CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Jan 1907, p. 7

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'ONIVEN FROM HOMIE" ENACTE! uN SEAL LIPEL IN WAUKEGAN. mmb!ad, Wfé 7019 Police Cheo, Lis " tflai le latadrous Tongus e1 - NeiliberWoe ntudre lmer lot* snew Let Nigit, ",enI gosMtahl. Kbts titres or foui' ieera LMd mmegli gnm. dida't ihau nta do Il 'This lae tfrot lime 1have ovor boom arr«otd."* "Tint don 't belp pi>," sald Citief Bvanbruugh. 1. "1 nov h dosnot," mia. aepied. "But I1vas ttred and desperaté snd Ilad te blutes, no 1 coUla't beip il, "I i viinft Set hallagmis." Friend to te fleicu ilere a friend ta Ma-m Wtkhua ou- teredth ie ation. Aflor au fluteavai -he sketi."Have you nta-ent a il.Mam. Watkile?" ite pointot t a amsuait Si&aiLiitdog of rae breeti..1 "Box lier. la lie ouly one," aud mie. called lte dog ad pettoti hlm aftec- tonalel>.'*Ho ela 1the mi>'mie. Ms>' Be Rieendiled. liru, walklns vas daisaeco0f tb. charteofo beiug *"fuit" on promise of good itbeavior sud loft il it it inti- (Prom 1Wedneudëyu Sun.) i ooe miwoviuerdt [811 l nroo louy la Waukegan & ta-yand affect a recauillatlon beween1 Omboolfor ascidair" ber and ber itusbad.1 >Tb *I t le, hlàaserted by tvo of lit 'She neyer dld Buytbing ike Iis Uoibffone eOt. 0hem, a man, told before ince 1 bave kuowu ber,",,lie ~ gj w vabrough cf the.polie de. aid, "aud 1 hardi' thuaitthat the 1 ytut Mtitis morniug: drinks rIgiiý ai@ng. Ste ls a good "Tbe Wa«kegan coioa-cd people are woman andd1Iamn sure tht ber bu& te vrowtever. TI'ey lis and tbey do baud viii rea. bis mistake and tait. evérl'tblg Olse and If yon do ont ber baci ta bie urina viien thingu are kiucitis down and dlo as tiiey do, tbey exPlauued to hlm. He acted too viii taud you bhind the bars of tbe buitilY. Joui or theo penttetiar."l lu this Chief Swanbrnugb ad'the 1 , rm. Sadie Watii, principal In Police agreed witb hlm *ad ail *1ill te lucidet, muid: lend tb.ira- ad to aestoring peace and "I cm ibimme lyig neigitiors for ail aPppInese lu thb Watiis "rooms for mya troubles. Neyver bave 1 been ligitt bousekeeping." au euuct~o barecmd-areJJp1 . Thon lira. Watkina told te stry of boyiii. itmappened ta he iyIng Y A druaikoutihe Maret street sidevahit lm aiugitt, vhere @hbsivms picitedui by Watke lce offre. hnGA l 0" ad terfullyý. (Prom Wednesdaya Sun) 'lt vas Itis vmy. 4 ms a aiing' o0» d*r. We bave titre. rooms for Bd gSvmcoop, master workmiau of Mltt ouaekepag ou Sheridan rot, joint No. 17. Finisher'g Union of thte My ibmot daud myseif. .i biWo remde ln Aurora. le laid "A voana came loto tiie rnom up asute remot of a qileer accident1 lubom1 vu tbrugh everl ot t thte vas lte vielin of on New Wb5rIN4 v"as. titernuhvra one of my ear'm Bilâbt. tell. 1sai no bouse1 ws lgin It Ou tiat olgiit Swascitonp artended At h Ur Ue and asited ber viiaî mii a New Year party at whlcii games Méiait by coming titrough the. bouse ver. PlmYed and it feul to unm to lfi vititon kuocktng. tite vay nbe did. froin tbe fluor a maidon veigilng te 9'O Cet even vitit me ine upread "ail hunier of 150 pounds, it ln sald. m90iese. ht anotitor mani vas coming He litted and thte remuit vmsthbat bc ID "0 me and my buaitand got aiiold broke bis sternum, or breaut boue. Of te sloay lent nlgitt ad drovo me ont 09t thoum .FIVE TRAINNEN IiLLED. Oftle rid ef f innocmnci. SPECIAL TO THE DAILY SUN. "I eferMO tta tuhe lm tu the. place Norristovn. PÈs., Jan. 16.