CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jan 1907, p. 10

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W aukegan NewsJ '41rrO ufta»Axg re 1141 1COUËT. effenanra tetbdding asaanythlns *At lha.*ver tramplrtd In thie p*lica qovot%"tu#WdaY JuIce Wlu -uni the potiSifartved eut a achool *jt iela Waulcega4n nwhlch *000 ope ame talt by maieeMn V*Onsa, It le silegadte stiai er te h. uhlppad Il UneuccaafulI isal.ài llw tue alloged female Pagine aor- #qigsud mis,"orIng before the J. tic. uer Mr% fMary Sohwarta metd Mm i-Lla, bot of honi are tuai- *de ofthe Market aob»« 1hw tu Oive.r Ta4tas ure Al-oc %sd f, sudthay aver ttthey tole oeWl.4t thie conia9dm oft hoIr On OstSturday Mn. Schwartz and Mms. uth acre fOuedi $5and coats tubch y Justce Woism for teaching lhe& 1Syerotd sons. Alec Schwartz va mat Fsa ti.Ms, ta stealcol. Mm&cteucti vitii a lau sentence if UWev lié sotpay the lisethey hung 4~ms til the at moment amd it vas »aly when tie luttce. vasabout ta at- tau* busnaine ta the mittlimas that aceht A*vc beela the ollleer's pover Io ùake bue.ta thse coaty li that tbey retented ant iluGg" for the meaey utb s ahcitepay the finos. TaughThel o ns u"te Stil. "Wea yea steailng couaIyester- Usat akiet Jude Waisof Schwartz. I'Vés,ir" anivercé th boy, iras- * SMR ith fou sti crying. IdM ycar Mother tell rau t astea] Ubuhavasmkei 'W% tir."sausacre thé se12-year-old, but thora vas aalmm la bis cr0. -DMt Be1tûte Ustice," nsid Of- keesr Ut" s.Tel! hlm ahat YO otlti me vite. 1 sot 7oU." 'l'h.boya' atbi tng. "DWdat rau tel me that your matit- er balsmat ron ont ta got nomo coal afiRr y« "gt nomceusff at the store. andie tbat cvey suie rau -dit ot get &»Y womi*pli cked yen?" ashedth ie emsai. Wlth a pm»ot tlr that chîlleti hic. thicub, thé boy giancetiat bis -flotai' sti admitteti that this vas Msthsr lu Dental. «X no saI1dhm pet cal.' stateti the ue<ber. She too, vas crying, bot be- o«e afetrage asti ot bocanse ah. fet * sguatnt. h. Uiougt tuat ahe hati *i1w cheboy vlth threatm. "Hlm gteggMa. Cosse baek, go asd ptoel. get arret."I >DWat pou ever llck hlm ahen ho tild x« pet «Ma?:!ahe vas askoti, asd AgAIà sho onttsred a dental. 7bc veMIMa aitted tisat se burst lt as finI anti the case estiot thes Mdthere vlth the fine that the jus- tie. imposeti on her. 'l'e rectil of the Laitîs voman ~saubstantially Ut. samo. Peilce Ara Herr etruck. The Plice ame shackeoti vlsthe SafllIlo'Ms antide sot knoa boa far w....of tite fcrelgn boare-otoach. tes tkcir chiîrcu te grav up as -al- 1ý« a ItOnd to investigate ant Iif AW umo escor Vomen are foun t t *M80 t tley do sot aboal, Uey ffl receve thc ctrome pesfity, a 4-IN ftIMand MalLasfamsilles «Um» t S.ageier andti *00at* POUie daim that the M*rta faulret least bua apolice niW openitsa mauhsof L»oda os Atlqg'cp Basa"bas bt U> mou= ahlct4Irifiaboulé met me taios'e Md an th . ie "e en-, deu il mieWuas oÈlehct tdiola u aIet Use Il.aUR har afflatbiseMM aica chncito n voiddcide thrOe ta ane for an ogea Sunday saloan. T'l's has aiten been the opinion ex- pressed from the chlef magistrats of the. eity dean andtihie Hanna moamuro, acre it ever formulatodta lta, a lav, vouid givo equal justice ta all. 1Whet Attorney Propoe&a As la known, the preut state law pv-avides