CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Jan 1907, p. 4

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UINTY INDEPENDEINT IA. PAPER OF LAKtE COUNTY . 00*WAO *àgh. . i Niho s ReIiess 'lephone No. te. Llbersyvlle *5e~4 tl5p taUOO a" lote. , as Secoud Ca a.Mtter sc umwUUwg=l. i05E8'115150 AmAitn55Wi On APPLWCATiON. $60 fIPtJON PRCIE $1.50 PER Y19AR STRICTL.Y IN ADVANCE NAL ,UST . .... ......................................Editor p f aU . oc ...... ................. .......................OCity Editor paye J'RDAY, JA NUARY il, 1907. er ____________________________lanid SiX-VEAR TEiLla. ktIns Ccliam bas itroducelulagoas vîitoul saylng. Itlaisalsa trua Wst brambit aulepresenlativa litIfit ould bavesa ev drawbacks. To 0. - L-ovuolaltlie lovor hanse crate sncb a tenue of office, tovever, trou, hlàprvidigt for a six- vould requlre au amndmant ta te wm t h e prldeut. Natitar constitution aud tIIs ln turu vHI ine- ie m caida amy orWtlgalt>'far cessitate a prolonged campaigu of cdu- sopeuve bih.. vbct vce pro- cation. IVile -ttc propositiounlus> Mal tuslt'ed b> an orguilsaon ultirnatll>carr3, hi lhardi>' ta be ex- é%go beslaes men. Tait te pectad Il viii racaiva serions consid- WUclu bave manu>adyctigas erallon t tepresaut time. PECULIAR REASONINO. Tb or R t0e ompe te mayor of no Bunday inevepapers n a Mbp1ta eeoftS ithe state 18w sopnocgaen n agiea ~tbi éia simonsou uady ~ aU ttese things. lit wviriteair UP h sbI U oUt70teed-ln thte curs gael luIDChicago, and If the col appef u ta e DO daubi liaI iold tit tail lava againat Pnbi hi~ mmtimiatl Cicg bY as large breakIng muet- be enforcad - becl ÏW*it,. Jem agiail 1te etircement they -are lawa, It viii ho up ta te r te lait. 9I lMut ba euforoed lalature ta provide for local option r th saioesbecauise iitlIolite -on aU questions lD al thte citla Lr c Is la galiut Bait-Plinols. ,Watithe llght. for il 1, alié -W euforoed. golugz4 lbe iuterasting bafore il b tirent cali mo evated railiroadas, andd.-Ilarvard Herald. MIUWSPAPERSANOTHI E SETTeR ELEMENT." Ilm Crestonm e bautiis to rNewepaper crtiticlain le the sei ü &éat eWprsand lte "better af thte public. wiesii- f te comulA count>' ot havlug a paper1 et lme cauuuity: with crltlctsm itaflot Worth a ce IM 06».$pýpr alcte. ne mlal, for ail mean thîngs wyul bei Ï* lPM taoi tU« narticles before praased ta ease up norne Infernali Ail lt»nevP&Per se indrel. '1110>' arestaiel Obtu et Lithe newepapers alane. .T pssYoe bve beau do- ver>' seldom oeil otausuppreses 9 ous shtgtmee. Infernal work of sonne rcit scound uewffpoier re OUlrIglit, The noepaper-ailioftem- t~g If Êbe public depeud- dolng s tbousand times more for r,"U1081*1W *tent the. country count> of Colas titan ail of the pur ~t ti devIi UP Bettar Bleutent. SITATE FIJNDS. Preued pla tu, ltait tho fonds téd that there are sante dîfftcult pi i* M 'of thei. Otruaurer ta lenms presented llntaeplan tu con 1 bàNma InS8%tUtiau siead the tuta the goveriior, tate auditori ý00hs""d tu, b. tured back alt treganurer ia a btoard for ~m*4itib l prseuad u spurposa of passlng on the safaty MMW btêe te 'aDaé vIIU idOte ans made. The point thal Sfor Its purpose tends tc relleve the treasurer af er bs' -hnsaue dîf- aponslblity, tu the lay mînds seo ou I. the details of ta lie vail taken. On te 'ther hi lWe~tresi la public howveor, thte Judgnient af thre sa91 tate le ttow gan- may naturaliy ho expected ta ho ni rearrSmulelmI, accurate titan titat of a