LAKE COUNTY INDEPICNDUNT, PRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1907 JAL<JTV Us Synoiuqmous with E H e w E U IL S E January 19 to 26th Tea & Colfee Week WE MAKE TUE FOLLOWINO PRICES Arbuckies Ariosaloffee........... 15e strehoies Cf1 .........................5 Smth & Davis 20e Cholce Mixture....................... 18C Siitit & Davis 23e Choice Mixture .............. .. .....20 25e Extrea Choies giture .................C 28e Coffe ..................... ........ ......... 25 800 Java and Moeba..........................................27c 33e Java and Mocha ................................. . .......30C ame java and itoc .............................................35c *2&- Japan Tea .......I..........................................Zoc 8 00 .................... ... ....... s ............ ...................................... 30ç 40o ...................................33 C 45 .. .. ...................................................... 40c 50e . ................................... 43 c 5 . .................................. ................. 50C .................................................. <S 40(. (oloug Tesa.......................................:....... . 5 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . o 70c .............. ...... ............ '69c ;)W Lipton Tea ............. ............................. ,....... 45c 60e . ....... .................................................5ec Our -Tras ani Collees are first class. Once blred always uued. Give us a trial. t'rom ine to tCime we are gôiug to give bar. gale to oui custorners Moaeq refunded to any *mstWsactorçj purchase. Coune early and get lto fine. 5MITH & DAVIS TEA AND COFFEE LEADERS Local Items of lnterest te UbeortUvile Readers 9 ru b aPicked Up Ilere amdi There 8.à YWOYS _____Recipe for Apple Turnover. Cbieken pie supper Jan. 24. Premb-I lion Laura Lesld In llkXernatt fe, Talle t br.e yards ot weIl ripened terian church parlors. Fair store durlng the absence of Mr.tapple, beat outil ligbt. Then lay la. Don't forget the ebieken pie supirati Kohner.; tween twvo thiek wads of bread ceulent. the l'resbyteriau eburcli. Suplwr25 Miss T11 iteeofPare *e Turn in the edges and bow witlî bindiug cent.. pent Saturda>' and Sundav wit bertie lc nabtoe oti S Quito a number of Liberty ville young sâsmter, Ars. John Dollmerir. tiî.Paei o vnutli men bave seeured work atthe'c wre tirs. C. M. Puilt was caled te liollpro. Then Pet quieki>' and retire. wons l Walaean eceti>. Mllington, la., Mes week j)y thrions At 2 a. in. you will turnoven witbout woksInWaikga rmnlyjilues.. uf ber aiter, Mm. Watters. effort. And f ront thon untîl norng Mrx.. .w. ràumpgon returned Friday itu,. n.Lm peairat 1tliere wil liec a suecesoion of tutrnover@. Iast foan Fioridjat ofber'iohe d inthe old depot but nov of Janeslville, I bv the Ndewcdastle.fbe io nd Wis., vas lu tovu thb. Iret ot the weeL She idn't Live Mers. nmov tt ie vstd ie îacliallîng onuh@bisld Mouds.1 Preidet Wre nd )îreto kickly. Sbelving sud Stursula ieilg put luto A kid in, a nelglhorineg towu tâtidbis of the Square Deal Mnlug Company', the Haut»' building for tbe Jay B. biorsecbuta that bie sister ball a beau lent were in Rokord Monda>' lu attend. lutilîig store wbicb wili soon openSu Sda>' niplt and bonstingly stated Raies at a meeting of thât coucern. Witte a fie 0f9put'.uruiabings. statsed that lae kuew bis nanie. It vas The 'enlnhed opera" lu other