that aloons shail hoe lomoti Sunday. The Hanna proposition la te st*mlt thîs quection tgetme omuntes et the state for declalen. ribblng the law off tme'bocks met maklmig the lSun- day openlng. Ilthoa re rally la a de- mand tor It, à monture et local option. That Uic memure voiti ever pesa, hovever. la eitremely uullkely asnd salon men vouig rather take Uio rlsk of operatlsg under the noeof Uic aRboSora thoni suhject Uiceniatter ln os- tirely tu a vote af the. people, tfoag strennous eoff ris and ilish defeat at the bande ai the ehureh people. The preaest -oegl option mnesure, li>liave saluons or nt - 4!'pla =Ian isae l vit] prNr 1lettire aimarmpam-thIa seoies. To mnake tiie1rnttlir atiunday aponing ose, of local option wouiti pro- teet -th« es et Of the state and stîli re- Iteve Waukegan from theoanusai ofb- Isg the horrible exampe of ahat la clamet by drinkers ta ho an oppres- sive and ussoeemnary a. STREAM CAROUES Ôrr FSMALL BOY Five Yser Old Child Swopt a Thousand Foot by Raging Waters andi. Recued-Scores Attempi Assist- ance. A prey to the doatis that follod the terrlicerains af Saturday. WliII. lais Sveor, the 5-year-eld on of WiII. imita Sactor.ofai Nlth anti Victoria streeta, ftelstbC an opes dtch, vau carriedt tvablocks hy.tAie cutrent asti brulsed anti broken, vas picket up ln the undorbrush af the ravine at ighth street by Charles Wemher asti Charles Quît. The dtch la a drainage allair that la nild te have beos put in Éln as ad- mlslstratios lrevious ta that oi Mayor Bullock. Whlle peuple watched troni the win- doua of nighhorlng houllam thc littie boy fell Into the dltche which la a dnsp and ynarrow allait, and sudsum e i force of the ourrent that, unable te reelst Il. lic waîs sept nemrly à thon. Sand tact on he hosonetf the aullen and raglng waters. People aha mv thse holo Incident folliavd the body along the stroain andti -ed tu stop It vlth planka anti sticks, SCIII Alive Whan Raeoucd. Thun the lîttie boy's paverîcs i dy vas driven betaoos the valis oi the dltch outil il huit paased under one colvert anti out os the other aide, ianding la a ravine on Sighth streot. Thora Memue. Womber and Quat tuantd tva mes tryisg ta lift it ont aith hoards ii dangry eatheic hoploss- neOf taheicmen Jumpedti itheic avl- les crcek and obtained It ater a strug. gie vith thse poverfai cntrent. The boy vas tili alivo and broathet Wtntiy. Dr. Gonnioy vas cailoi, but ahen ho arrivcd Saetor had brcatbed hi@ lait. There are tva littI. girls ln the famlly also. The body vas removedtu tathe Ove' ta rreaidesce, ahore it atUl repoms. . rrief néigss. the mother beisg pros. .trateti. Reins Wore Terifie. Charles Wamber altuemsed thec ahole ai Use Incident tram thc vin- dofa aieglboring bouse, but mcli vas the force of the carrennt th. U j body vas -vex aaay tram Use aoald- ho rmer. as fuit as tuey gatisereti te iutercept. The raina that prevailcd Baturday awere terric au over the ounty and fts lande are several luches déep aibi staninlg aoter..t Thesa savorlà'Lake Bluff bal six Inches oi vater ou lia traci amd car paver and literally plea- et turoupis t ln artier to ave hir matora frats buasng out. Attorney Hat Falntlng Speil. Au thse resait ofai a iitg sl i Attorney Jobn D. Pope, of this tpy, la1 