single t ih~ lpmrnpl diimaeîf viduai ani t vouid Boom that a *aobryue bacit lotonltae cold ha auacted so fixinîg the prer( >sMd the propaeed iaw ouly tîves of the treasurer as8 to coàsit t&'nàMmb*a mathad b>' vhelcy 'place upon him th.,wlîterespo ýsyb dope. Il muet btrait- hillty for tte lans. LONESOME BILLY. s"ed iscneure of bis llpvng Billy's lonesamene... T la sievelmamer inakiug, bard boarled supervîsurs had the vIt. ffernd, sud mae eriîy ta shave $600 from ltae ul t jboerow fortae pur- cedented amount which Lake cou a 1e buadrcddollarsof tmx payera vwere askad ta pay LÀ CW *h @ SUN childlshl> salue Billy, but a ulce fat Billt 4W *ee, pm ofrccd tu boy malued In console hlm, vitila anat - aummi et a Ilbai suit; Quarter approacites lis end wlth si Tera .l raillicosd or a unttipasalblls for the 511-1ggB *14re ui t of M us, etc." Gametn. ý>oeisbtIsieuc la plain. J301ly sohioquhses that where the ,btà.lt "stick" vib ta hepublic fondsthbere's hope. st ig 14uso l iagies 'ivould until lit.tais payera are aroused, I1»IV»wl vat techance anywa>', ai Ieo la laail sanonc lu thepotunely $tatlluent payments lo tie gumentplitaunsd de- dance, Simultauoualy wth sesso rut a y te Laite Count>' Board of Super IL ta'1h18 Intense aym- ors. ýIlbliasat ltaI lwd tm lasi Billy avers ha la paytng for te 11 resmit a 1bill of 02.500ta sette ont ofiUnha aul. whicb -for piating fusted the one dispute. We taire Il If tae' quarter or titree moutha. le evar accompllithed Bily iyl a t e rate et $10,000 a yaar fair sud bu taepropari>' aval 04 thuid go a long vs>' tovaïd Te- taecounty. viticit la paying for1 EXTENDINO THE PRIMARIES. Ibo ahostld be made more com- hve 'atooà Up salh for direct ge«wov ansd direct but tae recu- Marli« lu Raccrdance viii liha pli WOWIh$an of 'tego rnor doas nat af thir ehate Convention. hinl that te Deinocrts of the bouse wýe fl ta, ment wtb cnough fa- no aid te goveruor lu spreadiug vnlu legisisture. Ha vonld 'lin ratorutaito the present pria Me.d tae preanet ltnperfecl law over tae clles oriheUtateai Mu lesb>' au emergency act, meana of su emergeucy bill ta 4 i rai, Medmiudpopularde- eud. The>' viji instead lutroduce W &r s radical bli vitlh wul urge te pasase of a direct pris .ÜW voe M escit Party tu iav W"vitlc viipermit te voter aPi cabdates wltul tae naunatecandidat«s for avar>' g of PrOflmoua polittelaus trou sheriff te govana.The gr - The. lepublican part>' ar sageruesaifte Damncrais in 4101 iouI 10 po- vor ofa al idirect prlmazy law, O riar>' aw as dtd the ns both parties promlsed, can hi DaVty, but tae poliliclan be accaunted for as due ta a gre resooaclie tbamsalves tu, thc intanaît>' ofreform, sentiment tlu ai liftae power viticitpart', aiter ln rani sud file co giyotm glves tem sud Solonlc represaulativas. The »e. majorit>' Party at SPrlng- tbat thea Iemocrats pusit bard fai M<uAt give tbe votera the ract prljDares May'ha due tu the *m y wihas promlsedl. ler Uta t tbey cao thus make poi aivm r hthtie tuutp last ycar capital agaînsi lite Republlcau Pi 1Wageluet direct primarlas., but vitataver thte motive thair attt titthle.voiers could nult bc la onunandahie. If au.epsrty le Ou t u ake Wise aud fit vIlllngta givetae people the dl cafflwaes. 