallanit, of Russell,, at jouraey vers made piacttcally ln the Nye@O r LitS flielis-J61LJIL Point) of Rifle Marches Two darkness, the litters neverthciep s XÊY x M a Me» F-oicStateLino keeping tbeir directions taitlifully Mevrtebat én, wenevei- they,,tbouglil of the man iIc Pia witb the rifle mast behini thtem. .- TREN TUBY ARE FINED - Attenipt te Escape. lMEN SBINI> «,%,L FOU ILLEOAL SHOOTING Once one of the men attempteit ta' CONCEAJL lIDEMTVl get awsy. Catching two Waukegsn monabsout. "Thils rifle wiii carry as fai- as 1 A. F. MeKeoioneo tfer' Iqsquirrels out of maison inthecati see you." iemtndeit Holland, anI capitalist 1me art u b e msW woos earRusel, il. Sndast rosit. Tbere vere no turîlier aI- 9gîgmtie 5t5g1W«101 I the point of a rifle George W. i4oliand, tempts ta escape. This he .tat.d poetiveiy à farmer Ot the illage. mnai-hdt the Thus George Hoilani bi-ought tva reporter ove, the winas ïm tw6 clear to W(Çukegan, wiiere titey men armed vith bsoi: guns latta Wou-i Villa thîs ncog* 'lh.tropt were flned $15 and tout* each by Jus- kegaii ta tace a fine nt tbe point of lits VIll& la mMe te coe. up reaNt; tics William F. Weiss. rifle.lnwi M.'GOWFf0t Holianits game Test of vaiking the Il van a beitrsggled trio thalt acet awlhli- eCeat U! tva allegeit Iaw breakers betore tle justice ~~.. "I arn acting tor McKeno point ot bis rifle tvelve ailles train Tt is lwel'e ailles tram Rtsseil tai ers," lie salit, "anuitesatero U Russell tla Waukegan la villiaut a Waîîkegan ifntIhe las)liai-t of-thels. pai-sîlel sud ta the result at s ram- journey vas made lit ii st, fog; sud' lwtli ta get id of ail rMy 1ti palan tbal Laite cauntY tai-mers are aîtter darlini-s. ait prperty aet Nort Clepgo -à 1 aging against sîlegedt uusc-u ptlotir, î ilt dtakea Hoiiand five hours t to l d iaa rt u.ritss bîtaters. waik hie pri-ionera lutti Waukegaa. e]adwy rothr&üks1, Caught Them la the AAt. "lielbi-eatened la shoot us wben raili-oast bave drive» me auc. d Holant. vhlta the son of W~arren v.. riled ta get awur." itîcadthIe twa. are taonrnany tur me., z1 P. Holland. ot Waukegai, asdt i- Hammergtet atîd StrandI. vhen tliey Net Mentgomeory Wied sies wit blits vite sud Ivo clilitien tace thlb..justice. Agked resarding s repor tW Xat on a tai-mlacer Russell , ls a consci- -As lie caîîgbt yaît vioilaling tbe gomery Ward ait Com"9ny, of entions sportsman sud liirselt oijeys law. he votilt bave been instifiet la tbe game lava ta the letter. bringing you ln tads or ailve,' i-e- caga, si-e baeklg tce deal o dhý On,- o! the laws ats Ial tbe squti-- spondeit Justice Weiss as lie fluet vtevOaI acqulring faaim lands3 i-el seatson opens July 1 of ecdi ear lliem ecd $24.44). vhtcl ta gi-uv praitoce, Mn. cg andi expires December 31. Huland Acted Legaily. amai: Sîintay Fillaut vas otît luttite Hoiland actea iegaliy utîter tlie 'Riidiulotti. There fil notlslng1 vooda about itossell lookag for a statute wbich ssys that any mati may The report la an Jinit ta lMent~ co tpo t insmea boferre. prt- ake sungi-iest of anoîber emugit ln a Ward & Comspany adto go,~ edtab. butagviI erel. flagrant andt open violation of the 'This emp <t t hl55 t la his t'ambles lie came adi-osa laws. Tlie lwo banters liai t tleir satvJfo4ieitreett Cliarles Hammeraleit aud Alex Strand, fines ait went ta ibeir bornes on the adsIll noiat be f"od ae, à bath o! May sti-tet, Waukegan. soutb sids. 1aa at eet i Holanit daimus 1h5 lie saw tbem Holant Fats Remankabie One. eastern capitaiste." , bath bring dowa aquiri-els willi Ihei- Holisuit trest la a ientai-able one Will Net Raeoi tgos et abat guns. A Ibirit man vas flot and shows the slnrity andI bonest Aifrad teréelsinture 1 catiglit. Holant came out of lits cati- îrtndiple o! the rman. si t upm aaqhu caea nameon aer saw vallie Few voutit take the risk af appre- Wauega enver a t. entiag tva armed itbll@hlot sins lanid, Mr. McKeovas ai, "t'- * Refuseit teCorne, Made Thei. ait valkiîg tliern Ielve miles- overteion Ov O. 1cbere tlao ic "Carne witli me," he ait. 