-A bolier Of th* men otioned and prove ltat on a piladelphia & Reading freigiit 1 vWs imoc'itt Of over avin;ae- englue ezPloded et Bridgeport today. c e uT rrne00o«easu a guest. but Vinve tralumee vire kuld. "~'y'eautel]viten it cornes Company, mtuawtlu the. Contuy Of NOTICE 0F FINAL SETtt'Ler4lVZ due," Laite and Stato of Illinoim.Btte of Illinois, Lakte Comaaty, s8 The young felolo oki the note £LAM L. CLARKCE, lu tiie Countv Court et. salut Lu! LIK~~~2I ~ and the mouey. He beaigat hiisviieat Iaei Master lu Citancery. County. lu tiie Matter of the ou- DaeJanuaryll, A. D. 190)7. tales0ffiRébecca Baxtea-, deceased. sud b"t a piionomenal cioi. In nine --To Elizabetb Wright, SarahiiF'eld, 8~F47A iIIF ontita hç pald te note ta l hieue- Martba J. licliater, Liotlsa ýPlumb. iafactor and vas velu ,itaated. State of Illinois, County of Laike, ss. mUas Louta Plun. Alile.B. Wrightl th4tkludof'In the. eirenlî Court 0f Laike County. William H. Wright, Maud Elizabeth TOLD HlM TO TAKE ld't do ti kad flusiness Allie P. Xlnitataici vs. Geor-ge B. Wrighit, UMue Wrigiit, Eva ,vvlgbt, 7TODHM T TKEnov,"1 sait d oe f tbe litteners. Kika-tarlcit, Crac.EB. KIakptrlck, Chtarles Wright andi Mrs. Ernest C. NOTE AS REMINDER. George B. Rocitng William A. Rouli. AMford. heine et lavt anti legatees of __________Thte Tiown of Aven, a Corporatia., muid Rebecca Baxter, decoased. Btats of flhluoa. County of Lakte, s: William H. Smith, Ada T. Smith, hie Tout aud eacb of you are hereby In the Circuit Court of l.ake Couoty. vife, AdelberI J.4 Sitit.Bla S. Kin aotified liaI on the. 26ti day of EXpoiiment Tht Would Hardly Work Mdinute'I.L elitteld vas. Jullue Codo- ney. Chtares 0. Smith, Leonora P. iSard 1, M. , Lt ton oclock A. ln Titis.Deys, But $und.a-lin w»m lucit, Si.,,Jullu. Codouatik, Jr., John Smalit, bis vif., Sidney L. Smitht, Bla. M., or as mon thba-eafter as lte mat- Noted sn a Asîderlzo Hea-tng, Jr, lUxettor or the.entelle ot abetit P. Smnith, alias Birdie P. Smnith, ter- cao b. iearthlie undersigned Mon. John Heraiug, éeeaed. anti Jesse bis vite. Burton C. Haines, Elizabetht ulhl préseut 1telthe laid Count>' Court, Atimas. Geln, No. 3165. Bill for par- B. Sullivan, lte unituovu heio .'ai? Waukiegan. ln mid Laite Coualy, - - tion. devisees of John A. Tya'reil, decesed, ber Sunai report snd accounting as Publienotie la herelay glven that theo uuinovu heins or devise., of luzecutrîx 0f lte luit vlisund tente- (Farou Wednesday's Sun.) by viatue of a dfteeo0f saie made and Thtomas Darling, deceaseti, the. un. ment or salti Naitea Esiter. de. A gaoupof ltitrint.ver gait.entered lu thé. ehove eaîitled Cause luintuovu hieor devisees of Edelîne coasei, and sait ttat lte saine ie sa- A grup f od fiand wee gth-sald Court, 1, lte Udea-tlgaed, vilii on Bradvay, deceaseti, and the unkoovn proveti and that muid estteho de. ered lu tite office of IHilliarti & Wag- Tuesday the 311h 65> of Februar>' A. ovuera of lberéeal estate descrhied. lu lrdste ndteudmg netîkngoerod lea mogD. 1907, et til. iteur ofr0une o'clockl~ n lhe Bill or Comulaint. dcleare troutiandbe uudiel»agned uer takig aeroldlims.Amoi'the atteanon of àld dav, aI ithasCet Original Bill. Cen. No. 3006., dacbsrgetf-o.ber oie a.d suait them vas William