CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jan 1907, p. 1

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LAKE COU NTY INDEPENO-ENT. and WOAUKEGAN WEL SUN 'VOL. XV. NO. 17. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLIXOIS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1907-10) Pages $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. MRE AT LAKE FOREST. Orne of lte limet eo; Mî.Ids In iifulilcnaireto*ànvo la Cou- mmmel by Plumes pliAi-T ICALLY NOTItINO d§AVEIS PROM DWELLING svering the description of Giltt along te road. The friende of Glliett nov believe that itlas possible Ihat h heu met witit a worse fate titan If ho bad fallen lot the river. They blieve that he han wandered far trom home anld that he has possibly bust control of bis mental facullies, and. fallIng by the wfystde, han trozen 10 deit. Ever? possibe effort le bob; made la get soee fortiter trace of lte aid man. (Ciptain Cameron. of te Kenosha Ue ".1.. -rew- omntee . a Barc f On. oi lb. atot bPautif ni and 1moittie ivr nF' la ftr" - ad i «xpensive residences in L.ake Forentgrt! e ive n tondiattoon e b ainylt inickeerned aun eniotna wious ]ad beet drovned. 'bore le absolute- onlytheblakene stne ûtinatins y uothing alun; te river or lante arise, At un early itou-, Mndai river te show luit Gliiett met deatit mniun;titi iouse vas burjed l tseh rwigad h )eaecoe gnound, desyie te efforts tite Lake, ]yfdrawin; the titerplle ae loe Fareil li-e departmnent anti a vomi- ýI thuian lie othter dussso teercomanyof helsmios O LaeGiliett are suffe-nlng teritly frôamlte Fat-et Couaee to iutsdue te flames. icon-c tthi rthrat 'Te rpsidence vas ovnjed tîy A. XI. Liaidasneo hi rt n Day; fot-mrly Junior meiniter o! the! Ihey i re urging te officers te Ibave no0 a t-mOf icbgncili& Ty ittcio. 1l er heft- ! .et51'rs have iseeti rect-iveti froin nov retirait.and van ircutt(.ied isy J Charles Quaritm,.. tating taIt bcbas A. Miller, iteail ot the- Miller SLatej perpmalaiy dire-led a searcit hi Mil- itooflt]g Cmiany ,o.Clicago. lweîtkes- tnd ihat ho ta certaini liai The lire îtarted ai aout 2'vV'chOk Glihté hue nos lin tatitele. Monday naîrnîng. l vas dlscdvert-d bi. the ooacbmean vio gave tite alarm aitd1 tl tunes ofte ibouse turrîid out t UC! JOUSIE US doars, attkred ouly in their nigitl BLOWN DOWN cloltes. ___ pThmptiresudes soni t riîtig liteNeiaoe- Morris Mous. ai Fus Lake promtlyand as ouliligtingthe Pastially Wrecked by Wind with Sautes. rTe valer pipes wvurd tsar- Creai Lari. tlally fraxan. bttIdelîite itis 1h01____ Sautes ver-e enittgl', ,uriderrcouttuil. Titi-terrifie gtileof ut ntda> uru- viten, slddeniy, towver. t.hur lit -----down te north anîd cintraI ont again aIll over te ibouîse aîid ~ ii i te NeLion Morrislefic" ouse tatiddy burued Io te groutid.. i- tx iake antd duleyed pobseille aie- 'Te loisteaabout Sii.5,0 oand la ùr, ' ra'. sjuit siarvesting te le.ct-ou. ered ity tesorance. 'Te only litga- u-rk of r. hsîltding I-iuriai beguai saved tremi lté.-touse ver.