avearing three surface euta an bu.s forsicati, cbeek amd neck.1 Thea attorney h@4. been asater theg t etber for nmre Sme. taeaty. > fei~ints,, ha veut loto the bt-f iosfl et hie reainete lai coM Ijtar oves' bis face vica ha foU our, l mbu at-I a rb in a am t 9eab" e 1 àt m2 St.IL Tic trsssaems 0ssiI WA JKEGAN GETS Theo 0crthe etory goe, bIt thc NEW I O tR !Ri Ose vu kiied autright, asdtheUi - other, L1.IL. olbertsos. cfMlwvaukee, James L. Swayer & Cgmpony Make les ln JUse Iase PcAilter Hospital. Announcoeren-tOhas. Whitney and He miii rcoover. Son are lntw«etod. The dead mas hati hie head aimait Assouscemont vas matie Mantisy complately severeti iromn hie body. of he annhin ofau ntielyuewOne haud wuiaeut aoffat the vrist andi aioancng ai ean oteriofy 5tW r Injuriaacre Inflictoti. Blondi coJamesU layeWa&kC as.Ucn 0ft-anti brais.astrovoti the tracks. gage and investinent brakera. Ththlic manident la i ncetild The mombers of the irm are James anti the Icinlauh bytepli.110f, U. Svmsrer, farmrîr assistan nt-anlabl1U ogtyth o!ef master anti an able businssma mas, w cils Chales Whitney, demsai ofUth lake Whetlier or not the strugie vas coaty bar anti ose of the abicat îav- a trai> te lare the doati man ta him yensl he Ua tate. andi Charles IL W It doith or ahethor the aboie, Incident neyhieyougetson wan acidentai la uscortals. The clieof a-the lirm. are at 306 Colbertos has regainti conecloas. Wu&igt« uteetIn te Witny nsm, bat lUen at the hoapital ln a da- building. Its business rare' la as dcniin rm hc eafmn auapreti auccema as alt th cqfaeflj~ y cau sot rally. Whes secs thora vort ai ho es ao ar sru"it d sked abiout the accident, ho couiti thee l noposibiityof allre. teU hie owassame but that au aIL thoa l sopaiiblit o fautie. When aakod aho Uic other mac a.aa.sase s~s as, ho wauld reply, 'I cAn't think. f.V TI'IDlo eis Maybe later 1 cas thlsk." Ho la con- BEMN REMODÈLED tlsumlly aeo?'itý f lm companian w Work la Begun U pan County'a Capital Bulding-7Long Noedod Repaîrs One Cent Stamp Books. Started. Postmastor Busse Monday receiv- The court bouse la beisg remodeled. As relateti lu the SUN smre time ago. the board oi uprvisorsawaoke ta the fmct tint the causty court rooms vero ton small, that lavyerm had ta talce their aitneses ont inta the corridors of the court hanse or oves ista the streots oi the square ta hold their consultations. Lat vook Austin & Sons, con- tractara, began the vark of remodel- lsg the eouinty cour~t room for County Clov-k Hendee's stosographers, and vhen they arc insaalledtu inUs roam the county court vHIiibo removed ta the raout lu vhich the boar-d af super- viors moota. For Uniformed Lodge. Twenty-Bive Wankegan Knights of Pythias have lateiy signeti au agree- ment ta organise a uniforin rank af the order asnd steps viii ho taken lmn- modiately la peret the iounth do. grec. There are 125 Knlghts of Pyths ln Waukegan at proeut, but there bas been no uniform tank, the three do. grecs mercly being casferred. Recontly the Waukegan members vifati Kenosha lodge and ml ex- premmed 50 much liking anti positive adimiration for the usIaorm tank there that lb vas at once lustadlld bere, the charter neaching the lotigo ln tinte for Frliay night'a meeting asti taenty-live eteppisg