Sunderlin andInil Doua- of lie Court House ln lhe Coun- George B. Kiriptpurick anti Crac.E EeurgBhci iesu lc ta-y of Lake lu lite State of Illinois, seil Kîritricit vs. Allie P. Klitpatrick, you are notilleal to bo premeiet if yau, the, «change of storles among those at public aucin in thebigiiest'andGeol B. ltoslng, William A. Rosing n désire. iiest bîdie,, t~he fiwng ntThTovn of Avon, a corporation, Wil-~ Wauitegan, Illnois, January i8, 'A. promeut lbe relatetilte followlng: vabéat ie he o- tescrited liam H. Smiit, Ada T. Smnitha, hie ivie, D., 1907. Wiieubi fahber canae ber. ewstetette > :Atielbert J. Smniit, Eita S. Kinney, ELIZABETH WRIGHIT, v ealtiiy man and anaong bisi.pomes- eTiiqSurtr va eti urtro!n e CoahCarles O. Smniit, LeonoaP.ithEeuri flt li iianitsa wem qurte o!secionElght (S) is imvfe, Sidney L. Smithi, Elizabeth ment of Rébecca Laxtet, tiecesfi. sionus iad i yoite of oxen. A certain tovnahip !ortytha-ee (43) North. Smith, Allas Btite P Smitht bis________ young man livd etnoa- blai, vin, ai- Range Ton, (10)* Bast of lie Thirti vif. Burton C. Haines Eliiaabe(i B. thiongi vea-y poor, itat jual nara-let. ]principal Meuliln, ita Lake Count>'. Sullilvan, te muntov heirs or de. ORDINANCE No. 185. Onedayle ametaMa- Sîude-ila Illois, on- the followlng tea-me: visees o! Thiomas Darling, tecousedrîîn elam n TvetyOv pu' en ~ tae uritsethe unknovn beira or dievses of Johni Conditionsce r)w>alch t ntins and aitet im nIf be coulti aeut bis prIce. tn hopald oun te day of sle anti A. 'yrrol. tecesuet, tii. unituov may b. made vISa tester sY«teM oxen. Hie saiti iteowueti latadi but laidlte renaunliig.seventy (ie lper cent to boira or devse., of Etieline Bradvay, ln ltse Village of Llbeatyviile, and un oxen ta vont îe l iad vien 1the dea- a dtuiy e. dec.aaed, antilte unitnovu ovuers ni a-euitlng termeaand conditions up. noo, nun t ornt t a' eale ted and '-dellvred lîby the under- tii. réeai ane described lu lie Bill of on teh certain connectiens ayi "NalVn' ette,"rfle ind. Compilu. Ca-oas Bill. be made telit the tetr sytm la Ma. Sundealin. "I vaut tu, seul lhem ELAM L ('bARKE, Public notice luaitereby> given that the VIIlaW f ê e rtyh. ville. Matrli Cancer>'. by via-lue of a deca-ce of sale matie B lOd ediyltePeîeta sudhhee ae nlyIvovam l wheh Dateti, January l5tia, 1907. and entered lun lte aitdve entîlleti Board of Trustéesof tiie Village of you can bey them." cas-u , Lhbeatyville, Laite Count>'. Illinois: amieallit yta* Stte af LanayofCourt, Iteudesg--Section 1. Tit-ovuer of proPetY ý11agedth yo*gStteofIllinois, Âo, Laite, sas. t, Master lu Chancery"obf muid Court. butling upon lte Une of liaI part 0<1 man rInl the Circuit Court oft Lake Count>'. viii, on Tuesday thp, Oh day of Fobru- Spragaae Street luavitic thlie vater "You can bu>' tlemn for $1(1 cah Frankit Puinvs. jaumes Wilsouna-y, A. D. 1907 et lte mur of One system vwa. constriacteti et public es- or 90 n yurno'e. o gveme ort oveli, .Joseph o. Mais aEditit B. 'cllu lte aflernoocuof sai dgay pense ho aiioved to malte connections or 90 n yur ot. S gîe m yoirMorris anti James A. irlans- Tau-sa i te East front door of the Court vltii said! vator syutemt on titý fOlov- tine. ftee. Cen. No. 2989. 13i(1 au Foieclose. Hanse ln fie City nf Wauitegau, Lake tng teruas. to-vit: .'But 1 cau't gel an>'signera, Ma-. IPublic notice la it,- a-livglen ltaICount>'. Illinois, seil at public anctlon Tii.