1priuiarlas vhlch bt ate luli teleglelatnre pramlaed audlhe othrpartI e be«m d f&crar terPatYj ot e nratI ?00#« Pitid ýithUsWli-be promptly ,à 1 ý»Aèlobsour &U" arbeir lunge bfath Muse leg- LAIE (OU&TY IND3WPZDZNT, VIÂ.JNJR 810 hlo* lendes MaIes Office 'DI"ld dPager." tae county clerk*s office osistbis office" as excuse for tae large sal- ke count>' lu clark hîreanad tees BS>' flot icit leaut ai ail proportion ,000 par yaar. At theo end ofeacii witltaI of atier couuty clcrk'a af- ml yar M. Hndeeture bak fces ibrougitout the tate lu counties il yar M. Hndeature bakoa this claim. Ha would have the lax 00 or $6.000 lnto thte count>' troas- payera balieva ha e 11I taheaud oi Fas *"earnlngs lu excess oi cx- cacit yaar turuns over ta thc couuty rdtures" and praclaints ta thea tx treasurer fonude ln arceai a& amounta are hie office la mare than self-sus- oha as wlttdrawn, sud vbich, ho la lIng. la lu tact a sari oi divîdattd Dat aud neyer bas. On the alter baud ter for tae county. But la ht? ha vlthdraws eacit year lu fees sud Irst ha dreva $7,000 for hînteif salarias for hl& office a gaod dewa 1assistants for parformlug dutlce more than doubla thte amauni ha pays umbeut ilpon hlm sud thein. 'Than Into lte traai ury as earnings of hie drawa analter $7.000 ai fe for cfie at taeud of or durlng the saute afrmIng the sauta Ouie, or for yaar. Ta add ta Ibis delciency are rk chargabla ta lte cotttty, sucit large antounli for printlng sud sup- artendlng tares, recordiug superý plias for bis oilice. aggregatlng several ors' proceadinga, etc. For lu-thouseud dollars. stance, au s base ai $80 for rdcordlng lte procoedinga of a quartlr>'meel- ing aoflie supervisors, Mr. Hendea la Certalul>' vali palO, and viten itlei consldared ita geasa baîdsama salar>' for ltae saute service, daubi> petidt, g'alurslly thora accumulate 'aru lu axces oiexpenditureil, In bis ai- @ce under ibis systaut of double cbarg- tit, but aveu tiaugb te a isititin the Iàv lu tte praclica, l dace nat argue bis office la nat a constant drain upan ttc tar payera, vbo ucvertbaes bu' haevefi laiseslf-sustainiug. lu tact *arn- lng qsmutting lu ercase ai vbat il coste t aDinltain t i. Faci le, Il vould te a startling sud lulerastins comparisan if ih vere possible to publisit ln parsilel col- umus te exact total amount attutaly dravu aut et tha count>' treamY ryb> Mr. Henda's ailce for fais sud sal- arias wltb allter oxpenses aofltae oilice addcd, such as prIutlng, record boots sud supplies (aggregatlng au autountifvarfausl>' estimated ai -front $16,0001 ta 118,w00) sud teeract amouut aunual>' îaid Into te caunti> treasur> b>' bis office (estlmaicd tram $5.000 10 86,000). It wauld pout a de- cldad critup lu the dlaIm-tectut> le osetOeil- auîli. u -thoI.wa.,lr ... ilp-i Mr. Hendee cites the 'caruinige afi sstaInIvtg. suswr.Alvlbed htSmn 'nd have neyer scen a salesman, but M ofVfNR N ~ PIAY A . bas on tînt, sud a fer reaacliig vision ofcors .î' arthlagâprto Il - la municipal affaira, ad cu omieriptI -te iddle states le covore&--by' te TH£ GOVIERNnov bIs visd -nd -glye bet-to -r Tbst part ai Goveruor Deneenias trailtt for ltentaon att occasions in hie yards. Outr-City attorney', let me ________ mtessage perlailng tu lte primai-y the ]estIsession, aad titi-v cat ie ho.0Oafln asn la attends traveb rea t pctto question suggdsts ouili taiïte pres- pended ou ta do ttc liame lov. If concl meetings vitit bis legai vis. rsYtso inCt r adt feîy ont lav ha extanded 10 cilles and li Caok caunt>' votes wît the rit-ma- dont and tarse' sense au, tap ail the! ha ail vorked Up aver ttc 'cxpected tim fr te prng letins.Todocrate for direct priniarles. therî'vili'i.Inte. advent ai a aavlor lu ttc persan 