'yau bave lonely- aitd orn travceit rda stoa savftlale Safftésg.L - -besu breaklng the gante lavn. The lue, e-Ia1gIte, considesatlo Wte ."vi~J fsquirrel seasan le out." Hollandg statoment that bath ver. Informed tu foU tiweq4 Hatumei-sted and Strandt sie alieg- angry ait sullen. R ol o i Ma cd ta bave jeered t 51hlm. Justice Wetss thatîglt that tlie ecat ntledv- Tbey were si-meit witb abat gîtas. twelve mile vslk liait been enongb Mr. Mcleovn ia gettig Halianit lad a rifle, wbicb catrles puntsliment so lie impoacithtle mIni- of hetween 8,00 and t iO àvu* fartber. mumi fine. - Lake county land, ail 'vahgin" 6I't BrIngin t to abts aboutder, lie sait, Holianit vent ta the restitence of bis purpoge. .-Naw 'au tciiovs mardi, ant bismet tather, W. P. Holant, on Park avenue, . Sales Actuatty Cloued. quirkkli. If yau vîi not follow me, aud bok supper.afler whlcli le boIt y>oii wili bave ta go abeat." the electrtc west bo a point nearesl "We are closing lte desl i rsu e The two awaviti le meant htîsi-bone, vbere a rlg met hi»m d he ly as ve ai-e tunWteit*imd sters anatt. abt gutis lu Ibeir bande, hail la do no ttîrtber walking. sait. "We are teklng contracta t -startet off 5t a bik pace tlaai-OResuit of Campaîgn. until the abstracts caunié Pi« thie Chicago andI State Uîne ialvsy Tbetai-mers at LaIte couaty have wben the tenua are losei." * vhcb -unsneahy.tbe ax out for the unscrupulaus Tracts nov uniter central« n Caeon." tlîey icereit."le Ibis hunIerstram Wsuttegsn suit otber 163, 234, 334, 163, 25, 160, 8ù. 10tofast toi- yon?' large cilles. 406, 29, 450, 50, 73, 112 aint$ e "I coulit Iecp gaing ail day and il Tbey corne out tataoui our utry Fowier Ti-set May 00 iniglil aI Ibis rate," sati thIe hardy gtsfvdrnsl be u ein WU n MKav -youug tae-mer, keeptng bis eyra open b bt fow rganke"lthean bgi to ay avs n bepart o! bis Tetoul a ia ee-blgag sinspection taday leFranli T. * captai-g,aitdo began the muet sen. Tetobe-aflteey salona Inidet Ial aIt conîygarce 1tliem aidt ley do nattcare vlose 600 ace tract tlu imW» y saionl Icidnt tat akecoutys particle If clilckeas or otber fovl cotract, or wîli b.. 1bas lauglisi over ait admireit la many came along Ibal ai-e tle property of Noue oft mntI aknu~* s]M latk nw 3, ~same ncsrby tai-mer. Tbey tappýe lionblie contracta tù clos« 3. Foilows Thorn bu Waultegan. tbem over atd tit îckt tlicrn m IbeirOne 1, The capture toIt place near tioan. game baga.oce -Hollanit lait lait notblng tu cgt, but "Sti-ay abats bave evea injureit bis flghitlg sprit vas ut), ben lie bai-ses ai paatorc.