>'suit tiamt oltan fa-ou i te Sudrln" atile ougmn. b'vi-uao0fsdea.--ai1ui ai the lite haest and beat bitider frVillage Cdent s permit ln vriling for' làsithebofolioving describdpromises, auc hacone.îo pywt & ue 'I don't vant any signer andt1 andi ouered inlte aliove entilledt -i: -Tite>'stl opy ii i u dont vaut an>' Interest," saidMa- cause lu salti court. i ctieuntier-an eutisadornnc gv siagueti, Mater ini h tice'ofld! Lots One (1) sud Tvo (2) lu Blottit eu'nlng connections vîit vwater aYstena Suntierlîn, "vit are youî goiaag ho do Court, vli, ou Tuesaa. the llt day (1), cf Round Laite, heing a subti- lu lt.e Village of lubertyvîlle, vbicht of Fbrur>' A.b. laaa. a ti. ivsion of a part of lie Norliveml qua- 1 May bave been beaetafore atuapteti or vien you get the oxeu?" ofFbiM .1. a h rtea- (N. W. %) of section Tveuty-uin, ns>' h heaeafîer adopteti anti shahi "I vas going lu gel vîcat and ortOne oclack lu the aftea-noon of (29), Tovnshtip foa-Iy-flve <45) North, pay ail fees vittcit ia>'nov oa.uball plntai fthe a heEstutanE rnc fRange Ten (10) Bail o!ft.eThi a-eeafter lie requiredoti oovers of plat l.11of heCourt Moute outah. Count>' of Principal Mea-ldiaa, accortiiug 10lite propert>' aiuttlng on ltaI part of lie "(bot anu> mouey tu bu>' te vieat?" Laite foreemal lt- <ity' of Wauite. plat tiiereof recorded lulte Record_ - ater ayten or systens consta-acted *'No, 1 vas gulng b sitmy fater gan, lu te Couat>' of bake anti Stale er'g Office of saiti Laite Count>' ou sep-ati phalli for b>'tsecVilag e Cseraumn anti lrottea-, but i don'l likee 10" of Illinois, oeil51 ailulie aaîctton for temiier 4, 1901, ln Bock B o! Plats. Onourat ball psythe lieoteuige C eIrka cash ta lie iliest andalbestbddrpae52';Document No. 82013, alen pormitfor tte ime of se crng eirn *bWoued 112552, asopotuathe fforowaaaitlugrisucd rconnection " W olP1 l ie e o u g t"'t h e f ll v n g d ac i a aI a ca st t . L o t N iu e (9 ) in W illia m H . S m ith ,@t' hle n m o f a hI >' titrée , a n ti o n - a l ! "Plnmk uyu oeuto>$2'." t iv e a)jqt:K- ()o Second Addition to Roundt Lake. betng cents per- lineal font for tbe frontuge "TIn mte uIyou noe fr 215" lt Fa~ (6 lu ilwkTwo(2)ofa subdivision of part o! lie Norivest Of th.entire lot, tract, pace or par- saii Ma. Suntea-lin, andtihei.youug teaeSud19aau laikTo() quarter (N. W. %) of Section Tventy. coa o!sti oveti ity aid pStrete anti Lots neveu (7). Ejilt ), Nine nîne (29), Tonship Fort>' Ove (46) srab utting on ncd Sprmgaa treetde. man titisan Wiien l vas fSuisietiMa-. (9), Ton (10), El-a-en (11)anti North, of Range Ten (10) Fautof the systitoh onett.vhtni ao Suaerln sid,"I antyoutodo wele (2),in l(w Thee 3),ailTlird Principal Méridiean, accorting Section 2. That lumili cases viiore me a a vî wli ynu?"'ln Bord du lac Bluff,. eig a subdl- la lie plat thoreot recoa-teti lu slid a corner lot bua over one bunda-et 1 rvision of tâtt part of Lat Oueil j of Recorder', Office lu Book B of Plats, test lte oviler shahl pa>' shxty-tbree "I aboulti sa>' i voulti," repietethelb Northvesl quand a (%) o! section as Document ,io. 84315-ail siluateti anti nue-hait cents per- lineal foot for ycung fllov.