- si'et-__________ pieces af lbanal carned, il xaidt] atog U Y E SM D ..any futnIlore. I LEI M D Thie Miller tamilyva cred for by PROMISING 0f f ER frienda and nest mornin; left for Chit--__ cago, vitere they viii ilvo for the I.NationaI Anti-Saloon Leaue After rTe residerice vas one of the mnat beantiful lu LakteTutest Il vasu Deet-p atit avenuetesr ite lake. il viii ual he rebuilt. The' lire vus caused b> a defectine lute ln otte ut the chalions, YOU CAN'T TELL UNTIL YOU TRY A Case where te Suyer and Seller' Onl Togeter Quickiy and te Reason Wity Titey id. Scrappin; Parson who sa .Stirred Up Thiergs Locally. Secretara 'r. R.tuayle. otfte L.ake C>unty Law and Order L.eague, bas iteen lendereul the soiteriteudency of te Second 'Illinois District for te Najionai Anîl-Saloor leagueil ras learned Friday. Thi Inciodes te veaitit tetrri- tory lunte state pradtically. ai rîgit outîlde of Chicago, and lakes lu Ur- bina vititlits stodent body sud Citampaigu. lu case of acceptance, Dr. Quayle wouid be compeiled ta, reinquis thlie Lait veek E. W. Pankîtur4t, of i secretaryshlp of lte Lake Couuty Lav Liberlyvibie, inserteti a sémail ad luntis !mnd Order League, a stop taI vould piper lu lite eStclttat lie badil vlit-be regretled. liglit incanldescnt gasuline gai umachinele bas 1101 yet accepted, huwver, Wo sale. rTe neit day il vas sulil. An 1u ll rhbettth iirfs I1IIEPENDENT ad il 4iltut-rhlm. Ite fine uffer. Titivmay lu hing te bayer aildte ________ eber lagetiter iletola mvertise.'the zoiNO OG Gunue Wooilmeu reuai Mn. iarkut .uast'sO T id aud nor Itave te machine etthemr UNDER IIAMMER hall. Il youubave sontettiug you vent ta oeil, adlverliae. i -uwn ubyR~ie someblu;, silverlise. il lea itbv e ce r Haieiy Now Conîrols expenimsent. i s h aa el Seventy-five Per cent of Stock and expeimet. i wold e nauraly ast e Situation in Hand. undenstooi lit a epureasê-r fur a machine like teamouve vould ha liard lt Zo iyl o oudrlt Sud y01 il took but otne day fur an Zina iymamer. g ndrýh 1,.DEtsDrloN ad tu osal itl. amr _______________Seventy-five per cent of te stock bas been lîrned over lu Receiver SU WRCIIRIJSSIELL i Heîeîy. vito tas, by te l of te fpOR MISSING 3MAN 'slockholders. corisliste situation and yl du su indeflitehy. John Gilleti, cf Kenosha. Thougit t 1I wl i elae ht none be Wandering Country ln Crmzed - ment vas made thal If sevenby-five Condiion-Reported in Neigitior- pet- cent ufthlb stock vas nul turned hcod of Russell. laven reorganizatian * and redemption f plans vouid came la naugitl and lte Prindsof ohnGilet, WO .bucllY aa a vboie vouid go unden lte bsen miasîn; ince -hat veek, at-e auctianee's hammet-. stW itopetu i tat Giett la itill alîvo, ilecelver Hately viii nov go mliead as reports are comm; lun fr.t plas and brin; le ite ly oub of Ils sbougi af luth lit nlbtern part o! Kenoaatdespond. tonuty wvItcitoseera la ludicate tisat GiBetbwInlutat part of thse counuî'TlHÉ!VRJLAGE INN on Tuoiday. 1-1, . COM M IIAt4DS John Clansen, vito realdes near thO nid sitelof Ideal Pari, seulnt r - Wal Known Prairie View Motel Soid biy liaIho titooniT eisay ve11 u la t United 8Stes Brg. Ca. For bisnoilscrioodan'ruedar venu; Good Sum of Money. sud tithlied siept la. a uCitoul bruldga r tiheClauSen i vbimct 'i Te Village Inn il Pt-ait-be Vi.v bas Tusiented vtt ulIaunSla ell e- 1bien solS hy Capt. Sap tot lte United quantel wth illtt.andlieStaesStates Bt-g. Ca., an agent af vbleb ltAt ho simply sav hilm vahkiug slaasg itnr il z-utdl od% the oadbut hatlie eelsc«tit ote, sud saloon. rThe des! vas --h41 ite Mau vas te missîn; Kenio- peticilly cloied lat wek but ouly s1%Ait. vlîti ttieput day or noba4ve tt - ffiday igbî, foîovuti; biis chesgotlbationsbhein brônit t* is na Mondy Mrende.ofai 0111011 vnt dovu1, la-olae tithe sigiiiorhoud about Ruselil: iw ftIn bi bom.cidd egtt ,bt-tehr-1tonmSivitout Ouding muY viaten owinq luthelbasesiumo f »,qoe b., a*ma no à- e DEM ENTED WOMAN US CAPTIJRED ThiO INI>ItPBENT Lerrna of Ur C..aditien mont Pinde Mier Wnderiug WOU14D PROSBILY HAVE DBED OF COLIS A dosntnted vuman alter wandering aboot centrai Lakte csarnty ln tite colO for n<arly a week vas captured last nlgitt in Libertyvife ut a laIe botîr titrougitlte efforts ofthlie Libertyvilie offie o! ite SUN. Ilue crazed voman finIt mode ber appeuaace lest 'murs- day nigitt a lte Intersection of te WIscuseinCentrai andth ie . Chicagri, NlvanuCe & 9t. Pnbi raiiways. Slory of Wanderlngi. For 1w.