word.., Frida>' nat of4lils veek fle Ladiel .G ieorge Dont" the kid inaisted for bo the minstrel show, planned by a m id-of b. Pbybsrlan eurcb gveads beard ber eau i um that at Ieast ber of local lipe romains a Bilad idea eeption lu Le b.ourcli parlors in hnr and vork I.. eiugn doue to briug it of their pasutor, Lev. and MMrs fort.v times in a haif hour. about. Vau de Erve. White you are ret»embering do not fait The ladiles àf tb. Prebyterian chureb Stolen from Our Friends. to retuember Lhe Woodman mask bail at will give a clOchsu pie supper at tb. Lbe town ball. fti;. Frida> nigbt.o tits uub parlots on the .veuhng of Tburs- The eale ma>' ba a noble bird. but the week. If you don'L Von are the loser. day Jan. %L. Everybody welcome. faitbtul nid heu knows baw to moite Primes aud a good Urn, are Supper 25 oeuts.. bon,» happy. It ln tait WedWey evenlng, thes ard Mrs. William Palimbe, of Appleton, "nm Party' and dance. Itla sglven~ by the Wi., s.levlstlng at tha hote. of ber InY club," says Bingo, "nie toast ladies aof the St. Joaep's ehureit wbo sister, Mms. P. A. Gisltemn. From bers tbe absent menîbers. lu myw>'vles club hotte La aid lunr"loig the cbureb debt te..will go ta Chieago ta visit lier Lwo Lb.>' ruant theaAbsent meinhers.", lBe tbere b>' 8:30 ana you wiii oee e p i'pbpv,, Henr>' and Bd (ileistein. Ti.mawookpakwtbnc beglnnlng. ~A man b>'the nain, of Anderson,of1 longung ta bies n ileonteausedu R W. Gien ot Chiqgo, a brakeman of leneoe, vas uM ilis vicinity puneaai o oran si the C. M. lit t. P. slip;ed vbile elimbin 0hrstheL..tiret of Lbhe.w. . H i =longs sincerel>' euougb tu go back. te -5s).t.t avdni4t['rida>' an ta have Ipugbt about Ifft %-wbicb Wer ..... .y~"&Young b?.>ure m m -eorie sanseiber one shslppeý Lunorthern _Iehigan foru n~11 s aneer' ot'mnta! lu~ ~ b1~-i a rougbt. Lti>.tbe pinrlées. Joue w bear-botic lbtteei ville vlan. Dr. Taylor attendaid bie. 1.Mné. AunuMoore, vidoni of the lat o e' alirswnc fgtteei The Ladies of tbe incb club anud their Samuel Moore, hm. besa allo wed b>' the left lu the smitbs! husbands vere entertainled et the homte lwgt.ioJn depatrent a pension of i8 per Wben a millionalre's atomarlb refuses of Mr. and Mn.. J. Dolenuiier llouday montb. It vaë isseoured for her b>' O. E. to work. the millionaire lies;atber evein it laing thb mid.viuter ffsiî Churchill wba bas dev'.loped into a at 214c the .gentlemèn niere bonored Pension attorney of laie. tbiugs for vhieh tu la thank l. IVIlen viiltbau ivitastion. At Lb.. Close of1Lb.e .1.E. Triggban a: isî.store au an edltor's stomacb goes oun.a stike, be ielncb' coutest some ver>' subotantial orange wbieb le evideantily a freak otfbas 1cet bis ail. refresbment.s serveil as part èecond of nature. Twa thirde of it le piaini>' "Bas olmaiargtt we ths program. Mn.. C. A. lieswick ans] orange wbite the remaiuing third in nl]mi ib ovu Mr. Jo. lBeuse vere the prise vinuen. distneti>' rihlembu apjîarently baing sbort-sleevedl dresse?" sit au Iowa witb cores weil paat the 300 Mark. lemonlike lu texture ans] clon. editor. I don't know, brother, but 1 woM hmn.. A. lho ad Ar itbl Cali Ersckou lait Tuesday maruing reckun she vilil she wants to. That la wonLb.minri>' onoefor Tex«..Be vili visit Corpus Criaiti, one rmason wby abcola au oid mald. Tihe twice-..oday deliverv vbleh bas Brovnsviiie and] other points. W. bave been in practice among the merchants of nat beon able tue &scertaiîn wbetlier For