- Four (4) tovnship VFaray-foua- <44) in lie Coanty of Laite anti Stte nf ail fest Over lie Onue honda-t test, ni "'Well, taire titis notb b orne vîit 'N6rth, Range Tvelve1 12) Eust of th. Illinois. suci ovuer shall coa y vil ail Titid (Id) Pincpal ea-Iila vitcis atei: Jnuar' 2d 107. aiez, régulations anti oriancesgv- j . hr 3d rnipleiinwih atd aur id 97erniug connections vith vatea-llnte 'Wlial for?" lies cuit o-f lte. rlgh-of-wa>' of lie BLAX LU CLARKE, vlmeo balyiivactaa '«htfot tetago & NorthasWtru Raliva> Maissn C..a.;Y.>V.lhae haeofro brte adotaeormer bae stem~ and W~I for by 'peck Boa. 3. Al mon virtu" 0f tieorot creditel to ltee * ,s Sectiois 4. 'î'e e ta, boa!r for the urc penSait. tuued record of the a_____ ufftions ad for fa-o fore provlded,,de,* Il pyn ieef. la s ti vA laection5.Tiisordinance.shl "at efeet sud ho lata fore. m tfIer Ita passage sud pub PAUL MAC CUFFN, EARL H.COil T Passei, Januar>'7, V1107. CirI Apprelvié. jsuaa r 191 Pu bieti nuar>'1u ,1. OROINANCI NO. 1e iev Vimem iy lie Pmu a iceni 100 shah vli tvi , i t rua ortu1cnuate Wv anti b>' via t tbis Il sued lIecon 85s ail lte comdltl<am m of lie village 5for hu lu defaulltheeo~ *0 te.s for tho govormi plunhors. Am section 3. Ai uaonan ust bce a-omq more puisons a-o 450, muaitlo iauet lai th* no liceuse e i hiS Section 4. AItlii siaIl hob .1 eejom of their agents or «s via-lue of bs1 hr u Um q - # ree'b8homsMain 710, Wbsit àmiase Two stSock&. mPatent motd'THE Carpeteiul'elliug Company sud JouaI d. maÙ loe £ (ohn Mon C (o., manufaoturiY of MUda a>'pai a ar- Women's sd (Jhildreii'aSitem .Theie' double ~ tocke vere purobseed ly oui' buyera- aI 60 ..... 50C ou tedollar sud are nov beiug offéredte tepublieolte sutnedieuloualy lo hbia. laADIE' 1BIC1 GRADE PATENT COLT, Ptet Kid, Valoua- anti un M9eal Calf, nev- à*lima., etilun, mer aut higi heelp, via. Ïili rock oaât soles. an: pair vorat double tbepse mâtait, for -1 &BGAMSOTUNENT OF LADiES' AMD POMWVicitd.Cali Skia Shoeii, IgitI andt %Mrg »lesMay have double besdeti la. "i *Ad out@e sly, values up te, 1.76. «"erm................Ç 29, 185E5' B USZESs@% TO il)j, TIIEY' aIrê lai Box sud ValourCm, Patedtasu Viti Bld Patem andstock tipi, aOay illa *Mble olmuid extra bock ayaa. Valmes moto 81.60. janumY glartg sale prlca ............l. VU OF1 LTO'CHILDREWS BROEà IN .>lmh eslii'maiVici KitiStoc, aasy ~., vill delifml oeanti paInut ta-m- tu utalre aretmil at 8i 25. 1*~ ~~~O ËSaIOS E NTIRE mmwama, unde ta nei atot ld, Patent Cdi rtal Cali,mayvil anti platoro 44.00 vaie. lu;. mti 01014 melugal.......n....... J I ~ sEob ;- 86.50< iOmSt4 iger ,Siuall,4ieZ SEAB'kON'S ends manufacturers Stock of Cloaks. AbQut50 A in shaduw checks. plaids and Scotch weaves, trirmm.d1 in buttons and volvet. Many formerly sold uP $I&t O Special Jarsuary ba e-i tt!earing price.............................. ... AÀ big amsrtnt of bkaci broadoloth sud veaves faon 1he bent f areigu pa-ouliaa-r. Coats dolivenad 0 autI à am ,iten titi manufacturer'@ businesm a aItis loveut ebb, thua giving us lh. buai-it of vpucial prie concesions, onabling us tao ofi' *35.00, .80.00 and 427.50 Coats at..............la0 one a gooti <mner, elab- oralely t r inmme d lu braidi, buttons sud vol- vol, many viti the Gib- son shoulders, sud other ofthlie aeaeoulatent pro- duction. These gai'- meute came in mhadow oheole, plsida, Scotch wesves sud uevekty eet aEver>' soit a te- cidet value aiIa fumr