> nigitt and a day site re- maint ne4 v 1e egbr,..vnd- Ing about. Salt nigitis s siet in te d..pLIît. lla titoughttsite tadn nourieitmeul vhaiev,'r.Saturday site appeared ln te vicinity of Gra -Itaki-, Laie ai nigitt site vint iii lie (b.rlach restaurshitSite urdari-tis.lptir. 'lut atter i- mttering lsto nd? vf etil OIT. Nei,site appeareti ai thte trundstel- ter saloon unit ardieil a drink whitci was ginen iter. Front itere she vent to te Peterliorl saturii atîd vas gîvEýn luor, vitici site neined te uecd la revive ber. Shortiy aflîrvard site appeared aI thte Vugler restautratnt ated psrchaeed e spper, îtriidscins; money to pay for Il. 'ritlnlgblfishe slept ln lte depot anui lntite m<rrting cali-ht e train virbont iting dîtalned. Site vas put off te Irait, ai lAIe Villa aud re- tuainei lin thte vicinlty titat day. 'rhriiiing Capture Made. Mouday nigitt site vas found wat,- itertng about lugbeiide snd titan ita' condition vie reabized and efforts vere made lu detain ber. 'Ele escap- *oS ber vonld-be capters and Tuesday nigit te ludependent offIce teerned Ibat site vas lunte viinity of Liberty- ville. At once thte office began a sys- temallc seat-ch for ber and ttually sncceeded lnu ilxdlng ber. Site vas vaydering te treets of Libertyvitie mttering luebotself. Her course vas almuIse and site seemed te bave litIle ldeae vitere site vished te go. A reporter engaged ber ln conversa- lion wviie Deputy Sheriff Henîges vas sent for. 'Te vman vas lu a pitifol condition and seemed te bave nu knowledge ut ber vitereebouts. Her talIt vas rambling and ber laien- il>' pleiniy pronuunced. Witi te air fulof froit. 1no ebel- ter lu viev, and no place la go, site would probabiy bave succumbed la lte cobd before morning itad si te11 iteen located and placed onder arreet by te officet-.Ilily clsd. ibe vas au?- feringtram lte Inlensenesoflte coid. Her condition vas lruby plîlful. Doputy Siteriff Hentges took ber bu Waîtkegan at once, aflet- maklng ber capture. and lodged iter lu tbe couoty jail, vitere ibe ls heid. C! IIARVES I S AT LAST STARTED Work ai Lakes Finaiiy Segun and Armies of Labonars wii aid in Gatherin; te Coouilu;Product. Thte cold of te paît fev days bas put bieit Ialte ieinduîlry ut Lakte conty. Par te paît severai veeke lte cnntlnued vans vealter bas de- pressed te ice mou and uneeîlness výas feared leslttoeevould net 6e enougit coiS veather la enable oven a Peal hanvest. Nov aI Raiund Lake vork bas ai- ready been bogu. Here lte Armoans yearby put np ltoniauds of boni. Tttesday lte trtvork vas îtarted and lte citaunois Saiet lte cakes ta te boussesbave hoon cnt. At Taylor Lake lte mammot Knickerbockcer-hansses are alln read- mness sud tlb.tirel voit la ibagu. At ail ttie:lakieslte vqrk le hein; statd and ovIng la lte latenosor lte sSon evet-y avallabla man yul ho pteisid mbt service. Armies o! misce lbiicus bhutenarushoeS but tramn CIsicago foir.tho brio! soaSon are hein; katitired sud thse