forth toaisgu. The uslfarm tank curries vlth lb a mntitary usiorm and vilI meas the addition of ose more velI trainoti anti fluely itted ost marching bodiy for parades anti turucuts oi ail descrip- tions. George Wrght la the presont Chancellor commander oi tue arder. Engagement Announceti. Mn. Etivart Booth mnunces thc engagement of hlmetiangbter, Margaret Corlane, ta, George Howardi Bradley, ai Saugatuek, Mteh. Tiie aeddîsg wall take place early lu April. Mina Booth le one ai Waukegan'a prettiest and moît charsng ronng vain. Fov-merly oi Michigan, the iamly la Daw mmklng lis homo lu Waukogan, visone there la a vide clv-- cIe offiends. Get pour carda printeti bp tue IN- TURNS. Cas pou look the YELLOW LABEL la Cisc tacet .Thse ObicagoDally Olroaiola for on"l $8 If take iathi U UN DENT for orne pe-rla ilva«&a Tli.orlc. COnfIlot. Theonles of a0cient ual foui Di"? have tevelop eti la onsaction alUs tic death et memans4amI» bbco arp of amother y *ebric Mri08o1 the lise ef the Chicga&RMilaské. nelctrie ralirgesdi stNoteie udas. A thirt msa Bel an tCe police 0f NorUs Cbc4o u lWaukega arce icoklng for hlm la Uicbellot Cha, ho uen do rnuei tj5s~ fs9sapbes'. What tim e fapeti bsy. Accordlpg tote reports of Peopié vi mhe. t on Che pro«Ual et ila,y iOeolvlg the acciddeenbbctre. mal e.mIllcatcd laItiq are labogera or trempse. Ther acre *88asi luaa 1 uarreL Juat bofora thc car came, It la stat- tedti, ta are tneUlng togetic. Ou 1 bhe .ir ad ram from Us th «ar d& aetir ymeth e brt*kssu to t. Ci 1 l oetaa mo*gb'ho,,ctar <at -iU 1 u rouaIn f* t # o ontor» ed notice irom the postal anthanities ln Washisgton that preparatis vere belng madie ta Issue 1 cent potage starsap book form, begInsing about Marci 1. - The booksm alîl bof ibut onc asem, cnaining tvonty-fùur stanPs. ant ilhi hosold at 25 conta oach. PASTOR RMSGNS mtis ProPL wreP Regrela ofCong rogation Elpresied in Teara when Loved Pastor Announcea 1-is Decision la Leave For Mou Field. Raroly, If ovor, bas a Waukegan minuster received the testimonial oi afeettinUthavas Satunday accortiet Dr. John G. Briggs, aifbise Pinat Bap- tist chu.;.hl aben ho read bis rosigua- tios. Rarely, If ever, lu Waskegau Sbas a pastor boon heid. Insuscb genuine af- fectIon, entortataqd as a real shepherd afis fa ock. a leader and commander ai bis people anti a mas gond la bis heart's core. Tire CImos the ýpastor attempted Cc rend hie remgnatitan and Cre imea ho lad te stop, u ~hie to continue ho- cause et emotion #enuine and uorthy. Flnally lie turned heresignation over tc Chairman Griffi and let the ioom. overcome. The people uerý in tsars. Women wept openly and meturned their faces aumy. utterl~ abandoned te their grief at loslng so uorthy a man evon for hies ake. i'ne Saiti one man, praminent memben, *"I arn Dot ashamod ta say that there acre toars lu my 4yea.' Flnally the rei1gnation vas accept- et wlth regret. To Bondit Fishornsgn. Iu ail probabll*7 t this session of the stato iogisialtine a bill aboie pro- Jector la Captail4 Richard Smith, oi this elty, Wini Ijoprosoutedti tathe body. It l1*asea mare thas lkeiy that the billillii hop4sod The bihlla one eO te rogulablon ai Bih catchlng anif la entitied, "As act te rogulate the tatching ai