p rie. ormer 5on55 ant F or iaauaqx clearance.. Former $17 o 8*4. te Aba ne É mi-tgbtAt tlng anti l"c bock vrap- -'---v (if i min ioor Lbe 4.I4 Weetheu Clotmd oNABI-E Westher Clotaing at Warm ter Prie.. AUl of ont desdal 0, 600 mnd 04.00 Youu me.'a es 80 te, 84, lin sýngle mn.: doble seat ûbheeka and"etripea. Titis e lnig, -eemtrcutaltoltire, broat .g outa viI shae ilalntatg fronts. Ski' ~ ~ ~ g #à lae a' $39 Untic-vea ~tx luMd pipe mat ýermed "nueiler Joint gond or "vlped JO are prohbiled. Un 8. No altorallou Nor lu or about SOMETHINC FOR TIE lMEN. ALL OP' OUR 810.1 anmd 88.00 Overoats matie frui m M sté, Iiavî *col Pneu. KesYMe70. ovtot lui taomoatîtpes, emoet, mixtures mmd moid enlors, moto lua&Il tissirable lengilas, lome and cmit igial ftling backsa, Janu gadCerlng sal rI ,ALL OFOURSIB.oo, 215 00 AIID isco Uvercimte, sitiolntoly nonutin anreuitre stock romerveti, enha-acelng blaacianti Urey'Worbted St. George Bermey, Vieuna, Plaid, Scotcht Weaves. dilagontal tia'oy sud Olive effectu, semil tîght it tlug antifull length ahýyles, betn-Me _ . .RD~ Soudi w entaiur> orarmgSale prie... wdw hIghOtad. led EN'STROUISBRS. TIl LARGEST letyla auligauand akeCount Al Scmwh oa-Stl 75. 8 50, 95 values, every pa rr'. lie Veait>', full. gandi regularmetyvldb, TW Brook Mink Neok Scurfa lin- tlue7àa-verylninugluoura- mIck lalu i -' lilliug anugly about the liait Wosletim, Cheviot$, ueck. Tlaec sarfe are blackt Thhhîls mand Serge, tld !ci te Constrictor (sakea) Jauary Clearng halo price.... design, la-Immeti viti a ALL OURSi1.5, 1il5 PANTS [I CHEVIOT -hesdand uthainga larez anti Union Casitierea, ha checkts, atripis is desia-bilit>' as a pruclical ter locld aimpei se&=a. fur a - voit ai for style, varanaud fot, ta rip, evr>scarf nade fron mes- Jauar>' Clearng l5mb price..... 7v'l le etipls, taitet trou _________________ the animal eaI0a uemeom - - ren tise fuir lm a% .lit, esMais Floor Ever>' sudr!a deol ide lin5*> U SDEcgg RiOD UNnISIWUR LA firi value Jauarylog extra heavy fea.. i Undervear viltip clearing sale .... A 7J peck, ribbito effm and aakleti, a de- 0 ieldtivaine, Januar>'Ckmeane.. *~-lai. ~ A NBIU W- WEIGRT LADIES COTOI Igeomi, Jersey rîlabeti Union Suit mateie CÎÎ6a gnd gadeof sea IsadCttoo, vIi ta t A large aeeotmmof oan- .ibuaod eufes atid uitlots, a givue ut aturer a SaMple Combeho l Ual e t 75a, oua- anti Hast Dmp. iaclnlug uulmO454Valse -...... î W thle niver fadeansd u»w- LADIES NilUI.. AND CRIiîS.,1V olties l ml aliogator ati Veite andi Pau te made fron seleeled adtboit Qua mellonglly acoiret ismes, adesldeti a* 1l JaunayClesring Sale pa-Icea-.. .... 9e' 'S 48 lu. aow it Sidti ligoex. tionLI valie am i'>' Cîeilng el te - b anc I.vag ëe 0 SUllingt, pr>'s d b atres, 0ou vains.. ai,*tM Meo o motn,", aelsblcitmiti hî ..................... le 't4*mge.................. ..............a vid sd nrve................. ................ e...3 3miuae ............................. .....19 .... . . . . .. . . . . . .... .. - se 27I l.biakTafftlta 511k of gusa-an- . b.d Worth, 8«0 valua ............ 69C 27 lu. fancy sallisfori' aaIs a ver>' speelal offer o!181.00 valu«s at .j...5 27 lu. Japanee Sulla lu skas ud,6I.j 001,îr ei, oui' oularoequaity yd..g ,I A CLEANING O r- OOD» sciJTs. ABOUT ARICA titr- dom Idejkfltore11m4nbe

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