0f a urefo t srngaailîs.T ItIoîîis kel>', ba enaugli counitry iR,. Sonie anc lu Chicngo vante ta ont o hcttc'rgrda îau rnlb IbsP ctrac"cas ajce-îulcans tû carry a direct lîiiiîaî-y lu bre anîd bc th "oficiaI" Inspectur 1louai>' cnceivad and bora. Bar>', vhlct requires more titan a nia- bill. Titis l1 inînîuîaî l-far elecq~lc vlriug and tat petition Accardiug ta reports teSUN re- rlhJorit>' valu. Itisla robable ihalt te voutly draaded ljt icl,, 'afcssiaîîIi drcw suolter ebunk ai municipal vie- ied Tbougladta gnoupatelss Crosby gavruors suggastion ai prîmar>' icg- politucîaii ithoknîws bshie e,,patlu.,Idoni iront Allai-uc>' Buoot. A lplat <if I itru ellesal> sud ttat lte yl tlite rie>' isîstion uta>'bcho lloved vîit Cange- vîll ta gonu tteîîmomîentîlt'ecaon- saute nov subdivision davu near or savbor long arpected. miequeucea mare tar reacting ltait l Ion systeut, vititlls lradî-s and deals lu Rltua vas senl back ltuabcdur- Thea people nit*areovar beileva bar val.wtiai. Thera lm s strong feeling la knocked out andI te vîterls af aci tored accarding ta îav. anaîherM- star>' sud areanaxiausi>' avsltlngte lu- aoaarea irctp pmars 111ty choose candidate-s for aillte sI tSiatswlsdom. . Accordlng taulte stor>' aliagad ta -are vici are ual Parutitled b>' te uake- -infces vîitouthlie Intterve ntinail Tite Came te propostion ta api- hava bëeitld b>'te lîraptetesst e ted- stift lav ttc machina politiciens ai- mnagng poliiienst ilij%.i wberýe i hie propriate $1.500 ta maketîp lte de- taed s vision i a asiof i vnd. lowed ta gel titrougit the legiaatître gaine. bell lai te uev $18000, public Il- Ttc peculiar belief ai ttc Crosby.- ttc tast session. Tte Ciicago chtarter- Ttc governar's r'coniîieîîdaîionîfo raybuilding. Ttc passage o ai lita uian ollage, us itya vc adcuertf comutissolu declared for direct lu- lan extension oai1,I i.t'îii'sli lîaw o resalullon vas ver>' utcitlite tegels truc religion.,bu cosses la bava rabl>' nominMans, sud ail over t h et' etecîlous ina> iccitîliate the' £a- "Blirial af Sir Johnt Moore." vten carnat desîre and chb'dreît are born )rb- alata Ibere la a strong sentiment n- lancli of sentimenît tioci the stDb I "îot a yard vas spokeiî,' eveit Butat sblesely. astl- Ilestat inlufavor oaisuct primaries. whilch Ibvars dirci-rlllîîgatlilssud ditI nat gay-anyting. bat L.eamlng Tte dacîrlnasare said l bice uh' esiîl)laltv- the saine as thasi' ai "frei-" sud Ttc Democrats ln ttc legislature aie the abîsabtte dsestît.tisîniî-ui 1r- salt Iil nlght inta asm. Shiebds vas love. te sold for direct nomnîlati ans sd vo îc l it -si nachines. is blent; l u tact te' rouncil then as151 Of tis ______ _ lIke ltai aId aud tradîtlonal blt Speclal Asem umenl Notice. 1 re-, CRIMINAI..0OF PROMISE. itaur lIn beaveit. Ttiose votlug 11>0 Tite iraI ink-talluteut of lte, petiai mi, Ttcre lealatoguter 100 muchtetn- ttsi tsanaitaubd ho îrnîltted vre Daoe> Dfmu.llc5ijasmeifte otrcinilt, bathou tc artai ie oulte ackutia tt raîatsîln t va s 9phieiads, Hart and Morlou. Titose vito sewq-r evataul lanow idue sud muet ha men dency bt ntepr ftecut akuo h ettto i a u-salO "-no" vert- enzol. tte east hBide p Il u in ,V)laveJaijuar> '7. t [lare andud n ttcpart (Athtce eple teu- tiosed ta have hadl fo? businiess li- bbr h Ie n wspoet _H 41ArVl oIüi udi- sea acnaehefalea altegrît>' or upuinlte tact ibat lie laebarbter wt>si&eand DovTneirteviH.ttlît ViCue',r law v e tutili e te fannsoft ma wîthmsaine greal coint-011Spectai Asseigment Notice. aga- If he lea a înOmineliî citizen Or if lie tîlercîilcutertîrisa as reasonse v it e lcableie teriuîaritîn aifte ulrt iend. 1 tet- le thte aad ai a gi-eau business lirai, stould Dot go lute penitentiar-. lear ttc Itîteloctual Inîlucuces aiflte' Tii ,- t'nd istalimtu-t ii ti-iiit 01191-on rt'iltlsIllug îîoifiiînt th..i says s Puoaspapar. Thte comuin Thte very tacttat a uman. îralîed nartcetI snd Hlabod are ottsaliii- eîs'.'