vhltelish, trout, herrng, ctibs. ongjavs. biack- bah, Pov-cb and other rough ih in the vater ai Labte Mchigan."' The bIhi lenMilaer te ose. that are belng presonte i ta the aat. legiala- tares In Wiscon4ln anti other 'stabes. ast la the von of the Commercial Yipermn' Âa~tttin 0ai h Cap. tiSmt sth -national precldent. The pointae Ila Utaebbiil arc: é loied s et,*s oueaNovember land Doee t4 of $W*l7Mer- ln.g *hlcb tire a augie Ssiiam bolkufflâle rhr»a deys of grâce w6d gives r Use gatiicrlng of »M0 tevded thi veethor on thc luth If tiove r vubti ot allov their AUl nota used C10lho ot 1ssu has 414 .Uieh glu 0W.s.ept for perata ant «bbcr rusb Ille vithis tbremiles of sbore, aharonets aith 2% Inchi ~IN«.gravese of samm0 ou ai lih- Iag bost5 luipg b "WUb*singeffla té, thbe b spavwi sud ither tua lb t-i Isý*ta Ci. thé*erprqperly or aise CiSCsf ItOVer to the ktat,'tesubotts. la Cie apavnju selon wbobave net W sUstg t Chico itt is or te oeeme fI OtlisY-ar Viobauu tioteie t tehW puulah- aI hp Bmusof $»ite Pt.andsti teor ilfPl for tÜR la ou ai smaror f teen th thlrty Mirs or bots. 'Viola. ho pesîshe ftes oaf, et c M 00te PM m ad posta o'iior ntstlu 001*rW lifSat fer Menthe tu a ru o h. se a« op# wbat 10 eliffl rend- Quayle Umable t. Obtain Cou. victtona Lot Cae Go Bp DMult. PARSON GTSTROUBLES IN 810 BuNCaBeS Deolapsieutsa l thb Waulcegan sa- loon promecutlanW lent veek acre: i-Justiee William F. waesadis- miasamthlrty'onc caesageoint saloon- Iceere fer Sunday epeninq becau» the P -asutien talla tW proque Ita wltneasdempite a wrnlng lcumd ton timys before that Uic hearinga vould sureiy came off lait Thuraday. 2-4eoretry Quayle, ofthme Lake Ceurnt* Law and Order Longue. pro- neuneee thé proeeutlon a farce met daoiem before cans are cslmd that h. vilil lot them go by defauît, be- cause ha thinica ho can netet a "equare demI." 18-Renier le thet cases wlll ba token te ceunty oourt on Information@ kjod aiandthat tanner jurléewlil eonvlct aaloonlceepere of lawbrsakln. 4-benaatlenl report that Attorney Orvie, tor thé liquer dealers would try te lmpeach Secretary Ciuaylo uhen the cane cama up. .aternent made by Attertey Orvis that he vouid have Impeached Mr. Quayle had he teetlfied. "Theré aili ho no hearings ai the Sunday qaloon opening cases thîs morulsg," Seeretary Quayle. af tbe Lake County Law and Ordor League told a SUN reporter Thursday bo- fore the cases hsd been called for trial. "The prosecution la a farce and there la no oue proceedlsg fsrther tSie aay." Ho vas amsked te oxplaIs marc ln detail. "We asked Mv-. Hasua if lie neoded aid nmre time ag," hoe maled, "and ho refuseti aur offer ta rotais an at- torney. "Attorney Pape had Just reiuaeftet take the cage for the M~quor Dealers' Assoiaton. "Mv-. Banna, hovever. acceptet Mr-. Whtsoy's aid ln other cases anti nnally snid thal he ouos i mcept the a ssistance af Attorney Pope. Wben ve vest ta Attorney Pope this tîme ho naid that ho vouiti Sot undertake the cases for $10.000."l May Take te Coun;Y Court. "*Why are sot the cases Iodgod ln the county court ou informations?" ho vas askod. "Mv-. Banna refuses la take tbemt thore," ho saiti. 