LAK.2 GOINT~ UÇDW~NDE±T. 11DA*; U~IUA1W 18, lb _____________________________________________________________________ I. ÏWi4tsr, of 'Paltine, waa B. C. Barris went to Chicago Friday1 W&Y. to met hismotherwho hue besu visting tàrubelU sudBd BMisewerp. ber daughtsr lu Berwick, Canada. w* elaltue rsFI1dY. lra. Lou Broncheon ;@ .ick with the1 11Rk rptunwnd to Omiaha 9rip. alier a riit wth frienda bers. Joe. Basa bas aot icely oettled in bis1 - . . ew sbOP sud wIl be giad to met bis1 Ds Mud mother andB.A old patrons there. '*eUM v t*dwih s; Um mm W h "t aturda>' andi r~ toswes jack Tàggrt sud tamily, f Dones, bob W ulo"y fo a wek'sattended the fueral otBen Taggart bers Wlb@ll,.adY, hrulstvs. Tburu1y ~ ~oIaIlmer ud ou Jihunitefiuger, of Volo, ia vîsitlug1 OulOeayo Log Gove reativesbrs.. ~ve lmhlelelltyIiidAy Mr. 4ûd Mmlira. Wulougb and Beuei eeMe attended the. weding o John Btown t Z Urin, Of Chuclg, 16 visitIcIW Jouaburg lest Weduesday. w@e bas rfeetly Wm Leupbe easd J. P. Blsuck dtned d frot uevsrettack o! tvpbid wtb Fred Bloon et Forest Bower Ehli andBib hopp ofBnda sud pronouneed Fred a good and ike bopp 01 ok. bueobildonfrisdshsreMod. Henry gcbgndorf, of Chicego, spet i,acon wh, uffered a u»veres undiii wt bie femiliyber,. Il d mppendUUltlreseutiiJesrepqlted Abner Coruwell who bas been laid up1 for cmetline la rfported couvalesing. 1 i" pratt, of Pomerov, Bilnt Dr. C. W. Bowles le attendlng the. q sai Sandaeywitlx risda es.Aimani Of the North*tutern o-IWO of I>iaw lal " rade and ren- de.tiotrY. te SOday. lir. Jolesof Berrlngton, wiIi exhibit * <>se wt to Zion 'Ciy bis dog -"Wauoonda Belle" et thé dog yfor a Vist Wtb hie nepbew, "Wola the colissuminnuary 22 sud 28. Ou Tea . aterooun,Jan: 22, the lite. N(evile sud Loliou are iRoyalN4eighbors of camnp No. 919 wçilI alstihmben t pre-st. 0 t)!ter oficere for the eusuinig year. aiv on vs e Chicago viitor Light rlrobnlient@ viii be erved sud al lâ Mdf 'Tusughv.are requestsd to b. préenst. F. &C.hde apartynt W_. Mr. andJiu. D. L. Putnan ver. la114100Tud., erenlng. Chifago visitors leut veet. lasvth o f thé lue la vtht5, frozon à te b a etrong feelng1 Dwia édoc otlg ta gbvays durlagthe. eomiug te' le spendlung a tev days ber Dathla luChicago. w sdea busnesstrp to 4 pifog Grave, Mec Heur>' fuit, . j(ig lâ ot etithe pamlaeta emig Ymlest Satur. M41r. RkIdox, 0f Chicago, au~r th#e pu@ K l"tioonu Vi. 'Fr it mth ofi pÇjifflt io rng ire are4 B»1Ube le t.ttlug botter ,It), Urs. VeuPlew sud it4 the elatilisti à. th MoOdy chufch in MWof thle suit. bol dsoe given b>' thé ut F»qukiler, st IdeBrîde',. 9ki TbUrsdy night, Jan. 