îat ujeý.Stit.'ut loi- î-'îtrue-iiof îia people are partly ta lanie for luis la business and Irusted vîtit otiter ulatlng ta literai-> lite, aiheit te duc- utîter m>eteui ix flou' due- and i ut le and l le partI>' due tu the tact that iteuple'» moue>' antae sireugtt oi bis trI îan'at ivltae ai îi I.Iî:< ,. Si. I.K,'VIL ltae prontîneul offander baislte mrny raputatlln for integnit>' antI business The sareet and aile>- cammittue >I. lhtl, 'l 'ite-,r 'rue, vîithlhcitu tatre antinant lavyers ëstravdness, neteatlyrssluads Turner ctalrmau, recomniended a' ete-- ta defend blut antI to ugut Ithe case Intrusted ta bis rare lu a venutre lu lng soime unfortunate woatn vto fbib >Our iîiend lFavIer persiste hin ussa- pro- ta a len. Sncb s ilollcy la nether viciha riaks theae funda. leana ad- on te sldovalk aud lnjured tersel. Iug quarter plage circulars recttig te snty lav nar Justice, andtIhet American dîlloual reassan why hoe ougitt ta re- $200 ta settie ttc casa. Doue a ot s canîdidate for utayor. If ta Âme- peo;ila bave themseives ta blaute that ceive lte iutîsI penalty the 1lu- n.Sutoot tatI done hie taliIg lunlriv at aeil Ountil accaîscd.ilbie public suerBcht s couditian la passible lu ibIs ,illlcls, It le a crime la secure moue>' antat malter. Titan te>' tak s re- vould iake tim serlotiai>. Severai tsrpublic. under taise uretanse. l le a cati- cees, saotae parilanic aldermen coutld îudred alter citizens bertabouta are blgifen man vho wears ineo oieralls teîuptltle crime. Itlbe the crime ai ttc citer lucense ta Volutla. as " It Mar- not candidates toi- mayar, nar doubhe -raids a nelgtbor'a han caop sud la croot. sud yet ih us respectable corn» vl" styles I, but sate aiftem dou't fdt] Il tecesary ta placard tieti- av e1-Os caugitl. te goa taute penitantiar>'. pareilta lita action of te M»n vo use pure Havans. Netter aur msyor, viîb taisiere BautIeclarlng. a5ut If s prontlneut business man tatas viii tata moue>' ltuteicl t bis care clark, attorney' or aldermen evur aud fends inirustti ta his cane. Investb>' ardvarklug men antI gamble il "emoite lu meeliu'." Duriug session I aeo rtcseo r e fp8te1 fo bis ovu profit and louas ttc ava>'. Titane le altagetter toc muchit' odc fafar ntecut ci-e moue>'. tus dafraudina tae men vtofaititis business baing doue lnIi lmeerthuis sodr> u e ce's coffc, o!e aaire'la enaceultg' s of trualad hlm sund vita vredalng hauaI- country' and It is tigi lim a ta 1eue as s country' vadding. Bils »- dentoice, motteopretie.sllî ýre nasa wlub tam, hIs 10an Outrage ibal notablêeemple vare made. thc score vere ordered petit as audit-.eolgams pu-Ble Ga-_________ d. Mr. Shtields raported ltae nov Mayor Uune. aifChicago, suggesii Doa 'AND WHY NOT? s i aku iurMrieblt hat his salar>' ougilâta obe $25,000 a tuait SimplidetI Spellus Board, New York, >'au danise us ta do. And vu yl Costing, 1 ubluit' $5,t66o or $6,000, antI year. Of course he yl ual gel îî, pis>' N. Y.: promise ta make aur chiidren îoîîav ttc coul axcaaded lte astimaies oui>' but ha gels soute satisfacion ont ai ýr ta Oenticnln.