'If tboy coulti ho hrought Ihere and an ant-of-tovu jury securedtiel gise a fair asud Impartial triai. we caulti do thinga."' Ilowver, ho healtateti before ve- turning the asavers la this qnery anti the genorai bellef la that the cases are droppeti before Justice Weisa only ta ho laken up ta the caunîy court ahore a farmer jury viii iuialily convict. Attornney Orvia, for the defonse, vas aketi about the rosult ai the cases sbortiy aitor tbey li been dis- missd. "Yeu may gay thia." ho naId, "I1 am sorry that at least another case could not have becs trled. i vam preparodte ta vy them ail. "If Mr. Quayle liad hein a wlt. noms ln any of the cases lie would* have heen lmpenched on the tes-S *timony of over fifty business man* w ho are net ln the saloon buel- "Mv-. Hassna rcr any athor prosocu- tan cau make dishouost mes houest noir can ho conviet mes an testlmany oi altsessem visa prove bhomnselvem pcvJuron. He cosducted tise canas ln a lavyor-llke manser ant i titi very- thlng lu bis.paver te convict. "But thc evidesce va.sno aeak that lit could sot ovorcame the pre- sumption gives te everyose that a person la innocent ustil he la provon guli11ty. S"Wlth refarence te Mr. Quayle, 0 1 Ihava thîs te gy. i admire a 0 Cman uho motsIn Socordance ulth * bi hlocnvlionobut I have ne ad. 0 *miratîen for on@ mise for hure pur- 0 *sune a retorni nurse" By his, statesseutMr'. Orvis con- irma the camor Usat vas pre8vabent tUs mornlng that Mr. Quayle aould bave boen Impeacheti, or an atternpt matie te Impeacii hlm, If he tock the wltnosastand. Ruiner on h. S1pi'end. Tho camai' gained circulation at an earfly hour this marnlng anti vassocs &U1 over toan. It la belevet that -business mes w oulti bave talcen the standt t ttfy tuaoncerte atheir bellef an x- piesuel lapublic, Qoualc a« neta, Feela Two Ways. Lator. aben asked ta givo a state meut as ta bis opinion ai the mave ment thus fan, ho iald lin distinction wtbbhis previos remark that the in- cidenta ai the past fea days have, been mreely ternponary delays: * "The local noepapers have - *ruined me. Witt ycu lot me put a # s tatement ln the paper te - " fect hat people are not to hold *1 me reponsIle loi" anythkng the* local papers gay?* This vms ln the face ai as affer Ca permît hlm ta roati proof on the sa- loon articles that appeaééd lni Thur@- days Issue of the SLIN. Mot Aginat liundîy Theuters. Wlies asked abether It vas 1v-up or not that ho plannod a campîalgn against the Sunday Iheaterbho ai that ta hie knaalodge nothlng of the tusd vas contompiated. There bas been a report th "ai as anmiaugbt vas îuassed on the Schwartz Thoater soit Susday nlgbl. Dons Mot Fier Impeachiment. Wben infarmed ihat Attoruey Justin K. Orvls vaulti have attempted bis Impeachment bad ho appeareti lu the hearngs oi the saloon'cases this mtav-ing. Secretary Quayle stated: 111I weuld have been gîad ofthéIe* *attempt. There la nothing I love * Sas weillas a good figit. 1 oniy * * lsh hat I ucre not flfty. 