'dy *v#Mtng at the hoapit.. c_;r. and Ulire(. bc ai s ver>'greeably r.b Outrance of a large1 f baà s*ho procosded et pbemm ogeealog. The uuuMm icss, socia but slot lit, r.treah 1 e thon, im nude. tulr boa"e, roil e J'7 Plosast suce.. ou ». .sou to have .a 'bid" 1 1un va u esby Dot em "choir parties. and la the Corpus1 k0ell i District. WAé apvrde t *10 per1 éaé of the hst larg ract@ etel oountiy- ic tsu; , pries. rapidi>' advaucing, >-Natif>' h i Wl'. t Our rOUOa loin our part>' ,ondtrip$2. Party' lu moreble gentleen. Square LL m& WLuvTc, 158. -~LAKE _nMicH lieo. Kiepper leable tloauiagain. STbre viii b. a dace given b>' the ofdo'lu, iRockefeller, et BcBrde's hall, Rockefeller, Thuraday night, Jau. 24. Al ara velconie. lira. O. Frank visited aI Gilmer Tuee- dey. Roland Buetler visited et tbe Selp borne Suuday. Froelieb and Roney apipped a car load of boga leat week. Courtne>' Brou. aiea shlpped a carluad. Frank Clark vas a city vietar Satur. dey. lir. and lirs. Scbefer aud tamily en. tfirtalned relatives and friends, of Chicago, Saturda>' and Sunde>'. BlmEumand Anus Schaefer vlaited at Tille Hokeueyer'e brida>' atternoon. à publie auction will b. held et Louis Peter's Jeu. 29. The diraciov of the Ela Pire lusurance mùet at the village hall Saturday Jan. 12. BT. sud Bru Vu., ltum etook a driv, ta Palatine lTnasday. Wm. Ielgaohný recsived $264 for hlm rmilt for the. mouih o! December aitii.e (iGilisr botting tetory. The pai>'hMd lu bopor of Misseliabel and; EduaPrusia Satu mdaybeveaing vas wel attendod sudéai report a fine lime. lir. sud lira. S. B. Love attended e funemal ln (Chcago Tueady. Gitorp A4lans visited bers during the Jamneu Frtsch ettended alfunerai lu Chicago Voduaida>'. Mfr. Doute, o! Chcago, wvas ti. guest of J. C. Entier on day luti veet.- Gsorge Dekinger sud faml>' enter. ialned friands over Bundu>'. Mr. sud Bdru. Harold loyer have r.tumned ram ubeir trip ta Otlahoma. àdies Carris Beert l quiteili ai promut wrltiug. John . Bomeberger, of Siiemmerville, bas moved inta thié building faon>'rl occupied b>' brek Anderson. A. number trou berore naitendmng the E t »nige*wiebare being held lu Uulaimed letter vbleb ara belng b.ld et ths Besrfied poetofile: IBrs.Nianie Augon, C. L. Blactvell Cleman & Cunninghaam, C. 0. Dalile, Adrew itar, J. J, bhrasbman 0 B. FIat, BarI &touer, lis. Cille Wati, . chas. Biler. B ru. . B. Vauttihon lb. sit li. 1 'bave, finished our in.ui lveniory and fin d w. have breken Unes in underea.ohou8, negcige. shirsd tw. aud three pace esi*. W. vant t lsete.ouit e our spring lin. arrives and will moite very fow prIce. Etbel Kuedler h u thpelsek list ibis week. àgra. Jo.. Richards vleited with ber dsuglitem, lir. Wm. Hutchlne, of Glenvlsv, lest veek. Je"nleKedler atteuded the. funeralot ber uncie, Aibert Biteenthaler Bt Naperville Saturda'.. rTI l itcbelapeut Saturday msd sunday with ber gsier, lir. Jacýk Doieuuir, of Libertyville. Cepi. Sepb sud fail>' rsturned %yura> eeuugesfter aprolougedývlelt lu the eout. Owingta the bad condition ofthe 1roads ibe Prairie Vie« LadiesAid vblch met wlth lire. Bail (1lu et vek Weduseday vu ont Ïvol t tnded. >Bru. Ohm..Vous la etaylng vltbber daugliter, MWu.8, bhroder, ofýWf tDay, for the. proment. Ueo. Watennea, tiie uigbt operator, vlalted la Joliet two daon les west. 