Baie. [Àlartyville for the pâlarseveral veoks in Carl haà fbeaappolnted b>' President working their entire satisfaction and Itoomelt ta couduet another Browns& Five ight gasoline gas Machine, ail lu seémn to la giving satisfaction ta the ville inquir>' or not. We kti.w that il b. goos]ordor miLde b>'thLIcandefSet purchuserea..s well. Now tihe cierks are reuden. a report of, tb. situation there Ligbt & Stove Co.,' Cincinniati, Oblo. ailowes] more ime andi as a reoult the b.. viii do botb aidesof the controvors>' GosL $60.00, oni>' beanusie tva Yes* orden. are put up witb greatpr care and justice. wiiiseili for $2500. Reason for seifiug delivered lu latter shape. Previons tu A Libertyville vonian lrcaîîmed one putting lu cit>' gas. thetw .ic-a-dats' sebedule trom tbr.e to niflit re-enti> ttat i.lied, ans] E. W. PABuîîîRTîuc. Ovte delivenies were male t sin @e appeares] latore St. Po,.r. -Did yon u ti onum(ltltiepovu ans] as a reoult man>' ever go dowu ovE on a reek dayi Presbyterian Services. unnatifa(.ton>' phases developemi. It in ai tenioan, 'St. Peter a.l.'d. -ans] sWi o',Io a.m.:Morn*g evice. ,Tbe: beiieved the newv plan nl l bcelnug tO doughnnt.. and pies for votir buncb? ý'lTat Lonel>' and] Negiected Parabis fraltm. Th.oman replies] thar cli.neyer dis]. oceI u..""'.. emet t ied The nman isba writes the locale on a ,Weil,- St. Peter osald. -.tep ito tu ttu oneWAgand..theaWremet .e local paper bas a joli on hie, bands. lie privan. oom a minute îrinîi 1give it ta 1145b. .;k andayhe okervic iiitist atwa>'s lioiJt. le nia>' write tuis sinner who ln appr-,;. Iing." 'I'en, -:0 . m. vn Service. Tbenu,: glowingiY tàad»] lylYi01oivirtues wtL bielsanioke. What d] ,r Peter jutenrI 1100 A 'pa ent o uiegfuu Qeto (Io or (le) not exisit and will elict sumaîl tu ay>'ta ber! ait ,AaetI.v Superfio uesli pramiÎw front lits naders; the>' exîeet that MxK a, 0nimfo-ai n.rd a~ thvneecssa>'tbogb*aîil apnd notone l e mlad ad fvearirsein a wii -ttbiislwed lotling' J.1ti. s FEtuvr., astau. ap JaudII!4 tiatimes and onwl liarken, store in tbîs villam. on Polit Saturmlay acce)tiig il mas but n but i. tbe due. leavestfor Bavarias,'uîiiera Genny, hLs 1 Village Expendîtures. eut 'et nhum. buSe uiuetan nd un. mlm loue.i- nere he ui iiivieiL bis pareUts,, sheatit imlt s 1en onc(.e ans]Il' The non a1d and luin t,ýîr decliing icars [lie flilawig i. a list ut billm lasse ,ljtmtid, thicke., ani deéatlî' r. appea.... Mn. Kobner lias ebret ii i .cunntr'yfor at tie regulur meeting of the village' 1 le atiien fellîîw'm w ish lie noisrt Cir se. tventv feîiir veniand îîh a@ utevec eten board ulon Monda>' niglît Jan, 7, 11I)07 tiie world tbnough plul Uîosqilîto bmurk italtse(;Id coiîllrY in ail thio ltie.P.t.lîrown. street vcrk..... Il2 5400 nettitig and pose lii.s ubjeets iun tgiani lieHbIl imnaumies]r, rite the imF lNH. Mueller Mfg. Co., mdse....._32 48 iig igfit. But Let hitioonce grm»v bolt e spl mm tlite rnh a.joc ei I.a DENT ofmml lstrip andîlmt iii la pletuwd chanek Bras., nidse............98 89 va a intel hewuîî. a. e ii opulîlibhis Iectier His fnjnde sncb 'mWin.Layeoe-k Cocutting brues. 50 Frii hspae it tý im.asale voyage. iW ni J. 'uler wrk on streets.. ._(JtI9) anuik e. the. of te Ane aicen ['rida>' evenilitu, oH 1,. \t eek. .lnn .25., EiQuentin, street work.......22 5i acods h~bonorb> the Q u . et Q i i gi'. a 'goad tmrîîe Il. I Eger. msme ... ....... ... .... .i13 13 ,.inig Congresesvmitb li.diartens ut danue. A5 lilmral quantit>' of quadrille, . iM. & St. P. freiglit .. . .... 