-tt givai us great ples- aut Your vear), sensible pan, bohItnlby> $4750,viticit vms ver>' properl>' ILtirue ta assure yau va are villng tat teir vriltug Sud ln ibeir datI>' speechi. pald. Titan tc'ajr th9:0 otifyîng Chicago ibat lt a§as agood give your aur biart>'support Iu spaîl- Wc almireciatewvit a u uplit ta the sud the bord offlocl uprovamonsopno atimaf iug refru. Your suggestions aneatai oîld ltwii ve eut Immedlatel>' luta session antI Wbeu Johna D. Rockefeller advlsas Aima Vas nota, you vîsi tetahave us pr-baud sud ve plita m eclte justice slilPaadabspllsi ai pedobapîitsud Stlas ltera, toc, tua sec liat Ibe>'people ta la>' somathlug iy tor s aig o your vont. The future wibi se. ptaneutenon pienoutauau. 'Tusi did ual foundar ttcebla i sa. ral>' day, tera eau tie na questian und lu s you direct, epelling auapasta agreed. Pracutnten Wiit eucefortit vas a modal session; evcryouc lovad aotbspaîcu ia epecis I04 ls sliupiper anapesl. Atiesthaslata eprenomen; îretrlla lu aur dali>' bis neigittar as blutait and songitiaothepatcn hth rahs 111 tutiieta sesteasud su anastalle onversaation Wiii liepretenil Sund c yh ul taenigdly>' achte. We hava praetarmîî the more aSsIby ianaged ttc public velfare. No grstt or Tecnrsucivr iadta mary beau sccuaiauted ta bave Il proparad pretermît. 0., vit a grand voris >'o> gratter vas tseau, bondie vasnuol beard îThttc'arct fo tîgier vfague lite t b' talv> o rsiti euai'fraacryu n Wht a aeauliful ni sud neyer le. Nov If you vaut aconn'mitur'alco. sainethIe pui. Tan augget ihat ve vorld va viliihave vhen va araeutodal Cil>'counicil lu Waukegau. c tymgh r lcot sud hmve aur antipyrnen, aupyrin; apop- ioMieti lu the nev lluguisllc dress po'arvraIeat coplbd (o.Git o asctsts a mn>'> temapoltein, sud cosaeval simpli' sud aur speiiaug tas beein iboroughl lyor estl ndài>'nhd Gv uldo aschsts a Du 1 edlocevi dOtarmud. Theu amreement va bavae i> tane't ti ouIsalIget daclared lu favor ai goverumeut con- Thie fiamete aur needes sbstinll>. Just madec au ual but ltea a ton ta ail Illta tgond runnng ordar. We vîli irai ai automobiles. EvIdeuti'lte ,ral You bell us 'ta speil cimaara as futurs ganerations. Wto aaslte ]end I blu ta yau for that purpose. governor tricti ta contraI one ait te noc* citMers.But *itiste nuse? Wby varîd tisDual mprovlug? -Trul>' lisO'-snai-l.tnso e ol nth snbDol raiegile tits obsolae word tatce ndement domIng sud va feel hon-. ana' vniglialetrecure aeeingta ngetlia o v oum nu mua adi>' background sud'gay pjautas? Di- Orud I lu g abe ta Co-prate vîit odyeeigtelcuecus t e h oenetIt tae serei.shallla t.efuture te dieres, YOU lunthis gi-eau advancemnt, - Oui- folks vure treated ta an Impersoas- an>' sacit troubla. rn l u meia shi i cléuiadl N Cn tbtlemore ipure tian ai sauteoa i Dckens' select char- acativale altailta asuitivste, acliaog>' sund beautiful as thoesffui ai your actera. vwhich titose vto itagrd andI'Thte rsIttrFuet of thc probe mbt fat shall tiesuioéyandsud tamatin ttc watt sud te brlgbl sain nov ahibinfit sav prounoneuî excellent. ,ttceIlarnIman railromd aperatiozi car- Ir di- aleser and More Cocuha rtain, ail ttroug thlit driftlug chtaos ai-i varda tua ae- ye u 9gait. lu t# future su- vbich bave lai- centuries been rite. TtehItbrar>' board teid a meeting Isini>' sti-ite deepu. Il ravealati Johnu iclCOrdit1g 10 your adylca orttaPaedic And let ne go furthen. Lei us drap- Ttursday avenlng