'V-Wi. Edward eid tbe mieforiune to bruit througha bridgue r M.B. OjI wltbhhiee ga. saturde>'evetIlng. rSBturdoW e=eln, Jan. 19, the Royal Nelgbora viii hold their lnattuitoz of ofilem i the hall. Meabere rquesied te eoms and bring tielrfmils Iv I. BMm. Win. Binsman hn on the slek Doti and glu 1Bila Touner lenasshtlug ber la or houssvork. lir. L Drur>' vlaited et the bonmsof er parente Sunda>'. Albert Barbeas. vho le siet vltb typhald lever, le raported a His better. Thé youug pebples meeting wiii b. dis. continued for a short Urne. Vin. Blusman trenuaeted buîsineaslu Chicego ou. day last wesk. . Or tavu people ara busy breaking tbeir colts. George RBey end sous ara bus>' cuttiug wood over the.river. Tber. viilb. a dance gi ven by the Itidoo club, of Rockefeller, Thur@dt>' negt, Jeu. 24. AUl ara velcorne. IVOLO 1i Mr. Bendricis of Inglaide,was in towu brida>'. Mir. Gift vas, a receut Elgin visitor. UBIessee luunill af Chicago, vlsited borne foiks Saturda'and tlundley. Ambras. Raugt vas a Graylâlie c»ller Saturday. George Wegener made a business trip ta Chicaga raceutl>'. lils Lucy Duanull le viiing Elgin relatives for a fev vee,& Guy Deziel o Inglenide, speni brida>' with frieudb bher.. Br@. Henry Effinger of Wauconda,was the guesi a! ber parants, M. sudBru. Stadttleld Sanda>'. lmas. Sbultz of Palatine, la mat iug ber home witb ber deughter, lira. John Richardson. MileuAuna diWervlaliad Irleude lu Vet brumont Sunda>' aiternoon. Bemos. ul ler and Fairweather of Wauconda wer. viitur e be.Sunde>'. lir. Sebaffer and Mr. and lMA. John Smith of licUeurL' spet Friday wth Mir. and lira. C. Sabe1. BARIGTOL A. H. Boimer waa a Chicago vietor Saturda>'. Au Evaugeliotic bau composod of six yaun mo fron Ea@ton beld meetings lu thbe Mthoiat church Saturda>' evening and Banda>'. Four ofthte iuu ber fnrnhhed sevtral excellent quartpt nuîubers ande, solo vas also rauderd b>' ane.of!hem. Tbe meetiunm vers ail ver>' well alteuded sud appreciated. Arsud lira. Nick Baker ara tbe îrnte of a baby girl, bor. Saturda>' Bisa brieda Itesite, of Chicago, ih aigafew dayu vltb ber Mater, lira. About ihirh>' friouds aoflMr. sud lira L. F. Sichroeder tenderad then a suprias part>' on Tueida>' venlug Jan. 7. Tb pcainwae tlb. birelda>' of Bra. PShrooarnsd ail reporta ver>' pleasani eeeniug. Augusl Sernpb vbo bas been fllah reported ver> much fimproved. BisJenle Fleiciier isaihome again after au abaence of about nine veeka, whicb s@ho speut vitît ber ister lu Mlwaukee. Bey. and lira. A. HeMfle and daushioer Uha Olive attended lb. luneral ofBMm. RntsetaIHlghland ParkIt, .The. Partis club met et tbhainoe of Ume Florence Peck leat Thuridi! eveuluf. Il vas a unique affair, =ee onng lady being gowned lan su ad Iehoued costume, ou 0f vhlch vure ver>' odd., It afforded a grmai dei o tun sdasitl sineetfor *Il prfflut. The membere 0ft bv.Sifos hu Sandsi uolwbdl bei i edwi ale anar. irpion. vneb. r ' tolh, home *bdnna ie jtuinl ame.1tbl ilhore s -8s Bufde>' .vnend ruent Hoifueler le reprteI to bV on orge iler cie ome rIm the ety iday let wves acompaleb>' the.. P. 4d, aI therbome of hie mother et qrilh, Aber Rilseuuber, tormerI>' LogG ovef consomption. The ira ,o;zrd eur>,Jan. 12. sral ofhhisrelatives tIain bore att.»