5 i Dienver ot being m.ioen mne of its three reels andi(Ai tti' niiumaicers wîilkan"'t. (G. Huson, rebute an waik. il _ 1)00 Illinoisnîemubers of a ommittee to look Irish trot or tsi..,nîlila given. Thit H. J. Meyer, etreet work .......... ri10 aeler and prumute agitation for a Iai dauc-e will la for % oitg ans] nid, The No. Shore Elect. Co............ !li00 tu proteet the legitimate minung indus-. club lias tor several emisons o*-eeeds in (ieo. Boehm, rebat.. on waîl... 112, trie@. VTeenesn proposed ie the enaet- inusuing a ittie gaiv into Lb. persoîînei John BmîYseu, streeL vOrk .... .. 15 ment and operatton ýof a law ntheti. van- ai the village andl ey ar spcilCemt Hentges, polile.......... 7 5 0 ion@stllIes. espociali>'thime astern andIlbasmet vith suce,ý.'Ai db.iance@ af Martin Freshîtuan, vonk on tndlcsues ln.lre uîieelbygone yeareviiile 4cons over and it i.. croseings ................i........ 16 30 maining fraude are perpetrates]. The boped to makefun rit riot. Getyounvife E. C. Young ....................... 3 00 iegislatures are tautsi nrged to atke pno- ans] go. If yon i,'nt a vite do tihe H. B. Eger, rebat. aon valk. .4 5 tective stepa in Lb.. nana ailegitimate blle . a] al .Cret pils...... 12 mng amd Mr. Wire vitb hie tva L'wcai al .Cret supple.....1 0 11v Luiois varkers are ta take active Aaioa]mi .uinLbcr'.o! s.Bebent nbd. ,1 part lu tbe mavernent. The appoint. bis work bas liveil in a great nuny J. E. Bond, per E. A. Banken & mmulah ndeed a consideramie botion uJsni"er tovus tbraiiicout the middle'. mn............3 bas talin La a Lavusman. veet vas talking of Libe,4eville rocentlv $8 ta nome acquaintaties. "Tistvn" ho 71 The.elock tieke for a long bal hour. osais], suite me l>tter idialeuan>' I bave tE. HCmL er'.Clcrk. "Your move Geo)rge."* The dlock tcks ever' strnek. The people boe are. along for another hait bour. "Dld you trions])>, the>' give a stirangser a gond Imotat move Edvin?" Thon suother t it ime and meot bhlm on socli terme. i1morat minutes gildes siovi> b>' sud yon ba finudit easy La '[sixv vithi Lb. Young To your bappinees uns] uccesa, vhat- "Tes,, nov you MOv." Then for a people ans] tbe aIder ones. I've heurs] a ever your condition of lits, in Lb. passai LiitILle tiek, tick, ick. CasteS am lit ie knocking but fait bu ose. any mea- 'don nofla certain amoent of rendy being captures], kinp anareein g talion su on oit, Lev've ail treates] me iin.t mata>' for Opportune investmeut Oc and queens rolleved]of thoir station. It c"as ans] I ike everybdybere..Ton flle ai nees]. Onemdollar vill stunta is Lb. sont inspiinl ans] excting gaita have a litle burg that le a hummer. 3i Per Cent int8eet bearing savinge of ce... Thome la a ravivai 0f Lb. gaine Tbtit Plil stick strouend a vb." aceounit; if yau esunot spare mars. We lu Llbertyville. Houn. are hein g apent looffer interest bearng certificats t in pn:zing thongbt. Nothlng short of! The United] Stutes goverumental aeposît ans] ebecking accounite. an eartbquake eau srav Lthe attention rport on minerai spriis tbrougbant Tou cannat afford tu do vithont the ai a chasse piaer once b.. is under Illetse countiry lisjte but 9ie,. springs lu ratection ans] accommodation ofa bypnute @peil. The bock moole of a Lhe state of Ilinois. Aiuong tise laeLb.egank. W.. solicit your patronagile vil local stars is chose beas]quartere. A