0 Displeased With Cases. Later n' he day ho vas appraacb- eti for an expression of an opinion os the tiecisiansinl the Rot and Heat cases yestenday and day befare. "TlieY wue.certainly miscarrilges of justice," h. sald. Wlthout the calliug ai a vituema, tiie neranalg bhlrty-one cases aagainit Waukega s nioanhecpen forkecplng open their ippling bous" os Sunday aore Thnnstiay macalng altbdraan. The Waukegan people vha starbed 1 the movemojit have abandoneti lb, et leant for the presont. .The cases vere caiied belao Jus- tice Weiss ln the. police station Thuns- day. 1<0 altneases appearcti for tue plaintifsa and Justice Welmu dis- missei the deiosdtis. A large1 crawd hati gathonati ln the court roomj as et the previcus trials, Quayle Admîts Défont 1 Rev. Quayle vas sesn Immodatoîr aiter thse clane ai thc trials by a SUN1 repreestative. "la this theenost a the cases. Mv-. Quayle?'- ho wan asked.1 "'Fon the pv-sent, yen; vhab vo viii do ln bhe future I eau net sam."1 "Wiii yon eonbent the Seifert casej ln Justice Vant Doun court?" 1 "We viii have ta décide that alsa." foyoettine the Rassort. 1 Police Offices Hicks, ab vas ait.i ing sean, tin apoko- anti mid, *"Mr. Qualetbo men who stirtel i ta»i Among bard terme that Attorney1 Orvis edaime have been appllad toi him are 'grafter" and **ler." 1 Not Aflar Sunday Theatre. Wltii the crash of his reform campalgu reausdlng ln bissers asni with 'the tidinga of his einat ln the. Justice courts of Waukegan before hlm, Iliomas Quayle, aecretary ai the Lako Conuty Law andi Order, ieague, declareti today: * "The campalgn for a quiet Slun.a *day ln Waukagan la just bogun. *The Incidents of the. paaýt tca *daya arenmraly tcmporary Os.. *laya and w. wlll go on wlth the *work." c0 He was lntervieved hn Circuit (Jierk Brockway'a oilie. by a SUN r.- porter. The north ahore reform plator ahaveti no signa of the %train undor whlch ho has been iiborlng for the. peut fea days and waa the saae cool pleamant faceti dominié me of yare. Refusas te FiX Biome. Whou aoked ta lix the blame for bis dofean t th courta, ho practicaliy re- fumet "I ar n ot biaining any ao," he naid. "We have peralatontly amked ýMr. klanna ta ladgo Informationa in the county court and ho haa peralstently withheiti his conaent." Mr. Quayle wauld flot say that Mr. îHanna had refused. WiII Carry Casse.lilgher. When asked wheré the cames wouid go next, ho would 'nui answer. al- 1thouqh urged ta do o. The oniy thlng he woiîid eay was, later: 0 0 s*t . ts' S * * * - 6 S# *"The casea wlthdrawn this- *morning are now ln shape for tak- *lng into a higher court. The grand,* *'Jury? Gracicua. mon, the grand * jury now ho@ i*ty casea standing 0 before it." Thon he withdrev mb a abohli of 1reserve and vould sot anaver an$ questions. ai go theo mre as the others, 1 Suppose. mthough lbey h-ii" nid dotbifig andi ua arder can hoeîrt ustl ite tilal day cornes. "I do sot knov abo *as bebi id the :îivniest beoasiMv-. Quayle, andi ose t-r man. They tii net confida lu Presldent McCanney, ai the local Lîquor Dealers' Aasoctation nid, lu speakiug ai the malter, -lt vas Juet as vo expectet Ve're sorry the cames dldn't go ta trial. ',e ver. Iliero ýviîh the goan ad ve vould have likedti l settle tbem oee asti for al." TH-ENEW COOK. BSh Cockd h Ornitein Chieken Wlthout Cieenlng it and It was 8evyd ait Table That Way. Mi'.,Joîîlh Ortiiteln, aiflte iv-nsi HIein Ot-nëtelu bas about gIves up the attenipted sqJntion ai the ev-ant problern.