- tue fooersi en» Lue sapentSund" &altrnocu xmié e osswilir. lDDT. P. STUENICE UNDE'?AKER and EMBALMER sa tDay, ilinois IlelPhone O-trs liMmVn i utertalud ber cousin, Mir. Wells, o1l iasboo, recently. lira. L . OUnnermau le very Iiist prenant writiug. Bie nua.ame, of Chicago, $peut Suuday.vlth reaXives bere. The Miluee Prolbergetertalued frieude from Chicago Sundej aîterneon. lir. sud BMo. Louis Roper sud daughter Lydia. ot Barrlugtou, were fSsia of bru lene over Bandai. W. ae orr tBay Henry sonne le stiti ouW*elknlt. Biu Ana Zneke cailed on friends lu Palatine Bondey. The Paladinsoretra ba@ aunouuced a niasquerie for Jauuary 26, gaturday eveuing. Bru Zimmer le ou the s;ick liai. George Prelhborg le visitlug friendo lu DesPlaines T&f.danc ie aura vnu vwas Weili ettsued andteujoSyàedy eM Frak Cronkhit vielted Friday with frends lu the it>. Vncent. BariS, ofWauconda, vas menu lu towu brida>' eveninu. Prof. A. Wllringtan speut Saturda.y witb relativre@ t rayslake. Frank Crokbite lf Bonda>' for Pitburg viiere ho ta employed ailter a week's vsit with pareute and elutirber.. Ben Braadhpad and oou, of Chicago, @pettBanda>' aw.tbe borne of bis parent@ here .- Ira Dooltsuad Arthur, Berghorn ipent runae>' t their homes bers. J. %V. Swanabotirgl, of Waukegan, ,rî,, a vist..r ber. an. day la»t veet. C. Scbiel of the cty i.alk.d on friendi frieu4s ber Monda>' eveuing. Misa Lysle Houghton is a igueet of lier ulter and famnl>'Aidre. A. J. King. QUENTINS CORNERS August Meyer and deughter made a pleaaffit cal est the corners ]est Bouda>' on thoir va>' to Park Ridge. A fine as, Conti stave bas beau placeil in aur "cool houas. A wood and cotai boues han aio beau buil. B. L.* Boctêlma and T. Kimball, of Palatine, famous for their bottled milt, made us a visit Banda>'. Airw. John Boctelman has, been under bhe dootor'u cars but iunow soiewhat Improveil. i Louis EilstlUg hasbilt a nev bon- bouge upon tiihern eeui'purchaped bi hua. Thosublpplug mulkt taChicago front tii viciait>' are geftig a great man>' layaifs. More g0 than nuue for ,the beasan. ur cheeme faetorv ber. inaru to le. worting very satiafator>' under tle management af Wlilim Thias, cbeeie- maker, and Chas. Patten, manager. Tlip larmera meent ver>' vq;l pi.ased ibus tar. The Chicago Toiephane compen>' bas bail ai gang o! men ai. work in tilis; viciait>' rspairing the main Une. TE HAJET$ chicego Grain. Chicago, Jau. 15. liollovlng ver. the quotationa ou ,th Chicago Board of Traite ioda>': Wheat- Open. High. Loy. 12 'mi. May> .. .$.7t1%$. 76% $.76M, $ da% July..7% .76% .76 .76% Corn- May'.. .43% .44 .43% .44 JI>' -. 43% .44 .43% .44 Oats-- Jan. .3.4% .34% -34% -34% Bey ..3% .37% .36% -37% Por- liay ... 16.72 16.'15 16-62% 16-65 short Bib- Jan. ... 9.00 .1).00 9.00) 9.00 Cash salea-WNlnter wbeRt-BY sain. plot N. 2 rd. 3% 7'o 3 red. 7007%C;N ijrd,73C4c; *No. bard, 66@ d. Sprlng vheatB aMnple: . noihea. 09le; No. 2 poti ,78.~0e;No. B sprlug,6 1079c. Corn-%e higiier; Ne. 8, 400 40%ce; No 3 white, 40%l@40%e; No. 3 yeIlow, 40140r40%c; No. 4. 