tahoiear final ne- D). rigiti back oi ail Harniutsu's dents. vii: ita eortiopadis, palacagrapit> viilbeana-n andI spail it ismpi>'dam, Par, ai buildiug cammîttea, sud ordar Witat vas laid haro aIthelitdret sit- tuds eofflpby, typalseaillho vii ta pale- Titine. for Roosveltian SIMPlicît>'. cutatandliugbille ai construction petit. tIngaofte Intenstate commerce coni- ou allthic, palaeaWoagy ili tapaleon- tte big stick, sud- frsIad lunettes. Cityl>'pilcs juet heglu ta sîlsmer. mission vas. ln lus vs>', as senlit- bave at'su tlcscpaesl i i iEEIOt AtreadtI> iera ara nahagse tan four thouai as anyuing tîncoveretu b>'ttc that...... candidates for mayor vito 'mentiou" Insun;cc Investigation. Harrirnan la 'a'Speaker Shiirtioff feorme P*rtîtership' oI, St lieue ta reside. ita;e>' Buanser id tiauelves, or laI liteir irieuds do Ih sîmpi>'the agent ai Standard 011 ta ibc Titl dward D. Shurtieg, speaker hast ulgitîltae formation aoflte part- for liten, contrai al aur ral-rats. Of thc bouse ai reprasentatîves, tes erablp itSd been unden couiderallon Neari>' evar>' soa»ou for fart>' ' ' - trmed a law paedrship vitth eur>'1 for aimait a year. Salt te aud Spaak-. ycsrs 1 have received a calaudar tram The University' af Chicago la. lu a P. Heiser, oaieiaoq, vatt aunouuced ci Surteotil sa t nio poitical aig- aid tUme favorite Jourual, ltae 8 lng'quandar>' viehher ta viat Mr. Rocta- hat lit u pludld ufcac vsaiitellalb ov.SeO(Msl)h epu "i, and Utdesteiller a Drasperous year an ta consider Thte parursblp becmme affective yesr Il cerne as ulital. Ttc>' sre cx- tce feelings ofihelita i patrons. 1er. Jautta but1,,be peaker Shâaniif ii Prophet Spenger, o ai P%yivaii, ali>' alite' ye«r aites year sud bave derl nongage aoivelr lait 11e »pIseet 1 Ai B>'alilthe rive 'th ie vanld ". blieu ail tieuc decade& t. about. ' Mr. Rothschlild p rautealea ..nna I1Iband Park Letter By LMWIS&. HhBa& D. Locail io. City Ceuncil. Our patres canscripti, ltai la the seiected cil> atera, held titair ragu- lar sesaion Tueida>' aveulng and aach ai tealadermenu drev hie 13 for bis serices, audtae mayor bis proportion ai $100 per annu.. City attornay snd dlent draw titeir pa>' toa.-. Itl esaly takas "John,, about àfleeu minutas Inaeddtce records sud thon coina te petitions and oter communica- tionse, émornfaltentofaIimportance of course, sud saome, ou the ter bond. voulO mate a dog isugit, if a Wau- kegan lavyer did Dot shoot hlm. Al tae ame, ou general priocîplea, I am .sinte doge" vba disturb lbe Pecansd lranquility aoftepublic, as se man>' of ut>' uagbbore' doge do. Mr. Sampéeil, theo protege ai .Tudge (troscu», of the faderai bencit. aiked a permit ta put lu a privata sewer ou ltae public streat. "Yeu, If you viii niake It a public sewer.-' Ubat vas Sutoot'a suggestion. vita auggasted that sonetimie taelreseul gond S8utp. saili mighl dieansd soute ter Sa'up- salli arise lite lte second Pitaroah. who wauld put on airs sud ta ait- course ar e no and freab aver>' montit and avery year. It la ver>' cop- veulent, for tae desk. 1 keap mina b>' the phone, that vitan I amn walling for a repiy ta my cal 1 eau read lga moral suggestions. But vhat tende value ta tht. caleudar la te paper Il reprosents - ltae beal casmopoblitan journal lu titis country, aud It ls vise aucugi t taprînt saute of uty-articles acoasionali>'. Wortlng Overtime. Zio's lace fèiclory la boaming. se- cording ta lte Zion City' News, vblcb says tls veet The lace machines, Lu