pexI 1ev viekis oS' ailog as tii.esswix ns vili 5am a fteiî*d cuilng of tee ads a! tee. lt.b le probab» ii«t ganga vil! h vorked if heMmunosa ese ciped, 'to _»* ,,t , *ô ift.s en tii withb the aid et torcýhits. t 1,1 rîearî'd the cold ipeli vil irkanml ls to guard aghinittIbi thtst every effort vil 6e bout 10 store tbe Icel witile yet thore le tdonc. Thte tee la now los han elgiat Ibices thick,, but dilîte titis theo vork il he sarrird ai oance. DRAGE Famiy made ioouH i n odest Night of Ya*on Toî Loies HaMiAL At 7 Monday night. w.ile te vind1 demon held Lake coua.y ln ils grip and an Icy chili oept up and dovu the spinsof the people, the fire fiind tnok paiss5iIOf of thte home of John Thtomas, at Uurnee, and viten It waa tirougit. what ew itte gale and te lack of lir flgitîilg apparatus, Thom>as bail-loit his iiiie ait., ith te exception of. the, fortY acres- that- b.. owne. Thomnas vas taken in hY neigit- hors. witit ishie le anm i, rhiliren. and la undersi.ooitu 1i pa1,ettcally destitute. Thte bous. , worth abu $iii 2,000. ýA GOOD) OrfER FOR OURIBOYSAND GIRL Can you write a Slory, Cash prizee wili ho GIven by taeINDEPEN- DENT to lte Boy or Gsrl under Sixteen Yeana cf Age hio wili Wrile the Bilat Original Slory. 9) lure edilai page. ig.- 4 out tis pisi.. * 1 i0 enuoise 1ens-sîit 'ch OsbUod ptea ait lite boys ai jiri.. io aure ruadoaS.-f the LAK£tCtYTS I\ittENENT tIN j unuopporlutiiytw 1' tarrt a litlît carefuli bougitt iuàiti 1 t siouiui 4 Iaien up gladly iil. The. arta;ri trîîî.aopureliaee @tories for cash. %~ thial v- e yl gel somie gond atonries.c The subWtclile tsnnouucs. inlutitis ii- Parents shouii mrai te ofien and ai% ise thetr boiys and und girls tla isîemît lu nin lir'ui-le Tih. storie-s uililie pitîishei anIt l-ides te cashtprizeteri t%%ilil b.- onie- utIle bunur1in b.iugtheu%% n res uioitlis mtany n-ii coutpet, li-the ffer., ftead iereîully es gaI-ri-min tire iutest and tite otiti *and mail tii l'IIZE 1- DiTIhit, Tutiii, NEI .ie vile. 11.s NIEW TIIOUGUIT MAN BUYS MORE LAND Siteidon Adds Fourteen Acres lu i-is Tract-Wili Rais.. Lakte sud Sub- merge Many Acres. Siteidon. te nem iiunghtlman, vite yl lunte coursetflte nexî fev moutits begit, work iion bis mammotit sctool 10 he locias,,i at Rockefeller, bas jut acquit,,i tourteen more acres of lanîd adimrilng titat viticit lie bas ireviotsI> 1irchaaed. Tite land la trots rite Cari Beder farm autd bulîs utmAîi\ud Lake, au ai- reedy besotifol sis,- vbicb viii ite dammed, ralsed lusîîl ransformed imb a far nmore heauîîisîî tPlace. The lake vîli doubleiti s,,sud thteland lie itas ltouîgit wotîld 1,,ne beau ttooded. Il vas 10 situtlify su tIers and protect hiiseif egelîtat a 0881sble damage suit resoitatut o? siluetgin; a neigit- bores land titlted tilm Ito make the purcitase. In tact.lite vould riave tound il dit- Seul Io bave echiticiS lie rLqIsing of lte lakeeitad hi otul Ieen ovned of a]] affecled ands. TtheitirVsy of lbe Property ts nov coutu lts, WITNESS AT 11I. ALSO A, -1MAN Peculiar Position of Alexnder Robert- son at Trial in Cauaty Court of Lake Oosmnty. Iu lbe osai, of Ciov vs. Whle,'bath Highland Parkt peaple, la ouunty court 1Tuesday afternoan, osee 0tis queer in- 1stances WvaWhoviten i vafoud ltai 1Aloxauder Robertsonua v.ebot jut-, ma ndwtnes a Bot aatrneys agree Mnr. Roberts= ias JMt &M b hi vinemt aViea mtlog* b.baS beeO Mn. Islieýrsan vai u peelar ai~ttoms. viti i w puueu lSla theti naet eate t ti i S dut A.or t,» APier. lao