-' Receutiy ho ativentti for a coak andi a vnmau vha saliBbc vas a fine Ose asvereti. She caoked a ebichen FnIday and served IL Mn. Ornatelu le fondi oi the atulling and hocnt lu deeply. Theu lb an that Mns. Ornotoin tilecovered that the chiches hati been cooketi lu os- tiroty. vItout over bavlug beaun cleane t au i. Tisat la vby thore ahI ho a nov caok lu the Orustels reaidesce scon. S!EEr4 rtIROUGII A& INEIIGHBOR EYES Waukegms bas luit, furniahol an- other 'exampleofaithe extosit tc vhlcb the enfarcement ai local lavs ast or- dinances depeuds on bbe sentiment of tihe commusity. it bas no fan been Impossible ta sacure a Jury thst viii convIèt nilonheepers for »inhg liquor on Snsday In tUit cîbp altiso lb la a atter ai commun knowledge that the Su6day clontlia la opouliy violatet ail over tue edtp. Waukepaat peuple evldently vant their liquor au Bunday aud tuey propose tauprobent the peuple aho give lbt t em-K.. nouba News. Counterfal olla01rs out. Complaitebsby the. more ama haing ma"tietaUnlSltates Marchaimi au#4 ether fedor*i offciais raspctiug the large flamber af const«eet siver dollars vilch are nov in circlattin throughout tue smate. Within he past fea dayn Baverai usapica0ft the spunleUs coins have becn.sosnt te Marabal ReItd's ofie et Mlvwauke. by victimes. The coin in question la apparent»r a 5ev one, uti bas gosse tu bQ knovu as the "9I0 dollar" from -thse date an It Tbc vworkmanahip, ring a, otlier detMam, arVlractlcablp6e4s, 00,c esl dtenet boing Chat _UWentIn.,k ~ allglstjp ntier voilt, u M_' r»ueaItu admî t oet l~bi thhag baiongot *tutouote unit osun t- stand, and finihFit. 'l'hey ought Dot, tu, bide." j '«Thcro are tvoaiades ta that,' iMid Mr. Quayle. "There are about aunY saloankoopers ln Waukegan. »Uoh Of tii.. employes tac or tbroe barbe> ors. That makes 180 familles andt tbey ail have thelr rionda. "À business man Who fOeta tiîci wili ho hoycatted and a mas MOUe think af bis fainlY. ToouWUI4P't do anything that voulti hurt you ila that vkr. nov wanid you?0 "lThon 1 vouldule stait tp aa Hicks. "You cone' out and MaY Ils. yaur work. Your're aIl riqht thore. but thone other fallowa ought Dot tO tart a tblng they viii Rot Camle out for and dnteh," The doclalan tu, defauit the asl vas arrivod ai among the reform betvoen the. cases ou Tueaday ln JUa- tics Van Dousena court.anid today. Wben the declalon vau arrivoti et, Mr. Quayle vould, sot aae. WelesaMalcas Racerd. The dlaposlng of the cames Met a nov record tu Judicilicourts hai. *Èho thirty-one cases vers dispsat of lu about a minute, sa faut au th*y could b. rend and Jnstioe Wels m ul say "Dismlacd." Warnlng had boon givon tu boUs aides ton days ago that taday the casos voul hotried and no continu- ancos granted. ltev.- Quayle appear- ed at the court room vîthaut bis vitnessos. Bath tho defleumo anti, State's Attorney Hanna vere roady for triai, but MAr. Hannahbad no vit- nesses to aork wlth. The cases wcre therefore dlsmmssed. Dld Mot Confide in lianna. States Attorney Fianna, ahen Inter- vieved, stated, -l expected to tv-y Uic cases Thursday until 1 vas lu the justice court. Thon they toid me that their aituoass a ere sot thore, cor' vaulti they be. 1 amked thoin ahy and they said conditions vero Dot right. What thoy ineaut I do flot knov. ..What'the future plans ai tho re- formera are 1 do flot knav. They have tld me notilg. The Seiert case ýr

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