arder 10 keep up vit business demda, are teint irn .tgbtsemi batrsa day, sud teaur- tala machines Ivelve battre.A fair maut ofai taufactured stock la ou baud and tae1907 semaionpens vil te Ouest lino ai sample. the facbor> bas ever sitovu. Thte pai few months bave afforded te bailstesO>' run lte Iudustry tas itad l I listslry. Inquirisfor fha produets are remaritable. VIrmi lu lte ferrsant, vest sud soutit, wblcb are Dat reachad b>' tbo traveling salas- men ai preent, ara lucessanli>' rit- log for saniples, sud a large sud' cou- stautl>' lncreasing trade la b-1.9 vorked Uptrougit correauofadeuca alone. , orne cualomars have bougbt iav la OIttulepem*i1 lite elage cf dilcul u~ lu Ivo lviii, -Eut *iat legl~slu~e. Ol, v~I salIS-Ils ,pêi viii sot bacs ouse- aa~ Item k 7m Lu 8unio .......l. 894 IndÏ04 NSe.eton M ÉAautd Java - te Co»yc 8.0. aPun, pr th.5c"i 2.1.sau S. . ae.dOga.. o Osylea m 1.55, ..a..t.... f.. Pallon cou Tablae et u.........A Quar eauTabl ...m......... le ATMrpk 4 DAKEors 8O00LA E.cite 974li BAKEWS 0000A 1I2 Ilb. can. . .2ft OaîltdYliov Coru Ment per ib..Jc AraAl gie oda, 10e ptg-.... f Sardine lnaoit per eaun----------....ha lm tcnBaua......... l Pt DalCahs p'r t'ait....... le ilnreitCo tesslifllkpait petra î.le Ymctw.Cuh sN oup pen eau .... 10c 2 lb cou wei>aet Psa..»........hif 3tcau B&rse anit-----------îl a lb cmn hpiek .............. If a lben 1g Pltue ........... a lb me Extra Tounatoes - --- PackgF ine Table "at ......... ft 10 =leLnox S'oap.- 10 ' iapie Ciydoap---------..4le 10 basàuelcnFamily gol) -.... 4111 liait Lump 8tltauin l bulk> pen lb ha Pounid pockoG liom..Starch ..... Perfectian Lic pur eau ...... .g Extra strong Ammaia pr babil.. soc ParfSculan Blulng par bol tiie.... le 3 Ibo Wa.blug &oda,. ha....... acourena, par cake .............a Sapolio par rats---------------..7l itising sun store Pollali.----------.Uc Asbetos )Au, Rch............... Ac 5i dozn nClouai jins h.. ......Ia $un Lamp Chimns.a. ach - ,S E. E. ELL.SWORTHI Chessemnaters Are Scored. Ttc cheesumakarsof Wisconsiln. moare titan 30of ai îu vert' lîreu. recelved a seoring ut te openingtses- sion ouf lte dIftëntit alloutameeting at Mlwvaukee Tituraiday,. for te ai- leged Impture rnIlk used b>' man>' mari- ufacturens. antI foi- otiter ut»iautar>'ý cotudtioasgîvernlug utucli ai te manufacture aifccse uInthe siate wblcht eaduaailtthersaIf te uaau in ttc smutttantI annual valua af titis greml Iîraduct. Ttec cieesemakere vere tld I lupsanyards, b> tae pi-esîdeut ai the Wisconsin Chaise- matons' Associationi, E. L. Adenholul. ltaI mucit aiflte miltreceived at' cheeste isclories, antI uned'a aIn> ai tem, vas absabutal>' unit for ctasmaklng, or for suiything cme lu ttc manufactura of iuman fouda. Hoe aien dechared ltai as anucitaan.- taif satSys recelpus ai mllt aI a ven.- tuovu Wisconsin ciesse faca,>' lba becu lurned davu b>' the proprielos. simpl>' becausea a aata Inspectar vau prosent viten il vas refused. Much ln Claim Fliled. Attorney' Bau Parmalea reenti>' dIcOd vitlacalvar Haiel>', oai Za City, about $1X5000 lu clalma, represout- lug bouds, stocks sud notes. Thes. ta tas turucd in lu accondance vit ifalely's puy plan ai naargautliung ZMon. FARM of ail Kinds RL3PAIRE~D with Thoroughness AND Dlspatchf W#LLIAm LAYCOCK mm>' e ut la e51e ubUtavacntttU dM. ltakefclle! bad, but bposlaive or* or eommnadc ton tesbe f4tMe s laualfaclng »evrg- 1 r 1

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