accepi itovever, liv. tich ow bu touv t sd ud a mil4 tfea f IGUIT ENDS IPI DEATiI DrunkenXlieno Grappie and Paît lu Pat0f Onrushuag Biects-ie Car. HEAD OF ONE 18 COMPLETBLY BEVERED For the lirait timte it veeks, at 6 a.m. Saturday titere was another fatal- ity on tbe Ciicago & Mlwaukee Eiec- tric Railroad Company Une. one man being lnststlty kllled and another aeriously lnjured near North Citicago Junction, helov Twenty-secoud treet. SUN Reporter Gels $tory. Imm0dlately on bearlng of tite acci- detnt a SUJN reporter vas on te acei.. Accordlng toute resulta ut bis ilu- vestignîlon. the ftallty toliowed a figitt between ïZo latiorr. accident. Ail have hi-on section itanils on te Chicago & Nortitwestirn rail. road at lHigiwooti. Titeir naumes ire not known. Satu rday nigitt thp h.susiig ajou tht e Higitwood barns of thte Chicago & Milwaukee Eiectric Company until the first car came nortit. ,Tiey were ail drunk and carried witi thIem bottes of wbtskey. Took the Wrong Car. Titeir Intention seema -to have been tu come 10 Waulçegan, but tbey fond titat titoy were on a Racine car, viticit goes over te veat aide Une, and look tranafere ai NortitCiticago for Waukegan, getting off lte car at lte North Citicago JunctIon station. Car Too Slow for Themn. Tite car nul coming quickly enougit for theni. tbey tarled lu vuik up te tracks, nortit. Reacbing a point Juet soutit of thte Practical Gao Company, a quarrel broke out among them, and two clincit- ed and struggled lu escit other'a arma. Just aIt itis moment te car camne aroundthe titedîe and Up te grade fromnlteeoutit. Titere le a suitway at Northt Chicago mat soutitof te junction and a deep curve. Thte car rounded itis and speeded up lte bill ai tieteitil rate. Juat as It neared lte tva fighllng men, nito bad n01 been onth ie tracks, but away frottt tem, titey slaggered lu escit otiters grasp dIrectiy ento lte petit of lte oncoming car. Victime Horrily Msngied. Thte car, iteyond control because of te short distance and te sudden fait of lte figittere, bit bath. One bad itis bead completely sev- ered tramn bis body and receined frigitîful mangling. The alter vas eeriously iujured. The Ibird man of the trio, lte man vito badt1101 mixed ln lte figitt,itad meantimte fied il iasauppoeed up lte tracka and nortit, or mb lte voit. Tite desd and tite injîtred vere re- moved lte Larson & Conrad morgue, motorman and conduclor caîl- Ing assistance. Who Were in Car Crew. Condîîclor Reevee vas ln chtarge of te car and Moorman Roger Moore vas at te front end. rTe number of tite car la aaid 10 have beeri 26. Titis la nol positive Information. %Vtuessee differ ae tu vitetiter titere vas a fog or nul. Tite fight began 50 or 100 feel soutti ot lte gae company plant vion lte mon vere vaîking ln lte middle ut lte track tovard lte nortit. Jury Sworn In. The follaving jury vas îvorn 1in 10 laIte up ltecauses lbadin; 10 ltse dealt Tiursday mornIng. joî. Parker, foreman; H. C. Bar-r, oas. Duritin, S. S. Barber. Jus. Me- Crone and Jus. Plmer. Tbore ver. four Josephts blte jury, a coinci- douce. Delay to Gel Witn«eee. Thte delay la caused by lte desire of iCoroner Tay lor lu avait lte recovery- t0f Coberison and gel hie lot-y aoflte -accident ltat resuited in lte dealt of lte unknovn. There le natiting In lte dattes ot lte dosad man lu tolvio ho le. and il i.t believod ltat as soon as ho la able, ho viliireveai.mucht of Interesl. Another $tory Cur,'ent. Anolter story current islatat