89@89%e. Oat-'Aeher; No. 2, 3316; Ne. 2 vhite, ,66ul1c No. s, 35c; No. 3 whlte. 3%«30%e-, No. 4 -it, 8510 8514e, standard. 8616037e. Chiceo lUs tok IýChiceg>, Jn. M5 Hogs-Receipts 20f0.Sales reo et *0~.65 for pomie *040g hugI, fèe60 medtlln i@lpeeklng. *»%CUM ferllgt mixed pack- 111, $606.60 for II b0 hI katile-Rtereipta d,»00.QutatlOlI MOUg"fi&t $a.05OI»0for prime eh>p pings teere, *8*00.75 gffl te Chole de, *4.5005.00pime helfers, *8.75 4j»gond te ehe. ,huls, *6.0008.5 gomlte eholce calvus oheep--Relpto 14,000. Quottona 1 range dat 95.205*65 Ofr8go011to prim >natIve wuthers, g ~ »,0 0.gond tc prime native eWesg, *8.24.25 lacI Ss i inege, $7.2507-WG gond t e s lamba. Usa RuUso Liv. Stock. Duaniag & fteveas, LIve sto* Commission Herchante, Rosi BUlZal rN. Y., quitte ne ftliovs: Cetilo.-R ceipter 6 cars; steady. Hogu0-Ils colpia 3an cars: troug; yorkers, OU&A 1mv, ev>' -5«0 pin., *7.0007.10 Sboe.p-tcelpt, 4o ern; lambe, $7» 1yearling«. *6.2506.0; vethere, 85-5M< 6.0; eoves, $5.005.10. V-1I-Lovus The !NIDEPuxDm M ed the. Chi Amrtiem Tonrluissliul)4 guid0, havent vse eM this r"dm h.. fore? Guide-Ob, m,% monsieur. bore. Ve vaut te ue everythln& but vo da't vaut te se saylhgtvleol-Punch. Wbeu e he. o T b e si.l e v e n a m a rrie d umahbu s rlghi te bin ovu opinlosL. The Marrlid Oa-ltt su*t a question of rigit, my dean feliov. Itre aqus tien of courage.-Phlladeîphla. I'ress. servant-Tue, Colocel lotie, caught ibis ere boy pîcîluf nuis ta your voodu, ýand iiesait! bs vas piek- tua 'em for the colonel. Boy-Weil, wav iie 0y er thînt I1vas pieking hein for-the. sheul AD u.em '«There Os une tilug 1 neyer reall utIl 1 begaa te casi my breed usoa «ii. vainr." "AndItuai la>" IlHov Émini people are oui for the dou*ii-PhiladelpblaPresa. Oh, A»vent Me» Upute.t IWANT UADSI mrzbWed for asie. 01 eh aeh p' E:FOR SA-t 100d fa qI 29 Mm, .aitstd &bout ôaUbe trou U04.*r MAS. 15t1esd about 4 miles IouiRound l49M., - ll-wparticulUu lquir, 01 SITUATION WANtTEDg-By womaum 808. ÀghW North Voit bouseopo. lnulreîmnuexno o et.. Wsukeffl, Di'1 FOR SAI.g-SOace wust ofournkeko.,IIL Wellltnproed, FOR SE-20 acre 2 Mmiet 09 o 10 mou oua. Berne. Thongbly tiled' U'berty aonE C' & l". K &.a-OPosit Gael in. . £my peawente Lo;1 .eno s.Win dîvide proiiery. In In lquirs owner XMalT A*p .EUw ,2M06W. Ad"-s t. Oum"., Ilu. 1-4Çlcg. e. tJIT1MPKUL5-u oo MA 000KWRELS-VOUlIblod berné 4j>. montb lRokemkoerels for uale. 81 ah. BtBoN CoLin', Phoo 464 Li1bertyvlle. GROCERY & MARKET-Or gkmcs alume, for saletu ma ~repeus Lake caunty Village. Iuqu relunRtImNTu offie. 18-tf FARM FOR RENT-75 seras ood buldluguquerwsrmile trou mlii plat.. fora.J . liAvu, Llbertyvllle. 14tf FOR SALi-Poulcirce .Bradley big pu l iratoilsm order for 0100.J.