Ahana spring vbiclî lae .oui>' ou. Lb. assurance nt ahffaiute safet> und littie father down the street lu another gtven lu site count>'Lb thh7sal Spring eveni courtes> possible ta conaervatine anotber bock roatu ila cheeker las]- uaL yet beang placed o *0Ummn8 t tovlng ta hanling. quartera. Anco tlhe time pause. i& raclent otu. TheAbîsssprng tet FIRST NATIONAL BANK yeux produces] 75.000 gfalbans of vater Llbertyvilie, IlLi Chiai Heutges an Sunda>' aiternoon tabulates] as sols]. Tii, Lbtlrs salas af J.L.Tuylon, Pres. T.1q. Gridley,.Citahier places] in durance tva gentlemen alter a ail tb. apringe Of Illinois ombines]po-_______ cbase suggestive aofCOreilleSali>' and bis duces 425,000 galions. 'Rue it wifii li erratle evoiutlons. Tbe aforasais] seur that the Abana sinlngylMed more AN'NOUNCEMENTS aleges] gente bas]affillates] theanslveal than its siare lu comparison vitb tii.Phe iatCar es Itt.d uumistakabiy vitb corn jules. The> test. The toalelvmliatloê of the valet arofmeu ot CnlarkLungag fe LeL became aggrassive ans] fluail>'attractes] tram the eleven Illintois apringe lasprac- orthweeîntmf EnisityLvniiage ah more than passing notice. Tii. chie! tically $48,000. Sa IL vouls] sem o rt admiee n EdumivîlréI t Lie Methodan gal on thefir trait ans] ilnally corroaits]that the vater industry li a eousidmble aî dlneli ot sdue eeumlio iug aotho7:3 them n lu hLb.fleis] labins] Lbe.lais one. _____________ 4ii atrSe vii ,..eve i a t:0 Sa8loruron Keisey*s bain. One of them %sein ille nxrgiqt dodge into the building ans] Clem >Young peoli%%nIl(>, au.. tikitig ot bgher folle el. Then there vas a livel>' cas... Notice eîuûatioli. The Secaumi Quarteni>' Coi IBut the chief vas flot ta bc Lrovwn off Tîere arc agraat iiiiu>'old nesspaian.t,'erence viilh,.bli ] t the ilhurieb on Lb.. sent. Ho fallaveul han np ans] u thLi.Iie "iEion11e. vice au leTuesmia>'tit, 22ti, fime îîresiming eci]. dovn ias]ders, Lrough chutes, eanchi- uses] iii rapping -m.î A large bundie vilii a the. ebairnîn. le intends to ions, kuot boise ans] under plankeg. for ive cent.. prm.amb tor i- seman. Flndliy Circus Bol>', alias John Quin, i amed for bis marital troubles ans] love Cigare sud Laundry NOTICE. epioes at Fort Sherdian, emerges Tbac Office Sotui.timirmig urs fuir the ey,.s. Crysto froan Lb. barn througb a seasquare Vitrine . ie. foliietdaerlie. itqiibl wiudov. The ebief bai bie teeth firmi>' blimmu-l,. fîr ismtli ftriandl uuan miglit attaches] ta iscoat tuile.Thau came the..cimax. Thee liin he Lb. av l il. L1 uns]'1.11luon the les. The iar '..a - '1b.. WOULD'Y HA Then bug, lu. et ije. !! tl bt -of uaik 9 be ôvie owaIIun grocerg purchases et the big store and gou will ever conomf toetcongratplate gourseif .on gour good common sense. Libetyvlle Phone 29 F. P. Dvsuosu, Pm's UJEO. A. WHaIGHT, Vice pret. C.- P. Wi F.8. Kum.. LAKE CO. NATIONALBm CAPITAL 13 DIRECTORS Du X. G. SUVERMAN H . G.V amS DO 00 C. R. GALLOWAY PAUL MacGUFFIN G 5C. P.WRIGHT 00 tel, tA ck- t>' [me -ImIARNESS m 0 Ilaut nov lorated ini Lhe new Mlors in J. EUi. Trimus building on Spragne street. To hIsop tum uot an good vrork sas ean la doue lu the state. 01ve us a tria. 1 SOLICIYTMYIIiRNAS AmÀ%BT TYeuIIMESa O. i. LUCIE Libeu't9ville WeApnounce a Reduction i 'Prices oflAAi. I utrc Wetem to 10c and 15c. Noue ANDA New Fash Ion. Sh That iii a joy. Lt shows the very jatet e trated iný the most charming maiinerb artistei in New York. CiU *u4 get ona h