Cul- >berteon and te doad man vere vabIt- ;iug alougaide lte lrach lu thse tel; viten lte car came titroug thlie suit- "an sd tboy rau ln front of lit, get- 1 mg caught thoun, Tbe Lake Forest tinseeeper -of te Ni.rthwesiern bas identified thite r- mains of tbe victiniofuthte etreet car accident Saturday morning as those of lotît Hunter, formeriy a member of tite Chticago Freigitt Handiers' UnIion, but nnw hack ln bis due@. He was a section itand on lte Nortitwesteru recentiy vitithlie In- Jured mtan at lte bospilal, Colvertson. Deaths of yeaterday were the 9. year-old daugitter of Richard Goeid- ner, of te soutbveat aide, vito died of dilithberia and wbose funerai took place yesterday; the dealt uft1he cbiid of Robtert Neuwanen, of 202 South avenue, aged 3 montits, of pneu- ntania; and lte destit of Jos. Payne, of puleumtonia, at ite bospital. GElS F INE !BUCK IN SOUTIILAND Geo. P. Renehan Cornes Face toFace with Deer and i&i Friends -f« upon '4onison. hiitelI. a iî,it, i ii , t,111w t nî.ng the ortiliIg.' i.a ýea '1il ibis t nt, e i, %vil.î.rîmg ini the simil%i iti saîvs that 1, b. ia,-.i.rat 4ar 1itg on him s'a ulders. Geourge % i nt out oye- euntîy iia, reî-ently and svatîîlî-rei) bits. A1 fine ibig biuk su.mi t of t he brush, ani triedt sgive.. ii . ee- ier'*lbut our jovial triatî .l i-id .l tolits. bis nerve. T4l'yr lft ktr nwidow aniong te billt-k 't lie' irlands ot Renau ilave silDe 4ta' i .ielg Serlstion LAKIE COUNTY MEN PROPOS! NEW BILL Gibbons and Tiffany Present ill to Stale Legisiature Governing Schedulingof(Corporation Praperty for Taxation. Lake county's relîresentatives in thte state legislature, Senalor Tiffany and Representative Dennis Gibbons, viii offer the folowing bill on te as- sesament of public service corpora. lions titis sesion at lte Initiative ot lte Lake County Board oft Superesot The move was started ln Septeniber, 1905, and Supervisor W. E. MUler vas authorlzed lu bave it drawn 'and pre- sented. An Act requlrltg îpublic service cons- peties and corporations ta make and file certain plats and sciteduies of their property wlth tbe supervisor of aseesaments for tite purpose or assesamntn for taxation. Section 1. Be il enacted by theo Pen- pie ofthtie state ofIlilinois, represent- ed ln tite generai assembly, that itere- afler it shahl be tbe duly of ail tete- phone companlea. telegrapit com- paniea. Metetrie tigtilng companles, vater compactes, gas cotupanles, heat- ing comitanies, electric railroad com- Panies, steam railroad conpanles and ail otiter pîublic service companies and co 'rporations operated under any franchise f rom titis stale cor froni any couanty. clty or village or olter mu- nicipality of thiisstate, lu fle witb tts supervisor of sssessnîenîe of each coitnty in wvic t tieir property. le ln- cated.n or itefore tite lit day of April of each year, for the purposes ot ttseesamettt for taxation a achedule af ail liersonal property owned, ieaaed or controlied by such company or corporation ln snid county, logether wlit a plat sboving te location aud mileago of ail pole linos, vires, pipes, mains. conduits, raitaad tracits and rights of vay ovned, oporalod and controiled hy such campantes' and corporations ln ouald countY. togotiter wIth a detaiied 'description ot sucit property vith propor markings and Identifications and, ln cee f surface vire and poloelinos, Indicating num- ber, ase and itind of vires, aise et Potos -ad number and aises of cross- arms, and