- l l O M i It vas resttet by tbe mcan irn the Titere ta a mavemetit ta [tut al stop ~ O ~ R1 clly ait as fant as tbey walked,,lie 10 these pradtîces andtu taahlîlegal U rI1P c rwaiket toa. keelina the rifle vîilai nuntlug and the tai-mers o! Lakte teachitng distatnce ait sta>ig sonne eootîty ai-e ail enlisteit unter bbc i-adn beiut bis captives so thal the saine banner. Eater of 41 Bananas* Litlhom',tt alat gani scliarges, It there were Titere are lundi-citao! tbern vbo Infant [n Ai-ms-Hi. Fnimndg eaîîy, vouit tail to reaci blm. votîlitmoike thc trip Ibat Hollanit, For Hlm ailUHonora Due, Arrived ai the Stale Lîne rglit ftmaduie for the satety titat 'Il voult way, the couple lui-net soitîli itb gitaraitele lu tIeni la the future. itallatît batigitn n nhe rear. Ouri- ilibur» arrespandenat te% Mile atter utile thte tva Itîttters vlio HOW HE GOT MER. there. la a aliglit rlud,~ hait ieen canghtlitii ait aileged violt- invsvr atbcuebsrgr a~l- .H oe' tloiiofthIbellinois game lava tianiped a tsvr u eas bgrgr orH .Twr tbhe ies suit mile atter mile the fariner wite liait goeae wsy an a vieil, vhich lbananea salei-. 1ItJedessit * wMliithe rifle llîerslly kept stli.I aie wvanlit asorten ln spite of bis uniterstood bl ontahbig braviý t watclîiug tbeir every mtive. as.b.?apalabe crebon.Atia but rallier a wlop of a bey bus j ass, bey i-e suliersai ugi 5 a happy tbougbt trxîck hlm. He sent tLen ysarsoItl, an infant prode,, a ea~tc. steli ui l e tearet actuel va irarp fIe lclpprthe mura vondérfilbis Try tu ".ialiy" Hita.. 1 vili one Item lilîpeit ont. When alie aehievemeato la the gueas mi FinaIly Ilie bnaters' legs gave ont. vraie ta fiait ot vhat lie hait lippet fes*.. Je ths so4 of WillI8. T " te "We're galag ta iest. Any obJec- otntlicrefusedt b telîliher. In leuChicago, and le spu-dinx m- tl" tlion?" lliey aboîttdet 51 BlIait. tab eksevs oet ii n its nncfr, H. IB. Towt, lJ i de ",Take it easy, baya," sait Holamait. atha lufineitees ahotehtu rnggson Thie buntera stldowu on anceai- ibe vlat hait beeq galng on Ibat lier hua- ta lit bimesîf toigueW>tar riala o! tle Iracksuit Holatd, pi-e- baud iidn't vaut ber t tao v owabout, predicesith. viI rnake hiesQA aà servlag bis distance, didthte same, _________ orit ait viii achleve, Tben ensuet an boun ai- so lu vhtcl othe hunIers didtti eir beat taoly 97 YEARS OLD US Armout May fi e. te young tai-mer Imb letting bther A T I ASB Y Cnalba ote )fgo, grovlng cross aidthtbeatenlng. 1! M A O ..ldt..o h le Hlland sasys. vben lie refuseit. iltour ait Switb pcklng- Il vs ater ttis bst be mrdi hlch voulit mea tic re t ws lle tis hatth machAged Resident of Benton Hale sud 3. Oteon Arniout. ofI. vas resumeit. '-Wlere to.. ytu belong?'" salit Hol- Heai-ty_ sud Mas Nover Worn frai» the solIve gmW lland. Spectacles ia Mis Life. mour & Co., ho speai th l "Oi.t, owa-t Chilcago," replei ane of i Ilie a Armourta, al of theiciîei-s, as lie siaveit tova s WilliîamnCole »Of Benton»townshilp, Florent, ie nov undes' ibi.~ llkmsî o r rr nean Zlou City, father of Wlliarn adcorilg ta lutoratp I tn r ejei ioîlareit aWu- Cale, ta nov 97 yeas nit andt lan yeîterday trou local - 'e Granit avenue andt other streeta neyer varu a pain o! spectacles 1tu is h ie mhutb nothint boua 38 vere tiasset, lhe strange tiotoslîl fle. He ascrîhes bis longcvlly 10 thc uponandat tcdcb" mot tncaing the tics, tact liaI be bas neyer ceasci te laIe enougli ta ine ig Mate Them Turu ho Town. vork snd exercise itally aidtlaies bliat devetopsacta iii, id Flnaily Belvtdere st-eet vas good caseo!fbîrnacîf. He corne. of a the line thst baVe beau a.reacbed. long lvet tamiîy. ancteIlispit WB "Welui-n here, boys," sait Hollanitmth brpike vWho lad nevei- bat bis tempen., Couslderlng the tact that tedent i»Otl ittei'ge fil Tbe captives glanceit at the rifle shah of Persaa hait elgbt bundft wgp Uvlii i Belviitere streel la flot atlits besI vives, there suera t be marnea pick' a=4Vag-" tu the vet scason. The rai» tampens lngs for thee vllI-pickîng lavlycr.epc aqu