« WANTED-To= exoheeg o sai t hait rie 40phoagrpb acods.Me. A. ~ unix line10,Round Lt.15.2 BROWN LEOHORN-And Spangle Hamburg cocterela, pure bred, for sal. Mio bave sous Beigisu haras and boner teelr D.iiamoad Lake, P. 0. Buy a farm ln famaus Texas Peuhendie. Wiil make you rieb. W. owo large traet. Priceranad ternms rigbt. Exeur. -tomm.tiwce monthi'. (Gond agents wanted. For partienlars write, Texas & hfotbwept Colonisation Co., -Minuet. poilis, Mina. Weddlng tationery dn i h INDEPENDENT offie. le correct. Ir you don't adrertîse boy willI our 16,000 readers know you vint ,ta r RSD j«ClIUEM SPECIAL ATTENTION Ta out of Town OrderÎ Libe I And Shipping Trade MOTE WE 01 The INDEPENDENT i. vorth mare ta ypn thau $1.60, the subscrlpion prIce per yee. .. . . .. ... .. A vaut ad* lu the INPEPBENDENT la a personal letter ta 16000 eoujm. itou, Wini sIl slaesp. laquire mmosu »» vornce. Itg MONEY To LOAN-On epprovd ei mi&e s uoorlty. Brnu. B. liu.La, 14wr FOR1 SAL.E-M sémr, stock sud àdaiv tain, )imils uoutb*ge% Of Waneona, it, - foil. III proved vith nov bonus, 121?sud Weillsud Mill 5Md =essr ont budifl., orebard timtur su i.reh veto, pond. (lumesf» Island labo. Met be uold et noc to clos nsu oute. Mate oser. 82 Acre Stock sud deiry fatan B lla weet of oluvis,, Cok couuty la., on b.uuh uldeu ofMBlvaukes Ave. inproveai vitb flood boume and bam musly pelnted and nsv roof ou bars. Gofl oircbard sacrifice for $150 per acre. 120 Acre Farm-Ner BnluIland 2 mils trom Midiothian station Improru with good boume, and barn sud oi buildîngu. Good orcherd and 27?acens timber and patrire exellent for dalry farni $100 per Acre. Have severai Food farmns wbil mmet be soid cbeap for cash. Addies asate t JOHN lR. OîisEa. 118 Aulnd Bd. Uhicaga. 0ti FOR SALE-New l10 ruons houas ou fluributt Cturt. Everything modeM and up-tod<a. Oak tit»f. bardvood fluors. ..I..trie and unitligbts. batbroce Conîplete. e.uhiaînuiu,deep v<D andl large ê.lstpr. Na better lu towa. (Jeu. Bo>r,. LIIert> viii,. 5t .p..-.eo..00 FOR SALE-Fiae Pekin dueta for braed- ug purplZe. Fa.Nia IlEiiioiii ree P.--.--rairi View, R. F. B. 15t Have you ever notd uhet he INDEPENDENT prilul the nova that you vwaut botter than a>' of iUs com- petitors. legs- -e~gpgggggppgB.a Telephous No. 46 Ube*rtyvilie Excenge 1BAKER end CONI'CIOtR l 7E.S AND RETAIL"ৠUPPLIED. DELIVER-TOLADJACENT.TOWNS Whavti a large etkck of bran, mlddllug. VV gluten, corn anId oats, viteat, oit meal, Red Comb Poultry Food and ail kinds of stock and cattie foods. P LENTY of bard coal, egg, range and nut, now in shode. Best of isof t coal, Hocklng Valley, Virginia Splint, Pluto Canneil, Washed Eigg, Pocahantus and C'arterville. %U Pine kindllng wood and baled shavings. o>of pipe, brick, sand, cernent and basin covers, ~rn I Remember. LLI.- "DU ou ellJac t et EMMONS-MERCER LLJMBER CO. hrm tallondrem ts -Tus. "D d h. opel bs d valm Upý bete t « ihcme l."- EDWIN A. BISHOP, M'g'9 New Toit World. Q~tu Olsmo e Dst"..Pbome 47 671 IJBERTYVLLD. lUIl I ...J ~ IÎï pe cet discout oit IM If:ur Blaukets, fur Coats. TrRobes and adl winter goods cuttrou Gý (U « p- arness and. floru. (oods of ail, D.scripUios thst4 umt A. Il, K4 MtaI. CHAS.H., r ite a....Ak .*L «» -uuM PRAMM VIEW I)II 00-4-000000000 ----------------- 1 - 1 gi- -11, 1 1 : 1- 110 il :1, mi« 111 il' DEMELD