ln case of underground con- struction theeaise and lenglt 0of pipes or couduits and vhere vires are plagced underground the nmcer, ase and kind of vires usod. Section 2---Sncb sciedul s0ofiled! sitaîl contain a complete itemlaed lust uf ail personal property ovnod, ieased or 'controiled by such om- Isanies or corporations ln snid county and opposite eacb Item ut pergorqai property shall ho set forth the fair cash value of thte lame. People are loarningt te value ar our vaut adi. Toit red lt.e INDEPENDEN vau calumul. goo 0111,000 ctera. Tilatei vty lte columa Ia o poqu l.1 THE 66140LY J UMPERS PecuItar .d miater Wem FroesatlumLmbor Geta Lalk Ceuaay me ejolta. RAVEIRELISMEETINGS AT GAGES LAME OCHOOL The Meropolitan HoilusiAso- ciation, viic bas bien couducting revival meetings at ite lages Lakte sehoul hanse, hbnai 51 emsl seceed iu gaixins a couvert, and titi meetings are lu 6e eoutlnued. The bI Mass vitu bas Joined lte seeolaisSkdâey Vnt Wood ofthlie vicinity of Pruo" Lakte. A memben aiflte evangeihit -om- pany vas intervievod over hloW ti »»u~ne yegte.rday ea 0 to. pkioe4t vas given titis papen ltat r.Vantl W3oud vonid o ibe property uInte couitly a>d I join lte colony ai Watt. kesita. "He bas decided 10 give bis lite te lte teaciting of lte gospel," said lte man, s'ad in lte future vil ho one of us. Yes. vo are meeting vitis aue- ces and yl continue our meetiUm How ion;gI1'tan ual. satae, but va bofl lu ohlai alter corverts. W. geil Sattered viitlte reauls v. sseu ti ho getting."l Titose outlsidg lte HblInea sse' ciation bave dubbed lte religions es~- ltusinsselits "Holy Jlumpeni,;" be eau"outflte spirilttey put lototo bsW meetings. Excitement provails ous lte meetings are veil under vay. Tt~ compauy, lter. are Ove meuibert o»V lte "Jamperi" vto ie doiag té, vont, dance about lterTonus la th5Ilr pont up entiuiaim snd oxýhot sr iteareri ta becomeo ofthe». AccondIng ta> the man questioaett ity lte SUN, lte sceiety la ot géater scope titan la gonerally bshieved. x heu vorkens ln aIl partife "I Si~ma are nov lu Watbsomaàè,e"-e15 ica, alters lu Australieisud ln u ato cities. The . aociatieu là *os grovIn;, ho sid;,asnd a i te *dow lors utcite 'coiony, Waukesithe- are nov 260 people Oltng ttemdvuv to continue lte vork abnoid, Vaet crovds h ave attIl the ii.M for lte put-pose ai vaitltg tea tics ut 'Brothers" Edward Harvey mi Magley. "Tirat tbey talIt on one aide orfW scitaul bouse slave; lteas tkey imnp clear over il and tlu outitie side," doclares one GaIgIs o. q, man. Headed >y Lake Couse.y Mm i e- Tite'leader la Edvard Ear-my boraÇ in Fremant and formsnli a Msbou ovangellet, vito tled o et MiIoi and jolued lte Firsnites vitit veS nq ho han beeu a sucem.. 'hlitesed quat'ters of the rI'ifu tu L loaiS Waukesba, vitore lhey hate pot- cbmsod a 110101 buIlding, bilt aisa expense o! $60,00, only tb dsns ltatI il ouid ual psy. DE!RIFIELD Win' ASKS bvoUc Maiges Husbsnd Haa Thruiiuêol$iNora Wllh Desth If Site Dasoresmh*kl- Farnily Secrets. Because site allegod ltat ber biw~ ban threalened bar with 4eat*s9'If * exposed certain famlly seel ts 0 deJicate na4atne,. Bertha Pedr. 09- Deerfield, las min; John, Peuie"u, divorce. Site la nov vorkiug luaa restaurant and ans aber naone, aiimauy sud a mioe * property. EL . St Llinger. of CitioIPota b*ý attorney. by Chieq.4i4 Miss UMMMm eait 7«0* 1418 mo Petzea it4w btoumpital u Ciu au lilqi oerst Clair andIgm Ns «

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